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Lapeoe, Mioh., 7/7/25. To ALi Captains and Klunsmcn In Your District: This letter is sent you with the intention of giving out the last inf armation rcgarding the rogular mootings of ‘Lapoot Kounty Mian, aiso tho date and timo and place of the big Klan Pienic, and other information of Klan activities. Wc aro depordin: on you as cogs in the military machimo to sco that SVBRY ilenemn and his wife, and EVERY xrusader in this county is notificd of these meotings so that a large attendance may be hud at the plenic, also the next regular CLCSED meeting of the Elan. We vill call the officers rcoil __ to_determine..tieneis ices witun “A “givensot at the next mecting 60 that uo can find out just how many of the Iieutenants are doimy :heir duty as Klansmon. Don"t deprive some goad man the plycsure of attending a moeting because you havre Failed te notify him, Don"t wait until the last minute, cither. First, the regular meetings of the Klan-will fall on the second and fourth Tuesdays in sach month The next ene will como on July 14, and the next one on July 28. They . will be hold at the regular fiold_at Lake Plassant corners Every Rebe Man bring his rebe, as that is the regalia o the organization and ovary mau should appear at meeting inh _the regalia of his organizatien. Besides, we must see that neeno but a Klansman is within the lines at that time as this is strictly a CLOSED MEETING. Sheuld the ladios desirs to haold a meeting at the same time they will be given room at another point on the field with ample guards. we are going to tighten up the ranks of the Klan in Lapecr County and weed out every man who does not live up te the oath he took to the best of his ability.This-may net méin yeu, but #@& it DOES apply te all of us in tho sense of duty to tho organization. We want to build up ens of the strongest organizations in the state in this county ° and in erder to do so it is necessary to throw into the discard every non who fails to koop the sacred oath he took befere God. "St His Coll I Will Answer. I will Be Traiy Rlannish in 5oward Klaxamen."™ Do you get the idea? Now for the big FICNIS at Bronson Lake On satehioe THURSDAY. JULY 16, and lasting ¥ a the liver out of the na:ives with a huge FIERY CRO&S akain, Every Klansman and what he mseried and what she marriad ,2:x% also every single Klansman e¢ what he expects to marry, ad and all Krusdacrs and Mrs» vJaders and all your friends are invited, and bring aleng suything that is good to eat for we are going to eat just like one BIG FAMILY, ond woxah ARE the biggest family in the County today. Yep, you can bring along the dog and feel safe fer we are not going to have any BH@® "Het Degs" that day, so it will be safe, There will be Ice crean, Pop and Soegars 'n evorything am Bring aleng al% the oid Bags you can find s0 wo can make a cross that vill mckco ‘ou set up and take-notice, 2a we have used up all thers sas in Lapeer, and-we want a BIG CROSS this time. Dow'T FORGET THE BAGS. Tell everyone that "ill and 2an. wewish-they would ka let us know what they will do to help furniag a program of sengs and music. Write 5ax 263, or phene 173 as soon as you can for the time 1s short. We are going to.try and have “Unele Harvey,” the oldest Klansman in seversl states give an address, and when he sees this he better get busy fer he gure will be called on the stand,Ceme on now, and BOOS. Get up a B "Tug-e-war™ teanm in yeur township and we will gee who is the champiens of the ceunty when the last two tewnships eult the final battle. Geod idea, dont you thimk, We will move the offices about Mandaxyxymix Tussday, July 14, in the new lecation over the Tom Curiston grecery stere, just east of tho Lyric theatre. If you want toask ga gust ge inte the grecery on tho cornor and ask or go te the Johnsen Tire Shep, he ia a Ki. rand will tellyou where it is, BUT BE SURE AND GST OUT “0 THE PICNIC JULY 16, DON“? NEGLECT TO NOTIFY EVERY iN iN YOUR DISTRICT. COUCY SECRETARY.

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