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Artist Statement>>

The motivation behind my work is to express and overcome the frustration created by the rhetoric-
reality divide. The deceitful nature of modern political, social and economic systems causes a feeling of
disempowerment and ultimately, frustration. We have relinquished control of physical space and
interaction for freedom in a virtual realm. However the virtual realm does not allow for situational
encounters with difference, instead our personal viewpoints and aesthetics are continually reinforced
through our ability to create specified searches. Furthermore this virtual playground is not a place of
unlimited freedom but rather more of a dictatorship of popularity, leading to homogeneity. This
dictatorship is characterized by the rise of opinion over information and the growth of celebrity
culture. It creates a false sense of power through its user interface, as in American Idol, while silently
controlling both the inputs and the expert opinion. My goal is to combat these undercurrents and retake
the physical world through a process of sincerity. By making objects with care and honesty, in contrast
to modern production processes that favor facade and disposability, I hope to humanize an increasingly
alienating world.
The need to humanize with a broad spectrum of people has resulted in the creation of a wide range of
work. Rather than focusing on one particular medium or technique I see the whole of production
processes as a means of expression. In addition I find the use of various mediums inspiring through the
challenging nature of newness. Therefore at different times the work has reflected aesthetics of
advertising, spectacle-creation or formalism. Each permutation of the work clarifies and complicates
the whole; while this may seem counter-intuitive it is honest to the human condition. As the world
which we perceive and understand grows as does the work.

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