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Acute gastroenteritis could be more simply called a long, and potentially lethal bout of stomach

flu. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain, because whatever
causes the condition inflames the gastrointestinal tract. Acute gastroenteritis is quite common
among children, though it is certainly possible for adults to suffer from it as well. While most
cases of gastroenteritis last a few days, acute gastroenteritis can last for weeks and months.

Numerous things may cause acute gastroenteritis. Bacterial infection is frequently a factor, and
infection by parasites like giardia can cause acute gastroenteritis to last for several weeks.
Viruses can also cause lengthy stomach flu, particularly rotaviruses and noroviruses. Accidental
poisoning or exposure to toxins may also instigate acute gastroenteritis as well.

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