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Discharge planning

Instructed the client to take the medication as prescribed by the physician,
Ceferoxime methyldopa Ranitidine
Ferosemide Spironolactone Hydrazaline

Instructed client to avoid strenuous activities and practiced slow deep breathing
exercise .

Advice client to monitor blood pressure, take prescribed medications.

Health teaching:
Get lots of sleeps, sleeps when baby sleeps client should have one rest
period a day and try to have a good night sleeps, Emphasize the importance of
breastfeeding to establish adequate milk supply also establish maternal and child
bonding, Avoid sexual intercourse at least one month, Emphasized the importance of
proper hygiene hand washing, and perineal care to prevent the spread of micro
organism, Advise the client o call her care provider if she have warning signs of
sickness(fever greater than 38.5 degree Celsius, foul smelling vaginal discharge and
any occasion of difficulty in breathing.

Advice to visit or follow up check up with her attending physician

Low sodium diet

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