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Andrew Kong7A April 29, 2002

How do Joints work on doors?!

Have you ever wondered how doors can rotate? How a wall relates to a door?

What the metal objects that are on the side of the door are? Or might think, how come

it’s not touching the ground as if it the door is flying. Well, this word actually answers

20% of all those questions. They are called joints! Joints are objects that are connected

to each other. Some can move (mobile joints), some cannot. Well of course, these doors

can move. The objects on the side of the door are called “hinges”. They connect the

door to the wall. They make the door open and close. Some are metal, some are plastic

and maybe some are glass. But it does not matter what material the door is made out of,

because they all have joints. In some doors, you may see hinges that were shaped like

cylinders. And there is this sort of hole in the center of it. You put this sort of metal rod

in the hole. The metal Rod makes the door rotate back and forth.

So the joints of the door make the door connect to the wall, make it move back

and forth. And it also tells us how doors are flying.

The metal rod inside the hinge makes the door rotate.

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