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Suda The horses are away

Suda s.v. choris hippeis ('the cavalry are apart').

Cf. Herodotus 6.107 ff.; Nepos, Miltiades 5.5., No.
90 below. N.G.L. Hammond, JHS 88 (1968) 39f.
[=Studies 214 ff.]; A.R. Burn, JHS 89 (1969) 118;
Bury-Meiggs 529; Sealey, History 190f.; G.
Shrimption, Phoenix 34 (1980) 20-37.

When Datis had invaded Attica, they say that the

Ionians, when he had withdrawn, went up into the
trees [or, 'into the trees'], and signaled to the
Athenians that the cavalry were apart. Miltiades,
learning of their departure, thus attacked and
conquered. Hence the proverb is applied to those
who break ranks.

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