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Name / NPM : Muhammad Sulton Aminudin / 1507001

Title : Spatial Data Modeling And Location Planning of Transfer Waste

Infrastructure based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

“Places to dispose of waste are more difficult to be allocated because of the

growing of population and development activities which are expanding from year
to year. Planning the location of new waste removal must be done because this
will cause a greater impact in the future. A spatial data model to describe the
condition of solid waste services and management of municipal waste is needed
by the Department of Work and Spatial Notices (Dinas kebersihan dan
pertamanan) in Bogor City, to plan the strategic steps that should be done. In the
hope that any plan that would be an initial step in the responsible movement for
waste disposal management, and in accordance with the Indonesian National
Standard (SNI), which aims to improve public health and the quality of the
environment and make the waste a resource. By assessing these problems in
terms of information technology a Geographic Information System is necessary for
planning sustainable waste management”

Keyword : Waste Management, Geographic Information System, Data

Modelling, Spatial Data

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