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Alice 1''''

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[original title pa e]


Lewis Carroll

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First published 1865

Rep blished 2008 by Forgotten Books

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About the Book

"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) is a ork of literary nonsense written by English author Charles Lut idge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll, consid red a classic example ofthe genre and of English literature in general. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a abbit-hole into a fantastic realm populated by peculiar and an hropomorphic creatures. The tale is filled with allusions to Dodgson' friends (and enemies), and to the lessons that British scho !children were expected to memorize. The tale plays with log c in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with a ults as well as children. It is considered to be one of the mo characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense, a d its narrative course and structure has been enormously influ ntial, mainly in the fantasy genre (see Works influenced by AI ce in Wonderland). The book is commonly referred to by the abbre ated title Alice in Wonderland. This alternative title was pop larized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the tory produced overthe years."

About the Author

Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898)

10 2010 Forgotten Books




verend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (27 January 1832 - 14 1898), better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll, was n English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican clergy an, and photographer. His m st famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and it sequel Through the looking-Glass as well as the poems "The Hunting ofthe Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all considered to be wit in the genre of literary nonsense. His fa ility at word play, logic, and fantasy has delighted audie oes ranging from children to the literary elite, and beyon this his work has become embedded deeply in modern cultur directly influencing many artists.

There of his world New Z

re societies dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion orks and the investigation of his life in many parts of the neluding North America, Japan, the United Kingdom, and aland." (Quote from

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1 8 15 22 31 40 50 61 71 81 91 99

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10 2010 Forgotten Books

Alice in Wonderland




LICE was beginning to get very tired of sitting by h sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once :twice she had peeped into the book her sister w reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and wh is th e use of a boo k,, th ought AI ice 'with out pict ures conversation ?'

r r s t

So she Was considering in her own mind (as well as she coul for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stu pid), wheth the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth t trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

, r e a

There Was nothing sO VERY remarkable in that; nor did Ali e think it so VERYmuch out of the way to hear the Rabbit say a itself, 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to ha e wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natura ); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF I 5 WAISTCOAT- POCKET,and looked at it, and then hurried 0 , Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that s e had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pock t, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she r n across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole underthe hedge. In another moment down went Alice after it, never on e considering how in the world she was to get out again.

10 2010 Forgotten Books




The rabbit-hole went straight on like at nnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so sudde Iy that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping he self before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Either the well was very deep, or she ell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down t look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next First, she tried to look down and make out what she was co ing to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked t the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled wit cupboards and bookshelves; here and there she saw maps nd pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled 'ORANGE MARM LADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so manag d to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it. 'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after s ch a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top ofthe house!' (Which s very likely true.) Down, down, down. Would the fall NE ER come to an end! 'I wonder how many miles I've fallen by th s time?' she said aloud. 'I must be getting somewhere near the entre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand m les down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this as not a VERY good opportunity for showing oft her knowled e, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practi e to say it over) '--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no dea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they w re nice grand words to say.)

10 2010 Forgotten Books




Prese tly she began again. 'I wonder if I shall fall right THRO GH the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the eople that walk with their heads downward! The Antip thies, I think--' (she was rather glad there WAS no one listen ng, this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) '--but I shal have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tied to curtsey as she spoke--fancy CURTSEYING you're as fallin through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) hat an ignorant little girl she'll think me for asking! No, ver do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up some-

down, down. There was nothing else to do, so Alice soon talking again. 'Dlnah'll miss me very much to-night, I think!' (Dinah was the cat.) 'I hope they'll remember her s ucer of milk at tea-time. Dinah my dear! I wish you were down here with me! There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you ight catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. But d cats eat bats, I wonder?' And here Alice began to get rathe sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?' and sometimes, 'Do bats at cats?' for, you see, as she couldn't answer either quest on, it didn't much matter which way she put it. She felt that she was dozing off, and had just begun to dream that she was alking hand in hand with Dinah, and saying to her very earne tly, 'Now, Dinah, tell me the truth: did you ever eat a bat?' when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap f sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over. as not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a mom nt: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her w s another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hu rrying down it. There was not a moment to be lost:

10 2010 Forgotten Books




away went Alice like the wind, and was just in ti e to hear it say, as it turned a corner, 'Oh my ears and whisk rs, how late it's getting!' She was close behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen: she found herself in a long, low hall, which was lit up by a r w of lamps hanging from the roof. There were doors all round the hall, but they wer all locked; and when Alice had been all the way down one sid and up the other, trying every door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again. Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny gal Alice's first thought was that it might belong to one of the hall; but, alas! either the locks were too larg was too small, but at any rate it would not open However, on the second time round, she came curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little the lock, and to her great delight it fitted! all made of en key, and fthe doors ,or the key ny of them. pan a low was a little Iden key in

Alice opened the door and found that it led i to a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she kne t down and looked along the passage into the loveliest gard n you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall, nd wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head though the doorway; 'and even if my head would go through,' t ought poor Alice, 'it would be of very little use without my sh ulders. Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I thin I could, if I only know how to begin.' For, you see, so many au -of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun 0 think that very few things indeed were really impossible.

10 2010 Forgotten Books

Alice in Wonderland



There seemed to be no use in waiting by th little door, so she went back to the table, half hoping she mig t find another key on it, or at any rate a book of rules for shut ing people up like telescopes: this time she found a little b ttle on it, (,which certainly was not here before,' said Alice,) and round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the ords 'DRINK ME' beautifully printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say 'Drink me,' but the ise little Alice was not going to do THAT in a hurry. 'No, I'll I ok first,' she said, 'and see whether it's marked "poison" or no '; for she had read several nice little histories about children ho had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other un leasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that if you c t your finger VERY deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; a d she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a batt e marked 'poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, soon r or later. However, this bottle was NOT marked 'poison,' so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nic , (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custar , pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast.] she v ry soon finished it off.

'" '" '"

'" '" '"


'What a curious feeling!' said Alice; 'I must b shutting up like a telescope.'

10 2010 Forgotten Books

..... *:-. '- ~-


te ned rig t size ga e-n. fi sh was goi

ue thls: •

ten inehes t1igh, and p at th tho ght t at she W.ilS now the e eor into tl1ilt lovely w mi nutes to s!!!@ if : s:h felt a little nerve us u kn id Alice to he r5e1f. "i n Ie. I and er what I sheu Id wha the- fla I1l@ of a cand Ier 5 h cou kI not remember

• fi nd inc. nat not inc. ore h pp!!!n !!d, she- decided oing int he ga n at CI ee: b t. ala for poor Alicel when got to e doo r, she to nd s e ha for.gotte n the litt Ie en key. nd wne she ck rhe table for it. she it: @ rou Id '5@!!!it quitefo d she c pia nly thro d he best to climb up one of he legs "Wa-S; OCI s I p perv: and wne n she tired he g. th poo little th i ng sat dow n

t nat! sa id Alice to herseH, ave ff th is min ut-e I' She

ad - , {though she v@ ry 5!;h seckled herself 50 S; n d CI nee she rememnavi d1eat-ed herse If in a mst h ~H, for th i'5. curio us be 0 Pp::!ople. • BLIt it '5 no d to be two peopfel ake ONE respecta ble

little g ass b >: tha was lying under the nd fou d in· a ve small cake. 0" wt1icn


word';. .EAT ME' we r beaut ifu I ma rked in 1'1 e-at it,l said Alicl!, . an d if it makes rna grow la key; an d if it ma kes e grow t. a lief, I C[I n r; so @ithl!!r Wi!iy f II @'t into th ga rda n, a it h ha ppens I' S e ate a Iittle bit, a"d hlch Wi!iy?', holding he it h way it was growin '§.t1 e rema I.,ed the

r, I
't care

aid a ruciou IV to he rse

ppe n10wne n 0., e eats

'If of experti nc.noth i

'Wni h way? hand on til!! top of h h I!!.a to "fu1l!'1 ,a nd she was q u ite 'So pnse to fi nd me size: to be su re h rs. ne rflilly yen nto the ke, b IJt A I e had got s

but out~


it seemed .q Llfte du I and stu id to r life

s nl!


to workr i!lnd

ry '5.OCn fi

hed off ttl

•••• ••••


.. ..




..... *:-. '- ~-


If now she wou Id man age . . rrie r, I $h ttl ougl'tt; 'a" dhow fu n ny - II
to one's ow n f@etl And he w od d t

Ju k .aga.nst he roof of the haII: in fact s ~ feet hlg and she at once took up t ried offt the Barden door.


m h as

ugh in

she could do, lying d wn on one t nl!! garda n wit" on I!! ¥ but to get

s mo e hope

th en ever: she 'Sat d rYtN and began


nt wei

of;etf,' sa~d Allee, i3I great ~ rl say t nis). ~to go on erving n th is. way I

ml!! t, I tell you" But s." I!! WI! nt (] n a the same, lion of tea until there Wa'5.a la rge I .2111 nd rou i ches de p a nd reach ing half down he hall. s.hl!! hll!'.a a rd stity ried he Rfllbb retu rn loves in one ing a ng in a

I ink!: pi!ltte ring of fi!!lI!t in t e dista nee, eyes. 1.0 se e what wa'S cc ing. It W.2I 50

ng. 'Splen dIdly dressed,

a nd

- h a p.a ir of

and a large fa n in t h ott1 e..~ he I'n'5e'If as he , 1he uchess, the Duchess' a h] won't 'Soh be savage t1er iting I' Alice felt sO desperate t at 'She wa 50 sk he of an one; so, when the Ita bb . ca me nea r
reat hurry. rnutta ri ng to"

~Ifyou ple.a ,"!iir- Tn@ ropped the wh ite kid glo es a nd the ttl e da rkness as ha rd fill§. e cou Id go.

gkivas. a nd • .a'!ithll!' ha II '!i VII!'ry h ot, II the 11me sh e we nt IOn ta king: .Dear, que r eve ing i"5o to-dayl And yest rday t nings ust as U10ua 1 wonde r if I've been c ha ed in the I,
t mil!' th ink:

w.a'!i 1 the sa rna whll!-n I

at up t ni!i

reme mber feel n.g a little erent. BiI.I If I'm not he same, the next q uestic I".;,Who In t world am 17 Ah, T H TIS t he great pu n:1e I' An she began i k i n.c r a II ttll!! d1 iI ren she k nll!w t nat WII!'rI!! as he e H. see if s e c.ould have been cha nge
I a I os.t th nk 1





'fer her hai g

ringlats at


rts of tnin

ar hands on

peat it. but res did not


lice. wit!' a sudden bu rs t

I!!ir haads downl l am so

he said I§.U r rised to

wt1 e kid 81
ttl l' s ha ttl

at her ha nd50, a nd w.a 50 n one of the Ra bbit's little . ~How CAN I have dene small .again.' Snl!! got up elf by it. a nd tau nd that. ow about two feet high, 1000n 10 u nd out that the d ing, an d skI!! d rop p@d it w.ay.alto,gether. a good deal fnghten ed to find h@n.II!'Hsti II in n d she ra n with a II '5.peea ttt Ie door was sh ut again,

'Th t WAS a

t. al
th in g.s. .a II!'won.



i n8 r was so small a that it II§. ,

nlthe gL1's:s. ble as before. ta

o ght t ha poor ch ild. ~for I rl And I deda re it's too

slippll!-d, and





in in sa It water. Her fi rst into t he sea •. and in that id to tlen.elf, (Alice t1 ad

u ..... *:-. '- ..~'t cried so much I' ~aid A.Iice,

~h hea rd someth ing splasn. ng a and she swam nearer to make ho ht it mu 51 be: a w.alru 5 or hippo m r~d how s rna II 'She wa'S I'IOW, a d IN S only a mouse tha t t1 ad ~Iipped n I ·Would i

asn't u ode rsta nd Englis h,' thoug c me use. come over wit h Wi Ilia a I her bowie dge of t1 mory, Alice eng age a flyt ni"g ha d ha p pe ne st ma charta l' wh ich t ha fi .aga in: -book. The Mo Lise gave a sl.Idd F~nch I med to ClIJ r all over with frlg I\t.e pa rei on II eri d Alice naos,tilvr afra id that os,he an ima 1·5 ~ I n.GS, ~ I quite to r:gct you did n"t ll k

t1 a



like ea I' cried the fIAc~ ~e. in a sh ri II. p ·Wou Id U ike cats if you were me 1

II. p raps

l'Iot,' s d Alice

n a '5Ootning tone:
(I U

·don't be

it. And a


I wisn I

Id snow you ou r or t Din ..h: I .. could


fa n

to cats

nly see he r.

5t1 e


on, naif to nl!! 1"S@If, as she sh e 'Sits pu rrir'lg sc nicety by ing her faee-an d she I", sueh t1e's such a -capital one for you r pOI n I' c ned Alicll!- ag.a in, for t his rirtling .3 lover. an d 5 he felt ce Ita in it . •We 't ta Ik about he r .a more if




was trembling doWl'l to the n '"uch .a subject lOur family IJ ar tl1 irlgsl Don It let me hea r

idee I' said AI ice, in great bu rry to change the con rsatio, .Are «are you fond--of--of d08S7 did nat .ans i I!! WI!! nt on l!!agll!'rIy: ·Th@ rl!! is littl dog ne r our h I) I she u Id like to 5 how you IA r e br" -e d terri r, yo uk, with 0 h, suen long cu rly l b W1'1 h i I A., it II f " th ings hen you tl1 row tne m. and itl II b for its d i nner, d all sons ot th i ngs--I ca n 't h a If of t he -an d it ong-sto a farmer, you know, Lit'''' w a hundred poundsl He says;

h dea rl'

c - d AI ice ina so rrowful tone, or the MouSII!' WdiS '5.wi rnrning

lei go, and rnaking quite a

dl!!.a rl Dc COI1l@ hac k ag.a in, og'i either, if you do n't like I"" it tu rned rc und .a nd .,.w.a m




its fa ce was qu ite pale (with pa si n, Alice in a low tra mbli n& voi rf!r ~Let u g to the

why it

n 1"11 te II you my history, and you III n e rstand I h t!! cats nd dogs.
i e to

It was

witt1 th

and nimals t nat 1'1 ad fa lien into rt: tl1


,10 r the pool was getting qui

.aI nd

cLiriou to the

din Eagl!!t, a nd Iice I~d the way, .3 nd the whole


~ a y 5W.a m

t hat assem bled th d d featt1 ers, the i"8 elese tel the m. a nd aU
king pa w.!-t, cross, and un quest ion cou rse

ble. aga in: t ney t1~d in utes rt see m ed iliarlv wit h the m.
. she had quite a (It I(I'S-t

a CO" u ltatio I' abo t quite- at ura I to Ali

tn is,

rne d


Iky, (ll'IId

u, and

ust know better':

~ there WaS no

kno wi g how old rt: wa'5.,

o tell its

be .a p I'Wn of

.aI uthority

. a II of yo u, and Ijrten to me I

ey (III sat own (It enee, in a iddle. A ice kept her eyes she wou catch .a bad [old

a If. "a re you all

ose caus
(lnd nq uest. c

rF yo~ wa'!' favou red by

(III rou nd,

y the En lis h, who


ed to u ~urpatlon

r, the ea

of Me reie (ll'IId

North m bria··'"

02(1 0




..;}.._ ~.lory, with a hiver. rdcn!' said th Mous

Mou"S • ~rrl p roc@ • 4' E.dwi a rk of Mercia and N hu mbrla, c:I cia red to nd, the patli tic arc bishop of ca erbu ry, isable••

nd im: nd

d WHA l' said the OLi k.

" 1'I'I@.a ns. '

"tt~ means w
genera Ity a f ishop fin d?'

, whe n I fi d a th Ing , rm, Tne q estion rs,



r,' sa id Alic

in a

e at all,'
sa id t n@ Do d 'SOlem Iv r rising; to or the i medlate a



~I don't

know th

aeeus-race?' sa Alice; not that she dm h ut the Dodo ad pa~ see .a s jf it t at ougl'tt to spaa k, nd no 0 ne else 'Seem d i el ined to


est way to e:<plai n· rs. to do t.' d, a 5 might Iike to ry the t ni"g yo urs.elf, so e wi" e r r I wil t II you how the 0 o rna naged it,)
v,' s id t he Dodo, 'the .. ed 0 ut a raceIt rnatrer.' urse, I., a sere of eire

rt sid.) and then aU th

h and thara. Th@ffi

n the mu~.

, n d awav.' b LIt 1: wne n they Ii ke ce wa 5 ow r.a I .a n hou r or so, lied out ·The r tl ng, and ask 1"8

ey began ru n fling wh n

not However, wh en th nd 'W@r@q u it@ i n, th@ Dc ee ls overl' and th e a II crow . But who ha s "!NOn 7'

, so t hat it

- n the Dodo eouI not .a nsWf!r without

time w itt! one finger reh a (the pO$jtion in h lch yo u u,-,uaUy '-'00 u of t1 imlr wh il the rest wa ited in si s id, ~fV[RYBODV .a 5 won. an d .all must

n it sat for a 10

, q u tte a ehe rus of



l' ..... *:-. '- ..~·Why, SH , of cou



tl1e wh

po inti ng to Alice with one crowded roun d her. calling

out ina


in deospair she p LIt her ha nd in of co mftt~. (holt k ily the saIt d out a (I nd ed t ne m rou nd as priz:e'&. to itl. a n a-piece a I ound.

to. do, .a


g.ravety. 'Wnn

else nav!! you

urn ing to AI ice.

he th im b

r on ce more. savi ng . We

while t ne Dodo b@g you r a[c@p-

is elega she r1 ~pe

th imble '; I cheered. ola thing. r.ot dare


w he n

it ha d fin ished th i~

ry a bsurd, but thE!lf all looked

1.3 ugh;

'So grave think of

thimble, I
ing wa'S and conf s on• as taste t nei ,a nd tn tha back. in a ring,

and, a'Sshe co uld not

~ay, sh
lernn as s

imply bowe d. and took the

........."n+iI.~ ~

The r.ext

used ~om e noise ompla Ir.ed that d1ey could ., ot oked an d cI to be patted 0 n last. and t ney sat down i n tell the m ~"mething more.

t his



19 . ou promised to te II me yo hi !i1ory, yo u k nd why it is you ., ater.c an d D, I sh I!!! ad ded i ra id that rt: way Id be offen de il8a i nine is a long an d a sad tale I' said the MOuse. u rning d sighing. IS a leng ta ii, certain tv, ' sa id lic!!, looking do n witn the MOLlse'o; tail: 'but why .0 VOLica II it -sad ' And 0; h pu:z:z:ling a bout it wh lie th e use was spea ing, 'SO t a i ea of the ta Ie was semeth i"8 ike tnis:-et in th e house law: I will prose cute ..,OU. ~~Co me, I'll ta k 1J5t 1'1 ave a trial: For rea Ily t is mom ing live id the mo use to the cu r, 4'SU h oil trial, dear 5i r j dge. WOU kI b~ wasting ou r b .ath,- -I'll be ju id cunning old Fury: PI'II try the whole caus
u ry said to a mouse, h ~ "let uS b

no de ni I oth ing t
Wit" no u ge .• '11b j (] r

, and co

u to death,'"
. ou a re net .atte nd i ng I' sa id t yo~ thin king 017' b~ you r rd on,' said AIice h bend, I think?' had NOTI' cried tne Mouse, 5 knot" said A llce, always ki n.g a n:<io usly a bout t1 er.·
sha II do nothmg of t ha sort,

dy to make he h, do let me hel sa i d the Mous@ ,getti n,g ta Iking 0; uch no sen sel'

Iking awav. "'You lns Lilt me



·1 didnl

I' pleaded

·a.. n

you"re so eas ify

ou r story I' Alice ca ned after It;

c rus, •Yes, pi ease doll but the

Mou'5o@ only

patH! nrly, .a nd wa Iked a little

quite -saying

ighe-d tf1 e lory, a s seen as it was

Crab too k the op portu n ity of ea rl let th is be 3 leo;'SOnto you Hold you r tongue, Ma I' sa k:I the 'You Irs e no ugh to try the

r Dinan her i., partitul h, if I might

I know I do I' sa Id Alice a loud, ·She-Id '5-00" fetch it backl" ntu re to a s:k the q uestion 7" -said

micey birdsl

s always ready to tal k ;iIbout tl!!: r s such a capita I one for catch ing wl'5h you COiIJ Id see t1 er after the as soon as 1ooS< at itl' Ie sensatic n among the party" once: 0 ne 01d Magpie bega I'll iyr re rna ricing, ·1 real ty must be
oesn't suit my ttl roat I' an d a

s hurried

wra ppi

p very ea re
ha nigtlt~;iI i r

awav, prete~

t in a trem y d e.a tt's high ti t nev II oved oft, a

ng voice to it§; chikl re n, 'Come ou were aU in bedl' On various Alice wa s soc n left a 10"eo

e tien eel Dina h I' she 'Said

wondll!'r if I

began to c little wh lie. fuou.teps i h Dping that back to fin is


..;}.._ ~.-

back agal I king aneie sly about as it went as - it nad lost t ing_: an d 5 e hea rd it utte ring to it If 'The D Th@ U t: hessl 0 h dear p.1W I Oh mv fur .1
was the rotdng

hite Ra b bit,.



e executed


dropped it Wi;} looking fo

as su re as rrets a re fe ttl m, I wo nd er? Alice 8~ esse

the f4l n ;(I nd he pa ir

ina mome of w ite kid gl


she ry good-n tu re d tv bl!!& n hu ntin& abut fu r thet hey were f'Iowh re to be se n --eve ryth I seemed t


d since he ~wim in tne 01. and the real nail. w (I b Ie a ~d ttl little door, ad va n i'5hed e mpl ate.".

.a: pai

doing 0 of glOW's a d a fanl


Qu- k, nowl' And

at s e ra n off at 0 ce In the d I wittl ut trylng to :<plain the m 'J'take it tl ad

fligh enec th

• H@ t ok mil! fu r
. Ho sLlfprised

is house 1"I\aI' ,'s he "Said to 'II be when he flnd-s out

ben r ta ke him h s an d &10 es=that is, if can find th she id this;. she ca me u pan .a n eat little he se, en the wh i was (I b - tlt bra ss pi with the ame 'w. ve d upon Sne went i wiI; hout kn kin,g, and irs, in g rest fea r lest sh ~ hou k:I meet ~ real Ma tumed 0 t of the heu e before she ad fOLind



ms!' Alice sa.d to he e If, 'te be going b bit I I 5U ppmi~ Din a h'll bi!!! S!!! nding I"I'K! on

nd s e began fa n cyi"C t e sort of tl1 ing th at

lic:::e Come t'Hm! di I
in a minute, cu e d esn' get out." he Id Ie Oin p opla ab ut Ii k@ hat I'

ClIy,:i1 nd gst r@:iIdy

On Iv I do 't th Ink,' Alice went n orderi"g

nurse I But I've got to see



the 11 ouse rF rt: bega

corked it and put it:

hf! r Ii ps, ~I know

ls sure


happen,' sh~ said to herse If,

ee what th is bottle gain, for really 11m

anyth ing; "'0 I'll ju~ ke me grow large a ti ny little- th ingl'

and much sooner tha n ",11 had e>:pected: e "a tf the bottle, s e to u"d her head
e ca ling, 01nd ha d to sto P to SOlve her n ack , SI'I hao:rtily pLrt:down t e bottle, saying to

qu - e en ugh~~ 11 I ope I s:ha 't g row any mere-As n g eu at t e door--I do wistll h tln't drunk qufte so

w lsh tl1 aU
1'1 ad to




knee I d

g rowing, and on t he floor: in

ther effect of yin


with one elbow a

.a nd she triad il'lst the d OQ r, and

t bis,

OJ rl


nd her head. Sti II s e went on




..;}.._ ~.ree, she put


to hers!!!!H·N ppens. Wnat W LL beee me of LLI effe

o LIt

imney. and sal

I can do


for AI ice ,a nd stl e g

he little ma,gic bottle ha cI n w no large r.: st I It wa'5very ncomfona b e,

and, a s ttl ere see

'It as; much p one wasn It al om d about b kne

d to be no sort of cha nee of h

Alice, 'wh

r, and bei g
I hadn't GO e

read fairy-ta n@v r happened nd now tu!:re am in th!! ought 1:.0 era book written boLrt me, th there oug I hen I gro P. ~'IIwrite one -but I'm grow up now.'.,. e ul tone; 'at leas there's no rc m to grow p
ER get any mfort. one wa -- never to be

,ttl is -.;0 rt hen I use

no bu then --alwa Tl-iA I'


have lassons

I@ I Oh, arn

s hou Idn 't li

·Otl. you fool ish


and aking quit min tes she hea eonvarsat ion it .a hogsther: ut after a a voice outside, nd stopped t li"iten.



knew it wa

up to t @ door, and rds, d AI lee's el b


open it; s pre~~ed

rd It Siay

till she

hing, b LIt sha haa r

glass, from sible It had fallen in broke

came an a
, And then

ere I 0 iggi"8
. 'Here I en 81~s~,)




·Well. it's awav·'

: go and take it

The re w,a..,..a ng '5ilen ce a r th I' cou Id on Iv hea r wh i spers and then: s eh a'S. . Su , I don't like it. ye r he nou r• .at II. itt alii' ~Do 01'50 I t@1Iyou, C 01 rd I' .ilnd at last 'She spread .0 her ha nd aga . a nd mad n h e r snatch in the air. This; tl e there were 0 little s;h"e ,and more sounds of broke n 1(1s, ·What a n mber of u u be r-fra mes t"ere o gin Alice. "l ndar t 'II do n@xt. As for must bef' pLilling me of the windo •• only wis t e COULel I'm sure I don't wa in here a y longe r I'


nytni ng more:

at d the so Lll'ld of a

tkat loo'5e

crashJ--'N down the

a s belowl' fa loud n CY--Who's to go o itl~-That I won't..

then 1--Bill'
to come do . tly, ttley see

' re to go

to put r .a good

• as; her' said Alice

hing upon Bill! I

oI..n..rO.J· .........

Bill''§. pia t:@


but I TI-H

I can Lick

al th is tif@place i'5. itt e I'


her foot


fa r down

ited til! hea rd a little an i SO r1 rt W '5) scratch i1'118 and sc dose ab t!-e r: tnl!! n, !ii!lving kit k, and Wa ited to.

e a'50she ceu kt CI nd u dn't guess of what ut in the (1'1 imney i!i is Bi II,' she Gi!IV@ I ha p.pen next.

rus of ·There goes h im, you by the

ices-him~~How Wa'1o it a I about itl'

fusion of

a little feeble. squea II, I ha rdly kn CNJ-~ N 0

at's Bill,' tho u,Sht

ea I too fl U'!ote red to

; I'm better now--~ ow ~, somet ni"g I gOl!!s lik@ a '5.kyr

, old fellow II '!oa id the

abblt's voice; and 0, I'll set 0 In ~1'1 .at you I" There wa a de ad s ilen ce insta wnCit they WILL do ne i e tho u.ght to herself, CI ny sense, ttl ey'd

of off.' After ami"

abo ut 21 i n, 21 nd AIiC@- heard t do. to be in with,' 'A barre d ou bt, to rattling i ·1'11 put a

, hey began mO'lJi"g

, 'A barrewful


ul of WHATI' though
the nl!!:Id me rnant a s no e at the wi ndcw, and 50 me 'Stop to this: '§.1'1e 'S;} to -

e had l'IIotlong to
III!' pe b blas carne hit her in the face,

N" and she uted

0 ut



.....*:-. '- ~-



er not do th

rod uced a not her dead

'5ilent:e. su rpnse
o little- ca ke idea cam t nought.


as th ~y lay

pebbles w@ r@ .aII n t he floor . .a nd a bright




her he d.

'If I eat

it IS SiUre to n 't pes iblV make$UPpos:~.'

lIowed one

ke SO M E c" n

of these cs ke$,' she in my size; a"d as it


srna II!!!r, I

enoLig h
found qu-

TI1-e poor two gu in

They all ran off a tnick woo

n was delighted to fi"d dir@Ctiv. 00 n as shs w.a s sma II g~t th rough e door. she ra out of th ~ hou se, and e a crowd of Ie a n I mals n bird~ wa Itin.g outs Ide. little Liz(I rd, iddler be i Il8 11 e lei up by eth ing out of.a bottla, a- pigs, wno ade a I'\J s:h at I ice the- mo ~ t 'Sh e .3 ppe ared: bLrt she u Id, an d ~o n fou nd her;elf 'Safe In a nard as she
the ca kes,
ega n s;1'1 rin


'The first thing I've

to do: sal
ad, -I~ to g fjnd my pian,' u


wa ndere about In the [l"d t ne cond th ing is t kin k that will b@ t ha b!!: It sounde

see aga In; i to that lovely ga men- I


mv right


h erse If,



an 'ffiCcelle n

• and ~ry , t"at



a r a "ged; tI1 e

she had net the

smallest i @di l'1ow to s .aboLrt an iOu'§:ly among

her head
An @nor

a bout it; a d wh ib~ s ha WdiS p!!!@ring e tre ~S, .3 i Ie sha rp bark j ust eve

ad e he r look

p in a great


looking do t har w.ith larga ro und eye-;, .and feebly stretc 'ng out one p.a ,trying to tou ch her. 'Poor Ilnl th Ing!' said lice, In a c >:: ng tone, an d she tried ha rei to w istle to it; bu SiI1-e was ter b frighte ned aU the- time


, in whicn ca e it would be

un ovII!-r;and

puppy made

in,g it was d .expil!'Ctin.g u d the thist es at the d a long
it sat do


in tts:

ry Iike havi ng @ry rna l'nE!'ot e a&21 then in; ick, run n Ing a

ay back, and
a good way LIth, and its

ut of its


med to Ali ca .a good op port n to r rna k i her esca PI!!'; SCI'S e et at once, and ran till sh a'S quite ti d and out of an d tin t he puppy's bark 0 nded quit fa Int in the

I' §;aid Ali . a'S she leant n fa nned he elf wtt h CI ne nine it tne very much, on Iv baen t nl!! right size to it I Oh de: rl l'd naa rly n th t l'rJe got to grow up a 'n' Let me ee--how IS it jI' I S~ ppose I ought at or d rin k semeth I 1'118 CI r great qu esnon is, wh 1

at q estion certain Iv Wa'S. W e fl weI""-' a I'IId the blades

Alice 10 Led.2ll1 rou nd rass, but s e did not 'See

an h n8 that looke d like ttl e ri

t k~

thing to eat or drink u

rge m

u I"Il5tCl nces,

ha re was


If; an wf1 en s he had 100 her, out th e sam e Ii! i.e ht as he u nd it, .a nd on bot h sides of it,. a d bahi d it, it cecurred to t h s e might a'S: e I look and se IN hat a s on the top of it w

5" room gro~


ushroo m.. and

ar @yes i m !!!diat!!!

ped over t ne -edg

met those of .a


i liar. th at w.a s sJtt i ng on e top witt! its arms fo ed. smoking a I ng hoo~a h, an d ta ing not d1 e smal e-st of her or of an hing el5e.


2 10 F~~



e Caterpilla r,
This was n replied. least I kne

r 5 hvlV,

he I W

AI ic@ ra,cing open i to r a conversation. 1--1 ha rd tv k IN. 'Sir. JUst at prese t-- at wI'1en I got p tt'. is morn ing, but I in k I

several ti

s since then.'

, I'm sfra id, ir' said AI ice', ~becau



'I don't see 'I'm afraid

'fur I
C.1 n 't

aid t"e
more (;1 ear 'A lice re p Ijed very itely, it rnyseH t begin with; and bei g so oil d.ay Is very nfusmg, '

many dlffe

isn't,' sai

'Well. perh YOIJ have t

you ha en't fo~nd tt m into rvs;:,lis~~V


yet.' said Alice; 'but en will so me day, you k ow--


..;}.._ ~.utterlly, I sheu1



'We I, perha " your fee 1 ,_., be d tffe i may is. it u Id fee Ivery ueer to ME_·

nt.· said AI e; 'a 1 I

wt, j nt t!'em ba k agai n to th con rsatjo Alice Ie It littl@ irritated mak ng sue h V ER'" short r marks, and sh e $aid very g vely.· I ttl in k, yo u 0 ught to

e caterp ilia r. other puzzli qu estion; an as AI ice c u Id any 000 reason. n d as the ill.a r seem V LI np asa nt state of mind. she tu me a way,

caterpilla r. angeras las s e

'NO. "ald th




hougt1t she might as We n wait do, .i3 d perha ps :ilfte.r all it mig"t t1e ri g, For '50 me m in utes it puffe a w bu .aI last it u nfolded its a rms, took i!! no as in and sa id. 'So vo u thi n k you're c a nge

"ad noth i g else to r I!!thi won" w- t1out peaking, kah ut of s mol.ltt1 ,d you?'

id , am, sir; said Alice; 'I

I'v@triad to "HOW DOTH TEll different I' AI ice replied in a \I' ry m lan


SV B E, I' but it


Ided her hand'i, and bega n~-'You are eld, father Willia m. ' he V ~And your kai r has becorna VII!' wh And yet you incessant tv rtand on yo r h Do yo~ tt1 in k, at you rage, tt ~srl,g In • ~'n my yout h,' Fatnl! r Willia m II!'P Ii " feared it might i njure the br in; B~t, now t nat I'm perfect tv S~ I na e non e,

Why. 1 do it again and agai".·

'YOli a re old.' sa id the VOLrth, ' And have grown most u ncom Vet yo u turned a back-some rs Pray, what is the ra ason of t h s I m nti ned fore. on tv fat t.llt i at ted 00 -t?'

·In my yo~tn,' said tI'1e sage, a he s



By t


use of this oln

Allo wea

me to '&ell yo ...

supple nt··one sh ill inc. the bo ouplet

. Vou are old,' sa id t for nything tougher V@t ou fin ishad th

bea --

vouth; said hi Il!: Lie d ea c h ea s ith my wife; e museu la r st rsn h, wn leh It gave to Has asted the rest of . Vou a re old,' s:aid the ,., at vou r eye wa s a s Yet u balarH:ed an Wh answe red th r Said h is father. .don't Do u think I can list Be . or I'll kkk you

V life-'

dy as ever; on the end of your IIV cb~v@r?'

q Lu~"-'tion"-', and t nat

ve you rself air'S I a II day to such st n §; rs I' aterpdlar-

"that is not

ight,. I'm afra id,

id Alice, timid Iy; •

ot altere d.' trom bagi n ni dec id ed Iy. a d the re w.3s s.le

·It is wro

to and,' said th for some min Lites,

rpill r


r wa-s ttl e fir.;t

'0", I m not pa rti ula r a'Sto s ze r· Alice h a ti repl ie ; ~ Iv one en

d De!i

't Ii k@chan

ing so oft@'

you know.'

Tknow,' ~ id the Cate pillar. aid nothin before, a

she had n

r bee:n


she fett t

radictad in '5i g her te per.

U t:: h 00

e Cater pi lla 'Well I shcu lei Ii e to be a mind, sa id AI ice:


'WOuldn't htte be.'



in I!!ed!' sa id t


ht a s it s.

k.e (it wa

Catarp i la r .a ngrily, act Iy t ree mches

'But I m not use

And!i e th ought ea'50lly offended I'

'You·1 ~t used t it in time.' said th@' Cat r i1I.a an rt h OCI k h into its. m uth and ban sm!)king a to spe

it put the

In hooka h cut of its


ice, a nd 'Soh it'5eH. en it got V n the g r n, mere Iy ug taller, and



~gt1t AI ice to

s id the Ca e rpi IRa [ust as if he had .a sked r, it wa'§; 0 LIt of ~igh ,


rna in

mi nut ,tryin


i g t noug k out wh i oLind. s la st she

tfulty" at ttl e rnu breern for a

h 'W@r@ t he two s das of it; and e fou nd th is a e rv d ifficu It retched he r a rms ou nd It as fa r a brt of ttl e e with eat h

hand. 'And

sa Id to he rself,
the effect: tne
t a vio ent



foot! She s a go d de this ve ry su tid she f@ that h@r@ a no ti m~ (] bs 10000, as sh@ ra pid : 'iCJ 'Sh set rk at 0 ce to eat some of dos;ely gainst he r foot, t Her c n was hardly room n her mo h; but she did i

e nange, but
s shrink ing

he othe r bit.
at there was at last, and

•• ••


• • •

of delight, er moment, w- en she found re to be found: aU she could san immense I gti1 of neck,

at lastl' said Alia! in a to



t grl!!@nstuff bl! l'



id lie , 'And W II!'r H V[ to? Ar.d oh. my poor ha ds, how it I c n't ~ tnO\ling ttl em abou (I she spc


follow. except a Ii e

akj"C .a

A'50 there seemed to be no d1ence of ge tl ead, '5. e t ned to ,get her head do d I!!lightl! to find t nat her neck wou k:I b n directio . Iike a e rpent, She had j ust u d own in 0 (I grat u I :z i.g:zag.iii nd Wa 50 goi


hjch sh 10un cI to be noth ing b t

ict1 she had bl!lI!'n w.andering, back i a hurry: a large p i,g Wa 50 be t Ing he r violently with I

I' siilldAlice indignantl

I 5.i!IY ga in I' rl!!pl!!.atl!!d thll!' tone, a d added wit h a kind noth In seems to 50U it t he m I' 'I haven'

"I've trle the r ts of tree 50, a nd I've trl d tl edges, I the Pig (I n we Itt 0", wittl out

nk-;. an tied nding to h • but

t:t1 0'5@ !ill!-pe nts I he re's no plei!l!iing ttl I!! I'



~~jJ(I~_II'iI I

Alice was mo re nd morn pun led, but


e thougl1t the
n had Iirushed.

in '5.E!yin,gn a

ing more till the Pi

•As; if it wasn't trouble

Pigeon; 'but I dayl Why, I ha

enough hate in.c the eggs: a st be on the lool-o to r serpents ni n't had a wink of $lee t neSE!'t h ree VJe
annoye " sa id Alic@,


.1' m



rry you ''lie bsen

begin n ing to o;e€! ito; mea n ing. ken the highest tree in ti'le woGd, I e ng its voica to a sh if:!: k, "a nd j u'51: ;iI thin k.i ng I sh ou lei be free of the m at la r they m List ne s wrlgg IIn.g down f om t he s kyl Ug h, s.e entl'
·But I'm NOT a

t ke

·A"d just as lid Pig@ 00, rai




you?' sa Id the Pigeo i"gl'

'I ca n 'Seeyou'

'1--1' m a litt Ie gi " §;aid AI ice. rather d LlbtfLillv, as she bere d the num r of c hanges she nad ne ttl rcu gt1 d1


Iv story

in i!!@d!' sa id the

Pigeon n


tons of the Cfume

cente mpt. 'I've §;~e n a geod m any I' Ie g iris in my ti , no I You're a e pe t; never 0 NE with ueh a neck as that! i:l"d there's no se de nyi"8 it. I su p se youlll be te i
next th itt you ne r tasted a 0 egg I' 'I HAV c ts ~ed ew. certa in Iy,' sa k:I t rutbful ch i lei; 'b t Ifni e gi rls e at eggs do, you know.' " ~id the Pigeon; . rpent. th at IS a II I ea





l'IeW idea to AI ice, ttl et ~he (I~ qu ite silent 10 a thl!! epport unity , wh id1 g.ave- thl!! P~on Ire looking for egg'S, I know T T well e nougt1; a d matter to mil!' whl!!thil!'r yo re .a Iitt iii!' girl 0 r .a

ki n.c

good deal to ME,I ~id Alice for '5.r .a'S. it ha p pI! ns; .a nd if I n't like them raw,'

as,ti!v; ·but 11m n

s, I shou k:I n' t wa t

, then II said the Pigeon in a s a in into it§, n ast, Alicil!' r rouch ed d

'So '50

to ne, as ft settl d
n .a me

n.c thil!' tra


e CO LJld, for he r neck kept g

neh s, an d eve ry now and t he n it. fter a wh ile stle reme mberecI
her ha nds, and . n bbling first at one and the etjmes toil Iler i31nd '5oCI mes
ush roo min

g enta ngled amo g e had to '§.top (I d

at she 'S.till he Id t e

'!i£t to work





dow n to her

at the ot:h e r, a d crter. until she tl d ua I tl eight


used to it in a

... I. ·Come, the r a

th.f!!il!! cha nge!i .a m one sae:

the nelrt t ni g that to be done I

min Lrte

s sh i!! sa id t his, sha [.a ma su



upon an op n

eet high, .Whoe\f r

o CO me upon the

ttleir w its! I So s e
d did not vant ure 0 rseff down to ni e




-. ~


d looking at onde ring wtl iJt to do n >:to hen sudde


a min ute or two 'She


cine. from u
D n fro m t ne Queen tel p ay roq uet. I Tn Fre-pe d, in the same 501@mn on , on Iv changi {:;t e order the w r(j s a little. . From the een. Ar. In katj n for til Duc:t1e no play c roq uee.' both oow~d
the ir

If, ar.d thls one, . For th


got: ents nglE!:

Alice I LI.B hed so much at th Is.

out th

r fea r of ttlei r hea ri ng F ish~Footm;jln was go

and when s. e .,

nd tne othe

t hIE gr un d near the door, sta ri Co

d knocked.

2(1 0 F~~


\.....~. 41

fu r two reaso s. F irst, because I'm (] n tn@ same '5.- eoof th door as. you are; etondly, beea u ttl ey 're rna king 1oUC" a in''. 0 4) nl!! cou kJ pO!i!i.blv h a r you.' And ce 'n Iy t:t1 i!! w.a!i a It\O"5.t xtrac d i na rv no lse goi g en with in--a co sti nt h wling and -sn e:ZIng. ., d ellery now a d the n a great c h. a'50 d lsh if or ken had n broke n to p - ces . . then.' said Alice•. hew m. to get i r.7' 'There migtlt be 'S.O me sen se with ut arten d in.g to ce, if you were Lrt, you know,' as s pea k i "8. a uncivil, ·B ut erha p!i he can't eyes ar 500 V R'Y nearly at th e he mig r q uestions. ~H n you r knot ki"8,· tf1 e F I! r, ~if we had the INSIDE, you mil!: e was 1000~ingup d th is AI ice tho hel P she said ; ~ni!i op of h is head, ut at a rate w a m I to get In?' 0; he re ated,



t tne door of ttl he U~

pened, a n out, straig nt t tn@ Footman ''50 , a nd broke 1:0 pie ees aga inst en

plate just


,m:ayb@',' the F otrna n conti n u if nothi ng had a ppe ne d, aga in, ina loude

in th@' same


in at a II?' sa i th e Footma n,




.....~*:-. 'not lik-e to



It was, no d rE:ildfu I,'

be told

~lt's rea Ify creatures;

argue, It IS

a ,good op ion~. ., sha II ~It he

unity for
,'he ~aid,

'Oh, the 'he's pe


n ta I king to him.' 53 id Alice d

0; pe rately:

A nd ~h opened the door and went in.

itchen, which w.a s fu I of s moke her: th Du che ss '11M'S sitting n a th reed le, n u ing.a baby; the cook ~ lea n In8 a large

from one

~t O\ffl r the fi

larg-e ea Id ron whit: h se-emed

be fu II of


howlin8 a in ths kite

f it in the .air. Even t e ouehess r the baby, It was ~ ezing and

cat which ear.

·Plea'5@ net quite

o mentis pause. The "tv th ings. ze, 'W@re tha cook, nd.a large earth and grin n ing

u te 1m!!,' sa i Alic!!, a 1mIe tlmid lV, or '5.he was


er it w.a


ma n ne rs for h r tc spea k

first, 'whV

u cat g

rh t?'

·It '!Ii



uchess •. alnd that ' why. Pig II

'5.h@':§.a in anether mom nt that it e In by. and ot to her. SCI she t ok courage.

ts .a tw~vs 8 rin nil! ; in fact, I d i

know that

w of a nv that

quite ple(l

d .' AI;ce sa id verv polite Iy. fee naVegot in (I COnVe rsat Ion.

t (III like the would be a

tion, Whi ca Llldron 0 s eve ryt ning

ne of thio; re ma r

some oth er

10U bj

was, t ryi ng to fix on ona, th cook took p off th e fire a nd .at once set t work th rc in he r reach t th e 0 uche~~ (In the ba by ~~ e

fi re- irons

first: the n

lIowed a 1ohowe

of saueep

plates, an d d i has Th@ Du hess to ok no not- I! of them wi'! en they it her: oil nd the a by Wa'5. he wling much al re th i31: it WiJo; U e imp ossib Ie SfliY wheth e r the blo\M. hurt. -

ind what you re doi ng I' cried A ice. ju mping and down i n age ny of te ror, •0 h. the re go nis PRECI nose': as a u usually large aucepan flew do by it. and n I!!a fly ca rri d off.


..... *:-. '- ~-



·If €'lie rybody minded thel hca rsa growl, 'tha world does,l



r und



'Which would NOT be an advan ge,' said A!ice. gla d to get an opportu tty of ~h Ing off a .Just thin Ie what it would m ke knowled8e. day and n ightl You !iei! turn roul'ld 01'1 its axi!;--'

·Talki ng (If axes, I said the

AI ice glan eed rath er .3 nxio ~Iy at he ok, to se~ eant to take the hint; b~t the bu ily stirn ng t e "5 u , and 'Seemed ., ot to be Iisten i ·four

'01'1. don't bot he r ME.' sa d the u ch s: 'I never cou d abide figu res II An d wtth t hat she b ., nursi ng her ch i I ga i"r ia I@ nt 'Singi n.c .a sort of lu II.aby to as sh did so, and givin it sha ke at the end of every I ne:

.Speak rough Iy to
And bl:!:at him whe

ur r

H e Ol'lly dces it to. n !lOV. Betau 5le he knows it tea s H RUS. {I., which the cook and the baby j "ned :~ . Wow. wow. wow '


ng the seeond verse of the ~on

toss nc. the baby
i 0 ntly up and down,


e kept
eot ning


led so. that A ice

uld na rd tv near tne word'S.:··

and ttl I!! poor·

" speak ~ ve Iv to my boy, I beat hi w en sneezes: For he ea ttl roughlye njoy


Thl!!- pI!! pp

hl!!n he pie.a'5@!iI'


I yo~ may u rs it (I b It if yo~ like I' ttl e DLlch , flinging the ba y at he r 310 10he spoke, ., must 0 n! i!i Y to play c with the QUl!lI!'n.' an d sh I!! h ur -I!! th e om. The k th re IN a fryi n.g-~ n after her a out but tt j~st mI se
AI i

n d get out of

!iOI1l@ d ifficu


as it wa

a q uel!!-rr

, a nd held out its. arms and

in aU

dire ions, 'juo;t Ii e star-fish,' thougltt Alice. Tne po r little Ij e 3 ~team-engine when she ca it and
u an d stra iC,htl!!n i

n.c itslI!'lf out

in, so that

fi t min ute or tWO, it Was as m c

as. she




tl 0
itse cf1 il
d tiIj

tt1 e

ad made out t nl! prope r way of U ing it, h was to twi t i LIP .nto a sort of knot, a nd the n ke p ti,ght of Its.right nd left foot so as to prevent ndoing •I she ea rrie ut into the open air - 'IF-' don Icethis .aw.ay with ,thougltt AI K:II!', ~th I!!y'r@ su rII! to kil it in .a r tvJo: Wou I it be mu rde r to IearJeit be hind he sa id ast words ou d, (I nd the Uttle th Ing grun ted n e p Iv (tt
as. she


.....*:-. '- ~-



had left off sneeling "that's not at all :iI pm

Th@ boa by gru ntad agai

nis time l. .Do n't

gru nt,

jd A


ay of @xproE!!ssing ur5f!lf.' V its

fa ee to see wI'I at w.a-s

that it had aVE t han a real nOSie; alse boil by. ~ltoge1fl@ r AI ic •BLIt pe rhaps it wa'S 0 I
doubt its


eve-s. aga in, to see tf

no tea

No, ttl !!r@were

dea r,' sa id Alice. serl YOiIJ. Mind nowl' The it wa s i mpo5sible to wh i If! in silenc!!:.

·If you're going to s , '1'11 have nothi litt Ie th Ing so bbe hien). and tney

Alice was just begin ni do w tth tf1 is c: reatu rs

.aga in, so viole ntlv, t h ala rm, Th is ti me the-


II;! n

to her_;elf.


wh t am I to

I get it home

when . gru ted

e looked down in 0 its Ia

r me re nor less quite a bsu rd for her


Llld be NO m lsta 3boLlt': a a pig, an d she f It that it it further. ite reli e

wn up d to se ~

So she- set the little c r it trot away CI let Iv jnt u to ne rse If, . it weu lei makes rattle r a hOI nds OW r othe-r ch iklre n 5 and was ju Sit -s;ayjng to c ha nge tnem··' when Chesh ire Cat s ining on

she id ugly eh leIi b t it pig, I think,' And he bsga thin ing Lew. who might d Ye.y W~ I 30; ig'S.

eN. -if one on tv kn w the ri was a little sta ed by


b ugh of a tree



Ali ce. It looked g Itt: '5till it had V FlV long t:: la and a g felt that it ought 0 be treated wit" re-s e began. rat her midlv • .iI'S 5 h did not uld like the narn : h owe'l,lef, on Iv 8ri n e, it's pie ased 5-0 fa r, I th ough AIice. a"d u tell ma, p~ a, wh ic:t1


nly w~lk I


directio " the Cat ~fliid, a'1,1 Ing It.... Ii t paw ro u d in THAT directi n,' wavjng e other p rch Ha • Visit I!!hhll!'r you ikl!!: t nl!!y 're oth maid.'



4, ..... ..


·How do you k ow 11m mad]' said Ali 'You must be,' said the

cat. 'er you w

Alice didn't t .nk that proved it at a I; however 'And how do u know that you're ma 7' "to begin with' sajd the- Cat, "a dog's

·W!!II. then,' t e Cat we nt (] n, ~you 5 ,i1 dog ,gr .angry, and wa 'S its ta il when it's d. Now I pleased, and ag my ta il whe n I'm a . The ., rail it purri

15 wh@n it' I when I'

'ca II it w nat
the Quee n to" s:hoLild Iike

u like,' ss id t he Cat.

v« rv muc h,' sa id Alic:e.

but I haven t

n invite



he-re, 'Said the Cat. a nd 'If'dInishe-d.


uch 'S-U rpri'%'d .at th I~J a ppe" ing, Wh i Ie she !! n, it 'SoU d dan Iv .a ppe-.a

at be cam e of t he ba forgotten to a k,



turned i

a pig.' Alice Quietly I way.


ni hed aga n.

le, 1'1 aH ei'{petti n8 to see it aga in. but rt: did

r a minute or
h the Ma reh Hare


e walk d on
id to I'

in the

• she said to he rseff; -t h Ma reh Hare w In be nte resti nc,.and pe m pSi

b!!! aving rna thls, she least not


. 'I've seen

mad a it

s in

rch, ' As she in. sltt ing on

ked uP. a nd there w s t e

neh of a r
or fi,g?' sa id t ha COlt. lied AI ice; ..a nd I you

.AU right; sai bes nnins wwh- h remain


ulcn'e keep one quite

he Cat; and d1is tim it anis.hed qiIJ ite ~Iowly. ne end of the ta it n d end ing the gri n,
some time aft@r the

it had


saw in my

ca me i

..,tght of


it rnu Sit be the rigl'1t !!!d like r'5. and the

a he Lis • tI'I.a1: she did some more

of the

u sh room and ra ise


1'1 e

If to a out two feet

she walked wi~ I'd gone


ds - rather midly, S:ilyi ng d after a III I a ImO§;1 se it shcu kI be r.avi II:

up towa



instea I'




et out under a


Hare a nd the



hall ing

een them, fast

a cush ion, resting

'Very unccmforta, as it's asleep,


r a one corn r e I'll hey -s:aw lice co mi 1'118. ·The rei dignantly an sh II! sat down in the table,

tI'I ree were all crowded it: ·No rooml N rooml' they cried
but the

PLENTY of room I ' large arm-chair at

neeu raging tone.

ble, but there w s noth Ing

.0 n

It but


ine, she rema rlced,

yo u to offe r

it.' S1I

d AI ire a

n.c rilv.


to sit down

wit out being invited,'

ea ble.' sa Id Alice: 'It's ta id for a great

u nos, .

He h d bee n looking • an d nis, w.a'5. h i'§. fi rst

panad his ey hi is a raven


but all he

nail nave so

lice, 'II m glad U@S'5. thiHz' she

" that you

tn nk

'hen ·1do.' A ice ha st liy re plied •frt thatls t me thirl8. you kne

M.a rc HOI rE 'W@nt on,

I u m i.g ht just a s as 4, I eat wnat I

thing a bl "sa c:I t -I see what I eat- II§. e 'Sa

the a rcI'I H re r 'that "I hke et wh t I like I' ust as 'W@U!i z' a da ths rmou!!z to be tiki in his sleep. 'th breat e whe sa me ttl n.g '50 "I slee p wn n I rea hell I'
'You m' ht

wno !i!!@m!!d
I sleep" is the

02(1 OF~~


*:-. - ..~rsatlon d ro



while Ali ce ttl eug

and The
out 0

of! party sat si lent tl e could re mem be r

fro ng-dssks,
ak the '_'Ilenee. -Wh t day of he to Alice: tle tlad ta n his th king at it u n@.asih,r,sh ry his:ear.


his pocket, nd then, an

en sa id .,.., e feu rtn. I


'1 told he H.atter. rks!' he dded looking angrily


YOLi bu theMa


have- get i" as well I the Ha e r put it in with the br .ad~knif@.' The he di k the wa d1 a nd looked at it g s cup of t a, a nd looked at it a ng bettsr 0 say tI1 an his tim reo know.' king over tl if,. shoulde r with 50

·Wh.a .iI fu n nv w she marks d. ~It tells th mont . and doesn tell wh at dock it isI'


u rse net, AI e re plied stays ne same ye for such



rv read IIy:

'but tha s beea u


long time togedu~r,·

h av@ n '5.0 rt 0 rnsa ni ng i don't q lte Lin rstand ",,0 'The 10eerne Y@t it !i csrta i V E: ngli'5. id, a s p it~1y as he ceu I


e Hatte

ed warily,

·1 t ink y she sa id, tha n


0 100m

hin,g b


.a ste it i a!iking ridd 1oE!:5.

e as well ~ I do,'

id ttle


'Of co N.@ u do n't I' conte ptucus . 'I dare

he H ttsr ~ - ,t0S' y yo u ever ~ve spoke

ni!i h ad

Ti me I'

2010 F~~






tious ,tv replied: _


accounts fo ow, if you


tt,' said the Hattar,

·H@ won't

51 n

Iv kept


good te rms with him, h ~'d

Fo r jnsta nee, s up

h 11'18 LI II yo
e o'clock in hava to whi

d with t he clock.

ne mom

ing, just ti me to begi n lesse ~ p@ r a hint to Tim@r an d rou nd gO!!S h

winkling I I-I.a -past one, time

to r din nerl'

h rt wa 5, ' t ne Ma rch Hare sa-.d to i~eff in a wh ispe r

Id be grand, uldn't eerta in tv,' said Alice thoughtfu

be hu

rv for


it, you know.'


id tha Hatt@r. • but yo u cou Id

u li~ed,'

it t

'ih 00 k his h ad m OU rnfu Ily. . Not II' he repli~d .. last Ma rch lust before HE went mad. yo u kne ~~ ith ni5 tea soon at the Ma rc h Ha re ,I . ··it was at h rt giv@n by t @ Qu !!@n of H @.a rts, a nd I had to sing

, little bat I
I wonder

nat you 1 re at 141

h e 1-1 atter cantin lied .. in th ls wav:--

p above t



rid you



tea-tray in ttl e

i nkl!!, twi nkle---

or rna US!! shook '

.,. inkier winkler twinkle. twi kle--' a tt1 e ha d 0 pi neh tt to make rt to p,

'W II, I'd nard

ished the fi n jumped up and wled

Iv fin

w tth nis

head l'"

eve sinee that.' the H

'he won't do a thing Iask! tt's A (ight e a came into Alit s head, rna y tea th a re put out he e l' she
·Ye. , th itt 50 it, ' t ha Harte r

no time to w.a sh the

keep mov ing reu "d,

pose we cha nge d1e su bj

·1'm gett ing ti red of



tells us

02(1 OF~~

·1' m afra d I don't kne

alarmed at
both cri ~d it en both sldes
III' they

propos .. I e Dorma usa 00 rmou I· And t hey pi


'Wa k@ en ce.

TI1-e Oar
in.a hca

en d his eyes-

~I wa'5in : ' heard @v~ry word

'Saying,' ·Tell us a storyll sa id t ne M rch Hare,

'Y~s, pl~ 'S~do I' plea de


'Once IJ began in a great hu rry;.a TiIIi@; .an they liv!!d at t!!

their na rnes were ttom of.a we II~~ ,

they l!\Ie 0 r.' aid Alice. who al q uesnens of at g and drink ing,
'They r d on treac le, s id the Oormo Lise.

·They c u Id n"t have d n that, you kn ow, ' marked: t hev 'd have be n II.'


said the

meu sa: ·VE RY ill.' If what such an e ord i nary w

to to h

nv did t!'ey r

uld be like,

t t pun led her too m h, -.;.0 she t the bottom of a It

·Take so


M reh Hare !'j.ijlid to Alice.


aid ttu~·H atter: ~itl~ ve ry e sy


na I rerna ks now?'

t h@ Hatter

as !!d


ow what
nd bre ad

say to th i s: sc she "el ed d- butter, and then turna to quest ion. ~Why did they we

Tn!! Dormo s

then said, •

ok a mi nu ade-well.' gil Alice


or two to mink about it,



ouse '5.Lllkil r

as begi nn ing very a ng n lv, •. n .a rch Ha rl!! went ·S111sh I" and the- Dc m• ~Ifyou 't be civil vou'd better fi ish

the ,-"tory
ry h u mbly; ~Iwon't mtarr pt

eonse ntII! d

learning to


he Oormo se i.,dignantly, However, he And 5.0 tha th ree little !ii5.tll!'n.--thll!Y re know--'

·Wl'1at did
time. 'I want a c place on.'


n as e s pokp::!,and t he rmouse fol owed h .m: the March Har mo ed into t e oer use's place, nd AI e raih er u nwi II ingly took ne p lace (If the a rch Hare. he H tte r was t ke on Iy 0 wn got diny dva ntag fro m t ha ch w.a s a ,SO dea I wor;e tha n b re, .3$ the
ju'-'t upset em wi

k~Jug 1M his plat

to o"ffe: d the D 'HLIt I do 't unde


did n

very cautl t he t reacle

·You can d w


$hould thi

HOI ar: 'so I acl e we II--eh.

·But th~y

c hOO'§:ing t ·Ofcourse hey

II: AI ic@ sald to the remark.


U S!!r


ouw; ~ --wei in. I th e


I@ar ing to d r w,' tha Ydiwn ing .and rubbi lts ye§;, for was . ng very s epy; a nd they drew a II m n ner th ings..- e\leryth I g that beg In with n M--'



·Why with

n M7' sa id Ali e. reo

'w hy not? sa id t ne Ma rc
AI ice was s Ie nt.

off into a me; but. (]n b again with Iittl~ sh rie k, such as ouse-t raps, m udl nsss- you know yo -djd you you ask

e, and was ,going attar, it wokl! up

egins with memory.


.3 n



of a m ueh ne'&st-

uch co nfused, ·1

re tI1 n AI" e e
disgu st, ;iI nd Iked inru ntly. nd nelther of h gol ng. tho gh -s;heIooke ck 0., th ey 'NO ul caU after her: th tryi n.g to p t th I! Dorl'TKl u @ I'll never go t1 er way trough tne we Wi1S at in a I mv lif!!!' J~ s;t as "'h
·At any r up in grea

lei bea r: sh e got OU'5.@ f@ II as I@@p

a5t: not ice of he r
ha If hop I.,g that

them, tney were

Ice a-s; she p leked tea- pa rty I eve r

sa Id t hts, sh n ticed

door lead i right into _ . •B ut ~v@ hi ng's cu rious t

t he trees I'! ad a s!' she t nought, as WI! II GO in at

once.' And in she went.


2010 F[)ft~

60 On

.....*:-. '- ~-


n, a nd
ble, ~N w, 1"11 n.i3gi!!! b I'I\d
r is ti ma,

dose to the


she sa id to

bega n

ta king

at lad i to tI'1!! tha doo the m LI hroom (she had ke piece of it in her nib ling poe t) t I t1 e WG$ about a foot high; he ~he w.a Iked dow n

the IittIe go e key. and unlocking ga rdan. !!! 0 51'1!! we nt to we rk

the little

SS~e-i m@n,.a

nd THE N --she foun


h rse-If at last in the!!

bright flc

ba d'S and the




th is and 'tee


Ia Il!:e rose- ree steod n ea r the entra nee the rc ses s wi ng on it were white, but t ardeners a it, bus ily painti"g t hem red wry tu rio us hing, and she we:nt: nea nu

as 'She ca up to them she heard 0 eo 0 ut no w, fi I Don't go spb'Jt1 ing p.a int id F M!:, in a su Iky tone; "'S v

ked up and said, "TI1.atIS righ,

blams on ot ers!'

el Always

Ikl' sa id Five. 'I heard the

ed to be benead ed I '
en e who had spoken flM,

y on Iv

--it was for

fl~ng down thing$-.' wn watch i ng th looked rcu n

is brush, and had just begun n his eye chancsd to full u m, a nd he ch ecked h imse If s a lse, a nd a II of the m bowed I


all the



·Wou Id you tell me, sa id AI ice. a little pa intine. those roses?'


F iw

an d 5@VEn SOlid noth ing, but

Ther@ was a '50 Alice looked ro u nd, eager to see th

low 'I/CJ ice, 'Wh y the fact is, you have bee n a RED rose-ere e, .a nd mista ke: a nd if the Qu ee n was to fi ou r h aads [.U t off, you know. So best, afc re she come s, to-- At 1: his: an:<lousty looking ac ross.the garden Qu een I' and the tn ree ga rde ners i"

upon t neir f.aces.

First ea me ten sold iers C;lrryi"g tit.! th r!!e ,cOl rdeners, ob Ie n,g .a nd fI .at t he corners: next the ten co urti all over with d lamends. .a nd w.a Iked did. After these came the royal t kern, a nd t ha lin I@dea rs ca ma ju ha nd. in co uples:: they were all 0 ca me t he guests, mostly Kj ngs ill I'll Alice recogn ised ti'le WI'1ite R:abbit: nervous man nero smiling .at @"Ii@ryt by without noticing her. 11'1 en fol ca r~ng the KIng's crown on a crim of all tnis gra nd procession. came HEARTS.
t ke

t, wit

rs: 1: wo a i'I ild

p.n& ame n

rt: w
ing th

1H E

Alice was rather

btf ul wnethe r her face I ike the t nree gardenersr


@v@r naving heard of such 01 rule a pr what WOU Id b~ the use of a proc ion, had aU to lie down upon t hel r fac ~o it?· So she s.tood sti II wne re shs wa s a I'IId




Wne n the p eSS ion ca e eppos ite to and looke-d at he r rand t e QUI!!I! n S:iI id She sa id it to he Knave e arts, who in rl!!ply.
t\.I rnin,g

.OU'U" .....

, they all stopp d 1y 'Wno is tki l' wed an d smil d

..,;aid t e QilJeen, t to A Ii. st1e went


, child?'
sa id Alice rv e only a pad: of

'My name

is; Alice, ~o

politely; but s e added, eards, after all I need" It 'And who are THESE?' ga rde ners wh th ey we re !vi was thll!' same they Were ga own eh ildre n,
'How shou kI I know?' sal

'ng to the th for. YOiIJ see, s n 01'1 ti'leir ba ks;

Ik@, su rpris

II!'r own rou

'It's no busine s of MINE.' Tne Quee n tu ned eri n


fu ry, a

r glaring at witn her

fu r a me I"IlE!'n lita!


wild b ast, scream

"i!! d I


'N onsense I"

Tne K 11'18la Id my dea r: s;i'le

The QUeen tu

V from hi

·Tu rn the m 01,11


id so, ve ry ea

u Uy, ud voice, and tl1-et" re

gan bowing to the Kin, odyel-;e.

id the Queen gardeners nsta ntly ju m p d up, a t he Que~ n the roy.a I d'I i1 tl1e An d the-n, u rning to the- rosa-t yo~ bee n oins, here l'

·Get Upll

~vou rna ke
@ WI!

me giddy .

nt on, · HAV

, in a very humble ton on one kn@e'5



tl1 e Quee n. W 0 had roses, wftn their h a tis!' a t nn!f! of t e sold ie rs r!!m nate ga rc:I e e rs, who ran 'You sha n I be beheaded I said large- fl r-pot that sto d near . .abolJt for minote or , 100 kl .after the eth N. .Are: thei r e-ads off?" she ted t ha 'Their 11e.a s a re gone, she uted in repty".

11ile bee n exs min 1 ng th

e procession


to @](ecut@ the unfortu

p otection.

, a"d sh e put t hem into h th ree '50 Idi~rs Wi] nd !!r@ r them, and then quiet

ur Maje-;ty I' the soldie

you play aoq~~t7'

at Alice, as tl1-e q uesne






red die Quee n, and A ice joi.,ed


ry muc h wn:ilt would h

'5.a id

p pen nl!!:(t.

a I'

a timid voice: at h r side, She w s Ra bbit. wh 0 w.a s pe epin a nxiousty in 0

Ra b bit in.a low h urried



as he




outh dose to he rear, execution .'

,"?' the Ra bb it asked,

II a pity. I sa d

·She b

he Que

ea rs••' the Rabbit begs . Alice gave .a of laug t r, 'Oh, hush!' ttle Rabb- whispered in a Que.en will hll!'.i1I you I Vo S@II!'. she COl r

een ~aid--' outed the Quee n in a Y

'IIer. t hey got sett led d wn in a min ega n, All ce thou.g ht she .ad neve r II_;e ·ground j" her I rFe; it all ridges a I! re live hedgll!'h ogs, t mallets r @ ldiers had to dou ble the selves up a d a nd feet, to rna ke th ear hes,

ifficu tty Alice foun d at first was in s ha su t:c@eded in getting its; body enc U8h, under her arm. witt1 its legs but g@n!!!r.a j ust .a s she ha d got its n !!ck nit:@ out. an r:I 5 &0 i r.g to give t he hedge hog.a blow ith i WaUL 0 tw rt itself rOll nd a nd look up Inner fae , pun Ied e ressien that she eou Id not ne~ b p I.a ugh i ng~ a d when she had got its h sad down, n to begin ag in, it w.a s ve ry provoking to fi nd that h had un relle tt5elf. and wa,,-, in t he ad: of crawll ng w v~ all t nis. th rs was gene ra Ily a ridge or furro wh@(@V@r e w.a ntsd to s@nd the h@d&!! hog t do ubled-u sc kI iers were a Iways getting up a nd of the g rou nd. A lice soon ca me to t e very d iffic uk game in deed,


all pl.ayed at on ce wit hcut waiti r tu rn . qua rrelling II d1e wh lie, a nd fighting for the hed eh g , an d i a very she time tt1 e Que en was in a furiot.l s pa 0, sta mp in,g.a ut, and sh outing 'Off wit" his head • her headl' bout once ln a minute, Alice bega had 01 nv d i ha ppe nan become of here; the g to fee I very u neas~ to be su nil, st1e pute wit h the Qu@£!:n. but she kn@'W min Lite, 'a nd then.' thought sh e. me? They're d readfu Ily fond of be h at wonder is, that t nere IS any 0 ne I a th ' a al n

The plave

ha we ...I In peopl

She WM ki n.s abo LJt for some way of escape, a d IN whett1 er ..."e cou Id get away without bei ng noticed.a u rteus appea ran ce in t ne ai r. it pu much at f . but, .ilfte: r watch in,g it i3I mi nute or tw • OLit to be grin. and 5 he -said to he rseff 'It'-s the C now I s nail al,ile ,,-,omebody to ta Ik to.'



a pp a red, ~nd t n!!n nod

head apAlice put d w n her fl3 mingo, a d beg;. moe, fl!!!! lin.g V@ ry {:;I~d st.!! had rneon Cat see med 0 thi nk th at the re IN 'S enoug

.' she thoug 't ill its ear; h aloJe In anot er mi nute the w no

Y pli!lV itt ~I Ia irly,' Alit:e- bl!!8.a n, in rath 'and they II quarrel $0 dreadfu tv one c k~~.a d t ney don 't see m to helve ny rule n t. if there a e, nobody attend 5 t them-W eonfus i nc. it is a II t n!! m ings b@' {:; aliv@; he arch I'v got to go th rough ext INa I er end of he grou nd ~~.a d I heu lei n een IS hedg hog just now, 0" Iv
cornmg!' id


nd fo r

the Cat in a low

!!xtr@I1l@IV~' Ju m-en she se be hind her. liste i ng: sc she It's ha rd tv wort.h IN .Ie fin I~ ing


sai the King" going up s head wit:tl reat cu riosity.


AI ice. nd

(I- 2(1 0 F~~






..;}.._ ~.hesh i re Cat,' sa id A ice: ~a!low me to


•Do 't be imp~rtin tha

nt. '

ld the King, . and

' I-Ie got behl d Ali

as he spoke.
" "Said Alic:::e.
r where.'

l"I\.iIy look a , but Idon't



@ad that in some

said the King

the 1: removed I' passl

n.c at

decid ed lv, a nd he
I"n@nt,. • My dearl I

ueen had 0" , ~Off with hi

on !ih~ said, witho

leu!ties, great or
n looking rou nd.

thou.g ht she
olng on, as

well go





the- game-



with p
~ to

rd the QtJeen'II_; i in t he d rs-ta., 00, She had a Ire ady nard her sentenee
@xecut@d for h .ng missed tn@ ir the- look of th in t a II. as the gamenether it wall_; tl e r

of the pia

, and she did not Ii n such confu Ion

edgehog wa seemed to Ice

d in a fight wit


he dge-hog.

ttl e m wittl the


e:<cellent oPPO u ity 10r croq uet 1"8 the on Iv d - i tty was. ttl at tl e r

gon ou kI s

e it tryi n.c in .a h !!Ipl I!!!SS son of


the tlrne e flgnt

lit rt


caught the fta mingo and br Olle r, CI nd both the nedgel'1ogs; we re out 't rna er much, I tho~gt1t Alice, .as (II I th th is side of ttl!! c.rou nd, ' So she tu kf! . th it might not e~cape .again. a rsenon with t1 e r frle nd, ba to the Chas nire Cat, she was sur r rge C d collected rc und it: the re een the executioner, the King, oil n tal ki., at once, wh i Ie a II the rest wer ry un orrfortable,

han sha nd .qLlite a Ing on b

he momen

Alice ppeCi ed, she wa'5 appealed to r ttle the q est ien and d1ey re peated tne ir argu ough, ;!IS t ey all pc k!! at 4) nee, she feu nd it v@ ma ke 0 what they said,

a II tree to 0 t1 ar,

!!ad unk!:


h ad

ellJer ha d egjn at HIS

was.,. t nat .a nyth i n.c ttl;!lt had

ins. to

cou Id

at you were n't to ta Ik nonsen

nt wa'&r that if someth ing no time she'd na'lfi!!! @'It!!ryoody flirt rema rk that had m ede the a nd a xlous.] do"e u ed, aU w h pa

00 ut it in I Lind. (It

k SiO




.....*:-. '- ~-


Alice ceu Id th i n of
Duct1e5Si~ you 'd
·St'u~'s in prison.'

·It be longs. to. the

here.' And the e

the ecut

·fetch har

ent he wa'& goner

and, by the tim .aI coma c entirely d isa ppe red: he King n up and down king to it. wh II it had cutioner ran wi Idly of the pa rty went



bad to the gam,


ca n't th ~ k how glad I th ingl' 'S.iI id th OUt he ss, 'I mte Alice' s, an tney wi;ll d

dear old ionately

such a p was onlv et ln the b 'W hen I'M a tone though)

chess,' ~he 'S Id

t h ers.elf, (n

.!', wo n't ha

n ~pper

hopeful AT ALL,

we II wit 0 trna kes PE!Opl@ hot-te mpe at ha\li ng tou out a ne th e m 'SCIur~~(Id camomi I barley-5iuga r nd S!,J d1
te mpered, I 0

Soup d oes ve

aybe it' s

!ways p

sweetuldn't be:

stingy a bou forgotten @n she he something. tell you ju r It in a bit.'

She had qui littI@ sta rt Ie d

to talk. I can

r. ·"(ou'r@

u forget is, but I



"'ut. tut. chil " '-'aid the u he , 'Everyth ng's got on Iv you ce n ind it.' An he squeezed erse If IJ AI lea's side a s ne spoke.

morel, jf closer to




..;}.._ ~.keeping so (lose to he r: first, be as VE Y ugly; and sacondlv, baea use '511 I!!! t he ig to re'5t tl e r ch in upon Alice IS shou I noom rta bly sha rp ehjn. H OW@V!!r, she did n t be rLid~ 50 she bore it as well as 5 he C(I u kI, rattle r bette r n ow, I Sine Siaid, by wa tion .a Iittl~.

ess: 'and the moral of ttlat 15~~·On,'

nat rna
body sa d,' AI i

s d1e world go round

wh ispered. 'that


it '5 d one by eve rv

ing their

n bu Inesst' uch the sa me t hing,' sa id t ha D uch

rp. IittI ch in into AI ice's: she ulder as she ad e AT I"~~ ke ca re of the se nse, and 4'Ta f themselves. i,·
ls of nd i ng mora Is in til lngsI' Alice tho~gh

sav yo I a bo

re won @rin.c why I don't id after a pa use: the t mper

put my arm rou nd ShaII I try

, the Cu hess


vo~r fI.a mingo,

'the reason is. t hat I'





rep Iied, n ot fee Iing a

us to ha

ttl e e perime

Itt tried.

·fla m ingo!!s a nd mustard I of that i5-- Bird"§; of a 'feather uchess:


'Right as uwal ' said t ne nu of p utti n.c th in I' 'lt's a mj neral, I TH INK, ' ~ajd 'Of eou I"S@ it lsl' said tha Du to everyt hing t at Alice 'Sa id;


what a

ea r


you have

readv to .agn!f!

tl ere. And ttl e

ora I of that
claim~d Alice who d not eta ble, It d e-s.rl't I ok like

ustard-mine near re 1$ of mine, the

'Oh. I knowl'

remark. "It'.,. a
'I q uit@

e, but it is..'
the mor.a I of that

it:h you,' sa id i§:--· Be what yo WCI Llld seem ~imply~~ Neve r imagl ne yOiIJ ~ it might appea to otl1 ers
b!!@n was nat herwise' tha

'd Ii ke it pu t more

erwlse tha n wnat

re or m ignt have

beE!n we u Id have

app eared to th m to be othe


sa id very pol ttely, it as you 'Say it.'

·That' s ., ottl in replied, in (I pi

'P(.ay don't tro Alice.

ble YOLirsetf

'Oh, don't U Ik bout t rou bla ' sa id present of eve hing I've sa· as

02 10F[)ft~




.....*:-. '- ~-


·A eh eap so

of prere ntl' thought

presents Ii ki!!!that II Bu

give birthday it out loud.

'Th ink ing


ag in l' the 0 uehess aske sha rp htt le e "n.

·I'v@a right t tI1 in k,' sa id Alice sha rp fee I a little w rrled.

·Just a bout a much rigtlt, I said ttl e

and the m··'

ch s,


But he re, to Alice'II_;great su rprise, awav, eve n j the- midd Ie of her fay
.a:rm that wa

up, and the stood the Q~~en in folded, frown n.g Iike a th understorm
•A ti ne d.ay, voice, ou r Maj@styl' the Due

·Now. I give t ke ,g rou nd a


fa ir wa m ing, I shout
~either vc

5 ha 5 poke;

.andthat in a out haN no ti mel Ta ke TI1-e ou c hess

'Let's go on

k he r ehoice, and wa

wa s too muc bae k to the c q uet-greun d.

The oth

'th the ga me.' the Qu frighten ed to II_;ay a

and we re

er gu sts re ing

had ta ken adva nta In

the II_; hade: how




t1er, they h u rri d bade to the game, t ing th:ilt a me m ntis de-Iav wou Id 0051:
All the t lrne hey w@r!! P Ii1Vin.c t q ....a(relling wit the othe r playeri. a t1ead I' or 'Off Ith t1e r head I' 111ose taken into eust y by the 'Soldiers, W off b@'ing a rche to do this, '500 that by SCI there Were no arches left, a nd a KI ng, the QilJee , a I'IIdA lice, were Inc

d she i rI!!: he m sh se C (If co rse r 0r the pi yeri exce the tody an LU1 er 'Sent nee
he I!!nd ha a n ho

of e:w:ecutien.
Then 1: he Quee

left off, quite OU t of .Have you seen the Mock Turtle vet?'



'lt's the thing

'1 nev-er saw on ,or ·Come on, th

aid rd of one.'

e QilJe n.

.' ss id

tt1 e Quee n, . nd ne

ha II

e II



A'Sthey walk.e off toget he r. Alice h rd the ing ay in a low IIOIc:e, to t ne pany genera Ify, .Vou re aU p rdc THATIS a good h ingl' -&he sa id to he If, for he h cUeIt u ite unhappy at t hI!!-nu m bl! r of I! xe-c: ution s
They very came upon a Gryph sun. (IF you d It kn ow what a Gryp 'UPr IaVf thingl sa id t" I!! Qu@@'n, ~and

leep I the

he pitt re,)
go she walked ldidy t Sl!!@ ck an see

th e Mock ro rtl , and to hear his hi-sto afte r some e:< ilJtIons I nave on:l e






leaving Alice a lone w tth t h Gryphon t k~ look of the creat ure, b on the W 0 Ie he tho be q u tte as safe to 5itay wit it a s to g afte that sa 'Soshe wa ited. The G ryphon sat u P and r bbed Its Qu een ti II she was out of girt: the 'Said the Gryp hon, ha If to . If. ha If to
'What IS t


t1en It tche the uckled- ·What fl.U1 I.

ne fu n 7' sa id Ali

·Why. SH[.' 'Said tI1!!! Gryp on. ~ft's II h r fa m:.y that: never executes no body. yo know. Co I'

.Everybody says "come on 'Slowly afte r it: ·1 n ~e r never!'



here,' t 'So ord

Alice, bout i

They ha d not ,cOrle fa r bef re tney sa d istan I::e, s ining sad and 10 ely on .a I' they C.3 me neare r, Alice c kI hea r would bras k. she pit Ie d hid ee ply. a5iked tne G ryp non, arld t h Gry phon t ke sa me wo rds as before, ft's.a II his no sorrow. you k now. Com on!' So tney we nt up to the M d Tunler Ia rge ey!!s full of tears, but

Ie I d&!!! of cck, a d, OIl§. m 51 I r..s.a if his; eart Wh t is njo; an ered, .iI n

'Th is he re young lady,' ss id he Gryp h n, "s e wa yo~ r h istoryr 5ihe do"

'I'll tell it her: -;aid the Mo k. Turtle in a de p. holl down. bott1 of yo~. a nd don t ~pea k a rd ill I've


So they sat down. a nd nobody spo t:t1 ought to hersa If, ~I don't 'SI!! h d oesn It begin, I But she waited 'Once,' said the Moe k Tu rtle re al Tu rt le,' These words WI!! n! folic Wl!!d by .a V@' by .a n occ.3'Sio na I e:«:lamation 'H and the conrtant tl eavy Siobb In of wry nea rly getti ng ...p a nd yin&. inte resting story,' but she ro ul no be more to come, so she sal rti and



e mi" utes. A ice EN fi ni'5hr if tle

10 g sll nee, broken ckrr I' t m the G ryp e eek Tu Itle. All ce 'T h 1'1 k eu, si r, for y
hel ttl i king there M

cth ng. on at la st. h I!!nr • WI!! WI!!u rt e-we used to

calrn lv, t:t1 ough 'Still sobbi ng a I @' ow school in th e sea, The masee r as a old hlm TortClI".;e~~'

'w hen we were little,· tne


ou.g ht to be as hamed of

q uest len,' a dded ttl e G ryptl on;

looked at poe r Alice, who felt

last th@' G ryphcn said to the M Don't be aII day about itl' and h 'Yes, we went to seh 001 in the

as ing 'Such a '§:i pie en t ey oth sat os;ilent nd to nk i to the eanh, At .e on, 0 Id f~1



".;3 Id

I d Idn 't I' Inte rrupt




1\J rtle . u tong ell
. Th~ Moe



d ded tne G phon, before Ali ce

Tu rtle w!!:nt

of ed ucatio ns-

fa ct, we went to




Alice; 'you need n't




.iI nxious


nd music.'

"Said the at OU RS they had ASHING~~extra,I, I

"SC hool,'



!! W

ntad it mue

.' sa id Alk.@; ·Iivi


at the-

he se .'

Mock Turtle wit h a sig , ·1

• Re-f! lin

replied; Amb~o ,

in&. cou rse, to in with.' tha Mod:: T rtla n he differe nt bra nches of A rith m ic-io n, glifl cat 10.,. a d Derision.'

Ugl ifi

ion, ~, Alice ve t ured to s(JY . What is

Th!! G

heard Isuppo

u don't kn


c the

ged to as k an more q~ est oe k 1\1rtle. a d Mid ·Wt,a

le re pile d, aneient (I n

ting off ode rn,

'Had n't ime, tl1, He W



'I n@V!!f WII!'nt


im,' t


Mod;; Tu rt I


u.g hi

a d Gri

t hev ...sed to

said with a y.'




.....*:-. '- ~5


'se e did, so tle did,'


id ttl

pho n, signing i" his t\J rn; a

"th t's the r ason t h ed: 'be Lisethey

lessons,· m@ G ryp non day to dav.' Ali e, a nd she thought it ove r r@ ark. 'hen th!! @1@V@'nth d

TI1 -


qu a new before 5 @ made h h.ave be n a holid l'

urse it
'An how eag rl'y.

bout I

'50 n

.' t

Gryp non interru ptsd in

ne: 'tell er s

e hing about th~ games now.'




flapper s spaa k, b ~ as if he h to work.,;h Mock Tu rtl

deeply, a ross his s, He look t for ;(I m" ute or two d oil bene n his throat,' king hi m n d pun.c;hing recovere h ls voi ea, he went

d drew th back 0 at Alice, and tri sobs chek his '5.iid the G phon: him in the 0;:. nd. wtt n



d I st

sea--' ('I we re ., eve r even int say 'I onee ta 5ited··.


into a Ii e ale

o lin@s" cri

the Moe Turtle, ' n; then. w en yo u've clea red a II

T gene rally akes sem

"E.a h with a 10


rtne r I' cried

e G.-ypt10

Mock Tunle said:

.advan ce twi ce set t

outed the Gryphon, with a bound into

he air.

'Tu m a

It in the sea II cried the Mock Tunle

'cha r'IIg

aga In I' yelled the Gryphon at the t p of i

'8ac1< t

in . a nd that's a II the firrt figu re.' ~aid

e Me c


had be
'It mu

dde nly droppl r'IIg h1'-' voice; and the two crest ... es, wh j u mpi s about Iike mad tn ings a IIth is time, S t dow sad tv nd qu i@th,r, .aI nd looked .at AI iet! . p retry d ante,'


id Alice timid



ll k@ 0 S@!!a Iittl!! of it?' sa id the Mo[k Tu rt

inde d,'

'Very 'Corne, Gryph


s:aid Alice.
to th


try thi!!! first figu rel' said the Mock Tunl n do without lobrt~rs.


yo u know. Wh ch sha I






now and

and warJi Turtle Sian

'I'W ill you walk a I~nI


n.c ttl


a po rpo is close be nd us. and he trea cI ing 0. t1 ow eage Iv the 10 te rs an the t rtles a II ad wa ib"8 0 the sh i .,gl ·-wdl y u co
Will YOLl, n 't YOll, win yo u, won't you




on h d~I ightfiJ I' tt1 ey ta ke s up and t row u ,wit h t e 10bste rs, But t ne s il replied Too fa too fa III an d gave "You can aIly have no n wi II be


dance. Wo!.! lei n ,could n

dance. Would n


atters it h w far WE!: GO 4' his sraly 'The re is nether s re, V know upon the fu nhe r 0 from En.g I nd the nearer s to F ranee'I'W nat


pal e, bale ed snail, b t tom

a"d joi th e d anee,



Wi II you, won It you, will

dancaP'" very inte fee Iing very glad tha t it wa euoeu s song a beut the wh it
"tha n k you, it's

you, "NO n' t you joi

nca to wate" r' sa id I st: 'and 1 do so lik

·0., r .a s to the wh iting,' said t hem, of co LlI'Se 7" 'Yes, I sa -.d Alice, ·I've ofte n seen t

hersaff h:a'5tily.
'I don't know

w here

Din n

d the M eek Tu .-de.. -

yo~ Ive seen t ne m lik@.'



you know wnat t


'I believe SiO.' A lice replied t

II . '111ey nave tl1 eir t II~In




tf1 eyre al over cbs..'

the Mock Tu rtie; ~cr bs y HAVE their tailSi In rh ir

'You're wrong .abo-LIt the cr

would .a II wash off In t he s mouths; an d tl1e reason is·· sh ut h is eves.~ Ie II her abc
the Gryphon.

Moe k T~ rtle yawne n :and all that,' ha


·The reason ls,I said the Grv

Ie bsters to the da nee. So t h.3d to fall a Ior.g way.
mouth.". So they cou Id n 't "tha n k you,' sa id AI ice, 'it'

row n out to sea, their tails f.aS1 in th ir

aga in. Ttl at's all, '


n~ver kn

much .abo-LIt .3wh iting befc r '


n te II you more th~" ttl et, jf yo u like.' know wt1 it's called a wh itin.g?' er tho ht a bout it,' said AI icl!!. 'Wn t ne G

no n.

?' rypho n


ugh Iv PUll led. nderlng tone.


YOUR '5t1 C~

done with?' sa id !hI!!



r. at them,


co n'5ide ed a


'he-y'n! done with blac ing, I beli

·8 \/Oi e.

s un der t ne sea,' the Gryp ';[II re do e wit:h a wh iti"g- New you

they I1i:2I de of7' AI ice as

a nd


ls, of


r5I!!,' tha Grypho

Iy: 'any brlmp could have told yeu d bee" t e wniting. I sa id AI ice, whe ttl ough s were ru n ing on t song. 'I'd na'lfl!! sa id to t nl!! p orpolse, I' @'I!!p b



pie se: We d n't w.ant VOU with LJ~'"'

'Th Y were sai : 'no wi b liged to 1'1 ave hirn wit" t em, I ttl e ck 1\1 fis h wo uld ,go .a nywhl!! re W- h out a po p iSI!!.'





.....*:-. '- ~t.'


sa id ttu~ Mock Turtle~


lsh came to

jou r

"'7' ~aid Alice. eck Tu rtle- re p I • CorT"l@, I~' in an nded tone .

'Said Alk. day. be

oek Tu rtle,
i rst,' said the phon in n im patient ueh a dreadfu t me,'

n t@lIing t:t1!! .,!! r ad'IfE ntu

the Wh ite bbit:, She was

from t


wh@ n

I ittl

ne us about it to her. one on each VERY ide, but she


ant on.



p@ rf@ctly

rt about her

cate rpillar, a
eek Tunl e d

ating'Y U AREOLD. the wo r s aII coming a 10" breath, and

it can be ..' sal Mod:: Turtle -should Ii e t hear her t .and repeat to begin. e looked at the Gr)I'Phen 'Some kin 0 aut norrty r A Iice-



..... I

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