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m  mm

M y name is Steven
Kim. I currently
attend an international

school in Seoul, Korea. I am sophomore in high

school and have about 2 and a half of school ! $%
left. My mission statement is to understand how the
world works through intense reading, talking to
helpful individuals, and discovering the unknown
facts or solutions to the apparent mysteries. My job &"
objective is to become a psychologist through my '
joy for reading which will allow me to communicate
with knowledgeable individuals, compare known 
facts and help find the solutions to the visible #

brain change or mend his thinking to transcend into
the "normal" neural state. Lastly, I will publish my
own research and works in an article or book to
î  share with others about what I discovered about
I am going to attend a college in the east coast. The interactions through the human mind and receive
college is known for people that enjoy reading and feedback from fellow psychologists and the
writing. I would like to major in Psychology and community. I'll stop the family therapy sessions the
minor in creative writing. The writing will help me earliest, but I will continue my research until I'm
when I publish articles related to my fieldwork, incapable of reading or seeing. My retirement as a
psychology and share undiscovered truths to the family psychologist will be val id, but my retirement
world. My major in psychology will of course as a analytical psychologist will probably take a
prepare me for when I really become a psychologist. long time to occur.


For internship, I could enter a researching/scientific  
faculty as an assistant and learn many things about m 
the human brain from renowned scientists. I could m      
learn which part of the brain does what function and
how humans use their brain in everyday life. Since     
psychology is the study of the human mind or how  
we think, studying and helping the scientists that m  
are directly related to it will really help me for later.
I could first look for a counseling job to learn and
try to mentor and understand my patients. I could (  )  &
discover and help what the patients mind is going ë  
through and why the specific person is acting that
way. Through helping with their mental issues I can ë " '
further grasp the concept of psychology better. ë * 
Also, I could work in a newspaper company so that
as a psychologist and I sometimes publish small

articles or books about the new discoveries through
research, comparing facts, and my own intuition, I
can have a strong foundation in writing so it will
sound more convincing when I publish the

î  î

As a Psychologist I will do three parts of the
psychology field; I will spend my majority of the
time as an analytical psychologist studying how the
human mind functions and how a certain person
becomes the way he is. Another part of my time will
be spent in family therapy sessions; I will listen to
what the person's mental state is and try to help his

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