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Niswaki Miya a little ALDS orphan was laying in the hospital waited for death to come and steal her abundant life. The doctors exact words was * we can do Nathing for hen we are only waiting for her to die." There was No one who could take responsibility for her to get ARVs Ps i { Miswaki's mother died when she was only #months old and her father was Nowhere to be found. The only forrily she had was the couple of workers at the hospital who took pity of her A good friend of mine phoned and asked me to go and visit Niswaki in the hospitd) - little did I know what L was going to see. As I walked into her room, I burst out in tears. 1 couldn't believe what I saw. Lt was a little skeleton covered with skin. She was laying there - No smile, just staring into the room. At that stage her cd# count was about 200 - very very ill, She was almost a year and couldnt sit, walk or talk, but she was the most beautiful little gin. We started to visit her and got more fond of this little princess. We couldnt let this baby die without a fair change in life - we went to court and asked permission to arrange ‘for Niswaki to get Anti Retrovirals. Without any hesitations we got the permission and finally Niswaki was on ARVs. Sefore our own eyes we could see the progress of this little gin Finally the doctor's wanted to discharge her but there were No family - No one who can take her home. We prayed about this matter aid we had peace in our hearts to take IMtswaki home, Social Development placed her in place of safe care with us. Tt was a red! challenge for us. Every 12 hours’ medication, No eggs. No raw meat, No bittong etc. it was life changing decision. ur own children loved this litle gin! from the start, she was one of us settled in and loved. On May 2008 Miswaki was placed in foster care with us. Sy this time she was as healthy as a Normal child. She is doing great - going for check-ups every six months. The last time we checked her ad} count was ‘more than 3000, PRALSE GODIl! My question to the doctors is * what if she was left to die...” On January 2010 we started with the adoption - and we believe it will be finalized soon.

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