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VISEGRAD PROJECT FORUM | Network for the NGOs and active people in Visegrad

VISEGRAD FORUM | NGo East! Project Workshop

Application form for Visegrad Project Workshop
7th - 14th of February 2011 in Budapest

Please send your application till 2011/01/24 to:

Surname: Name:
Date of birth:
Field of Studies:
Address: I am vegetarian
Organisation: I have other special needs:
My position: member board other:

Please answer shortly following Question (no more than 600 signs, space including):
a) What do you personally consider as the current problems in relations between V4 countries?
How could you contribute to the improvement of current situation? (This may help you: What does
Visegrad Four mean to you? Do you see any connection between your personal interests and V4?)
Prepare a short scheme to a presentation:
b) Prepare a short scheme to a presentation about what you personally are interested in, according to
the topics of Visegrad Four as an institution, its historical context, political, social, economical visions,
project-management or communication and social media. Be creative! Introduce the basic keywords for
you presentation:

Important remarks:
1. Bring some interesting materials about culture, customs, politics and economy.
2. Promomaterials about our NGOs and projects may be helpful.
3. Take your laptops with, if possible. (Wi-Fi connection will be available.)
Hereby I declare: I read participation conditions (see below)
I agree to participate in the whole workshop from 2011/02/7 till 2011/02/13 (14)

Arrival: date, place Departure: date, place

Participation conditions:
Participation fee isn’t required. Reimbursement of travel expenses: It is recommended to choose the cheapest travel
Participating at the seminar includes connection as possible. We will reimburse travel expenses only for chosen train or bus trips
accommodation, catering, working (or of the same amount) and if the participants take part in the whole workshop. (PL- Train –
materials and travel expenses Warszawa – Budapest (you get the tickets), CZ – Praha – Budapest for 40 Euro, SK – bus –
Bratislava - Budapest for 22 Euro).

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