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How to decorate your room .

Hello everyone ! I’m Liyana and today i was privillaged by our beloved English
teacher , Madam Suria to speak about how to decorate you room .

Before you start , take this opportunity to clean the room thoroughly, while you are
moving things around or emptying the room altogether. When was the last time you
vacuumed under your bed? You might even want to consider shampooing the
carpet. Follow these steps and you'll have a guaranteed wow-effect because you
didn't know your room could be this big! It'll look better right away.

Here’s what you will need :




pillows .

The first step is, you need to pick a theme. If you love playing sports, put up your
trophies or get a bedspread that's related to your hobby. If you love doing something
else, use that as your theme. Try to keep a consistent color scheme. Secondly,
decide what you want to keep and get rid of. Don't throw out things that are still
good. Thirdly, select your paint color. Make sure it is not so bright that it gives you a
headache or so dark that it makes your room gloomy. Clear out your room. Paint
your walls. When that is finished and dry, put all of your stuff back into the room.
Then, go shopping. Choose things that match with your colors and theme such as
your bedspread, curtains, rugs, and some pillows. Next, organize your room and
draw a plan or rearrange your furniture until the layout makes sense to you. Last but
not least hang art or drawings on the wall to make it more colorful.

Here’s a tip for you, ask your parents to help you out with some of the work. Some of
the things you might use could hurt you if you don't use it right.

Thats all for today, thank you.

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