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Hounded-chased relentlessly

Candid- informal or natural

Sabotage- A deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged

Gregarious- enjoying the company of others

Lurid- marked by sensationalism

Magnate- a very wealthy and powerful person

Appendage- A part that is joined to something larger

Détente- the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations)

Cynic-Someone who is critical of the motives of others

Brag- show off

Veteran- A person who has served in the armed forces

Chasm- a deep opening in earth’s surface

Aides- someone who acts as an assistant

Tyrant- a cruel dictator

Steward- an attendant

Ebon- of a very dark black

Hushed- become quiet

Crouched- sit on one’s heels

Impregnable- immune to attcak

Hurtling-Move with or as if with a rushing sound

Dissents- a difference of opinion

Taciturn- Habitually reserved and uncommunicative

Vintage-The time when something was produced

held sway-Be master; reign or rule

thaw- Become or cause to become soft or liquid

endured-Face and withstand with courage

savage-Wild and menacing

stinging-harsh or hurtful in tone or character

whined-Make a high-pitched, screeching noise

wary- Marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

maneuvered- Determine the direction of travelling

whimpering- Cry weakly or softly

cacophony- A loud harsh or strident noise

anointed-choose by

impersonation- pretending to be another person

ulterior- secret and selfish

proposition-A proposal offered for acceptance or rejection

refortify- make stronger

demeanor- the way a person behaves toward other people

indignant- angered at something wrong or unjust

desolate- providing no shelter

facade- front of the building

thwart- prevent

diminutive-very small

subdued-not briaaliant or glaring

unadorned- not decorated to increase its artificial beauty

diligence-Persevering determination to perform a task

lucid-transparently clear

antithesis-exact opposite

hunch-An impression that something might be the case

intimidated- made timid or fearful

frigid- very cold

agile- moving quickly and lightly

ubiquitous- being present everywhere

discernible- perceptible by the senses

ebb- fall away or decline

impeaccable- without any fault

tranquility-a state of peace and quiet; an untroubled state

gloated-dwell on with satisfaction

dazed-In a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock

anointed-Choose by or as if by divine intervention

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