You are on page 1of 96


1 QU' Left i li'inlg SUI[pel - H,eayy~Duty'

, bl S,- "~Jh Ill'· ,i K'-' "'"

_ a_-:r. '. ':aw 'W'IIII1_-_ Ikrvlln'g (:,nIII18

.' If/lAotor: 3, HIP', 2.20'1; silng'l'e:~p:nl(1Sle;" 34,5n RPIM " lP'recits:i on ground soU d cest ira rll '~'ab~e

• Table sii.ze wfth Q1(~ensii on w~i rigs: 40" x ,27 ii'

.' ,A:mbot ~All • Mlax. dode wid~hl':: 7/a"

• CUil11ing Cap(H~~:tv: ,8[1 l, 26;11 R

.' !~cx. dep:;lh of cut 311 @' '90D __ lft"-

2varu e 454'-

• A"nfiff"nV _~tll! Y\A~

shinnj'no " - 'Ir"t"'~ ~I

weig hr':: 5] 4 lbs,


S'11 Q2'3,RL, INfRO[llJao~Y' MI'CE'

_ ONl:V s 112,50D1


61'1 J,olinte,rs with Mlobiife Base,

• Motet; 11 HP;. 111 ov Of '1 ~ H PJ ~ 1 OVI2'?JJV! Slilngl~e-phooo

• P'reeisionl gnJulrn,dl cast ilmn ro'ble :S~;le:: ]' ]hw X 4Bg .. Max" depth of curt: lh!U

• Rolbbe:~ji ng i)apacifry: V2111

• CUiffiethetld d iiQlmeter: :;;rlh'!! !Ii C~rtte:rheCJld speed.:


• ~pprrQx. 811 ip'Pitn~gl welght: ,270 Ilbs.

... ACK , PJ NNION -t




GD45,2'Z, 'I 'Ih ~ip 'wnH SP,lRAl. OLnTE~f,iEM)

... ~SALE $650°0

1 :2'11 Bab'y Drullm Sanldle', .. son elil ngl motor: 1 V2' H~ 110V, s:ill'lgll e- phose

• Co'mveyo r m oto r: 'Ys HI~ 11 'rN, sil~ig,lle~,phaSleJ'

v(Jlrilab le .$IPs8d 0,·35 FPM!

• DnJm s,urfa~)e speed ::2127 F P M

• MCllx. s1ock, di men s~~ons: '12'1 wide x 3,1/2!! 'th~ck, .. Plill'I'ln ("+0· ;I"I-n.. II:ifi'~ g'th'" 8, ,!I

.' !illl_ • ,;;; II. _ v!\ ~ I~ II .. ,,' ...•

.. SClIn diingl dn~lml: 4-

• Sam d lingl be I ~~ 311 no ok o'-lo.-Ii"iIJp·.

!Or!: "VI

.. [)ust col ~ec,tion

pfJlri': ,2Y2iU

ill, ,Ap;pr,ox. shi ppir[lQ 'we~ ght 1,60 Ilbs,

GO-v459~-' , ,,-

. : . '1",', ... _ •.•• , ", (:, .. ,

. " ,_ .. ,-,: .," .. r-'" " I

_ ... :_" l' .. ," .. ," "-. _.-," ",:_:_ .Ii _: .... :....:

SA I ,$'5 •. 2/,51010

- ,I , _ ,_


11 '2" x 83'1/211 Plorallll,ellogram J,olinter,s It M:otor: 3 HP', .220,V/ sinQ1I~'p'hos~

• Prec~sion Qlmundl cost iron table ~fi~ze:: 1 2%1!I x 831h1!!

II CuHerhead speed: 4950 RPM ~E[)E£llid, MoomED'

It UFlir"!' . ..,nQl~ ,Ii'\' ""'Ult~ 1}[I MlA.GNmC

li!l,I,\,,;!I'!..IU!Ii;o'I-'!!! \.II !I",!. • 18 WEill' :SWWCH

" M(~[X., robbet~ ~Q c~po,oi~~, 0/4 n '

• A!pprox,. ~~--r' shiipping

!1211 Lleft~Tllting E:x,t'rem,e Sleri,es®'

Tabille S'CIW w~llh R:i1viiinIQ Knif's F's'aturl&' • Mlo.ta r: 5 H p~ 2:20\11' s~nglle~phase

Ii Toble siz,e! wi1h lextension; 3CPA!~ X 48%11

.. Arbor speedi~ 31600 RPM • Arbor: o/el & 1 ii

" Minx" dadio wJdth,:' 3A i! (I Max, I~i~p o[]pa~i~: 31811 ... Mlax" {l9:pfh

of' cut: I.a!! ,a-n r@ 90o~ ,2o/.;1,iJ @ 4§'~

• Appro,X., sh~:ppill1g W9'i:glhl': 7 56 ~bs.

F,EAnlRI'9 O'~G\lrt'L fE.~ It AN ~lE REA~on'

IN,CLIlrDES, t :2~~ tJ.,u'roE

GO- , 6' -' 96- X····· ~ ""I n,f},c. ~ '.' .'~<-, ,~l~,.,vy

5, . III $181950D

8'" x '76'1' Parall,eloglrcllml Jlo,~nll'elrs .' Motor: 3 HP~ .220'11; single=ph,Clge, rt Fe" ,3450 RPM

• Prf'l8cisiun 9 rou nd COJS* ~ron tab1lel size: ,BIi x 76~hll

.' Ou~emood speerl' 5;350 RPM • CUIHertmod dito.; ,3s!, em • Deluxe oosl' ~lron fencel: 3!61!t x '1 ~/4 RW x 61lH

.' M[jXi, rabbeting depth~ ~An

ii' Approx,. sh~pp'i ng Winghf; 55lr1 100, l



58 - 00

G~~\4< !9:~', ·O·~··..$~ S,-,A,,, LE : I ..• ···2··"57! ,

U '.' " ... [ .• " '", ' I .. "



17U Hleavy - DI_lty IE:xllre,mle ,Seri'e,~ BOlndsQw' wirth 'C1alt' lren Wheeli, ,I: T'l'iunniion

IMAIE, IN ,. MOitor~:2 H1IPf 1 '] QrVf22fJV;

t9DI gO I) 'I IrAC1TrJIYil

• • •• . • . .• OJ .s'~ngile -phose, lEfC

• Prec ~s;ion g round cost, ~ ron ta b:lle size:: ,23,0/8- x '~71A,1I

• Tab,ia 'ti Ir~! 5° left 4,5cO r~'glht II Max. '(l'urriing height: 'l21i

• l8.~ode s [ze: ']3 ]11/2U l (Yali - '1 g!W) I; 2 Ibl!ade speerls: ']1700 &



• Approx. ,8th ilPp'~ngl weiglht: 4,~a, ibs.


GOL~. 'I 3"-'X'-· 2" ,'. ~'or.u::, 1Dtllii;Ji 11-,- "~u

S,AlE $89-_°0

20'·' Plan,e'lfS

• M atar: '~ HPJ 2'2()V, ~:ingl~p~os~i Ip-'~ '" [sr)ll &lOlfN _

• ralb~le slz.a: :20" x 2'6¥~'!! ~A~,f' l~o)jSg frJ

(2011 X. 5EPh!! wii'itl'6xtensiion) lNfiEP DUTREP fA'BlES,

• Max, siook '~hickJness: 8,11

• 'Miin. stock th~ckness: 3AG1

• !Mlin. sitock length: 1 ~,!l

., M~IJ.t ~uHiWlg de~h: !IB n


" C'~'-ulHt-£!Irh:DFlld-- epi!JIa~I'

. . ,". ~'~~ 111~u iiJI .. ~~U.

5000 RPM

II Fe:ed ro~e:: ~ 6 S' 2:0 IFPM • ,Approl. shl~ppi ng waigh~! 920. ~ bs, GQ454 ~,:(1tJi -

,SA E $1 395°0

we:i'giht: ~!0519 lbs .

HA-N:DLES, ~03JDI , .. ,

IN iFOR AlDD&:D SAlim"

119" Heolvy'-,Dufy Exfrelme S,erieS® , .. a.····ln-,'d-'s>a-w,,' -'

. "_ • f. _" 0_

I. Motor: 3. H P f. 2;20VJ' si ng lie-phase" l1EfC .. , 11.25 RPMI

I. Precision Q~rouncl onst' iron tolble, size: :2rf,o/~,- x ~I'gm I. 1 (lois' 'm It: 5'0 l, -45'0 ~


:' S i~ R" ~ !it; ~- "

1111 M,ClX, cum ng ' 1 2 ii

I. Cu.i ng co poci1y/fl1 roClw: 181A II

I. Blade S;iZI9!: l14,311' IL( Veil - ~ IA !II W)

'. 'Blade spssds: 1700 & 3.500 FPM

I. ApprOx.. stili ppl ~g w~,~glmt~

480 1109.



1AeU 019~ M~lOE III 1'0 '9001

_ _ FACf1rJR'V!

19D514'X2:.s l3QSXt6 ~_

SALE $1 ·····95DD

I,' EXTRE;'\l~!%:

~ E, R I :F. ~"iJ' :

- - - -- - -- - -

TECIHNICAl SEIVICE: ~1&-546 ·,9"6~ F~~8£1 G-43IL':.I'90 I


gr.tzzly •. c.flRI"

.. lPili iftt'\i"'ii r· 3··' H'- p., '2- '2':,"0': .~ t ~'~nrllll,i'!'li-li1Ih" ose

I;W~v. 'Ull; .:", " , .... ". :"".t. ~~. t:I~~1 rr-- ""~"I

.. 1'0 bile· size w~flh e~tension:

GiI'l,S···g·· .. : 0.···· _'i1'7ni 'Y' 4LO:,iil

_.IU·._,·:.:_··_::. :~,_. A I' . .>"

9016'91 = 27!~ x 7.4%'11

/. .

• lLiI'. i!"!I d~' tl·lt· I ~'ff'

_' O~UI: ~' ~ I~l


., .Arbor; ,%,"

.' A·r'b· n'lI" !t''ill i A "3:' 0" i!"'iil Dip'--:: M' :' M ," UII [~I~~~U. ~ .. .lI ... '·U !'\. .

Iii. jIIll"'!IV And' O· l .. ld~h 131 ~I

.. I"'I!~ IUA" '!UI'U· . \I'M' ~. II '11: 716

SUding ra[b~e Be:

Router' ,AH,tlcihmenls,

F'ol 'G1691 '. 90691 'ralb&sl Saw·s

• M· ox rnlp ""'rip' t'l11i"\ ·lh.II" .. ·Ai II UI' ",",,'1;.;1_"-11"'"" 1'1'

e- 0:-::'6: PO~: = 2:' "9~llli ~:O:-·I~ln 1- g 5~:,nii

. ':;:J '., . ./2 !J ~ U;;:;J! _ .. U'

" lil~ (1,'i1' ,~ Ci'n~h' .;"tiP f!;~ .+. ~lJltE:' IIII·i

11jI1IIYA.. IUJC'rr-li.. v,ll I~'U ~. 'ii" N~.. II, '!III

311t II ~ '9 n'o 2· '11' II 6'it!; A! 5i' n .lil·ilr'" -'

_ .fa-- u ' .• 1~J'lvilIIEr V .rf,"'M-·P:'~"- ..•

.. Approx, slhi pping we'igh~': TIPPED BLAPIi!

('1'0' '6"· 0,ii"'ii-5"': AI'~ -Ihc ·0.0" ~'9'" -~ ,-'~7· ~ II be

o· ~v '," .~~ _lliJ'~! o····u ,··11 u:_· L .. :" ~I!




nnirn:o·lABI.!E ATIliir'H'rvaf(

~~!~~ o".~ •••• ".

'-'1'1~ il!.·"li"Il~ U~,~~u

S~LE $,3'75011

:UlfibG,l~ AnAOliMOO


·1 SAlE: "525,00

2! ..



~' ... '

Cy'lc~olne Dusl' Colllect,or .' Mato'r: 1 YJ IHP~ 11 ~I rJIV12~2'OV~ .s~ngle phase .. ,

IE F'C'l ,34,50 RIPMJ pr,ewired 1'~ Ov .. Ai f su ~tioWl c.alP~l~ity: '175 C F;MI

• stu~ic: pr'e9Su ra at ramo CIFM: 1 ,I08~1

• ~ ntol({e, port: 16'111 wi~h incll!u:dled 5,I! optio nalll port

• ~mpe'i.~ef': 13lJ2,II

• Qij rtr~dg'e '~iill!t'er surface c.r1aQ: '6'91'5 sq. iltl.

• ·n.,.·"",ii'a-II'I d- ~m': ll'li -n° r' '10' "Ins:· •

. UVIt;;lII _ . 11.11 I¥ ~'" ...•

361Y41! W' x 23V4; ID X. 68'/JII H

.' App.~ox i shli ppi ng we ~glhrt': 2 ']1 0 1100;,;.



~n"'7i03"" .• , ~'~'IE:I~ S·····A···· LE 1'7····.·-/5'I£UJ

~.I!. ~fU· .. :· [',' ,"




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Ell' J'QlI NrJiEIR WilrirlH


5, '3· .. '. g-' 8. 00

I . . ".

~ 8001"1 MQ;D~L.$,

G04·53 P'X ~AVe 6UJill·IN





$'139,8°0 r:T.~ _I

6~ J_

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~iil'iil=iI:'r!!!::'ln '~V~,51I~F

U[l1IIMATE 141'1~ B~l~ DS,AW' INl1({O D'U [.rORY "PI;I~ E I




l''1~'1 H E'AVY -DUlY B·ANIDI,SlAW'




,8"1 JOI!NTE,R 'W1ITH'

-_. __ . ~~~~~-~ "~--


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$9198'001 ~I


BOIH MODf!l.S, HA'ilt BUlll.T-IN MOOIU 5ASil

:~E~~~I IEXP- R'e;S'S' ® .'

"",' • .. ~II'''

-:I!!:.~P....- ._ .... -&._ ~ _,.

_ ::t. -..: "" __ ~~. .. .

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l2 :5hop :P;m:ject: 'R,o u.te:r~,a b~e Dlst Ho ad J4 Joy' IBoXl1BI anket (hes,t

40 '6 hIS5~' upped Diisp a1y taib 1 I!' ,5,2 'GuD1lbaU .Ma,ch i ne

62 Ciiftablle' WOIDden I'Dx:


. is IF:in~shii ng: Whe,n 'to USI! Sa ndi'ng S ea,l er ,2iO IHlllf~'la:p J G,iner,' 'with a Slidin gl Mlitersaw' ,24 IRust! J us,t I·ust I t" 'with Tiips

4,9 Gret Jalbl'es,aw' A(~u rac,' fn:n1i1 a M~tEn·salw 66 ,Add RUng to' Bas'i,,' Boxes,

Ileiun d ozens !~]I~ ways, to 'tl~ik,e a Iba S~( 'wooden box 'froiM b!lalrnd to be\autiif:u~.,



,28 How tlo Buy 'Good '1"y_oIII 56 Bench 'est:: 1 O'~~ :sn _Jng M i't'i!,rslw:s 72 (:o''Ielr:: M,o,st 'I nn o,v'a't~,e TO'D,I:5 of' 2)0"111

80 Sbo',"Plroven P"odu(ts

H~dgi~d tr'ilm IrDuter~ '~' hiin qes, [m,tlre~

6 Sounding Blairdl 8 S!hulp Tiips

26, S!hop Monk,Q'Y: Glft .. BUI~lld'i ng Tips ,4,5; lodsx:.' ·uues, 19,5-'211

'16 Aslk WOQ,D

'2 Whait"s, Ahead



.... ,,/





. ", ,"


The do'veta,i I ed box at j:r!'lit iooks i mIP,Q,:5:S" b~@ to

OIP e'!mt yet: iit'i:S, delc:e,p,th/~lly' ea sy to buii ld, Get p;lla ns for'thiis, 8'nd tim,e rmagnetiki""llartchiinlg pU22.1'e bc)x" above, at w'loodmag,al ine~cCim/lpulzl€tp ln


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.' I n stlll~ilng Dr,lwslf 51 i,dE!~s; by Jalm@:s Whe,e:ldon I' Sett ilDg DIP a M,o:rtiisl r' by' Ch it rllles.I~leiiil

i' Eu,i:sod@ t7:' 1aii n't.,,' Bas les ibH KJo,sta

II F'~:-m Fl-:--~':,-d,t-I:-I-:-II U~ii;!)" b~,":ml .. "". :'V

__ 'D rU·,ewOI__O _ow vt:'u,Y ~onny _

I) Ma'n 'VS~I Weo,. (pia rody of Mo;n' vs. WUd' cabl~e TV :show)r by 51'eve In M-arih~1

I' phJ s hiIJlm d reds morel

RE'S' EA::·"'R"C""IHI TO··'·· ·,O··,lS······· B"E,IFO····· ... ···, R'E" Y"'::',O":"',U B···UY···" ,

1 . '.' 1 ,,":...... . , .. '.' . .• .• I. ....., I,. I' .

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BuUd any Cre,ative Praje.: .. with Ext,en.· ... d anlOllll, " R,aii,sad or Filial P,8,nI8111Is to ~,nltelrl to Win!

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£Dll'OR.~1 NI~CH liEF BrllliiJL, IKRI ell

Mla,Fl ag ingl IEditor M.AJRI.!EN KJIMIMIEI

Art [lit'ector K·ARIL,Il.'HLERS;

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lil'A-VIC CAMP,BI:ll.1L

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. ,


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Crou p Publ~sh,eu ,CARlE,' WT,MEIR, iD,A;VI'I) .ALGil RE Pr'od[jctk,m IB,RU'CE Ii ESmN


ln ,Me_ori\iI1m ~ E:.T~ ,Mete;diit!h lin (1 '9!:33-,2:013]1

Our :Slllbsc~ibell1i, Ili:s:t i's occasion QIUy made ,a,vaill,a.ble to ca lienu~ Iy sel~c~e.dI firms 'W~,Me products may be, of ~n~e~st to you, If yOUI plleff'er not to recelve iJllIformarUon hom these corn ~a nles by mlaJiI or iby phone, please let. us know. S'ell1d' your r'eques[ ,a~oi1rg 'with your mauiling ~abel to IM~ga!zirtie Customer S!~Ni(e', P.O. Bo~, 37452:!. Bo,():I'1I'e', ~A S00:3,7-~0452u

e ('o,p~igh1 Mei~di~ ('o~l~o~a~ijo~1 20U~, 1m rig~Jt5, re$er~fld. P\lrtlm'ed in the ~\tS'EA",

~~ail :Sale:s~ k~ail@~, fan ,O'rd!~r 'OO~JEl$ ofWlQOO for resele ~ ~-f!r:l!~m[ii)gl jenn~f@r,bl!!(5f~@m~f'Edi~l,am11


Patented design ,aJlows for mUi:1ii'ple '&, sUI~' prolect co'mbilna'1iit~ ns

Ptrufile, Shown:

Round 'O!V1@,r (#9t9~'760)




-~I e·


Th ;,c;'!. iF'i In ~ Q' "I' '''C:il klnd soluf nn' all low' '~ "'0' u t- 'FI; r-~"O'Ii'+.J":'j; ~v.~ nd ~ .... 0+ CI; 1911 ;1""1; n'l If'!' tor £ijV.jlr~ door i 1"\ lnt stren ot h '''C:i 'd:iiuc:'!'~ giFoFl;n'l;l£:lj

~,~ \.Jl~ ~I~ i ·""·11 U ~ - QV ,- ,;JU .. _~ _ .""_'1, ', .. ~ .," .~ -_.- ,-!Ii.J UI ~lg,Le ~'AlllljJ I ._" ~u '~'~lllfV ~ \#'11 ~n;~I'I~ ~IVU JI!l.I ,~'~I ~Illf~ _ .~ ~L·._,~ _._ ~'~ '" .. 1'u ... i·'I!'ru'

'wiidth for d ufferent panell: thle knesses and choose from a var~',ety of ma,terlra.~ th,ilcknesses 'for 'you r' stiiles,

~n d r~~ I ~ lC ,;1\0 ~ to 1 1/i1111) QIN'Q' I"'fI ~II ,~"...:Ild ;o"\n C' utt' '~~ "I i!"ii ..... ~~~,~ V"'""IUf bits' ..... ~ n'~lb~n iii~ ~~ ~\.1~ P"io m;o"\~

gl~' gll.~' ~;.)fQ ('_ -;,,~ ~"_~,ilIcll!6.,, ~·U~ =1.11_: ~ :,~,~, !1.~.~~.;;jI~' jiV ~ , ,_~~, ~6.,t"'d_c,!I~D~~!~¢l' '~V)~II' . ,rV'~:!I

alii oW'iing you to create ,g~ass panel an d double s~ded profne doers ..

F o LI r p rof les are aval ~able'; Round Over (#9g,~ 76[JI)" Ogl€H~ (#99 = 761 )~~

R,"-', d-jl'O:- '" -, a,,-,-:: d (,U 9" 9: 1 "7~J)\ ,~, = 'd""- a -. -Ii ·(..u.nn =J't~'4~

Gun, ..... we Ii" ..,ea·· .. tt •• , . - ; 'Ch;.Ji'b an·:_ ...,evel! .. 'ff'~.~ - 'i 0 't ..

Standardl s'1tub tenons ill reglUll'ar

3/·"4-·~!' sto .... k .. '

r. .;i' I "",,,11;.;0 ,

G- lass '~,

~~ ~

sc 'c-m,':·9",1o"'N panel ~.'"_ ", ·.H ~ "- ... _ ,,~,

capabill ity

]' - f"'" - d - - - ,- "- f:= - ,- - t "- - - I~ - - - - - - t- -

'. " ' J , •••• " "'1 .. " . I ' '". ',' - ~ -. . • .". • " I I" . ( I'" •. ", ;... .' - . . .•. I I , .", III

o nne more Inl orma ion, p ease go 110.,



Freu 's



St-Ie System

,""~Wftth Optio.1 Adtl "'0 111 Cutter

Dazzling jewell y 'ox gr,abs WOO'D® mlagazilne hon!o,rs at show

To m Thornto n of '0' .' l"'itJi':1ii nside Caltf

._ i, ~ " , • ',I,VJ!. ,I. 1, __ I 1_ J ...... _ .. ~~iU" "~ . I~l,,. ':: Jj,,[lLij.

won the WO'OD magazi ne Exce llence i 11- ·Workm'ans. hip award for 'his j ewelry 'box" shown right, at the 29th Design In Wo od Exhibition at the Sa n Diego County Fair. Tom made his 7:x:103A~:x:l41~ solid-wood box from, African mac hogany; maple, maple burl, and wenge .. As with all of 'Iorn's boxes, the front inset drawer op'ens via a button re lease"

Over .300 woodworkers entered projects in. 22 classes, with $.20tOOO' in prize :mon.!ey' awarded. The San. Diego Fine Woo,dworkers, Association a nnua 1 lliy' hosts. the Design 'in ·W:ood. competition. to see more winning pro] ects from the exh lbition, vislt woodrnagazi


We,"lre Iioloki;n,g 10'--- a talliented ,'rafts,mlaln

WO'OO' magazine has a full-time opening '0[' the p osition of Design 'Editor at its shop and, offices ill Des M'oinJeSt Jowa. This: indfvidual will design and 'build projects for each issue of' the magazine in a, fas t- paced and,

c IQ;·a· . t '!iV',Q, env '1' [,'O-''JII''1 me - ent Th ,Q 1" d . Q ~i 1-

~" .. ~ _ ~ ~JiJl _' ,l _', lit £ ~JLL ~ , ~ .. ~ ~~,

candidate 'w~h~nm be a 11 enthusiasttc self-starter wiltll ex perienoe designing and building an types of woodworking projects, knowledge of computer design software, good communicat ion skills, and. the ability to de mo n str a te tech-

n r-l' q I! 11i,iGi,S" fo .'iiI". vi ,..,1IQ,O ~_ , . ' .. I !U,~·· llL. . .w., . ·,U,~· ,~,.

For more details on this opportunity and. to apply, go to, click on Careers, a,nd search for W!OIOD~

For 'woodwcnidn g adv·h:,e:

Po~t :you r woodworlki'l~ 9 ~ues.ti'Qns U~'il]e [y~ flnj;sh;~ng~

tr- JL t-' ,,'-. d---II[' ,~n - fl', - ''''iI'''' ... -, 'j._,jj!:' . lDOU}1 : ~rm ~g!f : ~~I~ {1[)111 ere nen, e~t.~ (J n nFU~ 0111 o~r

onl irH~1 fO~~lms at wo 0 dm" g:aline~c'omlforu IDS,

Tft ;i"'Ant'~ri' on IlIr dd-."'nll"Jll"!' ._U '!!.!!!!I'_ I_J!!!!!'\J", W' __ ~. __ 'I!;U~'h

:Sen,d yOi~r ronllmi@~ts 'vlra ·e-m,a~il to

WD 0 dmaii l@wIODdm,iJg1aline,mm; o[r' 'wriire to

II'Mtln.D '-." .. '. 1771~ ~.,." ,flo (·t It:- "'1

rlrvv_ mag,azme\p _ .. II ~ !!..O~)ij][$'11 ;J;>J ,Ji-",,,, l

Des Moines:j IIA 50309,

Arti,c'le updlat!e"s

IL"C'u,1Ii!lIii 2···~·O·· O· (O-"c~o"'blilfli~ 2--'0 .... - -'0")'

ol!~.I_ ~ .... , -'0 ."1.) .. ·_'-'.iII.·· ._. /

lit yo u're bui - ding th e lUi min ous Dlws,plilay Pedesta I on p, 621' mount th e I iilght socket to a ,j IJI netic n box. secu red 'to. th e bottom, a s shown at r:igh~~ a n d tie the 'w~i res. i~ n a n un derwrlter's kn at wnslde the box (lnset). 'Tih W5, prevents acddenta llll~l p u '11'i n'g the bare wire '[ii ps from the l~i 9 ht socket

s .. crews, Wh en securlnq t he, wires to. the so icket screws be 'SIU'IF,01 to c '0' nnect tho

;jl, .... :~Ib ,;;!!. ~'.';jj .. ~ ." .. ' IIIIC; '!U!I_,'~I I ,II~I!;..IIJ,. . I '~

po larized wi re-iit w'i'I~1 have, r'idlgles or

stri pe s on the i In Sill ~Iati~o n-to the s i I~v,e riCO~O red screw, Ch eck yo u r loca II electrka ~I cod es b efo re com pletl n 9 th i s p rojec[,

The garag e shown i~ n the d Ira;wii ngl on

_.. .. 41 ~! .. t - I~I- - '1 A I - '2'- '4' ~

p,;3g-e' ... .), IS a·c_ua my I.~' X. ;_.~ ,',.

Issue 201. (No,ve.m,ber ,2010)

~f you're interested in buying Colt dr'i~11 bits" fou nd 0 n paqe 1'8~, 9 a. to the I(Omp;3; ny's We:b site' (Ico~t-tool s "com) 'to find a f'u~ll~ist Oof retailers under the

~'~ d lstrl butlo n" 1m n k.: . '. '

• Sill b(5'cri p ion assistan,ce::

'To filt)firty USI ,of' an ,a!~dr~s's t(h,~I!ulge (f~' to 9 et I~elp wlltth 'yO~lr su bS(ripUon~ ~'iisn wDodma,ga,z i nl,,(Gmlstrvicl. Orr wri~le) to WOOD mag',aZlline;, P.ll Go\:( 31 ~a91.r IBoolle" IA 5003 7 -043'~. Plr@as!@' lern] ollo5J@ y,OUf' a duress, laJblei 'if)m it n~(e'"tt mag',[tzhle i 5$ ~:e(,

i8 X 'Y2~I' panhead

Q_ -- -'I;~


• 1'0 Older palit iSSUISS, ,ind arrtides:,

For pan: ~tSs~~ es of WDa:D rrHig~'I~nle i~n pr'int er iJ n

D'VD .. !~OMI OIU r illiewsstarnd)..,o.:[llliV· issues, or dalWim1II~Md3Ibh:~' iar~Jd~5~, vilsit Wtodmag3~i netcom/store.

• Updlat~5 ~o pJr@vEollJsJly publi:s h~d plf~jie(ts'::

F' t d~i"f fll., . d" "

_ or ,an IUp= ::o ... _al~le' .~5Illl:llg Ct c~'!ang'e5 in ~_'Ime;~s~)ons

a nd buyilrrug~ g~'id@ sOUlro~s from iSSUf!,'1 ·rhroll.lgh tlOdatyl 'go to WID 0 elm illg:alin e, com/edlto rial...

Wj,ijl vaJi~ble s!peed " V4. peak. H R,. jt has 't;hs' ~()'wer for 'ro~~glh jobs, And .at only' 4 pound s, aJnti wifh I. oon~ourerll grip-piing sufaee an d a D~;hapedl base, rolle DEWALT compact ;rout:er is, ~st,atj!le and easy tOI contrcit The simple

ad j1ustment r~n g ;and the d uallE Ds- ,aHow'

i ncrsdib~e accuracy. ,Amld the, ,alll:=meta~ Im1otor can m:sarlS it s buHt: to ,last It s ,ano1t)her 9 reat 'W{lO dwo~k~n,g tloo,'~ 'f'roml IDEWALT~

IC'o!vert. your _ .0., sander t,o an edgl,e ,s,an,dl'er' My' woodworking 'hobby steered me

in to refurbishl ng old, fUI niture years ago" For such delicate 'work", I needed a .. small-parts edg .. e sand er S·'OI 'If converted

.:)1, ,. ',-' • . I ~:j.IL",,} ~" .:.' a.:);UI '.- ~.' ,Ii ," ,Jt 'I!..r. ' ..... ',_ L,. '_ '._

my random-orbit sander into this tabletop edge sander usi ng

some scraps of 'MDF as

shown. Once I customized

tile cutout to support '-I he

a -d - , th --- t 'W'- -to S __ ni, _ er, ~ .. e ,[~S _, _.en.~,

together quickly, The

sander d FOpS into the crad e, the clamp rests on top, and, the press bolts

over that. A turn of

1J.l, x 3M ,x: 7'~~ ha rd wood strlp

tile clamp screw

$1€CUfeS the sander and lim ready to sa n ,d

.I!. ~~_~Il . ," .',. ~I. " .. ~. oli

Converting 'back. and forth from . random-orbit sande to ed (Jp s mde . t ake ,~ .J!U, ····~'r _:: ...... _t:;\;".,a ;_.,,[ _)¢i~.;iii

only a couple of minutes, 'but IJI've found, this setup so useful that I rarely remove 1:t from the h .. iolder

,Ii.~ __ . _'"" !Ij,.~_'Ii;,.., :'_'.- :~".

Top Shop Tip

,A.I IS fum iitur@' refu ribs w~IIII'g 0 eV'@'rni s'mofJ'the r wilt'h Apollllo',s 7'SOI(H:

Jt.... ,. I:d VL 1'1 ,A,II..,crmll:l'l!'11" .-. ·c.·. ..F

:s,plr'ay glun,

1'(- '0""'" n 1I!"''::ii*'~ A"· ~ II . ' ... lill'~II'!I:iIIL;;:J" .-llli

.... , I . I

Ji"o""JI i :

~, I\~, ! -'iii I

'. I I


i i I I ! I i I

I -~

~9~~tge .. ··


i 1


Cutout for sande,r

Tell us how you've solved a. workshop sturnper, lf we print :~t, you'll get $.100 and a copy of 450+ Best-ive: Shop T~ps ( Suttps). And, if your idea garnelF.s, Top Shop Tiip honors, 'w'e~~1 also. reward you wfth a tool prize worth at least $300~

Send your best ideas, alonq with photos or drawinqs and your daytime phone number, to Shop Tips" WOOD Magazln'e, 171' 6 Loc'u,st Sti" LS,=22 - , IDes Mo:llnes'l IA ,5,0::109=3,02,3 .. Or; by e-mail: shopt~'ps@woodmagazlne~com;, Include your contact info in the e-mail, Because we try to p,u b llsh 0 rm'gina ~ tip s, please send yo u r tips on Iy to 'WOO,DID mag azi ne Sorry, su brnltted materia Is ca n't be, return ed

~~~~r~'~~o~U~~~'~~~~ ~(1¢f c~ "f~


@ .......•.... ~ .

• .:----: I •

..... : .... _ ..... : "

- Ilfl L--ID III G~' • III 1~IMlitlli D Ie II Ii 111 0- • W-IA D I;III'fO~ -HI-II -- f.! ,. - ,R, -1- ~ C!i c- ,I m 1-.- G~I'!iii

ILl . iiI. n Iiii . U ~ .,111,1 . ~ 1.11 IT. j. I. l1li In U d. "lIT" .

110 In .. , Wo,rksitt,s Ta.ble Sa,w wilt h ·Sland Mhru!lll!'I141 mOHD1::....D ~ __

12V' 3lB ~n. Poc~,et, Dri:~ III1D rlver

Mlm (fI'11 'S~3 0 .. 21


'V'S, Palm G,rip Hourla'r Kil MO~le'l PR:20E,V\S'K

fUll, lIIN[E

SII. :'198.9•

was: :1 ,g:~ gg

1.2 ~ni Dual Beve,1 1 0 ~lni DU311 B,e,vel La;selr

Gil idle M iffi'e!r S~aw' Slliiid',e Miter' Sia,W

~ 111!I1~1 U dli3:S fFrl,EE M i:te r Saw :81a n d [T'1IIIF), A ,$159.99 'Value., Whi~_!1! '~luplpl~ltn~ l!..aJs1:.

Modi! 11'0 CMI112SUIK:· Miode I 44~ iii K1 ..,



:nIO. 1"1_1 . gal

"1 _'_ . 'I.

.limiled Qllln,riiiesi At lille I'rlrll&!

,S,u~_er~'lquic'k filx for' s'triip~~e,d screw hol'as

'T} ~I'~I d d f hi ." ,. ." 'I h '~I

" 1,e smaJlllll ~:N:rews nee,. 'e. I ': o.r r, Inges strip out 'pI. ot ,I.ales

ea sil y~ Fortunately a little cyanoacrylate (CA) glue fixes them just as easily, Simply f[ m the stripped hole with ,eA

g. t-I'-,e' let "t, '.;"'f"-'IIi'~ fo -" .~ 1""'0' uple m lnutes a nd "-e .. Install the

.' J!.U.i.' _ .~IIi,.. ~,I_ "-ill,lIl ....... l'( 'it!!I, ",", .. I~ .. ! .. ~II;". "' . l_'clilL • .;J',". "'_; J,- ,t .. ,oJ' ,._ ,UtW, I .. '-

screw, It works for anv size screw and any type of wood,

I '~ . .' ~

-- ir"! Rob;::rtl1 Wind:s:o.r He~g:ht:Sl Iowa


glue ~...,E/


P ... d-· . t· b-I. 'I" . Ii . '-I' . - . _. d-

I ,-. '. .," l,.. '.' .' .,"... . • I -, '., "l' ~ .. ,-

Ire_"le.a _ e pipe e amlP p,a~ s

You, can. buy' more expensive ones, but pipe clamps are still my' "go- to ,j' clamp for large glue-ups. But the Achilles heel of the '1):iP'f: clamp has always been. the challenge o.f keeping i"'II'JJlm: P pads in place wh ile y' i.f'ill-·· po' sitton the ~"JJ'l:"~!f!' =W···-~·h·'·l;O, th ~,e

IILJ;,_~, . . : _. U,;;:; ~...1 _ .!Ilu '-'- "",. .. ' 11,- : .,u U .. ,.·.·.,1" 11 ... ". . '.'Ii.,. ~if.i!i 1r'l';;;:II. . .. .. .1 110..., . - . 1"]<

task is bad enough for a. ay-down glue-up, mt/s a [leal headache when gluing vertically I fin .. any solved the problem b ~ - "c " -, at _." .- G the me-· a',' 'g' neti c . '." -"0' : "0' den oad ,~" h '0''--· ."0 'hIO;~'O' i .".-

ry . " 1_.... .~ .. : ..•. , ...:;;..,1 w' ..... : ; .. -n yQ!, r~ S .IW, .1, UII,;.!I.·W~

T'O" m ake '"=iI b a .. tch of p' ad 'so st art b:'y cutting out f) II e-qu- ares 0'" f'

,1I1._ I, /- . .It\,." _'~'.:': "'~" 1,_., _·.t_~;· ,. -~" I.:' ,", _ >':' I .... 'UI ". __ ' "': .," . .: .. £ ~ .. _JUIJL'_~I. 1,1"

JAIII plywood, Next, drill a 112111 bo e Vsln deep in the center of each pad, In 'I he hole, '~pIOX~l a. :~~i' rare-earth magnet I(ten for ~'9'-" 4"9," ite m 10"0' 3'-'0'IO-Q1IO' 'lDnc'illi'I'e';'- 8"10"'0- 2:'"79: 4' AI 411 o,,·~ '-'0' ckler

~ .. !!!I-:-·' 'JI l_':'l!!!!!~" _,I [! :--'j-" 10. . j Jl\.IUI .",~ ,I I, : .. " .... ,!iii __ ,:. '.~:'117.~ ;:;~' ~\!!!' ""[ rl.: 1.:A.ll!.' .. f!

com), The pads cling to your clamps' jaws .. and 'YOtW can store them on any steel surface in 'YOU,ll"' shop,

.=IGord'on EngJisJJt Scdt Spring' /slanr:$t ltC,

~ .x .2 :1<. 2u t),I~wood

rF' ,,..

c la m p pads.


A hard hat for ,your be n,('htop'

Wilifi-'Ih 'JiI 'm 'III t h £ii 41- '! m 'Gli ":ii nd m '0'" 'nay,' i nv Sie't", ed ,ii'"' ~ rtt i, n [g it, t' 0" C'I" ze 'iii' cla m ' ped 'I! to, 'ton my

Jj,I!J." [u .. W,JII,',,, ..... Ill.. ,[16, ,u., .I,',! '''''"',_ " I '[biJi .''L', 'L,U r : ,I., ,' .. .Ii,I" 'i", .J! ,.iLo' ,II' .Ill "il '_"'""_ , ", ,,;IlL}, : r

in the solid-maple top of my 'WOI:k~ table and, used a Forstner bit to drill up[

bench, ill' want to protect it: £01 as long as through my' bench's dogholes=-all but

uosstble So: for potentially damag lng the '&'0""(1"- "in" th e' come -;f' that ,:',e: '0" ""In"

rl i;;JI.;;ii,I." ,',. J ,[ , ,If ,[" _''11,,;.': " [,llj,.l_ ' __ ',] U)~""" ': ':: ,t " ',",': I~ L,!Jj",. .l[_[lllf ,m""., I~ _'~' i""" " : r", I, ..... -r.j r _"" ,ILl: l.Ji'"" "'

tasks l' thts Jj~ I!=t:hi,ck" removable ha rd = those, M just marked the center uslng

b oard tap protects the Ina ple~ After fhe spu r of the Forstner bU:1 and then

· ,

• •

· .

· .


- c~~

• •

· .

· .

" , ,'" d 31 III d~' - ····1, 2"":11 1',"- " '" _, ,,4-,,-,,- ed

screw[e .. i '~4, i"OWle'siP '. ,o,n!g~ cenl,ere.- J-

on t~loSie' marks,

Now, E can quickly movie the protective top on "1II1iI"'iid- off ':ilil!' needed W:"':-[h'~'n' it

tIl-lt .. · .... : .... .: ..... '_.' I~~,.l,.:..... -I. (:lL.;II I .~ .. , .. _._ ...... '':'_I!!I ,", ,I"~'~"l" '_":'

'W'" ,[G"3 'tr-~ nut. l' t I 1" ~ £i,oail ~,~ ~Iy,... repla ced

, ., bl .. I,lL ~ !U . .,i' .~ ~aliJilllJJ..:. I ~ _.!Ii .'~' ..... Iii

it;!!-" I . ,It.a1l -, "," ., M" ~";j!""-,,, D' ,> ..... f :I'J"

-- J,~an W~ orgQn. [ap~!fhOn > e'Pf)~ ,Il"" U.,

contin ued 0',7. "page[ 12'

· .

· .


Ha rdboa rtd pratettlve ~-el1ch top


IF RIEl!, Dill ctw!o rk IPla,ln

PI UlS Salve $1 00. when y\O~LI 'P U WI(: hase ,any S"'5€'ri,~s Tem p ~ii~'Hjo"l'i!i c \ii11i""1,1I\"j; n ~I ,C" :.."iJ· ~Iti' I!~ _ II_'~ .;l<11l;, :__", .... , V _ '~...:_ !!,<I" '~'!!U!"!

Details Offer €XpjJI@S 5131 j 11 Use (0 de,: 'W'OODl 2,

- -_ - r: _._ - . ....



, ,

, ,

~ " _,-

(FREE with any Tempes Cyclone!)

The best va ue in dust col ection is, n,ow the cleanest, OIU r 'I e'MI p est Cy,dlo ne ID u st Co~ lectors ,n'o.w' 'i n c I u de N a nofib er 'n lters

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S,AVIE, on a ny' s;ys,1j)f!'m Y[QU billY], PSI offa rs [9 va ri,et.y of di sea U nts and offers on dust: ,col~l,ecilt[~)irs tOIC numerous tc list here, 'Wflw[e YI()UW' complete

rIO eOIU III rce 1(:01" OUIEii rvthl n till vo 'II I1II need t rI""ii. got ,.11).. a J' ob do n B IIi""g" II.\.. u 'T Fii got' t' h a 'Ii;.;:,~ '~JI!,~i ~I~ .,;;: ~";';'-.i IIIL,~ j:IU __ ,~~ . I v;', i~' I. II!.~II!I~ ._IU[ · .•. I __ I~ III~'~, ~I,~ '1'0!' ". ~ I I', ,I~

best dee I on the system sized pe rfe!ctl~1' for yo u r shop and In U m ber of tools, eall ,Bin at (::21,5) 67,6-7606, ,X ill '[ii,

en state 1.11 ~ S lSI

Top Qu,ali"ty, Glr,elilt P'r[iices" and Expert: Advi,cel 8,00=377""7'297 .. w'ww'

-xl Se les 23 Gau e Headless p. e . S

The lnvlslble FaBtener,~

Up to 2" pins into Red Oak.

~·'r.cis'el,y p,II,.ce rOluler,s, iin iins,ert, PI- at,es

Here' s at quick w,a.y' to precisel y center a router in a router table Insert plate i, After cutting the insert to the p'fop,e:r size, mark its center and drlf] a Ih'lll hole there, 'W'ifh a ~I' 'O,.D'" guide bush lng mounted ill your router's subbase=wuhout the rou -'-II!.,8r-- attached _£'I"*' th .e· robiu-' shlne lnto the h ole on t he bott o m :0-'-(; the 'I' n sert and

, .. _)IJ_II;;,., iIii-II!,IIi-_'t!!I:1!.". " ,,_, J: ,II). ;J,_, .. , .;;;Ii-".w""-'o clli,c!!",1,._·. !i!-""_IJi,.,. __ ,v '.- "' ,!I,.. II!.) ... _.IIJ_,_,. __ . :.: _"_',!I.;,. _ I,,J!._.,;.._ '_ .. :.:'

10' fl' ,I!=i inti t he i""'~I'iilru...,~":I'~.i9i, itl '0" ensu -1i'\Ifli, th ')*" th a 'FO- uter co n trois are -I' n re ?il,"""t.." a nd anv

. "'~ , _: 'Ia...- .:JIILildllJU~i3~ ,'_, . ,0411 ·'l,ll.b· ._ . .1 a!iL 'J I ~ ,Ill. -'_'_'l. , ... ~.I ~" I .Ii ., .. ,I_~ ,_",~, . ~llldl ,", ','_ 1 ll.~ J

t h 1'···· !. i h-t he -t 'II! ... ,'~I, . 1 lc h t .,.' ,d· 'l" I :._.-,~ . '-j - '. t '1 11,,' -I ro. . *i"!,W- 1~1 t h ." f- '. ,," ~ - MI> ark t ·h····

. " .lOug . .e. a,UJIle l.][erg . ,. a. ,~us l~meIl , .il.l.ores are I~O ,. _ a Iu .. e . ron.~" " a.r . .,. ,e

locations of the, screw' holes, drill and countersink t,o fit the subbase $ICreWS, and 'UlSJf' a 1'~ u Porstner bit to enlarge the center hole, Then" mount the router to the In ce:·· .. rt 'p. late '1I1'ni'~ y:'o'" }.ii!/-ce .. ·· read y . .'.' tIO·:.' r-11Ao-_-4!-

,il, ,.:Ii." _ _' ~A,I~..... g ,L!II, . I!l_~, I ,Ill '!b iUI.. ,_ _.." u U IL.

ROU!t(2ir subbase

STEP 1 Mark and drill c~nmr hole,

-=- __ 1L,!:1 l4;.·olla :liZ ~·i~ .. 11'tii

Guide .. ' bushing

Di,ag Dnali Ii nes i ntersect ..... at tenter' of p iate.

S,TE pi :2 h,sert bushl ng into- hel e allna mark mo u ntilng hO!E! S,


A reC:'ipe fo,r bi'scui,t,s, iln thiinl stock, W,h"en M needed to 'ell t biscuit slots In, the ends of :ysn slats, itt was ,necessary to hold them dead-solid and centered to keep the [oiner's blade from 'billowing out a, surface of the thin, stock.

Thts guide jig' uses ,(1 layer of MD 'a,nd two pieces of sC.[8lJ"P stock to, form a workpiece-stzed slot that guides the slat end precisely into the joiner

-JJm C[}Ue~ ,Beli'vilie:f Ohio

Iust s,ti,ck" ,square" ,.,nd sand

To.' I sq uare my d isc sand a'lif'.1(:" table to':' ti '~1~ d I' (:,0:"', I 'iii II",,cl an in i~iVPI en ..

'. iJi - - 'U.w.,L ,. '.": I,!l~. -Ji~~'" . ~lIL ill Ill.,·_· .,!!i-,. ,''( _" ,[O,,~ .i)~,., I!L)~ • .JIL, . 10 .. ·,Lh, ".~ , ....

n '," '.' '. ~ Jd' ," I ,. . "'1" . ,t" (~'4'~ 'H-" be "F" ." ", .ht '~'I bo f" .. ~ .. ", rht .' " "

srve we . ,lng magn~ '.' .p' ,', ,a,,[ ,0.1 :, re~g, I~,. nar ! or re g, "com,

Item #1939l. Th'E: powerful magnet 'holds, the table at 90° while "IT >lit,.' .g" h ten th I 'e' t abl e-lo . i'C' h, '" n g' bolt

,I), 11j,.ill., ,I _ \"., .. _. ," "c_' '.' .'1;,.. 1t· .. '. .& 1 "I',' II!). 1II.1_~.,

9~Y~ we~dingl IMI3:glnet


•. I,

' ,


·····•··· .. .I 'n· '." ""', g,.,_ ..............• / ....

_1'< 1,' __ "< 1 ••. ,'

, ,"'

, .

IFIRiEiE, D'VD,I (':$20'115 value')

Ou F FRlEIE' ,45 ... m jnu.t,e i 111 strlu:Uon,I,11 v:ldeo ~lS; pacllced w~th ,atll the InforImlQltllon 'y1ou need to ,starl: 'turn i ng, bea utifru~ :pe.ns 'fro~m d ~y (lIne..!'

Top, Qualiil:y, Greslt Prl,C8s" and ,E'xIPs,rt Advi:ce!

;Step 2:: MOl]1I1t'lpen ,S!tIlP ,3:: T~m ,~~ ,pen Step 4~ Sand: ,and] :Step' ,s:: ~mb~e Your h:a:nd mllde' p.H

Iblaftlks onm 'm@ ~a1h,@ ll~ali1~, t~1 d~~imd iniih rh,e penl i!H'~a~y ilTh a~oot:

wim tPe~ fiit~ ndre~ :ih~;~e' 15 iinif'n~~e's

I S· CO" V' , e" r-'

I . : - "". ..' ,,- "[ : ..... r= '" "'.. ...., .. ' ~.' (' " . L. [. . .

. . :, '" .' , "'" ':,'>:' ': I '.

[ i ..... , ': _". " ". ". ."~. ~'" ' .: . . : ... ' : '", ::: ':_. ". ". _ ~.'} . '

e,,·-I' ..



, --_),'

Ha!n d cra,fl@d pen 5: a re' die, ~go- ,aniywhere~J ,cDnversath'Jln, sta rter, A'S flF\i3lcti:c;a I a's, tlhe:y' ant!'

bD~'i ~'.'Iifllll' ,tlll...,~'!iJ ~AIiil"'.t"N ","*",,~I, ... ~ fillrF'~'~. i"IIl';Q~ ~_ ~~h.I_'I~ Ilul~" ~rl'lli;:, QW~yi ,!Inllg!!l'~ '~~I ..... ~'I~, ~Ivlll);~ ..

SiO' ~,a:5,y to rna k'l"l no one 'w'j II~ bel fev~ ){!OU made of to is ''I !U,al~'ity ii n ,lj bout 1 S

mhl utes, And 'w~rth o:velr :2"]5 pen kirts; and ,300 wa oda nd pillaJstwc bll(ilnk's 'tOr choose'from; lithe pOi$i5ibilliitiesl a,Fe ,@ndl@ss~

'We, halve ne,l,ped thou 5 a nd s of 'w\oodlw~:ulke rs d lseever the jayl5 0" pen ma I(ii i1,g'. SIEe KH' 'you rse~f why 'pe n maikJ ngl ls b~aoml~iln,g OlrH~j of the .,S;t~5;t glr,owrn 9 trl~nd:s, ~nl th~

Ii.\.. n'm'·'·.i'!!i; ijjjij,oi\o-::Ii"IILr~Iu... ep

W lu .~ 'l'rII'" I! 1rr\~~I'i;,;,!' .. ~

MaJest$f' Junior RIt'odiu,m sea"re,' S'er (IPKMJ1RFREf,) Includes. pen ki:t ,busni;ngs ,ond'lcn;ces$,otie:s1 Q $54,.7'5' v,Q,lue:, SpQclal pricQI,$,24i1:9S

Save a,ve'r 50~1i1

U~O l .... q!i'llno··"n·· code; _,Ol!i'l; !l;,.,V~~ , .. _I .1, IUIr -,.





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Sav'e Up to :$,1" ~. 0 wh en you bUiY ial 1; 2~ 1i1tl1rn craftier CC(mlma ndell' 'Va rUii!dlllie :Speed Mid i latt'me Ren M~a kingi Sta rtt:r :Set U':J(l(~ 2VSI"',A)., SaJ~'e in ,ad diitJ]o~all ,$, ~.5 by IUsingl c'Qupon c.()de~ W'Q'O,D'TCl1 2~ F(.1ir de:l-aijil,s v,isilt QU f' webs;ite,.

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. ' Yes :sel1d m~ ~he IFRIEE D'lD~ p~~~d w~tt. ,~'n d~e hllilrmafjtoo ~u neet1l :to Sitan: '~Uiming b~a u~jFul pens.,

I ¥esl $liS\nd Wiille t nee [F,RE E Periln '$tam :lndlu5U'"ies 'il;;atalog

'_ m rlumc~,a'fte(!' Comm~lIi1d~r V.S 'La~h~' oomp~t:e's'tarrer' ,5,et" mt1em: ITC1LC12V.S~,A SAVIE $'1 5\5 $10--4,,'9,5 ,t $68 S&H COAJpom 'Cc4e:. WOOOr-cJL ,.2

Il\i\t~j1e's~ic' Ji!Ul1iof St1):Ir~er Sm' 'w1th F1REE 'buS!h'ri'ilg~ a nd ,~~C~S10rl~e.s. 111~im: ~!PlMJJ ~F'REE SAVE S 29 .. '901 $24,.9,5,-

QlJd'.$iJ:S() S&H If:purchtJ'Sed sepamle,(y

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'B'i'gl ,;,IIVi; pushes ~_ull ,iiilg to hi'gher' le'vel

As a woodshop teacher, m 'believe In U~igging up" to make projects leasy and, repeatable, especially because each, operation w~illill be repeated 'by 20-2.5 students in eac h class, That's why I loved your drawer-pull :~:i,g in the May ,2010 issue (page 16),. I he version Muse in :my class has one handy Improvement: ,A V-shaped centering window, as shown,

m , - a ke c.: th e ffi:l" 'g, work even ':1' f th Q d r awers are dt fferen t ~~IZ,'~e.,~

._= _FJi;.~ It. , !\;;: ,~I:. __ V _ ~ _ 'Ii;;. JUl~ _ u __ ~ .J! aJ;.~ _ ~t=~~ ~JIt .~~_

]' ',', st center y' Ii"!.' -- 1 ~ 'n, ,0. ~ T"fii t' h "e' ' '11').::;0':"' ndow 1-11 ",-,~ '1'1 ,"!ill n' i :dl ";;.a.'p' ia,~t'

, U.:;II" !!.".""- "c;'II.".:f • U U r , .. ,b .. ,~,!!;.,." I. J .. ,.JI, t.. c "" 1, " , !t,,} 'If'll i' u,f'l __ l, iE,iII, '" 1 L. I !I.,. '1;;1 •. ~

-Shane Bur~ Lubbo(k~, Texas

(~ nrerl ng" W· lnd .... w

I ~llll ,,'~: 1111"· . ',: U'II'I' ,'v" .,


_._ ••• _._._. __ ••• _._ ••• ••• _o-_ •• _._._._._~ •• "'_ ••• ••• _._ ••• _ ••• __ •• _"'.,,_c __ ••• _._ ..... _ •• _ •• _._ ••• _"'_ •• __ ••• _._ ••• _._ •• __ .,"'_ ••• _._ ••• __ ••• _._ ••• _._._ •• _"',"'_ ••• __ ••• _._ ••• _._ •• _ •• _._ ••• _ ...... , __ ••• _._ ••• "'_._."'_ ••• __ •• ••• _"

- - - - - -

,Skewlers he p fiix an i,rregu ,ar' jioiint

'I found a beau ttful old walking st Ick at 'Jil secon d hand .. ,:1,1 I!~: I,.:: .:. :.:I~}Ul.' 1 • [!kiIll " ~:', :":_. ....- ... UI,' . ':.JiL' ..... : ~i" . ~ .> :l~l" Il.lIj] ~~~;: ,,' " r ... I, . _I, '", < 1

store=e : natural zrowth 'bra ncb from some exotic hard-


wood". The handle was broken off and, was obvlously going

to r '. '" , d "[ b' ,t ' it h "'1 ,~.. l' tra ,. ht ' fl t

I' ,', i ~ - " , - - 1 - -, ". ' : ", • -I . _. ,.' . I'" I'· 1 ',-" : i • - I ,-'. -.- " I~' .. ". .' .-.' '. . _ ,

o .reqUIre a .... owe t _U Wll, iou a ~~!ung{ __ e s ralg, : or, .. aJ,1

,-, rfac " '~I ,"" :' .,-, " dov 'Ii ho ", ' , , rd .' ,', t t " '., .'.'-' lbl

sur .ace, ,~J.nlng U,pi aower '0. es p',[ove. nex 110 ImpOSSl.: ... re,

So m ·d, lrilled h oles freeh .. ,a',DIIIA '~~(' st r,~'~(l;:h"i t ~I...:', po sslble and

I, , ,. ~! . _\ ~~~~ .• _ !, 11I.~..J l~, ~~ ._. U. WiJ!!il. W~~ ~ . y.~ , ..JJIlJ.. ~~, _.

Im P '0'·' tsed "'lIo "d lowel" f ·,O"im·- ''':iI, b'·" '-;,d~],Q ·0" fbam bo 0' COlO'''' ng ,m I" .. [1 . V I ",0;;,;. 'GJc .·w ",-;,W, .1..,1..1, ,~ . u.n ",ill,,!;;: .._ .1. .. ... . .. .. ~ru n '

skewers, After adding lepoxy to the holes, I poked the bundle fun place, a nd fitted the pieces to get her ~ The skewers flex to offset any inaccu racies fun my drill ing,

- ThoJno-s Rocke'¥, Northfieldl Minn,

, ............ ,',"

." ..


A fre,sh use for' a fllul,S,h saw

I've trilled every possible method for trimming excess veneer-type edge banding, From commercial trimmers to. razor blades, from blo ck planes, to sanding blocks, m Inevitably either nl ck the plywood veneer of tne shelf or split the banding,

Ftn,am.m.y:, ~. 'thought of 'using my flush trim saw 'w~ijth,.a. 111 backing 'board clamped against the edge of the shelf as S,~10w,n" The excess trim comes off quickly without marring the plywood veneer and the ledge. banding tidies up easily with a sanding block.

Edge ba n diiing

Flum trim saw

B• d ·th t b'· btl!'t

_ Ig rOUIR'.':_ ~OV'e,r5, WII ~ __ OU·.:' _'~llgl ... ,money _;~!I' =s

S· '0' m·· ietim ,a ,if" lIi'III'I'm run in to "li 'p "'0' ·'0 ,,··t 'P'1 an that calls fo ". 'C, 'a Ia "'g" ,iEii, and expe n sive iF~ "0·11

'>_ .. \,. :om, i, ;.'lI."..;:J; .Ill , ,1IL CU. 1. .II!- . u. _l[ ;.]'I!.:.'Cc ,1_, ~,' I~" )~,11b Ii!;;.~, . JI .II!. 1i' .. i cd .. '!!.;,. UJIl.l· . '!i.;,.,A. _'e I ",Iv' !L!UU ".U,=

over bit, Rather than shelling out for a router 'bit that F. might 'use only once, "turn. to PVC pipe for a low-cost solutlon ~ t comes 'in a varie i y of standard sizes and.

wh en q ta ··t,g;· .. ·c·d·- ·0····-;· ''''''IhA b .~, adsaw b IP\i'"",t"i; :--,~,(', ."Iil ''II "' .. ck iii"" 'I'·· ... ed $"'" -id-"n""g" block I'lLII' I D"

w ,,..;. I, .u_ [c.'II,;lec. ,.:n II!,. ,'Ii;,; OI.n_ .J!~wjro;.;!I;".:vm...-;.J' ~._, u~,c I ..,,_urv ." an,,] .. ' '.' ~.~. /2 . ~,."

":~';"'" .. ' Id' u '~jll~ -e·,,-· rd '." ts 2:::H if D ,- ,~ .. ~lld""· . l'U ,-- .. -,.- d .,. ," ,'- ..,:QII· "; A·" 5-:-~/'~

JP.lpe yw,e.: s a. ~74 roum -over, ./.' lI(~" pr.p'e yiems a roune-over, ano so 00." " .. '. /2

length. of the quartered pipe makes a good fit for a. quarter sheet of 100 -gri t sandpaper adhered to the Inside with spray adhesive.

'To start a large round .. over on 'your workpiece, It ri m away excess wood. from the edge with three angled cuts on the table saw-one at 45Q and, two, at .22",5Q, Then use yOUJ new sanding block to fi nish smoothing it round. I'"

-Lenn Heighes; iO'lleklnd,.. (oJ:O.

,:2;11 IIPV'C plpe ,cut i n,~D I~ U(3lllfmr; 5JY:l~~ .'


-. - - ---- ---'1------ -. - - ----

High strength wit~ a shorter clamp time along with no dyes f


a natural finish makes Gorilla .OLP.rIJI ....

Glue idea for yo u r woodworki ng and buildjng projects.

L 1001


I :~~:~~l::i:~:~Z~~~:~~

any film -form lng finish works as a "sea ler' becau se "t close s off the "poles of the wood and, lays a. base for the topcoats So' most of the time, you can, seal wood using the sam-if! f ntsh YOU",n use for addlnonal coats,

Some situations, however, benefit from a. sealer, For example, when refintshtng furntt ure 'with lacquer or

'pO' lyuretha ne sihcone on t" he surface

I .' '. - - '. i" . - I [" I '. I I . 1,'- I -:. !

': ",,, '., '_ " ," ,I '. 'I ._,'.1 lli""", ,,' '" , __ ',' '," I. ,', _" ", .', "

ca" 01 C".JIu,I['Gii t he 'new fi n lli C"~\"" ifi.n pull awa 'y

." ... ' .Ul _",..j'~ .JIL·: ,,: ',_ -.~." . ,'" ,.:.i!iJ IlJ.,v , >. ..... U.'_',_.'· '_.:',- ..

from the contaminated S,PIO,tS-3,


condition called fisheye, In. this case,

applymg a, thin sealer coal of shell ac '(W':~\-"'l"C-'ILl,]' lsn 't a; fe - ct Qril l.;""v sill .if'!'O' ne)

~ ', ... ![.1 .... I J' .. !!lr.iI. 11!." !..__ ,!~)U. VI,};' .;:J IR ~.' ~. '. ~,

separates th Q ¢nt,r'o,'~'"n-;Q ('-·0'-' ntammant

~.._~. ~_= ~ .~~ ~\.- ~~~~I\... ~ . ]1!L.u J.JlLW ~!~

fro m th ,"lEI; to 'P,'l""IO" ,"1IJt- "~

'_' ,',. . ."_ ,,~ . ," ·,·b·o .1QI . .;;ll •.

Here are five more 'ways sanding

, - d b'I

- ~ . - .

":" :' ,,' ,,-,:., ""I ..:' ,'v,--' "j ',' I' '"" "I" -, I I" ., 'I' "

sea er can sa, , e you, time a 11_, trouble.

SIE,AL KNOT,S F'O'R ,A IBETTE,R IBOND R:esi ns ii mI pine and the io:i ~Y' SUI rfa ces IQlf sorne le1,x))'tij C wo'odis.,. such as tealkt Ipn~'vye nt f: I m fiilnii:s;h es, S ueh II:!;, PIO I,WI rE\t~hailnifm,. 'f'rolm bond h1,g wU:h the wood~ Wh!e'n that ha pipe ns, 'the, to ic:oat: ca n se pa lI',al,e as it: did on tn'e stflpl 0'" 'tulpe, sh o,'wn d'bove.., IHI o'weV'@i~f a ithlin coat of' shel ~ai(" Ilii lite 'th e one Shfl'Wn fop:, ,s;ealll,s; i n resl ns an d .g,iib; to pll'oviJde, better 'g rij p fror to peoats, ('To choose 'the a ppro p.ri,Hte she Iliac, see the 'Sho,p T:~nl ·OC n nn',n~' 'l8,·., ,ll

- ~lF _. ~'~1~~ - ... ~

Only The Power L·ift!O.~ lets you do true Hands Free Plunge Cutting, Raise' the spinning router 'bit into th:€

. . .J1. I ·t'L, ./W",'

WQ;Ou.... 011, rue J .~.y.

No cranks or handles


OnIyIhe Power·Lift ....

has a. bi~directi.on~l Electtonic Eoot Pedal, that allows you, to

make micro-adjustments to a spinning router bit (within .ooj") for real precision,

OnlyTbe PowerLilt~n

:D'C motor action allows you: to change the. router 'bit' above the table in seconds,

FH:i~ NOT l!'I.fiUOEIJ.o



··'&,e~mounted I/4r," thick" Alumo1i.wn Router Table Insert

OnlY'The PowerLilt has a

at 1 el( 'h

," . ~ "I ~~: . . ':.". i -._- -' -':' . ~.' -, I' ~ . ".. s . ~'. i!l, - .. .. -'~. j ,- i···· . - , •. : - 1:-'-'

Dl.gtt Control Pan.. ..WID.t. mounang

arm included)" so you can set the sp eed, direction; and h,eight of the lift~

·t' d £. • h- ake i tal'

ill .-.' . - . .. '. ,. .. .". - . . - -. - .. . ."" -,' -. ".-

.. ap 1_. ]uf'. I:'. to ma ce In.cre1D.e11L, .:""

passes" achieving clean cuts. without turning off'rh.e router,

I. Make y:our table a mortising machine, A ji.g that controls the:

- 'k-" -, '" - --1 bined wors pIece· 'l~p top, co D '. [nee ..

'with raising the, spinning bit via,

the co' '0' • tswit ..... h vi eLl f" 'p .. , e;' 1",4'";0,;",[· 1'D-' orti ,,,".i!il.l'" . _.'~ l'~ .. "'~.' 4'- > .l~}~-,: l' .. _ JJJLdI ... ,", :=I'U~, - L-· J._ '.Li~_LW!L~l!

P L-'c!L ~ $ 0

owe'r" .llI: ,. Tr9450, ... ", ..... ~ .... ,~ ... , ... '309.95

. k hl 1-

,. Ma se repeata ···.··.e p unge cuts:

for mortises :3nd dados, tl1f:

b"'I,':l, ":' -DCC""" ·thc . s~ .. : . ""'c,' ... ::L_ uut m '. ep , :'~I~O:P sets I~'

h h h b

maxim urn heigl t r :' e I it call

protrude above the tab.I'f"

"Fast, Smooth Mortises"

OUf' Stolid carbide Spfr,aJ[ Upcut Router Bit Set

cuts mortise and tenons cleanly

and q~Iickly.. Long lasting micrograin carbide also cuts composites, laminates andmore ·Th·€; 1/211 shank bits are r/411';1 .3/81'1' and 1/2.~'1 ill diameter,

#200 , , , " " " " .. ~ .$,69'.·95

"Iop Table

and Fence" Th.e customizable Router Table Top with Fence featut,e-s

'f' !~ , b 1 '

.(1 24" X .32" ta ' •. etop,

miter ;('1'10'[' "T'" tracl .. ~

" III..~. ;;;;JJ_ .", l.. .. !i..I..,-,C.KS,

h ~ h' "~'II'; • 611 l'

ugn spnt 3··,-011g

fe1"lcej and Aluminum Router Pl~t,e with gujdl:e pin,

Tabletop, Fence & Router Plate

#2,,393 ", " " "''', " .. ,, $1.89' .. 9 S'

PowerLift.Tsbletop 1& Fence

#1..200 SAVE.$ 40 ~ $ 5 19',·95

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'Ii • - =1 _: ":I' 'I!i,l Ia' I'

I • _ io .. •

I" ., ,_. '''=

. ~ . :

'~('4 5 C' .assic Cut Profiles'"

');. .. ;'Ii 11 r'lS::' 4' 5" piece c ...... 'r:....

.lVJ....Ii...A.... c -.'. . ". ' 'l;..,!1!..." ". ,(lIi. -

'bide tipped Router Bit Set includes straighr, r01.1I]J,d over, chamfer, cove, ogee, dovetail, round nose ..... 20 distinct pr-oftles in all! Wood. storage .' b '.' incl d' 'd,1

ox 111.'11..:1 . 'el,

FREE lubel

I /4 j~ sI1.3.l1k (I) #,60.74 .... ,,''''''', " .. , "'"'' .$ I 19 ~ 95

1/ 211 sl~alik • ,#8374 .. " .. - _,.,.,.,. $119'~9 5'

d k

- - - .

Now at M,LCSwoo wor .'"

.I 8···/0·: .. ·····0···· 5!· '3'~'3 .. - .. 9: .. 2 ,.9 8 .

1Ji!!lli'1.·····.~ I. ,: .:l_ ' ..... "'I' I ..... ~' .. "'-'.: , .. , .. ' .•...... : .. : .. '\

'- - "'.....: ",... .. ", ," ," .' .. ,> ::- ,,".': . - <" . .' ." - ~ ~., ," ,.' - -:, . '~., . .." ... "

P- 'RE'·· "-,IE'j--; S":IHI' I' I' p'······P'.'I'N········'·'G' '. 'I

I 1'1 ',_ . . ~ _ ,I._ ", ':. . '] I. " I' " I," '_ ..... _ I III


W,ate'lf=ibas,ed fi lrili:!dliN~lS tend '~O ra iSle' wood fiiibe'lt'$ mo re t1hliilrl1i ,of -based fiilnii sh es, es p @i(ial~ Ily Gin red oa It .. Tal m i n i m iize !g ra iin-n~lii;s;i ng and mii:ikie the first ooet ea sii,e'li to san d, a pp:ly i: w'at,e r-based ,sand iing :seil ie'l" befoll'1e' sIP't',ayii 11'11 9 er blr'Us,h iingl'o n 'topcoats.,.,

.ln~~'I-!.~~~'I~~I-~I~~II~~~II~~I'I.~~I'I~~'~.!~~I~I~~11~~~!II~~"t---.rn~~I'~'~~'1'I~~'I-!~~~~.!I~~II~.~II~~".---.rn~~I'!~'_'~_'I~~_'II~~~ •• !I~~II~.~ •• II~~"-!...~~~I'~~'~~_'II~~~!I-I~~II~~~·~I~~"·~~~I'!!'I!~I~~_'II·~~~~II~~I~·~I~~I_'I·K~~~I'~~'II~



i l


~ ~


II ns teald o,f w,a i'tii n 9 a day b @tW!fH~'rni al sea 11@'r coat of' po I',· an dI til m' 'fli rst topcoat spe ed up the process by' flrst 3JiPP,_y,ing a fast-dlrying ,sa1ndi'ng' ~Iealer~ 'Jim lis coat oif sandingl sleallett fur' e,xaimllph!,~ dlr,'i ~d h ard IE! n,oug h to! sa I11d ii n an he UI~, g;i"vi n'g us ,j! ,j u m Pi on 1:1m@, f'rst: tOIP(O~t~

,S"eJlec't a de,w:a,xedl :shellac' 'f,or s,'t,rolnl'g 't,IOP'IClo,a,t blonldlngl

,AI~tlh OUJig h sh ellac ca n be used a s a Befo re }t,o u buy prem i xed sh e,11 ae,

sea I er U n d era 11m ost any other fin ls h, c he'elk the '1.a,be~1 (see exa ml p I e'J ,beJ:ow) to

not a ~ll shellac 'WiQ rks 'wl@11 as it sea lier" S:'@€ ~f th e contents ca n be u sed

U nl ess s .. o ld as "dewaxed," shel~lac, can beneath othe r winiishes" Or make your

I ".. b ·Il...~'· d .. ," fa .. to . ·1"'" ... tc .".' "_, ,,'Il.... 1111 ... , ····1' .. ", b . dl .. I .s , . 2-' . - . ~

. eaV\e~!en~ln:_. ,CI sur ace' :_ .·0 $,llpp,e.rYjJl own Sine ~,ac sea, 'ief ._ Y _' 1$5.0 vlng /~ O,Z 011

bo ndl wlt h non -sh ell ec flnlshes-> dewaxed shellac fla kes 'j n 1,0' oz of

especially polyurethane. denatured alcohol (a 11-~ib cut),

S,EAL IPORES IB!EFORIE FllLlllNG THEM Flmilng pOlre:s, helps you ,ilH:hieve an U1U:ra,~

smo o,th s urfaca "0 r B: h'i 9 h -glhJs,s; fi n lsh,

burt ti:nted pore filille rs ,all so [011 or 't:h'f' 'wood ,5ull"fiu:e~ B,m,fo:r'I!' 8lPIPI'yil1lg pore 'fill~@~, fiir:st :s,eall th e e ntlre su rfac,e lUIS hl,g lal san dIng: sea ler

,a Iild II iigh't I'y sand Oift' a,n:y ra is,edi'g r,a iin,. N,ow

th ~ @KC'Ei'SS POf@ fiillll@lr' 'wi IIII wii pe awary' ~d,e'a n'l "I, ,stilJ'ying 'o'l11lly In the IPOlf1e,Si" 'wlithout: d~,s,c,o lior~i In g thewoQd.,



L~ _. .. .. "."_ _ _ .. _ _ .. ,, " .. _ _ " _ .. _

~ -

IKIE,EP D'VE F'R,QM GOiIIN'G BYIE,-B,Y'E, WSlt:er-based dye p'l"oviides, il deep color, but u nlli ke 51:;;) i In, j't: 112U-:ks bii iii d:elr tOI saa I: it 'jin ~p'~lll(::e~ 501 when 'you t,o,p lit w'i'th wart'@'F-bas,ed fin~s,h", th e dye ca n red lsse I'v,e' (;lInd ,conUIJ n'llii' 'the topcoat, To ~o(lk iit iin p~afe" a ppll'y a l:h ln coat '0,1 shell ale ov,e'l' t:h,e' dye" Th,i!' ill,coihQl1 Ii n t hie, ,5hellll!~u~ WOli1l"ti, redi'S8!(~I'Vie 'the' d're·,.I~.'


face frame clamp ing

I .. "' .. . '. I II . . J ". I . "

.,. ",

l' . . • . •

e a'.,s-I 1 .• ' '. e- r.·'·-

• . . I I .

. . -

Lighrweighr and compact, the new Ro,cklre.r ,3,-W'tdl~y Face' fe~.tu.tes quick release: ,lllind, set lillp;; Positioni ng a fa..ce fratffi:e on, a. Cat binet car-cass' has never b een easier or more. exact, Able to cl ear' a ,,"~' wide fraJ11,e' this. innovative clamp offers almost infinite adjustabllity, G~e'[' YOlJlUrS now and also 'use them to app,~y' edg,mJl,,g to extra-long table '(.ops~ and pre-installed counter 'to,ps or cabinetsl

Another Roclder innovation to. help! y(n~_~ ICreate w'-ith' Co:n/it/ence ..

'O.t'd'~r :your ,3, 'Way Faroe C,~,atnP (3,9062) todary :for Just $,34~:9'9~,

CaU 1~800~,279.,.·44·41) go to www.rockler.eom or ,d.iailll,~,877,~Roclder to' :find. a store near you! Use' code VO,3l~,4 to :ge:t. F'REE SH]PPIN'G!'


O n" "e" . '·r .. ··-y_-' ,

I - I . . ,--'"

I '

. - ........ ~~:, ._ .'


"'. r.


. . ....

Use your sliding compound mit' -',e,··cC-,r,s·····'a:: W' t-'QI c- - -t' - a:-1c. 'C--f'-Ir,a:: te •

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . u _ u __ _

joints fOlr outdoor projects, Don't own a ,slider'? See issue 1191., paqe 26, for how to do this with a portable

,iI! ~

oronar saw,

S liding mitersaws have pretty much replaced radial .. arm saws in

" ... I .. _. I..,. ~ _ . I 1 .. ~.. . . I. .~ '-1

woodworking shops and Job SItes

thanks to their lower cost" improved accuracy, and portability, Few 'users realize, though, that these machines also ran make partl "JII'l depth cuts such

,,;j " ;,;;_,:-: . I, . y,Jtti;;.- ~ .•• g, '--I ... H;_~.'-'UokL ' .. - •• "_ ,I!J.J',~ ,.::L ,;':'~I

as those in half-lap [oints, dadoes, or - "l,b- - b . et'~ ·Y·"o rl'l- ,:i,\:'," nd a sl '. de - o.c<p - r· ... 'Iii ]11=-' r~ ' .. "- _~". '. u. .W:~. .n .. ;j, L. ,~r '''i,;~ !.'~\.J/

handy W' hen build m '-g' large outd oor

',I "1'·; _', I 1 I I 1'1 '.,,' .. ' ,"': . 1'11' ""1 .

:_ .1., I .. > ,. _H J!. , .. ' .. -, ',' __ r- __ J

. '., " __ . t -'_. d' ' .. "f h '. d '!If' h . d '} ,'. bia pIoJec. s mac e or iar .-I!J.O-· . ancue, . 19-

and 0,- if" ,CJin- wet ,_, - U.' mber

u . _ . I .~. • _ "-- _ LJlA, . .._,_ ~

The techmques we'll share here work with. either ;3, lOU or 1211 sliding <com, .. ,

pound mitersaw. Before making any cuts, be sure to calibrate yO'U.I saw's '9'00 and 45~ miter settings using the manufact urer's instructions plus tips from 1~6 Methods to Maximize Your Mitersaw" on page 49,; Now, let's make

~,o, : m".Ei;, iC" awd 'iiI ~i c.fli.

~'_"""'~ ~c..~. . ... ::_ '~IIl,~I~.,

F• ··d '.' --,"., .r.: I iii! !iIII't

n, '., youlr saW:5 I.mlill ·1,

For through cuts." all mitersaws are

I • ,'!.

designed to cut just below table level in fro nt of the fen "C"~ But wh en vo ;~I'~l ra lse

, . _, .Ill- '_ . Ill. .'1;.. ,!ilL .. ,', '\.,... . '. IIl.!i!'rr.l.!L . I _"lUi" . ,.;;Jj'

t- hi Q blade for pa r-j ta l-d epth cut s tho }~;

. '!;.. , !l.J!l.-~!Ii,'I;.., .v, ,', ._.".w.!I;..,. " ral' !!;."

curve of the blade no, longe r reaches the fence [Photo Alr also reducing crosscuttlng C -:JiIP' "Jii 1"'1· Iy'

ill. , I" ....• , .' •. y, ,~;~_. '. I _.,~

To flnd exactly where the 'blade will cut, begin by' setting the depth of cU.t-t.ypi"c,aU.y half the part thickness=usingthe saw's depth stop [Plhota, B]"

1·($' ••. eeth e ow ·:n- G!.I~~ m anual.) Unp 111~1'II(:F the

•. _ ~'- • J.', • ," . ~ ,L). , ·Ul.W.~· !U . .w.'I3} .' ... _!.: . .Il.IUiOI .' . ~


,A If',ai sed [b,lad@ won"t bf'\~ak the f,l,llane' '0" the ,sa'w"s fe nee, ~eavi n,g a III arced cut on ttl e end olf' a 'wCH"lk place h,rdd a,g,a iirkit 'the l@ncQ",

. Adj u sta b Ie· boll t:


D'iial~ ii n 'the ,adj usta bl e he I t to conta ct th e stop, ,effe,ctiive.1 y Iii mitiilngl1th e Inlli1tla't"s;Ciw"S, depth of 'I!Jt~

DIUI NIEW LilNII OP' TA ,:;ILE ,SAW,S ,II!ATURJES, 'TI~H'II! '~Bm5-'T' p. A'T'N'-'IE'i:'C' 'a::ln[EC~' I~I-Nj- T'-H~I! UIA~' R~ -K"I!'T

, ~~, ,'I.tft ,I ~ ~ f'" I" " c, I _ 1"'1 - I '. .." • Iii

• IPric:'B as (ow aleS $49'91"

'Tabl,e 'mllrt,e'rial, in Granli'te or Cast: ~'lrD'ln

• ,Seal m l,ess, I,ablle, sa rf,.Cil' aeress en:tilra tabm.

I! Ex,t:relmla1ly' user flrieln,dl, alssembrl, (3;01 m'iIlUJtes')


"IC""C' IH--

, I iiiiiiI C:,

L ,'" *,,'i", " '", ',' _ , I"

Steel C,i'ty[j,s13;[j~ D11e-_lux'e P'IO rt: a 'b le' P'~a ner 4,02DD,H fea,ture:s, pa'tenltedl hel,~c;ill cutterhead wiil'h :2-'sided HI,SS k'nlife t:lp"s slhalr'p'enle'd to perf,e'c,I: w!DG'ld c1uttiin,g ilinl,glel whic:1h is not ,Ic:hiev,able in Tunllgslen C:ar _ _liidea ppllcathJ"i!'


- _ ".... ". 1 ~ •

C 1 .. _ ••• -- _. •

.. . ..

-_. . ...

U s,il ng ill sq ua re (0,1' a sq U1an~' SCIr'[11P of 'WO'Od)Ij!' tria 1m sfer the 'fa r-'f:o,rwalr-d a rbo r locati on t'O th e saw' tab I e [I nd mark lit VII lth ,I penel II,.

IH olld h11g1 th,e worik I)!iiece ,i)lgaln st' th e .sp~u:,er, r'@'I11IO'V1E!' m uc:h of'the. w1o;od wa st:e' 'f'll'olm the JO[j'nlt, 'wit'n k,e'll'fs spaced aboiIJ:t iE!"velry o/16'il.,

- b--

saw s [' : -'''1 -',[,,- ',,;.:.,' i- "w,-~·,·' ",','_"-", ,C",~,

sa ._ and pull the Jade to __ ard you as

far a.s :mt will go" LOW1f'r the blade to cuttlnz depth and mark the saw tabla

'tWIll .l!O, 1;!6-~: u i_~,.~' , !~"" 1 ~ :j'.', ,- '" I, \.,

directly below the center of the blade :,. . b- _' .- -'I! - [~Pt..1 --'t . _ ,I"']!_

a.r or __ ~IOO ""1_"

N'ow plush, the saw all the 'way back and, mark its blade center ![P[hiol1:o ID]., The distance between these marks equals your S~[W"~!s wid. ; b. capacity for that.

d hf ('f h 1

", ,- . .' '. I" . '. . . -, . 1 ". ,"_ -] :;- . - ,- '. . :-', _". .' -, .' . ~ . ,"_ .' '. '_. ," I ,- '-I' -", I -:"

_ eptr 01 cut, . ,_ 01 ou.r sa,wr- t rat eq.ua_s

. b '" t 6~1) M"" -, f' __ , . th .'. ,1If'·. ,-,, __ 't,,· . aou - rt ,o,.! .:_·Ieasu,re .ro.m. e llllf'fi1c!e'.o

.... h b m", l' ~ t 1 ,. dri d

t, , elac~,- ..lmr' ,I'n.e an. ',M'lp •• '. ,8, sCI,ap'woo,-

~ _

spacer about 1-1.-1' wider than that

..J ,u. """. ~ ,!I;.;__ :116 __ O;;;-.l!!. _, .~,_~ ,_ ~

dimen ston T- hen use your saw's stock

I . i I' I ", . ~ 1 " .' . "., • I " ',' '. . . I, . . r . .. .

_ 1,1", I '."'11 .,. -e .1. ,I. U~ .,lL,·.", .• '.-,

hold .. down clamp (or double ... faced tape)

.. 'h ~ - -'h f

to. sec ure tn e spal(:ler against t ne • ence,


'Chl.:s:el 'f'Ii'Oim 'tlhle outside edges In to lfelml~l\/~l st.ulb bl@, ',e,ft O'VI@II' from t:h@[ Wilst'E!' wo,od" Ihis, Ileavies ;Iiny Uilneven-ess hide eln! :i'n:siid e 't:hlB' ,j Olillnlt:.,

! once, and th,eln cut clu,1 cut ('ut, ICIUt

Layout the half-lap [oint on. your workpiece ,and hold it ag,ai 1St the spia.oeI~ NoI,e: ,ejJe, on .. he St1Wt .I!ush ing tl1e workpiece -01:,. t this. fat from th e fence m,i:ghf f ea ve it with little support [rom the sa W

fa lJl e ~ S upplemei; t 'with i nf§ed ,a nd alltf~ed sU,{Jt1f1rt, ii.neccesats: Cut a kerf at both ends to define the joint"

Eliminate the waste between the end kerfs by cutting repeated kerfs 'between them [Phot,., I!] '. Use a hammer to break off the fingers of waste wood between the end kerfs .. Now flatten the bottom.

f t h d do usi ld t hi 1

O .. -. ~ e ~lr.1 0"1 'lUI ~[mln·g····; -y ..... o··:iur W' -'1", ~f~.· c- ," 'ffi~J~

. ., '1;..._ ,[Ij;,.lII, .,. .,.llIJl,"',' -, ,._!!i;".,,]i .. ', JII." .....


Ttl ~:5, we~ ~=f~t: ,J 0 iirnrt willllilioolk Ig ~eat OIMI a dleclk."

a rbolr~ or ,o,th,m'l' exterlor IP ro~@(t" ,As tIM e Ilum,be:r drh!s wit:h a Qie, irt m j:g lh't 10 P e~n s Ilii,g htll)",;,

[Photo F11' a 'block, plane, or a shoulder or rabbet plane, (See the video lis ted . .be.low~, fo r ".::ii dd it 'on' a I d· I i!:iici-'Ji[ ~ ~I (!" "J'

••.• '1, __ iLl, I •.•••• ,:111 .. l' .... I ... . c Ib' b'a]_lI!,,j; ~.'

'Test the [olnt for a snug fit ['ihoto 'G]!~ For too-tight jolnts, saw fhe same

. - t f'I' - .. t fr 'b' th - -t - t~"~

.... , I I' 'II .. - .-"[ ,'" ,-. -I." --, [- "'1. I,' - 1 '::.: I" ';" 'I' 1

,(Lm.ou,n _ 0, w[a.s! e _ rom, · .. 0, __ pa.r _ s urn ~.=

they slide tog-ether" with Iig'ht taps frOID, ,a rubber mallet, .. I


1 ~(ir,cular SiW Jlo~!1ery;·rI

wood m ry~


• (ut ha Irf~lap$ and dadoes wi~h ill cir,cular ,saw1 wood I!Tl a.gazine'.com/csha ~fl21 p ..

Basements are 113 ,Qf your ,usable living space DRYLO~ Masonry Wa,te~pIOofer allows,you to tranlslocm yo,uIIU$,eJess space into dry, uss'ble space~

Rated #1

To watch a DRYLOK video, snap 'this code with 'Your smartphene

Got : '-t'" ',", ,'. t ~ -,-, - ',' -'-h- -,' c" ,t ,-- "0'" n't ,'-, reat lt H'-I- - -1'- h t, - -" k-,',' t-h'-- -, " • -, 'k-' "" ' ,'- ,~-

01 rus 'Din your cas -iron mac - .Inery 'iOPS~ ,on" sweat IL,~, nere s . OW 10 mase I,,' em .010., new a,galln.

au ca n easi ~Iy' r. rem ,'0' : ,V--,D 'IIP'U- st In 0' n e.

_ ,_:_' II;.,.- c '. 'I!.;,.",." ,,II!, _- , "'~" I, ' __ ' , . '!.;,.. ,IlL ,c'_;) _ ,!ILI . _ ,,\,..

of, 'to, 'W- '0:; 'w-:,' a" "V'~~: Scru b 'W-,"~ th , a"

, , - .. ,}' aJi.. ~ IUl . _ lit, " .


commercla cleaner and an

abrasive pad, or power it off 'U. s-in, g' a.

"" ., h 'I 'b h ~ d ·'n

s:plntl,log wire-w ..• ee orusr m (1, c .nu,

Both methods 'work. well, 'but with key

dlff h Id k bout

" '" " ,',','., I" '" "I -," e" ,'."

1, e.renC;f-S you $' OU", _, : D,'OW ,a "out ..

C',,- '-Iealn-'BPS I 'a'-k"e qul!I!I.-'c' k-' 'wo-r1k

,_>-' _I.~.I-- 1:_,' ,:-.,~~- 1_ ,'--, , ':, ',' ~ II "

oif ,ev'.,nl t,h'a touglh'8st, r _ 5t Empire Topsaver, a commercia!

A h 'm b d

pro u,'uctj, ,J," as, a $,01 vent- ,'a s,e ,:_ -1' penetr a t-".

mg formula t. hat brea k s down rust, 'You simply splay' it onto. the affected area and scrub with a. scouri ng pad or stee

WO-"'O' ",I A,"', fter a min t 'n+\i!li ,0- 'Ir-e tw vo

_ _" ,I. " ,._:.~ . .L IU .... ,.tIL . _~.lL~ "._',. tIL.· _' ~: j.

wtpe ,away- the slurry with a clean towel. [[Photo AlI., If any rust remains. repeat the process; Topsaver's formula also h as a, sealant that 'works. to prevent rust from returning .. Although it removes rust: effe ctlvely, this produ ct does not get rid of dark stains

ernb ",jQ'd- ded in - h e cast 1° 10-' n

I~. • I,. ~.,.' ~. 1 ....... :. , J •• J'. ~!~~J. .,'_.' j !II

B oeshield Rust Prce attacks rust wnh a phosphorlc-acid formula, so when,

a pplying it 'weal' latex or rubber gloves to prevent skin burns. Spr a.y 'Rust Free

onto affecte d area s, a llow it to penetrate fOI' 30 to, 60 seconds, and then SCIub' with, ti, scouring pad or steel woo] :[Plhoto B,l. (If left on more than a couple of minutes, Rust Free 'w,~11 'CI1€',a-b:' dark stalns that could become permanent on cast Iron.) Repeat if fl,ecessary .. This product removes the

rust as well ,as dark stains, but it dulls the patina 1{I[Photo DJ on p~g€ ,2.5)" If you're cleaning on y 'part of the top, this dull look will be noticeable.


R:u st IFr,!!! e b u bbles as it: penetrates a nd hrea ks

,d. · l;if'IIil~i'n, tf'L..,Q, rr U'~" _ -II.' ~ 11,i::' A, al-m; -, ~1:lt~:~i st Ji'it1l; -n- In iif'I!,d- nr' !I!.",ry

- .I'Y! 'I''!I'!!!~, I!/;,I, ~'!§ !I! , ~ I",. I!/;, I!;i!! ~,,,,, ~"' .. ~ g ,~ ~! ' .... '-:3 'Y",::_ y.~; :;[!IY

'wcNrk ii 1m a W'€! I ~~,venti Ilated area ~

'e ~ " - . . ~

• .. • •• I .. 1_ .... • • ".'. •

... . - -------

-·ower' ,.w,ay rius't w:i,thl comm,on ,s,ll1o[p p,r,oduc' -,$,

'I f YO'l-1. don't have either commercial cleaner, use a wire wheel in an electric drl II to loosen r list particles (I[Photo C] on page .2'4)1. Then 'wipe, the SU'ff,®J.Of' clean with acetone .. On U"glht rust, this method p':r-o',ves alb out as, quick as the cleaners,

A 'wire wheel 'works better than the cleaner s on. deep, rust, though. Keep the spinning brush flat on the surface to avoid scratching 'the. cast iron" If you. should create scratches,

yo - - C":liifl' -em'" o'il1e them with 40'- "C)' a -- "4J. '.U ':cl:: :r,~ . ..'V" ' .. n~ .... 'l :,' .1=cin.11L

wet/dry sandpaper and alight lubricant such as ·WD'-40'., Switch to .800' g-rfut and repeat th'€ process if you, sti 1.1. see scratches,

IO"W-' se·.11 t-he'~' 'd' e 'a' [

. . - _ ". . . '. _.'" I - 1 I '. -

" ... , . . ..t" .' I.. 1 .... .'. '. - .. '

O· . n c ,0 y' '0' UI g.onj, 'yo -O'U·]~ cast

< .. '~~~( .. I~: ': ... ·1.' .) ... _, /~~'t~;;'l~, .. ··· .. i.:", :_~ :." :_~I_-:r.J

." -'

iron top clean j' apply a

sealer, such as .lbpSaver

- 's - - h-· ld r: n t OI',oes" U~" .:.' . . -":7'~.'O

prevent rust from returning. D'Q it soon after clean ing; 'wait until the next day, and you. could have quick-

form ing flash. rust to remove, Apply sealer every .2 to 3 months In

h ld clfmat d 6 h

" Uffil .. cltmates, an:, eventy I~I mont. ,$

,i, d '" .

m c .ner areas. '.

Drill wi

~ l .. l •• I!l.I ••• iii I •••• 1 ••• '~.ri i .:i. iii .

lIoeshield Ru st, Fre'e:

: Empire

,. -

: TapSave',

e. .' .,


~ ). ~ ,i

., " .,

-------------- .. _--

ID' . "_'_Uw;_~


A- I11I "tJlh- 11'\,c"D. Im--a;t- h- od 'e l~a,m-~·A'Ii.I!',D,d- Io'~",a, rust nln-'

_ ~ __ IlL !~ '~~. _I_ I~ __ v· _ . .;;!I' ~,.. __ !!I;;iI'~.~-_ ",-,II!,...: _ _,"",1 .. 'Yl'_

n U' r set -f" .... <l:Iii ~"" lro n ta 1i...11 ~'~'a'I,;i;'" W "I'n g- iii:" ea ch V· .. se ~. ~Q~'!:,~' .~ I '1 . _nD~I~~ -Ir.!¥ . I "1:' i:",,~' 1"- "1

requii riJ n9 ,(I bout :5 m i n utes,


TOp,Silive,r: 8 oz., :$1' e'l E;m p'"ir,e' M,anufa,tttJjri~ngll' 8'fnl .. ,70 0, ... 5,8213" e1m'p"!lnemf'QJ:a)ml,.

,Bloeslllh! Id. Ros't Fife,!:: ,8 02, ~I $~ 111 PMIS ProdlUJ.c~s!1 800, .. '962-,1732" Ib oesh jle,ldl.,com,"

Iloestd:e lid 'f -'9~ 12 'OlZi.!! $14" P"M S; Pnldll cts, 800·-962-1732:, boe,sh ie:ld .. c om",

'5 .. ··· '~l •• '


y HI

• PL

AbaDla'al, OdDrl ••• • IIDR IIr •• ay

Ba, today. find 8Ior. n_r ,.. .IKaallaaCDDlpaIIJ.CaDl

1-800-275-2718 20lO~O'K~m{aCompany

Large Deer 48" tall WP'"OFS-l003 513 .. 95 MedfSmaU Deer 4811 and g" tall Wp·QFS-l018 $1~+95



ID" '0' n't b e" afraid h e's t- Ir':.;iin·· ed

_).1_ '!i,..'-' ,~_ f~_ _.,~'''''i' .," I,: ':;;'1 .' _-Ui~_J -,'_"




I· ~ h d f I·' f th

t's t ",12 111os'1 wonc er .ur time '0:,' t "e

','';'';·I·IO:·'·','h'' who .... " .. ~I""'I~I('~I'I'? M>··I··'· yean ... "'1 w .0 am JWdluulng,.,. ore

Iike the 'busiest. and most stressful

tl .. f' the '"' . ,,' 'T--' 1 -'I -' . 'S" hool

nne 0 I~ ,._,e year, .. rave ' Pl3J ns, ',·c: ,,00,

recitals. a.·' "1Il" ft shopp .. dng .. - -, ~t' I"", '~-n, " O'IU: O1"h to ••

I6-~JIl.IL!l,.;iIl,,~,i.Ji.,. n Wi " V ., :.:~ _. . i.l ~" - . -)Or ~.

make you, want to forget th,€; ho ldays and go h 'id,e in the corner,

Por us woodworkers, the pressure rat chets up even mo re rt end I J[" o:li, nd

'rA ~ .~I ,Jl l~'" ~lji~·~.1 " L ,: :, .' "~~:Ii! Ib~' .: .. _IJ ~_~, : .. , "j

relatives drop' hints about receiv lng something specia] from 'your shop"

A· . , b )d' A-'" f' A

,- 'I . '. .',','. 'r"', . " ',' -.': -, ", ,- ',' ' , '

, .cutting noan ". '" picture "ra"m,ie;; -:"

Chippendale highboy witb hand-

d "0' 1'1' d' .~. f-- b dl

' ':' 'v' ,c , ,:~ 1 -ar ,- ',_, , -e- '~' ", ,-' I:, ',.- ',~ , ',: iW' .

cars e na ,_D., C aw eet .. - rass _,ra,._ er

pulls and ,a, flawless Prench polish .. ~.'

After many years of offerlng=and being vo unteered=to build holiday gifts .. , I otfer the three most. lrnportant gi fti ng ru Ies ,:

1 Start earls: Every .calendar has the holiday

d ate e '1'¥"i1 ':il, rke ·di '0'0 th 'em' S:: o why

_ iiPII,i_ .. .:.._ ~I .:I.,l,~!i;JIJ. ";:~\'_" ," .~~ ".j ~.' ~'~'_i! .... ,: ... _ .. ': _~_," .. '

do we often find. ourselves sweating the Iast details (or whether the finish 'wum actually be dry) mere 'hO'UIS b efore the gifts are to 'be given?

Instead, Ilnd gift plans and gather all ,0- ,f' th e C'U' 'IIfl1'n'l ,; Gi.e 'w, vell l' n 'ad' v ance=no

"', '.J', y,t--,!I.~"'"'''''. 'l,...JIi, .. '/' , . ,~ ,'!;u.'!i..- . ."

later than mld-November=and set mtlestone sfor yourseh to keep the

.. 'k

pro', ects on. trac ' ~


~ '." ~~

__ ~I " -i.,l 1:1

~., ],'.~I

~fI;,I~ . J' .a' I;

:{. ~ .' ..,,' I,~ __ 'f-- ...... '"::,I.

.'11"; :.L~'

, ... ~ 1," , .. ,~~" ~!"'~'!"'-"

,_; u.r: r _~r~

." ol\ .... I

.~ - ~ ... - -:.0 ~.1

2- B'·uild it smaIJ,~ Every

......",_ ..... ' I sUlnm~eri I picture myself

bufldmg btg holiday presents and saying, "Oh, it was nothing,' as 'the redplents lliiterally leap with jOly .. The reality is ;d,wa.ys quite: d,w,ffere,n,jtt., Lite the 'ye,aJJf' I lbu,Ht a, Idomm cradle :ior Iny ill,om .. on~y' to .fInd .it 'W'aJS


': \1

Un Iles:s; "cutJ ~'vle' su (,~e!ssfrull y 'tlriied the tricky S(lro Ills awiingl WOOD' r~aldl@ If IDon $,t;otts used 'to ~'cl!.lllfl JW ,the 'W'O 0 den rilbbcNIl

,on, t:hls '9 ilf~: bo,x; don't attte'M'prt iit unde,!1' a ti:rne eru Ii'H:h"



! I




! l



! I


~ !

i Whlill,e Im'a k~n,g thls p,llay tabl'e for' hils nelP hew [.',' '1"1 elr:" the S!h op Mlon ke:y' had 'to w1olrk.througlh

a serious cold 1:0 meet hi's h,olliiday deadilliinell


~ [









I i




too large ';'0 carry on the plane, and too

• ~ 'iiJ.... •

if'XpenS1V€ to s,~:J]P'.

B,JI5J;.l.o· ire y",'t"'IIIU'1 rn sta rt "Ji, gi ft· ';('""0" mp o:;iI'iW",Cfi, it if':

"",,1.1 ... ,,,,", . ul, , .;;Ii,11L ,_ .Iu. H, ,', : . "j "'-",.' II,u r, III.,i!.;,.. , . .:Ii

finished dimensions to the sizes of flat-rate shipping boxes." Although this ill:mm,ilts pro] ect size, it saves a lot of' hassle when sending those items on their

3 Stick to flte kn,.)wn~,

, _ I Wan,na impress relatives

{and 'build skills) 'with, some fancy 'j ornery you Jive never tried before? Thls probably Isn't the time, It may' seem, like just a simple twist on a classic joint, but can put yo'u in a serious time jam, And wlth all tile other

com : rrn .' ,'"t· m' . "e'ln4fe ·d, . -1ii',:' 'n° .g' th,e h' "o:m ~,~·avs··

LV" 1.... " '_' ~.;:!!'c .U,JIll "f" "I" '" I·.d,u, ',),. ,.,.~

M, ',' d":""""~' ~'~ b"'1 ,'~,., I '. ,- t--c"( "d' _'.' :,"d:i - y a. . V1.ce" ..If'a.!l.!11. .ac,~ on, . n.e.· , an.· ,

~ . ,. '. t- h· .' d" 'f"'" ' .. ' .... ' . t- ,'II., " , 1 ", " .','

f: I~,ru,e ,me ,'0. " ,S,. , a, pro,~eci I pi,a.n, lW's'es new

= ,

The Sh op Mlonllkiey actua ~ 1]1 eXIpe,c.tedi to' tr lJJ'/Ie,11 VII lth ttl iis dol I erad lie as (iilrlry",o n balQlgalgle Ion ilni ,a'i'rlplalne one 'yeialr~

techniques .. simpli fy it with a lli,ess

coo'np' '-I' i:"' ated ml etho A 0'" nl1""l1i ~I ~D ':i

i' __ " .. '_l~~,ll" '=""_:~ __ ' ','u; ;1 ,~, _ (;!i..ltt\)I;"" ~~,

dtff . ifta h

'1 ferent gr .t a" togetr er,

Plnally, rememb er that building hoUd.3JY,: ~ifts for others is a labor of

,. J~

love, It I s not the pro] ect i tse l:f that

m" . at t a r'(" b - 'I*" ill- he ti m' a talen t an' d ca iii'\i!Ji1 :, , i" ,lib: 'j'1U1U. IILI' ,~, ' 11.1 ,1:~~:.1: ',~' '.~, ,:- :~,~

put mto :~t that will.always show how much you care about the reciplent.

And isn't that what the holtd ~y' s are

' •. ' " . - .!. '_'" --:. - - - - - ,=' - '- '-' .'~ . '--" - . -- "_- ',,' .. -- .

all about? '_ -

'Th'f' ~ ,ShO,'P' 1l1!~~~ ~~ Mon'k;e'y

(aka' ro'm ~OVjl1lO of' 'Tom,pal Fla,) btogs proiiliro.lly at w{)Odmaguline.', ooml5h opmonkey;,

Ne'··· -W'" 41/ 0" 'd' e .. ,'

.; I .: '. '. . ..' ...

, .. ~.·,.,.:,.·.I ':.1. _ .. ~.

I'IN MultiMaster - op Plus

With 40% more power than the competition and a soft griip handle, the new MultiiM'aster uses, a broad assortment ot accessory blades to handle hundreds of previously manual tasks, The Mlulti'Maslter doesn't rotate lor orbit rlke other power tools.The secret? It oscillates ~ FA,S'T:~


Inc' 'Iudes' 0' ver

.. ,.', '.. I.·-C I· .

I I '.' . . ... ' .) ..... . '" ....

$-5-:6··~·· .* I A' ce 'e'" "S' ······S"IO· . r '·llec_···s······

.' .. -,.~. '.' _:_." _: .:: _._:_ ..

• 250~Watt Var[Jable Spe'ed 1(1 1 ;OOO=20,tJOO OPM)

• Quick1ln™ Quil,clk""Action ,System for

Too 1= Fr,e,e Aceessory Changl1e

• 4100/0 MOF,e Powler

• Dust Extract~on Syste,m

• .soft G ri: p for Op eratrr Co mfort

*If individual! accesseriee pu Ire has ad s eparate y i

~ 1WI01 P

. ~

- -

Why it pays to _ ~_ = - . -_

- -- . -

certainty .. In comparison, wie'd. have no such. reservations with the second sheet,

One ~dtern,ative to tr ad'iti,onal veneer -core

P~'v WOru0l;..J1 com k~ n ~,t ~~, 00- ne pl!y !l'li>~OO" d at r\;(J:h~ (11'1' ' .. ,_~lu~ljl JW ,UJl.,' (I. la,Utl,Ij'!!!',. ,~. ':'1:' -"lV' .. ', '. J. I~ . l~OI .. 1.,

ellm "nates, worries about lneonslstency and flatness by retaining the three center veneer plies and replactng the outer 'plies with me'dl~.m density,

ffb erboa rd. (MD.F)" The MO']? provides a smooth. and flat surface tmmediately below the veneer fa.ce s,



Face facts

As stron g ~I" pl11y ".-.1\00' d t~ 'il'~1 cit I be on tho i!], ,il n J1" cia It must

.1) oJi,;y ... ·.: U.:II. .II . ,,''''. ' .I.,U.U d : ~ .. 1,,~. . ··IIb.l. . J. . ,"""I It . .Il.Ia!~ .:1,1

also he' pretty on the outside. Plywood grading, as much aesthetic' art as science, designates one face as the front and one as the back; gtad.ilng is on separate scales, Most domestic hardwood plywood manufacturers US€ the Hardwood Plywood and Ve;n,le'el Association's (HPVA) volu.nta'ry standards .co - a -ad '! n. 0" Th'e front face "- - AI sed for uni £.0 om' "t w :It.~ I' tir :t!.."'O" , .. _"" ,'v" ,I,' !i._-:L.iP JlIY6~_' mr i .lJlf,:., l:j

of color and consistency 'qJ gl·atn.,. receives an ,AAJ

A B•· C D' '0" E· t{JI~,dQ;" see chart o 't'1ll next pna;e' For to he

I' 'I .. I' r > .. o·1!i.:lII 1I",.1- ...... ~ .I.~.. . ... , ... IIIII'·!i.r'''''''. ~O"., ,r' .... 'Jl .. '\;..

b - ck - 'fa' r'e the g -- ~- de .. ~ A o:::.iS , enated 1 ..., 3-' o· AI 'i·",:·'"t-·h

a ..... _,-, 's I~= ~ ,-Ja. .-~ 1"0) u~ .,,0.' ~.l:-'lC' I !~I' ." ··.r "'m,1t; ,",vI. '.-

:n;~18p .. cnvel y less-restncnve allow a .. ces 'for defects

d "'

,2Ul :re'pai.IS .

Unless you need ultra-high-end (and high .. cost) AA-"gratd.€~, hardwood plywood, stick with A.1, ·A2~ ,B I,. er :82 for furnrt ure or cabinets with. vist ble Iaces ~ RaJely 'will a hardwood plywood dealer car.ry more than ,8 hand' '1.11 ot· gr ade,s. Il.ather~ a.t a well-stocked de·aletj' you'll find a selection consisting at a

d id (G2- S»· d h A- 1 I

. ,. "_. .. . , ' , ..... , '. .. .... .' .... " .. - .'.: I· .

goo: _ -on-two-sides n '. gra e" .glUe" 8;$, ,; a, ong=

'"."J. . .. 1· ~ . . .., r "Id' I"" .... " -h ... B2: ·,·,ct "'.: .. , ltir 1

Slue a, . esser ,gI3L.Jt:J, sue as '.~ OJ.. e .1 In ID.U up if!

species. Agood-on-one-slde ('G'lS) grade .. , 'like A4~ might also be on hand, but retailers often only stock this, in, iAI~ :101" case backs .. Locally, we found :~'I! Al red oak. plywood fOf' $70 per sheet, B2, for' ~ 6'0 . ;..::I 1.f II A' 4 ,~- ~ 3 s: ~- .'1 anY:l4 .'.: Jior ~PIU"

As you shop, keep in min.d that softwood pl.m'ywood. £p:r industria land construction U Sf! is, graded under a different system, 'with a two-letter graGle-AB" Bel CDI etc=-along wttth an exposure rating. You often. can ,find both the hardwood and softwood grading systems directly across the aisle from each other at the home center, so don't mlx up the two ..


'Most domestic manufacturers stamp the grade

directly on the plywood edge, but tncreasingly foreign plywood. comes without such a 'Stamp~ Confusing the matter further, many retal .,eIS, prefer I

I .

to 'use' marketing terms such as "cabinet gra.d~i tl' •

I'(furru.tu re g:nJde,!" or II s:'a i:n grade/" W ~hen in doubt, e,xpiain your project tO,YOUI' plywood a:n,d Ie him s:t1eer you. to the :proJP@'r grade for yOU'f a,pplicBJ-


Is Jt yourimag~na.t~,on ~or · s ~9.Q,od

"._ -: rii'l:lWO- ······0· . d net t:II'lK\g- '_~-r-!.lle·"'-r to fln d? N···· 0' ··t''=

.... "~~- ~':Il --'---' ~-~'- 11111:_ 1·1_u.- ~=, - -_:_/ _~I' _:__,~- _I_'~ It

if ~ou shop sm~rtlly .. Armed W!t~ these . ~b:-.~y~·ng' ti-~'::S'~ yo--/II sort the stack like a

_ U ... J- _. _ ./ '. U _.. _-. _ _ ._ _ _< ._

~ . ," . ~ ~

pm to pick t~le perfect pJyw60d for -.

.. - • ~f ....... . ....

Y- ~'O' '1111~lllr-' next p roiect, - ,

.. ': .... _. ~- -.~. _".~ - _. J~:!'_"'J.I~ ill ;.. _~ -- ...



Ilt,'s wlla, , ',1,da:..'tha,Y-matt,e,r,s,

- ~

When evaluating a, shee~·o-f.p1y·wood, start 1by ~

lookIng at its E!,dge., :rhi~ veneers of wO~c1']r ,gbJ.! ~tt Jltl,ltl· pressed. with cJX)5$~ng gratn tHtecfions- -

, '

transtorm h umble COle 'W9ad~ into-sheets that are '"

·w'·'d,eI, flatter, and,' more di.(aeQ.sionaiiy· sta.ble than , ~

an.yfhing· fau.nd i:nna.tul~~". But modein P~Y'W90d '" ': ' . ma,nufat:turi"n<~.r es;~pedalJY' overseas, has shifted

, -' from biIcn-ionl y. cDles to other often-i.nfe~i1o[' w.(JQdS,

itt the expense ',Olf core quality and :stability., .

When el(I.:mining ,p:[y~J)d, ask Y'0urStel{:::.D€' the layers stra i}g,ht1 of 1J' eonslstent tJiick.nes~" and Ire e 100f large voids l' IrIegidari.tites in the eore v'en.t~~er~ can telegraph through t:_o the ihin fa,c,e. veneer and ... ·br,oa.dc3st fh,€ mselves du~i·~g go. rid'in) and fini's};~lng~ ~

Sight atong t he.edge tlQ eheek the sheet's straight ... ,'" " \ ness, A b0W indicates unevenly dried core m.a.t@Fia.1 that only wcups more, as €bttin;g the sheet re1eases~,

- ......

- i nterna 1 tension.". .

~ ....

Although the I3-ply construction of the leftmost

sample is m'Q'I~: r(1'I~tv'i:ng of he oVeIlir.ppirig core lay'ef:S and voids iha'" standard i-ply sheets [PhotQ A~ next p'age]~, .!h.e defects in this s'betet aJif< severe enough to t~legl'a,ph 11$ an iUldulailRgi,ace" es:pe(jj_ally with a gJossy',sh~ TIle supeTtllm face· 'veneers,i' around. ~I5Q~I~ 'woubil m.a·ke sand-through dif:fic', to avoj~, anti crOSs .. ,cU't :splin:tl€'ring a n.!ear

Manulfa,ctur'e rs iof A,l , .. ·graded pJywood d.on't :s;lldm 1" on th@ corlE! m,ate riall 5" lih'":5 ha,n:iwD,odas,t,o'I"@=ib'Dught 'sih@@,1t

h ,i' - I .oJ II ,',

a,s (,OnSllst,ent u ev-,en core 'u'en,eers ,arh;'lI a p'-.~alrls;.awn~

~,- ~ ..,. - . ~. J1. - ~ ~ - . . . ~ - .~ -. -~ - ~. ~ .. - ~. ....~ - .. '

$11 iJIP,,.,maJtth ed face~ The. :p;ll'ic,e,~ S;Qi% CoS],t -;1 er' til a,11iI (,31,s j'e~f¢, iis

jU5,ffi'ed ~Dr pnJj'ect:s tt1i,at dlij,spllay' both falC,E!'S"


· ..... 10



- - - - - -- ---_ - - - - ~

Front-· 'bce 'glra,de




I( n IE

'-1 --' f '-

IGJa~m=m atrhe d '~~K~= vernlee:r pi eces show llliiinl,e o:m! b~~welen p,i,e.(E'5" D~'fe[ts.; 'if IP resent at .aU, !are' nelaJ~~y' unn!otlo:~a ble Often spe'ci.alil-mtiered for h~·gh=!e.mld a nh lteennal

in sta IlaJ'~~ioIlS.,

E~~el~l~el1~t: fo~' ~urn:itulrel,

- d dt

,~":---I:~ .-: I ,".-;: . '--. " -,.'::- . 1-- '~"

A,~ glr-al ,e, aces, are

:si'mi~~la r to AA iin qlu(I,1 ity" ,A,my IllealYf!s, ~I[,e' spl iced for-,~ IP,lleas,j ngl b~end I n 91 I~]if g rai~n and (n~lor~ Min I]lr bUI~lls, (1ind ph~1 ,krlliots ('Ji~~ ,aJllllllowed lb ut un (om man,

B 'is al~lso usefu I ~@:r vi:s.ibl,e 'falces of furl" itur,e and ca b~inf~s,~, but wi II~ often dislpl,ay d I!,fe(~s, rha r,ade' of~he

f.-::iI·CE,·1i1,one· ers ('1iIl,O(i~e(:

al . >'. '''~UII:.· ~ '.' .J.~~ ~ , IJ . "~\Ii

Re5Ipeaijive]y~.I,arger deft: cts; ~o:~or val~iiaUo ns, 1~llnd relp\~~iF5 an~ ali lorwed.r but the gra dle' ls sou nd. these 9 rades sheu Id be used w'he,1"€ '~b~ falcle w~ill be paiimlted, or hMlden laJllrtog,etlher~

Badk'face grade




W'rii~ re r1I by:: Lucas Pete"

(0 lor y,ilr:iatiorn s a md

tig hm-Ikn O'~S a re aU owe dj 10 u~ d1efecms Imlust be,

f II ed or re:plaJilred. ,A, grade=" ~a,(k Is.

a pp m:xi mate,~y leqult:l~1 tlO a Cor D' face,

(IOIII@:r v,Jlr'iati,oJlS a rre

[n,olt ta ken i mo a,(COlltnt. M,aJy (on1!a in sound Ikno~s of ~~~ss thaln 3Au 'i[" diameter.

KnO'~ hlo lies IU Pi '~O 1 U in dla m eter permltte d.

Ail lows, m,aJm1Y open

dIO'~e' ··(-~S· ~~ r use 'W' here

~IUI ru .·11, Ifilu. ." _ .. ~ . III . I! .

th e' back wi'! I he h~dden.

tion, But no matter the grader's [udgmen - I check both falces to make sure they m ake yOU1" grade, Much II.· ke hi' "!i. rd ''I'''J\O' o sd hard W"IQ- d plywood comes

. .LI.L." . .Ill., , c:L.' 'YY" .' . 'J' ,)0 .. ,u. . ..... ..) . u .... lILY,}, i!L;,;:;!,

in. platn-sliced, rtftsawn, and quarter cuts, But unllke hardwood, face veneer can also be rotaryslieed, a method in whtch the' veneer is. peeled off spinning logs, like a, IOU. of toilet paper. This, produces an unnatural, 'wild.E;I' swooping grain. pattern [IPhoto, I!H .. 'but ge n erally 'yilleld~ the 'most

- f' h , , - _. - h (1- duci h

". . I ~ I. I' ~ .... ' I .' " - 'J I' .. .. ' , I . 'i' 11'""", . • ': I" .'. I .a . . . . ~

ven.eer 0 . t "e eu tt~,ng .m,et . ;O.:__ S,1' pro· _ UCI n.g tl €

Ieast-expenstve sheet,

FOI' non-rotary-cut face veneers, look, for the glue-up pattern where the face veneers are matched on the plywood core, as you might match veneers

on VOU' ~ o wn 'pen']" ect [Ph ""'0-- C' a- 'n- d D] i-

J _.,1 ,i···· ._.' '_ .1. :" /V"V:: . -u:·~· -, .1'· - ull.l .. : "'. . '.. .: III T

I(,o,m binaltfi.!l n-oore pll',V!l'oods, CD,m bilne ttl e best. qua lii'tie's, 1Of' VI nENe'r=(Ore p~y'w,o,od ('Ir'j gl~d iil:y' ,lain d! :s,crew~'h o,lld i:n 91 :1' o,we r) wiith M D F=[CU"1i products [su rface f,at:ne,ss and dlii menstonal COinS j ste n(','J into a fu rnU:1lJ re-frie nd II)" sheet.

F,a,ce yen eer

Th kk fa ce ven eers of an) und ,~,~;ij~1 he I p compe nsate for any Yo,iid:s, o r 'tlhij1clk:n ess iJ nconsi ste ncles j'n tl'iH:~; (Dire 'lienee rs,

n~*r'§!Oi!"\i=,""illi* 'i,r~n'~ eal"'" 'o·,~-,ft::-:~If1'---' nliii' ..... d-I-U-Feiif! §!on u'"b- '1i'\"I'.·~n -11~,yniil -hf:' ilfon'-D"""lr:

1i"!!.'V'!!!'~!I,I'-,,","~I" 'II~ _ _lc",""! -::_'_'_""' __ IIr~V -""~'" '~!II! _:_,IJII_ .. ! 1I;;i!'1\,~1~ _;pi.,'''iiO!1 '!Y!"_, '~'~_ ~~_

ac ross an IfH,tiin2' sheet of' IP I'y-wood thet can Iloolk. un n,art ura I"

Illn a sll ~IP ~·maJt(hed f:alce~ SUJbs 9'q u ent p1ie,c:es, 0" ''len esr ,'r,o m ,the log 181 re "sl i p,p@d~' out :!ikh!,·,by'~sii d@ to fO,Fm 2j, IF@'pl@ating 'g r iii III paltt@'rnli


• 511· AP ,3 S'IIDE5 IN 1 PA,SS!'

,NEW 3,~Sjrle .0,I"ing Sirstem tu rns Ylour Wood ml~lte'r Ii n~o a POWEiR:IFUIL :3-S, DE MOLDER that: eli,m:ientlly· & ,AFfOIR,DAIBlY CllJjts T &G noo ri ng, pa.n el iill'il,g:i' ,&rifUllre;!'


. reat - deas for YOlurSho ,


Overhead deanup when a

- .. - . I

straiqht fence just won't do

h e"'n' yo' - - ~- iO; temp r-l "lJ..f,..i!Ji n'-

.:._, ..I.: iLl.r!l;;.. II!,.," ... , .I. 'tH.":'" 'V'.f

freeha nd routing, a. fencemounted dust port does no good. So for those sltuat ions, load. of Sipesville, Pennsylvania, de st gned to, h I" o 'd' I·u st h o 0" d To' d ~ d C '.lil11C'

~'.j i~ --... ,(... I '1 ,', 'f~ !,_" _ ]i!h.JlIljl, .1'. I: <. !i! ",::,.: _ ! _' di[~I).·: jll~

"It can be mounted anywhere (In the table, and is secured at a. st ngte pot nt

1"'0" Tstrack €"Ioi"'o it easily pi ots to th ,II5i,

, I, ,,_I ,(;I, . JI11r.,.,;JIV : c '~":U:', . _ ' v ,oJ; Ill·· IL '\.,.,

'be s t positlon ."

To make your own, 'US-'f: :~hil plywood and .. '~oU.ow the Illustrations. If you, don't have T=t.r,ack in. 'y!Qur router table, simply drtll a pivot 'hole, o:r two in you r router' 'top- to accept the pivot bolt.

, " '

A-W 1- «(1-

: ... :,' : "I. ,,!;j I __ I' .. '_ .":. . ._ " !. I . I 'J,. '-: i -_i • .~ .~':. -.' .•.•. '.' 1:' "":. I

. ..,$OJ' se ect a, connector twe use __ a,

PV'C fttting) to fit your dust-col 1 ection 1'1' :0·"1 ~)Q A'," nd c 'ut ":IIn'- a pproprl '=li1*,:t:;;i;,_,C'~ ze d'

JL ", "~'-'lll " , ' . I!UIL U, . ~I' l~ . " _~ . ·"l1W~~ J l~

h -. '1- ", - ··h'- .- h -- AI t . '. f-- -. --, ti - 'l\- t ~'i oj. .' -'f-

o e' In I~ e "OOu, op or a, . g.n. nt 0'1

the connector, If the, connector doesn't fit tightly .. epoxy' fut In place.f '

HO'·"':"O":'D': T'O .. ··-p .. ·

-,_., ...... ' _. _,' _' ,":_"

PVC male adapter

(Se'llect ill flltt~:ng to 'fit yn[~Jr hose or connector . ..)


'1.1 011 - - Iu..., - -

,~1'~' w,aSllrler

, 5111.-



<., ····3,~n hole R 3~ -'I''''r: rY--::'~4""'-------___""'-----:;;;·'-"""·.{H(]!le to fi-t 'Y1QUr- hose,

i=, " ,2 i 0 r corn niecto:r)

I!.---".;--'~" '""-4, ~,~ ,_;., • _~ g ,., .. ., -L-

... ~ 3'h"


. ,~~

..... _~r.:olr-'l-

. _" r. Ir'"

:. -'11:""--


Find more shop orqanlzer plans at wood


..... 'feel 'your pain., lry~'ng to make an aoourate ImortiSei ,and tenon joint, withorLt ,spend~ng an ann end s, leg on an expensirve end elaoomJte ,jrg setup Icsn [rea~ ~y ~g~veJ you a headache, But now Generall has deve[~oped 'the relmedy~ Our new IE·Z Pro, Mor1i:se & lenon Jig lets, you CUi~ a Imaticl1ingl mortise and te,~ an with B, sil~gle j~:g lright out of the, IOO\K~1 Just ,add a, IPIU nge router

und ·S·;flr' V:o·~ I~illl be m ~'k'I[rt1gI1J}~ 3f-!~ or '1/'-:Ii.i' m'''·o' ,1"iIf"I'i:'oe··C!' &- tenons 'itl,_ 'It~.~ I:U ~ 1U. I _'a' 11111, ",4·, -, 8, IV_ ,2 ,: _,.n ,j,;~~-,:.:'~II!lv~1 ~~~

!1·lrii n '0·' ':t!lm·" 0 a ·-n"·d·" lool!lng'j m' .... uch h#ii,*e·'··r' Andl[ ''iJt1~II~ ·d·Jlo'-n!ll*l-ne'e' "d' a

I1II1 I, u_,ti' __ ~lb'~L~!' ,I_.IV uta[l.:" c,~~~_,' Ivu,> __ I~ __. ,-_

pre,scnpIUon~, our new' j~lg ~s 9,vaU,able over th,e' oounEr 'for under .$'1 00.. RUg1ged~~' made, from bardened a~ircraft,,~glrade' alu mli rnm, G!ene.raill's MI&'T Jliig is dejs!~glned 'for years of reliable :serv~oe and pro~des long~-Ia~g millief.

Works 'way baiter than asp~rin!

I:':o·.··tr'm- -0- ilt'le~ "in" ~'~'a;[t'~D-ln-1 0- ·n· G-'e-Lr1j~.a"I-'s·" ,1J·-·'le~,-'w·.I,li·o··-.rt- .is····~e:1 .& ... t. '"I:"n1n--,0-n-, J-,"ig- a-;··n-d.·-' :'h~'-e~,' tf.tll~t"' o-If·· IO-U'·· r ~·Z'~ P:·!'~D-,·f;n:-le~: 0-:',·

r~, " \I ~_ , ,,'U,I [f,IU __ II ,_" . _ \I,"~ t- ... ' , ., ~rli _I. _. . _,''- _ ' _,__ .&1_ I' '~'. '. _, 1;' " I ~_ I,ll ,. _'

innovative wood joi:n,in,g jigs:, visit wwwlgeneraltool,sllc'om/jo~nl~pa ln II

Its ,yourjob- Gen,eral Tools, ,make it ,easier~

I _:B._EAJ)£~ ,l?aQIE:€)[~ ,

I: -=- - - _ "':.. -_: _.

M', t-·- .:~ -I-II-'~I ,3,/;}11 red i"IIi~~" oar tlal sheets , ' ,aerl,il SIO,:14 ~"" 'l,!!!£.;III\'i :li""oU ~liU ,;),nll,;;;,'t; ,;)

,n,it .~! ~i .~ IIf'II d - 11 iii pli'vW- - -Olri'"'ii d -.-

U,U 7~' '1ir!!J~! ~_ 14~J' -e- _ vv -. ~

[P,'OI,I-le,'T HICHI Ir'CH'TS .1 Over,al~l~ di m'e nslo ns::

3,' Yl'" willde x 116,11 de e P' x, 20 II h~igllh,"

• Slidlhl,gl tray keeps smaller tOI}'S, from b ~in-gi~' b ,u- ri ~d;c,- ,

'Ir _ _ , _ _ _ 1Ir .. _ !!!

Torsion hlnqes help prevent. pi nched f n qers ,aln d: ather a cddents,

eader BHl Nolan, . rig.l1ft of Dies Moines,

.. Iowa, designed this rugged box with solid, .. wood parts 'So ru,t 'would handle kids scooping' toys from it fo:r generations to come, And because hie: chose sirnple screw-together joinery, you'll have this,

to' "IY,' , ,rO-·'~1 'l,iIl:iir-frl' ..... r bu I"' lt -- ,q'.' ukker t han ~I:~ 'I" di 1[" m "Ji ke

. . ~'.: ~ . .w,Ji~'!b-llku . _ ' t, . ~ . I .w.~J.\:~ (,oil ,,0 l\~ - ,i.J ~l " ~I!u,

messes, Blelow~ Bill walks you, through the' process, sharing some of his 'best tips.

t~5 'How~d he do iit'?' t,i'm'e

1 ;~:~~~~~(l)~~:~:~:da~:c~(~tsa~~


;,~,~~~~~~;i;:~i=t!:~~F!~~: :~:-,-

appearance, ill look for straight-gralned stock, even ripping narrow lengths of straight grain from wider 'boards. The joint lines blend together, and the gluedup pane looks Uke one, wide board. After the glue dries, sand the panels .,-,-- '1-:' ·t' h" -.- ,- id '- '1'" t "it'h--' " '-.'. - ,'--'_',.-- t --'. ",-" . ", -', 'C'-'l t th -', smoo, , ilIon, CU.- . i.'e parl~~$ ,.0 ,slzem . U: I ,e

cleats (Do) to size, then set the front,

b k'A d- 1 t- ld

.,al'C~,:~, mU'f an _ c ea s asiae,

20--':",n, an end ('A- 'i d -~,'i" ,t. 'hi b, sh apes of

"', - ~,~" ~ ";,,,:_, ,,;..:J'! .'·_['UW Il __ , ..... ;;,.,_a,I~>;;I! ! , ,

the handle slot, bottom, and, tapers

::;::;:s \.':;::l'a'!:::. ~~! ~~!~-,-

,graino of oak pulls my pencil point away

f·' ,- , ,- < - ~i ,- M-" ~I,.," - . t ,- " I - , "d' "

• rom a r uier ~ ',' , JaJ.sK [,ng ape PfiOVL e s a

sruoorh layout surface-and reduces ch"'P'-01It later when drilling and, sawing,

3,' M": rk th . - t· -- de th . t . -- h .-.

, .. ,' ,,-\' ar·,c:_e 'oe'n_eI 'Olll',-_;.e i_-OP arc_I .. _ ,on,

. '.,' I ",' .-',,,'- - I" I ',' -," "I .......'._ ,-' ': "', .'. - -, --: .. '_ , I, " ..... '. ,"" -,:, "' r ( ~',

. r an end (AJi 10 create 1aJ. smooth curve,

flex a th in sera p as a fainng stick" and ,d'," lj".Jii,W th ,Q arch between the ~W'O,'~', 3'-a1~ radli

_~~ _ "\ ~~ _._~~~., . ~t. _ ~~!Ir~~ I~ 'II;: l~ _ 7~ .u_

[Ph'Dto B]", (See M,D,rm R:@sOUlrc@,Si, 0:0. page.39 for information about making and 'using a fairing s ttck)

(I amp a falii ril n'g st'i ck to t:tii,(!, end (A)i at 'the celnitelr ma rk,; Th,enl ben d ttl e sticlk Bit th e end ~ to me et the ci reles at lh@, comers.






strai'g htedge

.. 1&1




: -~- ,.- LoGa,~'~o'ns , ... ~_"- ~,

I: ,t. ·@'D····I

.~"".......~~ r~-. QI part 1··.·.. '.' .. ~, L

-t'_"'-_ - I I

I ~ I --.II

I .. ~, l _~.. I

I ~ ~ i

J~:r ~ @1

"~--~----,,-....._,_~ - ~ - --


I r

i ~ i i

" (---

~-''1I!'U ,_- __

l '


Stiut. ng from ,a ~V:er h o,e' Ii 1m 'the ha nd lie slot 'Wi3lst)f!' a rea r j.i glSaJW ttl eo ha n.djh~' shalP e' be,tween the ¥41HI Ihoh~~',s frornlli n'g the 'c:o rner~",

4:Defh],e the 'OOIneIS, of each handle _ slot by drilling ]AU holes [ID'raiwing 1: a] '. I'('S': "',~\e' ,th," 'e'- (!h~n 'fiil'IP-" b lJ ~'I'1~ijJji to m ''li k e" a c'm rn p,'ile

'. -_.!!.;,.. ".: '" _~ ~''V1r' I ,_'L '- V ~~t" .' . _ ,.J _. ,n.·_ ,_ ,J!',W" , ,I, . ,11 .~

di lllln ."," -) ·""h - d ,,- 'ilI1' ~t..n . ,t, rte . hi .-'~

,11 1 ng l~g" ,IL. I en:- .r ~,I a. 7~, s, ar iff . , Ol!.e

[Photo, C]' and, using a l~g;s.a;'.w with a 20~tpi blade, cut out the handle slot.

W --ap of'"'], ndp 'lIIP e -- "1Ii -0 - - n' d .~£" n an d' 'lL II' dow r _' ' .;>.U:lIi:" _ , d,", r (i:[! U' 1,1,), 71$ ::, 1.1_, J(4 _"'"

ellis to smooth the handle opening up to 220 grlt, The n adhere sandpaper to, an M:D'F scrap and sand, the tapers smooth

[[II!'I':h' .. ·-t- .. ', D'·;] Repeat for the othe j" end

IF 10 -0 -,I' ,_'I.;,., _1Io.:.~~11l- ]1:,_ .L. ,_" ..... "_',1 ""-,r ..... " -~

5R ·,t tev t-'h"" froi t nd 'l~ ·....,,:1,., lB') dl . '. e ,r I.e .... e: .' e von, an" _' uaJ.'L.1\. I~. '" a.n,·_

apply masking tape 'to their bottom edges and, t he top ledge of the front, -M' ." k t h f.' t [D ~ ""]'" iust I,: a.r .. i ,e ICU,~OUi_S . ···.raw'il1lg £ t ]I,gsa:w JUS;'

"':' it .. '·,;AI,··, th - lll'" 'r' -': .. , ',1 dl sand iii th . '~I·' .,-

otr sioe . ae JJlneS'J' anc sane a ie nnes

Then rout ",f! round-overs on t111e; front, back, and ends (A)wh,le'Ie shown [Draw'~ iings 2 and 3]["

6',G,]I'Ul' ,Q and clamp the 'b·IOI'~'f.'OI' m cleats

.' .Dl 11;,.." " !Ji...lIl. ... ,. .. I .. ,.Ok '. II. U·' ',.' .,'!i..,ltiII,IL.J;

I (DI) in posi tlon on the front and back {B) [IDr,.wi:ngl 3,]" Sand the front; back, an dl e n id off' lA-'1 to 2: '2~"O' ',. Ig':' .-0 "ti

(;]: "," " ,-~, "t.: ; 1 '- .' - c ·Il .

NI,o'w bUli'ld the bOlx

Layout th,l€, counterbore Iocanons o:n each, end, (A) [D'ra'wi'ngi 3] but don't drl 11. them yet. Rest the front and back r( IS) an I'! spacers and clamp them to one

1 _

-'~~;!.(I~ ~:!t~S: ~~~~~s ~~i:s:i;:r

the front and back, I Icut two lx18u strips from ~jl!-fllic'k MD and. double-facedtape them to the' ends (,A) flush with the edges [Plhoto E]" Drill counterbored pilot holes. and countersinks in, the end and screw ii to the front: and back, (If your panels warp slightly; see the :SlholP TilP on ,p~ge' 3,8' f01E' a, solu tion m)

(urto,u't centered on front@ ,onll:y

.30:1' J - : .... 1

'II '2'-", Ii /'

!'!iiII!1~!I-_-~ _- __ - __ - __ -_- __ - __ -_ ,_,,~ _~ __ -,~,_- __ -_,- __ - __ -,,_,_-_- __ -,,_,,- __ __,._:~~_, il- I . _





To s a nd the, fu II thkkn ess, cialmlp spacers under ,t he en dI (A') OJ Kee p 'the edgle, squal1re, by Iru n'nii ftI,g th,e' sand ln 91 'blloflk, !on 'yo Ulr be-n,c h,

~---, 8(1 -------;lij-.ll


~-~-----------~~ ~---------~----~==--~~


i'~,I~ \t&n round-over

~----'---------- 26·~------------!J

Dr'ill p,erp,endiic:'ula,r hlollle,s, wii,th,ou't. ~a, driillill :plres,s

I nstea d olf w frestl~ i ng 'w'i't h I a,IFg e' pa n e I s on a S Mia 1III d rl ~ 1- P ress table, I use th is s,j ml p,I'e bit ali!Qlnlmlent ji'Q", made from '~A~I M D'F

SIC rap, when d rl'l~ I ~j n 9 the rou nded hal n d II@, corners in the, sldes (A)., To make the ~igt cut two 1 Yl'!l,~w' pieces with squared

.0 nds: .0'. n 1°' J'~Lt,.,n 10.·' nl!g-I ''=i; nd .0':'- ne 5'-~ IT 1.0' ." nl!g' •

!!;;.;; IUJ" .. IIIG L'lZ . 1I:.U11--1 IIIG ..- .,

_,' -"

IGIllue them together with one' end flush.

'T() drii~l,a pe'r~ectly' p[elrplendicul~,ar' ho~le'j"

a I~igl'n th e j ~igl w:it h two ad [acent h~'yolut lines, nestle 'the bit wn 'the corner lof the' ji'g" and dlri'lil the hole.


A ¥~u -w~de s pale,e r tap,ed to tn e end (A) a,llongl the 't',I,pered edge proviJde5 a I'@Qlii,s;tlraUolr1i S ulrf:liu:;i8' feu mou I1iItingl ttl e front' and bae k (Bl.,


the front and back (B),. (Tile a ngled front a n d 'back will prevent the bottom f[0111 r Bif'fi,.'m n g f~ 'at on t h a, c Ie o;i,4[- edzes. A- 'p""p" ly a

, I~.J! lIL..lIL. ~. .... ,1ll.lH..·_·.", !. _ ,.1, • _' ,IL ' . .:_ ,~!t_~,!lj_ ~ .'~ 61~.) I!I. ,_', " _._l _..'. '.' .':_,_,

'I i 'g' h 'to" bead of glue t 0'" the cleat C' dro Top, t" he

,,1,:, . I ~U'._J "" .. :-:11 I,' .-',/ III I ·,b· .~I._ .. ~i .. ·.,1 ... ~., •• ,~,

b ottom in position [Phma Fl~ and weight the 'bottom until 'the, glue dries. Then, drill and, d.r ive four screws throng h each,


cleat and into the 'bottom [D,rarwinlg; 3] ~

3 ~;!lli~l~:~ ~~;~a~~e(~;~~;:~n~;)t!;

oak 'plugs (see 510u r-.cas) into t hie- screw 1

~,:esi!:::~!~;o af!:~~:t~~~;r~:-,'

squ - eez e = '0' "ut, 'J st a nd the box n;n Irf:!! nd a' nd

.;;Ii_c', " " '" 1 " . ,,' , ,,1U v c V \.,,11,. __ ' _ Jl ,l,






Ge nt:1 y s pr'ead th e front ,a nd baek (En a!pal~1: to sl lidle, th e b ottom {E,) a b ov~ the cleats (D') 'wiitbo'Wlt smaa f'j'nIQI th'@1 gill ue bead s,

dab glue in, the counterbores with a cot .. ton swab, After the, glue dries, trim the plugs near flush w.i th a, handsaw 10.1' chisel and sand, them smooth ..

C-- t th 'l'·'d IC") iIf-'. .' e: _. the i - ~ :'~;_: t .. ,~ ~ _1~" \ _< Il~i :';l~='_ ,~ro1D"_'_, ~~pla~e~~:

_ OU, glued up earlier" allowing yu~

- """ b to, - i tl: - I" d' - d - - d th b - -

'-,' I' W'·" ",', "-,' c'·, '.' "',,."

gaps iet __ een tne nu enos ani, . e,QX

- (- - - -- - - f

- .. '.-,: -,' ,' ... ' 'I··.'II~ .',,',-, '.-c".-.-·- .,- - -,-,.", .-

ends,A)~, and ,~, overhangs at the tront

'---Torsion hinge

,~" couoterbore

111 1'1 deeo W-'iIi'll;., -

;;~- •... ~~~' · •. ·ll~ln 01

countersu nk sh snk hole centered 'i tJ'lsi de,

. 'I ' .. "~ .. ',~ Qii)"


]t~ill t- '- d ':'t-l;loJ~ perec

pillug lA,il k:Hlg

~ ~ II



- _.. . - . - .. . ... - - ---


~. ': = :.:.




The h iinge self-a Ilii'g n S on ttl e bac k (Bl., W'jith th e II i1d (C~ In posiiitioln, WI ea su ni! how' 'f:a Ii 'tihe hinge' ballrlre,ll ,e:x:tends, tua,yon d, th,e, II iid ,e'dige"

'-1' "lld, b . k .(n~1 E···· ".' .... ~h" lid . sd {J': ,.','. tt 1\, . illtJi!

a.n" - ac . 0 r. -a se I!i.e , e'oes, Wl J!.1 ,a, ";(1;

- "m l and --

round-over bit ~:Dr.wi:ngl 3, and sand the

1:.· d ra to , "2··-2~'IO., g 1[' 'i!iIl:-

I" , _' _' "_" ' . . ' .. ' ~IIJ.IIL.I

5M'1~qil-lIl"k t' he hin "g,Q locattons alon 'g:' the

Ie:! ~d~; of"th!e"rld(C).~te:Weusea

torsun 1 hinges {S'ou',ce's" and Shop-Proven Products on 'page 80] that prevent the lid (tom fed l'lng a.n. '. possibly- eel us ing b1jU1Y~

Center the lid on. the 'box (AlBID/E) and measure the hinge overhang [IPboto 'G- '. '-R";Oj m ove tho 'II· dl ''1ii nd p 0(' ~t'~ on' th e hi n g,a;,e

,J~.r.l,: ,.v', I '~".1 L. n u ("','1 ,,:, ,1- sr ic I. , .. 1, : ] •.. I,O,(.~

on Its underside using the overhang 'you just measured [Photo H] ~ Double-faced-

tape them in pl ""!l,ne, Drill - rd ~C'" '0,-','·--: the

_ (,g. = '1Ii.; II!.. , 0;;".., I" '. l" . ,o,''!.;,' ..... ~ , '. r ~,ll!..~ ,[9j,:n, .... ~'i[\-;.,W _I ,!Il;~

I' .

-(W)~ hinges, to the lid. Quick Tipl The' per ...

.~. feet hit fo,r ",Jnges~ Since I discovered self-centenng dril 'bits I So,u r'ces] , my screw holes end up perfectly centered in the hinge-leaf holes so the hinge mounts exactly where I intended.

~ q ra bbet \4,!] deep routed after ,a sse mb:ly

Us,j'ng youlr' n iinge overha ng measurement, pos,jtlhl n 'the h jingle ill n 'the Willi der:s,ide' of'the liiid I('C) alrndl hi() lid it tlh en~! with doublle=f:i;llc@d taIP'81",

6 ,'c"" . ." ~ ' .. ' th . I·O'd· (C:)' b 'to W' '., .' 't- h ',' ", d

": !en,lller!!l. ;e . _. '.' - 'e .- ~ een .>1:: en.s

1 .- ..... , ., , __ ,,:'1' . -,,--~ - , ," I" -I :.-:-1' ;.-.~!.~ ~, •. -_'-'.-:,.__:_. -:.:~ - • I' <. ,I I

(A,) i a nd dril I and screw the h luges to

th t Q f' th b k (8)'

, . I'" . [';: I I' ;j" : I', ", ,,' ",' I. . ".: ,", '.:' ,", 'I

_' .. " e~ op e, ge 0, I ",e I ,lac. .,', , ' '.

'f~,dl~ hil• tr,illy' t,fiihmll and _lln_,51_~lllnlg touc::_~e:5

" R€h.·-.ieVe the other two cleats (D) and,

glue and clamp them to the front and, ba .. ck (8) ! Dr,i)wing ,9]"

2,cu,t thl€ tray' front and 'back (F) and I ends (G). Glue and screw the ends to' the front and, 'back ![IDr,awingl 4] ,i

3' " .' Insert a %mll rabbeting 'bit in yOUJ .; " router and at tach a :~ x6-x 2.0n auxil-

Iary s u bbase wit h a centered hole lAtu larger than. 'Your rabb ettng hit diameter. III mount th i s sub base, WIDth double- faeed tape.) Set. the 'bit: to cut: :Y4,~!' deep and rab'bet the .i nside edges of the tray' front and 'back (F), and ends (G) ![IPho,t'o [~ i.


4Measure between the rabbets and . _ cut the tray 'bottom (Ii) to flt, Using ,3, ftle' and, sandpaper, round the tray .. bottom corners to f]it the cu rved corner rabbets, Then glue and clamp the 'bottom ,'~, - pl ~ 'ce S-- and 't- b e' t F". ~Y' to i1JiZ-'· '0' "1 g'- lt

_,"~ In.·· J:11U.'· '.' "'(:i I_U _ 1." _,ra ~ ,~:",- '.: ',Il. .

and ease the edges,


FI,BittelD, !p,anels, as yo'o as,s'8mbl,e thelm

E.ven tb e m ost ca re,fully edqe-q ~llued panel can warp s,lilglhtlYf but you cain pull ,~,1Ii' back lnto ,;ell).. ape durlno assem

I. II I~ It. : .gl'l;..lli\ I ~j ig 'u ,j,l,IIiy _ ~ '!WI . r I '~I . jji~,!!illi'"

'b, 1\1 II n' t; h ,Gi; ~ v' ~ m" ,', P" -I ~ sh ,'. ii"'iIi,W· "" 'n b- DJ'n~I;iliJ the

'.,.)" ~_. -e "'-' 1I;.,.,;!'!!;,l!;,.!i.I.I ... _"'-' .;Ji1,.V_.· ,_'.II;;'!v!P""'" Ii._","""

'front (8) wa,lrp(s, 'inwiard near the top. To s,'tlr,a.i1gl hte n i t, 'fii rst sc rew th e pan e I 'in place at the b attorn willi le leavln g a 9 alP at 'the '~O p between the panel an d 'the ,sp'a,c'el~. Th e n pu II 'th e pa.n@i~1

s ntUl'g ag:aii ns't the spacer and drive the $IE:COlnd s!C'rEW'., R,e'peat leNt th e IrE: m CJ:i~ n .. ' 'i ngl screws u n'ti~ I the pa nel f lts t~gllhtilly aglaJ i ns:t the spac,er at the' top,

Drive'~ih@ bot,tom :SiC weW' filll'lt:.. .............--

Au:xiillhJ ry sll\Ibbase


, • .L-'-',","'-"'_

An cUJ xliii iiar y sub base ,cut: from ~U'-th ilc k. M,IDIF stradd les the 1: ra Y' fro nt ,and baek (,F) and ,e'n ds (G]I" p,reV'Enltiing ttl e router flroml tiili' p'ing,.,

SF"rO'nl] 3!.i'i st 0'" ck I'l"P"" two strips It.·I!1 wide

~nd l;~' lo~~.' Lay 'o~~ ~hel ~h~P~~.~f

tbe top (.I}~ center (J)'~, and bottom (K) trim [Dlra'wing 2] i, 'C .. ut and sand 'them. to' shap .• '11:: and sand the f,8J.c€ S 'to, 220 ~ri t.


6APPly masking tape over the area

. .' I' '~,' ",,' c' ,t' I ' . 1'····,. " 'i , ., I' ',1 '," s , . I", ". '/"

where you ,n mount the trim (lr J~ ,I()

on the front (8) [D'rawinlg 2] Ii' Layout the shapes of the tnm on the tape, by tracing around the parts, Using a. crafts knife, ,"""-'-t· aboi "~to ]k,rI in side the P"'';ii, '-" llnes an d

!L U a ··,·,'U, Y.1j ru, 1".,1 . 'Ii".. Il. II!.,. .. ,arllL ,Illl, c.:;:l' u" ','

. . .. , , the : " " d' .~" , ffio ., , .

remove "e SUIIO'\1Jl,n:. ing 1~,aJ,ple'i

7~:~";t:~~ ~~~g~ri~~l~t!~~i::~:!

'b'DX and apply a contrasting stain to the

f·' -1:" t .,(' ·d·· ,e ~I:,:. i "f' the fro t lIf-"' . It ~I'_ r?), , . ron ano eug~es 0 me ront trim \,1[,. ,JlI, .1:\. .'"'

Plres,erv'e unstal ned areas feNr 9 lui n9 on the, front trlm (Ii,. JI", K) by' co'Ve'liilng them w i'th mas kii ngl ta,pe j ust :9,malllle r 'thaln th,e ll:riim,.

(I used 'Val athane stains: no, .2 1756 Summer Oak for the bOK and no, ,211804 American 'W'alnu,t for the trim.) Remove the tape after the stain dries to reveal a so-und, glue surface ~Phmo ,J],.,

8G1u.e and clamp the front t im (ill" J., K) to the box front (B),. After the glue drtes, apply a top coat, 1([ wiped on three coats of ,(1 sa,t~ n p olyuret hane) Apply bumper cushions at the front corners of the lid [Dr,a'w'ingI3]1~ . ,.

We: want to feature ¥OUIR project ,desi:gn next Send photos and/or draw,ing,s, to woodmail@woodmag,azlne'.oom or viia:

US PS to WO,DD$i rnaqazine, ~17'l if), Locust St., LS, ... ,221It Des: IM,Qines', IA .50309,.

% x 7'Vot, x '96,ii IOa!k {5~3 bd. f1.)

, I@


Ii I fS\---'

--®~-~~ ..

--~ @-






-~ -
® ______ ...----- r- ~
I- ~
r--- - ____r-- - FR,EE VIIIDEO

• Llamp and Sa Irndli Pane,lls, flat~

wood m Oig.a~ine'.'com/panel s


• ,1'!!'blI'!{W 'i¥;; M':i!iJI'e ';!i 1frI.J1 ~ Ise' ';!i I!:'~ "Ir"ln' if1I Cf.:I';i"I~oIJ

n""", . ~;V' _. !ii!!N, ' I!Oi! III!!!JI v·· ,'Q! ~"I;!! __ ., '~I ,J\, ",i\,

'wood m'i ru ng


• ~6, Steps to Periect IPlugs.~ issue ~14'9" (June 2003) wood m a gazine'.com/wQQdp~ Ug'5 $

(S= Download this arttde fot! a SJnlall Fee. )

]ji.. 'OJ 2' LAI 'wi! iliOn B'"i" -IJ... --11- "'Ii";;' d ~ A, '. 9' A ""!to" ·hlCnl P yWvO.

A;iii, ends +~r 2Ci! 161- EO :1
B* fiionVback %I~ 1161l21~ ,31[) !I EO :2
(*' nd '~i!~ 13-~11 2g~11 EO 1
D alleats ~i~' ~II 31ft 0 4,
t, bottom ~~i 1 JY!Jr ]Oj~ B~ ']
~, I Tra,,'

IF tray ffon~/back ~I! :;2" 14'~ 0 ~
G. tray-ends ~,~' 21' 11 Y2'!1 0 2
H tray bottom ~,III ']I'O~,I~ 'TII4"A~11 B~ '~ 1* toptrsn ~,~i M1~i 12m a 1
JI,1t cenrter trjm ~Ii ,!&!,'ii B'~ 0 'l
'I, , '
K'~ bottom trim ~~~ l4~1 4im 0 ']
, 'I,
'. " M at;cri a 1,1 k,ey: EO~edg'e~gluedl oak, O-oak~ BP-hi rcn pllywood.

S wIPiPUe~5':: DCHJbl,e-fac,ed tape~ maskjng tapel, ,~S,x]IUAli nel~head wood scr@-ws (24)~ #B>(~ ~i fiathei,d] woo·d] s~rrew.s [8)" Bhlde and bits: ].411 round~o\'\erJ 1:B~ rabbe,ting router biits; 20~tpi j~gsaw b~a,de,: %i~ '1j~:ii d rillllb"ts •


HI n'g'@s; 3tl-in(J~/~b U d)-Stay' torsion ~'~ng'es ~ rn rustic bronze (2) met ,37327 [pack ,of ,21, $37.99;: Radder 'Wood~ wOlikjn.'g~ OOO~279tB4441 ~ rockh:r.rom"

PI ug,s::: %ri tapered Qak pll~95, (,8)11~(l :2351 S' ~.ack ofsOlr $S;99~, Rockier;,

Se~f-Icenlteri'ng drilll! bits: 3~pc. set of #41 #6" #'8 bits no" 690,5;3, :$2'1:99, R:Qck~e;r:'r ,:ulh~o n5:: ~X%il no ,37\931 [pack of 25]~ $3,89, IROGkJler"

iProd uced by ,Cirailig RJUi@lg:S@g g,iI'f with ,I'e,f' M@rtz iProject desi'Q n:: ,_en 1M (rrtz ~1n1id B,i II Nlo,lan

IiII IIllI st r,aJ~'ii()ns:: RO'1UJI11 ne te:M 0 i lie,;. LQ!rful J!olhIUlSO'U


[eep you I' favorite mementos where

d "' t1 f

" .:' i·".. . -: ... . .... (. .':.' ' .. n - I'" ' .. ~) . - -' I' •. _ ,- /' I'

you can see an. , en]loy . aem, . ree

om dust and flngerprl nts, 'Glass

"'d;- ..... ~.=, . ="., '=.' f . 11'1' .. :ill· . nd

siaes grve a VIew .• .rom ar .. angies, an", a

'~I I ~ , II t b k lO' ".

ciear ,aJ,cry ic top p· won' t nreax, ~(,.~'.r

you, can choose tempered glass for the top) Joinery' couldn't 'be simpler: Pour iden tica -I 'r-' ab 1 :~I e' ted fram 'e~ a r'CO g: :IIIU' sed t 0"

.. [ .. e lin .. _. . .-a,.11l) .·.)iG .. ". . .. .:Jj;,. 1(::;_: 'w'" c; .... I '.,

the leg . s. and bi scuits rein force the

I. • J ~.

mitered top frame,


This handsome home for treasured items features a, llft-off top 'for easy access ..

IF'aslhli'olnl ~OUI · fr,almas first

1 b~~::~' {~~~~dc~~et~~!:r:~e~~:~

to size [Dlra,wiiin,g 11]1.. Attach auxiliary fences to ynulli" tablesaw rlp fence and to your miter, Set 'u,P [3, unn dado blade %~! above tbe table and rabbet each [f[nd

of the IDOp'S and bottoms .. , Switch back to a ri P or co m nbi n at 1· '0' n bl 'JI.i".",~I!.o1 and cu rt ':Iii ];1, I~,..,

, " y, " .. '. .'-._ ' ,,/. !i:J!I.LlII,'L. '. 'c 'L., •. [~ £4

deep groove for the gla ss panel fun t hie

tops bo .-·t t '01' ms a n-I,'...:lI1 ("1' d ,~~ '~; 'it'll" sh _'l:' a nd

.. ,~1 .. c.·, . .1. •. ;;:), '." y, ;;:); .. ' '''!;..,.:i!io- Cll.IIlA,..;l. J' • "U

the pieces to 22,0 grit,

2::!~a~~e b~:n!°(~~~ ~~~!:St:

sides (8) and. tOIPI (A) in. place [Photo A ]~, 'making sure the grooves fun all pieces align. NOfe:.,o not ,g ue t'n e t.o,p, .. After the glue dIles,. clrn.M ,ana cQu,nb::nd.nk %2U pilot holes ~D'ra'wingl '1]' through the top and into t.h,€: sides,

3 'ro make 'the beads (le)l, rout lAu _ round-overs on all four edges of' tWOI ~x2x.3111 blanks, Rip a. ,%.'il_·w·id"e'

strip from each edge, then Cl~O·SS('ut the

beads t[o match the length of the frames (AlB)" Sand the beads to 220 grit, then glue them to 'tile bottom o,f the frames (AlB.) [D r·awlilnrg .~ a ~ Ph oto' I].

4~~t ~:n~r~nsf:~~ s~~~C~r[;~::

lesa,ur'cels]1 lay aut the curve [on tile b ottom edge of each one; then bandsaw 't@j

;;:d5a~!e~~::' s~:~:~. 'a;:c:k ~~:-i-

aprons together wit I] double-faced tape a .. nd sand al~ four at once using a. sanding drum, Sand the faces of: the aprons to 220 grit, L[aJY each frame (AlBIC) f at ,on your bench and glue an. apron to each [one [Photo C]; making sure the ends are flush, After the glue dries, screw the tops (A) to the sides (.BI).

,_- ake! t,h,e le.g:s land assemble the

1~~~!~~!~~ o~Elh~ol;~:a~:::~~~a~'

i ngl 3] and spray-adhere it to a 1;4 x 1 % x S" piece of hardboard 01' plywood" Bandsaw and, sand the template to shape, then use it to . ay out the ('UI'Ve on the t we inside faces 'Of each leg, Bandsaw and sand the curves to shape, then sand the legs. to 220' grit.

'G,I u,e on Iy ,the sides (18,) ~u"u:tl bOrttOlm, (A:,

to Q'Mhelr" The 'top (,A.lli s ,scr~w@d in place Ilart:elr~ Utsie, it a s a spacer diu,rii n 9' the glue .. u p,

#6 x 1h:~! F:.H.

wood e. ... II!"~,w .. 't~' ... v· '. ~j~l! ~ _ -.:

~ ..

Co . ~ mte rsun k P'Ii 1-li ..... 1I', ho -I[~

_: "'-':YI~I~· ~"I!.;!I~ I . , ~ ,UIj,,_·: .. ,..;;'


,],~ -<~


\i2 II rabbets '. ",iP deep ...•. _-

~!! -Ttl

'.' . ~M'" ake *"W" 0-' st de '.::I, ssembli ,ii:]; c' Inp. 'II.. ot 0 ID-']

- i,'" .'. Ju, .- i;;... IL· .-. • .. i :.,J, '-_ '!L,' t_~,jJ : '",m.,,,,,",.jJ, ll' luu .. - :: . '- 1

,-- _L__,and, let tile glue dry thoroughly;

3G"illu,e the two remaining frames (A,-D) to one of the side assemblies

'A--.·.-E'ot'l .... , .. , .. ' -. with the .fI.··'-I:: - - f~1 W'_~\~II __

v " ." j-, ag,aw,n Will, , rne I~O.PS, ana msme

ed I,' ,' .. ' 'f'rn" '.' h 'W··:-· "h"lI .' t- he '·:1 "-, ,d .,~ ".,. .--' I*' the e "ge.s lILUS, ,," ' '," ""be 1,1 ,e, glue .' .IleS~, Cll.I~ . ,e,

Use ,9 %:~~=,tlhii,cllt sp,ace1r behhll dI th,eJ baad I[() 'to ,P o,siUon it w'n iilh!, gl[1 u iingl it to the fra m@ (AlB~,. Remov'e'the spacer ,aft'E!'r' a few' m ilnlUltes ~



lot}1 1I"$,II9-,bgt :tz II U,U ".t .

, 'V"d· ·Iti,\ern

:f.>q, ." '-.: 'Ir-"

'~L~I - - - - --

~ gr'Oove,

'%11 deep,

~iI 'fro:m 'front edge

"bott'OD11(F) to size and, notch the corners to :h,t around the legs I[Dr,ilwi'ngl 2,0\' Ph oto E I ~ Test the fit, then glue the bottom In the grooves.

A V4',m S,pa.!58,r bre~o'w' the. 8ilp,ro,n I[D)I ,,)o!,s;iti'ons iit, 'Tn,m' a pro n, bead (,()~ ,8 Illd b ottorn i.A) cr~ait@ ,8 gii('\o,ov,e t:h,lt: the b,ortt:O m (,f) 'fits ilnrto I'ater,.,

A- 1- II Ih f'- ~d ("B') h II

i .--: i -. . 'I ~I- r- - .:- " [-::. I I _ ... :- • ' -.- .- - .. ::-. ",-', :-. .:. ",-::' . • . ... '_-,.:-, -:- . -;-. .; . :-:-. _._

__ pp_y 9_ue to t __ Iie.r,ame sL_eS,;L',~ t __ en CJllmp

a fnliml@ (A'~ID.Jr b@tWIE!€Nrn two II@g:5, ('E) 'wiith 'th@i'r tUIPS, (lInd iins i die f2M::es fllush,.,


'IIi' ~~ "74

round- ..


C:or,noe,r,s ,_

notch ed! to fliill! ,tU'OU nd I@gs,

'ijJ 'i1 i.. 01-1 e '~l 111 dee Ii'\ '14, ' 111<,:- 7.e! -.'~, "~

.. E'V'[lllIlO---:"-O'-"IED"" V'IIIEW

IIiI =:,#\,11 ,I ,,-' -, ".-' ", =: ,,'

,.I. i~ d 'I ~/Ji I' ,

1~ ,,-~ OWf~ _~, _ ong



• l' U - - -;If-- - LL-.. - - l1iLU d -

:'Ii!!: COlli n"l.Ier,o ()In:!! '1:2 •• ' '@€!!jp



,After' ,c:liill,m pi n'9 'the ,sid ei alss,em bily' (A,-IE]' t,ol'the ,siid es (OJ" sta nd the base 1I p on a 'nat surfalc~ to ensu r'e' a~ II feur ~egs, Ire's,t fl at,


4AP:ply glue to the two exposed sides < E!) a nd to the groove In the remain ing stde a ssem bl Y' (A,=,E); and clam 'P' th ,.GIl assembli it2I.'C tog eth e "-r'

!I;..,W,'U" J 1- " .11.16- _'-_ '!I.;., J ,IUJ.!l 1I;....:1!' 1',','61-"" ,

[P'hotoi f] ~

Tackl:e ,thle' t,OIP fr,am,e!

1 ~:g!~U~~~~-~~::~ ;r~:i~~: ~::

Rout the '~!~ cove, on, the front: bottom edge and a %'I~ rab bet to match the thickness of YOIU" acrylic a long' the tOPI Inside edge of each piece,


~ @I

. ",-

-~ .
I@ I
'.:. " ~
IL,E,G !i
- ~. ~- --- ~
4111 II
, ~
- 11 !! Ii
- '''- II
'=.===,- =,=-!i T'R~M T'HE FELT

-.lim ,at al ~S,6 a:nglle '~,U' 'rom each corne'r;; App'l', s.p,ray ad hesii'V@, to, 'the· back of'the Ilii n er eere ~IHl~, an d fo!1 d! the' 'f:E!,llt Dye r, 'p;u III1 Elngi it: 'tiJIUt. •.

Fingle.r ,I".'ver 0'0' large' flnqers prevent yuu from

g rl plpii ng a In d st rii kl ng! sma II~ brads? Hold those sho rt fasten ... ers with a pair 0" needle-nose pliers

i nstead ~ IRe·s·t the 1)11 ii .. , ers on top of the le·g (IE) to steady th ~ m as you d ri ve the' brads, 'Then use the p~liers.t 'w!i re cutters to Sri Ii P the heads (Iff the brads,

#'1'x:1~n wi,re blr,ad

t .. ···


c:: ~
-~ 1-
-®~ I



~~ -- '!I.t" "'4 "'rI'.i'lli -H' .. ""ub. - - 'd' :;~ :X. ;;t;.:. X ~"iI' _ ari(]Uoar,

.220 grit, Cut or have cut a piece of ·~.u _, thick clear acrylic O'Jr' tempered glass to,

I ....

, fit in the frame Q" 'UJ"I"" -r:='n' c" :u-· t·· ..t'Wr"-y-I,Ii!.i!"'·

r._,~ _. _. _. Il ~.~ .• ~ _".=.' ~" _. '!of( .1 ~~,~' _. _, _ ~L ~,._ ra L·

on your td:bl.esa-w.. An 80 tooth blade

'wit '1 an alterna Itt:;' ng top bevel grm nd cuts

acrylic cleanly .. A zero-clearance throat in se rt a round the bl a.d.e prevents chi .. p-·

. d ru~·

pIng an (~raClt\.lng.,

3 Mark diagonal lines on top of each leg to locate its center. Dr" n a V4.'!! hole 1;211 de ep at each intersection [D'ralw'inlg 2]., To transfer the location s of these holes to the top frame {G)~ drive a small brad .', - ·,0' th - h = ·1° =[5Ih 0 _. '71 -. '. ~;"" . ,=] . ~ . -d':'1 '.... .' .. c., In,~ Ii,. Ie 0 ~ '_,.1 _'II' ILp, atlD~e an· e- Slll.P

off the head so the brad. extends above th ,,0; leg C·· - enter t h '.G. t '0' 'p' .' frame ,II"'lRlFil t he

.... ..!I;.... :'i . 'I;... '!6,,L - 'b .. " ." .. IIl't.iIl.. . '!;... U.IIll I. .'Ib·

I\,;. "Jii e~, M· :· r.. c. a' rk '0'" n"!,QI, fram .. ,t,;j; pt iGii;f"Q and the 'P'O'," 'j)'!:..,

U\~,.:lI·!l;,., ~._'. . . '. .... . '. 'I;..,. -.,.. "'- ~.''I;... ""II!.; W .. _ , .,'1,.,. 11;..,:" .'. m.

responding side frame ,(A,_:D) so you call repO$rnJion. 'b)p fram.,f'§ then :ma:r·k. tile,

'h" . 11·'.; ·I.··! 'Ifl-·;', . ''I '., 1[IIm'h': I'; .~. r-;.] D-' -,: W 111 'm ~~ /- n h, I~ ",

. .ojJ.e .. oca.II[,. o.ns .IF 010 'U_ i, .. Ilw.lIl 14 .. o.!

%,~I' d.eep at these m.arks ... Rewn.tOve th.e

Wllod di1iilnillZlilne .. COIiil

-- - - ----- --"3!----- _. - _. ---

brads from the holes and glue * u -long pleces of ·~.'i~ dowel into each leg"

4~~n:y ~o~i~~5~"t~:e ~~~ !!~~:r:~

. . oK!-. .' "f '. ". ti . . .'. I' .. . rh . .' .. , dlr . ...

coats 0 I sa In po iane, sam lug

Iightly between coats with a 320-gri't, sandmg spon 07e.,)·

. ,_ - . - '.' =-,0 -

5.R.em.ove the top (A) from each frame

'_ and. cut or have cut glass to fit ln the rrames .. Insert the glass In the grooves, and reinstall the tops."

6Fo.r the liner con:. (H)~ cut a, 'piece of :W,n hardboard. ~.Irl' smaller than the

open lng 'ill tile top o.f the table 'base, Cut ,al piece of' felt 211 larger ill each d imenston than t he .1 tner core, W:i th the felt facedown on you I' 'bench, apply spray

':Jildl- h Q't"·"']··'V- -'Q to , on Q. f-'a' rg '0' f rhe ~ in er core ':111 '111"1d' I!l,$ ... ~I~'--.JII~ ~ ~ I~'·· _': . ~1Ir I ·· .. I~~ , l~ ~,~, IJt~~illr.L . ,u~~ I~,J..I!,.J..:.:_

Ptace ·~t .on the; fe~t - center.ed i('mr~oth 'Q.··lui

,"_ _.,.... • •• OJ , II '1IP ._ II ." ~ • _' _ ,. ~ • v.. , , . .

,a,n)l wIi.nlid.!f's,.. t.h.!en fiirp the core upslde. d.own a'n.d. trim the C'D "ners I~Photo IH] ..

IN eed I if! -nese IPlllh!,ts.


A ].: '[, ..' f.: , . ~.r f' l51h c a,
- - - - - .' - '._ - - I! - .
B frarne sides ~n 1'" 4~·iI' c S'
(;li' b - ds ~n %11 lSil c ,4,
"~'€iL: S ..
D ~.[j ~IY2il ~5ih c 4
aprons .'
~ ,Iie>gs l%ii 1 %~~ 2S.i~ C ,4·
IIF bottom Y.1ii' '~!6Wli 16,%iii 'BP 1i
1_,.- ~.
G~ ~Ij 31i 2'OVll C 4-
, .. "
H '14i1 14*tl H 1
*~i1'fts. initH~II~y {Uit oversize. S'ee ths ii ns,tmdion&,. M ateri all:5 'k'ey: -( -ch,enYf BP-b~lli'ch p!lywood~,

IHI_j1r. - 'd' b - - . ..-.11

.. -,I' maW' ·.aaIfiUl.

,5'gIPIP'lile.s,~ .spr.ay .aJdhesrv-e, do~b~e -faced tap e, #6)d1t flat~ea,d wood screws [8], !4ii dovvet #20 bii($c~ii;ts, ~41, #UI7~'1 ~i brads '~4),r ]4; x',4Jlu) 'x l4¥H~1:I g'~a55 '41r ~. xl 5,l4J :< l5;~n acryllic or t'empered g I~alss" 19 X 191n 'fe~t"

a-I""'d- A ;li,-- d- b- .'i·'t -iii c.iI'- -~,.rlIC!;A-lbll""'d - 11'11. .. d .-' .~t.~!

, g' ~ alill· - I I .. .Jil,a;CIII;..liIoi;iI'iJlIilJi .. ,a- e; .74· mun, -over~ 11

COVE' rc Liter bits~· :¥32'~' ~.II dhil ~ bits,

Place the liner In the table; then place the acrylic top in tile fl arne (IG) and poslticn the frame on the dowels ,. Dust off your trea su red collectibles and place them in their new protective ·ho'ln.e~·. -

Prod uced by Cr'rlIli g' Ruegls,te'gger' wTtlh K,eviiln IBo,. e· Project il:h;~s~'g 11: IKeviilll1 Boyl:,e

IIIIII ~!st r,~~'~~)ns:: A,u'.an n e' Ibe M.o'i lie; lLo,rn Pi Jo!hnS;OD


r-·I·nd a ~1"'i~£iI plain fo r m .::ii;king a f'~'~r'I'ng

IF I.· .~ IIII~ I~;"_' .. " .. I!! . '. '.. _ i ;~. LI:< '.' _ iioO!ll~ ;I~i .:

.s:tmc·k i~lrt. 'woo d mag azi n e. co m Ita i r iI n g"


Watc~ a free v~ideo showi:lng h.ow tio

- . -,c '3, f'!li'· ._'. - _. ;i."'iII"~ iF'1~' ~ fIl;;

U's~ u I Ylr~ng ,;j!llJ.j~~1ii\ cU·llJ..

woo d rna' ne ,'(0 m/fai r ingv~deo~

. Sea

. . '.- "#Ia' .-

.. Fe; '-, ,. -

takes ...• "!e ,,,.,,


1lfA1ll'. .. IIl1i1e .

- IVII n--~, .


.. Shop -rojects Weekend Projects

, I R' ,iii,

oor neviews

Issues 1, .. 202 Septem1>er' 1984 - 'helJan 201012011

Issues' 202

K~~ltl ~-1-lI·rt!lll1 {~"-iI)ii 1'01-P.

AI &:IJt1~ f'''III'lr~ 11 th!o' llI!'t W

Shop Tips

l!!l. I!! .,111, ••• IIJ!. iii lili ••• IIII ..... I! .. II!'. I!I ... I •••• I!illl ••••• Iill._ ...... III •• _,1I1'!!l •• 1! .. II!' •• a, I!l I ••• _. III iii ••• ill] I!, •••• '~I ••• '!!JIIII!' •• II iii !II •• II iii •••••• ,!l III ••• ilil!' •••• li!" ••• '!!JIII!!II_. ~liIi!!l •• 1I.i!l •••• _. IIi I •••• iii I!! •••• oi •• I!!!. ,!!JIII iii •• ,111 II!!. !!. III iii ••••• 'I!l •••• j III I!! •••• oi •••• l!llll ••• ,111" •• _. III I .. , ••• illl'!] •••• 1

Fully-indexe-, sean:hable andprintab= ell

- -'~I,kend IWoodwo: ~-:g Projects

(lormer $i'ster Imaglaz~n,e' ,of WOIDD) 'focus@dl 'onl bea utI~u ~ projects th at Ico'ulldl be' btult w~th a minIma:1 iilnve.stmtenil.ln time, tools, a nd matelri,als~ ,AU prolects were ,built a,n,d proven Inl the WOIDD workshop, so you knowyou can relly' on the plans,

B- '-:iirk-:-' liIIS-"SCU' ies •. ·· of ~Alo_ll"~On,"d:-' ~A./o···-_'-o···:·~'·:'fi'F"J~ing'-_' ,ul\,.. . t-.:_. ~ .' --_' ..... 'v M',t~,'l(,t::. . IV "1 ... ,-- U'WU'i J\III' J .

Projocts ,are' nearly irnpossble to find ,Cilrl,rywhereJ Ibut thIs dlsc makes alii of th ese projects availl,albtlle to you once , a price tof o'nlly 15 cents

Per p,laln~

- 1--

S~ ee more of the projects o -n- th ''is'' d 'I.I-S·C· and order YO"Ulr--' O"W-" n' C' 'opy at

('~;_ .. ' I .'. " ~_-- - -.~ •.... '~ '-- 1- -:- -~', .'. -- -I '_', . , .••.•.... : ", . ';, . -- .:.-,. ,_,I . .~ •........... '. 1:_ :. :., .', .. ' , I .

~· eeke dCD Or order by phone: 888·'636-4478

A D,;I4W''-'"'' D·II[-12-·'-' t'iit

:M, - .. ·~tIf '. ,·ll·- Y


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FOI,ql~iic:k tl ps 10 n usi 1119 this iind~, see ptJ,'ge',41"







Sa rmytud Pll'z:zi~el scrolill saw n, 195:164=617

B'a r~·lli."t' ers ~IO' ok case 1 ~5··' 2·· ~L~6""

... ~1;J II ~ VI ",.JOIl.J~ -:I. ,-11' ttfJ'1 J "

Batt,elry d~:spens'ew~ ~I~O pi-dow ~lr' 201: 31

B hAd ( f 100 2B 32

' . ~ . ,. I'· , . _ ': • _. '. ' •• 1 . ',' . Ii - . ['.. . , . - . I

_ enl( :" ,rt'5 al1ll __ Ja_t'S,p.- __ ':.~~·_"".~-

Bench; Iknockdlowm sawho,rs,e,jf ~9'!8,:24f; 2.6 Ben(h~ 0 utdoo r, 11191:-381~,41

Bi'~: ca SE', dlri I ~ ,an ~ n:nwt1elr stlOf,2JJge". 119i8::66,-,70 8"b, n klO,f ehest ~up'..I ':Irt1o) 1,il'IJIO-"~

_>~ u . ~_,~!~ ~_ ~ J! ~ . .' _ :.: u,~ ~,I. ,lJJ· '~. ~fO

Boolk(.asie~, s,lalnted she~;ves" 201 ::34-38 Booltcas,es. ,arndi,ca bi nets, b u i lt-in, '199 :30=3 6 Bowll 111~idde.dl tu med, '191,:62=65:

Bowl set, tu rm edt 1.00::3,4,...37

B d 01'" . ~ 2- 00'- 6'6:' 69'

~ '. .' '. ti . t··· . - . :- ." . ~ J I I

rear_ -1_~P,~iIr]g II[rary~ .",.:~-:~.

O ~u~ v'' mad~rva ~i a._ti.~nt 20'1:6

Bullll~d' n"J'£!I r ·tn" 'il11'iUi (il'.c 6 ~,

_ . II., 'u~~ U;-11i) it II:J ~. oJ .'. =IIJ'

(abiiimiet~ p~I~"e~ Icountry, 196:38=44f (a nd Ileh,~ ld ers, 200: 54\-.55

(hi;p' and dilP' 'U,aJYI 195:.50-.52 l(hisje~1 rack, '196:18,

(~iocki' dan dm gl~, 119I8i:72=74

(~ock, '6Ire'e-n e & G reene :s'nyh~'i' 2.'Dl ~40-44 (ookle :s:h eet olf'g,a n ize r, 11'91[8\:64.

(utt:i n 9 boa rd, end -g ra~in, 2.0~1 :10- n n .' "~IL..,_... '., :~I' ... *' 1 fli5--::,·1I13~·

!,1[aJh]JJ O,aJI~~ ca,~ In e~~ . ;}'.,,"iIT '".

ID raw'e r orgaln tze'f, 119\8;:62. ID raw·e.r-'p [J II ]i~ 9, 197':1 ~)., 18 HaU ta bille, '199::40 -44

'H~n tr~~' ste ra'g'e' benchit 11'9\8:.52~S7 J ewehy bex, '19 S:58 -·62

IKitclh en d r[awe rand ca b~rrH!t olrg,an iZI! rs.~, ~I'9i::61~,65:

M,ed ia, ca bi net, '197'::7'0-7'5 M iter s~led~ ~'9'[8,:4',9'-51

Miter~g<uJlg,e :stolpbioc:k 'folr i'ong pans'i 200:20 M It·ersaw' f,~n U~ Sb~lpli 201 :,26 =.2.7

M,~!rti:s,ing gwilide.s, ~e'eiP' and sha.II,~)w~ 201:18 M,~)rti's;i n gtdowel'i ng ]i~'g, 19.5::55; 198:16

o rnam ent~ (hrmstm,~s, '~U rned~ 20.1 ::66,- 68 '~'edestal~~, I u min QiUS dilispillay~ ,200:!61.2-65 I~'~rgo la, 11'98::3;4=41

I~'U ll-eut tray' for kitchen G) bi ne'~:s~ '198::63 I~'U shstkks, fOlr tab iesaw~, 201'::47'

iRad ial~ -arm sa:w' 've n CEil 1.011 :.26 -.27

iRouter dado ~~Ig" 2,00::5"0

iR:'~nJtiln,g gll~:de' for dadoes,t Ira bbets, h:OiII~=~laIPSi 199::,80=8'1 IR:outer gl j iQJ' 201 :16.2

Sa n diiimig (lenter1 d U's:t:~(alt(h~ing1 199':62=66, Sawiho,rse l~no(kdown bench, 11'918,:24, 26 Se II~iin,gl WOO.D' pro~e'(ts, .201 ::6

S h Itlf'.a n d m !nor~ '196::32=35:

S J.. 'If' .... . ""1 19: . '5,·11 0 . ue' -pin ~~g, _,c - ' .• UJ!

S·· h·o'I"'loli." '~:i1 p"'IfI;re'~1 1· !1i'!I1[li",~O'_ ~1" - _ .,'i;;; 'i!!' "';:.J, I~g, II!; -ll!J' [;;';;' ,lUlU .. ~

S n-ack tOi~'€1 '195::52

S p,l i n e-sl Ol~ j ig./ 197:-43

S- t'iI1I-r~g::- 9 ,et- jj n,~;[ 'jj d·~ 'de - fijln" -s '1.9"' .. ..,(~1 '1i,;t e- "no· ,,0' , u. y ... I~ i}.. r~hlll U J! 11)., I .' ,_ '!.!I . I I' . l' mLL, ILI'~1 LU .. rr.O

T:aib le, assem bly~ '196~6a-7 3 'Talp't?, di:spenlser~ 2100::24

'Ti'i!'!Ili'iill ....,l. ~f' 'if. "~'iil' ('t~I_'(''''l

_ !IJI~_ '!;,.11!1I;;;.;:I<lj ~.II! ~ ".)IV J!

Toy.' ~ u II dloz:er~ 199:56=16" lVlga me ,ea bl net! '195,.:3B~413

Vila II sh,elltf aad [ml~JrnH~ ~1[916:.32~-3..5 'W'a II sh,elll~es.~, fl oati 11 g,. 197'::34-31 W'indow seat, buw~~~'-inot 11;9'9::30-36

Greene' [I: GflE!,e,ne Stylle Cllock.

20'11 :40, .. 44

Ba,ndsalwl ad j.. he!;glhti IGen. I~mmetna~~iona Ii test, 201 :;8;0 Be',g]d@d IfaQ~~HF'ram:e' Sys,t~'mi Krieg '~o 011 (01., '19 S.:6!9 Bench ,t)@J],kiiE'S", Ro(~1 el~, 11915:r68

Bi:ad'e-s,,, th i n-kerf or fUI~,I-kelrfl, 19'1:;1,81

B~o(:k ;p'I,@JIVN~~ sta ndard '15. I,Q'w'-a ng le, .200:82 (h is!e~lsf ~I~II albo ut, 196:'50=5·4

(~!a'm'piSt Q~u~'c~,-Glrl p PliVtothmQ, 111~"wi m~ test, ~1'9'8::88 Drill bitS;f (ol~t~, H j],rst M.e;j Dlaich (Ct~, test, lCn :7'8 Dri ll-press ta bles, test '19,6::116

Dr! II presses, 'f~oo r model, test, 1991:.50-.55

0- . EbornlY P lu g[S~ falux:;. F:as,tCa Pi 195:169'

.' Fe.ath~r boards, Para~iilgni Jesslm, test, 1'9'9':8161 Guide'IB~nsf lerioPI,alY, Micro JI~igt te,:s:~1 .2.00:',8,4

H· JI - I"·· .... ·S· ta I" ,'S'" -. ···ta..·· . iI" lil,nJlE,. 'J'fli _ ,an ij p _,a n es" ~ .. ,aln ley _w'ee J! e'QI[ '~If l~ ");),.l~'

i .- d'-·· M -k"- 1-9'5'7~'-'

-. - '-_ . .' - ' .' _- [ -. '1 I

mllpacl J ~ IV@W, '.' a,Jtdl, tr»; " -

Imlpact: dwhJers" a II a bout, 201 :'5 8=59

J--_. -~'-'I-: I h -.~ -1:··'--'\'· 1n9····'!l)'1··· , ,8JIP,aJm es e . an u p it ll 1:$1 '3: ,U

L@ith e jiaw pi:ns" Pe n n S~'a:~e ,~VI dustries" test, ~I'9S:82. M[alg Fein ceo ,colmbo k it; ,M:~gs;w'itclh, test; '196,:82

M i(rn-dri~v'ers';t cord less, '~e·,n! '198:7,6~ 78

Min i,=lathe'" IDeltat test, ~ !9,'7: 7'6

M iter ga:uge,~, I n era \fl.2O:~, test 198:816

Mite-rsaw, Mit,erMat'e, (ralfts'mlan" 1i'915:68 Mitersaw~ s~~d~m1'g duai~-beve~I,~, M,aJlki'~at test, 1961::84 M it@fS(lW' stsnds, p'~lrtab! e, test, 198:-30

IM,~)rti:se -and -t,el" on j i'g} liei'g~ Su per nlI1J~ 1'9.5:7'0

M'~ntisle M~ill,. Ii P 51 o~·, jl~ss~lm 1 00[11 (o .. ~ test, 1'91.5::'7'8 Mig rtisb"gl al~'d ch ment fa r diri I ~ press, 199::53 IP;~aner, 131~' benchtop, Delta, test, 199'~a6,

IP,~ame'rs, ben(h'~op~ test 196::56-6'1

IP Ilu n ge.-n)[U'~er ti ps, 1,9'5:'5-4-.57

IR!o u~:e'r bims::

,Aid Iustab lie. Ra i I and Sti 11e.~ F'r1et]dl '195:6,9 Sp:iral~' vs, $.traJght bits.,. 198:'22,=23;

S~[ral~;glht I~)J sp'iiralll.f pros .aJlnd. o:mls ,of e'Gi(hl 2001:52:

IR,o uter bits-, dea n i n.g beaJwi n 9-9 uJded~, 1'9'7:8.2. IR"O user 'kit, tw'O,·,b,as·et Bosch; 19.5:6'9

IRiG uter tabl e, b~'f]ICh~DIP, SkU, te,s;t, l.IDO:84-


- . ")

IRiO uter- t~b lie bo:x~jo'int' Jigl IR,o ckl,elU1 test} 1:9li:82 IH,IO ute'r Wi,zard P1ro, Ea g!~e Jli'g1s, test, 1'96;;83

IR,o uters mhart ca n do it a,111 test, 200,:.56,· 611

S he If·pi~n dri 1 l'ingl j Ig:5;1' test, 1:9:91:,8 a-

Sh op ,~pronl, I)IJI~lUth Irsdln 91 C:o~,j' test, 1'917:'16 S:pli ndJ~e s aJ nders, ben rhtep, test, 1'95::24 StaJck-e d dado 'SE't' pros, an d '(OnIS; 20D:12

Tabllesaw~, (Olnmlr,aluor·$~'y!:e'l Gr~zzly;r mestr '198:,8,6 Tab Ilesaw~ 'fi~~ d rl~lo'P~ing wij'ngs, 195:14-

Taib ~esaw~ rem ovi ng dust ,aln dllgil~lm k, ,2.00:2,6, Ta:b Ilelsaw~ SawSblp Professi,o n a~, 19.5::10

Tab Ilesaws\r 3,-,hp cab i!rH~tJ' test, ~191;4.g=.55;' 198::6 Tab Ilesaw ,as.s,elmllb Iy and ,t u me-lillp' t'iIP'i, 191:56,-60 Tab 11@.saw cn)S,:$ICJ[Jts, ho'w tl~ m',a t@,r .200:.38 ·.39

Irlm muter, pllJng,e', Tr,emd R,outing, test, 201,:78, Va OJ U m,~ Smal~t (ar~', R'idg i dl,~, test, 19.5~'78

W'o:rklb endies, portabille, tes t~, 200:7:4-75


ALb r,aJim" Nlorm, 196:6

IB,is(uU ~o~ints,~, fr.a me a nd box~ '19'7:44

(up:p,i n g~ pre'le n'~iiinig hl wide ~ 0121 rid s, ~li9'5::'74

[[Ii, "'5·'-'11 t- - 'W' .,' ,d, ", :il., M: ,-, "t- S' JI 'S"'" .r. ,( "-9-:'5':"1"" !\){~,~COU ,St-' 0'0_ WOh~ __ J~n , _a~lg'e. _ene~'1 _:,,1._ t.

IB,uUd~'ng from plans, tilpS~ 196::'7,6

Ca rd $:cra:per, how t,o, shaltp e:n, '198:28

(10.11 tlc 11~'I'jI'O"t II:-. lii"ii w' to m' 'a k 'e-' '1 C1ig'" "6': 7'0

!1;,! , 'Ii. ~I 'II Ii' m v_ l~ ,'-, ,-;t' ,.l,~' "ill

Ch lse I,e- alla b out '111 ,n, l:: '"Sc: fIi, s~ AI

'.',~ I~ _'. jiJ U ~ 'u. ,'.' ,".:. "J' ~ ;.711jJ!3 .·V ~ : ~I

(,o,v1e ml~ lid i n 91 m;2i,~e '0 n t.a bles aww 198:J a~ 20-21

i'[\:) J n ,~ u- j" .t;!il-I hlts 'I;~!;:': u..1- ad 11!;!iC' ")1~IO'- "4:;::9='[' '1

MiIl,Y v ~l T ~ i U IJ. ·,a iJir J.i.l ,~I lUJ.. IG,~; ~,~ '.'., ,:. ;;.,~

IDa d oes, fixi ng ~ oose, '198:" fi,

IDO've~a i 1:5, Ihalmd-(u~ ha lt-b Un d" 1196: 53 ID,r,aJWeir :51 ide' m,oulnt~ing, bow to" 1.98::65' IDI~tst~ co~I~le(th]n syst~'ml~ pi a n niiln'g1 1:98::58=16,1 IEim@r,ald Borle~1 1919':241 2,6

lEn d-g sea rf j"J i,rlt,,r 1'9'7':6'9

IFr,al(e fr.a,mles,~, wUh poe ~et -ha Ie J elms '198:42,·,4.3 IFast,elri ers fo r treated ~iU,m be f~, 11'98,::32,

IF~im1 is h i mg::

Pat(h~m1g slcf'atcbes,i' 197:26,j' 28=29 Pens wit!" cya not! cryblte 9 ifUi~~, 1'9'91:3'9'

Po I is'h i n 9 with ra.nd~ m,,,olrb'~t sand e'r" 1'9 9':16,~, ~',8J' 20 S'~a i Il~, a:voi dj;ng and repa iring bkitl[hes, 1'9'6:.26'lr 218 S'~a i n, ,ma,mch i n g, '196-::18

IIL'I'I'IIIl'II!1!!=p· :lI"laUQrri,:t'II~'n t'l p e ]tl-,- ~,- 1'Ft,

Ii" III ~ :,~ Ii;;: " \;1 'II _'_ '\;II! _-'-_;), "u ~ OJ

lHe~imj.' Fried, s(!aJllle Imlode.~!"l~;na k'er, '197:616,~69

~Imdex 2009~ ~iss[Jies 188 thru "9,4:, 195:4-5 =4,8 ~lmlai'Y, biutt,erny key, us~ing a Irouter~ .201::28-29

A-III A- b·-··--t 'W- '- .. d C'-h~'- -"11- 'ln~-50-"- 5'41 - ~'OU\,'OO_1115e 5,.,:;ru:,.' .... '.:'


........ ,Ar __ -t __ ld __ @!!O..OOlP ~=:ss ...... 'Ue ..... ~!:: ...... P.....,'a'g~-,e , ArUd,'!,

JI~i~r~n~~y:: 'She.~lf mate'ri,aJI~ $12 I,e(~'~om 9 u ide'l '199::3,1

M,IJirti se a md tenons" 4 ways to Irma ke, ,201 ::60 ·,65' .slh'~'p M onlkey::

Sp~[Jmg ~oh1t, '198:84 'Boards' unque (Iha~'a(~er~ 20'1:20

SqIU(U'h191 sl~,rems; 2.01'::22, ,2.4~2S How' pn~ds~ should y'ijl[J b~?, 195::'116

lhlro u,gh,~,mo'nisJe~a nd-tenon, hOlw' tOI 200:1141 1,6, '18 PnlJ{tiGe. ma kes :p,rofkientt 100:22

Waite r fal III III jo lnt fo r taJ~,1 e h:~gl 1'9,6,:: Tl WOOdWI~Hk:inlgl pih~JlnS; ri:pl=off:sl' 1 '9'7: 20

Jo'~nt~ ng palrid I,e i pa rts, '19'1'::69 .slh,~ p o:rgii3 n iz'a'Uorn, how te, 200:40,-,~4

K it(hen m,aJI~Jeove'r~, ~I'9'6':62·'67 .5lllot:-(uttti,ng bit, 11'9',6!: 76,

Knolt$~ 'w\(jrk~l",g' wi~th~ 11'916:31'-3'7' .sp'lin~d ml~iter$l cutsj'delil1side" 197:43

La m lnatl n g (]J rv'ed pa rts, 197':69 SIP rUln'Q jommlt,; 1I'98;:B~

layout: lines, razl~u='fine~ 1'97':3,0, 32 Tab~!e,saw jigt 'for notched JOlinrfst '196,::69

Ma r~,i n 9 kin ife" h GW '~O use, '197::30., 32 TeaJr-out." avoid when nl U'~linlg,~ 201:30-31

Mi~tered J oi ni~:S, I~n]w to rle~infon:e, 1'91':4,1·,44, Tealr·,out", n~paliiirs. ln pilly woo d" ~19l6:,30'

M~t~rs'i (u~~i'ng sa,f~f. sl m:p!I'e, 1'9'1':3,6 Iorslon bO:K~ how to b [Jllidi '196:68'l c:um~ihg wi'~lh slll€ld,. 19,8:4'9~51 'fu rnmngj' sta bil iZl~' s~'i n di:~',)j. 195:72

Modej~ '~rucksJ' ha,lf~s(al~le';t '191:66,~,69 lJu rnmnlg IP ens for co!I~le'ge' 'fun d, 199:3-8-39

MOlrtise-a 11 d- tenon joiiints, ,4 ways t:o m,al~le,~ 201 ::60-65 TV wi ri ng, m Qunti ng and (onn ecn ng, 195,::42

Mon'ise for Ihilnge.s.~, w~!t'h (h~sel" 196,::53 Upholstery, benc:h seat, hfJ'W to" 20D:32

Mon'lsed I Qi(ik~, ;1 ns'tal~11 h~lg, '19S:20~ .2.2, 'Wiilmd ow' seat and (ab~nets hlS'~'a,natio 11", 1'991:'30-3,6

Pattern s, ad he'ri 11 g; 195::16 'W'olod moy re!g u~lati ens, U pdate, '11'9'9:',8,4

Photo,sl sta ~'~n g pll',alfis '~ljO m, 197':68 'Woods::

P~:ansj' h~)w 'to etn1la~gle" ~1'99::,8.2 As,hJ,' th~e,at,emn:~d;t '199:241 2,6

P~:ul~"gle'·'routler '~;~p,:$. a I1td te'cih 11 i'ques~ 1'9,5::54,·57 HaJlrd ness I~f WOI~ d~, 1'9',6,:80

P~ly-w(jlod tea f-IO ut how t'o' 'fix:, 1~9\6,::30 0 utd a (U woods, 196::10J, 22

Poc:k,et -he le jalnts, for falc€ frames, 1.9,8,:42~'43P'anetsit d!a n ger of u siing" '199:6

ROJUte,r -h it tear-a ut, prevent, 20'1 ':3,Q.~ 31 'R;a hi bow IE.u,ca lyptUIS,~, 1'98;:80

ROiUt~;nlg saifety~, ~ 9 91: 2.2=23 Iherm a ~l y m ad ~ned 'W,G od, 1'9'6:20, 22

SICa Ihl'gl pn)]ie cts from iphotos" 1197:168 T re~,ted 1 um ber aJrnld it r~enla;~i~ves,~, ~1'9,8,:31'· 33

Sh,am'p'en i rwg ch iSlei~s, 196::5:4 Woodj' 9 u i die, to getniing,., 100::7'1-13

Ang n 11 91 5;[n~W,S 'pn~'\1l~nts ra U bl~owlout~ 19S:12 BaWl'o saw~, fence g ui de" '196:'11

Banld saw' dius,m (011 ectie n f'ro,m IPV(, 19'8:8 Bandsaw' (n~Jtfe ed su,ppom-lr '196:'12

Balr cia m ps as te ml~ Ol[ a ry' ,suIP'Porh~ 2011:9 B ed-hol tang nm enm', .2.00::12

B en,ch vmse from ha,nd:$c~ew damps, 195::8 B iSiCIJ~tSJ (ient,e~in gl, .26 rn: 2,191

B lade- a,nd bit- h e:ig hit' glCJ U gle" 199J 0 Cabi 11 et d oers, ha ng inglf 196::4~j

[~ntl~~' ~ilmd~ r 'for odd-s h a:pll:! p~ie eEIS'i '195:14- Ciente.rin gl r!J~le;r 199 :13

Cha ilr jio~'nts,~, rrerp,a~ir'~lnigl loose, ~'97::'78 Cha mters, 'stlO'p'ped, roun n gi, 195':3,1 (i:r(lllJ la r-s,aJw fe'l~I(eJ' 201 ::15

(Ia:m,p mar:ks, ptre'Ven~i~ln'gi" 11'918\:10 (Ialm piilnlg ()~n",ers.1 101 :113

Claim phllg 'fa, eE' 'flram,e:s'J 195:1 s:

C~lrd stora ge ~n case}, 200;13

Co rner d CiimllP'i n ~ bloc ks, 195:::12.

(u rved pal~mSj tlr,aJce the arr, 2.00:3,0

(u rv,es~ scrl bl ng 'wimh tem p~!al~', .2,100:78 CUUhlJg th reeded red, '199 :60

Dilm en Si'Olhlll ummbew~ 'w,orki Il~ w'ith~ 19,8:35:

Doors, eiqua.l revea I us~ing but~ h~:ng,es., '195',:15 Dou bl 13'- fa,cedi ta pe', uses, .2.00:,116

Dow,~~1 pos~r~:ion i n g, 201 ':37

Dow,e~1 s'uurdlge wi~th I if~: bl~ockr 198:'11 D(Jw,e~ls, ma ke you r own, 198::'12

Draiwer f:aliise f'nlnts", h ~l'W to i 1l5tJaJII l, 201 :5.3 Drilll~-b it ster a g!e'l 198:'10

Drillllll~ing I~a r~e hoi es, wi'~lh d ri II press, .2011 :11.2, DrUMng sm,a II p~:rts'j 101:37

DrUI~-press depth :s,etti n Q, 199:12

Dr'il~lll-p ress ,still e ,at baJse" 201 ;)8,

Drhr,e s.c~eW5 i~n tig ht .spo:ts~, 11'9'9:70

Dryi:ng ra,ck, ins taint" 11'9,6:15

Easel, fOlr p1lan-s, !Using taidde~1' ',95:13

Fe'a'~ h erboa rd malg n eti c fencle-lmolU'll~~ 2 (n :11 0 Fi f11Imshi~lnglla:nJ'e pro~e cts, ro:Usserl]e' 'fow~ 191::12- Hxed mshe'lf e d:geJ, h ldl ng, "199,:34,

F(]!od=s~lfe' su'rfa ce, tutti ng boa rd, 201:72

'GI ue smleJ,aJW;S;" it\l\o,i,d i I1Ig, 198:'54

'GlrainJ, ribbon ~in inlllaYf .2t}1::28

Ha rdwood st,of,ai'g,e, ,20;'1 ::82

I dentka I pa rts, maki ng, 199:57 ]oiiin hl gl,[unr~d P~,~('~S'j 196,:" 0 Kml,@ts, WiO rkililnlQ' a,row n d 196::34

La be,1 i n g pa rts du~'im QI assem bllly~ 1917:73, lase-bore si ght1ew '~o,r 'L,ent,e'ri ng holes, 11'97::1 (] Ma,glnet:i( d ri 11- pre'ss (hIU(k, k'eYf 119\8!:11,3

Ma rkln ~ 19 a:ugle 'fo~' mlu.rnl~iffi1lgj' 201 ::,68 M~in:i-tnlmllml~'1 for routi ng sm,aJU drdes, 197':12 M~iter Ig,au gle', setti ng 'flor' tricky a mg lies, .201 ::1 0 M~rtersjaw hoi d=dolw n oolr sm,aJlll~1 pi eees, '196::14- MorUse setup ,on rceter '~a bllle', 19S:~ 0

Panel saw", 200::1'0

P'endl=po:~tnt shalrp~n,~ng wl'~lh sandpaper, ~97:3S P,e r~of'ated ha rd boalwd hang ers, ma'Qlmeti,ct 11'9:6':110 Ph~ln.elr th itCk ness gal~ig,e;f ~'99::'15

PI,an i ng '~h i n pia rts, 195:161,2

PI ugs'j dtri I ~i~nlg' wi~t:ho~t d rl II p ress, 199::,42 Ph.mgs; kin dis 1@lf~ 1919:43,

P[ntab~ e too!~ ho:~de[rj. '197':~ 3

Pressure-treate d lu m be rl, fasteners forI '191;41 Pres'S~re=treate diu m be,(~, wa.rp:!ln g!~, 11'9'7::40 Push b~'o(t ta bl e~s>aw ~eWi(je-lmIOIU nted, 196:,8, PUShS:ttliick, doubl'e, 11'918.:110

R ~ -b'- b-' lot FU'~lfl'lllfiIiilfl:3 '10°"5' Ill. ·-~'i !b.-II~1Il Ilil~ 11;1; r:;,o, .. ·,),

Rails., a mid .$til~es, fl1~lsh 'fa,ces on;t '195::30 Resaw~ingl th~in stJo ck~ 200::67'

Rou nd-overs, on na rwow pi'e(,es, 2.011:8

el' . -- -. - ~'-- - 11::,- - - IE: -, .,-- -,-- 1\19' ·5·-;ii'11·5~ _ a mlpl ngl !F,IICe IIFfi,. m,e,5~ II~-· _ .• ~ I .

___ --

ArUde, Iissue::: iPage'

IR,o U:~:~H~ h o~'b:,onftal!I~ly' mounted on tdlb Ilesaw~, 111911:',8, IR,o uter rei i m b-rut, .200:69

IR,o u~e'r-'r,almsi ng (r,a!" k, 2.00:1 "

IRio uter- tal~ lie feml('e m i~rro-ad~us,t.elrJ' 19'91:1,4;' 200::1 J IRlij u:~iing 'g rooves, 200,:64

S,an di'ng'= b -lock we dlgeJ.' 198::73 S\aJwho rse and pow err str~ip'f '1'96::12.

5,aJwho rSE' fwo m pl~ast'i( ste,e '~IU bs, 11981:15 .so·oll~sa'wing m~gh'~ turns, 1'9\8:1.3

S ea,t -sJcul~p,ti;ng ji~ig, 1'99:8

S etup bkicks, a n g;~edj "99:69

·5· h fIilir-P' 8-111- P"~ '~'n ii2I ; ro ~fN; iiin'(;jl 2l1ill- ''-g.

" ~III re IhJu\. II ',m~'.r jIIlll~i!' ,,'lUI ~"

Shop vanrnl[J m, too[~='tirilg gere dt 11919:,,65 S ig n~'ng Ipn~j'ects" h ~)W' to, 101'::,B;4 Sp'indles~ :s'~o~~vboal~d fOlr, 195::8

Spray b~@,tht mini; 195:,11

S qlua re pn~j,~(t, dh'~(k~n!gl f;o~ri 201 ::14-

S q ua r~ing ~arge worl~p~ie res, 19t$,:1:S, '79

StlD pped chaJimife rs, rauti n ~ perfect 19,5::3,11 S t'o pped grlOIO\f1es ,on router ta billE', '195::110 Stl~n~g,e Glb~ilnlets,t sin OPt 200 :42.

'T:~ble$a'w' sa~~ty remlnder, 1'9,8:14

'Tab IftO'~'. bm i:~d i n g..... an d stabm~'i~'~" 100:i80

11r.. . l-~

lea r-out re,d:u(!e wlh,en ~o lniiilri gl~, 2.00.;69

Tu rn i n s (he(k~iffil;g flatness a nd depth, 20 ~I: 35

Tu Ul i holllillowi ng ,(I n d san dJ~ng Ila rge bow I,. ,200:31' Iu rn i n 9 'Qla u gl~i open-end wlrem,ches~, 1'97:'64-

T urn i n g- ~og b lanks, flnd i ng renter ot, 1 '911:,9

'Venee r, how to flatten, 2.00::6.2

'W'i ri mg a tel evis:ionl 195:42

',Ii i'O"··O· d ;en edes A lsp '111::iI'!ti [I:-. ii"ii ~llI'd 19~ 1f!iJ·,i11 0·'-· 'M''II .. .. .. :If'Iii;\..- '1;;) 11II, ',_,. Q I ~ 'IJI'WIi III, i _ - J. II ....

W'otrkbench pl~[Jt,ect:ioni' \dlnyl s:h ade, 1'919::'1 J. W'olrkb~nLh ttra:Yj1 191::13

'W'orksu rfai(€'1 pl~lrtaJlbllef ~1'9f9~:15;

Z:,ero-d e~irain(e in sE'rtec.ydeJ 195:,10


, '

~ .

b~ng~h iei·S' ~fl'llill) h~,lf ttl E!' refL'~Ju'h ~f t,l'IIe' b~l5e'

~CJket ~(~




T1h.iS annual index inc udes every ~rtiCleandShop T~P thatapp:ared In, WOOD® magazine from the December/lanuary ,2;009t2010 issue through the ' " ovember 2010 issue, To quickly fw,nd the article you're looking fori' first '1· 'd'i ennfy t he m <::i1'miO' ,I.' 'I" n d ex categ '''0' ;iiPy.,

. ,J!, .i3.!11., .· .. _IL, JUdi!." " ~"I, Jal~" • " •. A -L ,,~lkb:-:. _ s: ill. ':'

most likely to' contain the aIti,c~'e'::

Project s (plans with step-by-step instructions)

.1 To 011 s ;& Materials (product reviews and g,:; uidance on, using I 10-018" accessories.

I ]. .a~ 'I f!. . ~.

. .

hardware, and wood products)

Tec'hn'iqu,I€S and Features (spectnc skills and arttcles of general interest, 5l1Ch, as craftsman profiles)

S•· h .r :'. r"" , '·!·,"S· ·it"'lll 'B" i'ld' . C' { " "1[,.. ld "', .. '

, .... ,O,P ,! ps, .: , ·.···1 i . "u.~ .,.ers. ~qUICt\.l. ,eas

you can put to use in your sho "'p: t' '0- ,..;:itiry,~)·

.. _ .' U,tW,~ .. __ ,_,., .,._·_!~~Ii.. , '=, .' '.' '_, ~_ .. . U~, ... "

Th en 10 o k fa' -- th a, o ne W' '0 '-d that b e;['t

ae , ','. ox: ,',iII', .re i,.' :,)I~ I" I,' t. i-tl, IU',-j:

!'dl," ,: .:' :'- "'b'''' the '''1 " 'i, ~"":'iJlo ,t· " . :h' ~: 'I',..., toe 'I'

.', ,f£CTI. .. es I~, . e prO] ec.iu." ec. n lq Ul,e" . 0 0 I'

,00F' shop tip, ,A rticles with. two' strong descriptors ... , such as .a mission table, :may be found. under both descnptors= u m lsslon" and "table,"

I hree 5 elPs to fin.. anyart.icle,from issue 1 to -resenlt, using th'e onlline index

1 ""1 ·' ... ,,;n~'nl h h

']lOU arso can qUW,Utimy searc .. ' t ,- e

_ ~~~=::en:~~~~o~:u

0, ,f' two W'.- '':i,V''"' -F·"~ rst to" g. e t di i'\lli f!"'t· ']'U to t h a

'. I, 116\1''!.1''_' "(;1:,,}""" :11.;)/ '_, .. , ., 'ulL'L'!!;;.,. 'j''II."J.,'Ii.".

index, type woodlmagazilntl,.com/lind\ex in

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Iln:Piex IUU! _,", "I" :;;;.. ,,~,'vv "~ '~"VW,' ID '" 1_ ' ,." .[1,0;;.,

1 f 00 it

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. W;!l)!O dw'o ,k~ tJ'l '1R,ilIjli},9:S,

W;J,Ddw,o -;'1cJ~nlg P~ans


~ Ed it 0 rs IB'I'0'91

". In the Keyword Search, box, type

. 'tile one' woreI' tha t best descrl bes tile amde subject, avoiding plurals. 'For example, to locate a tablesaw review, type ~t :tables'CJwj u (0,)[, simply l~ ,f;able 1, 'but

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ii""'''li'n'' b 'e" d-o' "'-wn'mo' aded 'fo'" '=ii, "ro" intm "!Ii'1- ...... nlcol

I~_a,~ ..... , i~._;.:.·_ .. · ,,1Il1 .... )~;:_;-', .... ,.:I·r!Oll. ~I, l~.~.l=, J~.~ ~V~ll~!!,

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.e ..... 'Ih)· 'J:,..., " .. l'nll'~' ,'. . :88'" 'iLl, 6: 3, 6 4' 4' 700

SCfi..1 r uy caJlJ1ng ',0-1)" - ." , o,

1i',~'\HfA IJI'.A '8' '.' i~ ~,, iT~ ~ ~~,trn":~,~1fJ - r'\~ I' '~'~I 'U ~ U '.' ~a li\.!l;l !~ I '!Ii311U ~~,iiiJ;~ 'i'i'



'Q.tllr I'll £:UI U








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F",e.w t'OIO.l.S. cain IMatch ,i) m,iiter,s,(lw'folr [p,ort~a,bliilit:~i' and q[uick s!etup .. IBut the fea,lllest for wo,odwor'ke'rs comes down I to tlh hi,:: Ca n lt m alike ,el ea n, 3]C,CIUI rate CUlts d[.a,,'''' i In lei n d day ..

'out in a w[!i,rk,slh 0 p settl n'Qi?;

TIl...,o ~n;-' swe r: '3 'q-- u':iI~'I"I'·f-:"le::-"d-- li'i'\J'itiliiC i'i ID!~I-,n-h·,t' 'OC' '1llllrt' QC, 'f= th iiCi, box som - a ~ I~I~ ",_',_1"" ',_'.' __ !!! g ... -_'M~lj __ 1,.:.'_'_ Ii-'~I~~ ft-~Z'-I- I. ,,' U ._ .. ~ . _~, 0-.:.... ·,·A, ~Vl __ ._~

mite rsaws de I iv,er 'furln~lur'e,~ql u,a~~t.Y cuts, IBut, ev,en the best saws w'illill ,)4ellld better res ults if yo·u Ip1Ut: lnto ,ii,(lhln ·th@ fol I o:w'i'n'QI tiiIP'S",


Tipl #1'::: 'Upgrade t:h,e~ bl,ade~

Most m lt ers aws ~'O: m £:ii ern rip ned hr-d,th' " ":1Ii

,,~, '''' '-~" ,.:Ji'IL~:I,i'·!l·" "i"... ,.' ",'Ii.. """l'l:..-.III '.It'''.,., ,II"" ,~" ,: i{JI

general- purp!ooe 24,·, to, 40 -to oth blade

suitable for cutting framing lumber or decking, where clean cuts don't matter much, ,SiUt to make crisp' cuts tn .. hard ...

woods, you'll need a high-performance 'b;III~,d~ £:ii with 'lI' IIOW" ,-,-· .. ,d· ';i!:ii'iDl'I-··e' e h 0,-""0' 'nl~ a' n gle (See

_ j],(l,Il- '_"\'- ", ,',_ ,Iit},lji, ',_,' :'_I~O'':' :_: -,_ .. - _, . .t\., .-, '.". _I. I~r. L~

drawing at :right) Get an ,8:0-tooth blade for a 10'm mitersaw and a 916- or tOO-·tooth '~"'}I ":iI'i~18 c....;'i' a 11 2','11 m '1'0' ··d· ,- el ,(" W' ••. te "i'JJ;Ir"'O' ~ m en ",d 11l)J!,~.U\" .1'1.)1_. . _ ', .. _,- ,'.' .' .. _ .r!!;.-""' .. I.!I..[II .. e- ....... , •. ' __ '

1IC' d t 'LU'7Al RO· "10' d "L' U74' =R' O' l' 2" b'l d' . )

rIalS ',i"Jlf' , ... 1 ".! a.n.-. ,'_, .• c,.I.'I., '·.','_a,;e.s",

IDou bl iJlng the nUfl.'Ilbe r of teetlil mea n S each to eth ta kes a sma Ille r blte, d ra m,atiic(J, I y j m piFoviing the q ua II~ty of curt. And WI si n'g a Ibllade, 'with sharp" clea n teeth nets, 81 c'I ea n er c ut,

-.! III .11 •• ill [II •• III III III ••• aI I. I ••• 1 III III I ••• III I. I ••• III 1&1 I ••• III loll ••• -.J III ••• III III I •• III III III I •••• 1&1 I ••• III III I ••• III YI III ••• 1 III I •••• 1 III I ••• III III I •••• Ilol I ••• III Ilol I ••• II. loll [II •• III III III •• III III I •••• 1 III I •••• 1 11l._1i .11 •• 1 III I •••• loll [II ••• 1 aI III ••• 1 III III •• II. III III ••• II.J III •• III l1li ,II ••• , ill [II •• III III loll ••• aI loll I ••• 1 aI III ••

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ITip #21::' Bacik Ulpl you'r CIU :5. Even if your mttersaw comes wlth a zero- clearance throat inser '-, plate" i '; won't be' long before ove ... Iapping bevel and, miter cuts. erode that close sup'p ort, And 111031[ mitersaws u se ¥su or- thinner

- 1" - .'" - · - -. .- - - k' - - .' - - - 1-' ., - - -

,. '. , . . . I '.' [. '.' . . ' I. .' 1 [ - , . " , ' I .. ." ~ ,.

p asnc mserts .. ma .mg U near .y impos-

s·]l"b··IJe.·.·· to m .ak e vour own mscrts from

~ - 1- _ _.!l . ..J" _ ~. ~_!J _ ~ 1_ _ ~ _ l.!~ I.'!!'

-, l' ., .... "d-- .-.- -M'-n"':p

.p . .yw,oo •. · or ,: .. ',. i,

I'--· : .. ~" .: ,d ·0'1 ···,-t<'U1 : .'" .., .k-a -.-. d·' _,' '." .: .. ,".:.' ',,' 'I "'-

, nstea .1'1 Ins. au a. quI.c, .... am e,as.y aux

iliary table and fence made of plywood,

MD,F, '0:1' hardboard, as shown be,IQwj and you've got instant zero-clearance sup·~' port to prevent tear- out wh .. ere tile blade exits the cut Of' course, after you make two ,," its ,·--t· d ,.:~.t: I'" - t ... -' t~~",· th ,-.--.,

.wo cuts a .. ', irreren semngs, !L. e sup''''

port between those cuts will fall away~ StUI" lt will continue to give support om

a"ne <,"··d· .€, eo .. 'p.-, t "yo"" -, "keeoer" n tecc to . '_. ,I ' ~ill,'_" ,i' .jJ .. ' .lL .•••. ·.U.-I _,'!!,;,.-\.;.~ • ,r ,al..-'];'" ." l'y'

t h ~,4[- $,;id:, 11211 ,we hi en ,- Y" our ~~i iii V'I·' W ia r-y' fen ,"""1121;

'" aftl ,," 'lIl..·-_J~'i '. ,' ... ',,'. !" .'. ," 1[JI,llL_lIjA ,lILw .. -·,.~: c;.. b'~

d " b'l l d - h ,. b i I

:-" ,.-' '11 . I -. I .",", J -.. ". • "., .-.',', l'! . I' :".. ",- 'j . '1 ," ,'.. "I -', ,-:' "~ .. . . ".", " ::;

an ta .... e no o.ntger.,.o t .. if ~01 slmp.y

replace them 'w'itil n'e'w' ones"

IF,o,r the, Qluii,c:k.@st s,etu p" U:5@ dou blle.-'~a,c~d tillpie 'to at.ta ch an iluxi I :ia:ry t:ablle a nd fence 'to tlhe salw~s ti;l b~I~' an dI fre i1Ice~


F,Q,r al I on gler~·llastiingl ba c:te r" ,atta ell aln

a u:xl. i.a,If,' fe n,ce w~th screws\t afte r ~~N::r,e;w'iI ng thle ta bile' 'to t:he' '~e'n oe'",


0-- - --- ·'f:;Dr~·a"- - - blad '''.- 'W- -~··h- ---. ,-' ·-····it;~Vfi hoe k-I-

, In a mlL',;:;:1 ~ .. w - a es ~!II. - nO:S'I'LI !Ii;: . ",0

-"--'-'- _' ,._,_·,_.~-I.--·;. ,_ .. _",I~,,_,,-, .~,_"._,_I_ r·-,·",.,-'-,·,·.- _I!'~: ~";:._

,iJ illig I es a boy,e' 1.00 ~il.att,aclk;'f ,t he 'w·o 0 d with ~inin li';Ci;eC' 'I'V;iDl """u:t' 'it' - I-N- ati.'!:IIlt'h;a -ho 0-: ,k·: bll ~,d- 'ae ,a,~ E' a

Ig~~_ ~~~ ._.~ ~ _) n~l~ '~·3Q. _ ._' ~ _1_. J :.:.. _~ . ..:. ~~ I§'~,~~

iilnrto the wood with a t~shaiviJ ng~' cut. VOIU f best bet iJ:S,.8 blialde with a hook I eo b etwe,e'll 10° and ".5.'Q~ U~.ook fO[I" tl!1i~ 'fjgu~e on th,e' [bllade., it:s pa cka'g iingll or I:nle ma n ufactu rer'5 'W,eb s,iit@,.,)

TilP #,3,:, Stop befo~re you -iift., After making a, cut on yurur mitersaw, always allow the blade ; 0 stop spi nnlng

. .

before lift lng the saw, Prernaturel y

~ ~ . md ' h d f

raising It COU,,~'I, S core t: : .. .'e ern -_ O,i. your

workpiece. The spinning blade could also snag the cutoff and. dangerously propel :it at a high s peed,

:It" rf ~ ,t"uter ,f tillngi ,a

,. ., -b~ d-

:5plllll Iii ling '~,a,: '@

(above) we

leii'uld kie d t:li1e' cut" It re'V'ENi!1 ed sc'o'll'i ng m!a~rks ,o,n the e1nd

'g F,a.i n {tr/g'h:t)"

II·· '., ,#4: Cet, rel'ia'b- e help,.

If your mltersaw doesn't cut perfectly square at 9100~, check the owner's manual for the necessary adjustments and dial '~I· 4!- I' n fo 'F' 'po 18 rfe ct .£" uts Th e best 'I;:' ~'w:· .c h a ''ijJJ'£ii,

, !L, " , .. _ . .1 ... '!b, .,tIJ,l .. 'I!.-."", ~ -, .;].:::i'ri, .,,_!ll.J _.~l"j J.(;jJ ... ~, ' .. -_ ~~

ml ter sea, es that you, adlu st to cor lee t i naccur ate settl ngs, but w lth most saw 5,. you ad.just the fence to the blade-s-often a finicky task .e , S orne saws don't have any adjust ment at all,

1'f your saw's scale p['OV,e'5 unreliable (0:[ unad i ustable) I put you r t11' ust .1 nstead 1 n reliable S(]l uares f d rafti ng' if: rlangles I' angle blocks, 01' setup guides to position you I' saw fOI each cut. Be sure to, reference your guide or square against the blade's flat body rather' than. the teeth to' ensure absolute accuracy a.

Itp, #5: . -xtend your' s . ppert, Most mitersaw tables measure about 18!~ wide, and some include extension wmgs that add another foot or 'rna of stock support when pulled out" But for longer workpleces that prove tippy on these, setups, y,ou. need. support to prevent b cards from. t:Utin,g or hftmg off the table, You, can do a few things here to

.. .

ensure precrsion.

Flrst, add. a. couple of scrapwood blocks that m a tc h tl he i~ a w-· ,1';('1 ill- able h e .~ eh ·t· 'Pl lac-

. '-C" ill. I... '!!.,.J. .'.'!I.;,..;:!' - .. ' .;:! 11l1i;:~_JL" . "W',O .. . j'.J!.u,_ -

in,g them near tile ends of your boards ..

:~ If yOjU Ii' saw wa nts to on)p Into a:n In a C:(Ulriate de.te nt~.IbYlpas\s! ii''t aJlnd 5 EN: Uliie' the miter Iloclk. w'n ii~,e' ,i I ignihl1 9 the b I a de to ,11 lknawn=to!.-be'""al~cliliat,e galu g@"

e"I~I'I'D~DI_ i!!ii;Y'~lr ,~l·:B ... i~ln~1 lEI! ~~~IJllll~:~ "II: " uuu

U:S,iing ,9 m.ilIErr,s;alW IPi~ail.for',m wilt:h t·e~e,scolpj lilly extens iions Ig iiv~s you ho rizon'tal sup·~)iort ,8 S

'W' ;011 .:::I;iI.'" ~ ,f',,"n'lI'lib-lv- ~"I .... ,;£'n,r m ,~.~,II"'I·III1· n r'Q'pla~t'e:"d'l ,i"\U"';to -_._.15. I g~J g. ~dLJII!ilI~_:.:. _ . '!ISi~ III~IJ _I _!~~ __ .LI;:, ._ ~I - .~~I . ..:.'..:._-:. ~ ~, .. ~~!I!

Klreg '100,1 Plli',e'c:~s,ionl lira,1( ,1; St.bIP' ,811 S,ys,tem~. #KMSB'OOO

:ProoUlced by Bob Hunt'er'

w'i th, Keviin Bo,l@ and .• eft· Mertz,

S··· t t b '·'ld- td ,~, 1 t

. ..' . 1·'1 _.". .' - . '. I I.' ",' 'I" ,",. • ~ ," .~' I -. .

Imp,J::_OUL '" ao. __ , sl,m"p,~ e _,0 use

defines this child-pl~a~!l.n~ projiect. You. need only push n ts dispenser

to' allow a. treat 'to drop into a copper

P m I" th d " t t ,.

," .. -j:' . ,- , I .' . -'. J .'. : .", • (I" .-;,-: " ;1 _. '.j 'j -- ";",.-, a , -~ .. _ •. ' r. _". '. ", . ,,"

cap. _' U "_,]O,g e e_,ID,$,pens,er QUe Ie, i"leVeS

the tasty treat.

Before machtning ,~ny' parts, measure tile globe that holds the gumballs. (You find them "- "'0 th e lightin g departm ent at'

'I' " ," " " , ," " 'I '", I '-,' " '-, ,,"1- , __

. '·C.' , i.. ,', """.l .,,! ','- ,.t_, .' l ',,' -,J .- , '_, . c.

h " ',- , " ,-' t ',-,' - d 'm., d '-,,' '_." "'-, 'r'h orne cen ers anr , namware stores.j ,J[" e

base of OU,F' globe measured 3lim in dlam-


Whip up th is sweet little pro '.,'~Ie_-"'c'-' -tl in a"":-,," weeken d •.

- "J" - '- - - - -- ,." - - - _I_.

eter, If you. use one of' a different size, adjust dtmensions to fit it,

St!art body, ... b,u·l!diing

'1" - rom. 8/4, stock (or lami~~:ted: stock),

prep are "'.5, ] 1:L;.;;,,~] "l-&vl,6· Ir blan k I(W' :,',,':',0;

, _~, .. I~.~~ ~ ,7,~ :r~--tt.. _"I. '_!~.,.~ ;_,!! r : '_ ~

'used walnut.) From. this. blank, cut the

b ck ItA'····'li1 :. "'I,~I d ", ,,' ,.,' 1(8:),'~ ·····i~-- [iliA ---~,-

ack ~",) a na '. .IS penser t ~ ".0 size =III~I ate

rblilis Li.s,.', J!age S4] '. Set these par ts aside for the moment,

12~:, ~~r~~~~~t~:~~~t~~~~~ :~

length from this blank,

3'R·' h b 'k- (A-') d! ,.'

.1 .. ,_.. . J ," j ':.' .;. '..: .". _.,-- I "_ I , 'I ,"-. '. '._'

j_e~rm"ev~ L _!.'~',"a.c,,:;~, ,a~~ __ , g, u.e, It

between the sides (C)~ flu sh at the

top, bottom, and back [D,rawing· 1]~

the body' {A/C) [Dlrawiilrl,g 1]., Lay out and dnll '~~i holes ,%~i deep for the two set-

h 'I Md" h 1 be i I U-

':' ,- __ '., - . .'1.' : . . .--: .: -.' .. -.... "r'- - _'. '-. ,.", - ,", - -']

screws t .at no ',_, t " e ,g one In ,P ace .. .rse

~ bo It-C to tap threa -d' ,"'" I" n each h-I ole I[C,-hi ~-P'-

10] .... "," I ",". ,JUl," . "~ . J ',,, ~a,!Iu..· .. , ", ,w,. ~ 'U1_, •.

fi p' on oppas.ite page]".

2set. a compass to draw a. circle ~u larger than the globe's base, then, lay out the opening centered on the top (01)., (Don't change 'I hi So compass setting-s-

'='0··' I~'i'1I need ',-II!. ·aga"·' 0' sho ,'tj" 1- u )-" '0:" '~'1'1 ~ ,l4,U

f'u ,IU, -,~,'- - h .. '--, - ,~ , , ~\ ,I - .t' ' f.l ~ Q. Vli

starter hole inside the cl rcle, and then jlgsaw or scrollsaw to with In '~hi" of the' Iine. Sand, up to the line using a sanding

d - - - - - - t d ,--, d - "1'-1 - - "

I I '. • • • I .'~ " .. "'". ' ". ('-1' I . '1 I:," 'I ,",

_"fum, 010UO.I_e, ,nn ,a". rL __ 11[1ess. ..

3 !:~:!~~lm~~:~u~:~:,r b~~n ;~~;

round-overs on the circle cutout and th,e '0' ' ,[- '~IT'!i."I· d£lo e', -,d' ze e ·0" -"f', th e 1['-0" 'p! ID- -- I)" [D----:- 'r-',a'llIlIl'iO.' no' g:' 1]

. .. J1i,IIL~ 1Ii; ., .. 0' " ,;:]'_.' " 't . .. . . 1'1IfII I L. I '"

~'-]I ,- . th " t ,-,', (' 0"') 4.·· th b' id " ',-' '-.,',- ,- ,

,1I! .. ue .-. ,,:,,~,op .: IILO, .. ae oy a.s~Jem ....

ly (A/C) so the- edges are flush aTI


t;"~! ..lI"~ -m'"

~'''''ul'!:lI '.

9 lass 9 110 be

'1Ul x 1%,11 ~~nJbber band

lit ~ 20 x 'o/~'II socket-head

#6 X 'V:I1~! F .. H,,, wood screw '" )

"'~ .. '

. . .

", .'

Vii to .. : .... - ' ..... c.' .... ~.;;.:., 1~, ,.' - .. cop p~r cap.

Shank hole ~~

countersunk on bottom fac@··

~Ii ro und -ovars

·tt,S :x: Yit pan h ead screw

' ..... ,., ":'I'dl ,: ·:d·1 ,t' k. -- ~,-'. w h -' .. '.'.' - fa c·- .. to' ,aiO un. -'1' an· 1.l!!'e se IIl.$Icre.: . '0, es .' .ace .1- '

th e'· ('!'·;d·1 o,~ A: Ite -- the g" ·~i. ae dr . es f 01 Ish

_ ".':.. ;JII_,.'I!.",~., ..: ... ,_.IIi,.,:.. r l~ .. ,111;". > 111. lUll '. . ... , .fl.,;;)I" L ~.m;J! .... =

I['~, nd t h e ~, €"<" embly to, :'. 2'· 2 ...• ,0. g' '-r'il*,

..JI~_IIJ .. ' II '" .,.' ('!Ili.l~:~ . .l.l e-, 'to,','; .=-'"," : >. . .:" .IJ,IN...,


cr'''' • '. II

u_olng In Cllrc_e·,s,

1 ~::!c~o~;i~!ef~~) t=~ ~e;~;e O~f t~~

tempered hardboard. Using the compass

W' 'I" t h .. · t h·IQ. C'~i:V· .Q,AI setti n g'- d' raw '.':' .;oJi, ,'C' 1" rC'I',Q,

_ _ .' l=.! .~ !..!!!!,~, !.J!U, _." '-- U' U!~ ~Ij..~ ~ ~/:".""" .. '_ tW..Y,·', g. '. 'L.!!!! .", l'!!"!'''''

are oun ,dO, this c"e" nte roo ··,·'n··t', To lay o .. ut the

' .... " u .... , )l;JI. ' .. :iLl r 1Il.I,H. ['!., .~, :<u I ~

hole t hs t the ""'iI!"-' ball £'·'1'1.:.'- thr ", tzh . JJ .e.- . a - .. ' e gum a . .a S.! .roug. J

t ~h .',' "1' t . 11.!. n e .... d! ,'. ~ .... , the

.r'ese· . la, .. if (om pa ss .0 ., ~,~: an·. t USlfl,g .,' .e~

#8 X y~~F panhead sc r,ew

... ,"



'~ ..



• ._



• • • • ,

; ,






r'" _,; .

., ....




. -------'-'--.

~ I I I I ,







~ c~:c

,-' . 'm" itD

'5 'ajl :[i

-,~;,i,:, ,._, .~ ,_,

~!= ,t=: ·N I!JJ ::.~ ~ U


i (


~-'::"----'- --,----,----

. -~.---.

- '!,. ••••••• ~ ••••.••••



, I


...... ---~ 'M' ,-----~



Use a bo,I't to' t,alp ·t,hr'e'a.dls To, prethread the holes for the setscrews d rive a ~,"~, .. ,2 0 hex hea d bo It ;'I'n,,·tn ;C'~C' h '0' no Imllil'b- som "e" -W'~'V' o'n" 4"h- e

L _ ~I ~\~.,_ ,_ .• ·'!II'~., !i\y, I .~', _ _:',O!I.i"\ I !, , 1)., ,

bolt threads so it tu rns easily, K,eep 'the: bolt perpend kula r to th e edlgle as you Igo.!, and back irt out now andthen 'to, c~lleallr s h avii n 91:5 ~

s ame centerpoint, draw a, ctrcle inside

h f [- . ,~ .] D '11 :7:'l..11 hol " h

tr e irst DraWllil11l 9 '1 ., [1. "a ';I~I' ,'o.le wtt . I

it~ centerpoint on the inner circle

2cut the' restrictor plate (E)I on the I, ou tstde layout 1 i ne, and, che ck that it: fits, Inside the opening In the top (01,.

S 91 n d t h Q '!IrQ1ct' 'I lctor p' late to flt I' f n Q;Qd·· .GI; d

~. I" :', ,', I, ..... , JII.'k,;Jj .lIi.' 1Il,' .... , , _,,"' '!Wc,!!;"" ,." . .iI. .'" 1."",,:11,.,.,,: .,...!. ~

Then drill and countersink t .. wo

. =,. ,'=== ., = .,. ... .. - ,

'%4H=,di,a'mete:r shank holes [Dr,aw~ng '1],. Screw the restrtctor plate to the body' assembly (A/ClD}~ centering the ho e 'bet-ween th,€,: sides (C) and toward the open, end of the 'body assembly,

M,alke the di'spen,s,er

Photocopy the Diispe1nser P,atter'ln from .page. 53" and, s:p:r,a,y ... adhere :it to the dispenser (B)" Scrollsaw or l~gsa,w' th'€:' fl nger pul] and cu p locations just ou ; side

th" 1'" . tn - -- d th" nc t· _.... th

'0 lln'O~ll! M an I~'an .. 0 'C'I"ll nu e ~ml n·o, '1

1 =!II;;. ~'.;),;, ,-v;:' I .Ji;.'\" "" " , ~ , ,!!.i. IV'· _1.Ji' .Ji I .L.l'v, . 'I ~

Round over the edges where shown in [D'ra'wi ngl '1[j' using a. ¥kIll round -over bU 'in a table -mounted router,

2- Ch. ~~JllCk.'~." a: Iii FO.· rstner bit into, the. dnll I press and bore the hole for the gum'ball cup in the dispenser (B) [Photo ,A]I"

3'., D'(] a, pilot ho e where indicated on .' ..•.. ' the dispenser pattern, and, drlve m, n ,a .. #'8x~u panhead screw [D'r'8w:iinlg 1[a],.

B~se'" assembly, ,an,d gum

Cut the b '''JI,C',o ('m\ "'0 ("I"Z'jO Lay out ~'n'~ 'd'l-

'~ '. =11;;, d,.JIPII;.. JD;-'l II!, .. Ji ,_'_:_:!!;;.~ . !l;iI.,/ ..... _' _' ~, ,C_ "

d -"~ I t he .. d' , f th :~' t th: t t - ,

, . .' .. -'1 I. til'" >. ::' i"'- >:1,"-'11 I .... - -I : ... -

, rro..", ,e, e,n.c.s 0 ' . e s. ,0 I",a, .. Ii' ap.s

th e screw head In t"'ht.::i; bottom .t"'I.t: the d" ·"!l:'I_

1:., .' ,', iJi~· ~ ..... ·~U··· _ J ,w. ... ;I ... ~ '. '. ~ tL ',' .. vI ~ . "~ . J ~

penser (IS)I [D'rawing 1, '. 01111 out the waste 'between the holes, and. clean up 'the !d,01['

d , .. h h·' 1 [- h - _.]

e ges wtt ... a C '1,ill:S'e:,P ~otiO B, "

2ChU,Ck.:, ,3. %'11 oge'f' bit ,:i,nto, a iltabh:!~ I mounted router, Rout around ,aJ~ four sides of' the base (F)., Sta rt across the

d zrai hi t "' d

en g:r.,am.:n so any C tp-out is removec

when you, rout the adjacen t edge grain.

3 Clamp' the body assembly (A/C/DlE) to the base I.F) cente-rCld fllont to b\cM:'k, ':i.-n· d· '''''I'd'' £Ii, .. :tO""'~';lld'I,II5I' D'r'l!'ll a·' n' 1(1 Oi'O'u-"-n: t,lI5I;r'~("'mnk

!t.l 'h"', ~ '. 'Ii..... . ,_ .. i3.IIJ, ... '~IIJII ' , '-oj, ,", 'I!.-, ._. :.: J '3b ~~lll ,",

%2'ri s'ha,n:k holes thlOUgll the 'base [Draw'iing 1] a.nd. '~4u pu.ot ho,ies, ,thrO'ug;h the s'hank h,oles ,and :fun to fh,e' sides (C).,

U'n .... ~I,a,·"m-I "Pl' ,01 t, h,.iQ: . po: : ,''',e .... e· <:", .jj!:" n· : 'I ~,h='if","JI1 n-: d':.'· ,~l nl

, 'Io. .. Jl."". ,'16 ill. 'l... oJJ' .IIl1 ",n.., ,;')L_iII,,, . !tot ,w.

! ~ a,It s to 2210 g.ritl a,nd th.'En a,pply a fi n islh~ (We ,a:p~pl ied, thn~e ,cola.ts 'o:f :spray:- 011 :polyu.rethan,e, bulfin"g bet~we.en ooats

"'th 3'2'" 0 . 'It d'· )

- .. ' . .'. " I . ' .J - • :.,' . .... '1- '-. .... '. ,- -. . '-. I '. - j 1

WII. a,,', '~gj['.l sa.n lng:s c.onge ..

-. 'o,.t,': ,A Uorw the fin ish to dry tl1orotl.. hI)!. beWr <j fi lii:llg tl1:, , :'t:JacliiJ'ut wit/q ,gu n ba lIs ~ A.ff'ix fhe bu,m,:pers toO' ,th,€! 'base' botto.ln~

5 Put t:h,e~ dis.:pen Sfj[" I( B) in, place '_ between the blas.'E (F) a,ndl boOdy ass,e.m'bly ,(A/e/DI/E)., Confirm tl\,a.t the

d" "d ' '"'-1 d i.spen,:sew.' moves In, ,an', out eaSl 'y ani

tha,[ th,e lJiaJ,nh,ead screw ,on, ils, botto,m, preven,ts the ,di,sp e.ns.'er :from s]],d],i,ng .out


... iii

Measure hlol,e' de'ptlll 'fromto,p

5 u,rfa.ce of dii'sIP;! ns,e,r'"

'C amp the d ~s penser (IB]I to the d ri IIII'-:pr'ess fle,_n,ce~ ,8," dI (l~iI1t:e'r a, 1 !I,-deep' ho~,e i ftI t he futO,ut 'f,o r the ,g WI m ba I1II (UP~

completely, (If the dispenser sticks slightly, wax it.) Screw, don't glue, the body a ssembly to the base"

6Thre-a,d the setscrews Into the top I '(DI) SJO they a,IE [ust flush 'with the inside edge of the cutout ~ Place the rubb er band around the 'ba se of the globe" Fill tile globe 'with gumballs, tur 1. the machine upslde down, and pillac€': it onto the globe, FHp the machine and globe upright, and Iightly sn,l11g 'the setscrews, to secure the globe ~ (Over - t igbteni ng the screws ,cO'U ld crack the glass.) Place a coppe:r ,cap' in, the dispenser (B). Pu sh 't'·.'II!·lQ dispen C'!9I' fn pull 1'·'11 out a. n d e njoy

.IlL ,'I!.,. ,J., 11;... .. "''I;.... ,.jJ, t . !bJII,.IIllll " U .. ,III..J, ," '~"

in moderation. .~.' -

P'roduc~d by Crall 9 RuegsE!,gger' w~th Jeff' M;j@II"'t,z Prcp]ie ct des,ign~. Ri'e; hard IBlurt.Q:n~ N,okQ'm~5,;!' '1!1 ~ 1lllustra'tiolril $,: Ro:x;a:ulllI@ eM,oiili1 e,I:' ILIOII"I1181 Joh 11:5.n

C', 'utt·.··n"lg- D···.ia' .. ···,g'·lr·8:··lm'·

, ~'. , " ,-J '~' ~.' .' -,,:. _': ,: .

~ ~




S- et .,11... a ste n 0111 U-IU Ir' drl IIII pre e'c' to ~11;.,11 d eep

~ - !L~ II!I§;: ~ , ,I.,,: I~I ." " . I I:V. J~' I. '.1 ,II ~ I. ..1 I~I.~~. ,IUI~; 1.,': ~'I!;. ~II

B ore tdrH~' end Ii olle~ ,Ii rst, ~,hen d!lr:j II a ser lss ,of 'o;v@lr'lapping' ho les b~t'wle en the m,


P'an T W L MaU. Qty"


A* back 'W}~t 1~~' %in W 1
- _', _'._
B~ .anspenser '~Il<lll' 1~" S:Mt' W '1
, I ',' , I., I
C* sides r%~m 1~'" 4!4111 W .2
.. ~
ID top, ~u 4~" 4]4111 W '1
E restr:iiuc,oir piaU' '~'IA 31f"d- H'B 1
"~ ··'.Iam.
F bas-e ~~!I 611' ,o.[! W '1
4P,arts cut: from one b~ank. See the ~mtstrudi;mlS. Mat,elfiial[s key:, W-wa I:n ut, HIB~tempe;red hard board" Su pplles: Spray adinesive'l ,j6x~1I flathead wood screw.s~ ~~8x~!l panhead SiCNaW (1)~ ,lW8xl~,i~ ·n~11jh~d wood .s!Crews

~''1'' Mil! '1ft 11.11 '.' ~i\""~ Ik '.,..,!J "''Ii'' -.'. ~1t' U,,!I . ..4,': ," b""

'~, jI'.4 =".'uXn: 'SOC~!i.',~ll nedo. setscrews !j,.&J, Z'l..., -eem.oum-

pers (4)!!' ~." ii Inside-diameter copper ,capl ']4xl~ii lrubber band, ,5Itdiam" glass, glob~H

Bill's:: %,11 og'leer '~'III w'ound-over rout,er bii'ts; 'M!II~ *1!1~, and '1 ml

Forstn:er !biits"

'!4:x S ::< 5!~

T,em pe·red hard boa rd:


, ---~
~, I~ ...... ...
f ". ~ ~ ( "ID \ IF
~BA ~C ;,__
f' j \ . j
'* - .......
r--' '- .... .
-~ .....
./ :/ / / ./' " ./ / 11. '" =,p'. ':J~!! W' '1'- - '1: ('91 b"dl ,~ , '7"10 ,x, I X ,.:J'V ','.21 nUl. ,~ ..•. ' :., 11I11l,,,,~'

-. IE -I G' '-H- J O' . -I' -N- 'E 'RY J-II- G S

...... -:- " I 1\ , ' ". .~-


r··· ·1 e



.. -I:

H- -a!np'" Ho··I,'''-'a'vs' - r!1 ' g'i IJ~

'··-,u~,elr Jlig .. ~.-. 5

I . _

Dovetail Jiilgs in 3; 'Sizes 12 II, '18 (I and 2'4,U widths

tout Cllas,siic 'Do,veta,il Joints 'Create all of these joints riqht out of the, box!

'S~·--'Up:-:·'e"'-:' FI , '

. . .. . - . . .


IMort,ise II Tenlon Jig

IRa ute r not iii nc-I u ded

R, ·"-O"--""-U-I-t--' S···--t~P;Dt-· n g"-"J M"'-,··---, O-·--,··,-··'-t--I·ls'·e····D~, - --:e'··-··-n·· ,O"'-""In" -', JO-'--'I·I-lln···--IIS·,

, ',_-, '·1 ',', ,.11.. -- __ ... I.," "",,' .. '1 • - W, '--' I·· ",', 1 .. 1'

0·--: -n° e g-- ide one bit o n e set tp lit's that o.a· s I

_I_~=-_- UJ __ ' :_-1_:' - '~ _-~ .Ii~, __ ' I~, :~<~-~'U _~ ~ __ -:~ ' _l_ t;; __ "Y' ~

ha '. ·s-".'· n'··· _-'", e, •. -·-·.-··" ", I

"_ .-' '", .'~ ~.

yOI~rtree. le~'ghjjig:s .. ,com

I a II the choices, in m lters aws these days (sliders and nonsliders al i ke), a 1 O~I S ·Id.i ng compound mitersaw provides tile 'best combinatton o.f accuracy, cut capacity, powle·.f, price, and, portability Nonsllding saws, though, reliably accurate, Iighter, and less expensive, lack the crosscut capacity of sliders-c-up to SO percent less witb 10'" models and 33 per= cent less with 12ii' saws, IOn the other 'j;... d 12'[jD '~II-d' td · h nan __ r./· s.w,il'-_,!ers provid e an extra men

or so [of vertical cut capacity (a. bonus when ell ttlng mo dings standing against the fence), but CIOSS;cut about the same


as 10'~ sliders, weigh. UPI to 40 percent mo :'r-'-'e" and cost an other ;tIlIOIO'" to ~2c··O· "10 ''11,£,

,I... 'j.': ,],1 :1 _. ~ ... ~.~IIJ.. (AI.! ,,1,"... ,tIL ~1,l1l.:.\,.: ,,' ,I._. ~ _ '" . Iii . .I.,tIl

we've convinced you 0,1' the merits of a 101~ slider, read on, to find out which one Q'~'il'~,,a';f- y ... ~ .- th ,0 "m" i ost b "~'ng for vo-··' .-.,-0 b [c· k

.o,.hn .• .-;JI ,vU, 111..,1 .. 11.;,..' .I,,_,;}: IlI,...I1lu... .!IU. ,],' ur 1 t~" .'.'

Ac:·ca.~a,c:y plrOV1e's c'ri!tii,c'iI fo" flln'el wOlod'workllnlg

in a woodshop setting a mttersaw 'must deliver precise cut s for tight -fitttng [oinery" Fortunately, al] 10 tested. sliders met the challenge, although most re quired some a.d.w·ustm.ents before they' couki mak e de' "Ji[d o n cuts "'"r~ ensure th e saw \f'

[I;~ : .'. . •.. , .a: ... :. :.:'11-' i.1.l!ii ". ,:~ .. ' . ~I _: .I .... ~iU, "j,

Id i ., th - d

. I ", I I I' _.,,:' [I .,'[ -. I.' " :'.-' : I' - ',' - I I'. 'I" . f ... ~' ' ..... ( . J r :":, I '.

COU., . mamtam t . at a.ccurac.y" we mla.·. e

loads o.f cuts, rocked them back and. fo rth th ro - - gh thet r m iter and' b iEi!'f ;!'IQ,l

tor .!" ~. I, : ,I. ua I.' ,~: :1 : r ,,~.IL .IIl"-' ,I.~ ,Ib' ve

ranges, tossed. them Into the back, of a pickup truck, and even whacked them a few times wit'h a, 'board to simulate wear, .AIl held fast i,

C . t ·t It··

ou ni- !O··~·· .• n m--I:'e~r s··~·e-: -I ~.:n·-·'g.-:·. s

-~-. -.~~. ~ -"' --,

for r.'pe.lalble, CUt,1

Each of the tested saws has miter detents for O····!Q 1- 5'·['# '2:>"2,'·"]£9 and 4-5', Q< '0' -'n° th "',iQ[ left and

". ..' l' ..> J' ., .. ,,1; 1 11l,;iI!, .. ' .. '. .... "I .' 'I;... . .1.11;.., 'W .. · 1,'_

right sides [Pho10 AJ" A~ ill but the Ryo bl

T- '55"10' O-"'L tlsc hai . t' -' "t- 3'}' '6'-°' .-

'i '.- a .SO aave a, stop a~[" on

both sides for cutting crown molding Iylng flat .. FIve saws (Bosch 4,405." Bosch

'-4-4' .. ']"0"'" O·,·,cW,"···':,li,'I-·t D',"W':'7'1'7i Jot- J'·M·'S'::' ..... l'O·S·"··CM::····:.':S"

_' -'.·f ,'11.;." !!i;~ .' , ' a .,I(,,:~, " '!;i,;.., ,'. .-~. .'.' " .. -,' - .'i'

and Makita ,LSIO'16L) also have a 60° detent on one :s;' de, That's nice i,f you need it because you, can't even make that cut on a, tablesaw without a jig or miter-sauce u'p- "g'rade

.. _" ,,- ... 0'- ._ J'Ol"- .. 1, • ~~.·I _,._ ,'·.1

Po '[' O"CC'<:II;C"~O' nc when vou need t"11i'""II t weak

. .. "'-:. "JW~JL,' L J.d ._,', .. .'. )' ..... ".. I" " . -: V r : _ I~,U!~

a m Ite I' setting 'by fractions of a degree-« custom-cutting an out-of-square )Ioi'nti' fOI' example=tt pa:ys to have a mttersaw with a, detent overrlde. This feature [Photo II] lets you nudge 'he miter-angle setting ever so sllghtly without engaging the d etent: then loc .. k it secur .. ely fn place

,IlL:' .. ,''l.., ,It, ...,' , ,'" ",;:]. ", . .'. ','i '" , '. Ii;JIi)!L'Ib.,

Saws with a detent override: Bosch 440S

10 ea Ii bralt,e D,eWallt":s; 'miter ,sea ~e,~ 5!i m ply' ~ock, t.h,e b I a die ,s,quf;U"e to ,the fe:nce, ,a nd, the'n fdij gin tlme' m etalllrrntte'l'-scaih! p Ilaite~

fn strulctions, 'fOil' 'UI iingl th1em onl Ihie' Bosch

44:11 ~Ji s it at the flro:nt, olf th ~ !j,8W ":0'1' @18S ii@lr III SIE!~

We fOYind 'the Crafts,man 2121cn r!H':,11 e easliest to u,s:e beCf;ilu,se !()If irts, hallf,-,a,eglri£:H!' i Itu::;(!\em'ents~' tt1i'!!' other teste d saws halve 1 Q ma rid ng,SJ~

and 4,410t Craftsman 212'011 and DeWaillt, The Boscli 4410 and Craftsman 21201 also incorporate a. microadjuster mPh Drt-O C]j' enabling YO'l! to fine ... tune a miter set .. , tlng 'with mechanical precision.

M,CI'kit:aJ's beYle,i,a nlg ~e ca n be set: by read ln gl eithelr' Orf'two sea IllS'S;" g i'V'i ng 'yll) U '9'0'0 d w i'si bUlty no matter w'n kh w'ay Y[Nll ,ti It the ,saw,.


'Thle' fat cursor Iliilne and cilo(5,eness of' IR,ofb~"s be·v'e 1-,8 niSI I I! mallr'l,dlrngs ma ke iit: d iffiicult to aJccuratel_Y' set ,an il'ngl,e' wiitho,~t a :s'top~

~asY!~Jo~,U,~!~ 'fe~'tulr"s ~,ak,e blevel cUlt,'tlng hassle, ... ,'fre'e

A:n the saws tilmt at least 4.5Q to the left to make COl-1'.'PC1Ulld eu 'I s, a. combination of bevel and miter angles, And most (see the chart on, ,page ,60) ti It at least that much to the right. If 'you plan to make a illo,t o,f' beveled or compound cuts" you'l] apprecl ate the U.p .. front bevel lock on the Bosch ~Pha,to II] and Jet saws. D,eWa]t's 'bevel lock stts on, top of the s iding rails-« not quite as accessible, but still better than, the rear-mounted locks on the rest,

Th .. ·"Q, b .. ,·Qi['.'t' bevel-action mitersaws 111:a'V"e

:~ .:I~iJ! '!Isz, ' .. '~, i~, .. JIL .. <, .' flln·. '--'I .. -e- Q! .. '" -:

cyli ndrlcal scales [Photo D] on the rear hub wIth wid,!e spacing 'between lines, making them easier to read, Por quick. reference, all the saws have: bevel stop's at 0° an,dl4..5°, and most, also have crownmolding stops Of' markmgs at .33~9~,. The

D Qli.,iii; r"Jii ]It 'Jij no M' 'li, k 1· 4l- o:l m o d e]1 s als 0 have

~·Y'¥·,t;lll·.-·" ,:' _. . ..... :. ,6iJI;' JlJ'lCL " ~. :: 1':', .,·.111 .... · :' lD.~1 .. ~ .; ..... ~

22".s 0 stops ~

,S,eek, t:he SIUIPP9rt 01' __

lalill fe~n,ce!s arid longl tJa,ble,s (:0'][,' those times. when 'you, cut tall or long' stock, you'll appreci ate' the support from a good mnersaw fence and. table,

""I-'h -r B" .. · ',- h 4" '4' In. IC' '-, -ft·, -. -'. - 2~:'12:0"l-

. I .. e ,.05C ~ .. - V~-,ra . sm!a.n , "",

D,G.W·'J11;t K'Jo" balt S: ·M:·:: '2'., ,S·/O·-5",·L';!i;j' a no' d 'M·:·· .. Iak Ita

..... - A,fl!J.J! .' .. ' .. !,. .'.. ..,., I 'v,\" 1 " '.' ", ~

b "Jj, e t-l- A b ~("iii- fe - - .... iO S st "'!I. - d - - - at .~ 0 "!ri, - t 4'11

; (l!j,V. I . ]:~ ~~I~ i "';'n!~~:_, ~,,~n_lng ,~, . .!l~d s.· ..

high with top section s that slide out of the w,ay for making 'bevel cuts, Con =s verselv fences '0' . n . ~ he J·e·t-· a' .n d R· "Y'u' ··:b·:i,

:. 'l;;.,.J!l. jj;. l!l J',it 1.\;"' .. '!!;.,.'!i;.,...J' '. '., I I!J.. '!i;.,. . . . ....' ". '. 'll~

b - . th - b 'ml' - - 2ii- '1 .k - ff · - t h ,. ah t t . ,0 '~=e~:ow .. '~' 1 i3.C ~ SU ... l .. Cl'enr neign ,1,0

support workplaces twice that height.

Por th e ~!iGil at t ach an ";!illl iii ..... tl L~ ":::iI 'n!' p" 111"'Ii':!I'~:O' '0" ,d-,

.I[" J:. ... .:J !b.jI' a,l-· 'il,;lII,1I,... ,IA.. ~_~,!Ii._~AJL. !tiI,.w, J ".I" '!t_. .. ,

- = ,

fence for maximum workpiece support ,.

~ Lr,~

'FOI worknieces Ion (Yer than .2 ~ y' ou'll

_ _ _ _ -.~ • ~ l~ ~ •• ~ __ ~ _ I , ':- .. _ I~I!!!!

'111' ke the ad ded '~'ii'l P P ort of ext en sion ,If'

.1 .. "'~ ,I, ~ a _.,- "~"" ~ILI;, ',··u.. .' ~A,.~. };3,I'" '" ~,.

d deoui b h B h d

.: - i - ·1 ; ':. '. Ie, 1'··... -' r, '-, . _ .. - '. '. . ',,". ., .' .' .' . - ,',"

stan .aro equipment onot.. -OSC, . an"

Craftsman saws as weU. as Ko balt and Ryobi, In addition to, support, you get a work-holding clamp' on all the saws, We 'prefer clamps that mount behind the fence and hold stock. down against the table raeher than the hortzon .. t'a'~ clam I'nl

. (A] _ " '~I . Q ,~. ~. g,.L.JI. .. ~.. .' ·.lli. '~" _. . .. J. lilA]. \ltr

on the Craftsman 21201J! shown on the next p·age ..

Dth,er 'fa.,ct,or,s, t:o ,consi'd,elr

'Ib ~ t-'iII' III! .

. ··e.·-iore' ge. 'tllnlg ,8 :s 1·_ e'lf

• ·1!I:O'''~IiJ;·,jQ,'rIf!'. A···· · ... lth ou IgF·1]-'.JiI·I·I- 't- 'h-I Q 's· .. aw 1!!7: ·C·- ut

I ,11.-'. ''''~'~~ll!i JJL. >.'< .,.P'~' . ~ - :_, ," ' . .J! . "'.~'

through 4 x4 It reared 'pine with .1100' diff] .. culty, three bogged, down when 'W'E' crosscut 12.~il-·w·i.d.!el~. 1 %'I'i,-th'·.'c·k white oak:

the Craftsman 212371 D,e¥lalt, and

K b ~It S't·~' n the .' - ' .. '1 '.' t'h" '-' - rt - he -

,0 r: Ia. 1IJ. I " ' ..... !]_.u:.~ III..!'. ey m,ane' . ie cU,- W.: en. we

S'~IOW' ~ d t he '~G ed rate

- ,j[1 • ". II(, .. , .... .IIl'L. ~, Jl>t.lli, I ~ '"

Cut cap,al(;itie's~, 'We didn't find s.:m.g ... niflcant differences between the test saws ~ crosscut capacities, no matter the mlter or bevel angles. However, when 'CU ttmg stock. on" edge agamst the fence, the DeWa]t (6") and, Makita (SY4.U) have a

- _2" advantage over 'the: rest of the field ~

Plunge,. sl~i·de action. 'For safest operat km we prefer a. saw that plunges and c'l Id ·e~ w: ·~,t- h n o h ''-1' tch .,~ e' '0'" r ,~,t- -l~ f·f·· nes e

,it;I,. :. .::lI1!l.w. '.- - Wi .' .1Il . -.. .... . .. '\-,. .'b.J! ..... ..:J;. . .. !!;._".J;.::h.

Th - h 'D W" 'm d 'M' '~lf.-

" · .. e acnon ·011 t .e .·!e_.altt ·a:n.,~, .: aktta

felt smooth est,

Cut q;uali.ty~, We te s ted. each saw in variou S hardwoods as well as treated pine, 'using' both. the factory 'b~ ade and a premium replacement blade, Makita's blade pro duced the best factory cuts out

0" t he b O"X 'WI' th n 0 t GI a r nut- 'Jii nd on Iy

I l,tlL ,I -.~ -'!",::':I..;',:.1 ~'·'<··',.lLl ::,'1::1 ~[b~: ]'i'illiiIU',_.1 d .. iu I"j ... ~.".:

0- '" S···" .•

, .• 1




g - ..


a,D,sch ,4405., ,,425 8:7,7-267-,2,4'99"·b,t,ools:.c,om, +. IHit.s: B,osch"s scaled ... down slider has a tot ,goi'ng ferit: a rnlter ranqe of 60° r'ilgh~. to 52° left. wm'th a detent override: miter and bev@1 stops for cutt:t~n91 crown mo~di'rig'; a 'front-mounted bevel lock; extension 'w~ingls that add 7V2U of support to each .s.i;d,e; a

ta.11 l, ,ad,~ u ste b I e' fence 'wiith etch ed sea I es fo r q u iiclk refe re Fmee'; and a du a I = P osi ti on s.afe!ty ... sw itch trl 9 gl@[,

..... M i 55'18.5:: Th iis. saw beve'lis >0 n Iy to tIM e Ile'it Its c.ast-a I u m 'j n u ,m 1m i'b:~lr .sea I e- ha s wiid e iinJ'( reme'nt. m,a irk~ings, a nd proves d iiffmi(]J ~I·t to sJet non-·d'ete'nt a nigle·'s" The bllad e'

g: ua rd crreate:$ it s Iliglhlt h itch 'that yOUI m push throu'g h beforre you (ian p lung-e th e s a.-w',. Y:ou ca n nOit, ,ad]1 U 51 the th roat - pllla't.e ke'rf OP€'111 i In g. Iits 4Y21 plowe r co rdl

almost al'ways w'i ~ I ne'ed an e.xtens,i on eo rd ... And ·th e f)orous d.ust-co II~ie(t'ion bag ~'Iliio' .. 'W" .~. f~II'I' n D, ~ Iii IS"1]: to' p'" ~ s··'~ '~h roo' "'U glh" ~ n' d·· 1IJ....o,c·o·· -m;o ''=i! i~ -r'b' ..:-N; r- -n.o

(.!.IJ ",_ ".:', I~ l~ U u._.· ,.-,,1::) .. : u,:.~ IIJ." I I:, .. :"< I U J 11 . .-: U~", 1 •. _.- 'Ik:;' u,~ .~. tu I ~'~


sltght scoring marks, When, we replaced ':!ii'~"~1 hI ad es w ~ th a Fre - -...:AI 80 toot h {"" -- 0 e cr rt ,,,,.!lUll •. J~ .... I ::-.;il ',.-,liIl.. :-, , ~J\ • U,[U .. > l""Iu:.',:'. 116.[',' ',~..)~U:

model (#LU'74,R:010)t each saw produced nearly flawless cuts."

• Ha'o[elle/power ·swi,tch~ Although we prefer a honzontal hand -e because of its natural hand posittontng=H i tachi has the [only vertical's really a matter 0,£ preference, The Bosch 4410

g ~ V;9'(" Y,;.FII-'- tho, ~ abi lit y .. - to ch 0" .10' •• _ ~~ W'-·' '~Ifh, ' a··'

J . '\-. LJ! U U , ",II,.. itt, ,ii., . _, .. 11,.." , Ui'!i.-- . b, ,

~. ",

handle that Iota tes 90Q to foul' 'posit~ ons,

A:U saws except the Craftsman 21201;. :De'Walt; Jet, a nd Ryobi incl ude a. second,aJ~]!' thumbswitch that must be depressed 'b efore you can engage the saw's trigger, Bos!cll"S saws feature dual thumbswitches m- -:ii, 11 ~ ," n~ the -n e q - - a' 'l'-Iv s - - "ted ,~':lli, :t... . ~~:r ,·~,K.l 1,0, tr I,']' .. ' '[[ .. J' \l~n: ' ,

for left-handed 01' right-handed use,

.1 Lasers, The best cut-indtcattng lasers (HI"·t· acht's and -M' Iaklta's) m ount ! n .in "iii;' ".j; I~:h: ':1.:J, a, , •. .:.: : , <Jat' a j' ) Iii.' '_ nr :~. '.

trent of the blade and shine down In (lear" bnght red for easy use;' they're also slm ple t,o ad j us t, Although Jet's rear ..

m· . 0·' '~I \11 n' ite d· 1 'JI[ "",Gii'IF tend c to a~-iR- covered W'" ~l" t h " [u,: -'!b[. _, , ~'!Ii "''16',1, . '1;..,1 ... jj; !ib' I 'iO,'1611l" '!b~'~ 'I!;;; ': . . .•.. "

dust, lts brigh -, green beam proved most vis ~'ble in bright sun 1 Igh t,

.1 D'· a, - ~t--' .... ,.nI'lu~·rI!o···- ~y fl--' at 'I 1iI"\Oi "lI'l~I

.- ·Uil!,I_, ~', ''ib", ... 1 ·D~ .D, __ i(._~, _ UlIl'l!.".'t !i:~.,

mitersaws have difftc ulty gathering the shotgun b ast of debris Into the attached bag, SfUlli~Hitach'i and Maktta deserve

.". ."

credlt for doing a better 'j ob than the

'iII"QI ct Hoo ki ng'" 1.1 p a sh op' vacuum to a' 1'1

lII..''!;,..J; ". " .: '" .,1,111..1." .. ,___: .. , J', ,I .•.•.•. '. ",~I,,~,lII..IIlJlj, Iii.·· [ """

'i- he i- ested s aws sreatlv im moved thei It

I~I .J r"

d.Ulst ccllection, but nonstandard port

," " d d d duct t

SlZ!E'S ,QJ,' = apters ana c uct tape to

fit the hose t ,0'·'-, 'm'II'O'I¢t- ~ ~'W' Ill:'

lIl.w. I!J., .. '!;". Jl UJ . "," . ,,]i WiU· . ""iii

• D·.··. -,-, "1-' 'h' ss -, ~"'I-':·-· t- 'il1.iIi - ·,1,1- ',,' - Y .. -:-----.I-'- -."' zbt

ep ,0." CII ,Illml_ s, ,00 m ~,g e- ,I~,

no' -'to. k n o '.- "w'" it but 51 :1· d I" 'nl g: m 'I' ters ~W" Ill:" 11' a- V,GI;

., ," ," .", ; - ,. ,'t' IU 1 I ::'. " .', _.. . , ~L\ ,!J!~ ~" ..,. ,J ~

a, depth stop that you, set to ltmlt the depth 0'£ cut as vou'd 1~llo"" '£0''''';- ,if"'" itting

~ ".,1. ··=-U.[~i' .a_, _YIVU_ U •. , 1'·,1' Ii,;"U·]L .'.

d o:lii d '0" er(" ra bJ.. ate or' h a- I f I -:iI[1in if" w- Ith

(.r!I .... :_', ~'i': - iV"" I ;;).j'_' ,,', sa , ~"t"",,~ .. ' ,:1._,.1,

repeated cut-and-slide passes, (To learn

nh '0' " "w- . t o' - C" ·U " 'IIf1[Q cl sio ' n d a~ d n;t.;;},(, [~'IIh.l4. .c.+(',

.I!1.1_. . '. ',,' . ,,' ,I, ,lIt"-' 'II;"." . .2.a:1 - L rI, ." _ v";:cJi,1 . '!iiI!,I!J)![U I;; "·.J!1

d "} . '1- f I - '-,~" t - . -- d' - ~t ·s· '~. d- :" "M ," t '.

':_ .,., , .' • -[!!"!ii"- • ,," 1" ". I .' . I _ .'. i I' . , .. l~' J !!!!I!

a,n ._ la = .' a,p JOln,- £, re,i_ -- _.1_ .lng __ 1, er

saw joinery" on ,page- 210~) The best '!l:'·a' w-('J_,"Jii'm'~1 but t h G Bosch 4'- '4-!O'-"5'~ Hitachi

.::!' . ' .. ,Ji-y,JII,lIl .. IU, " " ,II!.. -'" ,""II".. '.. . .... f " ,JiW,1I;... l. ,ill

an 'd" Ryobi _'I et y.' 0'--" U 1C[~,t-' a st on ~I n d ~'~l"d- -I~ ]I~

~ " ' .. _, '". v, l'l!.- .. :.·. '.' _ J .... ' , ,'_, !iJ. ". r ~, ,~'. "._ !LJJJ. J" _).._, ~I~

aside for full-depth cuts, and, then be a ble to ret urn to it quickly

• ",'broat: plates, T'he D!eWaMtj' I-lita.chi JrO;~ an d' M'" akit a <"~IW~ h ave ad [ust able

11 1 . ~tt !~. I ,,:,_, r"~_ l~ :', _' ~~:._ .. JI 'I Y:.~.:'~ [~_. '_ '._ri3. .Y, .'[ ~

th roat 'platies it hat you, ,can close U,P

asal nst the blad £ii ,!IJ':o' · '1-' """el'o' . clea ran' liI""IiEii 'p"-r'o

add " '" ~I._, IN.). "~ U11ll,:" J~ llJ..".·· I.L. .:. '~~1I." _ ., .bJ~ ~ .. , ,.' .11a

tectlon from wood, tear-out,

Cra,ft,sman 2'1,2011, $,450 80,0 ... 383, ... 4,8,14; crafts,mao,~,coru + H'its: 'rh e Ion Ily 1m a de I rn 11 ,t he te's'~ , .'. i h a mllte r sica 111,e 1m a.trkedl i In h alit - de\g r1e:€

i[ n cr[em e nts.l, ~it a fso h as, ,a, dlete'nt ove rlriidile and ml icrcN:Jdj us ter 'for 'f i ne.-tu In ii rl'QI [eu ts ~ It ml i'te'rs. ,a!n dI beve ~Is 4[7'0 both rmgl ht CJI n d I eft The :s i n g I~ie e xten.s,i on 'wii ngi W I'th leutoff ,stop add s ,2,511 .of wor:k:p ieee suppa rt.

[- M iis,ses: I ts p~ U In 9 e' a.n dI _s,II'i-d ingl [(1 c tWain s were s tirfl A~th aug h [a_ use,full fe',a:tu fJie, th e ml iCF'oadj uste1r -d ria g s a[g,a,:i nst the saw' Ita b I'e when ch arngi n 9 :m ~it,elr l)io[s,mtr~o ns" lts hor'izontal 'wfJrlklPi,ece c!!amlp ,$IOmetiml,es: mftl~'d 'boards slll'ightly o'ff the s:a;w tabhr~,; w'eid FrJllr,ef;elr a, tr,a.d'iti,o nal' ho~d,-d own cia: mp'~ 'iOdU canno't ad jiust the th l1"'oat~

P)la .. ~D k·: rCrllFf' o· ',n,D -n' '1Ing-

.. ' II l,~ ,,'It;~: .. :... .. ~~ I I II I "_'~.!I

De'Wa,II't IDW717" 5,500

~·o· '0' -··,-,Jl3:·3~'· ,-,-9:·2r'8--'.· 'd- riIlr!!iI,Ii'Il"!f'Iiiltl ,tIr""'o" "m;

D " "Z _ .... . .... ;!:J .,' . ~!I'''I' iii. I 11I!l;,.., - .

+ IM- '"'.:15-'''' TI-h;c ~~w-'·: t,-"O-'-P-"S-_ .'t-h" IG 't'[Gio';t:.'t "In- m-':-:' "I'·tar-- r-'~IIf"'i;'g-" iGIi [("6t\Q 'lQ'f-iII- 5····-2-·,,0 'r-'I-I'II'g-" -h,,·t·')1 ':w· ····;'Ith- 'i1 O' "d--,Gt,G.ln--:+c· :iilin"-'I'd-'-

__ ,~ _IU4I' ~~ .•. ~-"", ,.III;,;,',,,,",,,.;!i', _._.1. .' '"",_I [!i.uIL"'-,['!jJ' ,'Io";_I~",, ' ":"U'_'~ .1:, .' ...... ,,,.,,.'. ''- ...... !!i.>!!.I_'.

, . -.. - -. --'--'"0" '- - -," 1111' . *'Ih·· . ~I -" - , t' b -" - I - - -. "4' .. ' 8-.0, "Ih ,- - . .- -)" - - -"*i-'h' ,- ,- ','" ,'10·', -. - A' --d' ".i!-

an overn.· 12, ,a's we ,£11,$ I~·· e' lIarges _'e've Ira.ngl€',L,,[ ea,c·· w,ily WI!I~ ._ s'even s!)'ops.; ,·~···n·, I'l-,

can cut ,a lo,l'I=W;id@ bo.ard on edgl~j n@it'ldy double' ml'os't of the s,aws,~ Shoul~d U: eV1er need lrealj'gnment, the miter s:cale rerCa~ibrab~s [easi'lly, and mts ilever-,actiion m~ter I~ock is our-

J: . - - --'!R- b - - ~'t II .. I~' d .... ~I!dm - - - --'iii- I"~t . d d'l " -.- .. - d d 'd' tt-rllF" k . - -·t

lu,a.vOfh,.,e ,_'eCZUJse' 11_' ioc~el~_ son.lvy1.' 'w,a.s leas,}" Iu.,-Q _.lll!"_' an,_ epress., [an, . .11 n L SI~IIr( < ou _ .as

f,ar ,as 'the comp€:'t'i't.ors,.

, _liss,e,s: It boglQI'edi down sli~glhtlly 'w'hen ctlttiin'g thick ha.lrdw'oodsj" re:qllli;ri~ngi a. slow'e'r'

.te"··e·--: 'd" -r-~te' "W: h- e' -n" -me e'· ak'-'!I n-'- -g"- 4, e:>O b' -e' \Je" 'e'd' ' CI-u-tr -Mfh"e 1;....~I'3d- g g'-.' ,il"3"'d·· 0lat;e "I-n th'- e' '-w·-· -'3;iI;j' ".lion' 'd--' -m- -U-l!i:'"':t

I~,. '.,.· _,~_,_' .. ·.".11-, "I. __ '.:'[,.,) '.','11" _" .. _I'I,;;,o:___,,~II!._ ' .. l.)IW~[_"".:'Ir,;I!~n:___'::::l'~.~ _I ._.1:_[,' .. Q,.r (11.1'. _ ·c.:lj"

be ~Iifb~:d rna n ua'lly ,to. ~Iin.e up ,and lm,alke a cut., The, b lad e ,guard ,dOles, not Iloc,k out of the 'wa,Y' whe n cha,ngii n'g b~lade.s,., 'Opfional, e',on wiingl£. cast $:3 S ea[cn~

• hili C10FS 5'450

. t:,ac' ••..........•. -' ,-_. ,:",1

800-70,6-7,33,7~, 'hi:tac:hipowertooI8,~(:G[m db H;I;t -rio o·~·:, - . - "f' 111- ·t- - .. t -- --t - d - d I' - - -" .. .. 'ft --II!- .. it> -- - -!II- -- ~t d' . - .1t ilk'~ 'k/" . t

T I II.: s,~;:__ne' a . on .y ' 'wo~es_e'_ Imoc e s W[~!),~i a SO __ =Sllar'lll., mOIIl.'of;r L [_ oes no:.. _,IC::, al_,

,sta,rt-,up (l,nd .shutdown. ~t~.s the .only saw' in tlhe tes,t ,to ~Id[@ntify ,['I~ s.etUngs for 'c.nJ[wn 'mol~din9 wilth OJ 45° spring a'nl'glle'J' and it sU111 hlOJS the tlradlt.ionall crowln-mlold~nlg

> ctl" ,- . ' .. - B[ 11-,· ·d· . "h,~' -,- .. -' '-ll .-,-,:'" "t .'- ,~L..'~_.-, i'I -- ~~t- b·· [' . [: c, 1-" . 'it>h·-,· ", bl_,~ ····d· .. ,.j 1- -·d)1 1':''- ,.'.' I~~" , . - -t- .... -iC

,~LOpS,~ -LSL e Ie I anges wen:~ ea.sles, on 'tHlllS lInl ,_ecause I~, Ie _·~[a:.. e guar _ _.OCIl\S, OUl:.. 0111

,t h .' .. ' , -".- 'd '. h'- -, . 'b····· ~I Ik 'i' .. ~I"'" ~I to, , .. -., - '"t· IL\...· 5 ' " " ,', .' , ,.' to, ,

I. e way an,- It· i€!: arlOlr ~oc,s, In p~iaC€,., I com,,@'s Wt u a ,:'~y€iU'· wiarrany.,

[_ M·· ;[lcS'IiI!io[S' [I- T~ -be IIGi IP'"I'"''Q''' t'liinliiill fr-Q -It !['tn'lf"lif:rI!2I,i;" ill-11k., ~lriI m-' '0' ct, w'-' "h-al" ·c- :-h ~ing'- "ling"" 'm"- n'lt"it2ii'r eil!2ii!l;.t' 'I~n'['g-' 'r[' 'TIlb.'I;I,~

I ._II.;)ir. "', .1' II iIi.i!I._I~'!I;".. .' '1,1".: ~I:::;! . '!;;.; ,,;J ~ ~I"'-II I!J.,II\..'III ~I ..;;Jo.' ['II;,.,U I .... -'. '\..'II J ... ~ I, . ~ '11;,.;[. ;;.ii""IIj,.11 . ".41'" V. lu.:!l'

mlodle IS vertk:a il ha ndlle, w,as less, comfc)rrta.b Ie in our' hands; than a hOI~mzonta.l~ ha ndlh:~"

T her'e/ S 1110 on bOla, rd s'[or aig e fo.r tlh e b~lad e~,c ha ng iing t,O;() I it n dI it I'ac k.s 1ta b-l.e: e,)('t,e ns,1 ans.

wtJod lI1'iil,nillZliine .. mm

-- - - ---- - --·3!----- -. - _. ---

)- -t -M-S" '10' S''''C'''-M: '5 $·'4·-·6····'0·····

I, . "1' '"" I I', ",.. • '. "'. '", ..•..

,e _, 1.,'1 .~ " ... 1 . _,~I'_i " ,:_','- _-' ,~.:_

8' '0"0" ;jj1!iJ')1 c84' .' 8,' ti-e\ll- ·o'·····o····I'~ ~Dl' .

,_:- :.. .. _'8',&,1'''''0',:..- --.', J :_ _ IJ _- c' .;Ii,,, '" I

+ IHi'l,s: Color-coded miter-scale rnarklnqs help locate the most-used anqles quiclkly~ and it ha s a 6-0g, m lter detent on the ri qht, W'e Imke, iits, fro nt-mou nted beve I lock, for easy access and ~its. gn;~en laser 'for hmgh vlsl bUilty ..

.... -. I'"'. ", '__::,- .'~ W,,""',d -' " t--I-I'I 't-- '.-'- ' ,'. 't- h (:' fe - .' ,-- . ~II,' r. ': t- ':' ,II "c_'," - :k' .. .I. ~- .- (- .: .. *'". tl I' bar Il~"., 1...,;11

__ . sses: '._- ,_I·· e eu ou s nn , e ence a~ ow a, worxpreces I~O ,lIP I·ac~w,a_ru

'whe n c uttinq. Wiithout a detent override, its lever - type ml iter' lock doesn't hoi d S€'Cu rely on 'the' CUiSp of' a miter detent, We found th e' pli u ngle and s~ ide, actio ns, ':!i"if" w·· 101111 ':!ilif" the t- ab le pivot st lff II't I'd: 0-' e ,c not mnrlull'd:-,tilJ; table e xt e nslo ns

~..J' ,', !!.;"W Y..lI' I" W . '. , V IV ;I ;Ji, iii ....• . .,.J, ~I I, ~I 1'!Iu _ " ....... u.· '!b . - A" '. .;]I .•. I .,JI',.

I Ko,~-a_t S_~~,2,50,5ILW, ,5Z010

8-----0·c·-O·c. 4' 4" Ji1! 6····Jo'3~·" k"- -b-···· '-It-'t- _. '-'1' . - . -~'-'. ".~ ...... ,"'~:- '~''':C7':J ..0 L\a __ -_~o'o' 5.C81111-

+ IH it:s: I;'t_ has- the best fence, ,a.mongl the' $200 test m ode ls, Color-coded mark lnqs

h elp to locate the m est-used miter an!g les Qluiilckliy ~ ISui ~t-i.n table exte ns ions add 81~ 'Of

support to each sii de with cutoff stops, -

iiiiii Mi.sse:s: It bOI9J91'€d down $1~ighUy when cu'ttiing thkk hardwoods, requi'rrungl a slower feed rate, and the slidlnq action and table pivot felt stiffer than most This saJ"w bevels only to the left, and the blade iguard Qliets in the way when makiing 4SQ,

b I dl t D· t Ik t- b · ~I dl t- h t- d I III '. "t'

: ';'"""I',:_ I":_' i' I I..... :,' I'.,' ,'(':""'1' "]11' I'! - - .;. ~ I~' _.. ~ . ·\-.··I.,g,J : '. r:_":" ".··: I·~ (....:...~· .. ..:··.··_::I· I .

eve ec cu s~·us, ep -]JI- Ing up on . I e rear moun e aser, es,senung. 11.$

usefu II ness ~ Acti vat i n 9 the s-a'~lety swi tc han d tri g:gie~r' sii m u I tan eo u s Iy p roved awkwa rd .. Weid ~I,i~e to have a place on the s,aw' to sto re the, blade .. c hang w ngl too I,.

,S,I-Ide you . Imli'ter,S,i1iW' dllollars t,o these mlodle ,S

By t hie: end, of our testing, two dual-bevel saws had risen to the head of this class: the Bosch ,44101 and the Maklta LS101116L,., Both models provide test-leading miter ranges fro m - 6'--·: 0° ri ~hl~ to .. ·!· ,52 ~ :~ of' t w"rnfh. '~O: c k-sol ~id' 1_

~ L .. =-= . . ~ l~r I~ _ _ =~ _ _ ~ _. _ ~ ~ . ~ iiJ. ~JIL _

detent-so The Bosch has nine miter detents and, five bevel stOPIS .. We like its microadjuster for fine- -, unlng In iter angles and, its included table extensions for extra support

But the Makita edges past the Bosch with a soft-start motor and more miter detents ( 0) and bevel S"OPi$ (7)~ t also 'has the smoothest sliding and plunging action in. the test, t he ta Best fence (by ~ U) r and the only factory-supplied blade capable of making fumlture-quallty cuts", For all this, the LSI016L earns our ~op' Tool honor,

Jf you'd ~ike to get a slider but can't spring for the Makita, consider Craftsman's ,21237' for just $25.011' OUf Top Value, This saw has few amentt ies, but it ;;5 accurate when set U-:Pl correctly, and, although sU,ghtly underpowered, It: cuts acceptably wl th a. slower fe,ed rate, "


.1 For a free' vldeo on techniques a,nd

ti ps for usl ng fJJ m i1ter:sawj, g,{) to woodrnaqa zin e.corn/m i tersawvldeo ~ .1 For ,a rev~iew of '12~! non sl~ id i n'QI (',olm1pound Imli'tet,saw$, go to woodmalgazine,.com/12mitersaw,. :$






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33-'9 3611 x 40 38





1 ( Ii],~


(1] (W, (W) (*) (#,]

IR;~a r-m ounted ,sJngll'e ii2ils~r Iop-m eu ntled 'silt;1,g~,e' II aser Was~ ~'r-m,ounted 'laser IN() ~a;5er

OpEllona I washer-'mQ,"e Iii 1',8JSE'r Op.ti on~ I 'tQ'p-mo ~'fl~ed l,(;ll~~'r

3., 1M ~s,tUi€d as 8p\~(_@ r~qu ~fed '~O a U(>w' 'wul ~ ra nlg~ of 'm~;terr, bevel~, and sUde motions

R",'obii T,SS100L" $,2,,0101 800,-,52,5,·,2579" ry'obitoois !!:COIII

,+ H,;it: Exte'n slo n w~ ngs add 110 i~ of 'WiD rkp ieee, SiU pport lieft a.n d rlg ht,

-M-· Ih ~ , det - th ~ f I' th I' , " ' ;. ", ' he l A' ~II

~ " Isses:' I re rmter .. etents on t·, ms, saw 'e it tne east posmve In t ,e test: ,',",., smai

beari ngl dro ps into sha Il,ow cutouts. ~It;s th e only best saw without crownmo "ld~ln'ig'" d etents and I lts short left-sld lie fenc ° allows t ~'Im w,:' orkolec ',Olr" 'to:". t~'-p:'

II I 1"", IL ", " ~'!C: I, ;;]):j.' P, '.' , ,3,1: IUv II[.,,!C: It .. ::N", !G , ~ , ~ a ","" .!GiII III ' " IF"~ , !C:.;:)"" ·11",

backwa rd wh en cuttlnq. This saw bevels 0111)1' to the I~e·fti and the bl ade guard I'g,-"e.::'t~ "lin the ,w"",'~y,.,: w'_' 'h""II9'n',' m'<"~~~·II'ln"'g':'I·Ai5""o beveled CI:III1fl.~ Th Gi; ;g' uard does not lock ilf'NillllW*" 'o-{- the """, ;;!! _~ I ,III~,,, !!;I!I,:,""" l"i;i_! I,I~~" J "'t" ,~, !!!;;:"~,, ... 'I!..lIJI~~". " .. ~ :'.I~UiI U,~~ ~i" .•.. L ..... 11'\, V'Ii.i!!IIl",11 '11.'_ 'Ii;:

way for bl ade ch anlg'es,1 you ca n not a d~iust the throat-plate kerf open lnq, and the re's no onboard storaq e for th € b~lad,e,-,c: hang iingl '[00 I,.


, ,

cum NG CAJPA.clll ES" IIIN (H ES



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'W 'j'16~~ ;]10: :3 T 461(]'
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€j'I{lib ~o 3 C zeo
_10'_',1 4"

Ex:c,e~ lent Good Elir


Not Applkall)l,e

.\€Iud m'analZJiine .. ~om

-- - - ----- --·3----- - - _- -- ---

.,.... l!;",d



:~ ,~

l" D' W""

11;.., _~' , ..

1'(' D-' '5:' r

" ," "j' ,

'Ho,ld -down d,am,p' '[) Uj st balgl Ho,ri;QQflta I cia m p lED lamp

Po rta bla standI

(renNin -m oldi ng' stops CUJ~Qff $;~OP'

fable exrenslons Extens'h:nl win gs

6., :((J tJ) t:M) (1) (U)


Jap'Blln Me:doo 'laiwalIrn IUlniii'~ed St'ates

7, IPrlcei$ cu rrent art tu m'e of ail~t~c:ie PJ~odl~ltlliiOln and do, not inc! udle. sh~'p'p:i ngi.r wh eire ap:plIJcable'"

(If) AVia i lsble wir~ heut laser to r $4S0,

Just in time for holiday giving

Builld the box

1 Prepare a ~ x4x30~1

blank, (We used lacewood.) RIp a 2~i-w'~'de strip from one edge for tIl€' box sides (A) and 'box ends (B). Save the offcut for the mild ends (F) and, lid sides ('G)~

2b1 your tablesaw, set up a, 'lA:i~ dado blade and raise it 3Ii6"~ above the table, Attach an auxiliary fence to the Ii.p' fence and cut a. 114"' rabbet for the lid along the

0, lit· d d bi . f

'. species ot wcoa=-an a bit 0,,-'

a] U minum =' this little proje ct lots of visual appeal, (And don't worry about 'working' wlth ahrminum->

1 d h h~ d

~rm< "1- . -- _'. ~r-1 .- •. ~ "._"_ '_ ---:--~'.- - ," .- .•• i" -::",! ",': I-·~-·- -. ""j . "~I

you, a, rear y , "ave everything you neec

to cut and shape it.) The l'a bbeted legs Iitt the box. and WI'a],P around each COf-


net to conceal. any lesst ha n-perfect miter j oin ts, while under the lid, Items rest softly on a, felt-padded bottom, For addtnonal deslgn options for th i s box. and others, see pa~e 166~

pia iniler's 'tape

Mliit,er joii nts ca n s[1 iilP' 'when c I'alm p€!id I, [P[,a i'nt~r';s, ta pe ,s;tll"\e,tc'n,e d ta ut en-au n.dl each [('10 rmU3'I" ho Ids, th~j'o~nt:s (1Io,sed 'whi'le ttlif} gl~I!'U~' dlr'i'es.,


'I 1- i~ l... ..... 11 iSo::' 74 !I!I'I;,;I'_";::;;'"

~jjmdiam. a~u:mlil'nUlml pin, -~;!! k~lngl

*Note\:: Slze groove to firtt: lid pa,nell @.

top edge of the 'blank [IDrawi:n,g 1]" Sw]it,ch to a combination 'blade and, 'CUJlt the groove :~OI the bottom (C), Bevel-cut the blank in half [Shop Ti'pl; then bevel-cut a 'box side (A) and box end (8) from each half, Sand

the' ." 'iW"'iI ,"" "'·doiEii faces to 2~ 2" O' "', 'g'Iif'-~iIt

_ . '. - 11ll.1JJIlI. _ ;'1;., . - 'Io..,!!...-~, I I,' .,", -,:JIl ,1Il11L~

3 Dry-fit the box sides (A.) and ends (B) 'a nd measure for the bottom (C), Cut the bottom to size from ~n plywood [DlraWiiln'9 1] ,', A ssem ble the box, gluing the bo -,t' tom in to the 011""0':;0', :v, I'GIlS"_- [po h-:~:I'-.ft A"

~, llJ.J . ' .. mV· .. Ii ~l .' ,'Ig. I~i ',,' '.' _ ~., v11}u' , ,!ii

4'on one edge of ,6Jj, % x * x 12 u wenge

';,- ~_ ',-,-'-r !-', .: ..• :>_IU-,,': "1 ,'·u

_ blan k, rout or ell t a, ~'i6 rab bet 0/1 .. 0

deep, Crosscut the feet (D) to length from this blank [D,raw'mln,g 1]" Make a ,copy of the F,oat Patte'l'1n!r above rightt and spray-

adhere 't to a p. ieee of '~'I~ hardb d'

n'!.' :., 'jf'i' 'l'~ ':1'" :,}:,-,_", '-'i! .~':ii : ... :, ··IQla-:':r'\·. '0"';[,'

_ .,' ,ll' ." , , , ,,',', OJ ',,', ,~ , ,', ',', ii,', , " "

ply w,:· '0' IOI..JI1 '8.;Jj, n d saw -':. ."Ji, 'jt"jjd·· ~":\ nd II he h -,'., d ,~,

",' '. .. lJII". ' >i;.111 " ., . .,., ;!l;.iII"Ill,.1;, .:lnu,,!II..1, " . ,e ,a ,I[' -

board to the pattern lines, then use this

.~-od dila~ acZJilne .. ~om

-- - - -.----.9------ -. - -----


Mitered' ends

'lIL'I~ iI'1 r\Fl;O' u~'" 9:.l 'II deep

1,1:1, '~ Iy:" 'Y.''i;.~l -"~6 ~!lJI'~" ',~

%,I!~ fr-o m bottom ledge




_,' -, ',! I ~_ '




T r-- - ---- - - ~-- - ---- - - ---- ---- - ----·-1



,j ~

1. ' .•.. I<i" hOle~>1


L.I. =_,_ -.I ........ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiill;·,=, ==J

~I---"'__--- '1 Mt ---~: • .....;!!I


i I I I

-'_'~ _,_',-=., ~ _,--,,_ ~ _,~.4!100. ...6.- .:..,_,~ _ ~,_,,_,., __ ,~,-, ' ... ..!

~, ... - ------ 2~All-------j-.j

S'PIOI't,,,~on mi'tBrs and bev'els

B efore bevel-cuttl ng at

m i teri ngl P ro] ect pa rts, ch e" k the aocu r,acy of you r b~lad,e 0 r miter-qauqe setup by (:,ut,twng a test box 0 r fr arm e to ensu re' that a,111 fOUllr ICO Ii'n~'FS come tog ether wiith no gaps,,, A, mlter-qauqe extenslon that reaches past the blade, rig'h~; backs: up the cut 'to, prevent chip-out, Fa r ldentlcal-le nglth pieces, fasten a stopblock to the ex tensio n usl~ngl doub lefaced tape.

IFoot tl!'Mpl illt,e

A te'mp'~at@ m,akei it easy to lary out. iide'l1t:ii,a,~ 'ctllrVllS, 'om. 'the fEH~l't {Dh All iigltn th e bottom of the tem pll,at)!!' 'wlit:n 'the en d of the fo ot,


5(;1:f;e,1 y g r~IP' ea ch 'f;oo,t i[O,)1 i:n, a ha nd s(re'v~'" Fl,ands;{;l'w ju st outs ide th e Iliin,e'; then II,ay Gut: the CUlf'V\!!' on the adU'acent face.


template to tran ster the foot shape to

. - - - .. - bb ted f' if each f" rt [-P'h '

. I' II -, 1 .., "" - ·'1""", ," ,-_. .-~ I ," l - 1 '1 . I • . ._. ". :1···· ~ ",' -,", I I' . I

one. unra. .. -,e -e·_, .,a,ce 0 eac . 00. _ 01.0

II] ~ B andsaw th is face to ln '~,j}u of the I ~ ne [Photo C]~; hen. lay out the pro _,

Itl -- tho dt ut unrabbeted fa, d'

o ,,-.'''., 1'1 _ . '," '. 'I I ", . :!II',' I ',' I "{'I ':."!' ,", . 1'-'1

. Le on_",=e. a :_.]acen._ u,nla ,e.Jc __ ,_ace a,n __

cut it close to the line. 'With, 2,20"',g:rit

,.- .~- d' -'. 'f-'-", -. • .h ,--' , 11...;a1 th - .. fe t tc 'f:~'I- . '~I

san paper, arusr -sana .. e ee 0 .. mar

shape: then assemb le the 'box Plhloto' DI],.

Let's' ~Io' . ok' ~t t- he 1-.' 'd- J~

.~,' :,,- ' .... -., .1" I-I.~ 1_

Cut a ,4x7U blank for the lid panel (E) from, '~n plywood. [Dr'Dwhlg 1],. From :~'!n plywoo d; cut two 4 X" 7"' platens to 'use when glu 'il n g veneer to t he 'II '~I "pil'n' el

."I\-,. ' ·.atl"-_u .• ·• ../'!L",,i 'lI;.". - - . .Y 1.- I'L' .IIllLl~.!Ii, _,-1,.1 ... ,~

Using a, platen as a temp ate, 'cut the veneer to slze [Ph 0110 e]1~ (Wie chose qui lte d maple.)

,2~~~e~c:n :;~~eC~~~ 0: :t~p~:a o~

and, position it. on a, veneer sheet, Place the bl an k von' eer C'~...:.1Ie d' ow n on o;!J, waxed

. I."·:::._ .. ! ~'L ~.i .' "'i!IC~", ri.·~ [' Jl'O,· .. ~· .. ~i Ivl . .'. J' .:'}:' i~l ',' ~.~;'~~ 't. : ,': I'.:

paper-covered platen .. A,pplru.y' glue to the exposed, lid face and positton the second,



W,ixed paper



Holld a plywood p~,aten in place 0'" each

ph! ce of 'v,e'n,e'@r' a nd s , us,iingl a fresh b,ade's cut iii t'OIU ndl the IP:I aten ~

Wh ite' '9lue a 11~()lw,S 'for !a io:nge'r worik i ",gl t~lmle~ S,plread an ev,e'n coat, tn en P Q,sJt lon the v-e nE!iE!'t" fl u sh wit h the 'p'~aJt,en ,edgles.,

piece of veneer, Clamp up the platens H,andle '~'hi;s j'olb eas~ly

an,I~, lid, ,[Photh,o, Gl.Abn~~ the g~,ue. to dhl,ry 'l ·f~n.r?~l. ,::eh::,.na':_lgn-,ed"~"II~~bl~? =_ ... ~(4.'-=H~,'-.=,,)Il re _,x;C12unlt--, '~ .•. 1, al~'~

at least . OUIOll.IS .e.lll,OFe .rem,ovlng the U.IIl ~,.IIl "'"'" 1'""- tJIj.:JI!;,. U "l~

cla nps and platens, wide groove' i Yl'6u deep, centered on the

3- -' Trim tlll@'lidplanei(E)tofi"nished,sizebID,a-nk,1s thickness [D.r1lwilng 11]" 'M,ake a ........ / [D'raiwing 1"1 and, finish .. sand '''t to .220 copy of the HSlrlldle B,ase P:[ltt,Q;rlll1 on page grit, Retrieve the blank for the lid ends 63' and, spray-adhere it to the blank,

!(]F) and lid sides (,G) and np it. to 0/4" wide, align i ng the 'bottom of tile' pattern with Cut a centered groove along one edge ,o:f th,€ ungrooved edge of the blank, Bandthe 'bill an t. to. match the thickness of the saw ""!116M' outside the hnes and, finish ... sand lid panel, Miter-cut the e rds and sides up to the top nne only,

:::1 ~~=a!'~~i~ to fit around the . id 2~~~~::;~~~~r~fu:~~o~r ~~~tl~~~ :::!I:

4A:Plply glue to the mtters and, the num stock, Q'Ulflc' Ilpl 'Wo'otJ' is good/~tGIDgrooves in, the ltd ends (F) and sides fOO"j If you don't take a shine to metal, ~' I(G) and assemble the lid, with the panel feel free to substitute lacewood or

(E). Clamp the corners with painter's another species fnr 'the aluminum han ... tape, After the glue dries, sand the lid so. die (l), Bandsaw 'Just outside the pattern

.it fits easily In the rabbet In t he top IO~ ltnes, Sand the top edge to .220 grit, then

i~; ~~~~!'s:~C:q!~:y ~~~p:~ t- ~~O;~[::e~a~~~~n~~~:~~~ t~~:~~~

s~,te sides so matching pieces stay the with ISO-grit sanding pad'S and finish-

same 'width" ing 'with .3.20 grit.

Waxed paper

After gl'u.i n'g 'V,tUl'eer' on both faces, p lacs w(ilxedl,P1apelr' ,on top of the v~n@le'red pa n I!I" the n cllalmllP 1I:h@ tOIP pll at'!2'rni ii Iii III I a (,m'.

Cllamlp th e handl e base (HI) a nd Ihandll e {I,)' :i n ,I ha nd icn~w'~ ,M,c,nJ nit a %~'I! twij st bit ii n 1'0 ur dlrii~ II press il,nd bore th Il"O!U g h b olth IP;i eces,

3 Cente ", the -hi an I,d· ~'11,0' '('1')'1 m th p h a . ndle

'b~S~/I;,-d~~Pt~~ ~ie~esi; ~h~~d:

screw "n'h··o~·;tn, I] an d, ,A["I"11 th a hole W' "hi' i2j;'iii'"oi9,

.Jj'!i,... ,...., ~. iii"" I 'U,,' ,',,', u, .. ' " "'"' ,,' . .111.11;..,. '~ , ,,11;.....111."'"',

:', id '.' .-, - ted C"" c '1- - .'.e ' h .' "'f" -"I" c. ", " .... '

Inl,u:a.I,e_" .. '. u.t a iengt 0'1 a. _u,mlnu,m

ro d~ '~O' fit In the hole and '!1:'~""'~I'iil1P\O li'iIf, with 3:

'_ ,,"_'_, l~. "JM. _' e ~~_. _ ~,,~~, '~' '. _~ Q~ L . __ ' l.;.1r.~~I~.._iIl,llL~ ,!I!,111, '. _l~~ ,._',

d b f ";i!:' d d S d h d ' ,3 _ 0.' epoxy mill' neec ee. oanu tne roo

flush with both, faces of the handle

4U""~" '" I ", 2' .,' '2'''''01 g' . ",t- ,., I'" ad 1',0 '~," c 'd; A '0'"

'. SIng a _ c' - :',~, r ~ sp n'_ \;; sa.n _ ~I I .,f

- ~ - ,- ~ , ,. - -

:.' .,~ , j" ."" - .. ' , . 'I i 'I .',~' -"1' ,,', 1:';" " 'I ,,', '''',"''.' • .' '. , ."',,

sanding drum, mounted. m your d:][111

,-'- . ','. .' ',-' d the h nd .. 'm .. ',,""'." b .. ·l" (:H'/':I)' press, san, I, Ie !" an ..... lll'e a,ssem,.· JJY, ,,'.' . I

until the alumi num .is flush with the ',' '.- od ~P·':h··,·ji"·J] G'~I' '.' th '. '~ .. andls base to wOO.·_ ~I' _ O'~,O . '. <. 'lII,ue.1 e ,~l1a,n . .' ~.le '.ase .0'

the "1:· d p' ,"li, nel l m). cen "'i-,e'" ' ed ,

_. ,=11;.; , __ 1, I,~"U~ ,lIt ~.!IC, i !II.".' , ,.I·,I,cc, ..

Cut,ting IDiagram


Po,siitiion triN.l' ml~te'lr=gaugle h,tlad as shown ,SO, ,the 'W'o,rkpiiee,e presses aglaii nst th I! sto pbll,Q,clk th roug ho ut th ~ cut,

Sand ,the ,sid,es (if tn,e, ha ndll,e assam btly' (HI/I!)' 10 n prlo'g r'0ss!ivil,1 y Iii ner sa nd ~ n'g dilr U I11!S tOI ilchie've the S hie EH1I YIDU d eslre ,o,n 'the meta '.'

F'i nlii,shingl to,u,ches

1 Apply a finish, to, the box, and :Ud", "10 reach all the inside corners with even coverage, we sprayed on three coats of aerosol sat ln lacquer,

2~~:h~~~~~ ~~:~;:=~b:~~e~~:il~

stores) to fl'; in the b ottom, 'fest the :fil, before peeltng .oJf th:€ backi n.g and, pressIng it: In place ~ ,',,'

P,f'\od ucad by C'lfcdgl RuegsE!'g'ger' w_'~'~ h R,'e,vi n B.,lle' P reject d eSli:~ n: IKevi •• IB'Dylle

~ II~ U$'tra1t~o"'s; ILolli'lifllal Joh n:son

~~l-" -------~* .-

A---~tIIFJ jG'"":.--------....,1

~ ....

~L, 'S'1~' -:i;,&11 I ~'.' '. ·d ('1~ iC' bd ,~" '\ 7"l!,:X,:: "!~: X ~'!I,.i!' LaClewoo.. II •• ), ..•...• ' illlh~

. .

*P I]dine' or r€i5aW to the, th tckness II'i sted in the Mat€'rmal~:s, Llst,

:iIII~ml""_______"_lml ,~_-_~w

. _ - .. - .- .. -- .. -.

~"x l1Yl )f 2411 We'IT1g'e t 3, bd;, 'n,.) wlGod m!aga~ilne .. ~om

I " i. la-··t·e~··r-·I· iI"I's

. 1 ,.1 .• 1.' ..... ,'.

. '


,FIN~SHE[) ,Si!.ZE

Part T W L. Mati. Qty.

A!J/I., sldes %" ,2" 8!] L 2.
8* ends %,11 21! ,5:" L :2
C b no' - '~~! 4%!l! t%.~ 61P ~j
0: om I '-:,
l - .... _
ID* ~eet ~f! ~!!I 2'~11 W' 4
4 'I"" , L,id

Eit!; Illid panel '~II 3%11 6%U ViP ~
Fif Ilidends %11' ~!~ 4%U l :2
, \0:1,
G'* ,llid ~~Mdes %11' -%,!!I 7%1'1 l 2
HI* handle, base ~,Il! '11-16" 1~ n 'W 1
. l'g,
P'li h~ndle' l~ u l~jj 2.~ij A, '1
*Pa'Fts, ini~na~~y curt over~!Z!e'. See ~he iins,tmc~IOin:~, M afl~rl,a,I,5, k'e,),': L~la(~woodl' BP-biu:h p~Y'WQd~ W-'wenge:1 VP~ven eered bil rch p!lywoOO;t A-a~ium ~n,~ mi. Ir'I,111l p l'I~D;iE' ~ S"riJli'':!iV ~dh·iii:I~·r~ ~e' ii', '1]'l..{.'ii' ~lum~'lAIllJm' b..:;!III" ~~ __ ,_c_";;ol!I'~ 'f"'"!,~~, '1";;Il_,_ ~.;;;;,Ji,~ ,r lc~,:x !! l,l. g .. , ,~,!II! • ",I, U~I!~

'~,!~-d~am" alutm~'nUim [iQct qu Ul~dJ..!m,aplE!' '~en€!erl' 4%, x '7%~! sellf-a dhesw,l! felt

Bllad@ and biit: D~do blade;' %11 driilll bit

M a(Ceri a15 kiil: [ontains.lumber, 1P~~lWoodf ve~ee~; a I:~ ~ mln~ m~ and fe:lt: for one bo~, pieties cut s.,liightliy ov·erstze, KJit no, W21~12J $~3,OD.,lr He1rit8Jg~' B~,ndi'f:1g S~:H~cialltle,s~ 8100-524""'41841 he r'l ra g'e.\tV()O d zom


Ap plied such as hand lies, d ecor'BJtiv@ ICia rners, Blind latch~s (5 au rle,i5;,'

I' ""e' 7'" Jazz up a box wiith '1111i n i ma I ,e·I~f.tNrt I'

stretch your creativity by' customizing them .. , On the next :~ew p1®lgiesj, we offer tips, on giving yOU!' boxes that extra. personalIty to set them apart.

Find .. plans for each of the boxes fea-

d I bis articl 'II ,. h

ture _ in t .. I.111S aructe aJ,J].ong WIt·.. m.a:n.y

more gift boxes and, jewelry chest s at

51-art' - w-·-·i·t· -h' ·--t· Lr""k·-'·'-ng· 51-'- ek

._ '_,-._ I __:_', ',.' ,_,11 __ s...::_ -I ,_.1 I_',! ,:__-__:_,o,~_,

Mak '~'n'C! 'a box P '1--'o'v~dil5l;!f" ':iI. great iFIIinp' ortu-

}~ ... L. 0 . -..II;.JI.. I.J[ l·c;.;Ii C]! : .r'!i;:;;qJ.. Vy_ .. U=

nity - ·t"n ·US·_Q liGI,V,O' ;t'I·C· '!t'*IO(JI~ w·· rithoo . I' t spendin 'g'

.III. _ ,v u··· II;;.. '!..,...t.'!i.,.. • ._"I!J. .. ' 1\. ',.' ". -- _, J. _-II,..,.. . 1_." ":

an. arm and a leg, The smal ler scale also allows for bold choices In contrast ".'ng spe ..

ctes and colors that migl1t overwhelm a larger piece,

A'l,th" ':'-'1' eh th .... ,1', '~I:' '1'~ b 1'-:'11-1 " .. thr ". _-·='''·I'··. . ... ou\g, . a. .1..U1, n i e s arne

'waryI' each version of the keepsake box .be,tow makes at dist tnct Impression on

the eye, "To find, tnterestmg color' and ,gr3! in combinations, create samples of various species 'by fin Ish -sandi ng', s taining, and, finlshlng scraps .. Then mi x and 'm' ,. ate 1.1 i"c'" flnd - -n")'~i rln i{)"C" 'UlO· 'I'; 'AI lke

'.' •. ,cJ!.~.:__ lL .' .. .I.n _: .. r\(;!I·,[IlI.l"",,o!.J< J ·U lI!.ln., '.

Ila,i!'")i!w,g·ftd ,and

- .~- ~ - - - - g - ~ - - - - _.-


Ch fi!'rllfY . ,and aslhl

B,hi'd "s-e'ye mlapl e alllld iDubiirnlgla

The contrast between Ibh·'d";s-e:ye mallP,le and bub-i'nga", le,ft~ ~,oo,ks bil)ld a,nd (OnlteIMIPolrary" The ,c:omlplleme:ntary shadeJs, of ~,a(ewoodl a nd co eo bo'~o,~ !'t?'t)tet" (r~8JtE! ,a stiab~'II)f Ii p'pea raln~e~ C:h'~!lfry ;a.11iI d the ope n 9 ra i n ,Orf' ,a sh rig,htt comb ln e for',~ casua I te E!'~,!,


M,a,ke it shliiae 'w,ithl symmetry' Book-matching creates a, striking lid, panel by mirroring the grain pattern ,2I:CFOSS a '~'omnt llne, as shown at right. The steps h,e/'oiN' demonstrate how' to' create a, veneered book-match, 'but you'll gift st mila I result s using res awn, so' Md, wood.

~ ,.". .ta ,,:~I .. *",~"", "I ":",, "I 'iIi'",,,,,'~!,, " I*' .h "I" ,t,·

r J!lIS~" S ,a.CJtt\ ~ wo consec Uj,I!J,. vejl¥ CU,I!!, S, I e,e,I,1 S

'0,'.,1-' ven eer [S~UI Ir'f:e~, ,I]'i'l! Q;Q 7,:,,', '1]~ ,1;11 '~I ~Qf'nl'· '1"11 g

, , , 11;;;.= ";;:!!I;:= _ IV' _ -- -~., .r"t:!i'.... ,R.J!l,""\Q,J!I.,~, J.!.~,

their grain patterns. Tape them together to keep them . from shifting; then find

d irk "h " i - '1" b 1.

" , ' I" ' , ' ,',', ,'" , ,

an .mar '., t, e IOInt. ne, ,(!,OWi


A, m i rro!r' be,lllp:;S, yo'u vi s u ,a I iiz;e' i nte rest In g b 0 ek-

marithes i. IF' nd sin if!,ye ... catch i I1lg partttu'n; t:hien mark a,llang the mlii nor' 'w"t:h a pendl,

Wr'api ,g,r,.,iiln, a~-o,und eorners This technique makes the grain, pattern continue around al] fou r comers of a, mitered 'box, as shown at r,i;ght

Start 'with, stock that, 'w:he:n jointed, and pla ned flat, is more than twice as thi ck as the flnished thickness of the box. sides, Por example, for '~~'-thict side s, use: a pie c'e of _ 'Y-4I~ .. th Ick stock, Crosscut it 'w~n longer than the combined length of a box. side and end [D rawi 1119 '1] 0,

Lay out your box pieces on the edge of the boa rd '.r:fj;'C' €'hOWfl" Resaw the 'bi oa 'd-'

_ ."lIJJ!~' " i. ; 'p I~ .. :_!_, U.~I ~u~·:!: ,',_" ,_,' ~ ~.~.!!I • :::," J~: :_,_. " .. I~,:; . ' . .".' : .. IU,[! I. _'

Place a metal stra ightedge along the

rna, irk and cut I'Q'n'''' th e' waste std :i~' W .. , nth 'a

~ ...: 11.:" "_' _,. __ 1~'lL_, '.',., _'_' ,',_ " ~l._.:_. ~,._:.~ ,_' _.~:,I., "_.

.£,'.0 sh b'~1 ad e .'! ·n· ;;[I, iiI"":!Io "'iii'O' ,-- kni £a -T:o' ."' o"i 'n"t I' he

.III. ,""j, _ 'll!. . .. "_ 1 I,,~ JI. ,IU,L· . or ,I ..• •. i.!D.:'!;;.:,. .IIl11_· ]I'.~, I" .. I"· \",

just -cut edges, sandwich the veneer sheets between two pieces of MDF and sand them, below ..

Remove the tape and ,o:pen the veneer . Ike the pages of a. book, Align the grain

= _' _"

pattern across the joint line and tape the

Pp EliC' ~,~ tozet 1"111 ,e· '~ ~,,t.) ~(ilrW· . :~~' Q"Jr'!Ii~~~ ·G',' '.}- "~ t, h "e' '

.l,..,. ...... ~ _. ,_' OL , .. il, Ii' ,v~,hJ', " l¢J~In.", ,. I,_U""" ", ._

veneer to the substrate using clamps and shop-made platens, as shown on,p'age 65.,

A I iig n 'the ,e d gles of tw'o MIOIF sera ps 'w~t:h 'th e cut edgles, o'f' ,the Ven€H~HI' ba lf1elY' pr'ot'rud ilngl". :S,iI nd the' '''Ie ne er fill u sh wiit h th e MIIDIF.,

down 'its middle and joint the [u st -sawn faces. flat, Plane the oppos,ite' faces to' bring the 'boards to frnal thickness,

N ext, bevel -cut 'each end of each board, removing as little length as possible ['Dr,awiing 11]1 '" 'W'~th a stop block, attached to a ratter-gauge extension, bevel-cut the box ends (parts 1 and 3) to length :[Dra'wi'ngl 2]1 .. Then reset the stopblock to cut the sides (parts .2 and 4},

aaain rem ovt -no' "::i;C Iittle lenst h as PO'I["'c'l"

'~btt~ JJ~J. ,:-~:rn: ,~ I. >·v·- .. - '0 [~J.jl J,JJ~'L' .. ~ , ,Ib' . \01 ~:., :.'~ .,::: .:.3~, -

ble, Assemble the parts i n numerl cal order, rigl1t"


..... 1-iiII- .. --------- Bo,)( $~'.dle' lenqth +, box €!'I1d I,e,ngth -t ~~I --------1

Aux i Ilii'alry 'fence

R '--,- ..... -'iI!" ...

esaw nrsr-


Paiintt:!:r':s tape holds tine jioint: 'toglet.heli" du:rlnlgl gllu,e",u p .. 'C:~i.lilrnp th.e s,u bst r,ate a iii d wenee r betw'een ~u MDF or p'I'yw\ood platens,

WTtlh careful n!Siiwin'g and! be'vell cuts, the glr,a'j n, f)'alter:n 00 tlth',l!I es Ui n iintelrru f)'ted ailro und ea ch corner o,f the b O()[,.,

B;ev:ell'-cul~ ends ,af bla n ks,

B,evell ~CUi~: box ends, fro,m bl a'fnlks~

.. Bevell-cul~: refG1aiiilnding end of' box sld es,

Bex side,

a: '7· ' u

We IilAle I,en mallChes

.~ ~

ha nd Ie Iba:s:e,~

L"ow" p'l'ofi lie allium ~nlu ml fOOft mat!Ches ,haindll'e~

B I '. d a p~ I ,D;'c'I'e'c I..., I" "0:,',,1 d' ·.'n-Ig' 1 ",.c,e~'

j ••• ,..... ... '. ~ .• ' ••.. • •. ' •• " • "'"" .. &II!!~I.".

Ad-'d" "!I; 'b' (as~,~ to 'g, n ex "~i st 1"" n-:,!IjT b 01f to I' h old ~'1

=' -' ,~, - 'iI;;,V d, ,~, '!;;;;..::.J!!.;JI' - 0, '4Tb II!. _.', 1_

its place wh ';1 '1!.!Jj l"h 0, bo "V' 'mf'lll: ree ,;0; ls 8'W' h e're'

"J, 'lllU ..... 'II...!i.',.., l,lIl,Jj,ilL' 1_.: !!i.;,."_4 ,I" UY', ,j, 'IL: ,j;L ",', , ' _ '_', '_ ~

FO,1i' example, take ,8, 'box of 'tea, from the 1C'!~t- below and the base 1C':-':JiIY'(:< WI"t- h "4-s

..:11 ..... ', ,tI\""" ,'IV _I' ".IlL", ,_ , "..... U~.J"'" oJI, ,y."".:J! ' l"oJ'

m ate 'Ii::' to re m ind you ,to" return th e box

,j "GII.'_,- oj, '_,v ,'"," "I ,J!,~,J"." ,,',,_I~, "I", ,Ili '11,; II!, "_, , " ,~.",'_'_A,

a ,ral!Se'~~~

S,epa:rati'n~g a box SUgl1tilly from the surface on wh tc h it: sits gives the box. a lighter ap:pea:ra.n.ce., Tty' these methods

- d-d- - '1- '-'.

I ~I" -~ I'- ( .. :....:_ .•.• ' I • .", I' ,V" ','1' ~

to ,a,. _'. _' extra, e e.· anon

[Lliif'- 'w:ltlhl yOlur Ilegl,s, and feet

Th ~ sm 'all bo x 0- "n-' P' ase ,6''1' '~Q'JIit- UI~C svelte

, . .'~/ ~J., ",_ ~ . . I. _,I -', >",' ., .. __2-'-WO:~' .. ~ .w.\w·I~, .. I.,I~,J jI .~·:I .... t,ll:..r.~,

curved legs at each corner, left, that match the 'wood. in tll€ handle and lift t h e box a b ove t he F 'JI'b11Ii~' 1- 141'1' "'g', u ,- "1ii'iiIliCi,C: ,0' ,.~'

," .. '-. ,··U,A. . ...... , .: ~ .- ,!!a...- ~~'_IIl, ···.Il.blil ,,7:t ~ - .. irA.,tIL LUi ._ ,lll

'~'II,_,fh,ick alumino n create a lower profile, h:)'wet leftl and echo the alurninu n 'used in, the handle, (See (Iranlk, up so'me metal IOn the next p'Cigem)

E h I f h II b I' 1l--

", -. ...", '" - - . I' I . ',.. ",. ':". to',' .

, oa.c"e:g o. t ,e sm,a.. . I OXI uppe,r e 'J'

'WI'Bi,P'S around th,e corner, The rabbeted legs stop short of the top, creat i n,g a stat rstep repeated by the raised .1 ld, The

'bl' ","",' -' to, ':p' 1:11/'." ,_,';' ,t .. '11 .... · - ... ". .<-]h.,11\... t -,'d

. ox a uppe: ~ Igr1 a.I.SO uses. a. ran U e e.·

leg bur here it runs fhe :fu,llilli height .of the e'·','d- ,e~ "hi ""d'- '~, n: I 'g: t' he ", en'" d rr -~'a:' '! '1[1: a.- '. th ,;:=ii, ..... ,0:, -- n' II a -c .,;Jil_ .., j' , ,J[, _I, "',. ,_ _, '-, I" ..... "0'1.- 1., - ,!;" IlL, 'Ii.,;, L.r " \..{ ..

This type of meg can hide an Imperfect ml tered cor ner 'j 01 nt, to o~

The box at right appears to float j ust 'o:iIbo·'If;r:1I5IJ th a table- *-·0' 'p" th o:Ji n ks to sm a" 11 feet

(;L _._!V'!!.." : _.' 'iI;;,.. .:'. _ 1Ii.:'lj' l~ ,(",.I "~ ,Co_ .:;l!i J" ,lll'i!;;,. """

1 ·'dd' . ' h ' em b h b

. . I' - . I" n -",' .. ,"", - .... _", ~ ~", r: .. :.: . ,[.: ... I'- , .. i .. ::.. 'jl' ! ," '1: .....

,lID!. ' en in t , e recess createc . y t , e I. ot

t o nn [In~e·-]'

I_~. I __ .~.- .I~ ~l

to its, proper place ~ To add t hls type 0'1 base e a,s,fu illy;, first build a frame to fit around the 'box ~[dr,arwing]., Then 'build a, second frame to ftt inside the first. Glue tile two together as shown to create a . ledge to lift, and support the box, 'Use' the

Rabbel!ed IleiS hiiides, bcmlc:"',side, end 9 rai n ~

.s et i;nto each corner, th eo dark .. Oil lored fe et m,atcih the [I~d til nd bllend int',lo the shadow created behlw' til e b O()[.

same type of [oinery as on the bO'X'1 or choose a, d i fferent joint to distinguish the two. Witb, some imagmation and a recessed box bottom" the extra spalc.e below an unattached base can become a. secret compartment, he'lo'w:.


~~~~~Crank I .. '

etal accents, like the hardware on _ page 66, make projects liter ally sparkle, 'You, can easily add shop-made metal accents ltke the aluminum handle and feet ShOW'D opposite 'pa~e, tQP ,l,e(t U$ the woodworking tools you. have

- ., ., T-' h .- ~ ~Ill . .. ill- - . d . h' _.. 'f*- . .. t 111

now, , , 1.ley wru CUll anc sr ,a'pe SO) Il me ars

C:U""" I] as a lum In urn" bra ,~i(" an d 'to htn cop-

~ ".\.;..·I··,·.U! '" '~ ,.I ,~ 'I I· .. ·~!IJ!'I '" .J ," ,'] \..... ,!"

per" Find. these materials at horne centers"

To CU.t metals 011 the tablesaw, 'use a 60.. or 80 ... tooth blade with ,8, negati ve ho ok angle and. triple-chip grind, ' n5:' all a zero-clears nee th roat msert to help, support the metal during the cut,

On the bandsaw, a ~.I!~ or :~I'I~'wid!e'J 16~·

01' 8,-tooth-per-tneh. blade works well for cutting metal, near tight.

To 'bring' out the bling, fat ,I~ightj' polish m .. · eta 1 w-· ]tl h .!! n crea <"'~ ngly fi n iCtf- g'fcad ;Q,C- o£.·

. :, ....,' .... ill " .. ill, 1IL,!b "',!IL,!Il.l.;: ~'. " 1. !IL.. ...... .... , ..... ..:::!' .w.

ablraslve pad.s~ sa.ndling· spang'es,

I . v1ery ,oo:~f'n .. er provides an, opportunity

t : .. 'd'id . 't-,·1,,,,! .. d .. ··l' '.' "1" .,.... bo T---'h'"

o a ... , .. , s, f~,l\.lng . e aI,s '1.0 la, _ox., , ... e

alternating end grain. and face grain of b ox jo ~ n ts I .rtlt right, create a SylTI metrical

]-0:-10: k (Se 8 M' ",-,;iI'!i;Ii".il!ii, R-·'A;l";O' IIII .... ....,A,~ on P'i 7"·:1" for

. .., ,_. . .' '!;;,.. _ _ lll,irll!!l!; __ ,~,;t . ..:!I!.I!I1!! 'I!I;,.I!I;;:,"" .' ~.;tI~'~'1;- . ' ,1',_

d t w ~ b t tti b .,.. t ) , etaus a _IOU, : cu ... 109· '.: .OX om "S.,

, .

A rabbet .~Io:in:t like the one belO'w has

face zraln g', lued to end. g.'.~.' rain, a 'bond that

liLlti. ".'.

benents from rein forcement, These rab-

'bet joints were 'beefed. u,p by drtllmg

" . . . 1'1 .. , ' -d 11.1i' ho . . th '., h t' 'h'" b ' .

.e,lqua. ,1Y spacec /~. ..0 es ~. I lrOll,g '. 1.1 ne t 'ox

ends and into the sides, and. glutng in lengths of ']fiiiil dowel. Apply glue in the' hole, not to the dowel, and twist the dowel as yun insert :it to spread the glue,

M' 'hi- "d'l d- . but al d'

tters n . I .. e en Jfra.i n ~. u,t a w so neea

l _ ~ • ~ ~ _. . _ ,~!~ __ l.!!!'l! • _. _ • ~ l._

rei nforcem .. ent. Splines 1 belofW, fai" tign i, provide 'both strength and eye appeal, 10 add them, cradle the as sem b led, box in a simple tablesaw sled, below ,rn"j,a,'d'I,e

l d ,0; d cut slots i h

anc . ~ :r'aWIIIl1 QJi' ano ell It stots In eacn cor-

,A,ftQ" :S,(l,n eU l1'g ,the d oWie,lls, fll urs,h wiith t he en d pa In @- tal n d aIP,pl~yii ng' a fini:slh, the @nd"'QI'8iin pl"Qivide',s; ill su bt;1 e accent,

ner, Plane contrasting stock to fit the kerfs 'G'1I-- '11e "fl" oversi z e" sp Iine '" th en cut

.It'i;.,'Ii...,[ ..;;I',. ". , Jill:. 1Il I.. ....!b . .;l,I,. ;;Ii ~ . J1!.~ I,,: -.;;l! j' IlL """! . II!.,;. U.,

d d th £1 b f th 1 dri

. ,'. . .. ~ .. I . i (. I" .... ,': •. '. : _;," I' ," . I .. .' '.' . , ':" , . i·e, . ..:

an san, t .. em .,US. a ter me g u,€ ,,[l.ES.,

2o/lil orr to sutt

I!.J . ~. __ 'I

".:' proiect


Sadd ~ e to frt

'bl f

:: . '1 - . . ~:. -' ,'.'~ I I . ':. I

over ta . es aw enee

AI',' - k ~jill MDF' _ .. stoc , -.r~ I .'~.' .'~-'

U prig ht r~des

aga i n~st ri p fe nce;;

G-II- . -'. l'~" If! ,-.- -'"d!'-' _.- - d 11'- -'Od '- .. - ,. - t· 'h"'- .. -- .. " _.~h"- t '-'1£'

I II II liD, ... -. r '!I' .,;~illiI'll :: CI; F'r·.".:'!;' iCi E' 111,' ,ICi,e:' n \ Ell I' ~ n,lI' ,n '. ~,

~ _!I!;i!!"", ~,;;;, '!!IlL _:.~ ~. ,g. __ ~,""" !;!I!!I' ... _ .... '§j>.y '. ~~ !I!;,I!!'r"'~ -;::I! I_ . '!;ill I

4~;0 to til e s aw' 'tallbl@top II) nd 90° to each ether, Run the sled ji'OMig the riipl'~e'n,c:e",

B,DC k WI P a 111110 nfelr'I]1(HJ,S; meta I' work,pi,e c;e· 'With a m i'telf- Q a WI Q eo ex,t,e'll slo n, IFeed til e stock i I11to t:he' Ib I a de .s,lowll', ..

per, and polishing compounds, Polish m.t eno - =:u'h· .. a nd ?II- .. im . im tm w- ·~ll achieve a

!L, . Uo .~, . .. , g U. 1 .U .II!.. 'Ib, ,.'16 !L .

n,g a; I' 'IIi'D" 'll" I roo 'IiI"'II':k,Q o[';h mi' n iCI

."'.':''';'' . .Ill .. 1.1. ' . .'.'JIl. ::'I;...,j ",' ...... .' ..

,Pollii,sh FlO d s 'q u ~(lkly by 5,p!i1:n nii ri 9 t:h!E'!'m ~n ,0

d riillll" B,uff' on t:riilP 0 Ilii ('0,m p ou nd w lth a soft riag., IFI(H' fla.t ailiu m j'n u m .... us e, al buf'fing 'wh ee I;;

To fasten metals to your proi eel', use

ep"olvy: -W· "-'0"0"d'w': ·Oiii"k.'l·"O' g" Q'lu.i!Ji·!f" w·'""o··,n··tjl- b,o·n·d··

l "_.A ':," i, " . .' ,'. . JL :.-,'.' ''[~".1 ,OJ .' Ib.3 _', Ill. I, ",_.

t,o meta.l~

6 .. 9····


. yo"

-~ .

I . . .

.. .; ,"

.,' .:' "'. ,,- ",_

II)'ftl'r''Q 151m' - ; -m- - h·' '0'" le,e: ,rcn' - tered .non' -. ·th- ,D, ·t h'I'1 iI1"'ll." n; c..t"t(:' ntf 'tho c lOCi d·· f!I ce '0::: If", tl4-.c. I "I'd ~ nd"

g~ .. '!5> .. I.. ...... ..~.~ """~ .. J-=~ !l;;;1;J '!!.;l!' .. 1 .. _ ... -= ........ !\'!!;,_ ...... .:1!i;i;ll u. I,. ,""" !I;;; "-:::."'"".:1!i . ., ! n·~ . I!;;U,I.

b o· V' I-h' A cha -m" "f'~"'~ d-I ~ d €'I OS .;:"·A rv~ a s ~ sto oto h 01-1 d-I + Ii... ~ ~ ·I'd- at n no ~iI!'Ii ,i"';O Ii!' . ',A~i'~ ... "10'1 '~'II'!!iiii' i I~ .: ~~ s ~~1.1!<ii' ._. IU ;, fliF"'" "I~, ':':lllllc! III' '1I;lI~IUil' .'lIIiII',~'~'(".

To drill the holes, mount a, fence to ·y·.·.our drill press and, attach.

. =

stopb ocks 011 etther side 0' ,. the 'bit to a ," gn the 'box and ' id,

holes, (Use a. spacer against the bit to position each stop block

*"~'" " ... di ta ... f"--' . ,th" bit.) R . ut 'fIl.~i .. '. h ". c".,,"-. '.. .," ,

U"J.e sa,me ' .. IS, ;a,nee : rom" .J e ._: ill .• , i,' ou. .Il ,Ile c. a"m lei'S so on,le'

ed ge r'!1'HI n ,!C th ro ,''11 t{W'h" 'to he- midd ]I,;Q. iO'!IC the ho les i'iI',~;(l'~IJ'O Ai. fter seat-

~... .~ . .' -, . U JI [I-. _ .. : .. 1IJ.I!\Oi"' .", ,J. '. '_!_' .IIl.~ ",.IIl . ,I ,I!Iy , .... :." l~,>,.1 Ir'J·[IIU'~'Jl-~i' , ,~ .. liW· \ L).:. y,l~

Ing the h lnges, close the lliildl to properly posinon them,

Siille' 'the merttse so 'the h i;nge p" n extends, IP,a:5,'t the' rear olf the box, a nd, Hdi", The hi'filge~, hold the Iliid Olp·e'n alt '95,°,;

La' Y" '0'111 '~lt" the 'JIi,... in O'P 'po 0', stt 'I~ 0'[ n on .. ·· ,t h Ie' , 'm ~jdl a' nd I b '0' '1 !X,,' Th en U" """I· n (}i' o:ml

~_ ._ '", .... l~~L _' ' ,,:':_ JIJ..JJ..'l _ ~-Ol~ "_",. "JIl.' __ . "L! . - ". - ,.:.... .1Il..lJll .. _' .. : '_.' . _'_ ··· .. J.:··.1 - -~ -_:',~ .:. .;;:II - " 'D tU.

'iU] .r'iI.'~~ stn . er bit d r·~i Il out m 0 st of' the waste t '£iJ. m ate h 'to he t hffi ck

riVJl-,~ .~ '.I . £ .. 11 .... 11 ':', -lJJ..lJ]. IV. 1~1 .! I, <_113 ... "" lib _~ ·'-·'.·uJ~I'L~ OOlU" IUJ .:_ I' .~ I,' ~ ."'" ,1Il}!L.\ :.r:--'

,. . " of hinee le 'f' ',L··,·· 'S::·· . . ll· th . ill" .r t '~I·" '" ..' th ..

n,ess 0,. a .. 1nge ,~ea, 'j auDve .. ' .. GOon:' a,llo,ng ~ . e ,ayou. lIl:llnes WI,. ,. a,

chisel, then remove the remainder of tile waste. For testing the fit, .. substitute stee] screws for the brass ()lnes p':~ovided, wit'h,

h h D h b .~ f. . f d

. '. "-1-' ,'. ;, '-'V L - ,-' .•..• !l •... , ' ," .- ~.-L.. - .' - ',-.'. ..- - .'--_-'_" .

t e,' !.],nges~.rl~ 'e j[ ,e I,n~,ss scrl~:Ws. on, y ,f} ,t'er you ,f,e salls lei,

,··:,'-·'·'t· ·'h·· t"h' . 'C'4j :"I;d "i .' ; : .. ~,", "'j I:~' 't-'hl' "hi' "" .

W., .. e Jll~ a.n, , opera,!J_ on OJll, e, , , ]nges~

= -


Nole,: Befine lnoun:ti'ng Of ,b(lftt,l hinges; ';tit a coupie o( test

P';"'PdS; :#'.L.d 'r-·am ... ·r.; thickness .(I'r; 'y.iilll:ii tr L/'iiilt stock ~os;~f~~r'~ press and 1P,.'I;r,Il1"'~_ ~I~l~~ ~ ,"1 )~ LJi.ull~,. "l~;~UiiiJ' ~I,~' " Ul-'.~ ,UVA i.J1.!~. 6, . ,II! ,li~ l~ ~fl. l~'~~l" ,·If ~~.J! L4i'''.~;1~1i

:nJU ter setup« on these paris before 'workb18' (},'1 the box"

~ ~. .

Cia mlp I.he !Ii:d '10 the box '10 I,ay' OU!t; !hiiin,g e I Deat ~un5c!,


B'· - .-'" '1 h'·· '. hi d . . t . f .... ht , 1- td '- .. ' 'LAI l"dl l"'f " .. IT' t ,i3rflf!, . Jlnges ,. ][, e QU, 0. ~ag, ,I un ier ,3, Cli:OSf'L,W, ],11,1" .ItO moun ~

them, set U,P a drill - press fence and, stopblocks, as for the :pm> n hinges. Lay' out the hinge, locations. above-~ The hinges press in

, 'iI:' ' .. , ',_". ,":1 ad h ' :.'~ . " .'. 'I""'~I' d :C" "1,: .'. t he 1I'·'·d'i *',. .'" .:'~ .. ' ·· .. t· th '; . hin ": ' .

IP, ace .no a,. l.eS]lve ,n,eeue ". i, '_, ose ., . e Ill, Iu.O OIlen IL. e ,~,ngeSj

then opie:n the lid and adjust the screw in, leach barrel to expand the barrel s.o it firm ly grip'S the sides of . he 1101e.,



l'U"'e" ~, :;!i!'5,m" m I'F'ii!"iIilillr'tnli:::l!lli Ib~ ,'I'fr' oiIoni bore .~ ""h~IIII,·o:·III"'J!' h;ri;,llie, Then e~i'lmp·· illv 'C'cre·'·w·

""~ ,g .;!!'_" , I 'Y' I ~., .1 .. ,...; I il!J;, ILy ~ v_ '''';; ~I ,i;;!I'!1 'I!;!!! ·Yif ' _"~' .' " ,i;j!' .. _. ' _.

tlhe h irngle~, ii 111 p~1 ace, A stop 'o'n 'the h iirnge~, hold s tn'eo ~ iid IO'p'eli1t at: '9So",

These hinge's mount in, a .3Snl111, hole centered on. the joint line between the lid and 'box, !a,b{l~e,. Tape the parts 'together-

'.' lth m""l ,:,'. "1.1 .... :.' .. 1 ds "l'" ched b ·t'-· .. ' then th ", d'" ,'II th c· wirr ousmess car s p,~,nc . eo oerween mem, ien r J1, xe

holes to Meave t hie binge slightly proud, of or ffush 'with, the surface, The stop mounts to the lower half of the hinge and suppo,rts the lid .i n, a:n 'uprig:hl pos]ition~or If~' it off so the

'I'"d' I-S0"'0, d' . •.. 'h b k f' 'h 'b

, .1, op,ens . "~."i'. ,an,'. r1e'sts. ,ap;,a,mnst t ~Ie .. 1·8.C: ,0 t,eox~



hese ftrushtng touches, provide surpris .. , Ing beauty and function under the Ud"

C- tlh t d'" ·d

rOl5,5 '-~Ie glre,a~ -, .·.-:.IIVl-: _'e

Boxes beg, : to have thing .I~ pout 'm nto th .. em.

_ . ~ ' .. -:: _.. ~= __ . . =J ~ = ""'.~ ~ . _ ~. _

To keep those items organized, add a

, 1! - f d ~ ld h

simpre set or egg-crate r: JUVl- ers as snown

" I t

- -j." .. - ~J' _-.-,- - ..

near ,~ ,~_1_,~

To make your own, cut a kerf through, a piece of' sc'rapt and. plane and sand the drvlder stock. to, iii the kerf.Next, cross'cut the pieces to flt the interior length 'OJ' .". '=~dr-th" of 4:.1'- he' 'ilhnv 'JI'n .. d "--'.'p the 'm' to allow

WI ~ 'C ..• '.'.1 !Ii- '_. IUv\f\-, (lII.., r~" ' !I)..,~.l - . ... !I!,.. --' !i;jJ _ _ ' ',.

clearance below the n:~d", Layout the Intersect Ions of the dividers. Se 1- 'your tablesaw blade height to half tile 'w'idth of the divider stock, fa." f,Ight To create several ident lea 1. pieces I fasten. a stop-

'b'-]II-" .k - .. , ... "-. -.L , ..... -.".' - -'-' -" -. c·

.1-JlJ,OC.· to' a miter -gauge extension.

Assemble the dividers 'by sliding the notches into each other,

Ev' - .y'- -'. -'-. -'. 1- ''''k'- '-'.- .- -, -'- f' t IL.- -.- '-'Ih

" ,"ell' 'o'ne' II 'e's .3 '5e·0· I . 10' UC .

_ ,,_. ',' -,,_ ," r: _,: _' . 1 ,_.". :'__.' .. '., _." _.'~ ", ~ ." "_.' __ I

A- ~. =. -- . f (.,. ·l,t· -j, f'" b -'.. -", ;'h·',·-- ,',' d' ~", ate __ . layer 0.1. lie, 01 ,a. rtc ellS_., lOnS " :e.~, .e'

jewelry and adds a touch of elegance" Wr.a'p tile material a 1'0 und a ca rdboard or hardboard insert, as in, the d ~ splay table on page 40.. or appl y self: .. adhesi ve

felt directlv to the bottom as in tile

~. ..- -= . -=J - ~. . - - - - =1 - -" .

sm ,?,1; 1 bl' 0,' ,''V'" 0,' :'-0-' . p'" "(j'gi_i'li' ·~2 •• ····

l~ ~.~t._. . . .1"\. .... , . __ ~ .. t;.. U. I!I

. . .

Plocklng provides another option and

creates a soft, seam less covering, even on vertical surfaces, Flo eking consists of ·!t'"i n 0 ·f:- b8'1 -'if' avat l "1I'b' '~~, ,"' '0 a' '1: "'JI"-F ,. -e' ty of c ol.!Il.L IlL. ,,1_'11;;,...[,:]1,._ 'IIi' !i;jJI ;()!I, _ I""" ,L .~. '!;;' ~,11A.. 1I!. _---'.!i=

Pali nter"s tape·

Notch on e-,half d h/ide r width.

ors [·S~-.iiI"ioI'.Ii'\JiIi!!'A~'] TO' use ~,t b rus h o n the col

I .. .,;ii' ,'_:_ 'V~'''III;P~ .' .l!i.1,.;;,~,\I! -'M' = I!;..-_~ I. ' .. , = .' ~ I!!;i;. .- -J.-

ored adhesive, below left,. then load the cardboard-piston flocking tube with fib ers, P ump the ,t ube, bel'ow righ t, and the fibers whoosh out and. stick to the a.d hesrve. Shake out ,a.:ny loose :n.bers ..

H,I'LI sh ,i) n @/V'E!'n ccat of aldlh~s j've on a I' surfaces 'to, be, f IDC.k.@d.., M,as,k of'f' adjacent ,u'r,eia s wi tlh pia int:e:r',s: I:a pe,

A ca I1'dlboailrd box contal ns d:ri'fli n 9 fllo,cikilng,., AlP p,lly' t~1N2' 'fli bers

"loa, -n- a -1f',A,illi j!"11l!j A-~.'a Ii' '~'h-a ad L ai!E"I~I'!IJ'Ii",a, ,..IIIi""I,Bi!E' .... nlllll,D, ..... ·t ,BY'",";C;,E'!E' ,·f· ~ b·c·,ar- -,~ "'-:0'" '-r- lio'ia,~ Ii e';c; .1:11 .... - -~- y~.:1I!~I-~ -' _!I !!i;,,,!;;!1 !!i;L _,.. ~ ~ .. '!~iii!!_.'!l'.1I;;;: Y-~ II;;:;'i;1I!, """y _ II;;;: II!;. e "",A""'~i;1I!.;;!I; 1_ ~.__. ~_ ;;'!I' 1_,-- _I ! 'II;;OII!.I!!,~"",~


• 'Wa'tch how to set Up your rablesaw to Icut, perfect :m~lter5 and bevels et

• See how' to make and use a simple' boxjoi nt jig' at wood m,ag1a2in.e"com/boxjo'i ntvld


• Prhlt off a free plan '~O construct a miter ... spl lne jigl at wood m,aJg azine.corn/ sp~li nej'iIQI,


• Bumi d a srnmplle b ~Jix.-]oi'nt illi"g wirth the plan at wood maglalZin e. comlj ezbox]o intjig., $

:$ - ,D(fwnloiJd th~-s artlde '~or a smalll fee


Velille elf: B&B RaJre Woods" ,jl(Ii-'9S6,..15BSp. wood"veneen.c()m,

H i nge$~ Pin h iinge' no, OOD8.] ._50, Lee Valiliey~

800"'\8.7'] ,gSl S8~ leeva I ~ey.oom; non-mornse berrel ~:~ng,e no, 27Cl t, 3Smm round stop hinge no. 1297'11lr 'Woodcraft, 800-22S-1153~ woodcraftcom; 2J1! inside-stop [pila no hi nge no. l324~ (ra·it illn;c., ,SOCHS.27-21S8~. craft-inc.rom.

I oc::ldng: S~ede~f~.x adhe~hfe$ ,~n~d flQdkiing' fib ers, Woadcra,ft

SUlrfilce-il!p,p-liiedi hilrdware'~: Dec,ora:tive corners, no, 149156, Wncdcr,dlft; j~w€lry box handl€t no. 2'77421, Jewelry box stJ1ap Ciltch no, 22310f Raddert 800-279'-4441 ~ wodkleu:;am.


l'I"s ~i glll!liI·'d·1 DIP In 0"1- a' '5'1 !iiI' delr'

. -) _ ~. _: .:. [~I', - L~· ... . :.' . : ..... , ::: t:. ~-, .

Take ene moot at Bosch's new 12 u Sa!,W~ and what you d'ol1it see' reveals the Innovation. Bosch replaced the traditional tubular XI,mills that the saw head slides on 'with an articulated-arm system that yields a supersmooth glide forward and back, Another big' benefit 1Li";r"'Mii iii L""JI'fl position thls saw ,t'~glh.f6lfu

U ""'.' .. -' . . _ :: ,Ii. UI!L_~, !!l.~~ I'V,jj[IIl.,L_. I., I" !t~, ~ a, . -I' ~:lJ, .. .w,.r ~

against a shop wall 'be ause it doesn' n,eedthe ex tEa space at 'he rear fell' the rails, Bo,seh

, 2~11 A ·f I r=_"I"'d M··' - #GCM1''''SD ~on.n I" -:1.111 _I!IOI,' ,j! I_llrt:ersilw .. '~', I . ",' -'" ~'QIU'UI

[0'7, r 7-2:i::"-,24V) [B_. b-[ fi!j!', :h.ifti'll!l:~-.' ... ~m

UI ,V~ __ ";;1'7, v~ __ I!I,VV_;i!!!",I"~_

GI--I-,e UIP perte[ct box i[oi'l1t,s 'w'i"llhl Ih'e'se han-=~[y' c::a.ulls

=B·',·o,'V' ]"'10' -I· no' t 'if'" have been ."Jil staple 0'£ 'W·,-·'-iO:"O· d-

I. A. I.:." .• , .:J!., i[JII1:L _ ,1,.0 iJillJ-iG_IIlJ .!It., ,"'._ '. '."'_l

working for centuries, but the sltghtly proud fi n gers (which will be sanded flush Iaterl prevent you. from applying the necessary clamptng force where you. need it most=directly at the joint. Rockler's Box-Joint Clamping Cauls deliver the sol utlon wl th corner blocks that

h;·· >:iI,V·, 0 'm' 'a, tch lng fin gers Simply clam 'p" '0: ne [01"'''110 -', iii

>:_"-111 .. 'II;". " "_il_ :~.' _Ll:: .1.1 _"" .r,,", -_ 'ct _" ,.J!i'.l-,lL I,.,. . ',_ ,_'\;". ",,-,uU,J!I

on each corner' with a, band clamp or two for perfe IFt- g' ,]' U' e-up s :T']hQ i""~I'H ils com Q ;1 n s-pack c for

~.. .' ~ :.' ._.". . .,' - ~ . ,~~U·U,..J!~·.. . ~ JLiLt ~ ,~U'" '. aJ! . ,

'~,'i~', %" and :!Q Vi' fi n zers

,~ _. 1 _.- ~b . , ..


ID',Ii"lIiv'_,J1o; I11t C' -II ~ m p ~I-iin' . 9 I'e" - :::::11,11 [I ~[!r' C -11(\ per .,ill-IP- ack

U'v,;i"I;, ,.- .. ~ I,· .'- ''!;i!I1 I') I·.~ . -~[""'~.0:1!'# ~ U_~II"'" .',' ~' ... '

010- 0-: I "78 4· AI 4' ;'11 r--'AFlk-'1 ar--' ';;;;;'AI-m--'

Q _:::~~~ ~'''';_"",____:_, _ ~ _~";;_c_~_,.i';",';;'[ __ _I



I f



Be~e~y' dlriilll pires,s, sollv.,s ,co,mmon

" ',ro'ble~m5

Delta's new 18ri drill p~r'ess delivers solutions to '~·WO common complaints. difficult-to .. set dnvebelt tensio ';In and .=! fl' adeq t' -"l:4f",Gi; q - - '"II

_ i!;;." !b-..I ;JI',!II. ,,' . (]I 1_, ill , ,~, !!.,.,~,~_tlllo.!6 Ul,

stroke, Instead of wrenching on, the' motor every time you change speeds, a qutck-release ru.'d:~"er roller on the 1[8, ... 900L retracts without

tools £0.1' quick belt. changes among its 16 speeds, and when reengaged maintains the right Ieve] of belt tension. This machine also features an Indust ry- leading 6ii' quill stroke 'W i til [t j st one rotatl 0, ,n' I [0' f ,t, he , 'he .. a,"n''-'d:- '1-.0

,c'l~,', '_ ',,' ,!lj! [, .IIL,., " ',',', , '",' ,,' "", , ~"

Its large ta ble t ilts 90Q side-to- side and '4S~' forward, Cross-hair lasers and, an lED task light Illu ... minate the work area,


'181~~ D r~ III Plr[e,ss~ j'118,-9IOO!Li' :$,82'9

8,1310 ... 2,2,3; ... 1211'1 de,llta,p'Qllit!e rca ml

C-"- m-- -'I r- _ t'-.- k'·t ---liiv -- ---

>O~,--lpa[c, c -:·olu.-e' ~,I g_',~e'sl JOU

lightweiglhl op,t'io[n's .' [_.

'We' savor small routers=call 'em trim routers or compact routers; we don't care=for light-duty [obs where even a. midsize ,2 .. hp router proves cumbersome So we love the flli[exib"'M-

i tv D: 'leW, ~ 14!.- r,~ 'D' "'W', "":"'6':1-11 P"K' ,;Il.~"'J\O- =,'~ \"f' se k it pr 0" '-v-~~'~Id'i es 'V-:o"[u-"II[ ca n swap '[ th e

_ '<J" "_." ' .. _ (:1- It. ~ _. ._ ",'"' , " I~ V.Yl.·. WJ,~.""", _ '~1..~ " '_' _ JI!, .;J!!I I,I .. , It. ~~" ')v.v.~1Il, .. '':.'_.' .

iI! '~ j. -h 'in v' art >::iI ble ... speed m' otor bet 'w-" ',;!gj,.c.,t"liJ th 'e 41:'1 ''!!Oi''',£i;..JI1 ~ 'n-' dolu ,- ':n (fP b "li sa,.;:>

JIl. "14: ' 'r "u ~iU, ," ,JJ, " 'i!b,!I;,.. ',[, I, ,_" V,1ll _' b ' , ,'!b '!L.. "ill Ill •. , " .Ill J!,A,i!b l_W, u. !,: 'Jt.' ' '-0''1;.. _ '(;.11:. '1;..,.:;:1'

quickly to fit the task at hand, We~ghw,ng lust under 6 POUll.dS 'in its plunge base, tills lightwelght route, works great for signm akin a a' n I,d, ' rou ttmg inl ays "'1'11-0' p-' P' '''e'' ....lll f lutes an sd h I" o:g' [cr.i morti ses

,._.I,Ii;.~;:,,, __ -\0'-" .,Ie_ ,[Il1ljJ,-,IIi.,I!,J'e ,.,i"_.}(.i!I,:,,o;,; ;;:i'lj,_'i', ,:_u" ,~,I~'IIl,.:_.;J'!I_'''''''' '_' '_' L,!!,;;.,." "J! _' .;;):_;;;!i[ ..

It uses, only a ;4111 collet, limiting you, to !4,rl,~s,lhai,n.k bits" It i nclude 5

an edge guide for the plunge 'base" (Porter-Cable 'will offer a, similar kit 'wifh a single-speed motor for $189,,)


Two D::II c:"'~ c,- n m' p ~ ct R' ftJUfio.tri; r IK'" 'I't ""'D"'W61 'iI P Lt' e- ill g" n

'.' .1 -e ' _'U!~~~ ..... I~ 1 :)~I~.I, '.'.~ .. ~~ .... 1 I ,. 'tt' ..... , 1'1' I ~ I'"'I-~, ~ Ill .... ·~

Q:O~ n=.oi\'I,~':;I'=n·"lr:'a: 14,B'-W- -~lltt' ,FR-m-::-

!~.~_'. u ~~I~I ,~~~al,rr. y~" _'_ I~_ ~'!J~~ _I ..

W!€J. od lti[anacZine .. ~om

-- - - ---~- -~'3!------ ~ .. - _. ---

PI~~t,ablle _,cy~'lonie' a,di)'·'ust,s airflow

" '.' I~

a,uto'm,i1JI.,('i1,[ v

,- -

Add, this to. the nWhy' didn't I think of

to, h - ~1'1i'-- II!- - -- - -, '0-' ':" '. ld -.Ii' S' - -~ 'D"" - *"

" a,I~~- - c-a{te,goIy~ .. ·ne! __ 3. s,mar~ ·us~

Collector works, essennally, as a varia,b,m,€' speed cyclone collector, it measures the a mount of rests tance (static pressure) in the duct-work, and 'I 'hen adiusts the .: impeller speed automatically t.o generate ~

.... h e'-· m' . a w"~i m~1 t -m' " ".:ii -m~'u' nt ,0'" ,f su .... iI!-'~ A;ln:-· '. - l'!'h' 1" e ~

t,.. _, !l;)II,A.w. . . U y v' ,Ill. . _ , .J; UII;..i!l.,!II.U ,~ '" .J<

allow'S itt to 'work. effectively on, ,2'V2,n flexhose and 6:i'!' smooth-wall duct. It has a 'Fe' mote ~'C: 1'0" n tro -I no 'IW',-,",I,o,{-- sw ltch - "6~i~ 'I" nlet,

J:. :__. _" ", !~~" ~ -, _, ,!~,_ . _ 'JIC I!.;,. .;I! - ,il_ II!."., '1' '- - , " , ,,lI!, ~ l,

H,]EPjl\. filter 'with, fla me-'g, : uard P It'otlfC= ~

!. ] . r

tion, and an infrared sensor Ito a lert you ~

when th,€' 3S'-g.a'Uon steel collectlon drum needs emptying;

o nelda A,iitr' Sy:st@ms

Sm'Cll1't IOust Colll,ect,o'rf 2.'-IhIP' ,#X.X:S(l2I01 DOt

$. - "-1 n 10''1'" '5JI =1I..1t"iii #-'Y''\i!'S'' ,n'';lI'Oi?~ Ino~' t: 91 ~I~ nl - '. ,1I'"o, r ,.;JI; III1 t'" ':i!I!',;Ii'!j"J\, ·U.J!! . II u. ,f ~oi&.",~ uu

800-7,3,2- 4I06,s,- oneid a-alr.corn

. fl1~'

. \l I) ~ _'


.:'_C -'


118··· ...... ~

I '

\J .1' ~.--


~II ••••••••• 1 11 ••••• l •••• l.l l ••••••••••••••• 1 ••••• 1'1 •••• 11 ••••••••• lll •••• l •••••••••• l ••••• 11 •••••••••• 1 ••••••••• ' ••••• 1'1 •••• 11 ••••••••• 1 •••••••••• 11 •••••••••• l •••• l ••••••••••••••• 11 atu ••••••••••••••••••

_, -
__ , IIIII!!!!i!
~ -
!I(IIII - E!lec:tri·,c rou't1e'r ll·ft make,s !prec:ii,se, ald,jiul,s,tments

TI1,e 'Mill CS Pow,€'rLift;s nc motor moves your mounted router 'up or down through a, ,4'lyzu r ange, giving' you, full access to the collet nu t and spindle 'to' change 'bits above the table, ' remounted to a ~A!i-thick aluminum insert, this UJt features d~g]lt,a,m readout depth a,d.-jllstme:nts accurate to "OOln~ And, yo,l_W can varY' the adjustment speed 'by hand O'D the control panel, or with, a, foot pedal. Slow' it down tOI make ftne ad~u$t~n:en.ts! then, sp teed lit '[nlll to raise the blt fOI' above-the-table changes. TI1,'eI' Powerl.lft comes ready to fit a 3 Y:Z"1,-d-ta meter IOU ter motor, which includes 1110St midsize I ~h~ 'to 2 :!.4,=,h'p routers,

UtlCS WoodwDrking Powelr-Lift ~Rou:telr' l,lft, '9'450, :$390

,800 -S33'-"298~,

m Ilc:sw:o OdW,(H"ki Ill'g ~,eo'm

Most people use spade-type drill 'bits until they're d uTI or rusty, then toss them aside. Now you, can sharpen dull spade bits, from '~:n to 1 ~II wide, on the

DIl"l1 Doct '01'1 D·-··D",s··n TO'· sharpen o'jjl spade

.. .,,, _' V~.· ... . - D1Il i'.,·· !ill] .)!lJi,I., .... '-r, I I~l iJ! .:.~ .... 1I:..r.

- =

bi t, slip 'it. into the hol der, turn the power

on, and press the gray housing down to

en' "g'a' gG. t he grind ,jID" g whee I Then 'iiI'iilil'a the

:,.: , • ."-:: •. I I~.. ,,:.' ~.:: - , ,1 __ ].IJ. ,,: ] ' .. : :.,. .~'LJ iii. .~,: 1!J.,_lIJlI~j~\-./·. -1 illlL~

finger lever to, slide the whee back and forth along the bt t's flute. (The tapered wheel matches t· be 'a'IO: gles ,1:.0, r rim spurs '\

.. :.:_ ' __ ' "'" ,_. _ .. _. ~,~~ ..:. J ~ .~'.!, :: ::' '.:...~] .1,1.,). '''_. . ~~, .... _', '~'!I

'iIf ike Pi ',iii"'~,d" ecessor D rill Doctor m '0:'0'- .cii~I,it"

L ../6 ,-J[ '16_--_ ,II;..:'!...- ;ji,,]!V ill, ., " .. ' ... Ib, . VJI! ,..... ,'I61IL.:JI]!,

t hl I~ 'I un '1'" a '1,1[' t"'Ii, s '~\"" '!JiI pen c st and ~I rd 'i- wi st

. ,JIL!lJ1 ._, t ·_.I ~u· - ,; 'Ii--~ riJ! '&JI .. W ,:.' y. ,:.. _.. JaJ!

'b,j ts from %2"~ to 1Y2~i .. D'll"ii 1liliDoctD r

Cd 11111L)octo r IDIDSB" $i99

,SOlD. ='59i7'='61111'0~ d'rii ~[I d OCIOlr.,"(~'m

,.,_. '.

. _ " 'J.

I:,":, '--i:~-'."-.'"

• ~ ... I

• • _.. I •

. ' .

A,'ut,o,~adjus,t jlig, makes

iiii~k k f ~k hel

qll 'ltC' wo'r', 0 p,olc',el-o 85

J . t "·,,,'h-·" t,··· '., .- .. ," , th .. : - rhlt th . . ····11· thl .-.'"

us w en you "oulg .IU- .. " :ere was nO'IU, .. In,g

left to invent in POICket - hole ,~oi nery, tile folks at Porter-Cable come out with. this beefy jig. The mostly-metal Ouikjlg differs from, other pockethole jigs in that you set the 'bit's dri 11 lng depth once - d'- - - - - - h - - - lt T·tlt1- d ·"']'1- ~ - id - - - - -

.. . ..... . .. . ~.. .... '. . .... :. ... ··'.i .J '. I I ... I .. " .. c:r :'.1 ;. i :,.' i· I ... :' II 'I " ...

an '_, never C~" a nge 1.·,,· e. nn mg gun _,e snugs up

against yOU'I workpiece automatical Y' ,a,ld'ju,stin"g for thicknesses from %'IU 'to 1 :~,II'" 'W',hen you d.r]lU-jt the

bit's stop collar lilts. the top of the guides to give

vo the nerfect denth A:· nd fo Ions "'::1'0' :1\" .. -t··-·c~·c,1t' s: Ul _. I~ pell!l,'eCI~ _.!!;",p,~~., ,,;,ll._ or . ng WI~,p:u:~e.J'1!

of' ~ m' p ~v - at "'lI,fI!,.a t-ll.Et1 "" g iO;O" . {(I -- em'" ave' it h,Q ch' "p-

.;;li;rn,,, . I,!li' T-. T,[w,lli.iG i_., _.'~' :~l'_. -y ,f'.,' . '_;'.,," - l,ilL' ....• I. 1:'=

collection tray, a nd, .fee d. S,tf)ICk. ho.rillzo:n.ta lly., - IPlortelr-,Caib I e

Qui k.J iigl POCki9r1t"'H 01113 J o!~ne ry :S'ystem" ,i5,610,~ $2.2 9 8,8:8,·,848-S 17,5j1' den:a P DillIE r1c;a bl@,,;c)Oml

r18-~ -. ~ d .-'-



(_, ,)

W,orklpiiirsCIt! Sloes :hell1"i!'

Watch FR,E,E,

d '"'d

emo VI:.··_eos

of :manlY of

these products i'ln "To 0 I Schoo I ~;, at::

HOlw does IHa,rbor' F'reiig,h't 'lools sell high quality toals a~ such riiidli'c:IU~lously 110' w - ri --'s-?' W - b-I" ItI'iir:- :~:I 'fi:r~ m I:h.-

___ P __ CB e _ uy u __ eIL __ 0 I

'fJ:ac:lor;ies: 'wlho also supplly '~he major blrandl:s: andl 88:11 direlcl to you .. 1'1'8 jus't t:ha't simlple! C'IDm'e see f'or' youlrs8!lf: at Dine 0" Olur ,33-0 ,STORES NATIONW~'DIE and use this 20°/0 OFF C:IOUPOO DO ,alny o'f our '7, '010"0 IP~ rouuets We~' sfn ck Au':I-lom--'o-'iI"lve-

" .. f.·..· OJ .. , . -. '- . - _ •. It --

plroducts, ,Sloop Equipme!n'l, Hlandl Tools', Tarpls, Cdompress'ors!, Air & Plllwer Tools, Ma~er'ia I Hand I ilng!, WOlodwlllrking I'DOls', 'WeldelfS, 1010111 8,,0:les, IOut:dOlor Equipment~

Genlerat:ors:, andl 'mulch mOlf,ei



Quality': _iDOlls, at R:idli,cullau'sly ,Law' Pri'ce~s


oJ We lit ave 110 Mililln Satislied eusee.ers UFE11IME WARum

" Wei IllY Falclolrv 'Direct aid . ass Ibie S,AVIINIGS lOR '10 YOIU:!, ~ Shop & lellimpaire IDuir IQu;ali:tv IBralds A!I,ainsl Dlb,e1r' 'Natio:nBII Biralnds,

~ bousa'nds II' IPI!Opllll Swill£:h to H[arb,lr Ffiliiglhllsols, Every 'a,v!

~ INID HISSlE -E,T~RNI P_l,ICY' '.j FalD1i1',' OWlned & DlperalJlld

I nil BIIII: Anv Co.pelitur's IPri:cI ilhin 1 Year' 01 P'urc'hI8sa!

Uselhis OO.!l-'pO~uo ~,~ 20'Q' 00 any one singl& il!m1 ~wrc_ \~hen yo.lI $no~ aI:a Hamor rhreiglMTools ~I S.1ort CBn~ot lwe' used with aJiif 0tbudisoownl: or OOUpM. One cowpmn per ~ustomer. CowjH]n not wli~ ~n,~m ~he!'1ollOrl~ng: -lDriijrplfJI.h:!~. gltl ~J~5,,_IF.lsid'e 'Track Ctub mem_bership or &.:tem~ 8'ervf~e ~I pms.. . ~1lJ~11l o.mrnQ[b~. -. mO~ .• F1hl'rSi!tldti)~trilllSJ:enT¢.:L 0. JigimJ .. ~~pon'Ff!ru~ b~ Pfe~mted. _- im,srore irumf!![ to lretteNie DIe O~OOf. All Gam~11 Ha~s.Jeld rnodu~l~ a~! 9)[lllllrJ.edl rrom '1:!iIlS O~f. V4fid 'thffCllgh ml t.

L ~

I oo!u d~s two 11.5'1 t:mitl'Of1 cen 1000U:er,ies •


A,n.sw'er$ tOI your questions 'from letters, s-malls, and W'OOD Online-

. S,ecolndha,lnd liab,ilility

Q.After F'ealdin,g ,abo'Ult the

. - - - ~. Ii'. 'Ii . : .... : ' .

.' . .' , ." '.,. '''. . I - '. , .. ' -' . ,

• tal,~II,e,s-~~ 1~,W,5_Ult lin .sls,ue 1199

I(SlepJt,e'mbelr 2'0'101), [llb·ega.n, to 'wiorry ab,out t:he penldin'g 5!a~e of my ,oll,d 'Ia b'l eS8iW an.d jo,inlelr .. , ~f II sell t'b em and 't'he' b1uyelr Ih·url.s him:5Iel'f, ,am II ~iab~,e? Woul:d it Ibe' Is',s"s, tr1Qubile 'to, jilUlst IhallUll th,elm t,o, t:he sC'ralp'Y'sird?

-John D.uma" Ox.rJ'Qrd,. GrJ'u.f.

A• Don't toss those tools just yet,

.] - hr '-W~ .-' ...... - . -"d' '.- - r l . - 'I

. . .. ····1 I j" ,'·1' 1 I ',·;':"'1 - I I· '.

_ '. _ 0, I" n".e p OS e c ' yo U Jr .. eg,aJ"

stumper to, Keith Miller, professor of Law at Drake U niversity Law School ,. n Des Moin.,€!'s, Iowa, Accordingto Keithr. the court systems don't attach the, same strict lla btltty tJO "casua l sellers" that

th ey .. " 'd-In ~O-" m ai aufact urers wh 0' 1,.;;;(;''211 ~1~1;"·c

t. I,!!i;;:' '.' ,II;,J' ilj.· ' .. ~, ...... ~. jQ,"'-. 1~.1I.~ . I~ ._. , < •• ~Ju.!ll!!i;:Ji.";).i!'

a Ild .. reta i lers,

'U'- . - I . .. - - .. - - _. . .. _ .. ' f' '. .. . t .. - t f

" .. _[- -. ,'...- -I' "-I,.' ' .. '.', ,_ . '

_ .n. Jf 3:S- you. 'f'a rn a Slgn .. ~ .. llca,nc _paT I. 0._

'y' "0' - tII'iji'ii!" ," n ro' m" e" d ,;g; 'JiI'~1 'i, n· "D" 11-n u sed m" a' ch 'I" n-I

,".:., 'UJ.lU. , .lILI,~ ',', " -,' " ~y,..IIl.jJ." 0 oi ... '. . ',iJ!~ ," - " I '. ~,' _,.,'~

ery, y,ou fall Into the # ca sua I selle u

C"=iI*"O,01'O: ··l-~y··- ~'O' :,1-' the' m ost part the co urta

_ ~1.t!!.;".,O' '., r· . ,. _.;.'!!,I_. .'~lIl., . .Ii' _.I.):_, / __ . I _.oJ'

have protected 'these indlvlduals as long as an -l~ a s is j' where is" 'U nderstand i n.g Is in place=meaning the tool is sold in mts present condttton at the current

111I1"'1;C'~-fI.'~·o. I.n '·w·-'·iil h no 'W··'JI'f' ran ··t·y.- lmplied. The

tv .' litoII"lI_. . ' .. ~. ",. . _ .' ClII ' .. u. _:'. 1 I. . . _ . _ '._ d. '. , c

"as is, where ~'s1t nat ure of secondhand tools is generally mm,p'lli]l,ed from casual sellers, But if it makes you .fee'~ safer, Keith suggests explicitly advertising them as such,


For an ,aln.S,W·@lr to you r woodworkl n 9 qu estlon, wifi~t,e to ASIK,

'W'" ~"O'-"'D"i 1-11---:-1- £. 'l···· - -, ··t- 'St LS'; 2~"iIi'l- D\ _- ... M'~---'" III A- 5-11I']-,no '1"'2-":i!'

__ '!!!;.I' _~.,. _, r ' _v __ OCIIl,I,S_, '~'_o!!!l' _~'~"',_,L I' ~ ,eS,_:Olnes." ,-_, _'i!!I-:__ U~'''~~'~.;I!

or e-rn an IUJ s at ,as,k.wiood,@woodnilIBgaziln@ico:m,. For iimlm,ediliate

~e edbadk from y'OIU r fell III ow' woodwo rkers, post you r q uesnons 10 n one ,of ,0 ur wOlodwo rki n'Ql forums at w,o,odm,lgazine ~fom/forumISI .

No' "!iI'"", "'0-- m' - e F'ii9iiffi' . 'ffion CI~'n €'£ii e= "lIV' £iI-::ii·t (!,~ :'¥1.1J' ,;j_ .. _ .• : ";"'v' .,1 • <J;!I;..,,I.;:Ii..... 'l6t_iII,' r '~·u,., .i,.

-llstt do yo,u.r 'best to search out and. include ,(WJID, the safety equipment tha t origin tally came 'w·- tth .. · th 1,0;, too -I 1I"f you n '0'"

.... .I!:'-, . .1 .. ,. .'- 'il... O. . .... !IO;;:- .... . . .'!L V " ~ .aLi. : '."II;,..~, . ..,'

1 have i k h b

":'''';'1' ':j'- ..•.. '.:.~ .. ,. ,- .•.... 'I~l ·-·· __ ··1····· ,.'. ,:..:,._

. ongeT:. ave it, make SUIe t . e _uye:r

knows 'his is part of the "as-Is" ccndition of the' tool ~ O'I' better yet .. contact th _.. - -- - f t - - -- . -- tc - - -- h - . . _. '1

' : '1'.""' -t --1-' '.' '1 . r -. 'I I" .- ··.·'·1 f;"I' _.- ( ']=

_ '" e manu ac rurerto PU<IC", ase rep .aee-

merits (or for sug' 'g, restions £01 suitable

"' l: I

aftermarket versions) .. You cou d. even

'1 ','-1 I the '-.;",.- 'I"'" '.-' "C'_- ··'t ,--' . 1''- '--1 .' c·'~~I~ .... - -,.'.-- tl

use es e new pam:' .. s as a, sen .. ~ng pOlRn ,.

St.:'i;C"--O· -'. n . ,d' llii f 'Yo:'. 0" . U ,II'·'!t7e- a ltered th Q 't- '0' '-'''0' '1

"'- .. ' .:" '1 . ,,'. -' ., ¥'. '. 'IJ;..., ' , .!!J. :!!;...' . -.

signlfkantly, especially in a way to make it more dangerous, a court of law' could rule against you if the plaintiff

'p.' roves that there was malice or neel i-


gence IOn your part,

E'dJtor1s nate: 170 read our cove;r:'age of t#};e Osario v One World 'Iechnolog 'ies, Inc,

I J ~'

la'wsui tj visit 'W!M11d~n'~ga,zj'n'e .com/tstrial

~ '~f H M

._ "_-,,'I .• ,:,' _" .• r- >I·I_I'~··'.:" .... ," I .••.

ony . (J,:O..., an 0 ve,~._ ,. .

• ' End grain Ican be tncky, Tony; especially ]in porous

.. '. wo ods such as. oak, The .open ends of the grain. sea k up more stain. pigment than the less-porous faces. and edges,

Sanding closes up some ,of' those open cells, slowing the intake of the stain '. Th.e' finer th.'e ,grlt)t th,e less. p.iglnent will ~*,.~ r-k F--o' 'F 'p0'r--o' ,"IU" ~ W' .-,' . ·o,··o- .. d.· ,.;::'. ''!:i; c' '), 'ru l'.Gii 0- f t h' 'u mb" -d,' ·o·~ ·-'b-'~e f-h· ;GJ, g', -rl·jjf·

.JjdlJ.,l'L •. j, •• _.1.: V ..... 3'_. - ;)</ U.;:J! a,l -,........ ... , I. '-',., ,'Ill _ lIl. (, .. '1;.. ... .la.

for end. gr~r"'n." SOt .if you sand thlough 220 gr"'t fO]1' the faces.

.-. - 'd'~-d,¢TO - ,-..-. - All 'th"--- .-.' -'.- .. , d· g' - ~ .•... , '.~ 'tOo· -'b- .. - . ,'AI'OIO',-'-

a.n'. '_, e_ 6''';;:S 1 Sdn'u '! e en·.~ .: ri:ULn, u.p' ,I •. a, . OU" "':t'. '.' ~

Salnldii n 9 1:0 twii,c,e· 'the '; rit: c);n 'th,e' end 'g ra IIln ,e'~Jm iilnartes· th e n,oti:tea b~el da r k. Ilii n'E!' h~lft by' tll@ :sta!i n"s pig flM~ nt\~i.


You"V"(3! go'~ '~hlils, 9 reot shop wm~1h h'ig h 'ce~'~li'ng"s. lr's too hot In the, summer ond too cold mini '~h,e -wInh~'r" 'the solution is ill, 'I'~' '", 'S""'h' , 'F-' -'TM ,[ " 'B-=";:' A .... , 'F-""'.oS;" " , .. , ", 'd' nn'e '01,11 n'ew " opron rrom mq ,"s,s :ans~~, englllneM9Ir,eL_

ww ~h our IPo~e,n'~ed a i r'fo,'j I tech nol()Q'Y '~O rn mprove con d 'i fions in workshops up to ,5100'0 squore 'feH:;d'~

TL hili .. !II: S" h F-' ,i II th 1:0' ne mont ,,' ~y opelra!tmnpg: cost or C~I \: ,,' op =anl 1.5 ress t '0 n ..J' '",

cents per dC~IY •• .,yet' it d,oes the work !o,f m OIF,e the n twenty' sto n d a rd eel 1'1 ng fo,ns,. ~,~ts, Oln investment tha~ wi~lll~ pay dlivi'de~dl,s, f,o.r a lifefwlmle",

Q",'IU-IIR' -K"'Y""" -NJAM" E S"'ERIIO"':'-U5': ,'A-N': 5:'

.: ',_:::,' I. I ,I I",' _:_ "" I ii >~' - I, "'~/' :::" .'~, ft I" ,'_',Ii

'for over a decode, 'Bmg Ass FClflS hos been engl'neerinlg Ik]!rge'~, hig h-perjormonce ceil i'n.g ,feu'l$, for tens o;f thouso nds o'f so tls'f'j ad 'j n d ustr iol C'1jl.S'~IO m e rs worl dwide ,. IU ke a 'I ~I ,of ou ir

fa' ms S< h 0" -P" F='''''''11i''iI '~~ an g .. , ~ ne ere d prec Ii' !C:' '; 0' ., n belen cedi ond

:",! . .;:;lJ 1- n, '; r \,.A U I!I l;;;ii " .,c; I .,c '., ., " J,I!I ,:::,~ ,J'I' ,;_, ~ ~II_. y' '~_

hOlnd buml~t 'wf~h 'OI~luicraft=9,rade olurninum enid lndustricl components r[J'91~lt here 'i n Lexjn91'~on~, KJ9ntucky. YCHJ' can halve, '~hm5i ,Fain Uip end runnlng ln o couple of: hours, And best ,of cdl it's a 9- enulne B:i9'" Ass, Fan

_. . . - - - I' - -- I. "... . _. - - - .. - - ",.' . . _. . - .. !!





Co~fSd bY' OfiS' or mort!' of fhe fo11orwrrrg ltS-\S~ 6~244,B2~; 6:,S8~O ~'6: 6,8 Jl; 835; 6, 93~ lOS; 7;2521478~· 7;'284 .. 960; ~654 .. 798; D:S87t799; D60~988 and mher paJen:fs pendrllQ'.

An 1,50 9001:2008 certified company.,

©2~)1'O [}e~to T CQrP'O~~ion d ba lhe Big As~ f,an~ Company. All ~r9hts reserved.

IQ U ,A LIT v s:« R 81 II E R 0 'UI T E R SHAPE,R, ,CUTTERS, '&' IMUC,H


'Woodline USA is the Off;O';8,' manufs'lcfu,rs'(' of Mal:oof route: bl,ifs! '

These bits, f'eaturle ,8. !J. ni'qlue 'tape red rabbet with 'ta'pelr,ed bearl ngls developed spsclfieally 'for Saml Mallioof to make the fa,bul,ous joints

of tho 'e' 'M, ;01,no:'· chair A·'·-·I~ h' ~i",.t,c, :.:=fI, ''iiI K~ d ·o'm;' afar .. :.:=fI,' .... d··', ,~/,Qn euttine ,~Ie"p" th

c_ . _' '~v·_,!!1 'i;.io,~~,~I_" _ "_~ _'_~,v~ ~ I!, ,:_~~_I,_,II;i'_~I!1 ~I!I'.·_, ;.J:l1I;,; 'I;,;!.uI~'~!I!I~ IUi-.,·- _,_,



Wll~16,,220i WIL .. 62211

5- 0. 2<'- pe S·· <.Bt,

I I ',.' . 'IJ.' ", .~.~ .


3,°2 pc Set



Smo oth 3 Wli ng Ftout,er Bits. thal'~ f;~el II i ka a slh¥er c utit'€Jr

:EASY' 'OR,DERIIN'G:! 2:,4, HI,QURS A, DAV~ 7 DAYS, A WEE,K '1-" -18·",0." 0':--' -'1-,7:'2:',_16·~· 9- 5-- O"~·

': .. "." ._, '1 _' .-,..'." " __

R·, -st - 'f- IIII " t'" '-I" , irde - . ,,~" "- .. t WWW-" "'wo~ od __ '1Iiill'n-"e~" c·--,·,o~ m"-"-

__ ,e'que'sl_, a _IU~ ,ca,_,a,o'g o,r or __ er on II II In IS! al__- ~ _,!! .'. _ _ !!I':_:~'

B,.'gg'ed' 'by bee:t,le:1

.,:5amle iilnl:s,ec:1 has 'in:festedl my

.' stack of dryin'Q ch'E!Jrry' and red 'o'ilk umber, Tlh!e, 'o,all,. eSp'E!1Chlll'y" has thousends o,f't:i1ny Iholes wi,th p,ow,der' un,der ea,ch Ihlol!e~, lit' Idoesnl't look llke termllite,s. C'an you tel. me 'wli1,at i't iis ,Bn,dl h,ow to Ilet rlld: of i't'l

- Cnasies Edgingtn,n~ ,Ol,r/o-n-d:o/-, ,flO'"

A• Sounds like powderpost beetles,

, • Charles, Once your hardwood is

i nfes ted, these little g'u.ys. hatch j' munch their w,ay through, the wood! and pop! out, leaving tiny exit holes and signatu re piles of floury s awdust.

There ase t'W'O common types of

<p··o- ·-"w'·d··· Q.rp. ,- O'I!::"-!i- be ;9r1-1,Gi;·' 'JiiDO' "b'l'" Id and lyct 'I" 'd'

_', ' .• ' , ... , .. 'Ii.. .. ,.: .• ,o:l!,l!J., ". '!; L.: '!;...~, I~ I" ,. ,. ': ,!t"" _" 'l-lti,_ 'b I.,' .,

, f the holes are about l/g'11 'i n d," ameter, 'if's probably the anobitd,

The anoblid really only likes. wet wood, Once It d-ries below about 2'0 percent moisture content, the beetles lose Interest and the problem takes 'care of ftself, A, borate ... based treatment, such as B ora-C ale (Nisus 'Corporation, 800'-264,-0:87O:I),~ will slow' the pests down, but you'l~ have to give the 'wood a thorough wetting with the treatment.

If' the 110b:,s are about lJ3zu to iJ~6Iii,~ you, likely have the Iyctid variety; These will continue to eat dri ed hardwoods,

Heat kills both types '0· "'f' b eetles and

'" ,,(,.jJ.~1 :." ... r, ~I '_ .1, • J ~., r!lyQj ,,".,. . "~~" ·.~IiJ! .'. . ... J

their eggs, 13fJo for about 24 'Il,OUTS does the trlck, making kil n d rying an effective way' to eltrn inate infestat ions, But be sure the kiln owner knows that:

Y'OU,"I€ handing over Infested wood, H:,€ may not 'want to' risk contammanng his operati on,

In the meantime, quarantine the infected lumber from other 'wood.

'1" n i, ..... lu - d .'1' 'ng-' =y .. ~O'l1i1 r h' ,. '0' m ie a' '0' Id r-b' 'i[' 'ti1'AI '~t,d ij n g-'. c:)-

,~ '~"~ ':_', ~. !.. l L! : .• ~} .:,." _'.' _ ,_, ~. • ~ __ =',_ .: 'I ~ ._. " ._,_~.JM"W" _ "I, ", .: . .;:}:._ II!!I

Powderpost beetles won't go after softwoods, such as the framing in most homes r but could spread to trim, cabinets i fum i ture, etc,



Birdlhoule b.s,i~cs

.• Our lallke assoc:i,atlion Iplan:! to : • b u- ill; lid save I!!'~ I b II ue b· ; rd ho u se S

. ...., .' .. ~ .. .."'"., .. Ifal ': i!l!lil« 1IIl' ..• .• ~ .• '!Ii

How b·ig' shou'ld I mate, the' 'Il'n't:r'anc,er ,I n d, 'how hii S'h off tlhe flloo,' '0'" t'lI,e biirdlhog5;e sho'Ulld iii bel' IOCiI'te1d?'

--·Dick Webbe,1I East .Jordan;!, Mich.,

bluebird l10USteS 5111 square and 9u hi gh IOn the: inside, with a 1~i1 hole $" above the floor, Leave the birdhouses unfm-

. ished 'both inside and. out, and mount

them. 4·=,8'~ above the ground, If your groll,p' plans to follow u.p! 1by helping house other bird species, refer to the chart below' to guide your designs,


. ... .

• T,h,e 'U·~S~ Fish. and vV.ildlife

, • Service recommends making

Hole height above floor

M ountl n19' 'h€dght

Width/depth,~ [he'i'ght

We.····, ask •• ted II! '~O ... ··•·· .• ·UI a .• ···ln··s .. swered ... ;·: III

- ~ ._. I".. _ . _ _. _ _ . __

41n 8····'~!

[ I ,,.1 .... 1.




41!!1 8 " ion

t - -



6!~ 6:11

I 1' .•. '


·4; 'ill. 18·'>-1 O··.·~~'

I, _.

Red-headed wood peeker

:v1v' ..• f)' "".:'!!;;.o' _

6~~' 1S" 2'~!' 1 011 20=4IO!*
I ,
.I' ' ,
4U'11 11 O~'l ,2~i!1 11'~1I 6 1i on 5,~,1.s'
I.~· , ...... 1 ..
- '-
5n1 6 8~~ " \/:' ~~, ,4-6~'i' .5-1,51
I '~'.: ·'2 .- I ' ..
,4!~. 811' ll1A,1I 611 2 121'1*'
1 I 1- ....
- .1 ~ _.:_1 Swallow

, '.':U ",. :.

;SP frolll11 ho,lle ()E!'ntet' l:o'II,oor

~Outelr sUlr'faces, slhoulld bel baJlf'k.IBe'for~ m,ount:iingl" pack,the ~n:s,ide w~th sawdius,t that: the WQ,odp!eickie'r w'i_1 r,e'mo'v'e .. *ttMIQUnt house beside er o'\(·e'r w'it'ert



W'e" surveyed woodworkers of all skilill ~I,eV',e I sand tech n lea I' profidency and asked 'what you wanted ~n ,8 srn all-form at ,(INC

machine. 'We took y'OUF S U Igigiestmo ns ba ck 'to 0 U W· de''Ve~'op'm,ent shop and got' to work. One year ~atelri' were proud to,

~i ntroduce th e S hop,lBQt Deskto P ,~ the srna 1III,e,s;1It S ho p,iB'ot ever.

A,s, w'el~ as haiv~ing impressive wood'w()w'ldnpQI (,apab;illties'J' the Desktop has eng:ravi'ng-I'eV'el precision and the power and m"i g rnd i ty to ma ch i' n e pa rts from .p 110 stk, a I u rnl n WI m a. ndl ethe r materials .. lt's capable of a wide ir,anQ'€' ofworkbench and

P·· . Ira· · .. 'tcO···ffi"I·'cy:'p .. '!I n· g .. ,- -pc :·Ir·o"" J! e· c- *i'1!'"

I. . '. , ... 'I!. . . . .. , II ,.' I.. ... .. 1Ii.;Jj' ..

_f _. • •• • ."_ j - - •. I:=_' _I - - .:. -

The ID'es ktop ru ns Sho plBo-t software ,8 nd sh ii ps wlt h the

lin. t· W" ... k ...!II ." . In i'til' f~ III' ..... ., ··'b~'·· ·'iII-'h· ith .... n-arl_,' ones 1U],eSlgn SUI .,e~ so II., So U ~ Y cornpanme wml~1 0',. er

S ho p Bots a n d a II .slh op Bot re so u rces, An d I;i ke eve ry Sho'p'IBot~ ~it's made 'in the USA"

~It'li. . .. ·111 b t th . ,(,"IIl...,. ·IDt -D·· . I~"'~·· ..... I· t .. than !'. _. '"

W_'S sma .;1' out me ..),~ri,OpOOI~' -=les~t:oiP IS a .0: more I .. an JUs:!. a

sta rter '(IN C m lt's a powe rf u ill' afforda bl e', s m ell .. fo at p rw nt Pilloto1t:yp:ing and production center re'aJdy to 9:0 to work lin your home' or' shop,

8:- '·8-::-·· ·8·· -6·~·· ·8:- n -.A4IS:- :6:0-;

.::,,1, I.:! e- ' ... ·.' ... U~, .. : ... ·I

sho .. ·p:.··lb-. ,D:·.··'ttO··,D····I:s corn

',._, ,_' _ .... - ,_",, -,,' _. • -._ I

twi'tte f. coml/'s It1 olP bot

~ .~.~~~- ~~~~

Th;c "'e' ··s· .. ·,e···· .'. w: ':.' .0 ,0 ·d .. -Iw· .. O ... II,,'I·,n· .. ··· g.·1 w·· "i~lr' 'e" .. ··5··· .. ' Pi'. assed - O.'U r" s·: h .. ·· 0·":' Pi trl =-1- S'· .

_, _I .' ,. . __ . ','. !I II!\ _I_ __!til, _ .' . ~I.,~,- - _ ' - 1- -. .. .'0, '.

".' _I _

'We test hIWlln~N~'ds ofoo'ols a nd a(cessolr'~esl' but c nly 'ttho!se thartt earn at lea st th ree stars 'fi(]lr p e~rful~man(e' III'a ke the final~ 'CUlt' and appe,alr ~in 'th is, stcUon., Prkes are CUirrent: an the tim,~ of a rth:le p:rrlldunio~1 (lllmid do not' il~dlillld~ $J~i,pp.'ingj' w~ @lr@ a pplmca!Me'.,

B'ee:fy,tri'm -'Diluter' Pi rove,s, m'O'lre tha,n 'capabl'e Prom the moment M picked 'up Ridgid's R24!,Ol t riro. router I was impressed, The overmolded grip proved a perfect fit for my hand, and its heft told, me this 'was, no toy. A nd when I f:il',ed. it up and began . routing wood, its performance confirmed my Impresslons m Despite its compact size, fh.,e'R.240, muscled through every task ill threw at it: --0' - m dove --,eo coves beads cha mfe rs :r'u. '.:'"' ~ r~,~ .....' ~~"~,I' ,it; .U.,J; i i'l •• ;,. ',: J J ... ill c' ,.jj'

t:'IIUI'! sh trim rn '10 n . 'g' r a 'nidi e v en tI'11 'd' ad '£"'I;,iOI,~ .

..lUI. _,.:11 .~ .,JI. •..• . 'i\~'" _, .,11;... _. 14 ~. -_!!!.,J'!I.,..iJI.,

Th is router features ,3, soft -,5 tart motor ·wfutl1. variable speeds from 20,,000 to, 30';000 rpm, and the lighted plug on its, 12~·=long cord lndtcates when ,·tts "live," The R240' - comes 'with. two bases=square and round-cas wen es an edge guide, two wrenches, a. flush-trim bit; and, a zippered canvas storage bag"

~ Tested by Craig' R'uegsegg,€t;,. ,Multimedia Editor



8" ~ Lt ,c '3' ',Ilii, 'ii '7'" 0···· f'·I· d n ~I-I d com .,

_ 'OU'-..,lI' _:;,- II .,:_; ~ 1 _'~ .c ull

. !:~tt:~l~~~O=~-:o~ for

I use a. great deat of :~I~ plywood for drawer bottoms and cabinet backs in

. my' furniture, 'but cutting dadoes and, grooves can 'be tlme-consumlng

b ecause these sheet s typically measure less than V4H thick, So ill have to make two plasses with. ,my' standard tablesaw blade to get t'll€ desired fit" But with Forre st's Special-Width Dado King, I nowmake those cuts in. one pass \tvmth amazing precision.

stack the two outer blades of' this :gil set together to cnt a, perfect J/i 6111 .. wide ,g:Ir'OOV'e.. Then add a,ny' of six. magnet Ic shims to fine-tune the c ut ~ The set also ,'1"'0-' elude ,e:' a- 11' ITi ch ipper '&0[- gr-o' a-v' DC" 'I' U or

"=~,,I,,"":__ __ ' ~, __ ',1]6 .... .1 1.t1, 111;;1 .!.', :,"~ .'.' '~';;' '/,4" ·'L

'wider. The negative tooth-hook angle

P't"t2Ii'V'8 nts gra I" n +£ii "lI 'Ii' 011- t 1" n ha rdwo ods

.i'-'" "'. "::!I....r ." di ':'." -:<: 1:!' . 'Ll~"U i-~'···:.:~ ,-1: " , :' " , ''- (~ r." .. ~;'· :'.: :: :( ::.": .• - ~!,~

veneered plywood, even melamine.

= res ted by' Matt Sei~e", a ,rustoffl=fumi'turem',aker

•• II •••• II~ ••••• 1 •••••••••••••• lI H ••••• 1 •••• 111 •••••••••• 11 •••• 1111 ••••••••• 111 ••• 111 ••••• t!1I •••• II •••• 11 •••••••••• ' ••• 111111 •••• 11 •••••••••• e ••• l •••••••••• 11 •••••• 11 ••••••••• 1.1 II~ •••• tlllll •• I1 •••••• 1 •••• 11 •••• 11 •••• 1111 •••• t!1I ••• HI ••••• ] •••• 11 ••••• 1

I've designed and, built lots of toy' boxes.

and b' '] a n ket chests over the 'Y'ear' 5 an' d

'.' "1· _ . . 'i I' . '. ~ . ,_,' I" '1'.' .' , - . I . 1 1 " '.,' '. I • ...' .', I" .

J _. ~.,J .. " ··c .. - .'._ ...... - .... ,., -"'Ji'._ •. ,

I've never found ' id hinges that 'work as well as Rocklers Lid-Stay Torsion Hinges, (We 'used them on the toy box on.

3'·4-:, )" 'B~''':I,C''ad' on t' 'he concept '0' If" 'Ii anto p"

, " ,A,JIi,.,;;II'L:, I,. J ,J I!;,."_', ',!II... ., _ .. '1. ., ~!it'II'r I. : ..


.' . 'U

COUlP- I :ut,e'f hmees these Lid-Stavs hold a

._ ~, _._ - - ~ I _ L.:_,~!' 1 _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ __ .}' I !!!.l _ _.

11~,--1I 'mo· I place at anv "ClIIn'g- ,'~,e- I p': reve n,··tl in "'g" -di-il!-

'.- J,_W, ,iii._. . , .JLiNli;".~ , '1..- I. J 'iPII, ,_;,_1" , -e ~"I{' t.. ,iii.,... .IIi.!1).

from d ropping onto t }"Ii'.9 chest That's

, ,w..' ':: . I ,1U-,-,tl '., ' ...•. 'U, .. !Il!iJ... '~IIl'!;...' .' - .. l~i""I!J.'i ,.,Jl'" ,,j

especially valuable when ch - lldren reach

!I;.. . .JI. II;...,U, ,Ill.: _ r!i,lIL_ .. _ • '..... _. J!i. b... I Ii;... ._ J!! '!;;: , . u ..... L,J,

'into a. toy b ox. to retrieve toys,

"B' ut th iElJe.a h l~ nO"P if' a- ren't 'U- - ntvers a I '~O'I-c

, .: I .... " l}L.j~, 6~\;I! :_, OJ, III ' .,J ,LIJ. .'. _" . ~I.·-· j,' ill!.·_ ~

I'm ., t i "'II "dl ~n "

a" .~ PI'O)It: c s: neavter JJ.1_ S WiJu. require

= ' -

specific' 11 inges 'based on its size and.

weight. Fortunately Rockler has a torsion calcu ator on. ~ts Web site to

help you 'f"' nd t- h Q rlgh -iii' hi. Inges 'a't1'':Ii'l'L''JI1L\'''''mGl;

'I;,.,. ,:'" .c 'V .. ·· ,I ,L.1·.. . , . ...... 1.,., .'!Il, . il, ','!;..,.j't ··.Y ~ , ,Yi,U'.IIl .....

in three sizes and. two colors. (b'IOn,ZI€!: and. silver),

-Tes-ted byK:elVin ,BQrylf ..

S,enior 'oesJg'n Edj',ror

*- *'-' .. ,*. ' •. .- *. - .

. - ,~

S~nglle h~'ng:e Two--IIP'iji('1k

$,20 ,$38

Rr.u.:kle'r Waodlw'odd ngl ,~.nd Hard_'w~re,

.8'·· O'~\-.2:' "'1£1_ AI.AA" '0 lI"o ... n~le·r ,if'''''fiim'll

. '. ·u~ I: ;7~~~1 ,r III .. ~~ . ,_,r.~U ,

•. *'***


FJ()rrest M,~ 11 U~dJC[)U ru'n9

,800 ... :733='71 '11; 'worre:s~ b~ a:de,s;,.,c,o ml

CO'flti:'nued on. pCl;~e ,82

T'· . ". .' h d f: '1" 9"'" 3··'····5' S"" d '1"""

, I- 'm'" '·:~'·'··,e···~:··· t tr ···'-a'-·'···v·······'-'Ie·· la-" t - t':-I ,' .. ' e.-, s:,p'.,.e.····.·.'.le.,·· .• r .• 10=' a·~'.·,·····'· ., /,. :,.,i,·"··1 ',··'···'·p·','.e-':Ie··'~·.·.······.'. s:·tLe.·-,_r· ,'/

-_',_',,_',,_""'.,',,' ,._',',', '._. ,,':'_ ..• ',',', ,',_._ .. '.," "." .... _. ,:.',,'.',"'.,' ",": _' " ... ', _,' . ",., .. ' ····''1_' :,"',"'.',' .~.,,",-., •

The . 930s brought unprecedented Innovation, In machine-age technology and, material S,," Industnal designers frOID. the auto Industry translated the principles of. aerodynamics and streamlining into everyd a.y ob j eels ~ ike radios and toa s ters, '1 t was also a decade when a,I1 uneq ualed variety of' watch, cases and movements carne toto bel ng. In, lieu of hands to' tell tlme, one sucb ccmpltcation, can ed a. jumping mechanism, utilized numerals on, a disc 'viewed through a window, 'Wffi,th, its striking resem blance to file d ashboard ga,'U\g,es, and radio dials of the: decade, the jump hour 'watch 'was indeed ,~'f in tune" 'with th e tm.111eS I:

The Stauer .19305 Dasiarenk: deftly blends

th ',0 m rod ern function "11; 'I, I" tv of ''1ii 2' .. 'l i'l],W' ',ii:i,.~!

,,~, . ·u. l~lll, " r, " bIL.w.,· . ,'1I,l· .~ j' '" (.Ill ",". ,~,,~,~. ".,~.lIl.

I . , .

'::!Ill, t' o· .• m··· at ~c·,· m" ,nv~'m,· ~'nl t'· and , 3',-A.::·,· .TM,· . · .. 1 water

!Lit _ . ~=-=- _. = . r~~ V '-'= ='--~ . _ _. _ ~ __ u _ ~

resistan -;0, 'w"t:lb' 't- he '. d stin ,,r.,!fl.'-::-~,.o ret -0', look l"",~l~, a." .ell;;". ". "m, .. "c "U, , , lS ,], 1."",IIlIV!i.".j 1"", "f. ,v ' .....

of ,8 jumping display (not an actual

Tl'ue :tc} "Mac.hine A:rt es thetics j the So i eet: brus bed s ted nl ess stee I case ls c lear on the beck, ,Q"l iow,i,',ng a: ,peek at the inner '\~o1r'ki r~gs. ..

[umplng complicatlon), . "he stainless steel 1 1/1/1 case is. complemen ted, with a black alligator-embossed leather band. The bland is '9' l!")}~ long and wlll fit a '7'~8 Ittl wrist,

Try the Stauer 19305 Dashiron«: Watch, for 30 days and if you are not receiving compliments, please retum th'f watch for

a full refund of the purchase price. If you have an appreciatlon for classic design with precision , the 1930's'

D t.". '. W \iii' h i b llt f' Thi

Q'SniJ'Oll~,>:"alu..c ~~S. 'lUI, ror you.,' ,',S

watch is ,a limtte d edition, so please act qui 'C:~;o1U' ,0·' U- -iit" last two lim ited ed Ition

l.i." ,ril'J'i ,"' 'IJli l.IJ. 1.:]1.31 . _"_ ", .ill .. , ,.lIl.~L·. J b·."_ ~, .. ,W"J,

watches are totally sold out!

Stauer 193,0$ Dashtronk Watch ,$"9' +S&IH!Jl· .3 easY' credit card Ipa,y'ments; of $33 +S&H Cell noto so ,talu] ,! ,of,this limited offer.

1I!!!!11iii,8--···IO···::::'··· 0··-:-·.-,,8--5·,'9·:'~ 1" 16········:·· '110"::-12:,

. " .. ' ..' . : . " ," / . : ... ' ,_,

._:._:_. . .. ..:..:...' . _:__... _:_, ... ' . .... . _:__. '. _:_ . l '

- ,

P'I-,:- ". ,'~ ,,-~'~' ,c······ ·,11 . D·····'0'\VI'5-0I" 0-"

,·:fiOmotulo;u, .··oo,e '-,nw .. ·· ,,?_"-_,,L

'P~e~e mention ~i;s code 'when JO'll ,edt

St···· auer

_ .:' _ - ' '" .:-. '.,: .

IDea,d ... flat' tab! e w'eiighs ,Iiittlle" WOi rks large

Sommerfeld's 27'x:J6ih router table I found tile fence equally

features a flatter surface and more Impressive, with, sliding infeed

accessory options than. any table I've and, outfeed faces that can, be

used. The top consists of three '9 x3,6'i1 shimmed from beh Ind for

extruded ahnnmum sections that, offset louting, and. T-,track, on

when coup ed together, proved per .. , the face and top for mount-

fectly flat 'Ji.{" w- ell ".liiC ell ~pili'Bry' , sm ooth l n.g' .', acce '~!:'O·. '-.,r--.~IL]; .. es, __ , It com .a.'~-'€,J

It::'rb' .. ' .', ~JII,i!lo [Ii.:j,~ -,"-.'- . «.j ,j,d. -[:r ~ '-. _j" . ,.i, '. I '. IlL .,;, U}I,." ...... II;.... UI-Ji JIl'\-', iii U '!i.-.,:]l

And t- hi c ton h asn't sagged at all '1' n t h e with '. three rem o "V.'·' e.' a' b 1. e '

. . .• " 1,1 ,.,j; lli,i.,. ',t" .,y,;;j,', .j;' I,,' '",- '. :, ,I ~" ".', !!J., JIl "-"I;.,. "-

six months I've 'been 'using it, even 'with my heavy 3,~,h.:p router. suspended below, Because the router mounts directly to the .;.0',1", there's no fussy insert pla te to level. (You can order tIl'€' top predrilled for Triton routers, or 'with. no holes $10 Y''Ou, can drill to match. 'your router.) T:..slots 0 n the bo -; tom and the ii ncluded 'bolts made fu't €',aJ,sy for 'me to mount this top . to an existlnz cabin et fn my shop

_.' _' i ;_ ... :,. " \..;f'!;;.,~.;;i!'III.,l, 0 '",", __ IV}.' ,}I!,;,.'I, ill,' l,,1 .J; 1,_', •. ,"

With fou r miter-gauge slots and, four 'l-slots, the top gives me lots O'f options for hold -downs, feather boards r and stopblocks, I [3, so' appreciate the eight easy-to-lnsta m insert rings, with

ope' [lings from ]hu to 25h ti'" that step down the 3sAl'i1, .. diameter bit opening.


Z- [iQ'I~['O' . ,_ cl.g_~11Ii"'.~11 ni CQ j; fl' ,'-" Qr~'!,7

,~~ _. ". .... 'II;;~,Jl1 ~,~ :I""' ~~, ...1If!li;.~ 11j,.~,.

and ,3 dust hood. 'with. a stepp ed port: for hoses from 1. 'tti u to ,2 V~[i~ (i nslde

diameter), You. can, also buy an, open -leg metal standi 1(#lSDS) for

$.1.20" 1'- ~'

,Route r 'Iab~ etop with fen ce" ,j,SOR:S

- Tes ted by ,Kevin ,Boy-1ft", Senior ,[J.€:sJgn[ Editor


Sommerfeld Tools For 'Wood 888~.2,28~9 2'0 8; sornmerfeldto rn


. :. I I

_," .i!:._.

1111 I.· Belt 1[511 IErIlC'SlmIIr MDdI- ''IfI1-150

Poweriw~1 "/3 friP'TEFC M~

T .. l/411w I ~314" rmt'PltImhlJlI Dmr-atH:

S'ol~,d st~e~1 Base

I£ITabI. lUb fOf Dh'~1 Stlll,}l~n ~n;gl

12-:-'11 D~ liMn D'1Ii •.... ID"~ . "11_1111 I~ . lSI ,...1 ......

IMotIII "511-_

Rack &, P,in'io~ Tab~1i AdjlJIJ,MMerft Clst Imn ;and SteB~ ~onsitmClln

'~WJ BmJIr [hI: S,emd 1990, SfP,MI

Ullf"gl' W0mi rrng Tal)ill, DfiS,Q' Spted 34201 RPM

[l'iJtft ~~ 0 .. 4]5,00 D~sc Jallie IFir

Learll1 a --olft: ISII prod tlIcts - lid m;DI'I II: www.Jilmm a IIIJI: a]lt1

8,,-17-'c'7' 8·':'·8·""4':'- ·5 6'-""'7''-

. .. . . . I-I .____ I 1·_ ..'

"_ "_ :...._... ~. " .. _.-


, ,

,#MD'10 .. ,BDDIR I

Idlul~tiai Qul1lJty ATB Glind

LIlIW N'alls! EI enents Laser Cld M~~qra'jn Carbiilfe, N DI!If-S~j BIt: Goatlng

Fur Sal I HarllwoD ds


IVisll au, Websill

W1WW~ 1,:lc-uftln,'llJls .. '[llIf/atll'""mtIX

For A ,Dealel Nea[""s' You

C.,II !~111I .. 44f..1J1J11

2 carats of Genuine

~ "t

tanzam .e

Save $7001

African Gem Cutter

- - - - - - - - ?

M k $- .. 2···· 6" 8'" 9-'" 0······0·····0·· M·' ., k W'·II '.T .'

.. a,e,s '" .,-',> Ista e ... ,. I,., IOU.

This story breaks my heart ,ev'f'fY time. Alle,ge(UYt just two years after the discovery ~f tanaanlte in 9617, a Maasad tribesman ku,ocked. on the dour of a gem cutter's offm,'OO In NaJwobL. The Maasai had brought a]o:ng an enormous ch .. unk of tanzanite and he was looking to sell. His asktng p'jf'ce? F.ifty do' lars, But the gem cutter WG}:i suspic"QU~, and 3115SU med that a stone so Luge could on'~y be glass, . "be cutter bold, the td,besm,an"W no thanks, and, sent him on hts w,~,y., ,Hu{ge mistake. It turns out that the gem, was genuine and wotdd have easfly dwarfed the world's largest cut tanzanlte at the time, Based (]'D common pricing, that "chunk" could have been worth close to $3,i'OOO~OOO'!,

The tanzanlte gem cutter missed his chance to 'hi t the j'ewemee's jackpot.i.and make history, Wou~.d :you have-made the same mistake then? WIn you make it todaJ,y1

In. the d'eeades siB,ce 'it§: ,discovery, ·tauz'8'u:il'l,e has become OB,e' o.f' 'th;e' worl,d,;s, most corvet,ed .e'msto.'eSii Pound

in o111y one remote' place 0'11 -arth (in Tanzanta' s Merelanl HUls'1- '·1 1

the shadow of Mount;, me predous purple stone is 11',0001 tlmes rarer' than diamonds. "Luxury l,etane1:~! have been, quick to sound the, alarm, w,atning that supplies of tanzanite wiU not last forever, And, in tllis case, they're Ii"' ght, 'Once the last purple gem Is pu lied, from the Earth, that's it, No more tanzanite, 'Most b elt,ev,e t l1a,t we only have a few years su:pp,illy' left, 'w:b'iCh ~s why' iieS so amazing :fO,]f' us to offer thts Incredl ble price break, Some retailers among' Fifth, Avenue are more than happy to cha ~ge you outrageous prices [or this, rarlty, Not Stauer, Staying true to out oon"'b~a.rla.n riature, 'weil'vl€' decided te low,t2',r t:h!t2, pnce of Oft,~' af the 'wa:rld's fa:J(cst and most pCJpaJ'a, ,e:'HstOfJ€'S..,

Less T.ha,n, A_nrt' 2(,9·~. ·0····

;KI~' .. '

Ounces of 'Ianzanite

Remain In This Special Purchase.

"Our' 2-Cara.t SwnbuTst Tanzanite RJng features marquise-cut gems set dramatically in gorgeous sterling silv'el:." ach facet sparkle's witl] the disttnct vlolet-bfue hue of tbe pred,Qru;s stones Behind the shine youtllil f.ind that file exquisite silverwork of the setting calls to mind the ...:I etailed trea sures bei n 0" nro ~-u- ced bv Europe' Q ,~:,,,,, 'eel J'. ewelers Thffi c

,1... !U~I!l.i·· "';"U .J.:f\...' •. ,jl ,.tU ·'II;:.r"""""'"O,l!t":i'U.,'.,.)iIu,·, . i ·.I.,III:V' .. '~,:j JIlU.JJ iiIo. III;..:n~-w,·;;j., "IIl,J;

ms a, rID,S designed to impress and it does not: disappoint.

Now is the, point where opportunity knocks. If you, open that doc! toda,y~ 'you, 'can own th is :S:P ectacular ring for '~I2'S$ than $, IOlt If you waif? 'We can "'t, S3J.y fer sure,

yo,ur sat.ff.,ction is co'm,p.Jelel~y' 1TIlaranteed~ IFoI' our cllentfriendly approach, Stauer has earned a rare ,AT ratin_ill fr-tO,m 't~b,e Better- B'tlS iness B'l1it,OOU" a r ating we wis,]h to keep, SOJ' ,of OOUISIel your satisfaction 151 100% guaranteed. f you, are not completely aglow witb the S'unb,u:fsf TURzan:j'te R:iRgv send it 'biU;k within 30 days for a p:to~,pt and c.ou'rteoiU S refund, :But~ please douJi't w,ail', aU'r supply ~ ii1" AI1;,f'i;,P' pi ng' .- api d 1"11:1

~ . .j IU -'v··· ...•. 1'., .•. 'ri.~ . l J. 'J'.'

I fWElllRY sp'~:C$:::

- - - z;,otioR3!1 Code TZR.l67=IOl Please mention tlh is code WbCWb you, call.

Ace R E orrs 0 BVS'I N E'S.S

Stauer has; laJ Belter BU:iiness Burea:u Raffia)11 of A-t,


311 ~~,



~irt~ hi9_h perferma nee and more ~eatlur'eSi t~,;e' ,JDS 3H.P Cyd~one is ralisij ng ~he ber fer l\.stage. d IlJiS~' con@cior:s,. The llEFC mottn,jf h~IS, an alliumh1u m

housi'n91 that ~ ~ ps it ooo1er and hel p5 i~' run marie efl;'den~,ly. The "lurbo- Fain'" 'm'peller I~ro du'ces hii:gh am o~~ nts ,of (IFM wh~n p~(lced unde~r hh;Jh ,all"n.O:[Jlnts, of' resij,s,tance. Removling the steel drum is qUlkl and eas,y, just ~irft up t1he. dru mind ~:eV!er' and rel I ():m the drum, The 5~llf ,ch~,al1 in 9 l! micron canistt?r fi t~e!'r hes a, motomtthaJt a Ufiomatica'ily rotetes flappers insxde the fi ~lIer kno·cktng d'~,st: down mn'tol a (omlectilon bag.,

;- ::.

'"'II ':::I!n rn M' ""'1":"'11111 ""~~ ~ _. a()(: !;;..'i~flti!~

SeU Clelli1iing', Nlicr,~:rn IFirl:t'elr Qu~ck '('OFlFle·d' DnJlm Le\l!\elJ' 5,$: G,mlllloli1 l[)rJUlm









'1100IiMaJ( 'CFM'! 168 'i'nio'hes taU!

IQU ick Drum Lew,e.r 35 iGalllllo,1i1J Dlru r:n 'onabJe~

'Th@ JDS 2HP Cyclone 'is the M05;t~, !powerflJl ofld learn pact ,2!H P CYdon.e hl ,the- i'n,dustllry~, lIhwcS. IIJ nit is; 6.8~1' ta II a nd has; a fOo"~PFi nt of 4,!O~'X ,2;8~. the

p e rr'@('t siz,e for bess mernlt shops end shops with Ilmlited space, The

T,~J:C. moto,r ,and l~iJrbo~'F,~nli fm"p eller' prod IJC@S, h~~h ~rnO'~ln:t:$, of CFtM wh@n placed under hngh ;aml~1urws of'r~i's;tal~Gei Rem,oving the 5,fee~ drum is quick ,a~d eas.yj, just !ift: up '~~e drum Ud Ile'Ver ,and r'ollll,out ttl~}e d rum" The s,eif cleaning ~ Im~cron eanister fi I~er has lei moto r thait aLift{~'matica Uy rotates 'flappers ilnrsid!e thE' 'filter: 'kn lllc:kJ~ng dust d~wn I~nto a, (]) U sctl on bag,.

_lOIoo OF miNEB_$II"'~ MIKlGEMEMI' .. AJtDi ':;Ul~UU!111011

,(R'I'lllLteSJ~r :PlIlilic_s OflM 1. Pl)lbli~~il1!rI Trlie( 8'cHer Hgm:es~! G~ftlel1~ WOOD. z. P!J!Il1I,ariwl Numb!!": 124·69.0, 3~ ~1Ii:ng illiG: rOJ11l01[l1. 4, 15U!@FrG€ltJeJ1C).': Maroh, AllrlllMHbi'. JiJ!i!lJuty, ,S"e,lJfl!moef, O~ro-l!e:r; 'r,!!}\\ei"Jmer. ,i)ecemDe"ltJarwary. 5. IrlumiJfer o~ l:;Sires ftu'blslted Ailji'JiJaJ~: 7: 6,,,AiUI~aI StlbsuiJ}11'llii'l PriGe: $~lJ(l '7. com:pfere Ma.1liA~ AIlIliress ,O'f KIiI)"~i:'I OUlt-e of p'(J~litMJjQf'I: ~1~eJ ljJ~~ ~ee1~ 'flu Mllln:es. ,PO'lk Co., IA ~:3[iti:l a. Oo:m~IM.Ill Maili~ A~le~ 61' fI~[iQ,u:lr[ern or I~meral 8!J~ess (lni~ (l!f PtJblis~r~ rn6, Loc~st'S~~I, D~ Mr:lil1~, lA 50S0S--802.j, 9. Full Na:m~ all~ C~JIi~lete M'a:ilim~ Addru~e.s 0:1 ~jJbli:s~r, l5~ttw. all~ Majl~jns: Edt!-mr: PMIIOi. Mark Ha,{Iel1!~

m ~'O!'l~]. Mic~lgan ti.w. .• SuitB' 1~oo. Chlc'_IL 60601; £diior:IBili Krl!l. 1716locus~, Stll'et, ines Moines, 1\1\ 5030.9·3023; Managur)Q E.nlLOC Mlilf1'eil Kem:rmet ~71S ~OC!J5" Street, Des Moines. fA 50.30.9-3·023, 10., O\"irrer~ IMeJ\eiJi~ll CoriiorMii:tn.1116 L-'l)CllIsl S~reell IDies MOOM:S, 'IA:5-0000-:3ft2'l.. 11lL~ IiPmtS iJ.Jld'.addre-sws of all S,ltlc!;lft!M€fS G-wl'iin~! ~r ~(I~iI1~ 'I Jl!e~liit (If f1i10r~!l:Ii the ~i~ alll(l~liit (lj: s.lock; EtaIiiK of iUtw '1(011: {nle~, One'WlLil SUrfit,-6t~ ~Ieor:, r4UIf!l ~~, NI't' 10Q!B6: Sl~ Bml~aflS, H-illrimal"l '& C'Q., 52::5 '!'1i8hln!JW~ IBIw:l~ rt9~ fill I r:O"we:rs~ .lIeueIj Ci~!f. ~IJ 0'13&2~ Claa~s., ~mb'& C€I' .• I~c., AtlI1 Pl0;1r ip.e~~ern, 2]1 Ma_in S1f:ee~" ~atI Fi'iIiilCi;.r;O, rr:A 941 05; CiLi(lM1J~'_~I~1la1 MilFliets., Inc., m w. ~~i~ Slrliillt New Ywk:, JI'f '~(JiI)Ol; ~O'lmm~m. S3.'CIiI:S, &. CD., ~o. H~DI'i Street P"roxy !~p.3flm_eUlt Jaf~ Ctty, NJ (11i'.302;"JPMG)~arl COO$-€ BliIltJli\ P,3J.aEligril; 8, ~,~, ~1[)Df" . 6. 'Mil1d SIIa-cc) IMalad tWI, M.lffTIibai 400 'Q6~. ~n~[a: ,JlP MOrrilall Ch,~-" BitJlk, Na1fQml.'l AcW~i~, 'P.!lI!1~i~m·.:S Wi!1rJ., ~I~ iQ. ~11~' ~ce;, ,M.~d ~W" Mu.m~~~ .tOO·'OM, I~: lMe!lI!l!~ lIirLlSI ~f N9\\f I5J1l!]!am~-J Nallafla~ 525 William F'!llll ~, ~He ~,1l pntdJ!.!rm~ I?A

"1~1:)I'!;o Ui ... ilo.i"ilfl'l: T;"'.-..;~ c-omil"ii'l'~~"(T1io~ .r.O~ '~' 'i"<;,,~II['~',i'iM' ,.tu,. ........ ffi·t~l ~,.'''''t'''i'i~~,r:,1Iu P;J",i:':r" 11II!,I'J IlIm'lI I'IN'~" " .... ,;Ij.I~ ~I, (! . ~ WI,II:!..! oi:IlIl.!:; ..... ;I'!!I~II. I.!.:II'II."II ,;)11 = !.h!''''.r~·1111I!

,'C~ica~o IL 60607~ SS'B _, IBFI 'G,I, '1m Herila_me IOrNe, Mil1!~ Quin~ MA 02171; SSIB· Si?iJif:s,. G~J CtJl$ AtlioFi .JA8.$W, P:fl. Boo: la~l BOS,1DI'I MA.~2lDS_'1 031; Slate! SkF€:t IBaJiI{ 8M rnJ3~ C~m.p.all}l~ ltillr:J; ~tIl ,[]t.e3IlarooiS, 1178 Hcliita~e: 01[. Norlfl ~tJiliiC!f, IMA 02J71': UM~ Bant, I'il_al Ass~i~~~1Ii, AUm: JIil~ G~W'lall. '92U~r~n~ B~.I{~l¥Sas CII~. MO fM1.06: ILI.S. Ba~. NL~., A'tIl1: Se~!J1itl~$ to!ll{l!)1, 'I~Q5, N" IR",er(lBnti~ Dr., St~ :ro2. Miti\rall~e. ""VI 53212. '1'tItoumh some 00 tltf il!}ftfll'~ee~ I~te~ a~iWe~ ~me1 Eo T. MJiretfi1Jl antilBoliefil 'i'"amilies; ~OO ramify fO[jr:tmaffio~ (Mi'I, direc-ll~ (If l~me~ici3l1~. apr;roxi~.t;el~ ~9% crf ~M bs$lJi!itland OlJt$~ilMinm st{l!CK III~ 1:ih~ iDorpor.a1iilft E'~m i\ii11t1ii1e~ nUed ~Q\fe ~-GiW'$ $tOOk, I1r.I: ene Of mare; sbiJitikf:iDllilclllL ~11. KFlOWll bdmol~er$, MD.rl~:gees,. !lind O1f1e.r:5t;ClIrily H'1!lr-~@_r$; O""'!'i~ ~I! Holdiiilg 1 PU~~l!1i er M'~ of T~'a1 ArniI!nlillf BmQ~s, IMorl~a;~es. Qf Ol~e1 SecLIlitiet: M~ne. 12"Tax Stat~~FQf w[lflpl!1t~ by morUKJijfi1; ~Iml!ons a1Uhorl~elZl'!~ ,mall a~ IMIIlprolil 'r_) ,Cnec'k Orte~: Tlu P!J1PO:Se', 'fl.!riO'l!~ti. afl~ ti~mprom tta~r.i~: or till$ ~~'j~ion :al'l~ '[lie ex.em~t stil~ 'f.jji 're!t>t!ra1 ~f1iOome ~a;( ~UC1jilnse$: _,'~~~ Nol C_l13tIgei!J [)Llrii:'l~ P"ffiCoolnm 12 M~iilns~, Hl3~ Coomg;em [)u IIi Ilgi _ precedil1g 1~. ~J1jfJ$; (iPlIbIi$tJel" IIillSi $lJ'bmi~. eocp13n1l!1ioo '~f 6~ruwe wiHi Ihis: s.t$"t€Jrn~rt'~ Irhitw~ 1i"0iI~ i'e.. . 1~~ Pt!b~~iO(ij liiU~ IB~~~ if,(!qJlas '& Gafillen-s WOOl)

14. isSlle Da~ f!rl~ ClrQUbbi~~ D!'A'a B~ N~!!l:m~e'.r 2D10 '15. E:(~i'!It 3_ild ~~biiOO ~r Cir~I'a~-"1

A¥ No\ c.c..~s; Each Is.t~e ~iIFin~ ,Prec.eJiliGlg ]2 Mnm1Jis: :li. r.!Iil'aJ NllIm~el ~}j: ~res ~t'Jeot ~rBiS~ I1Un~: SR9n

b_ ~gHimate P,ajd] ~~.i'JJr Fle-tilu~ted OOs!ri~utiOrl (B~ Majl ~nd O:u'fM~ the M~il~:

,t~) Outside CQ]l!ly Pi~~MFit(L\!@stsd Meall' s.u11l·Stri~tioIkS ~I~ WI!! PS F'otIITI 3S~R (llnclude drrec~ 1Mftiten re!I!Jes~ f~-om r:e¢ipiem, ~e~m3rketin-W'!lllJlJ Irtterne! rerjue:sts .. rrorrJJ recip[eil~ 'lNIid 'subsaljD'Dtool$ ;ocltldillP. ilOffililar rate 5IIbs_Qri~th'jf~; eMplo~ !l"eque51.S1 a'" ~~r~, iIrwi' e.xthafige t(J~ies,l: 446.)2'&

,(2) Irt-GmUFrl¥ Paidi'Reque-$tg~ IM!tl1 SubSl5I"iptiOOlS s~aled i;llil PS form :!M,t tlf}cl~~G' ~irre-cl,wrJtoo["! f'@!!IUest lrom [lGQi~jgFl~, t-l![em~rkttiJ1g md ~l]It@rrn~~ n-e!L1H9~1s.; lrom r,eoll1i9~t, paid.lWbstMgr~loilS lr:lc~~ii1~ ,rKmi!il\aJ f\l!t9 ~~!Wri~tio~, amploYtl ~eq!Jesl'S, a-d'l'Hililer's _ Clif) ies , anlll' 8);Qhange r;nfli-es,l: 0

'r3} ~I~ llit'llllNJh IDea Ie 1l,;S 1'1 0 'Cirr~r.~ ,Slrw:~ v.ei1t1DJs:..'~)JLiAter Sales; ,all1]1 Ollter P.ajlil er ReiillM~~!1IlDi$11il!ilJli(M1 Ol,]~id~ U$Pse:: ~5~~

,t~'l ~eques~d Copies DittriDLited ~ oOtlL-er Mail: Classesnllf~tJgn.llle USPS ,tEl.g.

Firs.Hllass Mlaj~ 0 '

t. Total F,!\iilll <3ntllCr ~1J8Sted Cirt~la1[mn ~Slllm {)oj' l:5a, ~1~ ~~ '(J) . .at:'li9 [4Jl: 4$l.6SB

d- IrbJll~[ue-s[cd lDi3<lrilnllion ~gy ~iI and Owtsid~ '~CI ~i~~

U) Outside CLWflll' 1r/.(IiIlli!clllleS!ed ~i!S, S~al!~ (Ml PS r~rm ,35411 ~MI!J![f..g

Sam pre (lOpl~sJ ~eqU!~st$ Q\re.~ 3ye.ail"S Q1~, ~q!.les;1S lM:UOfl~ ~ a ~ftmh!1!'i, Ru~ S~es ;JM!: ReilU~l:S IMkiding Jiss.onialirm Fl~,l!!ttS, Names ,U'l}ta1lled

If om, ~iS.1S! IH'Id olller,s.ourOM): '~:8M5

,tij III-CtiRmty Nomre.i!J!!Iegted !Copies Sta1E"!rl alii PS form 354'~ (ili~u~e Samp1e' ~lli~S.IFhr,q,'Ii~~sr:s, Over 3 fCU$ 01[1, fJ€lque:st-S. il!1~lf.(:cjjl. by r;II rremium~ IBulk S31e-s aFl~ R~~~~~s in~lwllr!~ ASsOOiaMon ROCloosls, NiUJilGS ~iI~a!ned ~rom ~s1!w3S OOi"lecttllrin. L.:1slS. a!lld Q-tl1~r :soOO"(;~t. 0

{3) NOAre1fIl.Je$"te~ Copies lDis!r1~wtt!d TI»~u~~ 'llt2 USPS by Ol~e~ ~sse$ (ti' Mall: ~.~41~ Fir.5t--C!ass IMaii, Norareq~.esllDil' C~p:ie:J; ~~ ~~ e~ces,s ~i 1(1.% m.3.irM ~t SMm(!a~ r!,Il1iit® (If paet~e $et'vi'c02s FlSiteS); D

(~,) NlJrnr'e~uestM CD~'ie~ (J~triblJte_~ IOul$itle.t~ Mail ~~lJ_tl~lfe PlckJJp SjiM1lf~.

lQIjj~ ~i'JWS .. :ShCi\~r:ooF.ltS ~1iI~ mh8r.s'i'Jl;lr'C&s~: '1,616

e. Total' NOlJr,~q!.liest!d {)is'trlb!.a~iQ..n (SLf.11I1 o~ 'i5~ U), (2), an~ (3n: 20,281

I'. Ttni.1 IDi&1F~~~~j:on ~Sllm ttl'~5c all~ ~* 5'1.t939 . _ _, __, " ,

g. Copies ulilll CMlrilltil.eill ~~e il'iS~r!J~l~ns, 10 PlJbhstiet,s. '.jl, ~Ji~e 131,]-:'105,'973 ~. r.nltaJ ~,S!ililil Of '15hJitllJ}'~ ®111;91i

_ i. Pe~elilE P,aid ali!PJ$ Re:(jPemem Cir¢lIl3liori 1(115i:" dilllilem ID)'''f Ulliies 1.00}: ~6.04% k COJ:!i~ (l'j Sio!lli:e ISSllC PlJblf&lIe:~ ~r(1sHQ Fili~!ll ~tG:.

a: T;otal' ~!.milile1 ~f ~18SJNe:1: ~rers.s; ~f[): 640;136

b. II.e~ttjma'l! Pi~ 3~lor .. e-i!lt!estid 1).Jt~rtburlorl (B~ MaJl and O:uWl~ the M~II~:

U). Outside CD:U11!!j 'Pa&d~Ae!fuesleti Mall S:1i~stri~lioilS 5~Med (111 PS F~1im ~M1.. (InOl!.ide direCh'liil~em Feiques.1 ffiNi'l retipieiil', ~e,\eifiarke~1\ill1300 IInerlilel. ~1.Ie:sfs 'fr'Mll rect.Preli~ p.aifl :$l,\Io$l:tipbiwns irw:llJ~irtg iliilrniltJl rat(! S;!Ibs.mriDtii!l~"S. E!mpiOVIilf 1I",j,l~u~1s, iUI'Il!.uiiis-e1'"1l !Ilf1Q'lll',C(I~ie$, !HI~' ~hamg~ 0lJiI i 8:s.j: ~ 3 6,88-1'

'fl) 1[t·G'~nty Pi!ld{~elllUeSle~ Marll 'Subsor.illltJoTh$ sta~ed om PS form 3tl:..1,t t!ilGllljme dire:cl Wliittt!iillr,e.que$t iroun ~e~ien~, ~e~m2l~ke1blm aild I~terllel reilU.eS!S loom r,eoi,~lent, paM S-lIblWriP.lioilS incrucinm ,oo.rnirnaJ rote· SIIJ~S(lr1"lillio~. elli~liJyEilll",e~ue~, ,3!lI'i\crmelfs 'J}JOO1' ~resj i.iIJrl' e)lCfnltlge ~[li~·l:O

,(3) Sales liltr~!.Mh [)o-aIGI"S ~Ild Carriers.. :8!re.e1 Vul!dors:. C~urrtef" S~18S, :alld m~r Paid '~r fl\9Q~S~eill, lDisllil!lLfb Quts.lde liSPs&; 4~.5~3

t4.j Re'~r.iestM Copies DistribiJtd 'Irj'.otlter "-tail: ~e.:) iI1lRlllIgta ttJe USPS (e.g. .. Firs1:-~aS'$ Mijil~ 10

t, l7(!1tal: ~idl anliMf lR~ue$[cd Girtl!llil.1[11111 ~Stlm &1 15b ~1~ t~ m .amm [4}l~ 476.AJ6,

it!' I~r&qu&~ted VI~1rHI"I.!1101'i ~By ~il ,a.1d O~~ide _he: M.liJ~~

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~mJlfe co.pie~, lffieqlSests Chlel3yeaiil ®'ill, ~eQLBe5;~ ijOOlicd ~ a. ~rni1Im, B:u SUeS:j)lJoo' Fl~ul!5b$ ilil c:bidi FIg .ABSDCiS~im ABiq,'-IF£~, Nllm~ IDM~ilied ~rOMI Bl,Isin~ Dinl(tlilliim. ~rSii'S,.311t1 o-l'M:r:S~~l!Irc:es): 26,o.tS

{2:) 1"·GiDl!!l'I~ Nernn~gr.!ested !Copies S~1Iil00, (Hi! PS ~orm 3,5.1!1,~ ~i'l1~uJlle Sum~l~ C?ill.e-s;, ~e()",es~:O~r f ~~lIJ~ old. A.~~tsln~LWed by ~ l~remNm~ !8ulk s.all!!S :ar.l~ Fte~treS~S lIlo.l1ib.n~1 AS~IM!on Reqites<1$, Na..rnes O~~aiI100 ~M ~~il1:es$ ~eClmales;. U:SIS, :al'l~ alll~ :S~iJMe::sJ: ,0

,[J.} NarnfeJljlJe-s:tM CD~i~ lIliStfilil!l~d TIlr®ugli ,tlie USPS b.]! Cllrne~ Ci!asscs (Ioj'Mail ~&J}:. HfS~'Cb$S IMa11, No~r,elilues"Wr v~~e$; rrnaiMd illl ~I;J!:-$S g;: 101%, I..irnli~ ~il'oo ~t S[3n(!lanll M~iti]) 01 P~ii:3.mi[j Seri'l.!DOO~ fI$~: a

(4) Ne!iju!llu~ste:~ Cepios lDis"trib!.lte~ Ou:lsl(J.G tlttt ~lail ~lntIU~D ~klJp :St~nd's,

fu!~B' SlO~5, S~roolll:$ 3~~ OIJ1e-r SO!jr,C&5~: '~}6N

G. ":01111, NOllreqlJies'lOO IDistfiD!J~jiJin (Slim ,O'~ 1 S~ U), (2J, SlIIi!I (3~~: 2a,a2~ I:. T~l IDi~'ml00i1iai:'l ~Srurn o.l·~5~ :ilii~ e); 50S,f&B

m. Cgpief:1l1l~i []i~ri1itJlJid ~See' IIlS~FhlDli~ns. iQ PUlillisl1~.,f41, 13}): "133,Satl

~. Tll!"~~ ~S\lm Of 'j~·.3J1d IJ}: 164<0,'1$ _ .

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'17: Sig:nallure and 'Tme: o~ Blft:OF, PUlblEltef; musill'l!SS Ma1I~~r'; Dr'OWfief: C:"ris~)' Ui!;ln.

B..i5:iIl(!SS [}Jr,e~oo[ Dm CiBJlI011(1l_1 tel1jj~ 1Mt ill ililrormmi(lll'i'lJrl'li$liecdi on 'lihis 'klilm is ~l\Ie aFl~ oompleW" Ill:n~~siand '~tu~ :a~glJ~"WlluJ;ll,Imidl~ false or Imisle~urn~ [1l1~Jlilta"tiOij!ll1!"! tlt1s, r,i)1!1!i O~ I'iJw !Dntlj~s qtin1J1 i(!JJ I[IOOJm~t-!JiI ~e.stacl ell tl1e ~orm ~1J ~e sub[ec~:oo orlml~J S3ft,C~iollS ~if1du-m~g 'rillGS ~~llff!jnriSilNlmgr>lO arulfof otvi :xIl'IClions, {til~hJ:!I1n, oiIIU pe-na1tles)\,


I ....

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WDBRl'J<".H",. • .,'P.bLI"~~' . GET ORGANIZED TODAY!

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.;p;~,.7:'1' ,-- .. ;J., ~ 0.,""7 ',_ ;alln,tl:: a

Slm,ar1 Tools Frolml FES'TOOL

C'he,c·k out th is Fe'stoo~1 com b 0 t:~ at wi n mI8.k'8' yo ur w'oodworidng a lot leas'j1er and more co:m'fortab!'e!:

IS 55 EQ PlulJ1lge Cut: Saw' With Railll - 561, '17'4 .' €;-~ II Dig., 4B-ToottJl C~lrb~ de Tli pped BI!ad.e

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iii Gutti ng Depth On Guide' Ra'i I'::

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.' 3 Bealning Motor For Smoother Op.erati"Qn .' tUm it Stnp 8.. en i,p [l en8cm~

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CT 26 H EPA Dust: Ex~ra,ct,or' "" 583492 .. H'EPA F~ I te r SUlriac,e Area: 3.2.91 ft. 2

.. 6.,9 Gallon (2:8 l) Contei ner Ca!pac ity

• M.aximlLJ m :Suction Fa rca - 1 3'7 GFMI

• l©ol~- Of" Man ual-Activated Startll P

'. lDe'si'gned ~o Navigate Rough Terrain Insld,e Or Outside '. Wo nk:s We.t: Or Dry

11WI01 R

98,O~ of OVAathe lOW·· &r15 WO,IU d

re ··c· ··0···· mm rend their

~-,,_,~' I ' ··1 . l~, : •.. ~ ••. ' ,~ .. ', 1_'_,-

lathe to others"

'i' Packed with. inn ovatlve featu res 'i' Bast v,al:u'€: for rnonev

'i' ~ ncredible versatilitv ~, 1161f bowls to 2:9 it IP II atte rs I s m a ll IP e In ,S

and long spindle work

'I' Power an'd eapeeitv

,., Portable and compeer -

swivel heads, extendable beds


NIOVA d,eedgned '& ma n ufa ct u. re,d bY' Tek natool I, nter nation ,i'll ~I

Av,CJ i,llabl'e: from Ilead~ 11'9 outl ets, i nclud~ l1'g W'OO[)C~AFT SUP~ty


Tackle 1/21" mart~ltal with ,ease!' Drills. 2'5% sm~lI~r Pocket-~ol~es, Iru::tudes [);n1lli Guide land Drfll Bit.


Give 'your Kreg Jig0 'the power of 2~oools..jiln-~ '! 'The, perfiec:t solutlipA Fpr portabJle P.o~lket-Hll':les:!


I ;~~tft.· ..• r iD _L_ 1111II1II----

Ihstantly sw~'~ch nr,orndrilling ~'HJ'les, to driVling scr~ mcludes Q'uio~~ch:artQE ,chuck. drm landl driver blt



F E Pll-d~, ' - ',tl 1"'- ,~-'~ 'Ii -~ ,L,- ~,~. Adv"'..a;- ~ ': ~ 'ii, 111- i -, 11-- .. ~,

, . _ _ a _DC. 11110' •• _an III . m _~, __ &I users Inl 5 S5ue

TnEICND~ II~ ULTI,M_ATlE' WOOD GLUE Superior 0000 simr1Q'Hl, VllSLtaJ1)f:OOF~ long~ ~-~mblltr timsJ 1lh!a1 ,6est

W"i"',~' 'G' .'''';~ Ic.;""":1 ,"""'·'~~,~~II.~; N' la. ~'A ..

• _ .......... \..l I~, .... !I.,;'I,!~:, ~1N!lie !!!k"I'_

IQO,HlllA WOOlD GLUE H!gh strength .. mooer dat:np tlirneJ and' 00 dY8s, for a natural flni$tl;, Try' il today 'Oliil ~r OOl-i.'t biJllijir)g ~t. Cjr,~~e' INoJ,; 110;;

AMANA, ''IOOL Aman~ Tool, ~s ~rUzed 'wOOdwii]e as le:ader in.tuMing too1s, tor fWOf~naJ ~ffi and1 oobby.i$lS' atike. 'ate'll e ,Hto,., ',-7'0""

eM" ORARGlE: l'OOlS TOp f!~ly irndys,trial Mw bhdeS~Jldl

4, r I;.;:~oiil ~. !Ilii;..,"' ...... I-JI ..... ~.f.'~ ~ 'e~ ~ -I ~ N' .. ~O

;roo,vel. !I.II~;;5.a!~ £!lll'U\l ~_IJ.M ~~ """lng, . " ~Im_. . i!llI!~ ._ ,Q,_. ~

IEliGIJE AMERfC'A Lafg~gt sslectioo Qf prof~~ qJ.,ial[t"yi ArrIenca.l.,maj;l1® 1tIu;1:er ~rtSi + 1 OO~, of unique: ~CC~SSaMS, Ci[t"Ci~tt INol! ,t 93 ..

'Fft'RRE1iC!' MFG #'Ii;·O'. IIN~ 'T. .. ,..J1" 'lo.ll d' ' .. ,;0, ..... ~d", !

_,~ ~ q I _~~ __ ." ~ '~:J ~ __ '!I!.!O", 10P:q~~!!1'Y ~a es a,J!'Y ~. 0$

fo~ ~I11LJrtm smoo~h firii;sh. ICij~~IJ@ NOl., 2,OS ..

iF1RBUI1 SA:W DlA!DES 'This 48-pag~ oat~1 illus~eS tt1e, 'tOOlur:€S and ~nefll'$ fly alllFreud saw blaQes, C-i~I~ Nolo 21~9~

~REIJD ,ROIl1iE]R DITS.AlI Freud roljl~r bil;s,'1i'€' f€1O~,loo lin 't'h'is ~84-pag~ OO,~I~, i!iClUdj~ ropre 1h~n ., ,SO ,new bils' arvd sets... Ciircle Ita ... 2 ..

iINIF~NITY 'C·IJ'IlifING "-OOLS ~mjum qtfeI1l'Y rouoor bits! ~iS'i ~tl~per 01Jtn;~~ saw ~g,. plSlfH~rljoitlter kj1Ne$i" Circle INo,~, ,235 ..

IMLCS WOODWORKING ~t quefrly!, hlJJge $~Iootioo'! row prioes, superior :sef\lice. free Ship;pifl~~ C(ij('\c~e INo." ,IA5,.

SOMMERfFI3I!.D:!$ '1'DO'LS FOR WDOD Ftrut~ Sits" BIad:e~ loors andiTtpS'. FREE ~ ,s. $hi~jr~\1 C\h~£~e Nalo ZB4~

VlOQDLINE USA Router '~, rol:ll~" rotJOOr brts"clamp~1 saw blades and rocrre', Ci!mfe No~ 31'~1 O~

Books, Pllns and rHleos

IMEI.I!., IM'ARDWAlAE SIP1ECIALTI ES, CA1iAL'DG 2iOOO+. MI-siza praject pial1lS' and ham-to-find h9m~r-e,. 'Cwre'e' IN.,. '4.0''iIl ~

!U\"lBILD WOODWDRlKlNG, PlAlNS SlfilGe 1 9¢B~ Huroc1Yeds df fWl~iw ~s, d~loada'ble ~811s.-10w ~rtQes. CiRI~' .

1110\11 435,. _ .,

WOaD MA(in, NE 'WiOODWOItKllltG IPUtJNS 1,,200+ 'lop~qualitiyJ~mitu:! ~~mp~a~ yard-'fi~lJ~ pfans,l1r0PI! 'd'l~a Efrnto:rs ·of WQOD m~lfIe. ~ta!log, C~lfCle No .. 459 ..

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AAMmR CRAFirS lFull-~pl~s to b!J.Jlld madJea, rockingl hCi'rs;esl dlOOks andl ~. AlSO! hard\IIJ~ aM 'wt>Od d~~" SLJ]J,plies. Circle, No~ 55e~

TillE ~ TO,aL ,COM_PAJi-V In\l'erJfllrve soiutions. for @~ prdblerns: wQPd ·l1hre.atIing! bufli'hg .& mo:re, CiR;le Na~ 558 ..

GiRIZZLY INIDusr81Al, Ie. 12.000 woodworlkirLgl and Imata1wor'itngl mactJ,ines! t:oo~ and aooeS'SGlries ~ unbe~abte prices! Ci'n:dfe ND~ ·5~B311

'ROCK'LER, 'W'OODWQRKlINGI &. HARDWARE a~r IDr~ilUm l;oQls m_~~ WOodwiiking ~1IDiclmt and .eQjD~ble, rREl~ Carabg. 'ei HJI\ei 110." Sti,t '"

WODIU:RAFT ;SUP,Pl.Y CORP" '~1fi".oco, top.q~· Woodworkingl tools.. ru~. '3l'ld ~Il1M, al'lC~e INa., 700.,

AFFINffY 'fOOL WORKS ManufacluliaT of quality hartd toor:s and proallims '(m"~inBl1m;aH'Jng! e~try. wood worl4n 9 , Cir,c~e' INo\. 734 ...

!RELIEVlES ,'OINT lPAINI E'~Z. PrQ MortiSe, and Teoon JJg.

I~B_:, ,iii ~, IU ,', '70,. IJ!oi!lfC{I:e nOli ill av~

Hanlwa & Lumber

WOODWORKERS ·SOURCE l-nEIf.C1iNOOds '~li'O:m aro1i~d lhe wori(j, Ch·t~r,e Ii'g" .9.,


TOOLS MADE BY 'WO_WORKlEJR. Ne-w IEn@lafi1d'-~s~ 131 KiON R~r Tool-s Is corD"!mlU'Eid to rnel-dng tll19 best ~;U:ct~ {'OJ: [tSJ k~rj.~d@-:ea'bre· cusl;o:mer$iCi~fe No~ 11879~

SHOP:BOI' TOOLS, I NC~ Comp~le eN{; sy~t~m5dor applications J~rtl wood i ~"Md imat~ GifiG~\8: 10\1, 1714i

StfAiNlEY .. BOS'fI'fCH 'INISHI NAIL!ElRS ,!I, SfA!P;L1EIIfIS rh.s prsf~Frs~ ,brnnd anmn~ plUr~SJooa~~~~~i it eorres to ~nls~ mlltel"B and g~" Circle MG~ 'I 1611'11

'WOOO .. MIZER: IP;R,QDU:GTS Eight f?t'Ht~ble Sa1Mlli~$. .Avsila-bl'e stjifjt:1l1'lJ 'With U'l~ LT~O,a1 $39B5. Ciit'C~e No" 1805 ..

'WDODMASl'ER TQOilLS MUlli~<!iJty Ipl~oors 'tmi moldl, ~~~d

!P ;to!;,'" 1\ !lilt .. ,m;i!!li~

~. ,~.w. ~11!"iC ,e "JO~ ~I ~~\;;

BUilD ',"'DU,R, OW,N M,UlRPlltY 11111)1 Qe.ate-Ar-Be¢? murphy ooc:hmechanism iftol~d9S Qomplate. ~lt!Jbwamd ili'ls~OOltiorH; and

r.-iIi: ff"'I ifIiJ"' J~" HI . me 1

1LJ\'61. !!!iiP(1 R;l!e . D .. "'...... ,II

KLQCKfT The .leading 8~pplier 01 clorik~maWng s!1jJ,plk;s '(Or ooer ~5 :y€aJiG!. Circle No .. 91313

S-l'EEDAJR Fo:rr over ~,O ~ ~l1pp~in~ ~ ~US~ pen ~ng kim~ and WOQdiw'orkin@! ~raii1l:1L Ci'll'C~e NOil 100,2 ..

WOOJJEllN .. QEAJ,t"'C"u)CKSoiCOM C:~ab~1 a ~d~n grear d0Ok·-kit~. arn1 pl'amil a,vmlable. Cb'\!Il:ii.fe INa,,, ,t 008"

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AZTiEJC ,STEEL CORP.. au~lily pre-qjneer~d 'mOh·sty[e

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S'l~ LIIiJI ,gIl! ~~G! W 'ILI mi O'r,i\i'el~h iUOSL CiI~ 'Ir 'ii..,~ ,i~oJ ''Wli N'le . 0\11 .. ' .. _. .,

O',KEEFFEI6 WO\RKIN'BI 'HANDS. RiE1UEF FOR HA.,.DS 'maT CRACK MID ,5P1LJIT Never ',~,n~:sv or.oily ,and 'r'roo of

l... iii"i1" II N oIi 18°0-

seerts, '~I m e 0\11' l_iii:;I! '[I

GAinER PRO DU:CTS, COMPARY, .HC~ Band$aw S~dB killS. 'tires, stabi~ gLJiOles. and marJY OtJil3:f products. 'l'ijm,l\e N.~ ·U9'83:.,

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ONEID,A AlA :I¥S,TE_MiS, INC .. F~ info~tif,Je cata10g oonlains d!1Jlgl oolteo'libn Sy-steTlS, and ctmp,lete dualwoM" Circle, No. ZIl39l11

PlENNI Sl'ATnE IN aU.TAIEI Awa~-Winnmrn du$t 6ol~lj~m, CQijOO!<;rj:'~, '~Ione$! DootWOiR and more. Gill:c~e' No .. :2D45,~

IPewer 18o1s

ACME 1'OO'L$ Web:s ~OOs,t ~mF3flt of lool$, eJqMiP!1l€r1t ·and ac~rl~ fOr tine' Oi0f'l~tor, '§ -and do-i~YOIJ~r:er. Oilreh~~j· No" 1,4OIl..,

BOSOHi I'AOWER TOOLS 1M WOdd's lar;g:oot pcrWer t.oo! and ·oo~ rmafill:JF:a'Cturer_ 'Dif:¢lB No., iIl4!59~

COOK'S, UW MFG~ii t .,L"C.!l P,Clr:l:abl~ sa'!Nm·ills .. E~" SMrpe~~r,s" ~arld Blades",., Free: ,oot~og. 'VIideo.~vail®b&·,

ei'~:'f~ lilg" 148'0.. '

THE CRl.R,SMlAN G_1Al IJEHY RQiurt~r Boss jQin6W maChrnes ,and 'other qllJalilV wood~~ toolt,aoo aQC~s$orie'S~ CirnlliJ Nlg~ 149:l~

'IIIE NEW DE,WALI COMPACT' ROUTER Introa~dng a i1a\lil Wnd of' fOUlter '111~t has tllet !PQVIler for t'b~gh jQbs, iilfiid is ,easy to 00fI1ro'l. Cilroie No., 1,491 ~

EPILOG Wood engmMng and cul~ing ~$tent~ - LQ'IN POce~ High<JlW~ity L~ cSystenilS. C~ mi'e M,Q., ·t 5''Il'-:"

'CREX POWER TOD,LS Profs ss rDlfla I fa&tenirflg systel1l5 .ill1d pnelJIlnCllOO ~red h~nd to()15, Circle Nail, 11,5,'73 ..

IUDA!RJCARVE ManurClB~~r of speola1i-zoo wood car:vlr11g dup[ioaJtors. Ci role N;01.. 1673"

s Supplies

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