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THE World is facing the mother of all time

constraint, and we are left with just eight years

before a major planetary disaster will overtake the
earth because of global warming. According to
study done by the scientists of the united nations
Intergovernmental panel on climate
Change, we need quickly find a solution to save
the world.
Back home , green is a word that is being heard
these days. Many leading corporate houses in
India are going all out to create a clean, green
World. They are setting an example for others like
from planting trees to adopting rivers,
Gardens and conserving natural resources in
various forms.
We all can also play a big role to save the , give
good mileage . use car pool, take public transport
whenever possible . when shopping
Bring your own cloth bag . avoiding paper bags
will save trees that absorb carbon dioxide .
creating awareness defines the essence of
environment conservation .

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