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Office of U.S. Senator George LeMieux Privacy Act Consent Form sions of The Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579), your squire prior to contacting a federal agency on your behalf ince e-mails do not contain a valid signature, they do not fulfil the requirements of the Privacy Act. If you ure inquiring on behalf of another person, itis necessary that he or she sign this document, Alliuformation raust be written in English tie: (eect one) Mrs VIMy feMes. Rev, ODoctor Uther Name: KAP: Cait is TALES SR. vmeot rien. BP MO nite 2 W. KeWDY Bld (AB Roc, impr saw Fe coun: HULSBROWEA ip code FO store rrone: $3 28 G-ZSI3 Work Phone $49) 2862IS3. srovie move GB BA-IO ay. 8B G5 lo HOZ R Cos eC om Socal Security Number. 2 lal "6O- (2k Name of Federal Agency Involved: If you have contacted another congressional office to assist you, please list the office: senentotnstrnann Senttge MeL Matrinise: ZpOG+ CLERK OF MOVE. Pease Complete the Sections That Apply to Your Case: Alien Number: Military Rank and Unit: ‘Type of Application Filed ___ Claim/Receipt Number: yy ae ms linn op eur alan sony = ays eae jp Ue Saal 20H 58 RUS Cade’ Joe cise af [41 de Ara Aven, ise Fe UE, Be nih Bite Thave discussed my concerns with Senator George LeMieux and/or his representatives), and request that any relevant information that is required to assists responding to my ingury may be furnished upon request. Hares, would ke to receive Senator LeMicuy’s Ezpall Newsleter wo Alp bar lesley fom or er fe010 Please mail or fax complet form to: U.S. Senator George LeMieux Fax: (407) 423-0941 Ifyou ie any guestionsor Cohen plea ws or Ofice Use Only Tel 407) 2560573 Interac Naan TT 0?) 2543548 Stat Intl: Taree m Florida (86) 630-7106 FACSIMILE COVER PAGE To: Clerk of the House From: Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr. Sent: 8/11/2008 at 5:53:16 PM Pages: 3 (including Cover) Subject : _ Reports were filed on over $27.5 Trillion stolen by Presidents/Ambassadors Dear Elected Officials: Ruth DeLaMater Bundy DOB 01-06-1930 and Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr. DOB 11-30-1940 have reported massive Theft from the U.S. Treasury UNDER COLOR OF LAW OR AUTHORITY which began with President Ronald Reagan hiring Former Ambassador Leo E. Wanta and extends UP THROUIGH ALL PRESIDENTS AND JOINT CHIEF'S OF STAFF through the Current President of the United States. The estimated amount of the THEFT involves over $60 TRILLION [Sixty Trillion U.S. Dollars] taken under color of law or authority directly from the U.S. Treasury without knowledge and consent of the Congress or American People. In that it has been reported for over TWO YEARS to the FBI, President, Members of Congress and Members of the Judiciary Committee PLUS both American’s reporting the theft WAIVER OF 98 percent of any REWARD DUE not one word has come back via mail, phone, fax, internet and the secret bank accounts PLUS losses in Iraq of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS leads the Whistle Blowers into believing that THE THEFT IS BEING COVERED UP in violation of Title 18 United States Code Sections 2, 3, 4 and other known laws. A DISC is available giving undeniable PROOF POSITIVE that the money was removed secretly and questionably from the U.S. Treasury and stil is available to be seized and retured to the American People. No indications of $100.00 dollar bill SERIAL NUMBERS or tracking has been activated and on September 10, 2001 even the Pentagon admitted OVER §2 TRILLION WAS MISSING AND UNACCOUNTED FOR BY THE PENTAGON. Sadly those ONI or Navy Investigators believed involved in the investigatiion were in the area where something CUT A ROUND HOLE THROUGH THREE COMPLETE SECTIONS OF STEEL AND CONCRETE. Perhaps the investigation ALSO WAS STOPPED FOR REASONS UNKNOWN BY HIGH OFFICIALS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. In that the stolen amount possibly exceeds $50 TRILLION U.S. DOLLARS it is hoped someone in Congress will find out who took the money, under what authority and where the money is presently. IF NEEDED we have SECRET BANK REFERENCES AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS WHICH CAN ASSIST IN FINDING THE MONEY WHICH IS COMPOUNDING HIGH INTEREST AS WE TYPE. IF DEEMED NECESSARY -- RUTH DELAMATER BUNDY AND RALPH CHARLES WHITLEY SR. WOULD APPRECIATE BEING PROTECTED BY THE U.S. MARSHAL SERVICE IF IT APPEARS SPECIAL HIT SQUADS WILL TRY TO STOP THIS INVESTIGATION INTO MASSIVE TRILLIONS STOLEN. ‘Thank you. Feel free to call 813-286-2333 to discuss the matter if required and ADVISE if you need a DVD or CD-ROM WITH THE INFORMATION IN CASE THE FBI LOST THE E-MAILS ALONG WITH MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AS THEY ARE ON SEVERAL COMPUTERS PLUS ONE 500 GIG EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE IS IN SAFE KEEPING RIGHT NOW. Ralph Charles Whitley, Sr. A Decorated American Veteran 4532 W. Kennedy Blvd, PMB-276 ‘Tampa, Florida 33609-2042 813-286-2333 Residing at: 4503 W. NORTH A STREET, TAMPA, FL 33609-2028 along with Ruth DeLaMater Bundy. Office of U.S. Senator Mel Martinez Privacy Act Consent Form of The Pracicy Act of cose fs neque prior ta catacting so contin ed ight th Publae 0 93.529), your cae y om your Fea sl mo fail Hike rato Ms Mrsio¢ MefeMis. © Rey, Doctor Other, vans Raigh Chanses Lids Bedty Sita reaian ufao/ 260 iiss £508 Wd) Kae A SRE cin TAM DR sine Fle County HiLASBOROUGHP peor 3U00 ae fp, 2802883 Work thone (15, 28 G-2333 rrgrite phone: fla ZEl- 194.3 O32 foze coined Ne ee eek “yaaiahan ua SBS copie artigo he Le ese I yout have contacted anather congressional office to assist you, Rlease list tRe office us. Hawes Pesx, Cys hha Gaers holertey yy, Name of OMe Contact Plas Compt the Seti Hat Apply Ho Your Ce nee = ee Tope 20 wa ype oF Application Filet : Chhiny/ Receipt Number: sap Goa san pa me 17.5 Rid EE, Se co ae, sac Heit STA: LIE BOte Beet eae FAY RE RAT Aud? LE hat HEARD. a es ay socers wae Sonor Nel Mtn eaten a nt aes bo padi ili dns representa ny ging ty he frm Vi cunt AY You yu hike wy nse Soar Ning Zp Noose sme Lelphtle sloth, 1m ORHOS pon ree Florida 32801 Fox: (407) 423-0941 Ieterteac Nuraber Staff Initials MeL nanninen gsicae a ENERGY AnD NARIRAL sesUACES. ‘nited Stores Senate Moh, se in {WASHINATOR, OF 2OBIO os ; August 4. 2008 Mr. Ralph Whitley 4532 W, Kennedy Blvd, PMR-276 Fampa, Florida 33609 Dear Mr. Whit Aharh yess Hak cotanetiteg same renwding the 3S. Deparimeit of the Treasury. L vould Be more than happy to assist you with this matter However. your express written consent is required by law before my office ean help, you. Please complete and sigh the Privacy Act Consent Form enclosed with this fetter, All information must be writien in English. The 1S. Deparment of the Treasury will not any information about your case withow! your signature on this document rele Please retuen te completed lornt to my Orlando Resional Office located at 345 trast Robinson Street. Landmark Center One, Suite 478, Orlado, Florida 32801. Once my office receives your consent form and any supporting documents you wish te include, we can evaluate sour case and provide any availuble axsistaaee. If'you have any questions or require additional information, please eall (407) 254-2573 or toll-free (866) 630-7506 to speak with a member of the Casework Department. ‘Once again, thank you for the opportunity to assist you. Louk forward to hearing tm you soon, Sincerel Mel Martinez United States Senator MMiteb Bnctosure 6169-08

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