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Purpose of the book would be to discuss the way psychiatric care in our nation has gone.

From the times of the asylums to current structuring. How does something like Columbine
happen? Or the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords? And who is to “blame” says the
media and naysayers when it is said and done? Those mean, rotten therapists and social
workers didn’t do their job. What about the lack of resources and funding that is set up
by our nation? And why do we pay people to be victims and them penalize those who work
with them. Are we the underpaid profession? Is it more important to make popsicle sticks
or deal with someone’s life and lets compare salaries of those two worlds. But when it is all
said and done, we are the ones who are lazy and did not do our jobs. Who could? How can
we possibly deal with all the red tape, the specifics of people and the dynamics of their
life while also trying to meet their every need and have that expected that when it
happens to be “your” child, mother, grandfather, cousin or neighbor we then scoff at the
situations because there is no help available. Perhaps we should be glad there is ANY help
available the way the mental health and addictions profession and its professionals are
treated. We honor those who help others….how?

©Harwood, J. 2011

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