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Colo. Springs, CO 80932 ‘August 1, 1993 ‘Customer Service WM, Wngley Jr. Co. Chicago, IL 60611 Dear Chewing Family, Since the 1960's, Tve faithfully chewed your fine gum products, at T mast say its made a fea hoe lot heter! Ive chewed over 29,00 sticks of gum inthis period, ond was ey adering if this sa record pace (Im only 31 years old)? 1d be thrilled wast Recently tried Wrigly’s "Big Red." and have decided to chew it exclusively! Is smnooth {este and pleasurable texture have won me over. Ti so impressed with ith ny sus aly consumption (A.D.C, has soared fom 3.21036 stick day Figures rounded off). ay cive, uh? Given that ive to be 75 years old which is abut average | my ttl vim consumption could top 86,000 sticks! Do you Keep any stasis on gum intake? [Anyway today, a Iwas enjoying my four Big Red stick ofthe day, sececntaly aaron it! in 25 years of chewing this hae never happened to me, so needless 10 s2y AeA ced! What will become ofthe gum? Tasked my sister (Nicki) what would happen, and she sid 1 would need surgery or my intestines woul be Reavy damaged. career now if she's eling™the truth, but it doesn't hurt to ask, Am Tin danger?! ‘Also, ve enjoyed your magazine ads which encourage: "When you can smoke, OY pare ebewing stitution." Does this work the ether way too? If Tm ea¥ght somewhere ethane my beloved gun (unlikely), do cigarettes taste about the same? T¥e newex smoked, but 'm willing to give ita ty if t's comparable, What de you say? 0, thas all for nw. Please get back o me quickly abou these issues, copecilly the But Swallowing scare! In the meantime, I'l keep on chew? Jaws of iron, Pont Rem Paul C. Rosa PS. Is gum chewing encouraged at Wrigley Field?”

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