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Table Of Contents:

Letter To The Contestants: Page 3

Schedule: Pages 4 – 7

Administrative Points: Page 8

Prize Package Information: Page 9

Category Descriptions: Page 10

Judge’s Points & Score Description: Page 11

Rules And Regulations: Pages 12 – 13

Contestant Forms: Pages 14 – 15

Contestant Contract: Pages 16 – 19


Dear Contestants,

Thank you so much for taking an interest in the Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year contest. I
welcome you with all of my heart and hope that your experience with the Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The
Year contest is one you will cherish for a long time to come.

It has taken a lot of hard work and a lot of my own money to bring this 2011 prelim for Entertainer Of The
year back to North Carolina. I could not have done this without the help of my co-producer William Millikan, my
current reigning Anjelica Dust, Kent Woofter, Vanessa Demornay, Paisley Parque, Orlando Chanel, dear sweet
Eddie From Nationals and, of course, my Mom and my Dad who have long supported me in all of my endeavors.

Since this is only the second year for the return of Entertainer Of The Year’s presence in North Carolina,
let me tell you a little about the system. The Entertainer of the Year Pageant is a national system "Dedicated to the
betterment of Diverse Cultures." This pageant is not a beauty pageant but a celebration of creativity, individuality,
and passion for the art of entertainment. This is a pageant where unique creativity is highly prized and rewarded.

In 2011 Miss National Entertainer of the Year will be celebrating its 22nd year as a prominent, national
pageant system. This is the perfect year to join the EOY family as a contestant, sponsor, or preliminary promoter
because all eyes will be on the Brown Theater in Louisville, Kentucky to see which contestants will boldly take this
unique pageant system into its third decade.

I am looking for a contestant with a strong motivation to continue selling preliminaries for Miss North
Carolina Entertainer Of The Year and who will help turn this pageant into a true state wide extravaganza. I am
looking for a hard working contestant who will actively call regional bars and promoters to ask them if they will
purchase prelims for Miss North Carolina Entertainer of the Year 2012 and help this statewide system to grow. I
am looking for a constant who will be hands on with the production and promotion of Miss North Carolina
Entertainer Of The Year 2012.

I am also looking for a contestant who will work hard to put forth her very best foot at Nationals in
Louisville Kentucky. She must remember that she represents not just North Carolina EOY but all of North Carolina.
The winner of this pageant must behave both professionally and as the true role model she is.

Lastly, I am looking for a contestant who is creative, unique, and who truly thinks outside of the box. I
want to reward those performers who dare to be different and who believe entertainment is a true form of art.

I have spent a lot of money and time to create this pageant because I believe so strongly in our drag
community. I have done this so I can give a fellow artist the opportunity to be seen on a national stage. This is an
opportunity they otherwise might not have, and I want to play a small part in helping make their dreams come

Drag performers have truly inspired me with their courage and talents. I hope to thank them by
continuing to provide this opportunity that previously did not exist in North Carolina.

-- David Bryant


Schedule For Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year:

Date Of Contest: May 25th – May 29th

(Wednesday May 25th) 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Registration

Registration will be held on Wednesday May 25th 2010, starting at 4:30 pm at Warehouse 29. Please be
there as early as possible.

Late contestants may lose administrative points.

During registration contestants will sign and submit their Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year
2011 contracts.

During registration contestants will fill out and submit their bios. These bios are important because, On-
Stage Question will be drawn from information provided in the contestant’s self-submitted bio.

During registration all contestants must draw numbers to determine their placement and group for the
preliminary nights of the North Carolina EOY contest.

There are no gown commentaries allowed in the Entertainer Of The Year system.

Contestants must turn in their music at registration. Music for each category must be on a separate CD
and must be the only track on that CD. The one exception is the contestant’s final night talent CD.
Crowning music should be placed as track number two on the contestant’s final night talent CD.

(Wednesday May 25th, Thursday May 26th) 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Contestant Rehearsals

Contestant rehearsals will be held at Warehouse 29.

Contestants are not required to rehearse or attend rehearsals during this period. This period is merely
an optional time provided for contestants to rehearse their packages if they so desire.

During this time Contestants should be courteous to each other.

Contestants should bring a boom-box or other means to play their music as a DJ will not be provided.

If no contestants have shown up to rehearse by 7:15 pm, then this block of time may be used for other
means by the pageant coordinators at the discretion of the pageant’s promoter.

(Wed May 25th, Thurs May 26th, Sat May 28th, Sun May 29th) 9:00 pm: Roll Call

All contestants should be backstage at Warehouse 29 by 9:00 pm.

If contestants are not backstage by 9:00 pm, then administrative points will be deducted.


(All Nights May 25th, 26th, 28th, & 29th) 9:30 pm: Roll Call for Entertainers

(Wednesday May 25th) 10:00 pm: Judge’s Meeting

This is a scheduled meeting at Warehouse 29 with the judges only in order to outline each category and
review specifically what Bryant Promotions is looking for from the contestants.

(Wed May 25th, Thurs May 26th, Sat May 28th, Sun May 29th) 10:30 pm: Pageant Starts

The pageant begins at Warehouse 29.

Contestants and entertainers should be ready to begin the contest at this time.

(Friday May 27th) 5:30 pm: NC EOY Memorial Weekend Cookout/Preliminary Night Awards Given Out

Roll call for this event will take place at 5:15 pm.

All contestants are required to attend. Casual wear is recommended

Contestants, Judges, Entertainers, and Promoters eat for free. Dressers, Dancers, Friends, etc are
welcome to attend at a cover charge of $5.00 per person.

Preliminary Night Awards will be given out after the meal.

(Sunday May 29th) 4:30 pm: Final Night Opening Production Rehearsal

This is a mandatory rehearsal for all contestants which will be held at Warehouse 29.

The purpose of this rehearsal is to go over the opening production for final night.


Wednesday: At Warehouse 29

Registration: 4:30

Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Judge’s Meeting: 10:00 pm

Pageant Starts: 10:30 pm

Group 1: Creative Evening Wear and On-Stage Question

Group 2: Talent

Thursday: At Warehouse 29

Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Pageant Starts: 10:30 pm

Group 2: Creative Evening Wear and On-Stage Question

Group 1: Talent

Friday: At Warehouse 29

Roll Call: 5:15 pm

Cook Out: 5:30 pm: Required NC EOY Memorial Day Weekend Cookout.

Preliminary Award Ceremony: 2:00 pm Prelim Night Awards Handed Out.

Saturday Night: Warehouse 29

Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Pageant Starts: 10:30 pm

Group 1: Creative Presentation (Score carries over to final night)

Entertainment: Various Guest Entertainers

Group 2: Creative Presentation (Score carries over to final night)


Sunday Afternoon: Warehouse 29

4:30 pm: Rehearsal For Final Night Opening. (Required Attendance of All Contestants)

Sunday Night: Warehouse 29

Roll Call: 9:00 pm

Pageant Starts: 10:30 pm

All Contestants: Un-judged “Burlesque” themed presentation. (Have fun with this. Please Wear Your
Preliminary Crowns)

Finalists Announced

NC EOY City Preliminary Of The Year Announced

Special Announcements


Finalists: Creative Evening Wear




Finalists: Talent




Administrative points may be deducted for tardiness as follows below & you will not be notified:

5 pts for 1-15 minutes late

10 pts for 16-30 minutes late

15 pts for 31-45 minutes late

20 pts for 46-60 minutes late

25 pts for 1 hour or more minutes late

Please do not let these administrative point deduction surprise you. Always strive to be on time with
your contract submission, with your bio submission, with your music submission, and with any roll calls.

These administrative points deductions are not here to be mean, cruel, or unjust. The reason for these
rules and consequences is to help us select only the most professional entertainers to represent Miss
North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year at nationals.


Prize Package & Entry Fees:*

Entry Fee: $100

Prize Package For The Winner:

$200 the night of the pageant

$300 upon or after competing at nationals

$200 the night of give up

$400 hotel/travel stipend

$175 dollar entry fee to compete at nationals




Prize Package For The 1st Alternate:

$100 upon or after competing at nationals

$400 hotel/travel stipend

$175 dollar entry fee to compete at nationals


*North Carolina EOY/Bryant Productions is not responsible for ANY additional prizes, sponsorships, bookings,
benefit shows, or booking fees not listed on this page.


Category Descriptions:


On Stage Question:

The contestant is asked a question and responds to the question on stage. The question is formed from
the individual biography that is written by the contestant and submitted at the time of registration. This
category is worth 10 points.

Creative Presentation:

In this category the contestant is given 3 minutes. Props are allowed but there will be no prop set up or
break down time. After Presentation contestants will approach the host and state their name and where
they are from. All of this should be kept under 3 minutes per contestant. Contestants are judged on
stage presence, self confidence, ability to communicate, general appearance, self expression, delivery,
and content. Contestants are strongly encouraged by NC EOY to provide their own music for this
category. This category is worth 30 points.

Creative Evening Wear:

This category is to show creativity and individuality. Evening wear does not have to be full-length.
Evening wear does not have to be a dress or gown. Scores are given for presentation, poise, hair,
makeup, fit, coordination, creativity, and general appearance. Props are allowed for this category, but
there will be no prop set up or breakdown time. Contestants are strongly encouraged by NC EOY to
provide their own music for this category. This category is worth 40 points.


The time limit for talent is 7 minutes. Talent is judged on costume, hair, makeup, the precision of
whatever medium is used (live, dance, lip sync, etc) and the entertainment value. Please refrain from
excessive fire, water, or glitter during talent. Please refrain from harming or killing anyone during talent.
This category is worth 120 points.

Total Point Value From Each Judge Is 200 points


The Judge’s Points System:


On-Stage Question: 0 – 10 points

Presentation: 0 – 30 points

Creative Evening Wear: 0 – 40 points

Talent: 0 – 120 points

Minus Any Administrative Points

Maximum number of points: 200 points.

X 7 Judges

Maximum total score per-contestant: 1,400 points

High and Low Scores may be dropped at the discretion of the promoter.


Rules & Regulations For Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year:

1.) Contestants must be males, at least 18 years of age, and be able to show proof of age.

2.) Judging will be on the total accumulated points system. The answering of additional On-Stage
Questions by persons involved will break ties.

3.) Contestants will be judged in the following categories: On-Stage Question, Creative
Presentation, Creative Evening Wear, and Talent.

4.) The use of Marijuana or any other drug is a personal matter. However, they are not allowed and
are not to be used in the host bar or on the host bar property. Please remember these habits
are PERSONAL. If at any point these habits have bearing on PROFESSIONAL behavior and
conduct a contestant/winner will be dismissed.

5.) Talent will be limited to seven (7) minutes. Prop set up and break down time will be limited to a
total of five (5) minutes. Talent presentations may be timed.

6.) Any type of talent is acceptable, except those that are illegal or which might cause personal
injury to the audience or any person. This includes emotional injury. Excessive fire, water, or
glitter is not allowed as a part of this pageant.

7.) The presentation category is limited to three (3) minutes. Props are allowed, but there is no
prop set up or break down time in this category.

8.) Any contestant that is not at an appointed place at the appointed time will lose administrative
points or will be disqualified.

9.) The North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year contest does not discriminate against any
entertainer with silicone or hormones. Judges are hereby specifically asked not to take silicone
or hormones (or the lack there of) into any consideration when judging this contest.

10.) The stealing of, or the intentional destruction to any contestants property is not tolerated. Such
acts forgo mere administrative points and render IMMEDIATE disqualification. No exceptions.

11.) Contestants should provide their own music for Creative Presentation, Creative Evening Wear,
and Talent. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions will not be
responsible for providing music for these categories. Please do everything you can to bring
music of your own for each of these three categories.

12.) All music for Creative Presentation, Creative Evening Wear, and Preliminary Night Talent must
be on a recorded CD. This CD must contain only 1 track.

13.) All music for Final Night Talent must be on a recorded CD. The track for talent must be track
number 1. This CD must also contain the contestant’s crowning music as track 2. (see rule 14)


14.) All CDs must be labeled in a permanent marker with the contestant’s name, the category it is to
be used for, and the correct track number. This is the contestant’s responsibility.

15.) The venue for Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year is a “smoke free” environment.
There is no smoking – this is the law.

16.) Any contestant that qualifies for Nationals and fails to attend will be barred from competing in,
entertaining, judging, or attending any North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year pageant events
until they have paid back their promoter and settled their difference with the National

17.) Contestants must accept and abide by the decisions of the judge’s panel and the promoter of
Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year.

18.) Contestants must stay at the host hotel.

19.) Contestants must bring their OWN towels to use at the host hotel. No towels will be provided by
the hotel. If a contestant does use a hotel towel, and dirties it, they will be disqualified.


Contestant Form:

Stage Name:_____________________________________

Legal Name:_____________________________________


City:___________________________ State:_____________________________

Zip Code:___________________________

Phone:_________________________ e-mail:_____________________________

My Creative Presentation Will Be: (circle one)

Live Pantomime No Audio Other

My Talent Will Be: (circle one)

Live Pantomime No Audio Other

Musical Selection: (Please adhere to all rules and time limits)

Creative Presentation Track Number:_______________

Creative Evening Wear Track Number:____________________

Talent Track Number:__________________________

I Require Prop Set Up During Talent: (circle one)

Yes No


Back-Up Performs/Helpers: (each performer/helper MUST pay the standard admission price)

Number Of Back-Up Performers/Helpers:_________________

Please List The Names Of Your Back-Up Performers:

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

Dresser: (each contestant is allowed only one)

Name Of Dresser:_____________________________

Please Provide A Short Bio: (On-Stage Question will be derived from your bio)












Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year Contract:

This agreement, entered into this day of ______________, by and between

_____________________, of _____________________, hereinafter known as Contestant, and Miss

North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions, or any derivative thereof.


WHEREAS, Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions has organized and
will present a pageant entitled Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year; and

WHEREAS, Contestant desires to participate in Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year on
the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and

WHEREAS Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions desires the
Contestant to fully participate in Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year;

NOW THEREFORE, the parties intending to be legally bound hereby, and in consideration of the
premises, the mutual covenants herein contained, the entry fee paid by Contestant, and other and
valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Contestant agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, and procedures as promulgated and
disseminated by Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions.

Contestant agrees that should Contestant win the title of either Miss North Carolina Entertainer
Of The Year or Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate) or should Contestant succeed
to the title of either Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year or Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of
The Year (1st Alternate), Contestant will fulfill all duties and obligations connected therewith, including
but not limited to, the following:

1.) Personal appearance and performance upon request at the 2012 Miss North Carolina
Entertainer of The Year pageant.

2.) Four (4) personal appearances/public performances for Bryant Productions at the discretion of
Bryant Productions' management.

3.) Personal appearance at all preliminaries to Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year 2012.

4.) Appearance and competition for Miss National Entertainer of The Year 2011 in a professional
and dignified manner.

5.) To comport oneself in a professional and dignified manner at all times, using best efforts to
promote a positive image of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year.


6.) To refrain from competing, in any other local, regional, state, or national pageantry system
while holding the title of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year. This moratorium on local,
regional, state, or national pageantry system competition will last for one year from the time
the winning contestant receives the title of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year.

7.) To be solely responsible for any taxes, fees, and licenses due and owing for any and all prizes

8.) To indemnify and to hold Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions
harmless for all losses, costs, and expenses by reason of injury to Contestant, or to any other
person or personal property damaged in connection with Contestants
competition/representation of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions,
which injury or damage results from the carelessness, negligent, intentional, or improper
conduct on the part of Contestant, Contestant's agents, assigns, or employees; and to indemnify
Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions for any judgments that may be
levied against it by reason of the contestant's actions. Contestant further agrees to pay for all
attorney fees and court costs incurred by Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant
Productions in defense of any actions instituted against it or judgments levied against it by
reason of Contestant's actions.

9.) Contestant hereby grants Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions, its
assigns, licensees, and legal representatives, the irrevocable right to use my name (or any
fictional name), picture, portrait, or photograph in all forms and media, and in all manners,
including composite or distorted representations, for advertising, trade, artistic, commercial, or
any other lawful purposes, and waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product,
including written copy, that may be created in connection therewith. Contestant, will provide
Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions with publicity stills, if I does not
provide this, Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions will be allowed to
pull images from any personal websites, social networking sites, etc that the Contestant possess
in order to adequately promote their product, without remuneration and without complaint by
Contestant or Contestant's agents, assigns, friends, or employees. It is Contestant’s
responsibility to assure self-images on such websites are without copyright to anyone other
than Contestant or Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions.

10.) Contestant, on behalf of Contestant, Contestant's heirs, administrators, successors and assigns,
hereby fully and forever releases, acquits and discharges, the said Miss North Carolina
Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions, heirs, administrators, executors, successors and
assigns from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands of whatsoever kind of
nature on account of any and all known and unknown injuries, losses, and damages by
Contestant, or Contestant's property, sustained or received during the pageant, or throughout
the term of the Contestant's reign, for which injuries, losses, and damages Contestant claims
that Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions is legally liable. It is
expressly understood and agreed that this release of liability is intended to cover and does cover
not only all injuries known at the time of the pageant or the reign, but which may later develop
or be discovered including all the effects and consequences thereof.

11.) Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees to pay to the winning
Contestant $200 dollars of the first place prize money awarded to the winner of Miss North


Carolina Entertainer Of The Year upon that winner receiving the title, with a second $200 of first
place prize money awarded to the winner of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year only
upon successful completion of a full year of duties as reigning Miss North Carolina Entertainer
Of The Year. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees to pay to
the winning Contestant $300 dollars by or upon completion of competition at Miss National
Entertainer Of The Year representing Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year. Miss North
Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees to pay or provide to the winning
Contestant the equivalent of $400 in hotel/travel stipend to best aid their competition at Miss
National Entertainer Of The Year. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant
Productions agrees to provide the winning Contestant’s $175 dollar entry fee to compete at
Miss National Entertainer Of The Year. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant
Productions agrees to provide the winning Contestant with a tiara/crown to possess for the
duration of her reign as Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year.

12.) Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees to pay to the winner of
Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate) $100 dollars by or upon completion
of competition at Miss National Entertainer Of The Year representing Miss North Carolina
Entertainer Of The Year. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees
to pay or provide to the winner of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate)
the equivalent of $400 in hotel/travel stipend to best aid their competition at Miss National
Entertainer Of The Year. Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions agrees
to provide the winner of Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year (1st Alternate) a $175
dollar entry fee to compete at Miss National Entertainer Of The Year.

13.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions Is NOT responsible for any money,
sponsorship, or payouts to contestants, winners, or promoters beyond the above stated prize

14.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions is NOT responsible for providing any
benefit shows for the winner, contestants, or promoters.

15.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions may determine at its own discretion
the booking fee, if any, the winner will receive when she appears at prelims to Miss North
Carolina Entertainer Of The Year 2012

16.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions does not have to pay full hotel
expenses beyond the $400 stipend promised in the prize money.

17.) North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions is not responsible for putting
together the Winner or 1st Alternate’s package for Miss National entertainer of The Year. It is
the job of the contestants to each be prepared on their own to go to nationals in the event that
they should win either the title of Miss North Carolina Entertainer of the Year or Miss North
Carolina Entertainer of the Year 1st Alternate.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto caused this agreement to be duly
executed the day and year first written above.

I certify that I am of legal age, I have read this release, have understood it, am fully familiar with
its contents, and have agreed to it.

******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Signed:_________________________________ Date:_____________________



******* ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* *******

Signed:_________________________________ Date:_____________________

(Miss North Carolina Entertainer Of The Year/Bryant Productions)



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