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Miss Doctich told the cop

She’d seen that Bonnie

Parker girl in the WC in

Some store in Tennessee

In the next closet next to

Mine I could hear her

Muttering through the

Wall but the cop chewing

Gum just stood and stared

Gave her a blank look then

Said how’d you know it was

Her? Besides she was shot

In some ambush back in

1934 my granddaddy said

He’d seen her laid out dead

As a squashed louse but Miss

Doctich insisted it was her

And said she’d seen her enter

The closet in those old-fashioned

Clothes and shoes dusty and

Worn smoking and cursing

And swearing and slamming

The door but the cop shook

His head and thought the old

Dame was a few dimes short

Of a dollar and just went along

With her nodding and pulling a

Serious face his features like

One wanting to fart but holding

It in out of politeness and unseen

By either of them walking through

The store Bonnie Parker wearing

The old fashion clothes and dusty

Shoes Miss Doctich said she wore.

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