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Biography of Mario Vargas Llosa.

Mario Vargas Llosa is a writer in spanish language and an important

essayist and novelist of recent years.

He has won the prize Novel of literature this year for his “cartografy of the
power structure”. He has written prolificaly in a variety of literatys genres
including literary criticism and journalism.

Mario Vargas Llosa has received numerous prestigious awards as the

Romulo Gallegos Prize and the Cervantes Prize.

He is a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language and the Spanish

Royal Academy.

He has been living in Europa the most part of his life. Mario Vargas Llosa
has participed in the politic and has been candidate for the presidency of

He has participated as a juror in events such as "Casa de las Americas

Prize, in Havana, Cuba," Latin American Film Festival of Huelva "and"
Premio Miguel de Cervantes".

He has been a visiting professor in many universities in the world as in

the Florida International University, Princeton University, and University of
Puerto Rico.

Mario Vargas has recently published his latest novel called The Celtic
dream about the life of Roger Casement and and works in the newspaper
El Pais in Spain and the monthly cultural magazine Letras Libres in

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