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Print a month-calender

The user doesn't have to give all this input.. just the date.
make a new project with a form and a command button
Put the next code under the click event of the command button..
press f5 to run
BTW: perhaps you have to make a change with the date-separator and the order (eu
ropean = dd-mm-yy / american = mm-dd-yy). And of course to the output; it's now
just straight forward!
Private sub Command1_Click()
dim StartDatum
dim vMonth
dim vYear
dim StartDag
dim vRow%, vColomn%
Const t1% = 5
Const t2% = 10
Const t3% = 15
Const t4% = 20
Const t5% = 25
Const t6% = 30
dim c%
dim GoFurther%
startdatum = InputBox("which first date", , Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy"))
If startdatum = "" Then Exit Sub
vMonth = Month(StartDatum)
vYear = Year(StartDatum)
startdatum = CDate("1-" & vMonth & "-" & vYear)
StartDag = DatePart("w", StartDatum)
GoFurther% = False
Printer.Print StartDatum
Printer.Print "S"; Tab(t1); "M"; Tab(t2); "T"; Tab(t3); "W"; _
Tab(t4); "T"; Tab(t5); "F"; Tab(t6); "S"
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
For vRow% = 1 To 6
For vColomn% = 1 To 7
If (StartDag = vColomn% And Not GoFurther%) Then
c% = 1
Printer.Print Str(c%);
GoFurther% = True
If (GoFurther% And IsDate(CStr(c%) & "-" & vMonth & _
"-" & vYear)) Then Printer.Print Str(c%);
end If
select case vColomn%
case 1
Printer.Print Tab(t1);
case 2
Printer.Print Tab(t2);
case 3
Printer.Print Tab(t3);
case 4
Printer.Print Tab(t4);
case 5
Printer.Print Tab(t5);
case 6
Printer.Print Tab(t6);
end Select
c% = c% + 1
Next vColomn%
Next vRow%
Screen.MousePointer = vbNormal
End Sub

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