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The least hospitable planet in the solar system is Venus

because it is extremely hot with a surface temperature of 350-
480 degrees Celsius. It has no breathable gases and many
toxic ones. There is sulphuric acid rain and a gravitational pull
of 8.9N/kg. The dense atmosphere has layers of clouds many
kilometres thick composed of sulphuric acid. The longest time
a probe has landed is for 5 hours, due to the harsh
environment. Venus is slightly smaller than Earth, with a
rocky surface similar to Earth. It has very long day (200
Venus days to 1 Earth day)

Pluto is not very hospitable as it is very cold with a surface
temperature of -220 degrees Celsius. Pluto is very small and
has extremely low gravity with a gravitational pull of 0.66
N/kg. It is too far from the sun for solar energy and the only
water is frozen. The whole planet is mostly frozen ice with a
small rocky core. It is far from earth and would take a long
time to get there, and be hard to communicate to and from.

Saturn would be the next least hospitable planet. With an
atmosphere made up of hydrogen and helium it would not
easily support life. Saturn would only work if you could build
a floating city or something. Gas is not good for colonisation,
but taking the giant diamond would be fun!

Jupiter would be the next least hospitable planet. With an
atmosphere made up of hydrogen and helium it would not
easily support life. Jupiter would only work if you could build
a floating city or something. Gas is not good for colonisation
on it, and there is too much gravity, with a gravitational pull
of 23.6N.

Mars would be the second choice for colonisation. It is rocky
probably with liquid and frozen water under its surface. It’s
atmosphere is not very inviting, made up of carbon dioxide,
argon and nitrogen. It is warmer than Europa at -120 to 25
degrees Celsius.
Mars has cracks in it like Europa, but they are not as deep,
and are not as well protected from weather as Europas.
Mars is also closer, which is an advantage, and means more
people can get there in a shorter amount of time.

As shown in the rest of the project, Europa is the best to

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