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Tommy H

Jan, 4, 2011

Three Wishes For 2011

I wish three things, one is for me, one is for my family, and one
is for the world.
I wish for me in this term I can get every studies all A, and I
want have a TV in my room, and I want some times for play the
computer games.
The second wish for my family, I hope we can travel to USA and
French. I wish my family everyone is happy and health. And I
wish my father can buy the anther big car, because my little
brother is new born and my family is big.
The third wish for the world. I hope in the world don’t have
war, everywhere is safe and peace. And I hope homelessness
have a good warm home everyday happy with their family. I
hope in the world don’t have natural calamities, like
earthquake, tornado.
That is my three wishes for the New Year.

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