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Scott Pilgrim

This is about the character

of Scott pilgrim in the
movie, Scott Pilgrim vs. the
The plot
• Scott pilgrim is a movie that you may not think of
as an action film, but could easily fit into the
• It includes 22 year old Scott pilgrim(23 in the
comic books), and his new girlfriend Ramona
Flowers. To be a part of Ramona's life, Scott must
defeat All 7 of Ramona’s evil exes.
• When you think about the main themes in action
films, they usually involve a guy fighting for a girl.
Which is exactly what this film is about.
His Character
• I would say he fits the “Best Friend”
Archetype, because he his loyal to his friends
Ramona, and still helps Knives Chau and Kim
Pine, even though he isn’t going out with
them anymore.
He is definitely not...
• ...A bad boy- Even though he wins a lot of fights,
he is quite wimpy and relies on Ramona to fight
his battle against Roxy(The fourth evil exe).
• A professor- His friend Wallace is more like a
professor, even though he is quite laid back, he
still tries to help Scott by studying his most
recent opponents.

character on
his shirt is
from dragon
Thankyou For Listening!
Fun fact:
Earned the
Power of
love in the
4th book,
not in the
final battle

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