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Chapter 11

1. Excise tax: was hated by Jefferson and he early persuaded Congress to repeal it.
However it cost the federal government about a million dollars a year in urgently
needed revenue.
2. Pardon: Jefferson pardoned “martyrs” who were accused of sedition during
Federalist rule and the Anti-French hysteria.
3. “midnight judges”:Republican term for Federalist judges appointed at the last
minute by President Adams
4. Marbury v. Madison (1803):Ruling based on a “midnight judge” case that
established the right of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional
5. Oregon: territory explored and claimed by Americans during early 1800s
6. War hawk: Patriotic nationalistic western congressmen who were eager for war
with Indians, Canadians, and British
7. Toussaint L’Ouverture: A self-educated ex-slave and military genius, who led
slave resistance in the Louisiana Territory
8. Navy: armed forces that guarded the coasts of America, and was relatively weak
while Jefferson was in office.
9. Judicial review: Principle established by Chief Justice Marshall in a famous case,
that the Supreme Court can declare laws unconstitutional
10. Impeachment: act of bringing charges to government official to see if they can
be removed from office
11. Impressments: the forcible enlistment of soldiers
12. James Madison: part of the Marbury v. Madison case and became the next
president after Jefferson
13. James Monroe: Sent to Paris with minster Robert R. Livingston to buy New
Orleans and as much land to its east for a maximum of $10 million
14. Albert Gallatin: Swiss-born and secretary of Treasury, imposed taxes to cover
15. Louisiana Purchase: The United States purchased land from the French West of
the Mississippi

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