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— A.- Are you angry with me?

— B.- Yes and..?
— A.- I ask myself what's the matter with you, you are so offensive with me.



— A.- That movie makes me remember when I was a child

— B.- Yes, that were good times.



— A.- I bought a very expensive jewel.

— B.- And what kind of jewel you bought?
— A.- I bought a Pearl
— B.- It is so beautiful, its white and small.


— A.- Can you give me a description of an apple?

— B.- Yes of course, an apple is red, it could be green or yellow, it has a delicious
flavor and a very singular shape.
— A.- Ok now I know how is an apple. Thank you.


— A.- I am feeling sad, nothing can makes me feel better.

— B.- Mmm« and If I say you that you won a million dollars?
— A.- I would feel better.


A.- Yesterday I had a lot of fun

B.- Yes, but we expend a lot of money.

A.- You are right, but that was amazing

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