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I have chosen this selection of photos to represent my journey as a photographer

over the last two years. There are two main themes:

• Social documentary – rural and urban

• Natural observation

The first three photographs of the Hunt (March 2010), potentially controversial, but I
wanted to look at the relationships between working animals and humans. I used a
Nikon F55 and black and white film. They draw a stark contrast to the later urban
pictures taken using a Canon EOS digital camera. At this stage I was looking at
composition and perspectives. I was learning to develop and use different levels of
magenta to create contrast.

The Paris photos (August 2010) in particular were influenced by the work of Robert
Doisneau (1912-1994). I like his documentary style - capturing intimate moments in
the life of individuals. I also like the work of Dorothea Lange (1895-1965). Children
make fascinating subjects as they don’t observe the same mores as adults and
become utterly absorbed in their own world. I like the strong leading lines of the boy
at the boating pond which separate the boy from the pond. I wanted to capture the
essence of Paris.

The Paris Fashion Shoot photos are like a storyboard. The first photo sets the scene,
the second shows the boy absorbed and in the third he is asking a question with his
guardian protectively hovering. These photos do not have the individual impact but
work as a triptych.

In the Protest photos (December 2010) I tried to capture roles, emotions and
outcomes within the scenario: authority, protesters and placards burning. Again it’s
a time line. I was influenced by the urban struggles captured by ‘Boogie’ and Don
McCullen (b. 1935).

I have become more interested in digital photography over the last year,
experimenting with Photoshop to adjust, crop and change light levels. I have been
using montage in art and the two Montages attempt to put summarise the student
protests in single images.

The Natural Observation photos (October – November 2010) are very personal to
me. I like the effects of perspective and the elements: frost, cold, water, wind and
light. I feel a connection with the animals and the landscape, particularly with the
sheep image.

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