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‡ Was born Oct. 1, 1924, in the small farming town of
Plains, Georgia.

‡ His father, was a farmer; his mother, a registered


‡ He attended Georgia
Southwestern College,
and received a
bachelor from the United
States Naval Academy(1946)
‡ Ñn the Navy he became a submariner, and he work
in reactor technology and nuclear physics

‡ When his father died in 1953, he resigned his naval

commission and returned with his family to

‡ He quickly became a leader

of the community

‡ Ñn 1962 he won election

to the Georgia Senate
‡ He was the Democratic National Committee
campaign for the 1974 elections

‡ On Dec.12, 1974, he announced his candidacy

‡ Was elected president on Nov. 2, 1976.

As President͙.
‡ As president, Carter created two new cabinet-
level departments: the Department of
Energy and the Department of Education. He
established a national energy policy that
included conservation, price control, and new
technology. Ñn foreign affairs, he returned
the Panama Canal Zone to Panama.
|immy Carte Wons Novel Price
Former U.S. President |immy
Carter won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize
for what presenters cited as decades
of work seeking peaceful solutions and
promoting social and economic justice.
Why did he won The Novel Price?
Carter, Democratic president from 1977 to
1981, has won praise for his tireless work as
an ex-president in trying to bring peace to
places from Haiti to North Korea.
Ñs a charitable organization founded in 1982
by |immy Carter and former in partnership
with Emory University, to advance peace and
health worldwide.
Ñs a nongovernmental organization, that
has helped to improve life for people in more
than 70 countries by resolving conflicts;
advancing democracy and human rights;
preventing diseases; improving mental health
care; and teaching farmers to increase crop

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