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In signing this consent form, you acknowledge that you

have been explained about the tests and their

complications. (what are the complications in your
study and how are you going to take care of that –
like if complications occur, what is your line of
•In addition, you state that any questions you have
about the fitness evaluation have been answered to
your satisfaction.
•You enter into the tests willingly & may withdraw at
any time.
•Information & data obtained from any procedure will
be construed as confidential.
By signing below, you accept full responsibility for

your own health & well being, and you acknowledge

an understanding that no responsibility is assumed by
the investigator. (In Real sense it is unethical to put
all responsibility on the subject and the investigator
escaping from the same J, think of it)

Participant's name.

Participant's signature. Date:

(Since it is the participant signing, the
consent form should be addressed as “I”
rather than as “you”)

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