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The music of the 1980’s would not have been what it was if not for the rebellious and

unique style of the 1960’s music. Each generation has its own music to relate to, Music reflects

the events of the historical period in which the music is being created. This essay will compare

the generational music of the 1960’s with the music of the 1980’s.

The 1960’s was a difficult time for the United States with the civil rights movement,

Vietnam War and the sexual revolution. There were civil rights songs including; “We Shall

Overcome”, “We Shall Not Be Moved” and “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan. Many of the

lyrics of the 1960’s songs were anti-war. Some of these songs included “Turn, Turn, Turn”,

“The War Drags On”, and “Give Peace a Chance” by John Lennon.

The sexual revolution was reflected in lyrics from the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix and

The Beatles. The Woodstock Festival was the culmination of the 1960’s music. It was

considered the most famous event in rock history, lasting three days in August of 1969. It was

drugs, sex and rock n’ roll.

The cold war continued in the 1980’s, while technology rapidly advanced. Music videos

were being produced and showcased on Musical Television, also known as MTV. People started

listening to music on compact disc in the late 80’s. There were many different forms of music in

the 1980’s including new wave, alternative rock, rap, heavy metal and techno pop. Music videos

used performers to market everything including shoes and soft drinks. The critics of MTV felt

that it was image over music.

In the 1960’s music was played on records, which evolved to cassettes and then to

compact discs in the 80’s. The biggest difference between the generation was the music became

visual with the advent of MTV in the 80’s. Young people spent hours watching music television.

Music videos impacted clothing styles, hair styles and dance moves. Technology also enabled

new sounds to be created and music to be digitally enhanced. Music was no longer just an

auditory experience but rather a total entertainment experience. The music from the 80’s was

written with a dance beat with the thought of making an attractive visual experience. Now that

the music was on television the different generations would experience it together even if the

parents were just hearing the music from another room in the house.

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