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Essential Biology 03.

3: DNA Structure (SL Only)


1. Draw and label the structure of a simplified single nucleotide, including sugar, phosphate and

2. Complete the table below to show the pairings of the bases in DNA:

Purine Pyramidine
Adenosine (A) Thymine (T)

Guanine (G) Cytosine (C)

3. Where would one find the base uracil?

You would find the base uracil in RNA, it replaces Thymine.

4. In the space below, draw a single strand of three nucleotides, naming the bonds between them
and showing the correct relative position of these bonds.

This is a triple bond.

This gives a sugar-


The sequence of these bases makes up the genetic code. The red lines
represent covalent bonds. They are read in groups of three called triplets. These triplets are

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 03.3: DNA Structure (SL Only)

then used to send instructions in the cell: to switch genes on and off, to make proteins and
5. Define the term double helix.
The term double helix is two strands of DNA that twist around each other.

6. In the space below, draw a section of DNA, showing two anti-parallel strands of three
nucleotides. Label the bonds which hold the bases together as well as the correct
complementary base pairs.



A and G are Purines and then T and C are pyramines. A Purine

must pair with a pyramine to make the bond work.

7. Explain the relevance of the following in the double-helix structure of DNA:

a. Complementary base pairing
Complmentary base pairing is when G only bonds
with C and T only bonds with A and these are found
on each strand of the double helix.

b. Hydrogen bonds
Hydrogen bonds between the bases hold together
the strands of DNA.

c. Relative positioning of the sugar-phosphate

backbone and the bases
The relative positioning of the sugar-phosphate backbone are on the outside and the bases
are on the inside of the double helix.

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

Essential Biology 03.3: DNA Structure (SL Only)

8. The discovery of the structure of DNA earned a Nobel Prize for Watson, Crick and Wilson.
Read the resources at the Nobel Prize website:

How is it a good example of the following:

a. Internationalism in science?
It is a good example of internationalism because people from all around the world were
working to get the same results which shows that people from different countries ended up
working together.

b. Cooperation in science?
It is a good example of cooperation because the two men Watson and Crick worked with
Wilkins and added his research to theirs which meant that they shared the Nobel Prize with

c. Competition in science?
It is a good example because the men did not want Rosalind Franklin to receive the Nobel
Prize so they tried not to let her become competition; they took her research for their own

9. What was the role of Rosalind Franklin in the process of the discovery of the structure of DNA
and why was she not included in the Nobel Prize?
In 1953 Rosalind Franklin showed her “photograph 51” to Watson and Crick, this revealed the
helical structure of the DNA. Her picture of the DNA had been crystallized under moist
conditions which showed the molecule with a fuzzy X in the middle, this then showed the helical
structure. She was not included in the Nobel Prize because the rule was that you could not be
nominated unless you were living and Rosalind Franklin had died, but in years later to come it
was proved that no one had even nominated her in the first place anyways.

Stephen Taylor Bandung International School

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