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There are great advantiges about have the right to a trial by a jury.

I can see very little

disadvantages at all.

If you don't have a jury trial. An inicent person could get sent away for years,

With a jury their are more minds, theoreticlt totaling up to a more equal evaluation of the case,
however, jury's as any are open to human error, if the case has been prolonged, some may alow
their judgement to be swayed so they can get out.

The disadvantage is that the average person drafted for jury duty is as dumb as a stump. Also if
they don't like you, they already make up their mind that your guilty.

Looking at China’s criminal justice system through Western eyes,

it is easy to see only its deficiencies. The system is marked by long
periods of investigatory detention, a high rate of confessions, and
administrative penalties that are tantamount to incarceration without trial.
Criminal suspects have no right to refuse interrogation, enjoy no
presumption of innocence, and have no right to confront their accusers
or compel the presence of witnesses to testify in their defense. The right
to counsel is extremely limited in the investigatory phase of a case and,
although there is a right to counsel at trial, that right is circumscribed by
the absence of pre-trial discovery and the limited ability of the defense to
conduct its own investigation.

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