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A circle is one of the most interesting geometric shapes but is one of the more difficult

ones to understand. Follow these steps to find the area of a circle. You will also learn
how to find the area of a sector, which is a slice of a circle, similar to the shape of a slice
of pie or pizza.

1. Figure out the length of the radius. You can do this by measuring the diameter
(the length from one side of the circle to the other) then dividing it by two.
2. Note the formula. The formula for finding the area of a circle is:
3. Multiply the radius by itself to square it.
4. Multiply by pi.

o If the instructions say "leave in terms of pi" or "exactly", then just stick the
pi onto your number. If you just round it to 3.14, it's not at all exact. There is no
way to show it exactly besides leaving the pi sign.
o If the instructions say anything about rounding, replace pi with 3.14 or use
your calculator's pi button.

Here is an example:

 Occasionally you will see a circle inside of a square. The side length of the
square matches the diameter of the circle.
 Occasionally you may see a square inside of a circle. The diagonal of the square
is also the diameter of the circle!

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