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The Quest to Freedom

It started as “we”
But I soon realized
The true power of “I.”
Meeting Liberty 5-3000
Was the first step,
For she was the only one
Who shared my beliefs in the individual.
We eventually left the mindless city,
Found a home, and started a free colony
Where she and I could do
As we pleased.
I Am.
I Think.
I Will.

Nathan Matos
The Lonely World of Equality
Our name is Equality 7-2521.
There is evil within our soul
For what is not done as one
Cannot be good.
It is a sin to do
Or to think alone.
All must be done through the power
Of our one head.
We shall not gain new knowledge
Unless told to do so by the councils
For we shall never defy them.
We are nothing
Save our one body.
We Are One.

Nathan Matos

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