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Is Microsoft shooting arrows in the dark?

Would you like a laptop for about sixty-five dollars?

Using AutoTune in GarageBand could make you sound like a rock star.

What are some common mistakes that people make when cleaning up their computers?

Does your car have Bluetooth capabilities?

The Square just may change the World as we know it.

You say you want some virtual desktops?

Log in to Facebook with style!

Is it time to look outside of Adobe?

How do you create private folders within Microsoft Office?

What laptop - and operating system - is the right one for an IT Pro?

Why should you install Microsoft Security Essentials?

What are your favorite downloads?

Enjoy free WiFi with Skype Access this weekend, no matter where you live in the World.

Add ColorSplash effects with PhotoShop in minutes.
If you have money missing, where could it be? Do you even KNOW it's missing?

Named as Dexpot, it can transform your existing monitor screen and split
them all up to 20 virtual desktops, letting the users to concentrate well
without being distracted by unnecessary tasks.

Once installed and launched, the user will notice a small icon

appears at the system tray. Double clicking on it will launch several virtual
desktops (default is four) with totally independent properties. For the start,
users can define number of virtual desktops (up to 20) and among all, there
is a way to configure its properties such as the name, resolution, wall paper,
screen saver so that they can be fitted well for different environment. Besides,
users are allowed to customize its appearance to either appear as in desktop
Manager mode, preview mode or Windows mode depending on own preference
for faster switching from one virtual desktop to another. All these are well
managed by a set of Desktop rules to make the whole virtual environment more
user-friendly suitable for both home and office use.

Consumes less than 3.8MB of your hard disk space, Dexpot is compatible with
Windows Operating systems such as 2000/XP/2003/Vista and even Windows
7 and is free for private use but will require a license for corporate usage.

Let Siri be your virtual assistant.

Where do you get your television content?

Stop malware in its tracks.

What is the easiest way for a computer novice to upgrade to Windows 7?
Geek Gone Wild: A Chatroulette Experiment.

The Comodo dragon is growing quickly.

Acupuncture has been proven to calm highly anxious dental patients.

If you are an app developer, iMockups for the iPad may be the key to success for you.

Are you anxiously awaiting the arrival of an iPad?

What happens when all of your Windows file associations get screwed up?

Would you build an entire city out of toothpicks?

Windows XP Mode in Windows 7 is a dream come true to some users.

Are you using Netflix on your Wii yet?

How can you diagnose sound problems in Windows 7?

If you want to know when the next earthquake will hit, buy yourself a toad.

How can you become a successful news reporter?

How will you view media on the iPad?

Verizon has halted Android 2.1 updates - again.

Does Google endorse music piracy?
Are you a Fingerprint Scanner user?

The Washington government wants to place a tax on software. Please tell me this is an April Fool's Day

Rune Factory Frontier is coming to the Wii tomorrow.

Have you taken a look at YOUR Twitter Wall of Awesome?

The U.S. Postal Service is having issues - again.

Cloudica is a hot new social network geared towards teens.

Is your Facebook friend a Federal agent - or a sex offender?

Will you be able to be productive on the iPad?

Is Microsoft spreading half-truths about Chrome?

Why would a Microsoft Word document open with nothing but numbers and symbols displaying on the

Beat your iPad with the dPad Drum Sequencer.

Quality service is still available from Noctua.


Bring your Big Wheel for Easter dinner.
The iPad is making its American debut in just a few hours.

How can you be Geeky with a shoestring budget?

Can you repair a corrupted user profile?

What should we name the iPad app for the Chris Pirillo live stream?

When should you NOT go to the dentist?

PocketSmith can help you create a budget - and stick to it.

Why should you NOT buy an iPad?

Could Slate PCs be the next big thing?

Where do you turn when Windows goes wonky?

Do you feel the new YouTube layout changes are good or bad?

Will you be hunting for colored eggs this weekend?

Beginning April 4th, expect to find new deals for upgrading to Windows 7 - with limitations.

U.S. Senators are warning of a Cyberwar threat.

What is your go-to choice when buying a new graphics card?

Does your taskbar freeze in Windows? How do you thaw it out?

Take the iPad to the kitchen with you!

SSD or Velociraptor - that is the question.
Are HD videos on YouTube actually high definition?

Ubuntu 10.10 has gotten a name!

WHY would you put bunny ears on your pets?

How does iTunes work on the iPad?

The USA Today will deliver news right to your iPad.

Attend meetings online using GoToMeeting on your iPad.

Turn your iPad into a bookshelf!

WeatherBug for the iPad is Meteorologist goodness Apple-style.

Flight Control goes 3D on the iPad.

Air Hockey on the iPad will likely provide hours of entertainment.
Learn to type on the iPad keyboard using TapTyping.

Visit Reviews, News, and How To Geeks at:

What wireless keyboard and mouse do you recommend?

How many Daddy Bloggers do we have in the community?

Be careful that your PC isn't held for ransom.
Why would your disk be active at all times?

The iPad has already been jailbroken.

Are you wishing for a Google Voice dialer plugin for Outlook?

Santa Google is delivering gifts early this year!

Why would you end up with two system folders after a Windows reinstall?

You can create gorgeous free-form wallpaper for your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad.

Is Linux finally hitting the mainstream?

Is the iPad worth its weight in gold?

AMDs Eyefinity on a multi-monitor setup can significantly increase your productivity.

Crash! Boom! Bang! The economy is imploding again.

Could blogging help a teen get into college?

The new iReverse game runs on multiple platforms. Why is this important news?

The best person to rely on is yourself.

How do you troubleshoot microphone issues?

Tweet your way to a divorce.
Could HP be bringing competition for the iPad to the market?

What are the reasons you don't want an iPad?

iPad users experience weak connectivity and dropped signals.

Who is Justin Bieber?

What top ten iPad tips could you pass along?

What Twitter apps are available for the iPad?

How have you managed to get out of debt?

Reviews, News, and How To Geeks

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Big news out of the TechCrunch camp: Steve Gillmor is heading to Salesforce on Monday.

Is Chrome a privacy concern?

USB storage support is now available for the Xbox 360.

Is the North Korean Red Star operating system designed specifically to spy on their users?

Trash comes in all colors.

The FCC has suffered a setback in court at the hands of Comcast.
Does the iPad belong in the classroom?

Is there any point in buying the newest Macbook Pro?

Was an iPad owner tossed out of a Microsoft store - or not?

Foxit won't keep you safe from PDF exploits.

Can you fix a sticky keyboard after spilling your soft drink on it?

AOL is paying a high price for their mistake with Bebo.

Is Oracle quietly killing OpenOffice?

T-Mobile nixes the @Home and Hot Spot Calling services.

Company data can be stolen via Facebook.

Would you track your mail with Google Envelopes?

Who could possibly replace Simon Cowell on American Idol?

Can anyone tell me why Google Chrome is so popular?

Are you planning to be a June bride?

Play a trick on your iPad-owning friends with cool wallpapers.

Are you still happy with Windows 7?

What voice recognition software do you recommend?

Have you bought the Apple iPad case yet?
What are your hopes for iPhone 4.0?

There really are people who still use AOL!

My iPad is absolutely the best digital photo frame I've ever used.
Visit Reviews, News, and How To Geeks at:

Goodbye iFrame toolbar - hello sites now unbanned from Digg.

Who are you better than?

Who needs Flash on the iPad? Just use Silverlight.

Make yourself ten feet tall and bulletproof.

Verizon steps into a really big pond.

This IS Pirillo!!

What screen saver do you use for your iPad?

Self-revelation can help assemble a social security number.

Scrabble rules changes will allow proper nouns.

The Comodo Time Machine causes nightmares for some people.

Yes, Virginia, you CAN speed up Windows 7.

One adorable little toddler tested the iPad, and wanted to know where the camera is!
What's the story behind Vitamin D?

Do you like Playstation's The Tester?

Should grandpas be allowed to play in the NFL?

How can we change the gaming industry?

Unlock the zoom feature on your iPad to work better with your vision.

Swype lets you type 50 words per minute on your cell phone.

What are your thoughts on the UK Digital Economy Bill?

Do you suffer from nightmares and strange dreams?

You'll gain far more Twitter followers if you use a profile picture of yourself.

What is the craziest paint job you've ever seen on a car?

50% of teens will purchase a touch-screen computer by 2015.

For the automotive Geeks out there... which type of engine works the best?

Adobe has Ideas!

Some airlines will now charge fees for carry-on luggage in addition to checked baggage.

Have you gotten a peak at the new slate device from HP?

Visit Reviews, News, and How To Geeks at:

Good news in education: Windows MultiPoint Server 2010 has launched!

Could Internet addiction be an actual medical disorder?

What online learning resources do you recommend for high school students?

Is there room in your life for the past?

Are you a social media douchebag?

Let Songkick track your favorite artists, so it can tell you where - and when - the concerts will be near

What are your favorite Gmail tweaks and tips?

Batman: The Brave and the Bold is heading for the both the Wii and the DS.

What are your favorite WordPress plugins?

Partition problems can be a real pain.

Where did those old dial-up sounds come from, anyway?

What songs bring back really great memories for you?

What are the symptoms of an Internet addiction?

Are you looking for a new hardware monitor for your machine?

What video editing software do you prefer to use when you are on OS X?
Sometimes, computer switching is difficult to manage.

Yelp has been slammed with a lawsuit. Fair? I think not!

Are you having trouble setting up your home network?

The FCC is hacking up the spectrum... again.

Do you feel that software development is in a rut right now?

What is the most effective method of updating computer drivers?

Record your life using AudioBoo on the iPhone - or with your home phone!

Do you have to deal with teen Cyberbullies?

It's not as difficult to clean up puppy stains as you might think!

Regular exercise can reduce anxiety by more than 20%.

Do you follow the right people on Twitter?

The outrage over the school spy case is continuing to grow.

Does your school's tech department fail?

What do you do when your chipset fan is on its last legs?

Google and the Italian conviction: why did it take three years to decide to prosecute?
What is there to see and do in Boston?

What are your best Twitter tips for beginners?

AMD begins filling in the holes.

Which Murphy's Law captures your interest the most?

What are the differences in routers, such as 802.11n and 802.11b?

Who are the new crime lords trying to bring down the Internet?

If you're a social media junkie, I have found some interesting statistics for you.

Newton's Balls are hot on the iPhone.

If you don't actually read your medical policy, it could end up costing you big bucks.

Why should someone embrace open-source projects?

Is Microsoft's MSI installer inherently flawed?

What video game - and hand-held console - have you possibly missed out on?

Protect Me! 2010 helps keep all of your files nice and secure.

Facebook blackmail costs teen prison time.

Super-speed USB 3.0 may just be a bump in the road.

Are you a whiz when it comes to HTML?
Where do you begin to troubleshoot when your Internet randomly drops connection?

Create your own monsters with Elmo and his iPhone App!

Are you on a quest for a million dollars?

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