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A: hello Gita..! how are you?

B: fine, thanks. and you?

A: good.. mmm.. By the way, have you hear about the sleepover party tommorow night?
B: Oh, i have. In Cindy's house, right?
A: Yeah. I'm so excited to come to the sleepover party. Do you want to go to the sleepover party with
me..? I think we can buy so many snack before we go there together.
B: Sorry,, but... I don't think i can. My mom asked me to go to her friends wedding party. I'm really sorry,
A: It's okay, I'm fine with that.
B: Thank you,,, well, i gotta go. I must to be ready on 6 and now 5.30, everything moving so fast, and i'm
really sorry about the sleepover party.
A: It's okay. And I really mean it..
B: okay... See you next time, and have fun at the party... bye..!
A: bye..!

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