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State Of Matter Write Up

On Monday 29th November we did and experiment that we had to experiment the
kind of states of matter. The materials were:
• Safety Goggles
• Water
• Ice
• Beaker (500ml)
• Heat Source (Hot Plate)
• Thermometer
• Plastic Bottle with Screw-On Top

First we had some ice and put them into a beaker and wait for it to melt. Then when it
melted we had to put the beaker on top of the heat source or heat plate. Once its heated
up we had to then pour the boiling water into the plastic bottle and screw the lid. The
water was creating condensation inside the bottle which made the bottle compress
because of the heat inside. When the ice was in the beaker it was 0°C, but when we
heated it was 80°C!

As the ice heated the molecules inside were starting to move faster and faster as well
as spreading out. As the water vapor was forming inside the bottle was compressing
like i said above, because of the heat.

According to google it says that heat is “a form of energy that is transferred by a

difference in temperature”.

Overall we did have some human errors such as: We could of used a different kind of
plastic for the plastic bottle because we when we poured the water into the bottle, it
compressed when we were expecting it to expand. Another human error was that in our
group, we forgot to take the temperature right after we stopped boiling, then we realized
that we had to take later on and thats why we our temperature wasn’t accurate. Next
time we can take a thicker plastic bottle so it wouldn’t melt.

My hypothesis was: “If we put boiling water into a plastic bottle and screw on the cap,
then the bottle will expand because water vapor (steam) takes up more space than
liquid. My hypothesis was wrong because it says that the plastic bottle would expand but
because of the plastic and heat in compressed (Squeezed inwards) and thats why it was
wrong. I learned a lot of things from this project such as: the states of matter how its
changed from solid to liquid to gas and how the molecules are packed together to when
their solid and all the way spread out when its gas.


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