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Buried at Sea - Migration

2. Sleep - Jerusalem
3. Electric Wizard - Dopethrone
4. Iron Monkey - S/T
5. Sour Vein - Emerald Vulture EP
6. Floor - S/T
7. Indian - Slights and Abuse/The Sycophant
8. Eyehategod - everything they've ever done.
9. Cavity - Supercollider
10. Slayer - Reign in Blood
Slayer - Chemical Warfare
Suicidal Tendencies - Join the Army!
D.R.I. - Five Year Plan. What a song and amazing opening riff.
D.R.I. - Argument Then War.
Johnny Cash
Cobalt - Gin; Album of the year for me.
Naplam Death - Time Waits...
Gaza - He is Never Coming Back
Yob - Great Cessation
Tombs - Winter Hours
Kowloon Walled City - Gambling on the Richter Scale
Weekend Nachos – Unforgivable
Crippled Black Phoenix

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