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Teeth For Life

As a Pediatric Dentist it's a good idea to take your baby along with you when you have a check up
so that he gets used to the surgery. He can be registered with a dentist from six months old, though
some dentists don't carry out check-ups until your child is older and has a good set of teeth. Here
are some ways to help you with your baby's teeth:

Teeth should be cleaned at least once a day as soon as there is sufficient tooth surface showing.

 Cradle your baby’s head in your arms in front of you

 At first you may find it easier to use a piece of clean gauze wrapped around your forefinger
 Later use a small, soft nylon baby toothbrush
 Use a small amount of children's toothpaste and massage it around baby’s gums and teeth
 Once your toddler shows an interest in trying to clean his own teeth let him have a go,
showing him how to brush up and down, rather than from side to side. However, remember that
you will need to continue finishing off the brushing process for some years to come, as a child
does not have the manual dexterity to clean his teeth thoroughly until he is about seven years
Use of Flouride
Fluoride makes teeth stronger over time which then prevents the initiation of dental caries and tooth
decay. Also, it re-mineralizes those areas of the teeth which have been weakened by acid. Fluoride
can be included in one's diet. Other ways of obtaining fluoride are in toothpastes and mouth rinses
that are normally used at homes. The dentist can provide it through gels and foams he applies
during dental visits.

Use of Sealants
To add to the benefits of the fluoride, dentists also apply sealant in order to preserve the teeth even
more. Sealant is applied in some locations of the teeth that smooth their surface. Therefore, food
and plaque are less likely to get trapped in those areas.

So their you go. Hope this helps you a bit and for a great place to take you child to a pediatric dentist
in Chicago,Illinois I recommend this place, check out their website. This place is the best when it
comes in Pediatric Dentistry.

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