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PullTea Crew

Yeah, this is my special edition dedicated to Pull Tea Crews. Its always be my dream to have special
posting about this "underground' group...hehe..sounds like  subversive right?haha

From my absolute knowledge, this group was found by Tuan Yang Terutama Tan Sri Professor Dr
Faizal Badarudin (P.S.M) and it was unknown when it was establish..hehe. It was him that responsible
to develop the group and was first who came with the name PullTea instead of Teh Tarik (Wikipedia)

The underground movement consist of General Secretary, Professor Dr Garry  @ Areel and
respectively senior member; Dr Apai (Socio-Politic Commentator) , Dr Sue Sue (FinanceAkuTerrer
Sdn Bhd) , Dr Bad (Raja Lawak) , Dr Apis (Thankslakawan University) and Dr Eja Amit (Major in Tosei

According to PullTeapedia, the group can be found at the Mamak Restaurant a.k.a Kedai Mapley like
Kayu Nasi Kandar, Barra, Hakim Restaurant, Khulafah and not to forget the most historical restaurant
to the founder, Syed Restaurant. hahaha...bodoh!..haha. Late 2010, the group can be found at KFC
Section 7, Mc D Section 3, Burger King Section 13 , Wak Dol Kopitiam, Kayu Kopitiam and A&W
Section 7. 

The year of 2010 was the glorious year for the group. In the 2011, the group found to have new port
and its nearby one of its senior member residential area. Dapur Pintar had witness the meeting of the
subversive group planning their wicked plan for the year..haha.

Raja Lawak & Co Pilot

Most of the activities held in the group was the Joke by the senior members, chaired by the Raja
Lawak and his co - pilot.  Knowledge sharing is the crucial principle in this subversive group and
hopefully its really are..haha.

The best part of this group, the element of stingy is eliminated and they are very talented in their own
area as stated earlier. 
Eat before u die

Oh before I forget, the group also have some associate member that are seldom involve in the group
activities. Most of the like to be behind the scene..low profile but they are actually the
mastermind...they are Dato Seri Najib and the owner of Faculty Biz ' cafe...Abang Mat who is
originally from Somalia.

Before I end this post with a comma, don't make wrong of this posting..actually Im not leaving you all,
this posting came into my mind after realizing that this is our final term or the graduating
(Semua Watak watak diatas tidak ada kene mengena dengan yang masih hidup atau yang telah
meninggal dunia) 

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