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Mr Blake

Chapter 1 Sandra Louise Perch

Mr Blake that’s his name, nothing just that. He moved into Sharrow green road just
yesterday. The house he moved into had a family move there before. Me, Andrew and next
door know it, horrible what happened in there I could only weasel out some information
from henry who used to live there though.

Henry had a great life until Sarah, his wife passed away. Vicky his daughter went mad, she
was suffering badly from bullying she could only go to her mum for advice, and she loved
her so much. Sarah told me about the bullying, and it was a problem for her as well, she was
so strong trying to hold her family together. Then bullies got drunk one night and as she
went to get the shopping that night and she got attacked and she died in hospital a few days
later. Vicky was a sunny girl bright until the bullying started and then her mother’s death
she went completely downhill from there. Night clubs, she started to slit her wrists she
started to do something horrible to do with satanic worship.

Henry was a religious man, he knew the priest of a church a couple of blocks away and he
asked him to do an exorcism he couldn’t believe it was Sarah’s death that triggered Vicky’s
strange behaviour he thought it was the devil. It just made things worse she started to take
drugs and the writing happened. She started writing on her wall in her own blood weird
things, gunshot, sudden, distractions and fear. I still can’t get over it, all the horrible things
he moved away after she died of blood loss. There’s something about that house still though
like I can still hear her screams.

No one went to buy the house when they found out about Vicky; no one even knows were
henry is. But this Mr Blake doesn't care about it I haven’t even seen his face, that’s why me
and Andrew went to say hi on Saturday.

“Do you think it’s too early? “. I ask as we walk up the cobbled drive,

“No chill out, Sandy he’ll be cool about it!”, Andrew was always a big joker, we walk up to
the front door and on it says that he’s ill on a sticky note on his door.

“Ill?” I say

“let’s be cool with it come on”, I see him walking down a drive as I take the note of the door
and see the back of it ‘Blake’ it says

“Come on!” he shouts smiling, he beckons me towards him.

“Wait Andrew look at this”, I say as I point to the word Blake on the back of it.
“It doesn't matter come on please, sa,” he was cut off I push the door and it slowly rocks of
its hinges,

“look what you’ve done, come on sandy lets go,” I feel provoked to go inside and I do to find
the word Blake on the wall in front of me it’s like it never changed , henry must of took the
wallpaper, it looks dead missing henrys warm touch. But who put Blake there? Did the
masked man who is supposedly ill?

How do I know this is a man?

“Ok Andrew lets go,”

“Thank you” he says with a light wisp of relief in a tone.

I wait days and still no sign of life in the house, Weird it was, but life carried on as normal I
decided to call Clair, I dial in her number.

“Hi Clair, its Sandra?”

“Hello what do you want I’m busy?” she says yawning, she’s obviously been drinking,

“Well do know henrys old house?”

“Yeah Sandra its white and you live next to it, what about it?”

“On Saturday me and Andrew went to say hi and on this note on his front door it says he’s ill
do you know anything?”

“Yes I do Sandra, it’s that you should leave him alone” the phone then hung up. She is so
rude. So if she didn’t bother looking at the house then was it just us? I’m not surprised at
her laziness anyway, it’s about 4pm I decide to go and get some milk from the shop down
the road.

As I look at the so called ‘Blake’ house I see that the door was fixed, he is probably in then I
decide to leave him alone and see him in the morning, I try to fight of the curiosity as I walk
but I keep looking back at the ever growing distant house. But finally I find myself at the
automatic doors of Tesco.

I walk down the savoury isle to the milk fridge until my heart skips a beat as a colossal bang!
Fills the super market.

“Nobody move or I’ll kill you!” a maddened voice says I hear screams and then a smash. I
hear footsteps coming down the aisle I’m on. I freeze with fear as a man with a gun and a
shopping till assistant edges after him down next to me.

“Now, hello sweet heart” the thug says I'm too scared to say anything,

“Come on, please?” he laughs at me

“Stop…” I wheeze to scared to talk any louder,

“Oh you want it that way then!” I feel a sudden gash of piercing pain as his gun smashes the
side of my head, I fall to the fall and scream as a bullet hits my shoulder and as I slowly see
things getting fainter and fainter the pain starts easing. I feel weak, and then I see a note
with the word Blake written on it.

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