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十二/八/二一 八:三〇 八十二/P 十二

H ello, my name is Jennifer Kim. I am a

9th grade student at an international

school in Seoul, Korea. My goal is to assist

and helpful advice. That will lead to becoming a

psychologist. Then, I want to work my way up

to actually treating my patients, and I hope this

others by providing them with useful and will work to help me become a psychiatrist.

helpful advice. I want to become a mental

health counselor or a psychiatrist to help others The End

At the end of this career road, I will be a
with useful advice.
psychiatrist. If I become a psychiatrist, I will
work hard and study even deeper into
University Days
psychology (if that is possible). I will do my best
I want to attend a college in the United States to help and treat my patients. As I think about
that focuses a lot on psychology. I want to go retirement, I want to leave a legacy as a
to a large university, where I can pursue my fantastic psychiatrist. 

dreams of becoming a mental health counselor

(maybe an Ivy League). The major I would

enjoy studying at college is psychology, and

the minor I would study is health science.

Start of the career

The type of internship I would like to explore

would probably be any kind of psychology

internship. I want to observe how things would

work if I got to be a mental health

counselor/psychiatrist. The first job I would like

Qualities to succeed
to get is a mental health counselor (maybe at a  Determination
high school or where young adults are). I want  Meticulous
 Passionate
to explore and learn how the human mind

works before I can become a psychiatrist to

actually treat my patients.

17 High School Degree

21 College Degree in Health Science
22 Psychologist Assistant
24 High School Counselor
27 Mental Health counselor for all ages
30 Psychologist
36 Psychiatrist
Developing And Growing

I hope to take a position as a mental health

counselor. I would use my social service skills

to assist others and provide them with useful

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