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, " '. New l'o~k in 1870 - e. p~Jj.fio,
~" . .i T~: . a·JlO~' &1). - e~auat1,~88 BUb'ject; and,
.' _.".i( " , ':- , th~i~i~te'~tQ:db:~t.J~tice.~o~d:fe-,
~.~ f -~ '_._--'-- ~qu:n:e;~, , ~iD.lhoiuit 0 fuTeilt~- ai., .


:::.''~-~~==-'----:-(r-~--'-:'~7~-:-~1I;" l:--pelnei~'~--;d3feraiw a.pplication of

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general '.disQnptJ.on...: of ' thiS' 'f,Ocaq,tiiint him Willr 10catiduBand
r--~!n'~~~ metropo~ _~J. ' the w:~8f.ern ,-,--..-"",. -wi&.fac!~L~~OW!~~ ~f ' whl~
j.,---t-JUtJIlll.HJ.JJ:.ll~l.C- ~ght~be- . ' , ii~ cOuld notr-procure els8wliere.
many of it's· 1esi4e~tS;··hut,.~we ,ht_. We claim n~>".creditJ'or telling a,de~{acta~ t-o ciUTy the war ~reon th~t Cape ,~om is on the
: into !irj~a-, to giv~;8pecimen bricks : island of ,Terra. del Fuego, or that .
_~f ~e. sofoun~tion
that ' "
imd !!Upemtme: .
LOndOliis o~ the western-side of
. m-
'f , ..ate', aqirirement,B 'oait-form ' 1I. '<ioxJi~ . -: forina tion' that 'k, not -generally
t . !D'en.stlIiLte idea ofthe"g;:eat'~h~l~ , known, eyen to ?ld denizens oft:ijJl
without from others, at ~he .' city; 'f!I!4 give" ,biw an insigh,t into
~-B~e time th~t he -bec0ni~s. :ia.IDiig~..:· "the ~har8.cter:an~J,dofugs Qf p~ple
jar.With ih~:·Bevera.! parties::' ····:4.' .~: $. r :'~ho8e deeds ar~~.c9;~efuny 8cr..e~ned
We don't intend to tell the ~a- : .,,,' 'frotn public view; when we<liscribe
:der ~here the Central P~k is, th~ , their..houses, and' give their loca-.
.' Cri~~ ~:9.ue~~G.t,. " ~e ' new:;.C~~-.· .-'. ti6h, we 1)uppiythe ·stra.nger with
I{ouse, 900per !nstitute; or 'Kiiox- iriforniatlon of which he s~?-!!<!s_ jn
.the.-:- hatter,- as · ~ny-·::o~e c~m ' ne~~e s~pply ;-';oia th~t othel'-
out to·· i~.~~&D.-of ' th~se' : ' wi2~ ' must remaip. uDflDed. Not
.. .'
~e imagitle the reader will ~ '.

... . :-' :-

", ' ' - .~,,~....

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'.." .. .'
~ ~
.. .
_til, • !" .... ~.

'. :.'

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-- ::....... ~ . .--':- ..... ..

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, , "

'--~~- -
,.' '.-' ,~" " , , 8 . . _
.eyer · d~sire to visit·-these llousea..
l . ___ -. #" . _ .. . -r"
es' than any: other city has - ever
' Oert~y ,~llQ.t;;, we <Jo: t..ot : _ . clone iIi the same Space 'of tiIne~ It
;:"'-I---rlflnl~" a:-Tl'n-: on:h of the Bible:&- . ' i ha~ ch~riged . rrGf ?nly. ~ it's-~'
cleti, ,3 brigh~~ ~nd $~i~~g ~t, I
t~ria1 groWth Solid it's topographi-
like Aivful Gardn~r Or J obD. ,AlIen. ' \ ·cat ~ct, . but ' ~ ~o~ ~~e -
But w~ point out the' l~~on o~,v " :~'a~'d the char.acter of it's inliabl-
':"tl1ese phi:ces -iIi et:der. that-the rea- ' : .- anq e~pecially in 'it;s pOsi-
d,~r PO-W~. ~voi " '~he!p~~­ " ,::.tion i r~iatiye to the other ·gr~t._ .
'_:an-d-th~t;-he may not one.' of r .citi~8 of the 'world.' ' ., ,'
theJ;Il, for hiB"iJo~ilg' ,!t~1ise :~,b~$." - - ,,~ ,.The ~a.U8eB ,o f' tli,i s great cha.nge , ,
he c~Iije8 to : Uie 'city. Our ' :bOO~:~ . :~eJeaie to ,the>p.oliti~ce.l phl1~B()­
win; ·tliererure; he lik~ a iV~,'·'. pher.~nd .th&-psyeholo.! pst; webave '
Voice ~ the 'l}nwary ~')ike' a btlQf oDli!iJ'- roaFOitt-:-~d- eluci~
attached ,to $ ' ~en rock;, "him-- facts, not to ·accoup.t for them.
~~~~~~~~fi. ~-!Wex~erienood ~~ , 'It is not
's trange tha.~ ~, great '
. to" sh'~er ,off, lest ' h~""~,~o1ija; lie':: intere~t\ shQUld ",he,',8rched to
WI!e<'Jted on ' a. dn.ngerO}l8 'and un->" .. .e~~~~g, that con<:e:ns_ the me':'-'
'. ,known coast. ' ,,',' " ~: ' -ti-opollS ' of . _ ~t~e, Un,ion. On that
. Wit.hi~ theiast ten , 'y~~ "~ew.~ · .grptUi~ th~prese~t ,workl?:as been
York has Und~rgon~..
gr.eater cii~g~
" . ~
projected; .a.n·c1 ,~(' we ~~ not 8nC-
. '
. '
.... .

.. " _, ~ 1 ~ ) r·
, ..
., ..' ;;

jl':~' "

.'.- '
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, '
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" ..... ,.
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... .. ., . , 'I

: . ', ' . ': . ,.

' .....

, _10,:--::- ,,' _ . : ._,.. .. 1,.,.,,,_
, Th~c·y~.~ee are~p.1le3"
.dB PaVe or as they .faw1iarly
·termed ." ~ '" have firrhlsh-
_ . t .. ... l ' •

eel rooms j n w:hi~ . they, r~ve

visitol15 , ot jibe : ,J)ther ~ - and
ply' their ,' vooatio~ in the ~ts ·
. 101: a~fivelihood . ,
. .~A.s 'a general fact, .~hese g4-la:al'e
- . -' .:.
Smart, .g.ood-looking, well edu~ted
"-: ~ "~r-l ' fj).'f.\
" .,~i!l ' . a.l.!~~J'~~n~Land pre~ ~
.', 'il·"~~' fS~lQlU-,·-_U~cr- appW:anoe.. .Thia i$. e~y the '
-:--~ ..........-- '~" "
:~:C&8e with, those :who -are eall~ -
cc Badgers, " "_ but more - Wjdely
knoWn -&8 pan~l ,thieves. -~
- -pl~f~rs ,~ve ~:{n1l ir.wing;:of
. la;te;~4~h8"~~e"rob~ uumy'an UI).-
" 8USP~Q~~g~iJtranger·of. hDrMrThe
sooner Justice putS an :end to ~eir
" swin<tliDg~cai-eer;:- the~ be~ 'it will
be , fq~: pnblic .' and --fot the gu:1B
'. . . -
Or ' .' 0 - •


:.r· .
. -'-." .....,. ., .

, ..


, .'
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... '

- "-
~.~ 0-: resp~tabl~~

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,11 _:"1J'V..... &lid.· .

-',thetrisel~es. . ' . -
"".. .
. •--
pearance,. an . _-,-
-- -
d ., -when they .
_ -- _rob ~ .'
. I
"'-:'It-'. ~es
no ,differenCe 00" .this -' man of &: large sum ot money, ,and
.-think he iS~1yio"sqifea.1" . they
~. -

class ~hether the man wh6m . tbeY ' "';

entice into -their. ' ,. <\en..' ~8 ." ~pOOi- . - te _.-thep~eInis~~Fin
V&C80 .... - a ht1rr~y B.n~.
_ -
la.bore~ _-who '. has g,Ot~together..:.-: ,' take up their a.?<>~e elsewhere. - -, ,
few,hard ' earned' doliahJ, whieh .he All stra.ngers. in our cIty "-would
imprnde.a:tly.·carr,ie~ in hl6-~~~t,~ <10 well to keep & bright looko!1 t 1
or-' whether ~ r~ch gentij.,man,. --for thi$ class of girls. Th~y are in ,
~+- ~a.plethQri~p'~e. The1Ugh~ - " o~bji~ stree~.wh8.t "8harks ~e :
-the standing ' of t~eir ; victiIp, -the on the ~.!\n. .
-better ~f them; if a marriecl ma.n
, .- -' w.ell knawn:iO:tbe- pnbli~_ •••
- ~ o. .
. falls in.~ . 'their. ··ClJltches,..'the pr~ .
~'I- sumption is.·t!lat f~ 9f- e~sure
will ' . - -
~.n~.~ aint-!lga.fust~m: ."
- ~e8~ gir~-dr~ :in' i4~:--~ .
. , styl~, and 'associ:&ted ~-~gJI
, o~, t~ee an~ four. Tl1~y ,g~n~~r~p:y :_ .
\' •
.hlIe a fl90r 'm a house, contampIg:-, ,
• • • a ' . •
? • . . ' ' . •
• • . ... . ". • • 01, . '~ ,~
- . . .....,. .-
,' . ' ..
<.... .. ..... :;;-:_.'


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".' ..
.... '. .
". '. ' .

. . .. .. .,

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•• -1'•• - _-- '. -:-:'~~~_

13.__ ' . u
. : On.:the , opposite si~e, Jh~re are . .. . on the .earner Broadw~y - - w .
=t1ir~ 'more cO.ncerl SalO()ft~~ch .' west Houston ' .stroo~··-t1ie '
are ~nduete<l, :- in · a quiet -&lid .' ,,'Rev«Plier Concert·Saloon" kept
;j.~ o~erly' ma~~r. .They': .~~.. caned . p.y- S~onso~ a "Y.~ orderly hoUse
~ , .. c"Th,e' Dew ,fuop Inn. " ".Eureka" ~ well-knoWn to the habitues of suclJ.:
~. , a.nd-'l,Palace Garden." . , ". e&t$blfsbment&
'~er' ~n,' ~e ~ve at 1t~UBtQ~ . " . As you p8sa down Houston '
' . str~t. The ~ r.e d ~p befo~ ' , street, farO banks _abound, till . ~ ~.
,-No: 25. East HoUstov street m~~ks reacl;i an unpretending red--brick I

.fJle '~~li8b~~nt ~f ,~,~, building ~~.. 25, kept by. _Frank

This ""'lS it yery}>Opular iesort for . -JLm:ns,)m&Wli-as -Uw " Judge aD.~,
.'.g.elltImiI&n, ~d '.is . conduc~ on , Jury.':' This is a grea~_ reSort for
" most approved-j>1.&n.- the .sportsmen both--o~.~ and otthe--
. :;ge~~ and, ilidefatigable··.·' :
. n' , ~n-'.-....-.-- other country:: Everything· «ere ,.g---...,.
~ :bemg eq~y ~tive and .'skillful " con~n.cted in a ...respectable and
.~~'().rderly :qlanit«m. ~--;- -~ ~, _~, '_ ' +_
,,'T . ~.... .d "Ij1_.- ~J
. - Th~",romany ~.,l.~ an , ~'F-7':' -
---.....-- -
-&11~-- t"P~Ao~- ca~otbe'­ . is...kep.t~n~xt. door~ NQ~.2J~~_"L.~~-=I-;::I
<. ~~t m~re i>l'~~ thal( at.thi.~ ·rugh!J.y conoorts -~ gi,ven, and .fun '
:·j:i~Iebmted-·eaUiliti8bment. · . _' -:-~L~"- _:.a nd fTolie~ev~ ,
~ .' i'_

, .

., . .-. ._. .
0.-_ _
.. 1- .

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BOo -,65 W- H~ 8L

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... ". . .
~ .
. ~-, '

. . 11 . 17 ."..-- -
, of, g:ir~ ~f pleasing ~d ~;.~-':~~.~ E~ma. Benedict. ~t is on the C(lr- -
:! ' mAnners.., It , ~ 88 a..1irat: ne; of Lauretrs-street..· It'is -a first
~__ '~.,h~~yery_~uiet., &nd~1y - class ho~e'-With eight lady .boar-
". and is,visited .by .som~ of our- 1Ust de~. Everything isneree.rranged
;, " ~. ci~.~ '. . ~ ' \ in' the ' first style, :while '
~ -:' ~e_ estab1jab'!'~t -N o. 66: :W~ . - i witching smi1e~_ ,01 the fairy-like
:~ ,'-: _:·.·~ouston st. is .conducted.· ~y·the. . [" creatures who devote themselves
t fUn' ',loVing .Mrs. ~~a Harsh, ', ~ to the services ' .of Cupid are un- ,
t. wllose stock , -of "goOd' h~br · is " : ri:V~lled:by , any of the fine Jadies
. inWlaustible.' She haS SiX : nv.--4----·'t- :;ho walk Bro'e.dway in sTIh and-
'bOfU-d~- ,'Wh9 ' do '~edit ..f.o-:her ' \ ' satins new. ,
iaste~ and receive the enoomiUIDB' , .' t The estabJishment a.t No. 104
, Of the most fastidious ~ of ~' ; ,V oo~r street; is kept by Madam
, of feminine lov6llne&a. ' ~ ,; Deil, it i~ a second cl~ss. house. .
The-~ext house, N~. 6s, ~ kePt '. I , The house No. 140 IS kept b,>
Clark. It ,· 'a . 'pri~te .· \. J ~txi_es, and is a very . _J.--+-~ Mrs.
DDCI~A.a.ii~""'- '~~~ .'~:w~ p~rl~~ -houSe~ 'deyo~ to the w~ " '\
I v

.-t ':' The ~onse<'No~- 155 ,is

~fiss ~nnie J Creagh. ' She has teb.
" . .. .


. : ', "
. . :. " . :.

I' • •

" '

.: :
• 1


. ' "
'~ ..
I' '.' •

,, , ,


<'",..: ..

J " •

~ .

_ boarders; finely -dr~8ed ud
, \, ' ~ery ~~p~tili~ ~d, ''pr~pQ_­
_,', ,~_~_M' ~e 4.ouse j.s~ .condu~. ,in-
,the best manner" and is ~t; clisa"
l" -in ~Yery..~eSpect. She will move '
~ to '17 Amity Street in::F,e brnary:- '
t '¢ ", The~'house at,No. :T5'fiS ][~ptby ,~:
~ :' ,lIrs.:VaIeBtine; who Ju.s,four iadies
~ ',iB-alteri'dap~ ,and r~y to r~i,.~
:' . gentlemen -~ thei, t~nder ,arms.
~:' , ' -This is & ' sOOOnd'ciass:hGUse. . ,
~ 'rh:e'Jw~'No., .lli~~ :leta ~-~"
~"" ed rooms .to enterpn~ng gIrls. ." r--I~
f~=- same. . ','
',NO;-160. is the
;~ ~-_- .~o. 164' ~'th~ sam~. ' ....
~~ ' No. ~7~ ~,. kept 'bl~ ~~
, ' ~,-~seooncl cla.1J.8 h~~-and
" has sev~n ' ' - ' .'
0. . "a . of a.~.. . to ~ ro1Ul(fbti\ ._pain~ :and pad- -
tion kept ,b y'-Mrs.
Jay. ,
', ";i
' ' ' . ·

• . ..4. t • • "
.: . I

•, " . !.

\ .

" ,
. . , '.
.. .. ' -, .. -

... '
. . . .,I

'. " '

1(", '.
. '"' "' . ~ t ~
1'''- :,00'

f_ _ • •
. . I

- n
,T he establishment at 98 Prince
strOOt is x:ep~<Ey=Mr8'. My-ers, and .'
'is' of the third
. - -~
. - "GREENE ~TRfiaa..
. , - .~
. This thoroUghfare has ~ine.a ,
,complete sink inIquity~' ·_ In the of
· short sPace,'of six squares, indluded
- Ca.na1 and Bleecker stroofa
~ -
. th~e'ar.e 41 ho~ containing b&!'-
: roo~. · lio~. of . ~tron,
- '22 h,Oll:Bes in ' which . . ftlr,n isbed
· rooms .are let ~e)~u,-gY.l.'4,,....L~~~~~
r " few ~xCei>tio~ these

.. hoUses ~_of the third 'class; and,

aHliongb: •. _
they-are-now1tept pretty
t. . ,.

· qtriet'~-by __the ,P9V~, yet there is

-l~~~~~an~' ~ outburst' whi~'ch~""""',;;;a
_~he :: .peGple· amuse ,.:"t hemseIves by .
'- - -. . -~ ........ -- ~g eaCh Qther's ctoW1!S, an~
" . - ", " ~'. ' . ' .....;.-4"'_

, '
'.- ,.'"


..' .

. ,

° 0
" ••


~~ ~ .
- -.-.,

, (

.GBBENB· ~miT.
No~ : 139'~~ \Vbalen.
, " ,141 George Moore.
n 147 .MisS G~org!a.· ·

~. 153- Miss ~~erson•

.. ISS Mary F1~ .. _
··· ISSo-Marja--Bayton.
u 160' MIlle. ROPSau.
. -:- - '~'--16.1 ··Miss Bu-ebman•
.. ··-I~S-Mus .~_r9,!ii:· -
." '167. Marian
" -l71]emueBetmett .
.. -173- kate Ga!:l~per~
. .~- - H 175. ~. ·Bro~~

.. '177'-Miss Lewis.
. ~. ~ ,;--- ... -
:0 •

" .. .
,f _


... :~

, {

ti ~

f:~~~d~[~-~" d~·· ~ ge_nereJfyAO.. ., L.U"-.~.---"""\' girl, hoarde~4.~x~u att.en~?n.'·

.soone-s·eii~ h~ th~. ~th imd .is·p~d to -visitors. It is an :·_
, turmoil--wda;l8. lead a ~~ to &lid , place of resqx:t.
,~~p~~was\'utBade~_ Ba- ' ,lb&.' 'ST1iUT-k-eep8' ~ very ple&-
'" <len, '-7or· that · old' -&dom ~ ana _~'88Jlt.'ho~~f~~on~ at-N(r~9 _
'. -:- -' ,' ~. ~.- Grove -streelt' I~::-is entirely' private .
" ':' q'met an~,or<lerly, 'and ftiI:tiiS~ed.
, ~ ~~li ,~8~~l?:_.
' 1ishm~nt' is of the fu:st claas" an9- -
every :e.ttention-i~ p~a to-, ViSitors.
MIts.-l>t1NBAR oon:duet8-her house
of ~atiQn, ·a~~!i~. _ ~ . Grove .
street in:the best- manner. The ut-
1ll0-st :deco~ . iJJ . observed, and
evert faCility _~JulmSh~, .~_ th~
, who·ca.ll -forpassing _the tilD.e in
JJie- most .' agreeable- manner. This
·-, 8..Dra£,"class-houSe.:... -- - -~ ~ -
M~ Mmy ~(m.oN, 16 ' &n-
- 'r .,'
wick ,street, keeps a -eecolld ' cl.8a&
,- ,
j' '

. -. - . -.----,.. .. , -.
.. ~ ......

. .'

, "
~ . , 0 . ..

" , , , '


~ -. -'

, "

" "
of assignation.

: ,. ' " - JI
~ _ . _ 0 ~- -
:':V0rks. lest dAylight should' spoil
,_ MBa. I?~~ ~~ B&rr?w Btreet~
"her compleXion..
ke.e¥.",~a, .thir<:l ' class house',of assig-
" . Mms:"'NoBTo., ~o., ~OLk~ps. - '
, _l!Ati~~~ ,Place me~iLn~~iliy.
parlor -hOlll8 of'the eeoond-claae. ,.
- - ~~-A:t18TJN oflo'Watt8~8~t"
99 Crosby ~t 'hM furnished
- ~~p8 a. qUie~_ tid.y;and ple~t ,
. rooms.. ,
h~,!>~ ,~ assigna.tion for gents ~f ,
.~o. ·125
lets famished rooms to
I~~~~,~~:w ~~ - tli~ ,g entler ~ .. '-- -

" h~ ,o f creation. ' .' ' ,' , , enterprising yonng'ladies.

, ---MIss J~ 83 ~OSbY , 8b:eet.-'"
" ' <
~ MRs., W~N~ No.- US'-k~p8"
,:T:hjs '8 's econd ctass-h use ~ '. ,
,1ady- -bo',gders:'~ S~arrfpofa~m:.:~
:1ttud few ~ltj<tne liill '4.'~:- -: -..:.., '.',.
sparkling eye&..Jt is the -finest
,-"Mas. 14~A:U8TIN" 1.21' ,C~8by
no~ ' oil the Street, .and:-super).>ly
~eet" k~E8 8j~¥y bo~de~ I~ '~ .furnished.
~8 Br-~C9nd ,c~ .o~,al\d ~ems' ,
to be1!D.aged by the-oolor~d," ~- '
, 'lbs.',WmGBT, Eliza.beth Bt. 6i .

ants:. -One caD ..t_ !t;; '. a, very pl~t establiah~:

,;~~~~~-.tLt'-~-- r-
, __ :~( ~f!io;n; qUiet --.<1
: orderlY:~<1 ev~ that J;Q.akes~-#_-=-~1

-.. ..'

• •


.. . '"
,," _ 0- ..
'~ '-" ,- ' -,

, ,
II : -, ' --~ 11'I!W:i

- M'xc._]?AlrLDm Bim' of 69 Et~" , :' "," "-' ' . 2"1

, arfl ,~~, hancis?me and . a.greeao]e. '
:' ~th,-;-~t,:.keep~, a, ~~~, ~a,~:- , .Th~~ . is~ 8! ~ class h<?~, and
" . .. .__ ~~y _den . 01, . &8S1gQtieD, visited ,
kept -very qmet and orderly' It is
~ o~y:by the loW'est'QJUi ,~4eople.
--' MiB8 J'AGEB, , ·o f."No. 29""][ ~. . . .",~
.i~o88ible :--to.~ iinagma-a; more~- a-- -
ton,· streetJ,he.s,twel~e:~b Y15urig', , greeable £lace of reSon.,
~~~ very p~tty and &greeabl~ .
This ~ "'!l' jiM."
hO.~J Jumd-
, Bo~~ly furnish~ 'wi~, ,every,r&-
Miss NET,I,IE 'U'~RDING of No. 110
CUn ton pla.ce, conducts 8. first class
_ p~rlQ~~ . ho?Be, with five lady bo~r~
~~ who are sociable and 'en1ier-

ease. ., '18
tainUrrg. ' .
~.,_ to del~-ht
"'""6' ' -~tor.--:-
't he·'V18l No. 106 -ClintOn Plo is a. house of
" . ~ ~ ~f' '45' .~ 'Ho~ton-
n ,
assignation, very quiet·, and
~eet. k-eeps • private · hOll86 of : .
, ' ~BEACH, of 40 Amity street, .
. assignation. ~t is, ,conduoted, veri .
: _ ~~~~·~ 6rderly.;1 .: .. ~ - '.- '.,-.. --~. .' comer" of _ ~<?.9 ~~.~,;, kee~~ ~ ~
cl~8 E9use 9f a8~gn8.tIon. It is
. 'MAA GIRARD :k~PiI:"}or,:,,
v~ 'nf~ery fupli8:Ped;Jlie" ho~
hotlSe at: No. 9 ~ Fourth .street.· .
..irrAlways op;n, a.~d : Mrs.
Tllls establishment i~ funiiSh- . well'
-givejl' her perso~ar :'attention- to
~-I,-=-,"~~' ~, 'bo~der8" ~ho.1
,",.j~~rs 80 that they may.
:.. ..::. , • •
_ - • • ' i

.. -- ~

.........' ~ .
' ..

, ~.
. '
. "

, .
.. ,. 1

" .
i": .
.,. '.
. ::. .


, _ 2a
.!y, -- - &J,'d~nl- '
No.._10 Neil.aon ' place,
, ~tr~t., This is a ~~ 'boarcling
" ~ouse apparantly at the' first-class;
, can never
.· top{04>Ott:Oni; sp~nei~.. -'-=aj~n_ .'.:-it11i 'imPO~I~' to tell who -
. ~~ nor-labor render 'l~ a:',p~ . is the head of ,t he house., The door
'laCe .of beatity- forever, .with it'll "-113 guarded by & grouty old dame
.. ~ch mirrors, .~~. and ' . .from -the south of AfriCa, whose
' .- -.
. _1\8SUlll~ digmtyj s '80j )yerpowering_-:', - .
.' that mos~ people suppose that she
, runs the establishment. ' ,
, , J o'SEPHINE W OO~_~6!P,8 a -yery _
ple~8SJ;l.t parlor-bouse at- 1M East
.Eigh~ street!__ ,~.~ar Broadway. It
CQl!tal1is eigHt lady .boarders.
". ~ ,FuLTON haS ~ ho~ of,~
8~8tion ,~t)~·o. 5$ Twelfth street.
-There "are, ~n_ r~~, 'o omforlably
A4A.~.... 't-1\4 -poh~ a~ -

,~ :
.... "1.

:.. L .:~

, . ,
. \
." "
.. ;
. . ': . ~: ....
1 . •• ••

.: "" ::. . .' ., e " · •

. :~

, '


. 80
_~tivn' ~Wiit aU p~trons, o,~ the ~
;, tablishment. It is- a very pleasa.n~ "
h · -t,'' eV~J'
' .~ ';o~\";,, ... '. ~--J.
~\'" :~;,~
.... , ... . " .'

'."' ,~.oott ~Ttr1OOroLL" p~deswiib

_': .digiiiti ov~ :the nrst.class
. '. t ', ' at'
, ~t. -' There.'
&D:~:~e~ble.~~y bo~~
~-:' MJ88 ~A- TRo~~ _ k~p..l
" - - -" . ..

_. ----- .... ~
f~ a.
, .
'. 1'. a ....a.
1,2!.-';Ut ~~
, ~~'----I-:--II
-c~ :~h().l;Uie at No. 126 K~Twelfth .
~,~:'.e6lI ":'T his elegant parlor hot11f8 '- 4:,~ady BOarders.
, ~-'~" fnnrished in the. most e~te.
.~d m~ce~ ~tyi~ ~e ~,...-
'~d -ij~ly YOUI!g .ladi~ are·
~ ·yeri pfeasaDi'set; -nili-~ot,tfttQ, · ' '.

' ~ :··.i.nd fond of alhJ1Sem:erit: ·The'...-....-..,.


~ ~Pet8, '~irrota; fttrlritnre, 'and 'pmn-

. tings are :, of ~ the ':'latest and- ~".~....
gus. '. &

, , .
'" 1 \
, '.

. ~
. ' . , ..
." .
~ t .'
.. '.. . "

....... ,

"-'" -
" .
'. • " .~.' t

, "
1 _

.. ---;--- .--_ ..

. . ..""""~ '. J?as ' a. ",-parlor

at No.-.-16 '. :Ea.8t 'Thirteenth
,,~,.... ~~re _~e~~~JAay~~d~lif;
nq 'interest whatever 'attaches
''''........ . . . 'ho~~ " SQpie 6f lts 'yj.Sitors
ave ~ tp.atit',8 lnmates are
'Qi sn61>~ ~~sita'Ol;l~ ,, ' =- -" .

:~, Vq: BEtm~· a. parl~r,' - has

.a! • • .:~~gD!i'tic)n ~1I6~ at No: 18 '
. , ' Tliliteentlr :stfeet.. .As a. -......~'"'-r--
., . ...----....- - ,
¥ , . . . .

.~~, this: , houSe ls conducted

~. , - .-I----"t
T ,- ;. • ' • • !. ~ ... _ _

v ._.- .

.' ,

.. .
., ,.~ .
'... ....
~·t ••



, "
, .
, ~ 4:. "• . .',
- .\ -

- , 33 .
. 82
. ' . "' '- . - disagt<'eab! e to viRi{ota. - =- - - ~ -
. Ii quiet ,~:c;l ord~ly: tpa:':'.r .e.r. . MRs. J A.HE ·:M~CCORD ·has ~er estab-·
Inr PumEB -keeps-a~~ry ~eOen~, , -lishment at No. 42 West Fift:een~h· ·
d orde!ly"hous6 :-of -~tio~
stroot. She kept, formerly, at 56 '
-at No~ 2o-EBst ~nth 'street. . West.,Houstqn.street.' . .Her,p~nt~ ,
-F'"·_"'~~~~r,:h~ a pa.rlQ~_!i<i~~ .- domicil is ~ parlor house With '~
~ , ·th twQ-¥.a'C~~~d~~! ~t N~~ '~ :: ··elght ladY_9<?arders, who B~ ~~e.. .
~~~ ,T.hlrloon~ ' ~~ : A '
1y,.pleasant a.nd full of fun~ Th~ir - "

, ~al1i€s -calculated'to dispel tlie

-clouds of melancholy. This paJace
,is- . hed in' did- - ~d
. :visitors , tre~t,gd . with.. e,very. '
a.ttention. . It-is in all-respects &
. ----~---=--. . - -- - : ,-
first class bouse. '
.- 'l\-hts" HAJ:~,: ~~.eps, -" ho~~-of
aasi~ation' a~, 63 West "~~th. ',.
Bt~eet~ It. i8~_ :fit~d_ up '- .~.neal{ .
• ~ • .....1......- •• _ •

"_I--IL'I(,U.~ c.omlort&b(e m&nner, -and IS a.

- fhst -~la~ 'e~t&b~h~ent; ,
' ~~Y ' Be~ ,:;-of No. '~53 W~-·'
, ,
_ '#

. - - ..
. .


. '. '" .

- -,
•• I

_ as ~:

by Mrs. -Ba.rclay.
> tip: in the .14'st C~8: e.n.d
everj at-
tention is -shown to viSitOrs.
"Yo.,-156' ' ~ast ~enty-second ,
'eStabliahnient ~is-··a-heUs~-ot~ - ,rer· 'a. house . of assignatien
·-, ·an~.j~:..eo?la~ctid .in -
QODJ.K.lJL ... " ... "".'... "kept by Mrs. Wilson. It ·contains
.- .'an~Qrd.~!ly..~~~~~t ~E!..!e.nd:. .. ppthIDg' of a~.y" account.
. . . h.?08~ a 'very ~y'·temper. ' . No. 102 W. Twenty-second St.
: ~-l36, -- .~~ .;~e~tY-~I}~. is Do house of as.s ignation kept by .
·.-:street"is 8:' hp~ .oJ ~atiop, .­ Mr,s. Va.nN e88. .'
/whlcp;pfe~nt;;: :gp:attr~~.<s~ . W9r-', ~. 103 W.est Twenty-second
". tht-of'~ention. It ,is'Kepi by;Mrs. . is kep~ _ b M:Et~9_rter. It.
a. house of ~tion; a.nd· con:
.. ~ --; ..r -. --~. • •

l&<1Y hoa.rders. . ,
___.~;J_v.:-" lW. . We8t~ ~~n~~f<!.v.iih
Bt:.l!e~et.,· a very. quiet &nd orderly
. : of assignation, k~p~ .by
_'.' :Woodb~. _
. :N"O·103·W~st.J:w_enty.-fifth street-'
'. -,: . . a. ~f}ry ' qUiet and0r:aedy honae

." . . . ._--



:. ........
6, . . .

, ,
' ,

- ,. '=:_ . 0,0" _

.. .....

.- ----- ,~

:"of ' ' assi~atio~, 'kept' by ' 3'1

'" Preacott. ,- - · a. second clas~ , ladieS _~~~

.' No~ Wi) We~i~~ty~Mth Btre@tl honse, kept by Net~e' 8mi~ ana: .
.i~ ke~t by MrS. ,K~te-WOOd8,-, Delili,Rl; CO~~~!!_~, .~ven Doardel'8. ' - - ,
~kno:w;n..,a.tn9ng ,t he-c-;:'~~;;-;,;;;--:~ : N6~ ' l11 West T,w.enty-fifthat.reet,
>; .. ~~ . ' ,
wooa= ~'Tlii8"
~. ' , '
~a a
i,s aIBO' a. ·ladies boarding house of '
brow~n- 'stone' "-, 'hOlI88,:" .- ,f t .' -- ' " the,' ~oond cl~, and
is i.ept by
the ,
" "

thro:ughout , with Mrs.:..,~on~.

an((" neweJt improvements. : . 'N~. 113 West street..
t~-,-,.E..~,~~.1. of ,o il painiing& · a1~rie.
is ',s lad!ea bo1U'~ house, kep~by
$10,000. ROsewood futiu . Mrs~ King. It has four'Jaaj hOar..
, "!,J.&.LJ~'

' ~~ - ~ .:
N o. 11~ VY' 68'1j-'-J;W.ef~r-rutb.-fJtmM-~-h4
IS ladies· h"O~ kept ~y
'. J ~nnie --Bennet( It is orp"'........
"No~ 265 E.'26th street is a qUiet
and"()rd~rly house of " aoo"I:{.u~~~vu:.
'kep~ jUlia. Lw>kins. '
,',No. IIi " W.o 26th street is - a'
. t~les ~ boarding ' house, k~pt

" . ' I
. '.
. 4:.
: ... '1


. ' ..



. , ,' Moultrie. It - ' . -,II. " _ ._~
, '.
~ ~ - - . .-:. . . -- - ~: -
- ... .
'.: .' 'No~ iI's' W.· _L&-JoJ'--"'~~LAl4.~':~r. .' ~

.~. -< "kept:.:'h y --~-.:J


.~ house·, is moat ,~ntJI

..fmnished, . tlJ:~ . " :proprie~'
. ;is a . very '" p-le~sant and "
' ~~Jelaay; and of ~:.: fun loVing.:
, ·~·,~o~ti6n.-. Sbe~ .has -),e~D.'. iady
,'-;bO&r~,ers;'Wli:,6' ar~ -verY_a1fectdQ:nat:e '
'us t$.o·-:
~tI~' 7f'id ~t!- .J/~
_an' 'igre'enble:: ·Gentl~men. se~k.i:-Bg:·. , , "
.,..,t=....... " p!~; -Will be v8rY--agre6abl~ . . ', - '... A First Class HouSe
', entertained. ~ is a 1first,

.. " " .

~~"'::-"-, --
-- :- '.
. - -"-- -'-- .
-' -- , - "


,I . ,
" '
. •

!:.::} I

,. . :.~ " '; jr. .::·~

~ ... & •

, '

.' ...


.... t

' ..,
- ~ -..
---. ..
- ~.
- -- ---

aG ,
Cutler. , It is a. first class
house, has five 'lady boarders, and
is --co~auaea , '-very' ,quiet ' and
-- ---- ~~r_ . . _- O[g~~J.y. , '
'- No. i2S-':W-.-26th-'atreet 'is,s ,first ,
class parlor :house, 'with six lady
'bo~rder8;- and'-weli conducted by
Magaret }3elmon~.. -
131 'Vest 26th. Street, No. ,124 W. 26th street is a
- .. - ~
~a\'.L..lDO '~l;)Qaramg ho:u-se, kept by
,~.. '''.~ - ' , -- --=&LLJI,o.,-BioWD. _It_ ,_has~ J ow _'
" , ," ~tW}o~t ~«~m()da/i(}~14 boarders. '
, No . .127' W. 26th street is a.
.' .~~~. "
boa.i:~ --house-~ of th~_ .,
-1 . . ,; •
c....E!J.'",VU,\..I. :::;~~~~~_-'pY~ 'M-ooame - ".
. is a report 'of &- .
b'e'a r'15eing kept in· t~e- eet:ler...--t.ttlil--+
for w:hat reason ma.y be inferred -.
. ' -" i8"not ,anyt~g ,~~ att~c- ' ~
.. ~~c!:l~~£,,_ ~~plaCe.
-- '. ,,~ : ..:::.-.: .•!.~ .' ..
":' . .
,- .'
'-'. "

.. ,
, '.

., " ' .
, "

- ...."'1

, \
. I,


khow.11 a~~· ~~Pbrter ,of Gen i~
'Furn ,shing Goods. This ahode of
"tenri rnlS nin~ yonngJady c!erks '
whoSe "merry . laughs . . ,yho are of a. cheeiftil·B.n,d liveJy
, throughout the ell~ire paiace. disposi tion, and. very enterta.ining
.ho~ is furni~ed :· in inagDlfi~nt.~ to the gentlemen customers. ,This
,,~.sty1e, 'and is conducted vtKy . house is furnished in magnifiCent
.:. d ' order-ly.. ,It ' is 8t~~:&8tr ' 9IB~ yle, the proprietess has spared~
JIQJli~e' ]· every respect: ',neither pains nor expense to
" 'No: 131 W~ 26tli 'stt~t~ is· 1r-6~''''~ , ~make her house one of the fuiest
by 'Mi.8& Sallie" RiChards. ill t~.:city. It is also yery. quiet
, is - ~Jied an~or..9-erl , and is first class in
'1"n1'l.'rrh ,n n t- . the tranaieiit_ . every respect.
~t"-=-f~-=--=::- -
"-N' o~143"W~- 26th st;a-oot is a very
quiet,. and orderly
'. .' .
~ouSe of asaig-
. "

,nation kept by Ida Langdon.

No. 1~5 W. 26th street is kept
fl-...1:= -"III The tr&llsient 8,C- '-
c?mmodation - at ,this 'place are - ,.--ll----t
'the· first class,.
. ana the ·honse. is
, .
~------- '-
~'-. #.- . . .

" .
• I· •


.- : 1
' .

·'S ;l-
-. .' .
~ ....--

. -
"eat 2'7th. at.
i1trni~~~n9_ ,,'~J!~5t _
,*,1VY1 rfl%

133 W:. 26th·.~~t:·· ..

Bet. -6th. ' & 7th. Avenues.
- --
-~-~~ .

." -
~~ ..- ----~ -=

," - .

-. .... .-.
~l _ -=""
_~ ... _...
....,__.._. ... ..._. _
..:~ ~

, ,oraerly
a, very "eraand raws sooond ·claaa., , -
. Joe: 'Fi8he:t:~s ~oa.rdlng:.hoU8e a.t
. No.. 47 West" 27th St. is 8. Ja<UMi
'105 West 27th ~treet is & BOOOnd
. . cl~8S .eStablishment. It is assert-
.ed . that .the landlady and her
· 'servants are ' as 80ur 88 her
- - -. -
, WIne.
boarders. · The. house is , . '·No. 104: West ~27th St.', This
, m a very 'eia1)o~ate m~e~" ,,' heiuse. is' kept . by Mjss M~gie~- :
e-very',i eqmsite for enjoyme~t. , · Pierce., (be~r known as rLittle
-is' & c1~8 li~nBe, qUiet Maggie' of 30- 12th - Bt. ) The
.: or~erly. ~ . ,;. . _ -hotise is well -fornbJlled, and fitted-
: , ,No.-IOI West 27th street, Mrs."
np in el~t. Bt11e" ____ ~e landla-
' ~,Disbrow~" -'·'Thi8 is a ladles . . ~."- . .
dy is goOd-looking - ana very en,..
illg~hoJlBe ~f the seeona-c!ass,,;and tertainjng. She has 7 young lady
"con.taip.s ,4 ~dyboarclers. ' · boarders of pl~tlst~g ~rolWDers fi.nd
'. ·Mrs; :fnmnia:-'B rown "keepii..a, r-eady: wit.. This i:s'a ~ class
" -~es: bo~tding:lioUse at. lOa:' 'w . .house and is' very . quiet and_
7th' St. There is no attraction '&; , ~orderly. -;' '.... -
t thi's house. -It · li&;.4 board~ . No; 106'West 27th·St.


., . ...
, .

. .,.
.. ~ .


' .

.. Q

booe-of pleasure is under th~ ,~

,mai:LJ~gelll.ent of Miss -I5ow~ -~
merly -of-~bston.~ __-~She:i8 .-of .
·-8greea.ble dispositjolI: .. - ., - -.;.:..;:.;;;:
~i~ w~fl Jun!itili~_ 1!lto~nt
.' t~ost costly ot :--:tp.Oe.ern .
provemen~. _T1;lere ,are -c 8ev.~
,~a~y b~ar~~J;s ,,=hg }~redit:..
-the house and its· visitori" - It
, . veJ:y quiet and ~rderly, imd
.' first Glass.
·· ·.i••. ~
J . • w. 2.
N (). :,128' 7~h. St.,
~ ___~Th~: _Ladies .boarding-house at
lOT·West 27th-St.- is kept~:i ~ 'onr lab! toarbtts ..
. StanOl! ~d i~' verr-quiet. '
_ , ~o. · 108 West~'St. - --
ho~se -i~ kept by. ' Miss
-- H~ey; . is newly frescoed, -pa.
."ed. and furnished' with the ·IIi
"costly furniture; .'carpets,

and pai,ntinga. It has seven-

:- ,"

, !':.....
~.. (.
I' ; ,

.', ,
' .



·b oarders, young, ': 'good-lookIng
a.n~d· 'accomplished j'- '~tE.ey are of a
cheerfUl, lively disposi~Qn, whose
·men:y:-, l&qg1:t ~~Ieaounds-' through
~ -~tire- 'pa.lace of 'beauty. The
--- .... - . ..--
- ..... ...A:

_transi~nt , a.ooomodati~ns for priv~

. ,
ate c.o uplesare ' un~assed by
. any, in -the city_ . The
J~."1e ~)flJlp8; ,.ls ladylike :a.nd very en-
tertaining. This is a. first class
. 130 W. 2?th. St. . ~' house in every respect; it is quiet
an.l,. orderly. . '
~ o. 109 West 27th St. is a la-
dies boai'djDg~house of th,e ~nit
class, splendidly iurnished. ' It .is
, .the ,"~hode of- ,~ix " be~~t~}llng
young ladles. This· house is quiet
d ' and " kept;_bs - =- = --1,",--
_ _'I- . •

. .
_ ~.~gert9n. ' .- - ." :_.
--. ---. . . ~~(). li~ VIest_~7tfr-St_ This ~~. •
----- ' -

.. - "

t '· i.
. ~ '.
I~ - ' .

, .' . , .' -'6 " 4.7

.' ~~e~ _ boarding-hoUse" ' house is newly furnished in, So
. boarders: . .
- - :C,'B-w~ ~~1i:- ~ ._----
,..:..~cep.t-"-styl~, is . v.ery quiet
.' and.ordeily, and fust class in eve-
-_.,e d l.a~es bO~, at'119 ry respect. ',-
,W: 27th street; con~B :five ~y, ~ ' The l~es boarding-house at
boarders. ' , - 126We~t ,27th at. has five board-
. ". No.. 12~. '-We~ , 2~~t ~ ers,:' and is kept by ~s Bian-
._ ~~JlJ:pson, Sl;I: lady b0B:rrders, quiet chard. --.-" .
" ~nd o~lr:---:- ' " '~ ' , .. No. J.28- W eat- ~1th St. , Mrs.
__ N~. 1..2~~We~t 27th St.. .Ge~rgi&' ( :Dizzie _Q-oo'dr1ch, the , dishing ~
' hoardin-g:"ho..-joe
. '-UJ, ~-ve-_. .,
<!!1 ' ~ __ ,

. -.Allen's
..", . ladies . bruit' ,. se~~jljDg face . is _
'~~qulet and orderly. ' . _ ' - ~ . ever ready to welcome-ller"pitrons ,
--=---~~:~ea~7th S~. ' : " ...keeps thi~ . h.o~e. ., Mrs. Lfz~e 88
" . ' ~, Ma~zoe., This ', is ~a, ~ nrst:- , '::"s1i-e' _ five
- !!~Ss~aaies Seniinary, ' condMted-, -g~od-jookitig' l&dy ,boarders _
by a~ . accomplished "and iD.~lli-'· cheerfutdispositio:p.s tend to ,drive
, ~:g~~t 'young lady, who has cl~S8' ',
t ~" .. ~
:,away tlie,.blue8~ : 'Th~re is a regn,~
- . ' . _ , . . --seven -.-- l~~,"il:t,i..fnl_;."
.lar phy~· cian_ attached :to tID!
d} ;<?Ung, ~' " J*~lr," scholars who do hOllse, and every. a~ntiOn i~ .
, efe<l~t· to. her ~stablishment. The ' ',sb.?'Wn to 'its viSitors. As a ~
....'.... -...

, . - ---- '=".


, >

, .:
, ,
'. '

_ -- .a .- '-9
class house, it is neatly and. .boardera. The- ~dla-dy) being of
:~fortably .. fitted np, and 'is ,-a. verysullen ~po8ition, ' a. vi~it
~et 'a.n~ 6rderly. . . ..______ ._... . . . ~- '- .wond be dis~eea.ble to the
'. ~No..-"136 West ' 21~,BP Mrs: :. visi torc.-
Hattie. Phillips boarding-house"· is: No. 138 West 27th St.. Miss '
- .' a :first class house with seven ~ Lou St. Clair.. This - temple ?f
- boar~ers. EverrthiIig·i8 nnet,. " love' is furnished in magnificent
- the young.
·-ladies. ate . styie and 'nothing is l~ft :un
.~l"etty, and of a. fun-loving dispo-r -to make a. visit there enJoyable.
, : aitiOIt.. __ -The. honse_ is very__ ' . .':'It ha.s six lady boarders. The ho~e .
. -_..qUiet and' orderly, a.nd rates
..c." - _
' ~oriIe of our first citizens. -- ·:first'
, -~- - No: 132 -West 27-th Sl :-.M:r~ .. Cutler, a.~ 140 W. 27th~St~,
l(lsejs ~ept by ~rs~ Ka~
r--1 ..r. .... , . leta' he~ ' rooms to en terprisiDg
- lsil second
. ·class-,:,'house - ~ - young-ladiea· ·· r ··--· -;:4

. there is nothing entertaining ei


No 142 W. 27th St. Mrs. Lucas;

er' in '. :the . landlady ·. or "ner' -'this boarding house has four la~y
. PQ~!::g~r§. .' ._ " ._ > _ • _. hoar<l~rs, and it ' rates as second
~Q. ·134 .iva'at :27th· at. - . ClaS8~-"-- _....
, Davis' h<?arding h9.:l1se · haS . ·No. 146' W. ~ 27th is kept ~y .Mrs.
~""',l"I:' . .. .:..-

'. I

, '
", .

, 0" •

• ·I':.~
. :.

, .

----- . - -- -- 151 ,
·60 'west '-~f '''6th' Ave; is kept by i\!isi
' ~''''' It is a Isaias bo~
.. .lLl.our •. . -,
. -F rankie Barton, f6iiiietly of 140
, of the.. second .claSs, ana". 'U'-' ..... '!WUID.
West '24th street and 127 W.est
~ ~ur· lady b~a.rde~ - - . '
',; 26t~eet. , This . cosy li~tle .
. . ~6. '4o ~ W~-28th' 8tree~iiB 8 houSe", temple is ipInishedsplendidly, the
~ 01 assigna.tion, kept yer;. quiet and . ka.nsieilt accomodatioris are. of the ~
orderly by .Alice AsWy."·, ". - - ~. ', first clas8~ and the landlady ia a.
No. 59 W. ·28th 4.street is. ,a h01l88
.... . .' , -very' .agreeable anq entertaining
of assignatipn kept by ~~ie . young lady. She, has thr~e yOlmg
PhilliiJ.s. . It is dfthe seCOnd ~~..~ . ers of -y neat and
. . '.:No. 127 W.- 2ath .street-:' is ·
. . . .' -! ~ .
a' preposesl;)ing appearance. , . 8 "
n"-crn--,,.,;t: b~ ~!'.~ ouse is very qtiiet .. ·and rehred,
...........~a.n by
---,d· i~ visit~4. the most. r~spec-
·ta.ble :c1ass of visitors.
West 35th street corner 6th "I

A-ve., is -a~' 'house of assignation of ' ~:

_ the second class.
. No. 129 ,v. 36th. street is a house
-OfassfgnatioI!.: ~~pt by~rs~' Blair. -
~ It isv,ery ':quiet ~nd orderly.

- :---'

,. .


...... :'
, '\


No: 30 LexlilgiOnAve. is '


honse. of h?use of'~.~a;noii· ke~

i,lf£Jtity JYhUej or, Gay Life of a. Young GirL 2
This is a.~lotb.e:: inwrcsting novel by the author
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. ~_- every . ~peCt. Aglle8, !-he Beautiful ¥illine:r .............. .
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i?fUUJiY, The belle of CBntnl Park ....... ,. ' !
it is .one or the ~. ~ t Spirited and Tomahtic
. Full. of life anfffire. :, , _.
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.:.--- This is &. "Very interesting book. . We _~viae
ery Olle to get a copy. .-
Th. . . e Jl 0 ""a'nce .of a . Rich .' Y (}u-ng Girl; .
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'l"he ~ rQm~nce-i'eadlng wor!d were DlOr~~
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iSl'eplete with aU that is amusing. etirring.
ng and .e~~rta:in~ng ..
Annj e 01' the ladiesJ waiting maid~ .. : ...... . .
Any of the above bookS 'send 'o n -·ret.'.Cipt of
cents to any addre~8.

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:p,rice.- ~ .. , -
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