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ENG 310 with Vickie Larsen

Translation and Philological Close Reading

analysis of assn. sheet, Alex Brey

1) Prove you can do something that most people can't do.

a. specifically, that you can read and interpret middle english at close range
i) prove you can use the MED
2) prove that you can interpret a small bit of text
a. prove you can make generalized claims about a whole text
3) show that you can predict how a particular audience will respond to your writing
4) make plain your train of thought
a. it will be evaluated, based on how closely it resembles my writing
5) prove that you understand what a thesis is
a. and that you're willing to use one in your paper(?)
6) prove you know how to use other people's ideas and cite them
7) prove you know what the academic community considers a good close reading
8) prove you are willing to read an assignment sheet
a. and are willing to follow it
9) prove you understand my claims about an author
a. and are willing to present them in writing as something which you accept as truth

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