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What I have read in the past few months is shocking, and disturbing. It has changed my perspective on
how we live on a day to day basis. It feels as if there is no way out. It is in a sense depresing to read the
lies we have been told from our first moment tha we were able to make sense of words. Although
through my life I have always questioned things that I was told, as many did not seem to make sense. I
could never comprehend how so many different cultures had very similar faiths and beliefs, yet the main
person was of a different name and in most cases live in a different times. Yet many of the customs
seemed identical in each faith. To have such similar beliefs yet be so torn apart, as to wage war on each
other to stamp out the others belief. Who could be behind such a mass spread of the same faith , yet
different . I guess to discover the truth requires much time in disecting the past , and I shall continue my
research to seek the truth and to seek my freedom.At this time in the world there are so many who have
done a massive amount of research, and who have provided all the references needed to understand
what is written and to clearly come to th truth of the matter. It is at this point in my life when nothing
makes sense any more. Where the system we so trusted and believed was put in place to protect our
freedom shows very little care for our progress as human beings.

I have seen it time and time again the unfairness that is besieged upon us by the few who control the
rules, who purposely re-arrange the rules to suit there needs. What amazes me most is that very few
people see or lets say accept what is happening as the truth. Could it be that life is so hard that one has
no time to focus in on the situation, because our time is consumed by trying to meet our basic needs.
Every day is filled with the need to survive to cover our expenses to keep a roof over our heads , and
food on the table, to live with the basic nescesities of water and light. When we live in a time where jobs
are scarce and fiat money is hard to come by. Where every penny we take in is counted to meet the
expenses to exist in this world. With so many that have lost all they have worked for in such a short
period of time. We live in a world that has convinced us that we are not worthy . To make mistakes in
this society , means that your life will be ten times as harder than your average joe. This is a non-
forgiving society , to top it all off this is a cutthroat world. The media floods us with so much fantasy , to
get us to believe these fantasies created by Hollywood screens. Well lets wake up and realize that
happens in the movies does not happen in real life. If we still believe that, then maybe we deserve to be
in the situation we find ourselves in.

It appears we are all sheep waiting to be lead, and allow other to do to us as they wish. Its time to re-
evaluate our own lives and determine if we are following our hearts or if we are all chasing the dreams
of others for the benefit of others.I work and meet the basic expenses to survive yet , the American
dream seems so far and hard to reach. This is something that we have been lead to believe all our lives,
yet so few have been able to acquire true freedom. When the majority of the owrlds wealth is held by
only a few .

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