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My Wishes for 2011

2010 has been a good year. The world cup, The Olympics all the other big world
events. But 2010 is over now and 2011 is in town.

My wish for me in 2011 is to take my hockey team to the playoffs. I didn’t try out
for rep hockey this year, so I am the best player on the house team. I am hoping
that I can take the team to the top seeing as we are already doing quite well. We
are something like third of fourth overall.

My wish for my family this year is that my Mom and Dad’s conference goes really
well. After twelves years of living with them, I still don’t know what my parents do
for a living. All I know is that every year they have a conference that gives people
tips on how to go about financially. It is the biggest event of their working year. It
is what pays all the bills so my parents are usually working very hard and long
around that time, so I hope that it goes really well this year.

My wish for the world in 2011 is for the scientists to come up with a cure for
cancer. When I was three years old I had a tumor in my back and had to get
surgery. The past few years we have been taking part in the child run at children’s
hospital for cancer research. I hate the disease and hope that they find a cure in
the very near future.

Although my wishes may not come true, they are something to look forward to in
2011 for the world, myself and my family.

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