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Ronni Hall

From: David Short []

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:29 PM
To: David Short
Subject: Haiti Trip: Jan 02-15, Email 02


Today was a very busy day. We started off the day in our new construction truck, which was purchased from
donations from several people in California. Here is a picture of the truck.

Thanks so much for the donations and you support of our ministry here.

From our guesthouse in Carrefour we headed up to Gonaives. This is the area that has been hit the hardest by
the cholera epidemic. At one of our orphanages, in Mapou, we have been able to install a very nice water
purification system. Our thanks goes out to Water Missions International for raising the funds for this system
and doing the installation. Here is a picture of the system and the children that it is serving. We will also be
adding plumbing to it so that fresh water can be provided to the surrounding community.

We have also been blessed with the opportunity to distribute shoes to children that have been donated by
TOMS Shoes. The have a business model where they donate a pair of shoes to a child for every pair they
sell. We distributed some at our orphanages in Mapou and Fayeton. Over the next 4 to 6 weeks we will be
distributing these shoes throughout about 150 schools across Haiti.

Tomorrow we will be meeting with some officials in Port-au-Prince with the intent to build some broader
relationships with other NGO’s and government officials.

We appreciate your prayers and thoughts as we travel throughout the country.


Remember... In all that you do: Walk with God and Follow your Heart!!!
God bless you and have an awesome day!!!
Esse Quam Videri

El Shaddai Ministries International

David B. Short, PMP, SCPM
Projects and Development Director
C: 937-823-0809
H: 937-431-3984
F: 610-887-7103

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