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,Ln,f9 pll'.lgi!'T1> IfD

Pm.r~U!. h!d~ ,JiIIIlIlR.!'

UMI" lr-~i\fr!iV ~r~.f1Jil! ar£N1' fm r,,,~

.1Ii; 'UD'D.,JI. IC"IN-r.'"'Ii .. RI~" . .:Jl U

Fti."'lli' ~r;ail'fctlj" C';~~'iIf.f1i If!im'

~~i';:-r(ff~~f ,,,,,litil" •

• JI1il"t~f. ~!,l j\~~~ FtoIjllw~'

Sc:,iIiOO'""j'.I:a JPl~I:gI MJ'f"-I"£ .


S 0/·' <', D"'"


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"El1' rliI"~ iWlID' CAfjIi.

::\11\000 '~~GA'e: (1,1 .r Er\:r.1NII1IER 's '~YIEU.:\Rrr


, m¢(' ifi~I;i\L¥ !I! !"M,,;

Wriu~n by


lli~jfl~,11 (liI~n:~ rrni!'i'_!iP;ir~»i!i!II' tJ/ ;.(tOOl' t.lli~Q· ~

C'MliI'k',f 41~.ff.r "'~y

A ~r,!F.I~ fiN' f(t,t!i;!1UiIr,i,"~IlI~I~l~ ~';f1! ~ft"ri Al'r~

iwn~T st'roi~fi' mm.l"i" ' kill"o!lJ p~ffi /M dr~j,ra.r ,1'Ih!'; rr r J N!' f:i"

DORlll '.' G Xl ", rnlEISlEY

'UJNIJON II N '_lfUI!U( • 'j,li"U11lJARli .' 'MOS'(O\\1' i!!i SYDNEY do_riborh: .. gdleo:n .. ~Qml

- ~ _ NE~' (\ru~iCAL ~~, "1l1tIJMUff]

S-I}i;~ Dl;.IAJfIERS ~Ql,R

E Pl~ANT(1J' 'MACE W'l~··_DU


ThE J'ED~ 'H1GH (aU_tll



9 J'O' J'2' J'.= 1'6 J 18

201' 2,2 2,:-

IQUII-GON J'I_N OB,l·~WAN 1(,ENO'BJ1 T'H \_ Itl O~· lA .... S



T Ill, QUE'E~I"S. 'HANDMA1DENIS 2,6 'p ~1Ji_. 'E, ·····\·ABl!~RlE, 28

THE '\_1\'100


" r. \ .• ABO [) Il,UrJrs,


30' ··2·'··



JAR JAR: 811-1(5

TI~ lE, IGu [iAN,S


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D···AIIYA.JI M-j,lii,uli

1··-l[\lnI I. M.· Ill..

ANAl'l N SKYWALK ~ R SH n SKmAlKiER' 1(- .01


5 '"DUL8A.

. 'ODM,CE C .1!WS 'PO'D:RA[E 'C~OWD' TAT0011· E ~ .-HAB1TANrrs [H~'NC . ' DR: VALORU.· 5,=-_AJOI 'P,'AL'PATI ,_ .

l1i~ S :N. - ACiKNOWl' [UL';'E - E I 5

VlIf1I' HM:1fR m·AaI.

;4 sl\a~borh: ... H'li!o:n .. mml

- ------- ----.~-- - --------

'E,fl SO~)I II l n1lvcls back '10 fhe' b e;ginln Ing of th e - ttl. r 'Wa r.s 'Stg'g,[I ~ ,[I 'Q'eMJer,a ~i cln be row ffiJu ke Slkywa~ ~e~ meets len 1(;~nob~ jlnd :5£'15, eu t OWl h~s p~l~rru '[101 des,1 iWl_Y. 111 -~l - era, lu kc :S~ywa~kC'r~'S raLhr Aruildn ~s l1i1u~ ,years o~ld~ and ilL gre t f~c t1 ~hal!,;.ti e 'Repuro~~ e sti~ I sta ndsi :a1Ib@lU:gJ~1 ~i~s pD~:ver ~s sta rtl n,g- 0 Fall, l, Thls I~wme is, popu'la t)~d with n, 'W ~'a ,_,et 1'5, - ho - ~ -'l:!ilr1~1, are rep'leb~' wi~h ,gil ,il1ming Spl3 nn'~ ifill-]l'h;a[I

do~hmn!J ~rndl I, li:lO' a c,-lo;(}'ki 11 Qi "mr-cb ill!$. J USh ,3iS '1111 r ,~J'I " 0:- ldlm,

I'll - arLi fa ells Ilelill ,~ 5i,oliY~ 'D~ I~ ,cllUes, til)1 i ' en ~ i'ly. IF ,oml _e de '[h1y' pa e a;p;p aranee (i" Tirade' 'dl fa ~ ion 'baulf droid, 10 Uli t: ta.t go ' . '0 ,,05 &,a mall ~Ipbu~~ and ~e fang e,F ,trh~ co-1o da -, ,1t1Sti~ I[h~' 'V~all lOi~ "h'flary is your !9lJ1id,~' 'tID 'he d a lil ing l, o'ri d' ' I~~ r- I Clred in th is, fie - episode 0 r the Sr~,

'Wa' , ' f~Jn 13 S'j. Because I~TI ~ I~ ttu,~' beg !]11'11 i n 9 ~I

~~ 111- ~ ,31 I 01 ~fJ ca eh up (H1I" So, ·umll' 'DYilI bDamcd.

""~1lOO limS'I"I51'IlP


hantom Men


. , I

.' ••••• _ J

Fou· . DI ~) LO '. G AGO!, Ilhe Re:puh r c has uniit,~1 OOUliI tless thousands 'Df s~aJ sys,'~ems, IJnd~r ,al '5<lirtgh·~!, fa =reaehll'Q {~1O\!'Cfl1tlr1t'ral. '~Im1 millelnnjl31 p,asE~ gli'~at sectlons ef IUn e 'Fkp'u 111 it rough tt ea ch olt'her e-vern as l h~ elu n g tOI threadis 0 r ~.n1M~. Peace ,~rl1ld jl!litice' eame tOI pre\t~UI 'U rn:dell' [be' IPrO~ern(ll1 of ~h e wise' and powerfu'l Jed j"

w~ 0 dr.illW O~1 ilIl 11~t[UI~ P @W~T knQ''!ir~flI 35, the" orce, 1Ibnnlg~h the gllJtdim ee C1lf the IGa~lart~IC:' 'el1!~I~le,~ 'divi~iz:uion gllYw and th Rlejp1lJb~lic became 'pro,perous. But ~~e pri~e or eemfort w~s W~a~m1~S5. The insU~u'ttioTil5 '[)if gO"llemmen'l became dcca de~ll ~nd Jed i numbers d'~'Ilind~ ed to a 'mere 10tlQ-Ol. N OWi' the Force ltscl f ~~ lD!ii!ba lanced and gTea'~ chan gl~' seems imrnincl1 .~.

~~Mivt' o'f '~~a~, 'S~1i11' [TIl 'im g'III.ill~riiTIg ':ri~J 11'tn'tt3h ;and Id'r;eanl1il!lt. i!llll1u! mm!lU~ I1lf' 1Ilny;1

, 1:3 ~]P r~ 1~j]{_'{i:hi:i1l:'S."lo bili]~: fOllkDledl:i 1iMIf~ ,of IrrOl'1'!tI !'Ic"IMKiltl' liln9lip~ ~ttmQ.. ' ,.iJtloo ~k"by

is, drn-,i1ariY [h::p!i'~~~~ Qf1 ID~U~L"" i'ldl(.:I!!IJ.

llf ~11J'i,1h'lld:;j1 3i1l.m lim ~Lte-'Poptl]::Jllcd pl'o net ~'f 'NJ11!mi) Ihas. bt~cr:i ~d IgJ~t!!nb' ffirom Ifill '·P1~clShip 1 r! Uii~' I~ptl'bilt. WUhi'lIii 3'0 idyll of ~!1iQl, Nflba)l;ii d~~PIf~ H¥l:' ,m~h'i~~'~i!lIrc ni:P~.cs the:' plan~l 's ~~hll 050p:ny I~.r l~rl:.5 aod ;J h~UID1lDI1l~~I!I~ 'W~.Y Q!Ii ~ i'f.t;"m Th~ N~bool ~'i~1\I't rome u) r~ar,dl lhc~!f

pfM1~~ laiS a 'birl,hrigbl and do not lIenliiZe ~ht? D:;b2i11~, l'~' -

whkh -tht'Y 3fe 1~~p!Z-ri~~lnl, 'miI, tllc rore SlliCll!31lh ,~f ,galactic gO-~m)lerl~ Ito p(O'D:et"l iJ]ttm .. On ~ 'liMh~1 lc;riSlTs, dC'£Cili:llld~ ~1I ~ ih~ face ru~~ frigjh'~~1Ili'!i1g 'Jea~izatfion thM, Inu o'liity s.tlf;{'l1gl[l1 Uiqi ean ~;~JlC:n.d on is lh ' .:if 0\\1".

CO'flJ scant

A, \lrof'h:l !i!~lo~~ irl a sing'le dly, (jO~iI~m1t - lh~' hem or !9111U(itic g~mmE:~lt an d ~1w t0lff'CC'I~W eenne of Ithe ~1I1~1I1 Ifn~~''. R-c:pM~allws rl0in ,alll D1.;mber- ,',,-(n!ds ~J)i1{IK:g,a I~ hen" [.0 paltkillau~ h11 (he ~Qtoss.31 I~n~crprisc' or gala;~t"r. ~mll! '~w'l, f'lllil!lll 3mnllilgl [he Ut{i!iU.StI!rhfl~ wrabin I'he ~lntlt~ (h3m~r. !~h~ ~I~~ 'G)r a sin~lle wTI;I~ 'mUSt rD~ hc~m to ~ llu~' ~1ij:dl pl~m:l .0 t iN;t1bQo from illwS!!on..

'DI,I rt h 5';' dI i 0 us

Th~ :Sith lo~ [!II,s uh :Sidto:! sets hii ~Ol Ifi'UJ'lior'!J "1'1 e Rna ~ '5ta~res of hii !Crdl~·S

2;PQO-yc:ar-old p1~TI, 'to de~(I'iO<Y the Jlfdfi. Wcrki[lgi Pa'H~nlbr. 'SMiQUS ~~~ ex~~li1!ded 'h~ p'I;!!'IIlI'fr ;anu HnnU ~ nee cltef,l i!i1\'O 1~1:le ga~ tle lo~rll'lm~r] L'Us1 ng his grasp of p:~lu:dC}mf 311'1dl 'bIJiJre~ littl11l'c'y I 0' sti [t!.: jL~l1iL~. h'C' MJ19~ ~1bQU l U~ 1;r.1i~i5i he ~lelNl~ to ~n3k!t h'~ flfUJVC 'for d'QrninDtiofli.

0111 IC'I)TU9:1Ifill; !h~ ka~l'J;i of t~ (l~i ~i£' xoo~~ ij ,~1td lzy tiM JM~ - !ai'll! rdii:!.!15 o~ p~~ a:fid jmUre il'i IJht, G~~ax.:r. ~ t ls glJ ~hC' d~iGns. aDd aclio:m '!ilif ml<: ,kotLi ffiiUy'h. ilJi:!.u 11d IIi3t Hiie' f:n'(! or ll. '!I]~.b~ wall turn !i!j Ih~ If~s IIl'F ~fkl'K!M 'OO-gin

Ii:! 92i1ntt [OO~ slmfljJH,.

COl1u:m~ II;!wvid~ :;],

hKHng plaee £G~ n~ i~!:mi6m, SIU1. Thl!. r;]nci~lf!l d3irk (11'(:1(11" Ih:il:!i bil1clii ~t[119 in 'Chi;:' wd~ 1Jiire'p~nifl{l til

przy 'l.Ip(!iiI Ihe IUillarl'ir RWilb'111~'j. U--I'fi,( IDr

~rn\~J; ~liId '!Jdr!!i~ in

:ii' nm iZrn olf ~i ~h '!'t!k". ·Pltf~ p'-1ti1l1l tl))m mena~ J:idtat", o,n~~&I1s. fmm 111~ 1I:!N:l1~rt'. dlr.Jl&lnU iiblQ iI ... w!;,b hidhriitli!lilk :i.i rid l,_'"!fGfJd~ l1'iii t iii:' 'f.UI' ~I'! i COflf:WO! n~

Hyperd rive Core

A, d!~Ft~di !'ig ~)f(n'npi~ ~lr ,ailoQ s1Ylt~ tip! ~1J!enIDniw' mR:' ,ef th i;; R~m,l 'S.~ar:5nil) I~ a.l~ liI~tTica [~' Ima:Ie lil:ir [lhilll~)!i!' r,1'lill~' ~lI'Idl LlZ'rFoot, cha nnels tha t ilIml~1! t.lf' ~'ip to ~~J!J' ~U1!~Q~BIl'Iy' 'b~fU~ ng:'~'U5fm.:dl. lMl~n, the 'NIiiI'br1.~ll-'nltade 'hJfP" rolri'!.l'e g, ·bt~;,r~I('Of imide Uu::' ~o~ rllins Y!ul.~ Ih~' en~1lIIY I~~~~d~ ~1Fiootu'ite~d im hf'WrJc', Illl!:' '~ab ~Q 1~'9i~ 'HQI ~e~m ~ml~ ~.1li'~j~ of thi'Jl'i' d~i[ld~~~;o~ <®m the QlI!Jlstdc wOl~ld ..

IlLIllIli l'¥~1IM ryIt ilfllt~~K fl~rJf

#IY,~MIT' f';/Pd dil!fjjliilfl~ 11l9~~ >!i'p~ ilff JH~1I!f'.I!I't'


Otoh Gunqa

~tlil1itIl«1d ifrtu!Ill OinS~~~ It;Ontil,f,l.11 ttl 'UT'U;J! \]l'IJ,va~cr' Gung~lli! citi~ tII,r NabDo ly1~s~,eilfi li1l;~ schn!illJ a tlngl

'" jCf,i'Cn~. 'Tttu;:: G~Wig~]j] cDlpH olillrij ~~ Oto'tg '(;iullg:a" ,ridn, i~I'r 1011 b€~]I!g h'1~e1l!Jf~lIden( of 'rOf:c?i'gn ~~ nlLlt!flt::tS u NO'Jiic'tlbct ss. it ~Iif~ u,~or~ a ~1'!!Iic~ ~ut '\Ii~:al trude With, the Nab!)(!I~, 11'1 t~is,. ,~S ~l!l, I~e' d ~H9f'f Ibe:y 'fb~c from ttl e lWai1{:' 'Ftd~1i3~'on, ~:he 'G~11tI~ns. 'Fbrnd [hat th~ ,8iflt' iiIloi"t IC011ililoot!.MI wJ ~'h clnsid'~fS U, a JIU Ih~ ron ess

1)p.I'rol GIj~lJ

d.t rfJ.

Tatooine I~ ncl ~~l~ ~dh !j'W 'fI!I~' ltepld,dic :;lim ~~1~ ~rl~~~

of the' C uter Rim!, a ffm!'n'~r w!ite« ~~~m~ €)~ f~dl~lm i!Jnd 's'l i1I'i;<~ c~xj~d. T<!I t,~i'lfI~ ;6 I1;d'~d 'b-j! w~ali~~~ uadhlQ' barons ;!r!]Ild !!Il~·n~l~. The udlJobe ,~rCIHl~mu~ 10" 'MO's &pa leeks as rugged ,!!!j(ld

11 riln~;~[~' 35, ~h~ ,~aw.l1't, i't~clif; ~lU. llu~: Ithj(i~ waU5 hide' '~(Drp'h:!!5 ~:c;;!ltOO i~ ~riQr QiiiIOliaflg1 ~liBm£. On Ta'I.ifJDiili~'. ii1~1 ~hh'Q i~ \,,~t i~ sc-ems; - as t'I'IOK ~ib ~am t'h~' [N,ilboo'· ReJii3 St0lS.tvip, nRc! whC1ll lh~ 'elt~QlHI1:etr a slave' b~ lI1~moo ,A1iLakilll S,~'lktiiI.

'fimJL1 ~~m-rn 0:'1,1 il!iI\TOO!N~

~ .. ~JD;cD IR~"OI~ !itiilM'fp' ils Ir~ by th~ ~CI1, ~~~. 't/D-l1: I» I nd Qn ~~ ~fI. wodt1lof T~l'OOi!ll:. QWtfl ~tflr&:il~ mUM S(5i5k !'{\rl!~ in Ihilj. '~1'd~a~1 - :!md M.a'k~ l~ h~[!i6 tD-flil ~~ti! ch .. nw~.

Mace Windu

TQ!!1- ;Jlid g;':!Ji1. M ~tt ". mudu h~ 'MO~I ,;1[ i~h~ C1'nllm' or '@~al lOOn [J it~. m~ rami.i!

. 'h~s. Qn~y a~d 1-0

r hii, 'f1~'IlIli';g~in~ . iU5"

T HIE 'WlSDO'M a~f1jd S .'~ f .. sa en l1~e ef 'M aee W\indu" <t'ld~tr nmerwmber of thte, JletJI~ CourN:UiI, is legen d lalmy., ln ,31 IOmlQ' and! adwlnbJli"ij'UlS eareer, he h ~S' repca t(!(i Iy l1iS'l!:JOO h is '~i Je to fe.SC'lve Qf!e.a ~ cOil11flh:!ts 'I'll f~lmril1ess to both sides, 'Wind Ul ls sober :ilrnd CioQ'I·~mhlt1ed by ~ i5 also C3ipa'bme 0 r d rams m,i c aetlens ~ n ~'he. faee of d.~,ngCl!f.. E,VfWl e~p e'Tie~;u:~d Jedli' lo ok ito tbls gfmir.!a~ man in 'limes. ·of seri ou S tf,~rub'~'e! A!llw.~ ready t.'C} risk h~m self M ace 'W1nd u is rei uetan t te 'risk ~I~ e. I~. of ethers, mrl 'p,arUcu! 3'r; lle' ~'S wary olr lfel'lo\!i1 Jed] Qui -0 en Jil1iI~"s hea ~lstro",g' belief in' Aii'"'Ilalkifill SlY'1'IIa ~ke ; an d 'S'C'FliS~S, gmt~fl' d;~rngct

ltvii th the boy. 'Tt1 e e een cern, wei'g h heav1~r upon I~ ~ m as he censlders them ililgJii~nst ~lis m~l1 dlship an d res(flcc( ro,_ Olii-'Gon.,

R,ep'ub,n:c Cruiser

J~i. diplt)1ml i! ~ ~nl!{1 al'!llba~ dQI'S tro~1 ~Q Ilreuble ~~ts SMIJ iii d du.~· ~i!lnllilW ;a'bQIDlrd Ule IlI!lI1ulblic eml~~r; The wi~~I"S l5immik~'fiI1 red Iro~@'Ug" ded~W'S

ts; 'Poli~~c"ili net! tral Uy. mn lts arm~u ~1lI1 's.tdon '~cl~, b~gh~Ig:\!lil r~:gg;ll]i~rf;]11 ions i~3kC' ~iill~C b!i:'lVyeen fadio11!s in co1l1'mli~t

1iF1t" lL~l 111orJ~1

(,~~ oo~ i ' ~U)' G'~d 1!J11!!)n ~ Supn:rnil all" fl~cll(!r Vii!lIilJi'Um of 'tilt': (i_i:iI:lt;:~i~ 5.tmiW' ~~ 'i~Uk ihli:: m~fi'fl]ct w.lth tim TIil;Q!ii FediO':li! UD[k. M;]~ili'

\ . IlldlJi 'YllUroo.ri5. ,Ell p!lr~' 'Qr hl:s; '1POS!t .a'b'lifi Jm1 rw ~ht 1!'Ii~]g~', ~\9m;djJ liUJlt" n~tts ~~, ~I :3ltlodl d.:n~~'

'W'IIII"5'1 ,J~dl Ma~ltf Q:\.!;'41o.'I'!I J1:n-n ,!Ii!n!.ll~ :aP!fJfl:li'i'~~a: ([Ibl·V!l~~'1 ItMtI!h'i \"Uhhli tlre TGull~' 'Ftdii'~",HGI1 (l_\ti:t'~.

+, [he Jedi ~Si:' ~h:e' ligtns.a\lf~ 3$ ~ rymooll0f t~il:ir dedilj;a'~loln ~Ol wmlllat' in deft'nee. ln~~ ,~U~tl\:. 3rod of ~n~rr ph] I o~phi~ I ~nO~t11il 'for '1\1 nc!~y

I' , ..... 1 mii'i~!- ....... 1 11-. ..... "1,,, 'i!'~iII!S,

d,!!'I!t.Q . '!OJ! inQl 'UV""':,~. _-

• Am~~S8d~f$., m~(jII(ftor~ an.dl ool1!f1's,ello!'5. J~tI i :al~ Wa!rriOFS onty as, a last l'if'5Qrt

mlfllibJN~IJf ~'4l ~

math iP~tflf,jJl1 ~1Me

!\1Ji,,CiI: '~r..."linfs tim! I ffSl.'j;H.~F.



. . . I.

,"-_::> :_" . _:__'

W'E I L t TO , 15 800sl, Yoda .. the olldle:S,l 11m; rnilribcfI 0 f U~I . ' ,Jedm }[gh l(oUrnci1~ as welf~ iBIS its mos~ d~~p'ly pNcep~i\t,' Mast. r, ' Igre3 t IGIII\!'> I]er m his yournl{f r yea'fs- Yod.~1 h a (Jl'uije'tly bi~ed hund~ds. of woT11dls on 'hi o.llJ ·pend'in'QI years. le'3lrnmng' d i F. eren n~c" 2l(15 and a pp~1c'i ~lt in g ~~Ie :infinU,_ly varialjle' 11IU3no", 10' I be Foro '" His expe Tent 5; 11 ave' mae ~ h~im C furious ,:Blind renectii-. Voda tl-es,

a personal il'11~ei1iesl in the pFOgff", '. elf' Olu~~Go'rn Jim I'll and hO', appr niffi e Obi=Warn ': enobi, .~ dli31 moo gnllze§ '~~dr considerable st ren gl~,h a~d pO'1 n Ua I ,eve n as

h.e d~lSagrees with orne

of their ... dilU"Q'mlUcS!ty' rec~~es, H ch oi re'"


• Joda's, gimer St.I~k ~n " hel!]5 hum to, wa~k ['ong ,dr'S'~]I1iYS ,a~d contains .' tura~ ,Jlant rubin n~5, ~ i'lat a ld m!!lilIi t9Jtililln' whtn reI;, - wed .

• I~ bas Ir en maf'llY ~ars siJl~ YQda ha!i, lrt;ed d,to w'i~ld Ihis ,~~d,filill ~~h'lSab~>e'. Yl(lda tak.cs, CI uid 1tUisfa'~'Ullm in findin IrlCIiIr'" "al~nr MI'o'miIo :_.

-he Jedi H· gh

HE TF _LV - 'EB, ,·R~, lof "i, Jedi High Counci"l ' ,~p I ut a gath ::-fingl or ~Jreat

mnilnds. 'who. have prnuwilil th e:~e~lves a nd th~i. abUi ti es '111 U~ e se'MIC,C' of peace an:di j~sti[f: Cionfi~iIIlL inl 'heli' 31'llUlJ1ellflCIIU to 'L -,~ Forrte',~ 'til I(O'll.H'u:i. members \\fl(l,r' " 1('D!Qethl r i nl i~ 1I1lS.t.!1 free frem ~~l e peUy co 15 'J3 i 'I~S of - gl@ ,3 nd jea lCUJSY~ Th~ir Councill Clunnbe~ i 3 plate IOlr open tboug '-1 al d sp'~ch'll a rea m of mll'Jual

[' , 'pCtj~ an d a haven 101 c sh 'rrcd nob .L~ pu~pose., I he I(CUrI en'~ composed 0 f 'fi\fe' permanent me'nm;b~rs, w'ho have aC~2pln,e;dl 8 ~gfe lme comJ~'1!IlI~mnl, to the d'imtli;dl~ ,,,,om of ~h~ J ',L In addition, [Olin' ~;on~J- 'eml members s Ate u"'~U they choose' tOI tep diowifl ,~[nd line ' ~I~ mi ~,~d -t " rn1

111{!n'- b TS sit, for ,'·n ed terms, Th is ba lan Cle' 'O'if memlber.:5\lip. ikte,ps

lh ' (!IHJlnCU 'nd vigor, us.

The t f,UJI :00

01,.1 fr1I1im~niI 'Yar.icl roor-th, cop ulnr ,a til;' n 11I51c lur Je -~ fllidf d me . liE' U~5 f'fifil3C! :~!lJggp!ijtlom ~o bring eOOII! fl ~1s; 'Ie, an abnJt ' mlii' WumhlJg

. '

tQliIl'b::illa 1iiI1~, " 't!Wln 'FC3f5!

a 1'1'1' lh, m~'l~


10 $IIQfiborib_.gQIeO'.n,,,o.mi

TirJ.ll'gh ~~ III ILI!I,PiL,mtlr.! r[;i ,,,.( ~ ,1I'1 m rdf'~~ -iii

~II itr.mT.rl ,bf)r;t; J'

-J1 ~ U)[chi pilot, SiJ~ ::. ~ ·llmn ~,' bGsim '~'J~ I~a fl!.lt~s whil~ lr.awl'ling at e)tl~n;ely. IflJi g11 p~, - at ll1 Ir:lOlnrltrL s of nl" _'1'!1 -:-1' ~ pa~tm ft.

1"1Q1' Orr:~B a 11,gl'D~que p~- tl~~ ,Oliil fhl1' ((nnttUI ' iIlb teh:pa ~~k mino' ~ 31w¥ mrilflg

,Qih ~8d ~o rfOf(!, t::


fJ.rd' I ru'jfjl!1S hi,

~i!IdJ Iil~ I~

N!Il"FI,~ 611 MJH ,~I;i'im.I.7i' lh<llf~' ~~ q.fJ~d':;i.iI'l.p\1\I :Wjl1!l~

Bem imU_c, ijl b~g~ly pi~~~"id d~~lof!fi!alti~ f~nllllilJ stil[~:i 1l1i1~dl C!I'rDl U:Jli~SI:IIl~1'~. (h~ intuiml~ Alilli Ciama iDfl!Cllll ~C1if1l'3 ~I!) kn!DiiW w1'i;;n ~~Q;plc. ort' l~bCijit '~[)I

~ Oal ~ial h ii'S; 'lili31!1iY C'i!Hrt~itlts, II'hmlJigho1l.!l t Ute ICOlt! -c.a D~ t

po1 ~th:~' rn~~~h1~~ l'IliOlkingl her CD e of IDL'hc 's''!JJtprotfl1!l':' IDla'U{;~~~!t!'f:s, man

", valur)bl:t: 'int~Uigl~.ot:' snlID OO('S"

flJD '1mO~,

A '~1Z:~ Dol" ~rom I()oi;fn~ 'flo KHn '[jfjt.i~ IVfDmlt'(i' Mill ~ti'~ 1[1' es ~ ~ld 'j\\~lriI fr':am ~'J.1.t Dwel"i-nch ::lll1'!u~p'~~Fil: a [ c:.orus.e;:ml ~lilil'l ~cilll dl:w~1.

'EFn-~ ~~

l~fidm[i;:] n lflhr.i Slrtil [J~ i3r.:t:i']1 Ko~1l .:let' lm'iownNiI n .. ~ IJu~ir m~nli:!il

dii ~in~. w''ch a'IJQ ... ~ t~! loh:mu::' '9 ~id ~]!1 '~I~~ril!l0~' Th;is :wbi'lU,y !i$ Ibcirlll gji' ~UrM¥~l!Igl U,eiir hars.Qn l'WiTI~!l1iM~

tirun' Imr,.. MJ.rr:§: b"~tN~' "',J'I'II'l~\f.IfjJ ThF ~~.

Ulillr}' P.O!!!(,,h

'~1i'rrt{lil,M .r.op. /-N:I'l

ItliVf-'O ~CIS.S

Iilidie;] ling his, ~hrmul' !Om! 'Thioi'Slll.kl:s.. IOppoo R':In~ iMl~1 S,tu.i[j'hl[ toO

, ~I"i,,";' the I!: In I if· g<1~~~ ii!'fl!lIOiiu I I~hl;." .!!'ciJi ~rde,!f hil~d IC! 11 ,c.'oIi!L~~l~. 'IVEt~n 'I1t'gotl~lhm!ii 'ran, It]'md5~ 1I:~'Jjt'fS It~i Jfldi=l!:Vil.I~hrd !fi,ilitUl~ lM!:i~ a m iI,.'\,! n n~n~ :;;!InKli i;;1ff'li'I;j~i¥\1'~

,"oun,O' a I IOfl~ 477., Jc~i . aster Y~thjle 1~~Jks up t~ "india wn;h~ ~~a~ ii'i9 Ih~ CQ!':) ndl '!.;yO ~~ (icu~l1~ssi@i~lIl ,;!llld bal:iulce~ pillicl~~c. l'addl'C' sltm~;ly lI¥ailS [n

dI i&{,:lj$$iO:I~, b~fb<lfC' OH12ililllg h I!:'II' ~s.:i,liig~c. po~'¥crflJl. sorr~~ sfJ'il)kcll oommcnt.

A'hlPi' oJ

fr1l Ilrrlli'itJI'ql1l

• Dt~ 1:2 High Cau.~,flcJl ffii!fl!lHf:S wtdl~c:~ 3 MC!ro Ihiflt o~ tlA ~ 'oiY~ msii'ty lI".l\uUi i'n '(h(: Je:di rank),; '!l,,!'hieh 'ilild~u:~!J;:' memb~~'5 Cli~ "I,nild~ed~ I@~ '~piOCie5 an~ cultures .


A~'Q.(lllilg ~~ ti(idil iQilii!iJ ~~:U~ I!!I r Cm~ r;~:<J l'O hgnQi!I~ ~ s lo;'!'illJ p;;i!R'rlls. &~ IBMI;:dli:l IGrr!O'~ :!!'!l!1 onilr,'1l1OOi ~~rmi"~ :Uli' U1if 'Ji.vMi:!t,:mgJl~9 nrnl~d~ IDf Hr. (liil!i]~tiIL

• ' Of the: t'ecm~ngl 'tri I ~ic~ iO!IT s~~des ~'hin I~py ~a t-e 'illie' '!lIalaxv" w~ 'r'C!w r~d i~idu;a Is

beeom~ '~il!lIv lffil~dg~cli Jed] KJl!Bght~,: tlhl:' miilks ba s~d I~n~ 'iC~rust~ln'~ fI iJmb~lIf ,on]¥ ,~U01Jt '"

Gon Jinn




-' __ ASTER QUI-GO' JI ',"0 is an exp ri',need Jedi

ho ha" 'pm~,n his wilile to the h~i', ~hi-~ of ithe J1~d~1 om-idler

'. '..iI' ~.. ..,,3 A~rl1 ~I ill'" t' 'nl h'

m nil ilIlibly I m portant 01 :-'~on ~ an ~ u~l. IICUI~ 'iii eg(hH~, ions, win 'IIS,

mal~l1lJrity~ howe er, tn,e 1," m:fns as, ~11~,s as he waS in hlis, youth .. 'Wh~m Qlui-G: HI I, nCO(lliil~" ,you rrg Anailldn 'k_yrwa'lke'r 01'11 the OUIIIc;:r Rh~ I

td esert'ld oJr Tatomne ~he J err i', deep~ struck by an 'ijlnslilal;,~,alblle. sense .hat ~~c be, ~ .. plall~ of' th galaxy s

rei ny.. 11 I 'bo]d 'ry th amph:nU n 9 the' ea use of AfTlL~Ik"nj Qui~G 'n ' ' t mn m'Dtinn mom n ous event that wm rulLi'ma1ttl:,1y bring balarno 0 th ~ POf,ce ~ 'bu~ 'l'uJ1 wi ~~o'u~ Ql 'e,; t (0, I

IREIi' uc: tRU] 1::D~ ~(hL!ldl by Ih1l' '\lp mr ~~rii;ct3IQ1i'

!l:I:f ~h ~t,.,.)k' to M71(~ ~hc Tr' I~ ~ck--mli'on di~utt, OUA"G@n 1l<M1'" em IIc::nd.l ,dr,llImooltc "'~ :;1 Rndim r v.tJ ..

tlil'ii-"!'li i;! I r1,l\

:5i~ ~.....c4~~:Z~

7'mjftm'l' ifMIHil j~(p;;l; ifl !i'~'f '!'J~n"q.a


Qui-Gan •. smilili _ tum loomli~k allo' ~i Ito 'iliJ tOL'i;~h wllh Obi-l, 'fIi t;;:~~i wh~11I the lW~ I@Jller. te se,.~~ 1Je~. It

fr tNtUIlS ~onltp.lex, ~e1ruri y dt _. - 5, ~Ol p.~~l

~I ,'Iutl~o zed '~I t~ p'~tOri ,m 'at 'Us ulll~::.b.e.noo ~o thWBil usc' ~ 'ftloWl-J'aii A siler-l['C p:qeclc ~'~lld5] privacy ~o ron - rsa lia'IiIS ~lI"id 'liI€1ps QlIJi=Cio " mailf1'ta~ I s; :eal'l'h in ~~ ~(!h;n.

roM. Nit ~M--' ~~

HIO loproje ctor

0' ,or W lnilnly deVi:, " t,~all Qui-Q'Ofi

C".nr"- i :1 sma J hotopfOjt"r~glf. This CillO be tun d wi'~~ !I c~'lulllk to 'tamy a M10!Ji" II1 f!Jr' r;a~-to-'ra 001i~act. o.r i I, ean b~ 1I~~1 ~ , iii

in' pend ~f!t tITt~ge recvrder' aAdl p!Oj~~~Qr.,

rtQ. • pil!I ,pmifflUl

~ 000;1 ~pplllnti~ IFgik'd W b~mr:: aJ.i!h~. IOhi-Wan us: 'Qui~Gi!lin''s .him Pi!d~n !lind ill WOllthy ilrun;9ii':nl Q1i" h ,'~ em IIlncli rl~

J -- i '0 i ~d'Ul' 1[lIilJ COruiSC 1iI~: 'so ly c')Cqv~~ll' ' liII'I'art I"iall's 3ntl tools, 'lOr 'nitiStleS, (llmtnJctiii19 'Ineir 0WiI1 1~9M5abr s,' ,'e' inItiates" .a'bili~' tQ 00 th~s.' um~lflly pm'lll!S, th~ir iI!.Ievt.~oped S'tM1'tivi ~ 't~1 ~hf!' Force.

• Gif ed an~ p~litka'l :sthemil1gl ,a~ ,. 'ikJeilling '-l1le G ~rladi~

R-p I bl Ie ,. a,t, SleNtt lilil alii oatt'tmpt to rr -j re

l~tJl'J;g IP . and :seQlJiiTty

~o' 'IIIi' = galaqlr OJJi~Go.n is mQ'['i~artl(:G t@i ta'~te ,a m!lli~ ,a~iift. ml'i:' 'thalli ttla~ mmditiQnal1y ta .'. n by Un~ r~di.

Obi Wan Kenobi


111 i'r IJ/ II

f'a:oIk!' _ 'f!i p;I ~p.p rt' I!I ~ lU




\ '\ ',~,

01131--- ~N 1K -,'OIBl has ~oro eel 3 re -po.nsibl~' pa'ttl

Ion his j;oumey ~owarrd Jedi 'kn~- h'th' 'odl as the P:~davMi~n ,alpprenUre: 110 Jedi !'_oSl'Cr Q~ii-GDn Jiflln. S'[rongly iullfluem:cd by oth J. 'h;3diug1 J eli - , '~¥~TII a, by Oui~Ci@in OIbii-Wan is. more brooding! and! ctliutiioU5 th n his teacher, He 'is CiU6U~1 to ~mmih the consequ l!1iC'_S

of hi .. actions and ~i, re~ucta'nt 'bol l~nta'fiI)91- e ~ ~'~!ns,e1f ~nl,C't5S!riJy h'iil iran gres'sir(rnr_:, ,agal~nst U1C' w'u~rl of the Jedi High 'C:,cn~ln' U. A serieus, qui et man po sessed lef a 11ry' en e of hunU)Ulf' O'bj -W~n strive.' [0

, '

be worth!)' of his erder almd feels - onDuled to be Qum ... GQTiII~'S, S'tU_I, nt,

a I th o~g h h e worri~-s ab OnJI'l 11 is M aster's t,~nden~ '1'0' "ark,e 'rls'ks 'i Idefhilnce of the C@.llWlU:"II. 'Nf\!'ert'hl 'I' ,Ob'i-W,3n ftoHo,W' (Jl:Jlli'=ii]ou Jb.n~ , e' ample. nd d, e ' ~O:p5 a 1'1 jJ depemlent 'p]r~,~ of hi ,. own..

" '

" "

, ,

. ,

1\9 AqU,31 a Breather

,·r.aL, Jl::CU 1{1_1, u uaHt ean)'

'w lClJ In iglh~ !~cl1 dcvir:t!i loon IT'll le dl in 1,'ht!1r mb': ' or i~ 1lll"lt [~oy dtes. (] n 'ltn~~'r l~lis&iQn Q ., a'DoCill. (](ji-' ',:in af.ul Qul..i(}on JiJi111i1 c 111)' A9 'I

- 1'-' ta b ;:Blhc" ll1QwiRlg ~'ha~ much or nu;; ph] n, r 1!fr~(r i5 '~'fale1\';, B1re:dh~rs

~ J ow ~~e J~tli [0 tiNNe 1.I~1 1 W 11" r~ iUp ~o 'L'lfo Lou_> hID ~I(hcr 'lim es, JlaJil

=r~1 .1\ ~'rdedl ~uch lecl1Mol€1gic 'I

dc:¥i ees ifl! lo~der I~O miJl'inn~lrt~ ,'Fi~ir' /

d~~n '~IiI(l~ ~iill nylliti11~ b~. '.lcir

(LJI1 _ lUte -lI,llfJfIl!' fJll'lJ>pL,

fdilnift" J(,IlI~ri!.l 4Ii!ld ~1lI1t1';l:;iI' • .}' f(i'.iF1Ji'it.l'

1:'~C("(jI \;'li~h U.,iI' 1fl!Wr'l\anl:lcd mlnkl(l'ls of [~ irr.!-dt, ~d~f3tig.n drgW i!ifmr. (!lbi·"~j'jl knWM ~h:n he ~ClI net it:~~rci$il" [hI;." (nm'~~ R~truifi'~ 1:itL:" w!!Ii!J1d L~ "~~h ~M~ b~~~ ~~C' PUl:~, ~~I', Ii~hia, ll'!ilfiLfig I.QII~r;IOd ~" yel

I:I :lim;t)!ti5 lfiooi all nee h Hil ( iQIL

lJlrilcJr. mMuli'.iliQ~~


U!]:hru 'a brcs Follow ~ Sijl:rm-ff

!lam m ~1Il d~L9W1. (] ptijol'ml c:~el1!u~n I", li~~ 'b1~de p!J'Ii~'cr 3~d I~fl~ll~ JOOdul~~ors. i1n! ~m~'11 t2I rnd iilUfiOb~lilsil,;lt:,., A~;(',Qftljil'll~. Jed] 'lhl'M-sa blf('s, all~c:nr- simil~Ir' 3'1 First glfi n ~~. A d~r ~ms.JDOC'lr(il:J:l", lhow~'ii.!fQI!~ t~ '~'Ds tb:;U, li~'n't;snb~:s, r.rurebr ~ook 'G:'~acll;y alike. AU a 0::' ti!:!I11.d·brui1 [ by the ~lll;~liilla!;:s lh~m~~. i'il'iakirng ,d~1f1 ,d~ta, s 3 ~u~n ~e~ ,U) r htd i:\!;jdlJal ~Qi~'~

-Q$~ f,'(!idDw~n app~nlirts, byHd Ih,euT I~~bres to ~c.~1Qb'~, tho'~ ~r thei,1i' l~iJ;d"elS :0$, H m~~ g If 'fi'f!ii;P-C['l.

(m~·",~ 1'klmQsf"s OO\'Ui\:X

Mrp",J~i~~ diq'lruw

familU'g !9j'I!I~' imli~.rt'~ nt,Pm' ~~

Jjil~~ pr.l'.mhf9 ,~#~;J


Ii ibf5lli 'nf tI~iA"

m.HV~h ~~n1I)tj '!.,~, tUiI:llin S~h~ as an '!lJ!il~~f (rA, boah as ~ II':)\~ ~11i~n1iHD ,:inti ~ a ~61,oi'1Ui!J1 J!!:Qi. BUll ,i1~ !Q Iitl-GoI!!I ,Ji!iln~5 ~~U~I, lob· .~V;1f! <l!!ii."t'C'lPr,t~ An~kijn :IS ik15. ,3~~I'\HUi"~. ~irmllff9 a tong and Iitlt~ftl1 1r.~~iJl'i~n~lp.

I WWU"rr!1 the Ih-l'~riw

. gei'l,£imMf of ~he~~imo ~Ql~1 $'t!Jlrsllup I~ d~11I1ag;ro. Obi-ltVsllI st:3,}'S 'Q']I1I roo~d ~o' ~(ilQ'k after l'he' dri~' ~~ wh 1 ~e' Ol!il "'CiOllll '~k.s

~ 1i't.~iilICCmcn l ~. ~er.a ~Q1!. ConSt~!IiI ~Iy lIluGnHonlJi'i1 ~h!2' '~h~1Il1J3g:ed 'I;¥.m:pm~~", Ob~;.Wa11 ~~d~~~ Ih~ 'woo' 'FcrF '~pal~rn.

.' J~{li wlobe:s 3r"e, viullalty ilildi:ni,ng~~~able 'from the '~m~le !1~bes W@11'iI by many sft-ecli~ [iii n;mghQ~~' ~ h~ ;galaxy. Th~s, '~'i9!11i'~es, the Jedi Illftl'!!Jt' 'to 'Il~f; stMot ,~mJd pro~~djQJ1 of ~~fI t he mo~t humlWle '93Il1ct~c ~i H~el1i-

Obi~\!\\:m lis ,i!!I~ ~~~ ·'f!Ji!'!.I;!~' llgin~,hf{" dvdi~ .;inti! :iiI ffi'miocIJ~I~ IOppmliim E, [(!ii' 0[1 n~ MiJlIl. 'Tiht" 'S~lh WRiI1 rr~h"s '!N;th i~h!.l.ll"I~ll' hli~~!1~I,1f.; !fuI;:IJi!i'd ~ Uj 'I't."illdi.ll IfiIj~~ !ilIf dt~ d:lft :I"[de or ~ht': fm,~. '~!l tht', hea 'Dr lI'Kl:rt[J]l (."Qmb.'Jl and I)"n ~~ briti!ol. ill I d~'lh. Ohi·'Witl'i! 'ra~ 'th!:' 1(' ~pl~,Uen Ito d_\3w on ~h~' Q~ ~!l'I'I'ihl~' MIfl"~t£llh i 1!1 'l:irdtr iii!) dc:re:n his t~~;nl)'.

• ijb1 ='Wan ~mi8 if"i~ Iloyal bDI Qui-Goo CV(rIJ ~hC:rJl 'llt.i5 ~LiI~S 'hiM at. Mds, w~tJiJ ~lhe j'~(j i ~Iigh CooMll:i~;

I .• IGRU': tlnfll'-I e a,oe of .... ~n~ yow Til.

: elm oldians ,lire 'kept in '(j@immu Iii!la~ trU\res ,3 mld IgJiwn lim;lte,(J smeunts of Jfood. The ~. ss ,iCqlHiSltive on c5 :ar· :anorw~d tiO dt as, ath ers he ~Ird mOil i~han the-y can ea .. , lh i . p~I~~i C~ '1'm~1 kes .. eimold lans Igrre~ ,and 'fearful of d[. ,ath. As aduf s, eimoidbrns ;- re kn o[ "flI ~O~ lhe:i1l' eX(jepf onal oll'galnlllng ,inlbUities.. Drivefl by

II L - ~ . ~int. RiS' •. ' [~J 5h~ for p' se s1;(nls~ ('_ ~ y have un t he la'rge" t [COliP0,'rati on ~in th,e ma1axy., ted by u~ e Nelrnloidiarr· [ the Tm,de }tr,al len 'is a ~a-bYlm1mthine orgJ~n'il,i, -I-i:on [f bureau erats :~rnd trade '0 ffici.a Is from n1l8n.y 'wQtfl(1s,

thai I has hl·mnuited itself (hfiOi~ghour th _ ga]a··· .. ,.

~ilI/l~r" {tl.l~·

IMa I'C'J ,- M if1" J}~ _ ,

ula~r~ ll'1Drh

fa. ll'ti da • I. liQU' r"'~ f)jril'[n -llmrtc;


. ~e Ttade edera '~illni 1: so

. r(ttl I ba'm it p;re III I[ d ~ Iii U1e

'Galactic Seoo,H:: - ,~n ~~rnln ~U5j ~itua~ijon.

Us $ .. 1iI-11[Q1f, lou Dod;. uses bLlIf:~Uim'futc Ii' ,

3f11d pmt:~u",1 'hicks M 'fID'th ,I .I rn~ e Fed~rnli(jf :Ji1llils IIfiroIll'i his; SiI:"D~IiII;'~ ~~. Even 1Il0 • 'hi!b\"e\l'ff~,

~ a ,!i.ll1labl ~o.~"" ar ~[In~' TI w taxe U'l!~n

lhl~3 tcm 11.0' eur iilm! Um[ . JIIl'jd::: ~ede I~on IP.",Iits,..


'Nul J~~ uunray

rv-~i!'N}/".5" rPl'~~

'. The ~tmo-diLaJlS' 0Fglnilioi'1!iJ, Sili:i'lls oom~ fitom ftJIMing -ss niv:~, :awn:! YJ'St Ifu I!Igusl fa tfI"i!$. 0.1'11 ttl j!ijr ho.miZ' WQ~I d of Nt[mmiidia •

• Trad, [- d!Jr, tic 1'1 I eigl"!' , I halfUIiI!!JI' ,- rgo between ' r ~ ~ar= flU ng sta rs clif)tt~ Repub'ttr:. are a ram i I nair- sig h~: illli o.rn'j t abcriJ't man' civm~e: Ii_ fJ'rll(;J:s.


n"v"a' Sl on" '.

_ _ _ , ........• _ ~(,' 1,,[·1

Vt~S!if rn~~r.JI'i!I!'ld ~!i5l!:'r~

D.!Jll~ :!jI~ ii:L'f. f'i'p/aff! pill'1~'

~" ' Q!'

WHEN 'ITS BlOlt~D~ f,alills ,~~, irnIUm~d1ale' U'iLc, IN3'boo Quee;I~' lnto :subm:j;ssion j the Trade Fedlem'ilIJttioll 'P'N~'p il1W~5: f;oT' the H ~N:l :5,l-ePI:; lnvasion .. TIl~ :S~i, h lo~d IDI(JlrrU, S~'doOU5 pe~lH~lades, N~it'no'id'ia11l Vicer~Y' N ute Gu rU'.a~ '~!O ,~rd 'r th e dep llQYmen t. of ,aln hnn1,e:nS'e' :s,~lCl1't~~ anl1Y hidden tn lI~e (',in'go han g!f.llWS Dr converted tra d eo fil1f'i!g hters .. !

Th ~ N3b 00 ~ i ul e suspect th e mag no tude; lof this force, amd the" eij'mo]c1llla~ I~ader O(HIi!mWrnl~li[S the 1~U11llrng.:;' in r~lll1l.'nden(~ tha ~ the \+ve:a k '[po 1IiiUci:tn~ s 10,' llh~'

a ~lla(lk SC1~ ~'~e 'wwll 'not ,c)i~'~N:'t ln 'support of his IC\lnl plans, the vilce~oy

" ")JI..i! ~"""j' -1 ....ill!, t' f-

'IS, 3tueu IlI)j' '[ 1 e ~@f\N~hu ~ {'alP',~,1I1 e

the 1j/lihBr 11 eet command vesse 't. Daurnttay Di()'tfltl.C~, as 'wel'l

as dro~'c~1 so~ din ers and p!owelfFul l1VJF craft,

D :,ru ~ t:a:y '10 fi ne

Q, ~ilill1l 0 f tl e 'T'rn~C 'Fed~nl[iQn·~ Whl~~ip \!t"i~. maul ~;tly Dol'ilne Ihas dil1'llx:d th ~ 1 a ddt'l of rnnk ~~lu;fi1J.lgi~ ii ~~lbilrw;)~ijOIi1 Qr high '~ii ~lh,. 'bar - 5U:lbb[llIg and GIlm'i.!"CUin9 behaviotl ~ tow~ Ir-d$, hilS S-ljJpe-rl®1fS. N~lhe.h:'~, Dofi~l~ 1rn'l!ids· ~lfI~ 'b[]~d ph~l~ of '1h~' S~th lind D-:;! nh :SidiQ~~, t~Q [h:lli1gefO-u.i~ 'ref' his tastes" IcloW€veill', h~ ~QI1i tlJ\B '111M!:, I~ ffi1!il 'I: h 15, 1~,tJ5J~ e S iii re entirely i~I:~nt.

'Dlaf_d ,df-,p i~rjJ.l1l Jl'r ~l1jr1li

• W;a~i3im~ ,ftC:r'c\i'~s, and ,!i!r;:-~iDIlI ,~g!lil9iSt biiirtdib ~hrie.artenirilgl tr;a de wQ'U~:es, '~~~!!!i~ ~n i'SPl'Cts, ,af th~' l',iI;i!lr F~d)era1:bQn ,armr. C~ S'uringl 'tnat ~!l'ie fi'Or'C'f ~s tomliI1e'behi! i !livi,i'\ldbl~' .. , Of' :5,-1) i,t ~em~.

'. Tn~ w~althy~ ,an,ogaUlt ~~Tm~ldrans bmd to ~wtd ,any ki!iJdl ~f laoo!!lri i~Uf'~~ni ng tu !)I-S~ ~r,~io~, ilil$itead.

A I1rr!:., t111i iJx:riiilly-ibwllt C·i!J~ll:J! emA 1l.lJ!)~ ~rn: ,r3~C ft(Ict;Jl~~i ijn~~on 1[11JPX! Q:Jf)J ~:fu'!JO. These ~~'f'idin~ rrofii ,::I~ 1:1iU1~i 'ail, l'llfild iht(!rlO' ii!rJI'I;OiJilT :[!ii'!JI1III~g)i(lln:s; 'lJ}f IJ(!;(!!P~; ~n t['hd'!' blxIi!;:'S, a~ 1[i1'puISli:lJI~n \\1rllt~ W!ili!llpi C!'~' l~l~ 13!a'ild~ll'!gl iI:~h :[]'~ d(:JiI~~ifI 11;111 a paH~m Ih ~ ~II! ~~ Drr "d~ l~.," M .. b0n1i dU~s. fiwilIII ~nr.h ID'Lhr.~.

Ililm ~ t~ ,fI'sp~ld~!i:d Ila, ~rn~llC' PlJiir~ill:!J~. ''-''Il~l;;~ ~h~ thYllld~r .:ilon!ill proornYi1m~d ru1! tif5.

li.'r,p.f.lh"'Ci.r!~ 'L".tnl\JwJ .iJ.'J.~1'\I1!II

A.I!Iili~;iJlah TiradL:' IlReodL:'f1l'~ ~'!; t~'[1 haw ICIil1i~ been ,~ ;1'1 (~~ ,lll~d skiiff!f:[j~(."S b(:'rOR nh~if d!tP'I~fIlilelll @rii

, :JI:iOilll. ~llGrr Ii"t.'JjnirnU! m~5~, pai!I'!Ja. ~ . lll'rniy b~dl~ ICh~lip~d. Th~ i;1'~ij~!ihJ. E(!i Ih~' N~im'1lidi"lfil!i," dLi\d!jf(Jth:m t'il). cl~!rj]lm~'Ii. Mn hll tbi~, ,1'orit!)b'lc ii!~'d II(!IJ'g,'1t!.~.!I,ltl;!d C'~lltwpd~"

~l'rDh1iool,drDiCi 'Ii~> 1!!lI '~I~!ll!W.S Iflnt' bJ1 p1~ bm-.JiD£!1 ~g;llnn ~h¢ J~i ~,!'I'Ih~ _ dnrs f.or [}~ ~!J.I~l\:'tllt' Ch2ill"c!~jor. ,'Iljhiiill l~l!t:' J'di miDIii!f!l, O!i~ hil wm~ 'lXlisO'I'1I gll3;, TC= 'I~, :s.imp'1y iWtOinl$ Ui! g;g~ !filli: ,!!lor Ul~

W11fi/. iiBpoLt!gizlFIG' Il\VI!l Itll) ~"'. I~nlllt W1l1ds. ,o!,n!t1d~ Ihll~' fIiM.1~ti~~ nlIom.

!lJndt-~1 i~~:;!1 r!il91 llw IUfffiher o.f lbIasn~r U.lfrn~3; bm.Uin91 rmm ~hi: Ti<Ii1~ R:dli:r;!'~ilI!!l!J ip'ilr WDtig.htltlS, Ni'lboo pil'Qll Rie (m~ l'akil::5. ·a mar~itdll~l@n NUrse in n~ dTOI'i iii' ~:K3p':: 'UU~ d~i1DJ1' Iil1~ Qr Ifi~"

FffiJ'[m!r~ j~!W.i.!l!G' rm:5'IllR't!!; mnrff

SeM~ll V'iCl~mf N!ll~ I(hJnr-.m~ a I1d lililS ~ i~]jj l(1mmn

'RMn~£ Haake or ~h(" 1fmd r F«h;~·r,a'li~~lIi" lC- 'lot ·ail:its. :;15 ~~rvmi'i~. and ~JllnlJl1~'a IG duriiifl91 n,~~ ~'e[[O~i~1 ~i01l15 with fu~~gf1

h- h -.......,. "1¥" _ ~";I :'1;" ,..Iitov "'" "''''''n]"".""",1 !Lo,l1ljllJnl:~. 1!Ir..-~ ~ I!r;~l ~~ ~ I! "- - 'IJ!I ~I!!! Ij!!!y:E~ Umr'!IiJU

Illl' dis.l~~l~ o'ffld~l gliLles;ts w'hi~t!, ~t1'g:ail m3nipll!n!:!'li~!1! ls Cilirried out ~~=II_~ b~hiltd ~hcir ~aoo .

i\"t'llllmi' ~~IIi'.!!'lI''''t'.iMl .f;;:!:m'I-~


mae ~~mlfDn rno;ig'i1~~I1, ~\l'mii hiiiirfl~ bm .01 ,di&~i:lri«:. lIElne(n~~ ;3"H! lullro' ~I!lW

!i!! fiJiH '!'i~lj~~ or MIQU!li.". ~ ~ fi~ill u~ hiQONY l~ u001!i!!M;I" b';! ~lI){'ri~, l~1It finn!!.

W1t/M~rg ~",'i~'

1II.I'i~ ~a il!nl'.lii'~ I!!m-4c'

POO"k«1 dh.INfl~~

irIQMIi' f!:itlUJ'~' Si~~

Droid Starfiqhter

'n~ OOiD~)!~;'il, p·ru(;ijsIO'I~)-.<~n91li'u~~rodl ,droidl 'st~rfi(llh ~~, bum, foil' thr~ 'wa~ ~ Ftd~i1iIlliO'iil biY Ih~ ,Xi (haT'

ea lhctlr,Bi~ f-adoftiel, a~ va~li];able,~mCllJ fIllfllclrliru:'$. the. hn'l!£l"

w~n g~lI [kJ~ d~\ .. ~ o~!U l~ ~~II dCIi:dl¥ la\5.C1' C21I~:~lIQ~1S.. 01 llliii!' gJli\Llundl• th~ ~\~in~,' Ibt'c-om~ IImI0000b~~ '~r;g$ :~M;; th~ 'ti~lHU'ew §I~'~ftli

~o walk m~!rl~' ~ai'1" Wrlri!!IiC ualrol.

~~iJ!' J'Ortt'S Il:\1'~JI IjJ IJtt~~'

'War Fre~~g'1hter

1';l) 'C!I!i1!'Y IM!u~· tr'UIiCC'Si ~r 'i~!i, army. '~h!.! T"rndc . fCdmrior1 ha ~ se~Uy oo:n~:nl.~dl it~!

(O'HH1~t«ii a II ffe:~[lhtei" tIlIeet ~ "'00, ~)a~ ~t~~jln lps. ~,~ct£ wiruh ~'M£ld~" ~'Ias~er' ~1I.Im;l~J ~rtd rnrllil~ry CoHlin Il.gj~ie~tiQ i1I ,~r~. These d~s~m~d 1fr.Ur 'r-re~gh t~, hidie the deadl;y ~atl[1 Im;ad~irlnes ~111il ~1'~ :ar.c ifiiglilll 0I1J tOPI ~'r [hcll~ ~emiil'S ,_ i1Jr1, as Ih~'

Md:e Fe-ti!lerilltiOIl!I p:rerers ~o '~II th em, '''f"~.lUre euste 1I1..eTS_. iii

AU ItIiIil'l'rs. or I~~ )!;Id~ ~di.l'r.J!l!:a1'i dro.kII :ll"i'Ill1' .~1Il:. cDmo:ll!&l by mh~ CCiii'i'Lm~, 'C'li!iuLF~1 ('lillfn;piJ fe,r gn lbo~ro1

a ~mtd ~r froighl'Cr •. ~1\1'lhoy" ~~Il' ~o-t:llmtl i~ • (] 'Olds, :shut dowm

Ina _illl,g UM!' U",oftl ('i1:lt'trol 5l1'l11Ji' ~' I !irg~I' wh~ d!l;s,tlilJ(~i:l}J'1 ir;tQiJid Mfi\l: 'iCut tM iti'Vl'lirll: ~~lW jon 'rO'~~.




T1rIE GALA, ~C~"PUBJC ha,"UMr d

d i5a,g~emenb, starAdcrff'S and even reben~on

'. mong' its run' mem - '::,T wo "10 s f. lyiim Oll!

I~lhe J,t,di Knigllts to quell CO m'rAkrs., '~I~ thts c'fl[lig 't, ned age, '~w s~inding ,arrmjes are ma ln ~a~' ,d ~hal :;erve' a nyth~ng oth~l

fh 3rm (le:re1i~U)n"3] purpo· . J. si rnce :3 arm;Y Ic:ould b:_' Qiliudld Q< Ian O~l Jl that to gal~I~M::Ur 'p~ ee, NeveF"·'he'l·s. 3'_ the' bUI:'I~,i), .Iem')" of [the R'epu'bU c Sen [t~

'i ndJ~~ges, in Ic.nd~ fSS debates an d preted ~f811 b~: J,;}e1 'ngt t.e U·' of 'fDTt_' has b" . O~ .. ,S 'fJli!,a I 'threat The \Mea~ "tiry ~ d e 'I· e.demfo: I has, qui Iy' 10 e far b ~nd a~ ethe group in ass _~Il' [ling .- mas f" amy composedJ of 9 osti!y 'fITIC,ti,otnlh:.!ss, dro~dl sDldiers that a I, ready tOI dOl

lh elr mas U! :! ~iidding WU:~D1lJ [ a

Fouchl of em lion or 'meli'C)'. Thiel' dephlyn1 nt upon 'th·. 'plea ce'1iu1

~ " ople I Ilr ". ailloo heialds, the ·,.l1di of 3111 ,age of peace and security m. the g~da~"

rlflU'l3mini I'!i' hrs.

1!lI1.ala Fi)~ JraMfl'lWliol1l bad!: to ,~. 1!U~'~ml LonlTCIil Co npu kl .~ 3 111 dl al \I'fu:oder I~n,:;j'b~c:s II ~ d'roidl to l~1 _

I-I [U.I :' I '.' "[ 111)1 1[(. II ': II

, _ '11_, _. II I.

DATA filL .',

'. Their 11.a(ii;;;O [·n_~ptlultnt thol;lght . ~~cG 5 maft~

baUI'~' dr,0." ds, I In ne to fcar: c~. . Ott o.r erty p~u.s..

f"f ,

. _\, ".,~ .. : I

. -.-.~(

. ., ,


o -._ -AKE ,P' fror Ithe wea-l·n,es'scs of ba'l tie droldlSI ,9 sp~lc:;"a~1 contract was awarded ~OF" the e11(lf,~ Uon I@I~' an .~~I~DgcttH!'r Id i ffel"eril ~ cO~Tnbat dl'lOiid ~lfIlat 'WIOiUl~ d 'be

a mlud more eri:o~_s'~ eaeon, Th .·~eli!Jli1 wa) Cf\~;3lc -.y a speeles 01[1 ehttinnu

i('::IDrCOiids 'in he~ili' OWn nnage en a pl,tnu~t. [;;U' from 'th··· f. P'~ b~i 's lcore. CO~'kDld5 I~"'~' known ~or'lr 1m" ci)mp~ei e-~ unlce~hlQl an I murderolls 'w~~s.. aT'd CoU'I 7M has b . 'en e'l1bfOih~dI for nuw~1 yeais i rn d~p~~Dma tl dl~spu tes related I 0 th (h~~1 h ' ~d eons U11111ptiol1 0 ''''It!o'l'S, It I tit :' - tem, Th - dro~ d eka W3, Xii" 'fly \'M'ha 1 If mee n ed

,idie ~d'£lati,orr1 oRi[~ers Nant~d: a f[ifnul'da - ~lc~l tu~;rvy-duly 'i~rllg machine 0 back 'Lalill I~ he' ba,~lt~,e elrai cis i'riI '~Ih~' . 'ace 10 r determin ed oppo:s~iitnion.

- ~- . Jt'.I~. I. w:. r.


TI • ........:._-.. *_.

Ii ~I ~-,-

4' R, ~


ii .~~' - ill J

; II

'. --.,..... ".I" .,.__.

I t: ~)'. -( .~ J


1- ............ -11---

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,~_,- ~ I

, I l

~""!.' L_!I_J

LM1l{]' ilOOTIlbi~1I!l~Gq IIJI IIIt}'JlltnlUM :rid I1'pul· ~11f rl~

u r1Jr:~ in I~ mer or '" . -lfl 0 - fQ1lm wi L: -I form

('ill . ron ilfnJ or: . . J ~tll

D",rpernt'!,i 1liif1~i~ 131 ~mpli 9

to ~ tI·a~ll: ill drol'k''h:i!I rmm biifUTId nnd lh;;] l ib - .fiTtQl,Jr Ii It.>ll1!:mt"l, ,{'!Ili i\,~. ~url i ~~tlEll.!Jio I;!lI1d 'ou- : lfifl ,aw haTd mo -to

Ou !iJon jilin iiJll'ld Cbi-\'~ 'f1 Ktno'bI

- '" 0" f.LU dill,"oll ~U e dJQ5~', wi(!

~1'lI1~ 5hit ~I ITli~lt"...., 0 mnl~1m'd If ,I- [r :J'!'I1iOiJ!td WfSl'"S.. l~ mJ!fttoO'l'S ::J!J-sG p01. Jl"f lh~ d~liJ.rdl:l;· mll-g,u;ii'-zUrg m(M.'q~1~nl ~l n Ild lK l~rru,.!l[JY bl:i met'S.

.' U Ie· _ U l!l!l llil ~ ld '_ ' , oiciekas, h 1_ - . QI ilrld~ :m:h:fll- I'o~i'

P'I'OCt's.:50fS and ,ar ru by th~ C tIJl~1 !ConUQII CCI p!.i'~ ~ sigrla I, The Oo~ioordrs. d !s]i kJ - this SfS~:cm :9f1d [!lave bllliit i'.:IaSU3lft d'ro[d~'kas ~qu 1~~:d w~th

CitnnplI ~r:1!i' b~itiS_


• Dro[d(las. a!~1 commo,nlv known as d~tr~1r Idreld$ i'n rna ny pa.l15. of th ' g,iJla.~L

A.'M~DALA ruil es 3: QU ~~'nl 0 r the -, aboo p op1e a t the age of 'O'~l~ty 1 ~ Sht 'Was, raised by hUMbl'e 'PiJJiI"efIl~S ifill a SimllfU~~11 'moun ~;]Ilbl '\i!II~ la ge~ 'Ni~U!~ 'her

, reCOWllZl,-dI ea iY h~ lirt. G~ Ithe best tminil1g

and J)IJ h ,(I ~,() £If" -10" 11 T capabi'li' ~ "

she b- cam - Prine, SS 10 I ,d I~lne'

_aooo calpil~a! city, at Ihe agl 10Ir 12~ A\mldal~ wa·· elecre d Que 'In upon the abdic3lt~'Dln 01 I' Uu:! Pl~O us' O'V rtffign,! Vemf1l:8l, w hOI had become elfllbillfoiled 'in D two~~ d 'p.o~;ib[S, a'filer I®I rot of I ~ years.

The f aboe trusn €I that ,Amida la uld h 011 dl ~h, 11 hil-' ,C," Its,

d Ost' t10 1m e I hca~t - bu~ had AO ,dea c f th e crisis I -- iffln~inil'lii ahea .,II.

_DD' --- -:::::11 !j;,'_ !!.Y_

Thrm e-Room :, IOIWnl AJ'nid'alal dra '!J. uaen I_a ,: e's d, p1 IIlf3d~fi(U"la;1 mDd, 'D,r m,ya11 dress a 'I ma.kc-up '0 I~ -, - "Jth CQmrn"'t~fit s.11r: hars. to 'hcr m -. II r C;dl'{'\'!'Qely iFQmla,1 ,arp;PCiJ mli1(C 1-1, lh~ 1~'uliliJltc I~'hmlj'lf: room he]p, Ih~~' PlOj ~ an 'n.I'Im"\Y~I[W.ril1S,~ pmft'~j.1on I im-1G'" 1!lid w~mSI o~heil!'S IilOt W d6tini, , Ii r abili1lB£ -.

~_M~I[Qt, w-rn/U' 001 ... C!l'1J

~ 'Q~n Amld:d U7l'l.J!b: :!IOOaId d,f' N::JIboo

1Rt€r'a~ S-1~lP. w hQIt! ,Itlilru~t ijn:3 J:r.rr,ioi,J~ (I'nDtl'e ~OO:ill, Am dilI!a 1U:~!j. !I iEuIIIO:J,Y1C~ii:' lor ILg t'Ofi~nn'iJ nlif...ak

~ilh G~fm:iJf S" B1b'h1~' IhII QU' abo-D.

• Amldcahal can J 'Iep d~fl'rirOm the tJiJ il'Q'~'Uil -, Mift~-'i.i'el she cI'lOo.-S'~

D'ED'~CA,11 D ,Al .... D llOW,-;, ~:Y; the ~oya'i

.~ au d I~ari:d, ns S'11ad OIW (Ju eern Amida~a a t ~I~ I rl~lmes. Th i s J cil gm1llpl_ .. al~ nta:ins I, gaill h11l2Blge! ,las:s'istirng' behi'nd the scenes ~\i'i,th bel eta b Orrnle go _' -~<. iii al~ rsb'l: ,and mak~ur:J., 'Th~ ,i]llso q'uir fly prot, .. A'm'id 31a i actin 9' .a S seoet bod)ygluard,. Up on '. mm_- a~1 is OOrfO na ~i on ~he h~rmd~l101dcn51

.:: ere han dl-pic'k ' for til' lr hUe~11 ig-TI C'. cOUrJr yeo!, fI mess and! resemblance 1I(!Ii Ami, lahal.

JUlo u gil I' e Qut 111 m a known them fOiJl" ,." ust ha! 'f a yea II

I he vililues thl .ir loomi]lalll1y~ in p:articuhs,r;, 'he .1 as, bC(10n1U! 10 0,9 '- Fri'ends

~ it'll he d., I ,,11Idl,mble'

and eoel-hea d d 'Sab~.


11111 Il lr lor ilf )'O'Lmg ag;, R '~, ~1a5 lenm~d to

, rl~- - f,roa~ pari~T!~~ ~n her foQle a 1'l~ilmi1l11~ ~d' ~ Ill) U " QU0e'bl" 51t~ .' th '. An~Idtl~a'"s ~rn~M$ =:md

h~1 p mel prcpjr 'ner r~oMt 1iIa~ . f,yl~" wlill;rh

c;an 1tq1)lB 'e . r. 'I

~ours l~ pm~lt ..

Battle Dress

ln l~er gtl~ as I'~e' G UfCfh SaW

W =":;1, 'I a di$tiru:l:rvt~ b~Ul'c dl1]'.S3 lIun ,~:n~ I{j,~ ~\tr~Jm.~!m freooom of

mmre~'lliI t hili thJi2' '~id!ilC'te' thmmc: mon~. Sabe'"s; di~~i~ fo~'I~ '~h~ N~il'll'ioidt~ fIl wtcmy and ,OIJ II o-ws, AiFilirt~l,a 10 j~(h ,~ hlafidcn pi!a~ll.

Mfi!li!!l~~·~"'~:E ~~ S~N!'lh~rfl'Ml f~ r r

II: (WI;' A~_ 1P1S"m _

A"Ilt~r bilihl:91 ~11;1~ttd. 'I~nit h~mlm.,ttilf.i'~ ~'i~ ![!hi~ JI hO(MiilJ rei 1[1[l i~,jllg_ ~:;]:d, 'lis. e3p;!!b~ or 1I.!~lIg ~ lPint!~ 1.0 h,",~p d!Z'fllik~ lPw ijtlft"\i'l ;" 'or Ii,i i:'i'lk't~ IFWl1i Q!f a d~aJl;.!rb.!lIIii:C: o:r !!:~li1ergtn\:;)',

SMfi'ij,'IiJI foJJ hmd4n-&j 1II.'iil'Jii !il\Lr~~~ lt~· GlIlIN'U Ji\M't-IfD.hll,

1\lJIilc' ,~~!} muili frrl~f"~ ft«

,1n~~S riliplr ,I11l'Wf'lI li!t"f Flf lil'!l.'" 1NrW"lilJ:j! ,~ 'ht (iillf'"fPl'~ a'p~,ffi 'ftf'

i' riin ~;:lIit!l" ~ ~'l=dilJl.n:rph.l!i! flr~

IHI~nd 1fI~i.1~dI;'11 tEirl~(jll:' ~!l)m,{,:5, ~m 3 ((l'!i!il1l!l i f! ~ nro'l~' ~l:ver' ''i,/,i!!l~. Her rani! ~ w:ms wc~I'uJlIy ,iinlW :51!i~ W~ s; tl:Uig:'h I, ~~ II:' denmnds ~ r el'iq;~J'CUe~ Sit - helJl5. Ut~ 'I.i!,Ulcr han~n~td~n5; ,~ ;[!"f!d :sometimes; the (JlII{!~n - wiWh [royal ~n~I!O('~l

I~ h'm:ND.i\'NC[ffi

JUSI M Amid~l~ '~~l"i! ~ a pnlh:u'lar ,(liftS1§, fo ~iI~

difr~11 ~ 'I;!ini~1':l11 D;~TDn. Dhlli' II:) 1dm::dcl~1!\'S dl11M iu [:!1ii!l!d~ing~, con ~~nt!t'nlmy ,~~~iH<s.,


.. Arn~dala has five han'e~'1s:

RaW, Eli rt~t, :s~~e. S:ad'l~' a nei 'ifalil~.

'.' ~b~'; Einae and S8J~~ aooom~J11i ~Jhe Queell! wheli! 'she'

-esC'a;p~ 'T~d on ttl~' R(I'~~ :Stil!fSliill~l~ whlile S~ ~ih~ and Y,l!n~

r'if h~ ~llZI n ~ 11 s;ta¥. be:~ind-

WHK.Jile\fEJ: '~IE 'QUEEN 'is le](lpc~ed te d ~rn g'e'f; ~~ diS1g[l~;~, h~'rs,il:f a's !OI~le of 'her 'OWI'iII ~8ndmaiclcns~, ~a~Ji"g "he nalnlE! hcl'l11'e. 'N~bclr-[1j'e. 'The' ~.ten tlea 1 ho·@ d~dI dlmtt~'5es 3'M d 'si lini l,aT

,~ppe-anm ce Ci" Ammda]a 's '111 l~fU:l m ilil~:dens 'RHl'ke mt eas-y for fa d me to ,~Ip~;:u~ar :,ni1d d~&ipp·f'al1' Iqn!J~et~(y' 'Worn t.11 e 9l~G1Wpl. When Pa!dim e is, a m o:n~' the attendants ..

~ .

'~li1'ndlmaidenl 'S,abe 'i mlpersO', th e: la'Uc~nt

5ulbtly ta'ki'ng sn'gm,~'ls fmln Padm~ ~$Jafdi'fllgl

'1Ji@l~~ ded'!S,~ons. e,lp,~adirn1 Pa'natal is, b~~illd t'he crea,'i ~ en !(!I,f' Ajm~ d~~I~'~S

dCiU~b'~ e. I'd enf'ly.. havinlQ' '~xp'lairn~,d 1~~1~' oildl 'P,all~ ee seh em eo 'to '~er upon heir eerona tic/no 'In he{E" g1U1S'e [~):S;

'lP:a dlm1li1~~, A'm,ida la s ooompa11'ies Q1U]-OCTilI Ji1~lr'1li '1,@, 'Mos Es,lla 10 s e ro~' ~le:rsf;1 f the' JetI'! iis 'up t'~l.

M~e:m1 I(h~ i-OOI1I J~'mllill d -:'u~rminc:-"3 ~o Otl iruto Mos, ~1la. ra i!lme' d!'!'<:id~~ IJO ~~!gPI ;!;J nl ~ 1D:1ri ~Ihili" Itslpta:io PilIliIlak(!, the N~'I»Q ~Fieild of Seeu ni"I' ~mm]8~S; to 'I~~, a'h!~ th~ Ihip. RCU,IHg1ll 1F,)~.afS,ani dQ'~hun.g' ~l1'lps ~d rm~ ~~~ntll in as; an ail10~lOUli fan'f'l ~irl.

RernoviTI;g nt"r -w'hil/i:'

IF:n:!;;pa[FLI, I's ~ ~r.y i!l1'1:m~til~ lin [t:1;c SilJ~ ,of A!t!id~l~'s ,~isg~. :J.j, PI!t1~,. ~0p'1t ,Oft 0

. :i!'fitls.tOtl'l~ W l~ O\m.;:(r~~, 'H:Cfft'liilJ ~ ]

,!lppt1lr.i1'l(t' rlJ~~ 111~ ,m-I(I Rill !9 ~'i/t' onl trua llYo.l 0 old n ~ P:a~m~ ill ~(!MM ,g1 :n~.

'~'vn1 ,&~ndbJ~ i.lli!:'iP !!!~Jj ,fi!lrn:!! iI'lI~ Llt!5J!

~'~hJ ~J~~~ !boors

• Padrne ::Inll S~D' ,ra;c~kr ~W(dircct ,«unmlln,i;c:atiol'l i~ priv,arte" !f!1~'kif!9J a ,gi;im~' ~~ 'sp~,aJ~in9 n fi ~ryptif W3'iS, lhjs; pradice' m:a~~ it e,at!lo'iieill' ~'@T Pa,dme to. !;I!.lI idee:

'Sa~,~'s ac:ti®niS ai~ Queen.

'.' ru, liUJmbl"1I! P.a [lme. ,Almid:til~ ,~b~IV~S '

'(hat· mIg h~ 11!00t Ibe U1;\(~~~~d to ~h~' Queen.

Ifill Mos. ~i" 'Ul!!;l' di.5gu~1 ~yt~jjj' rnnd~ IQui-Gorli

Jr. I\. Ii' "', l I' I Iii]..'· I" • , .. 1- - -'fir"'~

_ Alilii'll ~ _ I"",I!!M no !l.O i:'r _!'iill'!,"1!! lilY", ad!: ,\;'!'! .. LV_

UK ~r,' ~giil ill;i Ulu;uily' I~O ;OOJ&I. Non~l!1,d85. 51u; ro~dl~i .h!i!i~ lJ1i!e J~ V M:!!$t~f has l~ blttUl.:;!'R'1 ,or Ian !f~li1fnf~.::l!~ SIN !!IrCl~ .ii1o'!!L~1 wrth ~!; ~ht'ft'i~, '!.'.!hllili hilil1hurin91 h~r ,dGuhu.

m-Ilbt!l~~i!!i~s. irlI:lmu~ ir;i!lilll'l~ ii~i3J '~~flii'i In,lll nim' ,~Ii\~Rlln

, 'Sk~1;;;!lk~r

i~ ul'diIy £~~, !h~t Ihdfnt iii' p003t ~:!te i!I, d F.l:wlll 10 It~~. :1 J~ d

~~ m!ym hii} iii rtl\C'tiiuiIi, mol: qUiU'C' t.'i'i:l!",i~' - l1~'11 IliD ma~ or (hili' 'W~ :Piling boy.

~d1flql.!'P' ~Ri~lm ~1NIl ~li

Jtlp,lJ! '~'!W'Y uwd .I~'~PFJI obr~il!lfill' ~6' Jl.ilWJ';'1:I il'lIIi1'iiji~ ill

'lIJl! rntY ,(DI!iiifAM 'K.rn!ilJ\'II'I'lg ijh~ I in~ fuhl IW is; tl!!!r('rtllin. iIH1Il!roT~J~ ~~, ,~; A~;':JUii1 ("~ 3 ~Qd-hu~b, ttlI1mliIH I[or Pitd~. til!' ~t:5 t'h'{l!~ '!i~ \'!1m, 'It; nti:mbtf' h5ift I3J Uni!il uillir.n

i- m"'''' ,,..iIi' ... 1.._.,.... . ~rll\liliV''''' "m. ..".,Ii .nI~ 'I~]""l~ III Th'" .. Y..,I!iI!L.... ,n'-'i ... If'-~" ....... "'''''''--!!;!'.. .. .....

ilI~ - r fil' ~ ... .i~ !'U ~drJi, 1l5u..,., Aimitl:iI:I ~f' hi:!r

L.l~'i1ngl IJ L!!~iH!l1,!l ~ . __ n~ _ IJ,q ..

rq,d pD1I1.'1!f' ~.lIl!t, gm, ~W\!" I~~~ r~~CDIT!1 110 lil!."!1:' as ill fi!!imnlilll!lt~l"Jl. In M~ ~iI. ~lt" ,!J~U), 'rri1D1 AIiJ~~in's PtM:J~ ~ndl hf~""$ mm whii':a-e n~d,L:dl,

Blast .. r

P.i~m .

. .' - it!!1! B-' ttll

-ll:: me m t ,al I re

n~1ii~' c-:QjI'i'~ ~~l s

&llrE ~~pJ rpml

The N-~

0- 0····

- .

HE PEUPlE a ~ NASO 0 harve prospered U' d er ~~nre

5eiC1J rite I®f the R ~ p~b'11C, [3 dNa nei n{m 'tlleir seei ety 'with o. '_t . fum~

con ern Foli" I ·u·· hie lh~hall .' sboo 15 'g:ovelll'rH~d by an

elected :so -ereigl1- a IQavemlor i31nd an .' ·~OTY Conn en

'[1e:s,i d"'ng ln ~he lR,oya 1 Pa la,ce at ~h~ c~p][~a 1 d'~' of Th eed .. Tille ra .. aboo ~ir" i'nl ci t ie _, and "~, "l1a(V '[ l h al are lhi n ly

sea Ue~d on the m3hl '13 n dI~na, 0 f th eir pll[a n: it., 110' ,-, If art i· -Ieep~~ se ted 'in Nialbco cultUl'!,-, laldng sudh fonllis ; [S lfi'flJd ~,m;:ld' cct'R aind dabora'lt:' ,croo1thing Ifalsh i ors. The t, [~bo.Cl regard theiif refini.:d ¥tay ~lf -Ii ~~ as a birthright- but they 'wm find t at it is a ~Iuxury ~ha t ~~ ey' w~ ll have to ~ .fe lid.

As g~~or of '. _abiDo-

[) -Og -'oken :510 Bibhl~ ~~ an'maUm Ibtu1Jj~ih l to l.h~ Qll.I~il!ll),

U~fc! 11'rJl'I.~! ill~, choirs

til _' hlv.l- OIlY Coufu:il. 3 .. d de~lIls diN!tU)" ,~lh re _ iOI~i n:p'~'. mla1t\ . ~]ldl tQ" ~'owm'~ri(j o~llk" . i~

cr~J- tQ~(l1 - dmln is UOf1!

~II . @I :C1U·N[~' Ollrf f'\K(1f

Royall Starship

Th~ glcami III - b.oo R~l'{]11 S.'i'l11'S lip ~1i11iO~ Queen

J\mi'tftlla ~~I fonHill1 -tah~' 4lJ!) ,,~~-a nt' in fiillatcb'

, tyl,t!,. Buill, CJ1fill . i:iI;g.1]1 ~ ~iWig) fo.t~r'g'l1- rn~:nt CiIl1l:lin!: ,iJjnn:!l h."dlllo'l~

Imm~l1Cm1~ • '~] - co sliiip - -

1,1 inds the·~boo l ,or if ,;111, tl

'taC~JiiIJ _\l ::._

aHm jiuid "..5 ,Jr. ill e-

~rJr fli!'w~

NJil . forJ btjrrJ' rlt"i!JiU'r


.' IMCNCiliUf oS 0111 till~ ft~ nyes of If!i,I,aboo's c~ties ear . (I a v'tal

'Ill', cit belwc€li'il ~ .- rr ' . a ltd

'that 0if rne GUlIgans.

'.' Oil oo~,rd the' R~'II Sta I'!Jnip. ~fIj simple iQO'mpa n tnt'S,

Ili'kt '~his ,g$6'11 a'tili:m ,._- nlili;:mish!UH'~ -'tIl1dcm . d in mlhe cleg3f1Jt

. a.: 00. s.'~ - ,

SOtU'u. ~lu( ~~~h~ IrS. iiJft~ 'U-(I ~ , ~ rOmt Qr 5!!!Id:.1

.. 'tPlrimr~, fffNm ,- - P1"' hf!'1' M~ ~ry C~Ulr. ,I

Duill~, l:cn~~I.IITi1i;s, aglJi, J'I~ l~oy!:JI ralil~' 'i~ U~, '12rnge~l blliidlin~I i 1 Th eed, ]~S, COt:! It 3ft ~d Irar iJI'iii~~ h~g~ dflfi!'Iil'!1!n)

pal' It cul~lJjgral !!:\ft [S , lld vlI Bhrg

digni~a1fr~s. " -c ~ p.a'~ t:~ bI~nd . ~istofit dig n fuCC!15 \ _ !tll~ ,1~tOJ ItiC dQoll"

. I ~l1irnUom, sysl(:lmS ,and! a~a-:.d -1(' dhtljJ'tt cO'mm~ ,

G!!!51 'J("5, 0' l[iF.I5'SllJr.I oz: 11'11 the .1Jt'tls elF Tha:d LUI -ty.illl'!ll

wol'KfA:,rr 'Mlh!;'\UII;;"r ~'h!!"iw IOUl:ie'ri 'IN I 1 II, 'lido" them ro ~ t: , emn 5afefy..

. He:tldl of iCiUriity fOT IQue - n Am'ida1a~ Calpla:ifi Panaka

zrse s c: brandl of ~h~ YO unl:JeJe1Y Royal . abon S~ruri~ orres and ls pelfS,~rnall1y '. ;pon .ibh!' ~Of 01 .. 'Qu- n'sss ~e~:y., '311 alta ,~a ' appcin ted ,al F1te~ hlis, p~edoc-es~@ r, CtlJpt:ahl

'Mag n et iSl" I·t'dli led liD preVfll'1 'the' dea't h IOI~ I~he fermi;!' K~ ng 'Venn1'il., \I\I"h 01 had gon~ run'lo hhJUng UipD ~l'k~ abd i,~tion.

Ve-mnal"s ~,aoc''den~al'' d;~I~ _~s 'OO,rt up .=. even From

'~h e IQ u~ ~ rn - and - ag n ~t quieU, I'fsigwu:~d~ t"iIlna~.;11

. _ ~5 ~ t' ilf!l!creas~ng~~ diungerOIl!ls, , . ta ~f! of a malilS, i till il~" 'Ui'll a '1r!1 (lJ~'id :31l'gU'e', PtQr 5'lmWlger Jf;ClI rl L-y measures

- ,0 P~otl cl the ICJ U ~,~rnl ~ id '.abOD n'ie1f, D -~ ~,~~,eh ~ I Ith~ AdM_SO~ ICoulnd'l cofiM'lIii~ ,Amid rua 1101 a et hl a(l~ rdan. e wi Lh

r aiuu}i's traditional pacl nsm i ~na kaJ fb.~~5ca· .. ~~ ~ outcome or '(hris I ob~ ',01 icy~, bu[ ~'1 La - 1£- ~ 'the t - nor

lof ,an 'inw ; 0"0 h)! bring h "is; pOlin t h ~m~ i

M~ dip ,!;;~k~

DATA _'"lllE

'.' Captain, .. _i _ d ~:om;.. t CXpcifi.i!:rn: ,

fn I R publiil1: S!~C[~ ~ 'F _ ,fc~: fightjnljl ~91iF"i't . p30~ pirates in ~ht '~etot '~II'JUiiiii\'ll.n,;g tli M,Bboo ¥ .

• ' D~ INJboo, ~~ I' Stwfily Fo - i - ud(: U'iP. ~t\(ril¥ Ii- rJt!. ~_ -, Rdaa: IG-U~ -I ,- __

~ _ 'S tt fi!llh'til! IOOrpl"

~t..ll ~ IPOII~~ amw~\ii' ~;o ~Mliai'IJ in!'~lleri~ies, llI-O!t ~() IiItiJI!'i3U.

3'2 ma~bor~ · ... ...'~n~!

- = - - -- -- _. - - - ~- - - - -- - - - --

F3~f:'in l'I1e Tl':lJil1t Ft:~1 'f:i ~i!lin IIm;"ts.. IP:in:li~:il ;JIl'id! hi~ f.\)'ll;j~ (h"O'U'd r~1 ~ ~l'h d~lil;.']~~i!~dI ~ffif:~11L}1' 10 ~~JLiI.]f(1 ~h!::' QIA"t'l1I to li'f:1e I!hT<OllI~.

SIe'IC'U riltl' Off cer

P,;U'Ulbf$ rew top ~Im~~, ~n~ 'I~I but m\ll~I~l~ ~1il'f~ll"fJ~iiilr '\~i~Wl ij'C,~11 (j1:l!I't{[fr., D~ri~'!3' the 'rndl~ F,ooe~lion illilij{~~i'on. nu~y w~ft Iham to mai1il ~~, [II romer in Na~oo"

Security 16 U ,3 rd

M[irshalll~dl under Illle au~ftfinl) ,of' (:m'p~J:Jllli1l P=Jn3k;l~ '~ib~, CClllm ty' G!Jailld ~

II he' 'I ~h~{I ~n ;) 1't{liY~il f inmtrnny en .'B'O!!:lI, 1000dh/i~ t'i!l!'~ 'Se~l!Jri ~ GIll!~;lld$ s~n,,"C' Iprim3~1y as, sentries ,irMrtd 'Fm~.rolg'ncl1 irlilll 1i c ~~., s'U,p'l!.!iilem'~i iiI!J UU~' lill~d ~oli~' 'fl~~' (!i~ bdhalI of ~hc' R~I

','Ii laee, AUh~ ugh 'w~'II~dnll~d: rby

If,'!'! i~'~, Ih~ ',' e~ijJrilY (l u~ro ~Si no ~rhc m~~h(jni~rl 3mw of nll~' Tm [I~ l~d!Zr;m l'i~lIiII"s. h~;sil(lil'1 force,

Palace Gi rard

The ':a;~ c;e' G1ilJ3.d is Ih~ 'h~gh1y~trnin~d ~o~NyuaH.! ~ r tlu o.l1t~iJjl i!!!1IiId 001lJwL ~ile ~'he' SCClil ~~ (h.mlld rUrt('\~,~l!I as, ~ 'mri]i~j;iI, lh~ hh~t:r GU.'Bm is milJd~ IUp I@'f ~~dka'~oo ;mh!l:i~1!5 ~h~ i.ypi£~lIy eKp-l:riewn:~' ~a'Hlc ~rr~,la~et land return I~O ~mt ct I'he Q!JJecn mJIC II.:! r I !ij1fil 11Dy., AI'~l'hOU,[B~ 'r~' 1 n I'iIllllllll~iiI;~r. I h~' P,'alI~~c;:' 't1~ rd ls nl~ I:m~~I:u)~:e 0 f N~boo seeuri ~

UJ.It:lmI'j)rN~ ilJ~llIe fur


5.jld~ Pl!:i~NcI'l!!ii1 ~r.!t,,* tnifT S'lfrOJrI~!ii

~'~~'4,]'t;!)iji f~i\n'''f(i!ln;!l iIlr-.t:i!'nj)' ~ll '

Cic .. ,2!.vM;f Wi'i$I:~r. lb.!!! "'1: fj]; P1Ll~

'rW:r4mtnJtjl Jtild' ('ill 1IMulii

~\Ii'.N _d IbJ':~~ ,~~'f for ~#iJd .. i'(I"" iIl~oJ?d I'oI'PJI'iLla.'

'N-< 3-"- b O~, r 0·····.· • .. p ..... ··,1111110.··· ••• ·It- ~'S:'I

. '_ . '.,~ _.'. .' . '....... ". '__:_. ..':"_.___:_ ,"

'LKE TH 81R i(OMII;AD' - S t~U!' Se('~ri'ty iGuard and th e Pil~8C~ Oil! ~nndl~ ~'he' Sp31[C 'fig:h~ew' C'O]'jpSI is a unll of ttue' IIGya~ 'N,aboQI Security lFOK,e:S.. lts pru~o~s, are' a dJevil,g, Msy=c,a re I D -i' 'from d lverse ba clk!gcf'oun d 5 wh 0 fly the cus~,om~bui~lll N abo o 'N - '~ S~aJrlfi~h·J.~rs with 'p.~:de., Their IJSU3~ 'm'issions aee rou -'i'ne piJtTO~~ eseert €I U'1fS or p\alr~u~ e fIn ghts.., ulc'k olf 1((Hnb:3Jt on pea ceful Naboo IWOm'lttS th e pnots,

~o !tJ~l'iTIi exp erience 'off-'p~la~Je~ run R~pfUb.1Ii c "p~'m ~e !~:g1ht,e{r IQl110It1lPS, orr ,on the rn;lre patm 1 'mliss~ OWlS, fh:~tt enecunter ~foUlb1ema'kern. 'By rna m eans t he NICS l

.-'1 . 1'·· - b- ", -11- - 'r-:- .·c --: --i'l·--:,i' -' ;"'-,- H'h' , ,-' ~l ---

~ 3rngerous _un ( 0, SP~~(! IP I ChS I n III. _ e (lam a~I'

th e 'Sp1aloe 'Fi,g'h{~er ICOrpS are nOn,e~~leme5S m-ea dry for a etien = even mm 'I'll e f;a ce 'Df th e Th,!),de' :rtdera ti en's 'D\i\efiWhe]mhl,g ~haUenig~.

f'i~'~J#J t,jU':""~ ""'f~i~ 00 .di;~ ~ :n'R~

~iighl 'iOilJli!r.-1'.!! f};ptrn~' fJI Nli~ !}'i"

H:c':ftm ~ ~~nillau

N'~ 1 Starfiqhter

'Pari~~ fini5illed in '!1ljle~min~ di!iOrmili!TI1 to i~dica I'~ I\~~il S~~'Uj~ , ..... ru ~ta1ffirb~,clFr5, :5pcrt ~OIJdta~ ~!'1igil1es laf N ultila11l 'I1!'lrlkit?: 'in a J=~()li'ii1!-]lllmllionl :fip:a(\dl\~me" Jbsisled by ,~n ~!i~Wlil'1~h dr,(lri' d, !sHlirlmgh~~~ , 1m [ns;t arid agill". but 'prmlfJe ~o' ~'!'iOO'IiIIT~~l J~~c' split"5- W1U,';111 'I'tinc ~nglim.·.3 :51l.1! rrCf' dafn3[f,[',.


Ii: ~niiiphiT.'

f'ti~.II' d;d11'i'iJ! ~~~

~~~J'{.IiI'in-.l' IJrnHJ ,n!i!iffj~toL"'i---s

I ~.j[1


S'-STEMS, MN1'11iO[!t IN.=- 1 'SliMfIGifl"ER' iI!i~-O.rnrs

A,r_d~liirJt" d~ Mms.

fIll'iI~ IJ1W ,~ -~-11

• Naboo pi lob mustt gain t_)i:ptriel1le~ rHyil1lg uti rrrry oll~Ift' lbef.~re th~ 91Ft p~rmI'U'td to tji!~~ tiiu~ ~ontrols ®f ,3 ~t:ed N~ l s~ ~fight,~r,

'. Ol!ll~ a ,~~w h,u~k¥' IP~I~t'S ~!¥C It-ver 'A t;P."WIlI A)V;aii e.$CiQiil 1i:I~'l, ,311 thi:' WiifiY Ilo CQ1'!Js~-al!lt,. Im!Mt fH:!.Ift~

11..,,,, ~',,,, - l"li:'~ N""lc._& ... "'i[' ", .. ""i", Hi,li¥llng "O'IIL"QWU ill' ="'"" ..... ~

.... 13!'Ii!Jhl~f pl~ui (':g~unUJ' IITIQniP' tM\~S;<i!lhui and ~b~'I'I1!l. 'if.l,fOmlll!U'OI'! flmf!!'l reO!ilI~ilJY' 1I;!~!fIicl:5; ,~~d ~rtl ~1lt'i;' ccdpil.

R.-ic 1[]~i1e'

11il~ ~~p pilot ; tlil i,ll~ Spa ee Pi Qrltcr Co~SI Q5, Itt" 0'1 ie.

a veU~f<3n ~ i el!!' w'bo ariS~'1'5 aifoot1br to 'Cilpt!il~m ~n~lk;i. ~if~@~M,~ '~up .bl'it' IG}f m1yi~19 a~-y c:r(llll, ~" Nab®o, U ~s Ric, OJ~:e"s, hOI1~1iI1f t'o '~a:llitnl nl!1 the la~~j"'s, 'R:~al StafJSI~ip. 11l-~ run dutl1!.agh ~~l" it.m de Foocrn~ioJ1 ~Iodtfl(h;:' ,t~s caJi'~~ n~l'rng ~bl~ili~s to r~n~' ~~lii'iiil. ~]jjd c-veA he dQubts wh~lh~Ji tluzy ean '~~l l~lhrou11l1 ~~ ~"'t"

I)~Q:ID 'llOI .I

In, a smn1J i['\'h!lirn~r IIH] lehili l:g~l dlto~k of 'th~ ,abaoo 'R.11 '~~Zi~jlli, ~ ... D2 Rc"{-lii;;]J!j! :'l!i bl1:'l~WiI '~~-or~ lP~j~tlj, aRt11 Willl1 wil~i 'Ol~ !tf ;3,iiJO!'I1!- ith drQh~ , '~i' O!i~rglMm~nls., A ,rtpul:mrli n I~M!K :at IIUII;;; .:iI1d 'Dr l'n(- hald '~~ Ih~ dwJ~~ ~o

h- i!l!!,;! '!ik~ o~ Ii Itt, $'hip ~gr ~~k g~ '~h~ Imil dU!ltl~g Dig1J~.

Sil' rt:t1rdD1IY hQ~~ri£' ~~/li)r

~zy p [rvron:'n',IloOOir ,~_[id rmfilllJ'" Q',I"

,r.~lFdJt:ji1l1t' Om!' 5.l.lillfl

""'>lIrwnrt'l'I driN'd ~~r'-,mtl\!rrJaIi'

B:2-~~' ~~' ~;~r.kcfil' Ihr Iliull

~m~ ,~~~il' ~id~ iQ1',iiir'm10i"

i\~c~1iO'~lI,drJii~h, '!:'(iiPm!IQi1b' fi~11i!Y nnt (II '~1d~ 'i"~II1i~J.)I of m,",rn"l1h:.I~ rg;l:;lir i;lilid infu:rn,Iiili'1'II rt;rI1~1 ~ R_:2=D.~' ,t~ ilI~l 5t~nd '!i:nlt fi~1 Ih~'

i::Imwtll Ullllil hi;\' sing,khilHwilNlll) IOOmJiIi:~t!S< ~alE ~u I~f,lt __ ~b(!i~ ~'~ S't~l5hif,i;!i, shiiC"h.l'Ol.l'lIrF.3nH~

Sililf1'l'(BiiI]\[II 'i!l5~ro:mir;M I1Im~~, ;J;rJ.: !I,l$W lillil i'iU~ ~2i~ Iig'M_i:i'U'S M, c!1I~!OOi!m fUgtn WVIUHiU. R2~D~ ;]'OOOm:p;]mes. A.ri!ll~'f111 'S~ilhf hn'O 'lI!aUnt '~11 n~ droki W!l:'~t

R~-rWN: M.M

'fiIIil~ nlrt'iilib'I't.- iIlFIl'II @fiI (~~lll. ~ut Of ~'i!~ t'l~dn:mit ,mrt!-3liii)J~!l~

J~J'Jllffif 'i:"nlrllUriJiII 111m IiliIpfimmj .din"-


~j~flii.l pI!'~(' :!:1i',ij ,Li'J,{i~t' n:

,A, 'UifllJITY UI\Ol D with ,~I 'mhld I~:rr 11 is own~ Ulere. ils rn ore' 'Lo 'R2,=D2 th an hls orrdl~inaroy a'ppe;l!R1lmu::e I wouldl suggest.. J ijlSt om!~' ,O!f ~velll',311 rerpa'i rand 'Ina i fIIll[e~UII11Cie dlroids, assl QIDled to 'the' N;mboo

RQyI~1 Stafrs-h]p~ R:a-D2 Ri1P~ ~lce5, bl'D\!if n fruses,! irns'la lffis 'new \vhiflig" -po~ ish es In OO~ and does 'tVhil ~~r else ~5 IJiI ltictS5ar., to main't8li'rn the' !gleam ilrillg WS'M! ~in perfec~ 'wc}f'kh'lg ~::])(IfIld i ~ i'~H1i' Fer a

u l~n~ty dRl~ d~, 'R 2 =~)2, ~s equi'pped with lllell'Hl!lw'kab'le 'l:tTil ~Ici lJ ,~Ind drive tiOl ,~~ro'mpUs'h h is m~'~~lons. :!'iu ci]l dtetl ica t lo 11. 'w[um 'di Omll tUl~]~y 'g.o ullfno'Hfe.di" but whe'nl 'crisis, ern1ve~ ops I~he RQyal S!ars'h'ip" R2-ID.2 beC(Hfte5 ,iI he l~i.

'R~F; _ iil1~IIU~B;!' ~ro{~_~t U~'lmI,N:5i, Oiw Rl' i!lm~!!]; I'~' ~Ii!ll:i~~' 'tD Pf~~ Iht~~ dU{liugb :ai.~ !!J r SP{!J."t.

,Dr ~~ ~;lf.rtn.~' ~J\I'-ln'

,(io~ifm~ ~'mJJir~' and ~il' I;Ifl (jjj~!J~

'.' 112:-D2 is, owned by tJ'h;e' Ro~~ ~h!i!uiSIe' ~f N!i!.b@~. [He' W~$, ~$SIgnetil 'kJ 'the: (W~flts mip Ib:~i\nlst' O'f 11r,!)

O!!J ~tandip~ pei'iF'OJfm~UiIot ~OOIf\l.

'. ,ArtJ'l\@O's rne~d ean t~l'il:s-oope up so ~ ~~It

Ih~ t-~In -~~ ~!!I't Q:~' ~tI~ ti~11it ~Cid; o'ff u Na'oJi!i01 Starf1g~nt;r d ~id m~~~"

'c.!!I' to

- la .-- J,3····: T··II-····l[Ij'n··,·k· :s·:·

... 1 .... _ .... _ _ r.- -

,A·. AMP1H~IB10US [GU· GAN 113)'·, tal -_'aboo" J~T 'is a ~u(k~ .. ·

.. ~ :ille nOIli1l1l h~ hOl1u~' [ilt)' O~nb GungaJ H.e now Uves i'n -lh .

waJmp~ wh L h' ·UM._5, 0, ,j- D· I_~, I,~nmng nn= ,~~'t~~Ulish and other' : uch SW3111p[ ~alrt. His. lon;g muscuil a r '~ng u ~ 1m~'1 pIS him to ·ICIDDp n10nuses cu' of ,t hei sn en .~ ,3lnd ta,st:Y IgUI - 10'1· eu 0'.1 n~ei r tr ~' bufM'cws:. D1urn n~.I' th!!: inlvasion lof' N~iboOi Q~.n .. Gon JilU'I1 nuts, ,'nto[ ,ind eseues ,Jlfj[ Ja ~ The s"mp~ Gungani's, sense of h~r~DiUr'il1d:i him t,n [Qui=Qon fiGr nfe" even ~hough U.,

-IOri -. _Quid 'm chi ' do with,ut him at 'firs ' ..

Gunqa .. '


• .J~, Jar $peaks: a ~ cgin G1Ui1ga~ di1il~(' of G3iI~r'~t~ Ilasi~ F _ G J\ga s s: . ak thf' IW r~ GUrlgam f,arngtla: ~.



, Glr ~s EVOLVED ~m fin! swanlps IDlf: abo", b~lrom~ -'g' ,aihno "~-Qrtrall w,-H adapted to 'Im~~ on la nd ~'1l1 d in wa ter, Th e a~nphiblDus be1ngs ~ j've' b'l :undt~m~rlf'r citi".· , h:iclden in dec ~alk·' I 'breathilng trir or wat- r wl~h "tbe-ir 'f:OmpOUIIDld lungs. Se<C1e" U~(hr~tiq'U,: aUo.w Gurngans to ~pow·' th basic struetu es 0:' bui~db:lgS and vehri de .' which ,iJ!~e [Cmplm'f'llle:d a mOl ffiu1isl1, -II by G 11 !I1gan J ~$3'I'il, in org,a, - i:e sJy1es. (iu I1gans, trade' w~~1h the ,Iaboo f.Dr ~irtah~ i ~enrs ,of ~echrno ]D~ bur

f ainu fiJcM.:n~ - \!'tryl h'inlg eL ~ tb~ 'I ecd ffom rh, I resourees o~' I[~e~r !1fi'il d ~ ma ~. f

;. Ib~i:iat. :ru'~ho<u . h GUl use me h~Ini:zedl'- =h';de' 'lbey 'har .. t ,a close a -nln" ,

mill ~~e "al' urn~ world ,m~ld stl ~I

. - '1' ~;.

p "Ief to 'U 1~IZ.e IIIM'fiJ QI mOll nts

an dl beasts 0 r bUlild C:11~

- 'a!a~jh~l 'p.a (j'Ol thl', f in OtOI1, (jun~f I, Ciilp.t~i[1 I a1Ja~s b usll::ll1y on i1~ IOllkotn ~,,'!f I~bic:-ves or '00 I~g ~r'.o1jJS '-'trfl t·1i' CIl::'"311:U'C, ~hiltt ['1IigIi111 ~~u a te 11111 rm'iu!' (j~~l 31n p<ipu:n ee, 1':0 the wC'iJl:Y Ta Ipals", d~h;;n~~p[()nJar j\aj B~nb iSI familiar ~o oocupics 'If

I!!D- m sp .. t' ] [a IDeg01\Y.

''''''dr~ fC' b[j~~l~.i! ''(')1

0I'¢!i Gil

~l1nfilN1(" ,am'm~l.¥' /0- ~Jt,'!lfl' '.IIt!m:

Otch G unqa

111 _ IIfHlgi ~ IS11" " "11 0 r 01 ffiI G1.!Ifl hidd~i1 in ~b~ deep 'wa I of l.Qk' f,a,i)ngB. ~ ',ltrful ~ ~~-anC' membr Iii' f1, lds Illf1CJii wj}U~r nu of 'llu!' ch¥ n irng ~ubbl~s ,~ndl rg~iw' IhillY . ts 'l'h ii!liadl;ri'Slmi~ jew 1,.n~c I"~. S~f;L;) I FtcjJ F11 , 1 zones ~ 01 I a'il in aWl~ ,antNt' 0·" ng31 : t ~S$, hmlllgliil

. :illh~u~ ~ e~dh1l9 ~o' ~~ an~ aU oc '.

Sea ~ fish

Ai wJ1t '~ or '·.i)IIIFish (O~lst ;~n (til-'::' wa~t!f5. ' mmul Dt.oi I[;UlllIgU. r .~ " ,alii dmWirilI Hili (I C' '~i'·

its, Ii:' h l'~ but ~1i)'ilC' ~C1Inm:mll b~ ~X;~~ri~n'1~ r:o· to pel, lhmu gh ·0 ~he ,~:rir-lIliil1:.c;I mini'!.::" Of.


Ei!XfIi!!t:Hc ~ mttiil')!' lilI :rh"ri~""


Rtd ,of Ototl G'llulga, ,-ii~ I r'g~t lake ciiilyt 10', . Nil ~ its

3 ucrn. o.'hj..,raj:lIIion~d G~flJar~1 It'!il110 iPea1i:~1 Oa~a('li~

r ~ iSic " Uti!, strong aee ffl. ~!l;' ~llimm~1idl great ~~~liu:uil)" ~n 'ill oomnnJnil"'C5! 'bqr~,"dl 0. Q.IillIGufif3 aml~

'l!taslM1fl'll 'I fiue' aw.dl pli'Q p r ''Ill . in It ~ . . dog,. _' ..

I, ~ii5, i-Ill 8!1!!,s& Nass' 'p~:m ((ifi~ tiO 'lilltl11 mClne IGuflg;Ul Qr.rmdl Amlj,. whkih e., In dc' u - loF Gun!1: liS, rWmm all ,U erll1~11111 .

• 605,S . at~ in s, 'the di'stinClive Igre~n'i din '-lila liioodw II!'. ':5 D,f th~' o.ld An urn liR~ 9 tha', ha i1s. 'h~m'il an ~5~hU;ed '~wa - P' vIIUa;gr.. H'rs ,tlns-tant IiJ 1!I~IQI'5 ~1IiI it,C!rll with

~he Dt~1113r G'Ung~ 11';5 who. f.e'UIP-ded D~h Gung3~

'. ~ep-er' af an eieet rc~d~ ~p BUril ~m~s, the seOrcL 0- 0 Gill ga II h'i: inglli'!a~,!t


"'!!fII 1 Gunqan Warfare

Lo ',' ,0 UNlrrED by tre.fJties. 'the Gung)ans cia n~Jt 'fi;;jht 1,'11 e' '_13boo or eaOlI other, M1any 'Y' 31TS ,iI g 0 'they d~' ,o,'f ~he l~st ~rrvlldern te threaten

them, 'Nc,nc 'he'~~5.S, they nlain] al~in an ,~ifme:d 'FO'fCie' frgrr 'tra d i (11Oml and d~Ft~n~ ,a g'i i I1St ~ U3(lk: by sea

'm Olrrt15tJ~rs. Th e Gran d Arl1ilJY ler,il~rp'l oys b(ll!~~1

t:f\dl'l1 01 0 9 ita~ wizarclmy alndl tra d i tiol'D 3i~ 'Wfil'P:()t1Jj~., '~IU, '~niMlili:ilr~ focus 'is ~n de.f~lH::ej for w+ml'clb ,aln]ma~l-n~oiUn'[ed s'hi eld 'gl!'f!n era tors 3lfe U5le~. 'flU' atta c'k., th e (ju~g;~.niilS h U 111' l]'lasm~~ leme~g-y balls, Soldlers of I~~e Orn'~W1d Aiftny are if1lJexpelvh!nood~ bUrt tbe,'11' '~s-o~w Icom~s iFrrom a finn sense of dlllJ'ty a nd ,jlllJsti ce ..

llii!"il<!l!!11 /.5IJK&im Ii] [ 1111i1l'.!n ~m f~.IJilba.i:ll hrJfi1"JJjl'

Iffi.fl1tIW~1 (10m lM 'SM.~I'f:lJii~ G'W'I'Ig:!l1i Ilroops, ~f.I!I m 3'11 'lile' lJn.tltn.:,,~trt'i' eommunl ~iC\S '!Jl'lj "i by stig!i5 ~:iTIO the sin~e bOOY o~ L1w tGrlm.d AIi!'fJ)t (J,~ ~ !'!I s:04d~ kill i)w Ilh:!l~ ~h~ musl. ~~ [Jw '"fnI:de' 'Fi;l;(k~1'>I1 ~n ,;lI1IJ]Y 10 iltF~I,J;r¢ l~il ~~fl11i!'"i sumwl and 'ri"<:~!Ii!m.

tA,\IIAW 11~ G rn;ruj ArJIfLJj' CCfi'!i,;r~JtS. mCdllJ'

II)"r 'mill~ ~l.:ri'lgs.

jQr p:;ll~-'Ihfte" ~~clc:1S. Ild~Yi!b, p~~ _heir ,!l)lUlill tmiforFIi8" rosuJ[t!1gl tn :!iQ~ Vi1rtll'tID:f11 illl ~t'ii i~n1Ell il:i[gfhlng.

r,(~~d'lUl WCIV dom~'I:icil1t("d long) ,!!!go by 'OUi1g~lil y,lllQ th!.1'fI ~i~ on lhe sur aee IOf Nli!illl'Oo.

They a Ill' !~r1imaril) ,:iu~.a,tr.d' For

la nd-dw~m ilIg byt !!:a'~ ::11 ,.~ l!rrt1'JIlh(, 1JJlld:~atef IffOr iOl1iJ illerioos. 'KiiNlIJd u

d~ol"a ~(I ,vith 9 i ::ml. fCMi lh~~ ~~ 3~, a~il~ IfHlIurnts, Iror (h.Jn[ga'H s.o1d lers a 11d SMutS.

1~1illli.llil WMUN

, dm1!g iil!igC' rw:Mttls to

1fI~~ml~(: joh'b,.

G'lJ ns 'f! 'b;;!il ~~

wa~fi~ ,rnl!1)' ~JppI~or~ Qr e~ryy'"'b:;lU 3mriijjrUH'i}:i~ to the ,~mk;n li~ ..

0!""!9~ 'f,iLui( I!!!iiflrtr m!l'lr::! !!fS 1Il'1H'{/l ~f "~rD

1·Jt'S.r: E l ~G~F\Qi''N ~] ~OCIJUi;~

&lr~..r ~~!II pulW lij.' ~ b~.fdr. ipIDirI

~!lfj'jJ' :i\Nt'1.!)fS 1M4ii!1ll ~fjI, itiI'H'{ 1 iL'1I!i r m" i:O~ NIl

,~:(InH'tj i.r:~~

G'llJrI9~U1i1 ~nln:u!!!1I~Hgliii ~fi5i>'!~ (~i'r:!ll S~lrail'lS~ rertm" hh: h~ d~L lnuttiW !~hnm it en e;r!'W lh~ I_

bur.M 'U~on iIDP~Cli 'Ill ~iIIlC'1\D ~JII iUC

,~pall't!~ in fJinlL!lronl si~~.5. ;~ n d ;Z!ru' 1un1c~ IIna (h~' ai ~ by iii 'V~lIi~ty or ~'~'I'Ig 3~'i~ 'mort 1t"'nge 1l1:m\'rirtgl Mj~ '~i~JI~)~~ ea [.;:I P IJ~ ts ... ~nul

o~a!5looony by iicd:d!.!nl. .

I:~r~fg;p lr.:llh iIf~ ~'i1ril'uol;'i/y :'i-"Mi:':tt Jr:if.' pDJ'ill-ifir Io!l.f ~ iI' iJJ-U,

'Il"Ol'J'l'l" tflQ\f;J';IilrmJ

rA ~IlJI.T .rrg!ilfji'.iJ:'l'fl\'n~


I!NJ Rm' !.I trulD)

~Q!flR~1J INO ~ II:. 'Slut ~D An imilll n~d ~flll i!Jl: IU~ 'rl(i1"i ~ 'i)f l~ RhictrJ gtA 'm_OJ'

,~~ - tflbly [p:r~i{ltt5 iLl;P~;;Il'Ol1l, fil'Dm dl]lijJ.irHliWl ""It:'("!lnnl ~~.IFm1fIIM-e;~ Ll'i:t"1 dil'l::il:'t ~h~ gtn;ffi)1:m lI:Kam t·l!iiw;}Td5; lhr. pr91~t,l!lr drum.

,D'l~wi Jll"loIll('.r gg;!t'mio , fmillir d{rt-!' IlJ ftJm~ MkM

s,u~· It ~w!!,[iiI~ Hf,j_j ri!Pm' es lI~i!!illil ,oj·j.nrm 1'iI'S}"!I:'Dib~

~~tlji1:' irl.fir.l!!lY UiI~~ ~.II't'Q

ftw! 1"7

~ r.u\"f.!k.1f~n"

• Famllnca' '$ni~ld g~n~i\i l\Qrs tt, at up wh~n

u ~del I re a~d am bt ~~!::;d l~tI ~ 'fOr !II lim i t~ Umr. l! i!ld~~ h~allV SJttaciL

h irs a f ~ all1l~ 'r~'P"n b~n.' S\1¥amp '1i~"lrd C'I'IJ the GII.IIl I'!'

!ih .~\d !~11~3mlu.'i., A ~h~l;dd

~n N{_J!.Y l~miUl:r lII1iiCi'hI!I'lI~l:d on ~JIi~ ~o~rd 'f'a m lila a, fiT~S [lllI t@l [I p~:crto, 'caJ:iiM ed on Ilhe I 'alTl'aa

~h ind. P.f(u.~!.J;!;;i r 9 a ~lu~"~1

11 dd-~'J«t il m P€:M'-" - DI

~Imoo[ ,!a~'y 'br,:rm'ardlmiWal.

1ihc Cmnd AnlW Us IProl~C1led

i- ~"..'I!... 'i't.,· ..... IloJ

" 1II15~!i!I:';; ,.il _ ~ I , t.~.h

f'i'~l"'ri.llr." ,~!lyj ftF bfgh-~~ $.IJi,.h11 ~j~or nrlj' tIi!GI~ ,aJ'iHlY ,t~hl

'. Signa'ils ,~l1Id Qtd~fS 3~ 'l~ nlimiu~dl by h;oms. as well ss iby 'gesturo ~nd wrnl$~'~$.

Mullll~l~ G!.I1t1ij 11 Ir~mb~ s'l~lclfls. lU'IIU", lo O!lff'i;an '~nv:Ilfj"j@1Q, 1ilI'C~~~ ~bllJl,(", I h;~:~r. t'he 5hilr:ld I~ liti!li~ !'I'IJM! til sliJV'i' ~!ltg

'~Mnrt llroQ~ ,I!!IUJ ~hlr t~~l~ ~(i:.a"IDn lI\k:l!ullf! d raid:§; :&!ll!!DH 'br:ta h~lJtIh,

Seal Monsters of Nab 0

11t1f~1iii!1'JL';i['t'li!I' 'k~~r p:U,!\rnJ,o?, ,~(',rp IIILi't'" P~;'!

'THE WAiER), OF NABOO ,al~!e ridi1 wHll Ilfe', I,'he balance of sun~ight 31l1ld l'iIliI:lItrien~:s b~hlg' 'idle',al~ IFo,lf rna my ~nt~, 'forfD'l6. M ~'CJmscoph:. VI ilnk~on flou iM '1m p~lodli'9ioU5 numbers, s'Uppo~r:tmng ,~I '~oodl chain that

're a f111 es ilts. plf/!,a,k ~in g.i:a n t 'Prtd altto,B.. The sea rn @!n_s~ern ,or

N1abool ,:!lire plri mmi~,y I UlrlkefS, 0 f Uile de-el1\, bUl'l so'm e ,are' 'kn o,\\\rrn

~o dliift to th e surfa ee a ~ in igh ~ or ChJJr1fnm s:tl~;rmiS ,~,ma :,ingJ sh i 11

II~~'I a 'ip~tbiia l'Iy b~ d ~dea on ~Iin e p~an et Sownc ef I~~ese'

In, @11'lI streus crea ~,!Jrle-s 'I~ ar~ been knl®Wll I~O prey upon lei un g:~n cities ~n ,~~:d~~1' coo~rdi na t~d attacks, which is. p~ r - 'b~ wh,~ I~h~ GUm1~la FI

.. ~' 3n1ii(y' 'sttan,ds i fi COl'] ~~fI'UJJ - d rea dli ness. Repe1~ ent fie-ld s 'keep l h e , h~V!iJa;rh:alns ~way fr'C'fll'ill - 1\1(,:' Icrn~~:es, most Ol~' th~ ,thWt!J~!, but fOf suml unexplahted ftasons, (me oC:!C',~:S'il@rn~U~ swims 'tlti'iDUglh.

N"~~iW1l!.!' ~~w pill ~Il.-

JI~d.ry..~~~'IN1 im'i~Ii"'i'!.I(" ifIllw-r:il"~

IC,'O']'OI Claw Fish

TI~is ~i.: !1linc p~iJ3tor ;S, iJd~pt,~ t~ s~l hMiI'Il ,:r~ lilr!Je~ (h~ll i"s own h~.ul. 11't:s,j,i3W5, Calil di15t('wuffi findl i~s, in ean iiuc~ch 'IDa Ill'litgulf anolti5.hll1~ (ilrye ,rea'U.l!~ The (IOIQ '~eiilZ~~' a ~JeJ' wiillh Ul;~ tl~ge ~d0r.i11 ,et~~ fe;r' whitt! i~ ~, ~';Jwru~dl~ bi3!VolrL,-g ln iUal1Jl cli~(n'k' I~etl g l by U~'t(!fY.l1ig 8' -vdm ~r,osonic 's1:lritik 1~'~lt~ ~nltr!,itto~~~, ilD ~ I lllta.;m t ;uldl he .. d. Th!: oolo diy~ts ib Irond ~o\Y1y l!1tfl:9 W"C3k 51[Omarh :3'~ids rmdl mu~l, be ,[ci't~in [0 stun i ~s ~reJ wiilb Us ~Olll;O~ Ifan;~ ~~for,e '5w~llllo1Wii'a~g ~!i) ~~i~ ~h~ 'ii~3m,urc 'l"flIUWlO 115 way oy[ iO'r the (010 ~o' !lare~,

~~ 1:'U~11' ~I JlWI ~r .. ~ PJ~ fIJI '~f' : r_fll!.\bt_,;

tl~tlli Ii!~ folly !ifi~Ftn1 !!'(ii ~- - - - ~'!;ItJ'

rJIM:!~ljllM' 1M!~_d ;M'.M':ru« d hrmf..!tmM ,QiiI~lQ£

Sando Aqua Mllo'nster

~ -

The' :"tDSi~ rabl~J of ". a~Q','s ~ niybc!1lJrn;:s. t~~

~liIdiD Otl!N_~ mliiilr1~~f' b. m,,~\)1' seen, 1AI ' iJli~lI;;: ~r its,

~~OliJile ·~'i7. -, it i ' ,o~ow '~.I'F,utbl~ ~r hid in £I' iin d~pl ~]lVilFrm.rnc:1li ts, The' ~ .1elCI ~qU3 mor6~,~ '''5 am itHld Ir~' a!l!: on'ly l~al'iitv ~ d~~tQ(J into 'I1iip'p~ 'wnior111 '~L1~g~b that ~ ts rec~mJ l an~~onmlQS~, llla~ been 13~d C<li't'ah_n-cs" I-~ow ~his !IDaJ-gaWlW'U9lJ1! bea5l L"i)(S ~nQU~ h t~ $I!l! ~palft Hs ~~ funrU!l}il~S rcl~ltJJim to be f)l r"I;!i~~edl ~' ,ij!!; does rtllucil of N 'boo,'s eeology.,

Or-lfiilUi!. rq ,~JL.i'!fl fj.!I ~rp'Q:';1!' ,ail' H~.ol 'II/ rtlll

A b~~.!l'~ ilm31~3m oW U';;!'~t_5, o:r-dhaaIm11~ 'f.~ U mid only

~(~ ~ r::::liltg€:' Qff di~p~:r3'~~' [J!J'(J lUires" . he opec 'S~~ killli'r clilfl~ ~fi l'iIIl'liIl da ~ l!I:rn~ lIJ.ISin!]1 ,~I lure ~lil ~I:S h tad bi! dlFnw t~e

;~itilCl!'ltioWi !Of 'poum~j~~ prtJ. ~ t !then ~uJSun:s - he' I)~Y ~~in!JJ ,il (!~1l1'in:lIli@1~ or 'S'Mmmiqtgl l~gs and jClt pmll!J.d5i~}_1fii. The Qp!i;~ S]lifks. 'i fill wa EeT thflg.~gh i -. mQ~,dh ~1J1~ 'l;it'1rits, ~t thfQ'IIJ gh

I~ jl)eniftg:s, lIIJiFid;~r the pta tes hill its s~ifli. ,~IIQwin!l!' ~lrikjl1!=jl,y' ra~'~ ~~ FI~wning ~d'&. '1Wh~n the' p~ is ne~r cll1@ugii~ the ~,[-e '~b00l'~ ~;u ~ its, kn'ig', 'SHlit..v tmlglJ.lf.

~~' lr;il1,m-;I; 1I~1f1; - ,r Ill!' I[H.IllJQ s/('-.!" ~'Q' !ijT.iIli,1lJI It';'i: ,-l'QI'

bi1r~liD;! 't;ng! thl- h>l~ili ~1i 'aht 'YIlufiD ~ql!.!!(!1 ~nl;uu.l(iI' 'weldd itX' ~ higl,ty

dl!!li'igt'roo:s. IIndt"fiI:~ "mg. '~-'-\1:n ~'1~ 1-'1(' ~t iiil(~W'Ji!~d d1i~Ilw.'IIOi IL'ql!.llipJitCTI C. ~ ~txb ~1P~ii!i1'!ii 'Wilhom wamilli]l 0l11!'l1 C:ll~, 'Sw<JtlC}w ml)'~l O(br,"f.' M~ d\\'J;1."O[~~ in Oil s1j'jgl~ gulp.


r= II


1 'rM = ~IO M

lilJPEE SE!I\ ~L .~


IO~ ~~ kilrci3. ,311!' '0010, :l~91~~ mll;l ,(iir.'~D'L'im. .~ "~JI ~I !iill;ki,;'d ~ ImU;1P.' 'pr.~~~I'I)~ . ~, r~ollS kD1t1iS Il'rrust., t.o O~ up, !Jfld, )'QUngI !liip!$-~ ~m"-;:. been lUIC!!¥!:lJ Itg chli:'w rm~i'i' ~ out of l3 CGtlJi d!JW iI~h· I~~

n~1 ,,~ dr.iinr Il~f(' . '~H~ ,iIle-11 ,!if,

a-p d,f,I IIi'iIQi'iQtt~i lJ, II'"IXi!l' iI."-.!I'f!i. Ifmi:~i ~'1ar iPrQI

$I\N [It) A1)lJ.!\ ~m~~

TIw op~!? 'SEll - m~\ ,:!iI1Jlii,}\!fM bm~ pr.Dt~t~ it ,~g;jj~1 1. mus~ U~f'Wam pn:;d;;!t~ ~'!.!! ' i~ 'is d~r~~~ ~~ln~ t11e f;!O,"~Tifu'i J'I'WS, iij[ g:~!'lIe [rvimhiillJ'l.5. well .;lilj, UI!i::' ~nlilr;i ~~a ii1UU~I~1i_.



A 'k!li' 'S"'-'kl l-k-'

na.·····.·/:"'· Il I r>yw.···,:· .. '·::,:· .,.. la,~.·'e~,r

, I . . ,. _ _ _ ." . _

rOiii!;l!N'r~M ,1Drl:"

At ruou CiH 'HIE li1AY ruJOOlK ~In,'e ~ny oU1CW in:j n'r=)le,2u:-o~ld ~oy Irhlin,g' an the i() uter Rhlfil desert 'p~ anet IO'r Tateolne A'na1ldnl 'S:~a lker 'is fin rTom '91'(Hn.9 ry .. A, :s,lave 'to the j umflk ,d eal~ er Wa u()~ Anakirm i i'ves wi th hi' j m other i Iii the Srnlm;:epor[ iCUy of 'Mas Es;pa"

H·: IIJ".: '. I .' .- t 'I' '1 ,- l'l''"I",t·· . "lII'iU-. .. a. . ...,1IJ,,;,:""'I~,::.;;,'ll'l,;&r'~!'i"'A~·_ lI'IiI·ini'"'l1k~·. e u3:5 a mao ,lura am I:)' W!'LU me!!;.IUall.CQ_ 111.h" .. '!i;,""~JWJI~.'!!o.I- ~.y

UI1l clicfstandmlnO' h il)W '(I1I,ey' 'w~r'k~ TI n his Sp'®rre' ~.i m ~'I Atill~tiln 'rep~l'irs an d 'bu~~ dJs mac·~lmnes. :in,dud tn g 'Pndllii',ilI C'e'T ~'rilIGliili1e.s

.A -~ ... ;", ... 1.· ".,ii n I' ,"_~: i- -J"'. ,,- .·iIi'~. - ~

afil~ a wOill'lI'Ii,~ng 'Nd01u" ""l'UJ1 'YOIl mn nenees

his k'~e.n ~~KePiti'@in an d UTllIl'l3't uw,a;11y ~a st

lie fl - xes, ,amd recogl~"i~,es that '~he' F'o~ce

rs e:x'i rn 01ld i fii®lfHy stron gin Anaki I'll.

'If'OO:1!LJ.\_C~ JilD\'iER (i:Li..

~o iunoo!ll ~~5 '~J n~~, tJ ~fEl'ig he111Ji!l!t If! 'MM ~a. Sllti!~ il'!U'iT.ii!!!11iS. O'fdif,ja'ii.~ ~~finO'I !Ifg~ POOrn«~ AmI~il'111, iI!~.iI\'i-' :wtiidll h~'~~ D "(J~ nmd", (or 'him ,as iliI gift !~ Thl~'b" iii loC'ai~ mfi'5l!'il1l11in1.

NH~Jlf"" !11i.'l\l~ M jhi~.t,jjj ~. hj> ~~tJ~li\['f

. ~,a'mny' and Prien dis

Analkhl's mo~~eri Slhmi" b:eli~' in A1iiirak~ ~ and ~n~u~ g!f 'hl'm in I~'~ d~,am£, ~o C~"Ca~~ .' . s.!a,,"~'lY on TU~Q.5m'ie. ~-I is b~~, fnt"ndl" 'Ki'l.~i~j;, ~ il F't~I!l)~ s1~ \~liL{P, ~lo~ S~}bl1l dl~y te lb~ronn; ~ rnajQrdom~ ~m a W~]'li!i1 ." '!iDS Esptr! ~roa'b~'; An~r!iJi'IJ's ~llllUSIl,m~~1 t~I~11IH ~mctimcs ,d~~3ml~' ~im 'from ~i~ friends. 'ill!H, Ki'~s~err ~~:i ~1~'i'.~tYS' b~ ~QYaI.

~'!, ~1.ili hi$: llwn IfOOm 'iii'!, Hit." ~";'jjhi ~ilImi.1', ~\o.,dmn~ aind m!c{l'kmi{i!1 (QM~pQr1)1l!'il~:';; ill.': p~tlI OJjrJl!un!1l1~ b:~d S]fU::iZ Aru:I~~n lia. ro!!\J~;!n'tl,y !tinkl1:"l'ijl:l!) :ilntll ~Ql'iH~ ~Q I'igDR: IDiiiilgs OlU: .. Wortkin,!j rm Wi3UO gn~, AAahili iI!I\FIlMiijjtll"Ui~ flO'f tPSf1.l:i~1 up ~p ~'LJ1pffi'!Nll,l oo.l"l,l;' tJir.l!:ll t'Jw.r.t',

Ailitiikin hii:l1S rdl~~1ii11 Tal!nd ran-, 'hi~ ma~)1il~r to b·en~I;W' ~n ~im~1Ir. 5h~ hss gMiJl1 ~im '~:]'ulh 'in tili!l, dl'l~ms in ij)H~' G'W the,il! hllHl1!blc 's.iJtY~ltiQI1I i]§, s!ii~" A'i1Iiil!.drn' ~'ooks 'f~II'l'l;l~ud to the d:~ wIU~i1 h~ ~i~ II iX" F~t" tQ ~ihll s~~f$}lips. ,~f ~I'I~ milJirlnn~ through l'I~e' 'SpaO~I;;HlI~S, o.F' I~l~

dm'hrPl.~ '!l!~'I~~., HEt' SIDon ~ riid!i: I~alt b~ll~r in on t"~ Id 1\'e3r:t\S ~111 h~w W~IIIN.erlr'!Jl 1Ft"s,l.lIllS.,

Atfltllig Am~k~o~ triitfld ,~ 'Wilild,;l1 O!.JD!lII Roi!liirllil who ~1L;'~b nUtl(y., l.!"':JIidl dou1ln!i. j\!,!,:Jkin~!i:i 'e~~II1I!!lIruiiiiJiJl' iilbiliti6,.

S-r.imNI jJgrr."' . .fot ~.i!!Cr 1ft' :$'G'Jtij~t"ml .

• Anakii'!il Qnet bcIOtlig!~d 1.10 GtJJJlidull,lill lIht tluu, blUll ,~c: IM'~ hlm h~ a ~~it to Wa ltD wiFti2;n Ana 'j'lii '~aS 9Joou't 'Hlrtt v~ars a~i:1.

(itmp. ;;iIlihmM; i~ml~ 1mr:~N

• ,IW ,iill nllil~-V~3W=ohIIbDl. Atlakirn 'Wou~d n ~e!i I;) e ;a lI~wed '1IO c:om,j!l!~~' illl' 'i::MI ifiN ~drac~s. but: thill' li)uW'er' ~i I'll i~, ik!1low~ fo~ uU:, ~x~tin'ilgl f~~..!M"""all r.il1C'Al polic'H.,

'fiI'Ri'~i ~~~rl!~~riN.r ,iI'i1I!ti:"

Podracer -··'nlgineer

lll;'iiI.3!.l:n I!iI 'u nd~fS~}~riilds 1l1i1~ W~*hilg:S, of Rodt.1l C:~IS fjearn h~1'phng !im!cilllimics aJild 'Pi~. drnid~ repai r ~h~!1iJ1 fhr Wa Uo, ·Wllc:n A:nald HI teok {I ~Pil ired ',odfac::cr 'J:nw a ~~l ,§."i~i'

'Wi! UQ w,fl$ rurioU& ~mat Itle-· l¥~'S ,i!I'ils-o iimi'i~OO 3'1. th~ ·boy·s, ~ne~. 'SaOIl!l. lh'" lest cl~ _- 'ru!l!WWi~ iifl!Lo q!iJJali'ffjl'ig11.a ps. ,a uti A'Ilaikim b~~fimt" iii ~~dl\il,~er ~Jilo:~ ln sp'~Le of his ~ge.

An;;). ln h:;(s; '~fn"~~· ~~ored ::nul 'L:lb~ln::-i jun~ed hll~t"tr. Whel1 Qlii;.<Gon Jinfi :EI.~Ti\'~ in MiOOi, ~{!k A1Ji!!i!~in F.:!~5; in hi5, ";~J>ll ~m!OC',]j' fm '~he· l'irn I.iTIfm'·.

~r-l,~ -j!'!l!,'p~;f'" iIMl'.ji~i'd b.,!i! K2-D~ l"lltd,n" C'-JfU'-:S: ,i1in."lrl>ft'Mi

S~-lIir;":' vit'<W ,fiJi

~ /.II!iCo'. 1i;i!i1d'~"J'S.f~"llQ

ltlt~m:...;;;;g;~' Ii!~,rpjj

Wn~~ his. d~ i'i"i£ :!il alii 'ir(imi~81 lll'Ulr. ~5~tr ~h~1!l ~ ~inl' ~ -ItIJ '!;! P. tuul!.dl!l Ill!'!ds. Ih'l~~S!l:lr·, !L:mli(ngl in lilll!' i:'el!l U'e of Uu!' .!Iedi Gi:IouJ'LifH1 ~m'bi!:'f· On 1(@~1'i,~. ¥OOil ibdi~ that luh~ ~ ~§. loo IO'L'd'. :~:m9!~ illnd I earf!:lll6 In~gi·tl!.k:dfl ~ii11~. iu~ An3'liI:inl li& GOtTmiocd oo~ L'O 00' IUm!l,l«:5.h!"~;;il!a'dL

Starfiqhter Pilot

nllilc' oW' Al'!!!:1'kln\ drea m~ ~~ ~Q ~~!tonru~ a !l~awfirnt~ 1j)RhJ~., :~,~ II ~e. IH'ati'ij~es, h~1 'Siliilyli)tQr· g:~IIm'!,~ W~'I~~~ pass,Hb1(;. Most ~f

,Ana ij!~ 's mni1-~!'Ids think bis. dre~IH],~ :are !!.wuea1~wi,~'. but 3 R1~ [l(~,dc foeall~ 'lllilll. lh~fJ't ls ~~m~ Ijllhlg specTa11 :;Ii;'!l)I ~ ~ lii'i HI. 'Durim~ tl~!:;. invo1siofli I!of' alli!!o~ Makin hidt~, ~:~ :m stii'l f'i~hi~~'f ,cDdk'pim ~a~ f~ki~~!~¥h1i9 ~!ha~ ~c m~glml Imm:y ~I Qu l ... jW;1[ I U~ ~1~.,

~Vh~!il 'Lh!l' Slo1 di':!iIhl~r ::lIu'tlJplttn I~ HI]Llge'i. I~' e 'Sll'i;p, I1i iZ'S I'd~ a kii ~ i:l!tUlI' U1C' 'be'Jifi or lrn-c LI"W " ~91"91 ii!1!~ .. !!if: nt~~ lnlilnL;~ fwirnJ~ly -£::151 ~D 1m;fl1W~ tIl!t!] 11~~i!' 1!M'f!1rots, ilR':riDlIi' I~ h [k[Ued,

'Cfi!~l~t~Jl:([_jn!J ~ Wi~hrrJI ~~ r.lid~' 'R\id~nilKm ~J-Gid Col'l!~rt:!~ 'Shl", J\tt~'kIJ'ii ii!lOO~Il:ii1tii!ll~ 1i1n--s 'h~ ()cr_jiIJ~J~ hllQ lbit 1~~(1 t

re dOIfS" s.t UJ[!Jrlg ,0IT ,iI ,tal3~J~m:he I~h~ III r.1I:~ctIClT1~

WHE:, PIRAl13S CAPllUllED her rp:a' '111~" during 3 space' vQYi1,ge in "he: Outer IRlml ,y@ung <hm i, S~,~likcl1i li'll,aS 50 ~d n11~O sl,awty and separated firom her family. Durin,~ a dil 'H:CUllit chiildlhood, Shrmm w ~ 5 'ta'k m [11(11 ,I one sy.;.t.em 0 a iorher 'tly

VI ,'I I1II31sters or various sped es '" h ile . -lNiin'g a ' a Ihol!:ls.~ sellN3nt. - - he,. 110 ~ onger a g'l~l Shni ,,,as drepp e,d 'fllfonl h ouSt 'serva'nt sta 'us an lID 'forced mn to c1,. ,aIAl11~,g wollk. Alth oug'l1 slaver is i l1~g81 tn 11~ Ri pu Hc~ la~ , do iii 0 t rea eh III 'P'311i " of ~he gabr~ - and - hUe 'il1l,expcnsfr: e I, ~oid' lean p rfonn

'11m ma ta sts, a we~l~ as. humans, 'liwn!B '" ~a'!!le5 giiv, - Iglrl~,altt St3 h:ls an dl pre,·tig,' to '~h ,iT own .f5.,

Aeromagni er

'50m~ of ~~~ ~iOol ,~t Slilml' ,


:Slav" and Mllotl'

• 51'1 mi Jt.~ rn~d - er t-edlifiice ~ ~1r(lIs UMt-if a fO:!i1lt ma~1i;, Pi-'lipa. ~ no planned tOllg~ a, S mj , fn ._dQtn. Hr@"--, n, r~ Vi "t n Pl-' Up,Jl31 -', Simi ~a:s,:so d to ,a I~-I.a'ti",,-,.

I,_lll lird ';real tiliill -, o.y ~lhe [raiSe

_: ,--b--I-- ,t" iE', -d !hr' I _.

ptJSSl. II rJ iiJl liiiZC OID. . __ . I mow

aeeepts 'h _ 'lift: ,andl lFi~ds joy ~nl her

on A~'Uikin. ~om '50lllC I~ , ' ~;1I1i1Y.

~unl a'~d ,AfI~'kilf1l Ii t,Oog ~~ju~r h'D I'n~' Sla~ Qllia~ll~

of '~~M b-p.a" n mJ~~cliof1 o.r adob~' hove'ls IlHoo cg~th~1I' at tiu~ edge of ~o.Wml.

'. Stl mi ean iil'tJW811S, sense wnern M~ :. ii1 ~ iH!a~ 1~Y.e n wnern 'Sh ea nnot' see len hear [him.


-', "

S,T. ,: DARD ('(BOT OAILA'CTIO\ preteeo 1 Id reid" 'have been '~1 use i~or geinlerati'llrn. Wh'·, n Am:;ikJn "~yw,a I ker Fe un dI 'rhe ~I rut ... t ulII'al eleme us laJl 3 d mid , .hat had been s-(aveng,e,d 'for 'P'3ffi1l:S. he restored

it as a he per for his, merhe " O¥tt ti.i- e I Anal'kiiml ,- ;-roUlil,g:cd ·th~ part t'O

com . lett' 1.lis dro~d~ Fa brii., aU n91 rna ny c,omp'Otlll n '. ,ilJlnld wiring: :51 ts 'hhilll~a:l"f. ,An alk.'~n NS dro~ d ~ al!l:"ks ,al ~'Ski'n"' si nee usabie druid pblling is valllllab'I~' all d the boy cannot (ilffon:1J ~t TI' e. haple . dmid, wlmli:, h ATl'Clkin ' all C- 'PO, ~la ' t to re,aliz~1 that ~n

rht$1 'P~Ult5 01J'ie: SIU]iwi"fII gl~

Ad'il'f" ~rJ1i ~ 1!f1Nil1',l1f!ll, ,'I r ~lMliij" Mm-rnW':!!,

.. mrOR!l;C!EP'm~ rool~VlEW

'PhIQ toreceptor

. ne old liroi flJam"' 'I i),l;,in s.unl,~dl :, th I nI tlI~d -oul 'p-~olo·f«epJ~u:rs. Al1>lD .hi! swi'khoo th ~~ ,to the t1Y~ c " us~d

. ~icill b~iH.lght bY \~uo - w~~(,'h ean IWC\~ b lru~ sec. Wa uo ~tilJ '1~"~SJn'l IiigUf d out mo.w Ithe ha1fbHn dl dmiil fill 11 g' Ito, . I

into his ~O'I viii It-first ~Ia~ ..


'.' Mo~t ,o-f IC-Jf,\fJ,"s 'sb'Y(: . !.Ifid f!mm wo~ is [m~~' ~.halll 80 Vf~~ old1.

'. IC",,3PO~5 P '~ "mmingl in JII! -{5 ml1!lmOrr banks tnat'_ - c:Jwaws 'port !WI d\e"gn 'm "tiny g~phr(S 'fOF"1JiJ (0' prit C'I AliI3ki' '5,

!1bd'rilC " Whoeoit-e' works, Olll A_rna in~ mathin~~ .rttpro. tes IIl1S up 1M1Jh his 'fu tu ~' 1[:CI!!.mte(part~ R2~D.\2: :or I'i e first 't~rnlG;.

',M '~tl i~i.l!ll!'r


Iir~ J,l!~ ~k1rr Q' J{dJlt"


I - - - -

S I R-'WDI A- D p.: .... . ·'<lVE~, -, l'lUl' is, the lowne of a part:, '10P 111 t c

, ateolne fronticr 'town 0 M,os Esp~" A n)'irng TOydmia:rn wlth 'Filpid'ly-bctlting WillI WaUo", pudg-y bo[dy is, not as heavy as it looks due' 0 his ~plOl'iIl9Y

ga: ,-fined U ·U~··. The jruLk d al r hal "It')). ' . fi,r a balrgain[~ ;a,nul11lOw"S

eq'llJ'iprnef! l merctl:a ndi~ . ' 'Ins;ch~' a 11d G ut ~ '.' ucress ha , ;a Iflowed '-. attn 1_0 indlJ~!ge h~s passion f(rr Q'~ln1bUng. 'H~ 'fcgulirly

piac . la~gL bets. on . os Espa' 'famous -od.- C,·'UI"tIi1IP f~~on . Ina' c:hi'l'lllQl hi li it: ,3 rnd 'l11'oney a9" II n : 1 [[h ' H u tts, : vh 0 c,on l ro the g'amb'lin'g w'Qlrld. 1 n th Ie past, such b€'t h a~' W~ I'll Wa'll:D In· myla· ' .. - pri2'. d p' 5:se, : ":011., an:' trephtcs of hi ::u: mel.

nlTt"-jii~~ ,[Ii -

II! lm

f'm.j",ifteIi,rlr. i~r 0 ~u~

, llG.ilI' h nt'

1I;lt.1 mur;: ('!RIDrf (,1 u •

Mlm-l'!.IIJlii'IW. :wnw ~.~ r ' to :,;,1I'IJn- r[J¥ ~- IrI!JI! v/i!lk lID mllny

_ lIlilfminmd (,itlrI'Jifr,il' . ~ifflM't

[), lJ r51k ~ P for 'r-~rB!i'

t rml' l'~dr 11 OO,f.R"


Power Drcid

~ r! droid:S (tj'f lhe: 6 . ]( '~fIl;es DR' moWi~ ne 0 'Uat UI' :d I e .Cl fo. , Ilaehin (.1 olher dmid They over ilrnlfy' in I~ _ ~3r'kgn.nHu:J. so (',@nI!'monp'llilu 'hlJ~ th1f-Y are '1l3nll) ftollC'C(l

.' . -'.en he -ri~l '5C '~I:ed o.

1 to:o.i nt"", IUO h. ngl ~t 'w~th Jalw.a.s.. pickililC Y Pi 'S~rIH ndllc:g~ deS of great '§Crap fin~5 llii! tl'!~,

rd, I! l ~ a . 'II is, 'r:fi 'fty ways ~o s~1I ,au ijll fit: d r4ids.

,~ m'MJirll'lrDlI .iJlT '. ~r

•. fil'1~- tu.f ~Iir ma,t'l'!(. W~ Uo ~'fea~ his ita~~, nn~

deee til' '. ~n 1ifI-OSt.

- - b

' ~ . . .

S· ebult •. a

. : " _,' ."_ ". -

. ' " 0' G I r-, PODRA!, "R .' 'lUJfS 'If' 11~' rruQ]J'e'di Outer R~ M circuiil[I' 'SebUn~UII ttl as acceIICl1f.tll. 'ed ~!t~s !t.V,a!), 'to, '[he tDP wi th ,81n ulfliu!al:i!bl,t 'oolmbin!iilJ' man 10, ,copra g'., . :n1 ,3 net ou~r.a, eus eh ~ ,3 ling .. tU ' m urf'd~'rou _' t:aIC"tlC IOJ r FI bring ~lls eempet i I ers down :in ria me " bu l. he kn OM wh re i[itle race cameras are p'la'Ced an dl man 31ges to awl dI bel ng seen, h'1il ~p'ite' elf hID. rii'15; S 'bullbl hie. found tha 11--, '_'1,0, -JHI SUQce mak~' s own rules. No,' t"njoying' 'h,e pOfwew' and pr ~ s~iige of being

a 10,~ 1I1;C(T'I the unscru pullo!lils 'Dug h s jU5~t one' them in his

-c~de ,~ the young Pod~ace niBl1lCid AI~lall in Skywai'llker;,

[;ClPolrW!' ,m'ln:

Il;., ~ ls ~ PO' "~~lh1'll!l iIk-J" ht{vo, ~m'. ~~I '-' '[, d-

51- b ' lib1a 's POd'1'3 er

SOOu'loo·'- Q)i~fi t (0'110], 'POltal1i3iL PII !JJg=f r- .l aml!lmolh . , pm-x ~dril eer wo~~d ~r d~s$ir.ed ~1S "I ~311' lilrg;~ n r, ;~e C)mri~1s wt~ ~ li~h~ 0 i~8'kf: a dose Cflfi[ju~11 '~k ~. ~t Cont~~l~

" capons lil:!~ $;:;1J.1J'Ib. I'S Il . -- 'ml'u, " d Imlila "C" 'I

wTllul" , ~ ,~clg ,d Ill. "'119 ~ rn('4!.

Sebulba, Podraee Anarchist

Setm1'ba is a hlig~I)" ~l ~d ~(]Jaccr~ b ~ I ' \Q ' net tWQite ~;oodl

efj;~U hi ~ • m' 'i' to t, to, onabilJiO' ,OlO11i1 -'. Wh til I . rOl[ll' 't~at hUhnidafon pmll ntt \iilol3fansvcre qlUh i",eli;, "11 gaining vi(l!@~, he ~Fifl ed l~l't· - . jnl~ Ib;t: e nil ~(I) ,a,dcl secret ~. ~~on5, W ~is f1tiltgJ m\3T(h·um.~" D~~oatcl1'iJl~g' Qpp-o.n~n.b mtbotIt g~Ujlli1 ('81.1 h'l is

~ow til ' d( If ~i311'lifL~l ~t o.F' ~ d 'i'll' for th~ 'liIlD'rMill,~~, D g.

· SOF.!: !-I1lEQIJ]L.i-":O .:~MER

F" mill' r ", 1 \iii' iliPlT.:b.J !!l~p;r~ ~ ,Yl'I'imtli!)' !lti'JIiII ~. /.mril~

'. O;n~' of ,Sctblllbal~5; ~3rlif'$t lPod1ra e r '!ioI\lcapoll15 spat ;81 stream of n' .115, ~nto "1\ ' 'fate5: of ra~ ,~ornirag up b~\li1ifid hhfi. He' nuS; ~1~~~ swi'ttl'i~dl ~D. 3 S'i:~et flame: end t 11'.

[On~ 011 ~1;a'lbBl·~ nr.;J~,

P llQrCiha ,~. ~i'1l1 iI 'llIlajor \litctol)'-.~' pm'S ':-_ [. ,ill lea/Ullcr merll9 outifll. TIl .~, iWaslw c'm'!lllUlliC WiJi5 loos~.D1fII..,mrut!C! ~;c suit

'. S~tJ1;IiUU1"$, 'I'oltr.i;c r.· 5' tllDpl ~p . d IllJ DVor ,929 kp ~I [~SUI mph].

PI- drace Crew '-5

0········ ' •.. "\' ' , "

- '! ~'.' '. I '. ,.' . - _ '" ,,' '.,'

P o O'iMCERS ~re enmplex mach!rniiles U13 l requ ire' e:>1:11r; nsive ma~n ten ~UH:e an dI r~(ijuenrt re'P'~ i r, The meeh ~m1'it"tl!1 stress 0 r run'l'iIli,ng high- perforaian re ~119tfil es at u P '~O BOO ki I arm etres peiIf ~'O'l1:1t t~lkcs a hc=avy toll 1~l"'1i'I 3'ny nine Pod racer, The pi t ,mews ~ebu~ Id U:ue IDa ttered 'm aehin es ,alne] prre~a:re them for ~~,e. ~le'Xt bi Q1 mrcawre" ,Assis:led hy ftantl e pri'l' droids am d pestered by race offid a Is, el Lh1l;~ \i'hJI,~ ti(iMns. Podraeer ICre'INS, must ~ lso pu~ up wffitth the I~[QS of th e ra'CiI/!l--' ~Im,em l"'lves. 1 rill 'Sill te ,olf' ~i~ a~~!, U~ e (.-eVIlS t~lke gm~'~ sstisls l:'t len i n ~ra ow in g I~hat t~ f;Y' make a ll the ,~,tr.i @in pos5ib'I~'"

IPMI'mc'b'!I ~IMS; use SJ)~~~lizNI illtSA II11lImtml'S ,to ill!n.iIIl~

. .

t~~!Ji~ ~~Irorl'i'!;!!n« :!iifililli di!llsr~ r:allU~ Took, sliioulflll be Sli:HKI\[) rd~d raf :ro~il!ty ... I,(l r.3~W!!M. ~"y'i, ~il~ Pl';:!ctie-c If'i<ll' 1'11">0 ~ hn,\~ ~'!'ri\:' '~~ tlnif.

if'.JIlbr1Il"1l"'" lf~ jiiii1!'J14e

m .ilir A'rntl o;/'~rl

----, __

Pit Hanqar

~lfl ~he h Ii.Ig~ PrQd'faoeli' h4l!1fngar ~'t M~ ~D (jlt.ln~ ~oo 1~t1'm(\i!rs are' 1JJIFU~d to tlil ~~lf '~5t ~ 'bu~ ~i'~, 0'l"M, l;,mtil the ~a'~ m~f'!~~~ ~dol'(' ~ 'mOO .• tl~~diiJ~

~fh . ad CT.i1!1I!~S, hcl'p \MH!Pi

Clil;al n l'ebll3'!1tt and rep-al'., R~ce' ~'m~~1s a~t~m,~ 1\01 (e-ni'fY dl~ wlfid~~ Ibut, lh~ C~l~ t@i(' '~\1'C1) ti:li~~k l'flil.C;'!Igin~b~ l'iD d~~tm~t, t'hJe:l~~1fi 0Il" bribe' 1~llu;m .

.... ~ (ilJr~ii9 :j;fr-yp ,~r,ul'lld'l~

,~I'iI"" ftv1Uf1i%!O' ro~mf(n'

iMmli£E ~UECfilRS,

K!"f '!1:ln~], or ~1f1l)! llfiil r:~lIii1'ilii~"s kit ~f~ im,ll:ul~ ,d:!l~tdg.Ft. rwl1 i~h mnn~~~r l1-w 'dan~nlIm 1Pi!li~l:'"~' 'ouaJiU'!;S; (IIr' '~f~~B.

'flbt' 1n.'nfIIJ~.Ililll~ ;[Ic-artI1ii'~ louD 'IMr'lbi'iOO5 ,of POOmm' iC:!,!gi~ i~~U~ 1Fii1i1~~~llm FI!J lID ma~i,l" i ~ 1~i1;111gh a ~. TIir d~lh~',:n~ '~OJl eeu Ofl:i!:1i k d:;1I1!J~rops.. "null m~;cl,;rnln !'!111!:' I!Jc- r~C"('"rul ~nJi'iii ih~ oue' m;o,all' ~'h~ ~Hgjlll!C5, ~l~~j!,tu:cfi lh~ ,~~' 'rgnilKtll ~[f "!Ill.

I~~ '~_ FtjF!M~C5 M-Ium:ulS;, ~rlUl! rnrUfl'{!~ S]lrcly rito~, lih(' blllftdt~'y r.l'~~ 'Pbdr:i(~~ a,rt~~l ~~com~ ,~p~inl1: 'l'i'1feh:m~ in Ihdr.iOOf '1Oi~ 'fhf~ llff!l)~~1 UiiSU~ 9rriii~ b~il~ ,~ru Of ~IE '~l '~n[!ihlil1'S IFiD~ ~ Ilh~~ £i!n '!i-x..f!illoi~ nh~ [ljiQlt~lirrul lIIaMi"iC~, 10 Ihri~ fl!ln~S1 t"iIP enles,

C p!llt OUi,II!!I,

DA"[',' [F~LE

'. I e 'a'ta I ill rate: in the 'fr~nti'~1'-w(1J'11 :

IBocmtl Eve Ql3Mic is 'nighe ttl' n in ;i1! rrv other PbdIl"~U in 'the O~,~, I" Riltll.

POdraee - er on II !I' mini Ii om pre(lJ ~itfll1 - g ,iUdl~~ DO h~, ~..... ~t!m~'OfI);il.

IIl.J'si:U 10' ,Pod-rlm 9 i. 'II Pc):!.!'ilr['3 I, 'lj\fuit. iI&'~n IQUaid! n fir.05 I ~ilJl

,,' , pi<'~rrlim wHh r(;;;!:r' ~I

1M fi~1 ~oo ~" f ~

i, .ficr~ tI~11g 1'(11], IBMmlla CI '~rr an 'mrll!!;xdGl".,

Thl -

re 1-,

I .'.

_ _ _ .... _:__J

. od .':::-:. '--a' .'. C'" . e" '.' IC····· 'r : 0" ""W' :- - d: -r -

, . I" .... ,... '.,.. , ',I ..

:........::.:.... . .. ....:.....:.... - -.-_~. .....:.__", ~- -'_':__".' --:"'. "_. _"._

'N 01iH1N(j I(OMPAlR,ES, b) U] e :sheel1f 'sp~~tade' of Pochr.i3)c:iny as wwMlessed i;n the \''iJOif'~ d S 100~' i~he [ihJtelll' Ri J'lIfiII. R8(2JfS, tear th~,ough mgg~d ]alnd5C~pl:'5 driVJ1 mg ,~U nil i9innelT of nen-standardlaed ma rnmfiile5

in a contest od raw 'fH~TVe' and 'raZJQif-oog: ca1cul'atioin. Each ra~e:1i" has foUtDh,t

b11n5 teri'ng (ompeHti,on t'@1 ![rel on the d reutt, 1l'1!j,;J1es ,al~e seen ss IQlui deli:ne· , 31'1i d S~llre~ concerns are thrown to the WffiriM~L To, \"0 tness ,311111 aU -star event I~ke tJh~' Boonta 'eve' Pod raee on Ta~oo~ine 'i ' to '~ive th e fh IiU of rncinlQ ,D ' its mosm irllJ1~'fnsC ..

Mos Espa Arena

ftc :Um~h!!~ iJ~~rore ~ 'p@drn~' is ,~\ec:tric:., "'Jl!i:ct~lt~ m';!J!te tlheir' '~1~ in th~' stand'5i: ~!}]0 ricl1 cnt~ lhcl1f rm.oxes 1@1i' e~ew1~ng ~I~I fQnm for iii.] ,~al ~~W~ Podrnufi ,iii re 'l'it:)lmrecl iWl the 'P1'~, buUding end IblllC b;:Uing 'RILl;.or.s alif' s.'Celte!l, of f-e\~11l·1ll (lei MI,J ;!;!,S; Ui)~ oCld~, i'i~ updii~~dl ~!&;lY few seeends,

Th!l! MOJ,U;if5,' ~ hl!)ld~ CH:ce '!J'ffiLi:ds" .he 's.:1:11rling It\! '~nd l'h~f. lap l1lid~!:';:lJcrs.

r4!.J"Vi\TI(At ~lEcrA'1];O&!s,

lbi!J~:rids Dr 'DjUl~ r~PQ; rm 't'k YJM ap,;U,jit\1' of Mos. '~al G~lld IYwI!! I rOf Ich~ biWi Ii« ~d'i ;Q Ib~' 86m~'l:li 1IE:'I."!l!. E\'C'.ry hln~g!' ln ~oo ,gii1bxy Ii!. h.'il'~ld I[rem ~h!:. rm~ iClIlth~!i:5C.t5 ,~s !fl,lI'l.titt' r(hr!l!!Ilt'i~S ~re ~t:~ 1!l1t1I rnJillll'n~' rm"lMi!fit~, ,;urd hgP-d~~ l(!Inp'hiiill ,

£'!- batJDNr/'!I ;n~l.Ji:' fNlmp~JIH' ~1tr.J:imw

Sup.Pl!'ni~1'f pgjjJt~fio

f'j~!li!m' :i]#j M~', ~~~'i mlioo!ii 'it~1

TIt~ Hu~ i fh .. ,J'gc mll~ to IU . ~C'ITKI1~1!Il c:h ~ n nels ,OrJfU ill by 0 m~,Jl 1\] n rrucr' c~mcrn'£.

H!Cw wr~,.DJ [i,r{lY m3rkl;~, ~'r ~hr'ap' rl1l111 ~cl!s, fc~1 b.y !balloon lirame~5i 1uts J)lUIIi!!) 1~.Il. sill1lii! Oilrdy p!;!lU[lta iii~ I!i [

_1 -- """ -'I'n- . - -- d .. . .. '-'rr I eo lifil

H '1!!;1 If~\pur:I~nr I '-Il'DWCR'l liD rm mi'i! I tnJ!' 'OOlfl'i! V 00. ~O_ .. II!'

m;ave ~,pC'Ci~~hl~ ~'JlI ~IG'rh Ikr 'ro~ f'mm ~i1~~d bJlliJm~ ~ith iI!l'f' Q~l~ str~'1 downl by drunk ilndl d isollderty 'f [lIS, or iilny ay 1~'ng betters,

A~ ('1~ .IfII.h ~frl!l flfJ,O~

~j.l' ~~i!:i /-TQprj ~~f!i ~~ml d'w'n'

n~;Ijj P,'i!'JQftrIn' Ply.nJ' (!!11!Pa

H"~D-1~' I Vl:Ii\\IS(~~,

Gb~t se;~fD, !" Ihil::' ~uml1~uO'us, ~b. ,of nt~ m:c:n3 'Cil;zrtJ:e,1 bii:Uh10 n~, ~fI W !ililt' ¥i'~"S from too 1r;I!fiI: ~'!]j~I~ i 11l)~~ nnliil ~:iml, ,pl'tJCcJI 10 to watdl ll'!-(' .. ~ to I~h!.:' "i.1 i'KJ~ IIlYIt(I If\! rudJ 5(f«111~ 'ilY ''"'~'''Ctmldlt!H1J ilL'


- i ~ .. I I .:. . I . ', .....

_I..: I, '."": _ ' ..

lQoJrm- iii ::.i'fl1 iNJm"F

S~jll-g.j' ~.tdaJ'~'

GnlJ!' . ~~.jJ,f.J-~.Hg

81l'lU5 f(O@!!t

R cluD hk, ml' ..... dla' - ~~b3~~~ BDiitS;u ~

IDol or hk kOlH!UI"

"!ift,1I~L_ 011 1 h'mh1-'l"~

""'11K:1r I~ t1~~ ", If!Il:i ~ ;1t;~1'i(~'$. ~ ub~p.1r ~i!e;., Hit·. II bit ~'U:t~ to fl~lis'h ~~ If\a~.


I Iii. IDWmiiJ.ul~ b!'i!9g!ir~, 'M;!!i'S Goo b." IPlmi~ w~ch a cl'iip 00 his, mllll!l1~'ii: ' iitOOl iO'i'i I!'~

IrOI' bl iJ1i: 1!iI1!1~'i( in

, Irn- outRi ,,'Guo WI!.l

Ihld Ihi! ~ I~~ ,a~'iII Il'~ 'h:li ;cl~ I!J!P',i] 'D!Lt[!I\iftw u rl '!!'I!lu~n a.hi:' Dug ls ,[I fimd fer' ~flE~.

. 1(!f~';C!i-'lf:tN' jfjr~ ~p!,«,rs

The: $)'Stem 11"011' ,dtJ~mlii1ir'l;gl ~ me- '~liiiingi linCitiJ'l' of Ilhll:" lElC<iJTI':I £\'1!' ~(i!il' ijn'MQ!m.'tS ~" ;jJPJX!1'C'I"iiI'Y lI:!ii't1HnO c::om'liin:nmn !Of rpc1rr~l~ ~I;a ~~ii~ iliili.ltr1'ghl Inlbli:lli' ,and

slht!;;f ~1JNji1(i'4l'.

~ EWl:iLTROll!lllOO . I!IItS

II~"""""'-""'----",,,,,,,,,,__ »mlii!Jl!l~tlWl ilfJl'IJ!'.!IOPJjil

SI)I1'1~~il1~~ ~,~ Mo~ ~a I~h~~ 1 '

.01 Ii t]~-'lurntl'Wr1 Q'rtifrin~1 w(hlo le~prl\Y IU'~C'S the d~, Inn; lhe Ma~ lhy ~1111lgs,~(.f' '·I~lrs~ :·It ~~I~· JI.a'ObJ

the Hyl~l- is; 'reaU!y ij'~ OOfillrc1L Jabbal p~~id5 over '~lle' hQ~Wa 'Eve.: rum rNm the ~i!~1 b_ s,cJts iil lil'F1t,:, pr~ltO, think.ingl ifIi!'iflb' 01 lhiQ' ~ rQ'~l he \'\!iH ~ 'l"C'a, ~'n~1.U gh hi

I~.a fl'!l~'iJ~g or~~!1! iiZ3'mb11 ~, I-U$, mHjm-dQnm Bib Poru.m

~lt~~l'Id$ [0 't;"VC1J j]rnling",m.~nt, ~~J)hlg J~~ba'5 lell~ nt~irnitcftll 'ftnuti. (II, :mu,othlY ,M h~ ,mmln.a'i opit!rnt~on.:.

!R ~ i!',:unil~1'3 I!I!~

Uil 1ti4!' tifwUt in U:i t'M e lI'~iiili:t:1'itn'iC' il;OUiY:' 1.0 tWllp, ~1t~l~lOl$ ('n'd~ ~ l~h"IL, 'u~ lh~'_~ aU slCik'n 0'1 sImI lO 1P'l'~R"i., 'ND"I?lj, !l net~ or M\vliifi0j ~m !tILQ,1dt;i i' me.d.

.___._~. iUo!i'll,rplC lll'.!m'i~'i;1IlIfi'Ji III rill'ftJ1.f' j)J i!ll~ !l)1t U)' 'fjll'll~ . "'d~'JlI'lle:


MlJ.5ifj:[! n~ '51ro.1l 'lh!ot' Uirnd:S iJn I'::Ke d~ C'ifl't~J~':!;lIilll~ In(' rr@''!:'l'ru. liililii' ,001'1 nlilml 'aIlS. M;fil)' rOO .he ili'ip;r~rli iMIII'UIi1e-ni~S Ihey ~~ :[! f,~ mi~ Urom t.~ililC' ~rli.

'.' R~ C@f!'le5~1n t~ are gli";i rUed ~aJtin91 f1lr clt~st!:n SJJlPport~~ An~k]rl'~ mDth~ i ~nd fri~nds watth 'l!-rc:' [,a-Ce 'ffiro:l'iI ~ n ~I~dng 'platform.

Nt,r.!ml ~f!liII'iU~' ,II"J«&~ ~~~ inp.irJ .ail' ,lIiIi!l!lib' !f!,prud.

MK "l8,UMPY'~ ,]:\i'1\ 'K1~E


(1.r:GG II~W ·.i\5T


_ ,J1'fUJ'l.

O~' ~lntl~LL


II' .(" iIuli

IJ..!b ,'. jg;Nj~ fi,,',k'!Ie mtUaN~rJro


Sh ~lt!]it~. ~j,f;j," gJ J~ \ .s~~

~f ,aJ!_ 'I'O~r~. m'dr

t]fI!fI'.IlQi!iUfQ:li: ,'P;-4!~~' ~M ~~I lEi II I!' ,rq )u.b&I); !iI~lJ.l f~NJ !'i ~ 1 ~JI_:liii fii


ine •• ·.· lnhab .. it ia···-. n':' ts

. - - - - ,_,_ _, _.1 I .

rn -R WOLD" the Ide'~~rt '~~Inet atcoine n -. Ion an ~mporr.ilnt hyp.- -C.3!1l:e roub· bctwccl1l ~he civi1Tzed p 11~1'1l i2'~5 of th Co ga'ot't ic core' and t11 e d~iStiJlnt: star sys:reI'l~5, elf Ule IOu tier R.i~·n.-_l~ad·. ,a,d nUl:. I Irul,anmannTIOI'fgood-lh~~I~g'h _,a'UJ"in' spae pO,~51

answeri rng UJ few ~u tl- on les 'bilL: 1 th egan g; ~ LI - r '1 I lull t· . On th desert . urfa C'e',!, irnhai itan - . include d - era t C ttl I: il I: povemsh _ d 5P'iCI~rs a ~ iCrfilfS of diubilorUs reputa tilOiflj dim; ds of ani kind 5, a long with l h ":·3 tt red ~pTC em ta ~~i~, '-. 101f' ra t oon ne ~:$I 'fillilI'tive

OIPIIJUJ't~on_~ who are be'r a;da~l't d to HR o1t1l'~f . diffh:ult '_~rld.

Mlark[etp~al~ ..

11111 Ui£ crMYd~d ml'l~~[p~ ~1t:C

II -, 0 'Mo • _ _I,. vaniuus 1~'Gaitl ~J_ rlncu'I·, lJIll.· •. ' I, de. ' .. n. . li~~ d3iY~IO~ L" me~ . of ~~~ inlila'liDlir8i1I'$" wllih~ 0 hers heuse dmtd - erllani . '-=-flIIIif .' _ if).ail\t!'JS. ;Jfld _, jlf ~ OUI '''I !l':;' ·.d,~I't,

!OI ~QO - iII~9'g;1 W(:"JpOIl'S de~lc_ -


Urii';@!1 ,g/J\l'i' _ ' ~jll\" _',fl,l d

Mooinll'":s.lhe,(!ll, (h;_~~. and ~l1dS1to~ can damage 'nme(hlLl'fl!C.~·~ itUIWPDW(, b u I :millll~Th;. 11l~3~e ~de,;d bessrs '0 r 1J'~rlf,~u.> De~'i1b~~k~ a re 1!j~1 !:Ill ,~\\~-~ ~r3 [ooine, oopiC"S :axe ('IO'!lu~un'l i!1li~lI~ :lroUi~~iI 'MQS 11sp.n·,,:lind rDanti M ,d~ ~c c~lusivc ~1'I01lmt5 of 'nffile :Samlll Pr:ilJiP~C'.

, ~~~, !!:!f T;J~ifHl!i:r'i:, ("OJ'1je5, i~if'f' filbiL: Co ea rl)' h!:!lI,()' ~llijHJ' in, ~nk'li\ie ht:,at wil~mlJl ~iri~~,

llm~'J i['-IDil~ 'i1lrd bJrmiN ;:fljl\ll .. r(I~' iII'~imr, ~'ill1nd a-1I'.D li'J;l

Ail: UnlC'~ 'S 'rid Pecp'l~ ,~t'.;:11 gun ~h'ilit ~1J!Mgty ra\'C!1J~ '~mililr(lU:il1 dub and ;]<M:' \'i'<IroPIJI'I5 rg.:r tl'I:oa.e '!\liOOiH~rs 'ilii)rnbi1l.

'indi[5I;'IIi))~ 1~1!Ii 1"ilill~~~int.' • .l:;iWiU ~V(' ~~n,", I!,lgd a(!l< OO-J1'i:i1I!l:l ",fmh ~!Ot. Im\~I~1'5. Mil ~

J\a,'io".Iiil :1I11;I:rJ· rnr.ln'I 'srowliltlers ~md il'l!;ll,dpnl~n t·~~lr oanwr:n.'~ef5,.

II~fJ ~ ,i!3[,[~'~ /~ r:!i~!tIl'Hr t;j~ ~~f fi.ll m~

DATA. 'filE

Sandi 1~1ili: ~j!k~ 'po~ :5hIl'~ ,!Ji~ IF .. !l.t.'nm'il'l':ng hdr:rw~ rmm n."i'i:1fi!Ip. ~C~ i'ID1S. liDr U1f' ~dr;]~' (~Y~'. ~~(!r[ Iltg' I.Q< '~~n:lJld a"~ ilIQUtk II"O!~ ~il ~i;:i..

~J.';Pci.\O{ crmL'm

Tr,'ldn ~~m; i!iri~~t I'M . e-a~ng hoi mJddil.'fS;; 50 ~xd~\Il1;m_s !f:l1 Mos. &J~, Dhll:ll , ... 'C!I1f '~111 ilil 'iWjOOjil11llll

'. Ja~a claM ean be di5Uf!~ ui5hed Q'f $lUblU ~ dl'f~~IiI~~s filii th~i !5lo.a~. Idi:5ig ns,


.' ~I!t~i :::! nd dl~i, Ib1(i\~ itilO 'It\\"iiY {"(jlllW:l1' lOr' PIi 1M '~:J'; t'M IFIi!Sitlcl~ous, cl~ra UP 'WiiLIl !l"3fd~~~i! mil;' '~Jjd~iil· "

Sand People

Unlikl? lh!;; ,jOW!l~, I:nc' ~13tiV!z. i.l!ll!ll~hlC' S311~ lfiea'ph: 1l"I~~ WI~l nd.1,tt~1 to , '()ontae:t 'WI'ilth '@lila l~rld1 :~~til~rs. R'e~~n Iru1 or inoors~lfQs; in ~ih~rr t~rritQ!J'~ 'Smtd, I\-oplc prey 'upon I~~n~~ Dti~ a~ tlnown as llls..'ken R'aid;~ Ref! ~~noo 'f:~:i\'

[heir ~~~; T~te~ !Raiders ~,~. ~~m~'Ia'lI)' ~'a ng~mH~ ,ElllId ~ot ~o l1l\C 'm)ined Wl'h.

f'lf"?.DUfi~i!i'f IRe r.~ ~ii! JHI'~!O!~ 'ti :il!:l!;'Tmi~

Ch···:·,· 'a"- "j' .:.' ·c···-···e·····-: 1'1 O .. r ':.- v'" '" .:. al O':::-:'-"r--u' -- m

. ,- . - I, "~" .. ' _ _ ..... " _ .......J ... ' . .....• ,

A l1FETI'M~ OF r~,EPA.MTI 0 ..... h~tI ~:a f-i n~ V~WDm In 's ,d ectilO,'fw (JJS, S~PR!Jl e CI'~l1(;~lll~r' of the IO:31:~cUc Senate .. VI~om-nl 'inheri't,e\dtthe ~eg~u:y of a 'f~nnny whose grrea es members ~1,ad ea d1 i'e[p1fleSle'nlted m,ore th.aIn 1 ,,000 wo,rlds.

Ill)~'iil't uries a~g,(!i<" :81 Vall orum sCriJ~d i3!S S,'UlJ;unem e etta !neel hrrr.. 'F]niis v:a'1 @irumn has

n @!\ty' ~q"'NlIl~1 ~d ~h['s ;~ c'trievr ment, rulin 91 ~~e' en ruire Rep~blnc from 'I!he' 9a 13 ctie se,~t enl C,Of"IIJ.S,lcri11 t, low~'r" he' ha s slso tin h eri'fle!di ,~ 'gove'rln mnt grawn weak fr''QM ~ ts owrn :stl([\~ SS,i, I['~U~ l~liBl~ etle Ir:epmre·~iral 'allivts h ilIfve becem e ,dlisl3n red Iirom the~r peo,:]e and 'now 'the entire' ~system is deg;e-l'iCm'[j n g.

BI.II-r' [\a 00' ~mI~J(' ~ S!lJ!I~ Cir4t!'i!a'.r!~iI'

COI'rUSlc,£J.'n t

The ~~'13~[~' til pllal~. COIU5C~mi 1:5 ,;lImos - t"J1 lirc-3y lI;:~re~1 with ~f~PC~ nl~~' ~rl !ll!1:l1iC~fit'j,~:In~gh bul M]~g~ 'p~dc liliin~ ~~~ rOf min:e th:lll~ ,::II lri~~:i{lm1 ~'1I1~1i:iibl1:,]lnJ~ 'inr:ihlu1iml!1 t!ii;e

~hmm~ ftld!i!, ,oF' rClul,"~ntcn~\i'CSi in the :Sen a ~c !Ch(;! mtcr. The 'p1 ~rll~l 'is e,1ii'Hroly ilI)~,~rid~nt on oUll!:Mr siiJppon. ,[,0' S'1l.IMW'" oCO'mYmin~ 'Ji~la tJ(\!i: ~hiplili1 ~fII'~ Fr-.cml a sim~ sl,l(;"{im i[{ Vilst 'R'igih Lm.

~('-P~'fm.: .tl!~ .'.fg4y:rU ~.Rlllii

Sei Taria

Clh~ul~lIor ValOfiUin"s ~,dmini~lliiitiw . 'W~. s.c~ T-a rial 'ar~1sts, hilWl h'l ooIi'1i fnlfiri;g I~h~' nn ~ dl:'tail· ,oF rU'(5~ny' 'pmredlJlra~ regu'I~~ion~ Sbe h~ leDrl'lloo 1IITii'llIdn Frtm

5ii:i!lml[or ~~~~w.1'~in~',.

. OJ~irWjI' ~ml!

_--- U'":JtO' /w

m~lmr.Jnlllra ,di:rlJIlfJ'

.' Ci@ru:scant: 1i!l5. ~e~n the ce;!lt~· (if ~!~~~i~' gOlitiUIUlntnt' rill! tens 0. ' t~G~ndS1 of 'year.i~ ~its eiJfly h fiS~ry is ~H~u..i"d ~d in ~~gelilrl

.' l~asililg'l~ S~p't;m~

Ot~ nccUor Va ~tuum ih'a<s been

~ nfh.!tfl'C~ !by ~i!nii!! tors, s..u~h as Fa I~tilthil~ tDI 'm:mpro f'liii51~ what he kn~ws, is right. 'riO!" the :53K Qf ;~ppmvM ~Fnc:edujiie'.

iIi1l~' 'iiil~rn Cllia.griulfi MM A_gtu~d\tlii ~~, 1fe~oll§,n;gle _ gr' ke~~hl~ ,order- iN '('he' ~;ii'f~'~ A~~~d 10 r ln1ig~il11 'h~~, lliari~J!lmW~ilry ~ers f~r' 'b~~b~· J AIflU ... [hlo 'SM:mds, 11ffi'mll1 to 'hi!;, (J'Wfll oo(J)e' iIJI1r ~Ol'ta>~ 11',

pblJ1. -

.1 rJfVI~CI\\t SIDE t \f

N~n n r'i ~ fe\P L3; rem[Jlii2 d

fO'!' 10m. - ~. t -dr ~11.e p tfQ fI

,h:CIi!Iil"1, ii't ,~f I rem '.1'!.e W!tUl1d;:. ,~nd DiN

(Jiul inlD . &ilt 10 III ¢-'h.01l !'or p ~rnin nee,

Ilo ~m "PIH rlulii>t u.m t'itii It"' ~itra:q",m~

'HI overcam

II!. '. q u dron of ily1irl)Q nQ.v.t- .'


Se ... -n····· ator Palpatin e:.:.···

_ •• .. _ • . •• ._. _ • I . I _ .

1'.0 ·~ss' PJ1'- C~ has _." n,a~patine·'s ke: tc)

.:u cce '., [fa . cd 0'\1', r a: a )OU'11 9 po li ti ria n an d R'IJcal edly turned dOliVrlll Io office ,arnd appohrl'lm-I1'I, he ha I arn dill v,ali ue 0 r Iq l!tdc.1 penis ten ct. Pa 1",,3 ti I~ e has risen thrall 0'11 dle

r,;)II~lb lo attain (he' powerrlJl clflce of 5.cleria~ repli .... ntillt~\I' . 10 'I'll' (i ihl:r~ir

" e"l'iIlaL Im11 Com cant. Palpaune . ~ In' om ,115 \lfIoddls "Ill a baekv ate sector; of wtJliih his, pmvi.nci,al home p'I~H t of . ~;boc 'is ~p~:cjd. Tumhlg

~h~ tP-iu::'kgi'iolu~ld to 'hls adwnt~,ge. I~pmti' hilS been e·,: er-present im

the hall· Df gallm:~Uc po~i ~ii'(:S", h'm1lp~ ng ric fuJI a IU~ OPll 0 I~ren t. fJllikie

- .

\. U [his n3i"'umiji -9 d. m· n' 'UC 311 ~ sijmple but 'pow 'rruW jif ··i'Qh~··

i nto how til e ga1aX)' IOO'IJ1 d b _ be Her run.


• ~natm Palap tin~' .. u fl'U!SlUi8 11 dtlJ&C _ o~ ~ t 'C!!bjecu . ~II tlili

QI.I~ft id~!a Ula~, h~

has I ft n~

NaH!J~ .1 lilt. ·'m~r 'raf behind ,and Inas adC!~it"ed :a me!

W!;)-: dtv p~i!il'~ 10 vi~--'

l at ( .

Th':~' e"-:" IS········ _ e n ... ::-·· '3"'" 'to e"

, .1 . '.... 1 .

". '~J I·_ ...... :·" ... ···~-, ',". '," ',_""-:

Gi;"!" "'~r~'ip;i~' NjrnNt>l.1!1

'T ~IE, PO\l\fER of seetonal senators ~is, tmmensc, as th ey con'tfo~1 access '110 U e S,erilla It ~o

hu ndreds () r pi a nets, The rem ptat ions th a t g@ wiJ~h s,u ch 'power a n'! cq IJ. ~1~lly 'grf!e:iI t, CQrrTUpt sena 01"5 al~:e no 'Ion g'er un u sua 11, even a t the 'high .. t l,eve~I~, ,(!Ml1d I~ew 'Rf!;p;ub!i,~ if:l'Uz\~ns !~xpe'c.l. a nyl hi 'I1i 91 bn t I~mlp'ty promises and \1'IIom gan'l!'~, from i\!inyo'IU':' wh 01 set S. Ifool on COnJsc.a nt,

'I n l ru tth'll m3tThy sena tors 3 re~lirm]lliy ~ alZY an d iIfff'P,.'_ .·edw_ ,. bu~: b,fV_· ... dohln1. noftTril'rng

::::1 • ..., .J' '. 'J 3 (!!~II',"..r ~~'iI ~ :"ti r

~Q stop th e spread of evi I

they bccQ,nc some (~If' its

!greal ~rst ", uppcrters, '.t'kt~


B.I\S~ ¥B;:S'GIM

a:~TO~W. munf'5,

~;JIl:Y' 'lI?lt!lJ!~ hrm: h~wn'itl;" ~11~ .... ril .IOHO~

~r' j~ii;"iiC'!,;!i QO:~]lll'!Ulimt:fIil. dllowrn:g '~FJl

l~i ""!i!uidS 10' gJrnRt fmm SURl~n['l1

hoah '~irl'f .... in (llfitfl j_(1 !Lr[~i~, c:mn~n t ah:il ~ Uln.~· !!.)'Cd M ~1\J~Uiri;!!l~~ ~ i~ ~-'kQ,1 ~~I~m ea IIJi ~ltiil (I n I)' ~ Mlh stcl~:5i or nn i~~I;\'. but CllTI ;dli'f~l!!!'5 qIDC

n kif iIj!Osil ion !Dr ::!IMnlagl" rhjhl in Unr' 'N·FiI!w_

XflJ'[0W5 are ,~It[,wd'ed ~ ,~s.:"5~'St3'f1itS .. ilid~ ;::IliiId ClOrl· orts ~il."!I;:!l)rdi'FIg] te CU!)(oOn1,S, andl lrad uUm~ (i! r U~,!2Ii ~ tno.m~ pR~IIlr!2'L'S ~ rld SCt[~TrS. M~'~~ ,YOtlJliI,g i!I'&d~~ afe 11fC~I;ds;cd by Ufiou:' 3~U~ CD r ';!!'fI.1\C1l11mcn~ 'they ~Io" OIl! CDr~~nl.

~'1in l~l ~ :May 0[11, 'iil:lhjel3n~ l() lMt' ~,1ilt'ir' '~:i!i~~OI1S. It1I r p-'YI'!;'Ii!il:J.

~pgjt!l!" TCil1bU!Z'l'k ,oom~!> '14:'51 lr::lC'tii 'Dr kl~;]Ii&m ~~~~ ilx;t:f!i ~r:lnli1'0l!1'",dl ~ . Will/ddng ~M ,iili)wn!W!m of ~h!i; jUjll ~pd rlo!l;!ll C1!iuJ!li~9 '~h!j' IF!!lifV 5, .11:i1J nm rrnm lii~drno l'oopl1db, in ~h~ I:n'r. SIW now m'l.m1s. as

rrit'I'id!l, ot.rilI!imlil ::I\:II"Iil~, :5h~ ~~ ,~1d llil Ct!li!l~iIl':r:!1i)i iii !'!d n!'Wrjrds. I~~ s.u~!;'Mlf~W:S; wUh

CON'~~ 101 "'·'Htlli"'pii~ .lip,pcii!iilfl~nl.!lo i:j.5

'~$I(1t~, Q1i' :Jii'd~ m'iiauo;:~

'.' l~arVel1ltl:!l:t W,a~ cni!l~n for thE co IO!lJ!f' of tl"i i! :S!I!lna1li! if>f~i!ri!J~' Ib~~ilu~e at w\i~ ~tt~, '~nty IiJtil!' ~hat Ihad !'I1!! bee~ ,!3rS-soeiated INutl; wa rl, iiIIn91~lr IDt mouming if'll iiIIin¥ C\II ~hlJ rc if! ~lh~ Repylb~ic.

.' S~na'~'!Jr 'i1ii kl~~ movcd from Ibuliiil~; ~D IC~fl(Iscatrt lp'oliti{S to, make 'Sllme (tal m~fh~V"

l'ndulgenl ~~'fiZ:~~lfS ;]~. m:~wh~re more' 1~Irc:me ~~)U'U'i on [mlt~j!'a nt, '5~i1::1lrOl Om ~Tte T;a::lll has, rQ1l.!~rffi ~~sibi ntiC's boeyll:i'tild ~!51 w11~,e~t, dre,ll!,n1& 111. ' ~C¥!'iS galarllr 'g:IJWI'll 1'II'i ~nl ,~!ii, ~'i!'ie;r~~y 'I tl~' 5p-0I' ~ ill r til ~

m~'ghty like hi~!lMIt. 'It] his ~X«S$~S '11(;: has &ll'Or 11 l1'U~ ,13utl w~uh;nti but ~e 'is. ,r,:ooFid~~n't tha l men cy andl p@\~er' will ah~~ mfl11te: ~im a uree ~~.

I":i! ~W". Y; !!111 III'IJlWfIft' f!!'i ,m'(lFC' _!!'J!!Q!;t! I!} (P'I~>J.!I!,'I' i'...:i~if;, t'iiii.ml1RiI1,'M; S~J' n ri !~fih,mil!; nlii'li ~11!:!' 'fUiio.1i"i'br;.i~ 1i!i5 or I i? fiii»'I IRI~I'~ i ftiA~ ~ ,~II • 1:tJ- - Igrli Ibr l:i!!n ~ .i:i, ~~ ... ~fitii:!i!iift;g til!;

~ inlgIi! I~ tim' ftli'Ig!K' """L1i.Ic I~ I _ ~:lfilr. i"liNii

F'i<!lw,lI!!"!! I~ ~1!iI;;~;liL ~'~ iii! ~iIi:' ~ ~ !' ~r..;t! ~ III'fr. P~M'~ 'thfo 'Itill!!! I ~ ~~ U!~~ '!.fi ,~ibi' .!Iirw ~ MJX'!Ii t1K"~ ~~~ ~P.C' L"!!,~!'!Ii5:L'~: ~~ I ~!lf vt ~ ~~" _ ~iK~; ~~ .;::' II §lJ III~ dX~ i'M ,:i~lIin' I~ ~t~, iLd ~.!\fti'i III'~ R~, il[ij;K13 nli" 'IoIJppoii I.~~U .mil p~ mk ~ Iilr

bi;'lI;'ItIJ _ 1.I'in~~ (i:j] ~~, ,lIIIilgti _ I1'l~Jet!l. III 1~ '~~ L1~i

~ iIIldIl'l1! ~ ~ Ill!! !!till 'm~ rnf>!J' i!n.:I, dDi"t_

P'RlOJECf" ART EtUrroRS 'I~in 'MOfWi a Jf;i~~ "111i()'"Jlias. ";&lOJICT IEJDrfT(]IFt: Simon m~~[!rloFl

US 'ElOlmJ'R Sam'l ~~'iWti!2s 'Su;:~~~ns MANAG1N G Ali ~trrf1iOR Cathy Ii~fitn~nl

'MlA '" 4011 N G EDlmoR. Jo~nna ID ~reU:i( D!SIONERS Kij il!li 'BTOWne ,a uUf ~Ianrey

'1IIVtl'i'n 'JIl'ii. ~ e~' ~ 'J'i.!Ht;D '~ il II '!mil 11m - n

III.!!' I~ I~ !U.!!'I!::;]I~,U J.'!!IIi::!~' oJ! - ~ IIi1iU .. !Ji'3 __

P'RIDDUlTIl ON 'S'~cv~ lLalfli 91

'U~:. P1 CflJlrE RE:SEARlt'H Cn~ ~~"mm~nsta US, 'P~O'iIiOI ILlB'MRY '1Iri~~ MijDI '

'IILM ~MA![jlE [DOlll]!lNATOR ~'risHne O~e~

19l~ (It-T''k' ,r~ pft, '~~I, • !I.-.-.ttH~~m .. _~J'

~~ 1JI!.!b1!'>b~ ~I! ~~ [' IJrI~!'iI'!1! !~ ib'r . IPer I~ [l!;f~1 urmt~

'I] IInif'Jtii:i:i '§i. ili. lmli!c-lII 'W.~2 - ifl"

], iii, 'rJ 8: no !!)'li' '5.:3 i (fi~lI lil 11ij~ 1J;!,,';;ufill!'l tliJl1., (I "',

~\il i'1!J1)ji'!ii ~il. rt.:t:i pllll 'ill" Uiti, IpOOlnllUlli bi; IRJiloomru,.!i'liDUd 11111 Iff'Iirio:IlI ~tf'1lI, C!~ m],Jf:!9i"liuitd mJ'i ;!I!f rQ'1!i1.'i QII' b¥,~ '~;i!'t5. '*<:lfl!i ~,.~~~ Iib!1L~wP~L re!fll~in ~ !;II" l!;ifh~~. ~-h'!ml!i .!lor, ~ 'iAll!11_1I:'fI pl,"r:~iII ~ li'iil" ~ii" 1- U ~.

A (iJP ~'!!iI~ '!'«'QI'jjli':g.II' ~[,. ~ii 'i!o, :n';!iI::i~ flDll'l nM1 lllriar.h ~ ~ ,1i!'-",,50i'l.1a!io_'.,

c.(4~r ~kll'I t!J '1talQU]'5.!*!I:.:Sl ~ 1i"m~H!l1tI ~11!I1l)' ffiniR' IlIltlAl~ ~111':1 'Y'!;

IIJ- !il!~!~ 'i'!WW W. ~! ;c: ''0 l~~~ ~ ~!'!!1'f ~1Id1 ON\!! O~~ ' _ N!!!I

r.llii;! ...~ !itllfj 6 _ ~ 'hI fllflfi!'" 'Y tL~

~~\ I~~ .ru~, ~liI::ijj Q~ .. lbli~ ~. ftjI r I[»>&JI fiji' ~WlfiftJI ~m~ DiIi\ii!Il ~I rm tmdlllDm'~ !t'i'hliii'l~J 'II'iliiil:.IiIim ~, ail ~11l: ~~ b :i;!JU~. i!lt:..?'i ~f!l>il.

,iF4fi'l'f, L"'iy l(f~~ ~~'Il~'pJ' !l,'j"l'lrting ,m.t~'~I.vhijM ,IIi!1P ~rQ.I'.I~~ ami SRrn:i~ .rJj'i'J,'Mdzy iirMIP.o!' m~rP"i!l


i'i~[~j !i11liJ!!i! l-,Jjl{;l'- i't~ili JJilC!f",mr.lrI' i'brif.ll~h ,~.j..~s~d

. $~r4tli~i fM[llpuhi/f[!i!' alilll:§:

Nii1lm-~Uy I"J~M U'i',Ifh~ !t"-/o'ifll' ~ 1iI.a' /rJi' .t«fJ ',r! lli'.i

~ 1liIt!,1IJg.M. fhk ~ pci~~~. ~Ii:lllli.ot' ~II"I .uld :

11:1 . ti&~111N . ID,I'~! JW'L! .~

1)T~.a:fIIii _ ~M ,II ~~i:?Il 'M!.!d~ ~~

II'Ho ~I[~ iliim:i~, jjffi.1i!lII ~~3 ~,

Ii!!l!l~ ILg, ~~: I.b~, ~ Ei. a~ a ptl'ldi? !)'jl ~'iiI pIi~1JJi !io-nd ~~'W~ ~~ li:r'Ii:V:!I~~~'~m!

~ JI'!II 'M~ ~~, ~ ~~i.m;J iWI~1lIII ~ ~i:Ii;.'iil '!it IW 1!M!!I'ri~ b . WIN ,mdls ~, 11!~ bJ~lJ!:' ,!fHjd ~ ~~ !ai, ~ I\t:i, I ,:il'llil ~ '~~!mid'!' _!If !hgl ~I'II ~~ fili.:Il!.ll ~.lh~..t!rnIl JJl;jy!l'ii bJr;I ,i NID~ ., UuJ!~; ~ ~IMi1I ild.'Iiifiil, !ldi'ik~ ~!.II! IX' ~!. ~I~!:II

iII~l'. ed'l!IDI;: nl' b\!aI,i:ii' _ ~ tl'ii!'(i~1_;;jOiil ~l5;

I!~~ ~ 'III~ i!iib!i,'lim tn] ~I & iii] -iW~,~

11. ~; ,UI, ,m:: ~ Ji!1R: 11Ml!Iln~ I!,!'j. ,;1· - - I~j ~~,

I~~"~ ~ I~~~' nbr 'romPl-~ ~t I~ iImIi~, (]r:Jili1.fl !Pi !Ii ~jr.illhj OI! ~ f . _ 'i(jIi (i~~ [Q!W ~~ !!;;!,",

!R!il:{ii ~~, Iii]'~ IMr ~~" ~j~ (!!it' 'qil!l gl

!lJi'iM"iIlii1, tii.lll '111J.M h!f;jj '!lfifJ:II1fiI h ~t .. ~ 101(

~~~ 1~1' ~n!ill 4i~ !tf!:i!Ur~ R.Q !C!rl'll: ' '" 'iI

Io!i;, of Mit.'Oi'b'J IlliDliIll ,tfufI.JII 'tpild !ilil!lil'i'; ~i.liilillbtl'iwjl ~~~

Ad LI'ir.'l'd!I~ ~~ L.IUI; lil:ii('!j,ntlilJ;f!i:!iJ~~.

~ ll.Kll~!'r'I! fdit[o:r:s.ill ~!~'5.1~~ 1iItJg'~~1 ~

u. ~ r.wltli II~' II.ld Ii~'~ '1fi'~'i~ ~ ~~ lin Ii;]JmOO)I,nJi, nlir ~U dII'ibi!' hi' (~im! ~. i!i~!I!J ~ ~ UI !~lg ~md.lnalGll CIir.i F.~~ ~-~~ ~b. .gI1~~ mI~llIll(1l111!;o ~ r~ IlIi: bq~_ W1~ mm _m, mm ~ t!lJ(' ~ w~ iirlfl!:Qgt 'r'mfi: :iII1'm 'I ~ ~ ~ ,Illbr ,I~ oO'f'l~

~iiii'i~ n:i. ~ _ ~ iiiW ~'II'~!f ~, Ihfr

ofr~, ~ ::iI1I.1-iijt"~ r"i~ ~L"jjl ~~ ~t1, ~il!h ~ ~ * i!~' Iht1r '''l~'' I!I« ml;S~ ~ It ~ m&1

~ I~ br'~Q ~ m'!ijj!!:'i'!~ 'Ill! Irlii:l~ I~ 'H'nl'U ~ ,iii

Ib.I1I! :_~! IIM'~ '!II _ 'Wr~, Ir~~ tl!C' ~ ~~ !;!i U4. ~ ~ In 1Il~~~ ~~.J ,tl~ ib;!1C'l.:J~~ lQIiI "-'lUi I.tir~ dild mptm ~~ St.t~ W!1!!:i;.'!;!~ ~.;;iI~b' till li,hr iJ;i. ~!il!Zk:ir ClIil'!t"'lli1i; '~"~ ~ J'J!u'd~,~, ,15; ~~ *ilI '~~ ,~t1'rt' 1'ifiH~i,fi, ~ liI!!tI, ,!:!'1liI! ~~,~,iiiii'Ii"d~,.liid. "Ot'!J1""·n., ~'~ I~~' ~1:Jri~ i!!I ii"ttma ~ i:m - _ ~!lJi:\, M ~ i ~jIf: ~. !'lil:"~ ~~"'~r'~'~~",," 1IiIIrb;! ·-ni ~11'.'~ f""'! _ ill I~

«!~fII! cdl I!~_),RIII~ ~rUJ w~ Ili!;'!lJi Il\~ ~ . I :Io1~

D~~ I!'!!~ i ~l~~,~, !Q~ 'l. iIM~i;".I~ ... ;g1 Ithr 1ii:),1lI:i~

,.i " Ii tlu: llIn~i; (lfll,·Wommln! ~ ~ dJffl:\!

,_--- fi.Ij ~k!m;OIlllhr ~,~~.:m."iIH'lKts..

STAR WARS: Eprsmu~ '~1111 'ViSUAL D ICFIOM\ftr is, [he essent iti II g u~'de to the firM epi, ([J~ eo of I~h~ Sr~:r

!IVa rs $1i19~. r:nc~ renOIW1fli ed \1'i5ru.~1 5t:ylc' brirl g]S 10 I i Fe il'll 21:S:~ Ortl ish i ng deta i I I~:he dl ara eters, costumes,

dm ids~ ilnd ~~dg~lr;y of

t'h is ~11'9,. 1-Il~h Iy, dJ "'fi riit'\i ,

~ rmnta I,ed p hetogra phy

shows, and explains a,1I

'[he backgrou nd storles 0 f tJ~(1 unfold i rig e~ Ie snuggle h{"[WeCil goocl ami 'ev H.

A~~l~or David Wes[ 'Reynol ds is a rUIi~mosl ,@jiU t~oru ly (ami Sun' W~ FS' w in, lJ.jJq~W~ni! Ue~~d access to E~iSGdt: I fi~ nrn sets g t'IJd arch ives~ as wen as i IS, pmp-I'IIiI~ kers, ~ed~l-eJfeC'[s.

t~clil niclans, and seri ph~lF~ters. I~ is invaluable research is, eo~t!lblm.."d wi'[h the efforts of UK "s sta ff; wln 0 Sp~i1 t '$ew~11 wc:-~ks ru: Sk.yvt~'llkcl' R.all1ch - K,JUC'a SfillN headq ua rters in Cali fml1ia- 9131 nl n9 insider il"lfoml!at.i on and 'Iil ever .. seen-hefore photog rilwll5i. The resul t is .HI unique ~eJeff'~ re work ~ ~ a ~ revea bs the r~rM.111· '! k d e-tfMil'S 0 f Efl j'::md~ :~ I~ke' no other boo'it

G.1J;;":~Ii,N USTr'!.

N,l\lliOO 'S;![j~1 Nt!! ~JNn

Ttll~ AU111l10R

fJ'R. ]]IAVID WEST IREYN(D.1DS earned his ~.().

i n ~reheol~ a~ '[he lJ!'livt~ity of Mirhtgafll" A. ~ect~lrtf. ¥etf~n ,®'f fiJeid e");pooitiQ) ns on Hue!:' i['onlin~itlt5; arnd author ,of sde1ll1~ rile: ,~roh.e:O:I og lea 1 'puMiea't~QIlI$! ~'eynold~ has also 'Writ ten ,i:!! '1iu.rmb(:w of Sr,tI r W(]r$ b~ob.. hndurJlIl9i DO'i'ling ~l1'u:h,~~I~·s b~5t~lIing S:t~r W~rs: '"cny}j!b/e Cros.s-S~C-l.IfO~~.::l1 Sf;(llir W(l rs:: n'r Vf:ut!!ll DJ,c-Non(Hji~. ,~'tui S~d.r W~TS: Ep:i~odt :~ J~I(,"djblc rros$.-S~('-dr)"s. H~ ~~pro3cl1 es the 'worM of Sll'lir W-ai"S lit.Je::- a~tit~iI't, Rome' er I!:!wPt, f(n~5~dNi ~g jt "'a culture 'Iiltlnn .m~l~cr 'nnmt :~1'ld JjI~L';e' 1>0 ex,pfore.!· '['c)fnold5 1~v.e'Si i t1 Marini OmJIr!'t,J'; Calif!)!fIili;i!l.

. -I '!iTAJtF:IG~flln:


mc rubli~l1jfl~. hu". '1)'5, M(! d,iwn AveI~Y~' Ne~ Y0r'k. NY '0016


\\""W!r""_s.l~ l'\,i,I,[U'S,':Lnm 'W'W'W._tlltll:om

IM"'l'llil1 MAUl..'S ELEcrROIUNOrulJi,'J;iS



S 0",,"···"'" n E~

",' I: : "

.' '. . .. " ," - ._ ..




A.mazIng annotated p;hob)gr,aph~ gives an unrivaled

i til e ~ filTh t ,. - - B' 1I"io, ,t~ - r Ii _. fr t ,..,III ' • ..JI

_'_J.l~'~~__ mto .I.1e' 1,"- __ aracters, costumes, nroms,

and gadgl'e~,ry of Stair W,ar.s: Episode I..


Ull lque cross-seeuen \'i~W'S, of [3 ~aul~ df'@llid"~ I; ~.;jd '.' c~,Jro"$ '~!I"U)t!l}1rCoeptor' eyr. .' Voda"S: Ught5ab~r

J-cdi and Slttl1 WeapCl.1l1S • 'Po~m(!e-;rs~ 'P~'~ ,~h"QidiS-" ,;J'tJ1Id vie"'S(,lI'eens • G~1'lg;]l'll ba ttle eq'lJ~pment

111 e' secrets {!if An-akin'~ hovel 31i1t11 '\Nfl no's jl;lIniksh rtiJl .' ,~ry clelilH of Qu~t.l Afl:lidi;;],13/s K:g~1 dN:sS ,Ii a rid

mliliLih IniI(n~,~

oSr)]," V~!I'}; !!J!h!Jd~ ~ .l~{,mt.ihl(' i['roB-~t('Haru;

11v1;l;' ... 1 ..... ,...~iIiV ~~~~~lt\o.~·~1

_~iI" W~I'il: Thr VJ.s~Qj l]it'~iljll7.tli!)l'

Tli:' '1,;11 tIiuik 110 SIIor nlIn (Mj~..,j rr .. ~

Sr!ll'!' ~,,(jJf'S; J!':I,"rMt~ ,(I:ron-§~/J\[r)l:S: ll'iI!l'ill"'II,Q~Wi'i,~'~~MI'l~!II


Pilfnl'l: iii in 'Hlll ty

'Vi,lW w.sta'F'lNarrsp'Eru. COIll

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