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1.Quotation letter ….


2.leter 2 distributor… ….(u MIGHT HAV WRITTEN IT EARLIER)

3. As a hr manager, write a circular to all ur employees… advising them about the need to improve
productivity and cut costs in the wake of competition that the company is facing…

Indicate the steps that you are take .. please seek their co-operation in this regard….

4. u r the manager for marketing , Draft a letter to ur executive director, you have problem in marketing
company’s products in certain areas, due to unethical competition,

explain the situation clearly… &… request him/her to make a special decision to reduce the price only
for that particular area to overcome the competition..

remember this is a policy decision.

5. write an email to one of ur customer as a stores manager dealing in consumer durables(TV or Washing
machine stores,...)

The customer is unhappy that he had not received any response regarding the spares for the mixie , which
he ordered during his visit 2 ur store , 10 days ago…

The sales clerk, promise to call back the customer as soon as the part arrives , but she did not do so..

The customer is totally angry as he has not heard till date … so. Write a convincing e-mail…. .

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